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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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Sara did know lots of things, she could do science research and information research, and probably other stuff too, she was a former assassin, for god's sake. Sure, she didn't have a big job like Laurel, but she really couldn't because the League was still after her.

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Because god forbid a woman have a mind and be able to fight?

Because being ada is a time consuming and draining occupation.

Sara has a mind judging by her ability to analyze blood but does not make a career out of biology.

Felicity can hold her own judging by her ability to pistol whip, she's not running around in a mask.

Thea can fight but chooses to focus on her business success.

Not everything is an attack against Laurel Lance.

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Because being ada is a time consuming and draining occupation.


As is being a CSI but Barry Allen manages that and being The Flash. 


I wish we had more of all the characters managing their dual identities. That goes for the spin-off too. 

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That's because he's literally the fastest man alive. His mind works super quickly as well. He doesn't need hours to prepare for cases and whatnot.

Basically what takes laurel hours to do Barry could do it in a fraction amount of time.

Edited by wonderwall
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As is being a CSI but Barry Allen manages that and being The Flash.


I'm not an expert, but I kinda suspect lawyer is worse. And yeah, he's the fastest man alive and his adopted dad works with him (and can cover for him in case he's late or something).

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As is being a CSI but Barry Allen manages that and being The Flash.

I wish we had more of all the characters managing their dual identities. That goes for the spin-off too.

CSI technicians average about forty hours a work week, as do ADAs, the difference is that attorneys tend to log between ten and thirty hours of overtime with regularity. More if there is actually a trial taking place. Edited by Delphi
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Maybe the floater is not someone who connects the heroes together as a liaison, per se, but someone who connects the overarching evil plot for all 3 shows? Someone who could be part of the DCTVU's version of an Injustice League maybe? After all, a bunch of those villains have appeared on Flash and Arrow already, and we have yet to find out what Grodd's plans are on the Flash plus we're getting

H.I.V.E./the Queen Bee

next year on Arrow. A League of Villains causing havoc on all 3 shows would necessitate all the off-the-rails superhero team-ups that the EPs are so keen on having.


Didn't Barrowman have a meeting with Berlanti, Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns at the WB studios recently? Something about exciting things happening? So, maybe they discussed specific plans for Malcolm next season that is related to the 3 shows' interconnectivity. He could be the floater.


If Barrowman will still be part of the DCTVU next season, I just don't really see what else Malcolm's purpose could be on Arrow. He's a presumed dead mass murderer who should not be able to show his face in public or, at least, be making any waves in SC. As it is now, Malcolm has pretty much been a superfluous presence since the Ra's/LoA plot is now connected to Oliver directly. All he is, at the moment, is an unwanted (by Team Arrow) additional muscle in any possible plot against Ra's to get Oliver out of becoming the next Demon's Head. Making Malcolm the connection to the 3 shows' evil overlord of next season makes a lot more sense, to me, than defanging him and continuing on with his rather eyeroll-worthy redemptive storyline.


Maybe I'm grasping at straws since I truly hate the idea of Felicity or Diggle being the "floater" but storywise, for me, either a nefarious/or not so-nefarious government entity directing the costumed masks' missions will connect the shows, needing someone like Lyla (I really like this option since I love Lyla and any attention on the Diggles is a welcome sight to my screen), or an evil group with a hidden founder but visibly led by a top henchman, like Malcolm, could.

Edited by SleepDeprived
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I don't know about Barrowman, he's got that other show he's producing and starring in. I would think it would be really difficult to juggle scheduling between 4 shows

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maybe the floater is not someone who connects the heroes together as a liaison, per se, but someone who connects the overarching evil plot for all 3 shows? 


Yeah, i think that's what this person is. I really don't think this "floater" is being chosen based on their existing connection to the people on the shows (like Felicity). I think the show is going to MAKE a connection from this person to the shows via some kind of running plot point and/or by making them the head of an umbrella organization that deals with all three teams or something. 

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I Don know about Barrowman, he's got that other show he's producing and starting in. I would think it would be really difficult to juggle scheduling between 4 shows

He's probably done it before!

He was filming Torchwood or Doctor Who, possibly both, while being a talent show judge on tv at the weekends. I'm sure he was filming a game show while being the lead in a west end musical too. He presented a morning show in the uk when the regular presenter was on holiday which apparently prompted Catherine Tate to text David Tennant and ask "does the man never sit down?!"

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Heroes from 3 shows battling the same big villain could be really fun, but maybe for one episode or a very small arc. I wouldn't mind such a team up, however, kinda like Journey's End on Doctor Who (which some didn't like, but I did).

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Being a trained & experienced lawyer is an asset to the floater role. A lot of graduates of law school do not practice a law. They use their degree known as Juris doctorate (JD) in whatever field they chosen to professionally work it varying from government, communication, health, media, sports, etc. So as long as she is willing to give up practicing as an attorney, it doesn't necessarily matter which state bars have given or rescinded her admission to practice law. The practice and critical thinking skills that she gained in law school and used as an attorney may come in handy in this floater role. It all depends on how they plan on using the role. She may have a vital set of skills that are an asset to the teams. There are JDs in leadership roles across the world that do not actively practice law in the conventional sense that they are using LL now. So if the writers are willing to have LL give up her attorney job and pursue justice another way than she might be an option.


I realize that LL is a devise character, but LL/KC & BS have a fan bases. So it might work out better to have the LL/BC floating from show to show establishing her own missions & goals. I honestly don't see them using this role to bring fans from one show to the next show, I see it as a way to keep continuity through the shows. I don't think casting fan favs over other characters is their primary focus. I feel like their focus is going to be making a role & using a character that can help tell their stories. So if they want to go big & have mask power I think it will be LL/BC. If they want to go small & have more of smaller presence with no mask it will be Lyla or Quentin.

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IDK if Laurel is the best or my first choice, but I think she is better than Felicity. Felicity does have amazing technical skills, but its something she can do remotely or set up stuff in a few short term visits. Long-term I don't really see her as needing to visit these places to work on their tech for an entire season, and not every case or criminal is going to need Felicity's skill set. Where every episode of Arrow, I think needs Felicity there as a character not just as tech support. Nevermind, a technical member of the team was a specific request from the network during s1 to make Arrow's mission believable, which is how we got FS in the first place.


Her facial recognition is a perfect example where she is needed but doesn't need to be there - she simply gave it to Flash (5 sec scene) & RP simply stole it (not even shown). Each show showed she was not really needed in person to indicate how her tech has helped them. I think her role is a more name dropping than actually being there in person. Ray Palmer is pretty gifted tech guy, so he's got spinoff handled. And with all the other people there, Im sure they can spruce up someone's technical skills. Cisco & Caitlin seem to share the role on Flash, so they're handled. Plus both shows seem to have a different set-up than Arrow in how they solve problems & save the world.


It is true that FS is the only one that has established relationships with the both shows, but that doesn't mean her skill set is not already present or could be present on those teams. And after the all-star team up on The Flash it looks like everyone is going to get to know each other, so established relationships I don't think are the primary reason to put her in the role. Plus relationships can be built gradually overtime with each episode. Just like in real life, a pre-existing relationship does not mean that you are the right person for the role.

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honestly don't see them using this role to bring fans from one show to the next show, I see it as a way to keep continuity through the shows. I don't think casting fan favs over other characters is their primary focus. I feel like their focus is going to be making a role & using a character that can help tell their stories.

I agree that the goal would be to have a character that is used to connect the DCTV Universe. However, I'm not so sure about the not using a Fan favorite to do it. Berlanti is on record as saying part of the character list for the spinoff is based on picking Fan favorites as well as people they think would work well together.

I can see them going for a Fan favorite to fill the role of connecting the Universe

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Maybe the floater is not someone who connects the heroes together as a liaison, per se, but someone who connects the overarching evil plot for all 3 shows? Someone who could be part of the DCTVU's version of an Injustice League maybe? After all, a bunch of those villains have appeared on Flash and Arrow already, and we have yet to find out what Grodd's plans are on the Flash plus we're getting

H.I.V.E./the Queen Bee

next year on Arrow. A League of Villains causing havoc on all 3 shows would necessitate all the off-the-rails superhero team-ups that the EPs are so keen on having.


Didn't Barrowman have a meeting with Berlanti, Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns at the WB studios recently? Something about exciting things happening? So, maybe they discussed specific plans for Malcolm next season that is related to the 3 shows' interconnectivity. He could be the floater.


If Barrowman will still be part of the DCTVU next season, I just don't really see what else Malcolm's purpose could be on Arrow. He's a presumed dead mass murderer who should not be able to show his face in public or, at least, be making any waves in SC. As it is now, Malcolm has pretty much been a superfluous presence since the Ra's/LoA plot is now connected to Oliver directly. All he is, at the moment, is an unwanted (by Team Arrow) additional muscle in any possible plot against Ra's to get Oliver out of becoming the next Demon's Head. Making Malcolm the connection to the 3 shows' evil overlord of next season makes a lot more sense, to me, than defanging him and continuing on with his rather eyeroll-worthy redemptive storyline.


Maybe I'm grasping at straws since I truly hate the idea of Felicity or Diggle being the "floater" but storywise, for me, either a nefarious/or not so-nefarious government entity directing the costumed masks' missions will connect the shows, needing someone like Lyla (I really like this option since I love Lyla and any attention on the Diggles is a welcome sight to my screen), or an evil group with a hidden founder but visibly led by a top henchman, like Malcolm, could.

Said it earlier in one of the threads, but I think Malcolm is a good choice and frankly on the short list. He really has no possible role on Arrow unless they leave him in LoA/NP, but I think that will be Nyssa not him. He has the gravitas and the talent to bring more to the role and overcome any writing inconsistencies that might happen with 3 different writing teams writing his character. He might not even be evil, it might just be something he works out as part of his plea/"redemption". Plus Im pretty sure he said he signed a multi-year contract, so it gives him something to do. Literally how much did they pay him to simply stare at a TV screen in 318? Its a waste of talent, to have him fluctuate between sleeping on a couch & staring at screens.

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only if they're in the same state or she passed the bar in that state as well as her state (wherever SC is).

I just always thought they were - they seem pretty close together.

As Ron Swanson once said: never half ass two jobs. Whole ass one.

This is a fine sentiment, but since I want the return of Oliver Queen (as opposed to just Oliver), billionaire vigilante - I can't get behind it in this instance. :)  Half the fun of superheroes is them operating in the real world while protecting their secret identity.  I have missed that SO much this season.

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CC is 600 miles from SC, so they're not close at all. They've never specified a state but according to SA, SC is supposed to be Seattle (essentially). CC seems to be more California (ish).

We have no idea where the new spin-off will be set but I would assume another city.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Edited because Morrigan answered my question - still she could pass the bar in more than one state.  Corporate lawyers have to do that sometimes.


I just have NO idea why all three shows would need her lawyer skills.

Edited by nksarmi
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But what other states are we talking about?  So far, it seems like SC and CC are really close (like a short train ride) from each other and we don't yet know where the new spin-off is going to be set.  


SC and CC are 600 miles apart - not such a short train ride, haha. 


But then again, maybe the Arrowverse has high-speed trains that work better than Amtrak. 

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Edited because Morrigan answered my question - still she could pass the bar in more than one state. Corporate lawyers have to do that sometimes.

Difficult, costly and time consuming. Most lawyers only go for one state possibly two (and I would assume they'd only go for 2 in smaller states). Unless they are making major life changes it's unusual for someone who is currently practicing to attempt the Bar again if they don't need to. I don't think any lawyer I know would consider it at 30.

Of course this is TV and MG must have been a horrible lawyer with some of the crap he allows to pass for "law" on Arrow.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I should have known they were in different states given the frequency at which people jet back and forth between SC and NP.  Of course it just seemed like they were close!



Difficult, costly and time consuming. Most lawyers only go for one state possibly two (and I would assume they'd only go for 2 in smaller states). Unless they are making major life changes it's unusual for someone who is currently practicing to attempt the Bar again if they don't need to. I don't think any lawyer I know would consider it at 30.

I've worked with several lawyers who for career reasons passed and maintained their bar associations in multiple states - two is not uncommon.  In the cases that are coming to mind right now, the states were close together (like Texas/Oklahoma) or New York/New Jersey - but I'm sure I've known others that were more separated.

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I don't think we should try to figure out the relative locations of cities in the Flash/Arrow verse based on the time it takes to get back and forth between places - people seem to be able to pop between "someplace that is probably Asia, maybe" and Starling City in the U.S. in about an hour, which is considerably less time than it took me to fly from Seattle to Tokyo.  Whoever this floating character is, travel is presumably not going to be the main issue. 

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I have to admit that I find it massively irritating that the show has repeatedly commented on the distance/time between CC/SC but pretend NP is one town over from SC. To me that's as sloppy as the whole leaving an electrocuted Roy behind just so they could get the stupid ATOM/Arrow face off and Arrow hero walk away.

I have no doubt that wherever this new show is set the distance will change depending on the story. Which again is annoying and a massive pet peeve of mine.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I love that they have Felicity and Cisco and Caitlyn taking a train to travel 600 miles. I know people do that, but a reasonable train ride to me is 250 miles or so. It takes 3 1/2-ish hours to go from DC to NYC, and I do it quite often because it's not worth the hassle or cost of flying. But 600 miles is 8 or so hours. No thanks.

Edited by apinknightmare
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At one point, I was admitted in Cal, NY, and New Jersey.  Some states have reciprocity, so you don't have to take more than one bar exam (I did have to take three bar exams).


I don't think it's Laurel, though.  I'm betting Lyla.

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In the comics, it's Star City that is in California while Central is in Missouri. I don't envy that train ride.

yeah, that's not what they went with in Flarrow, at least not for SC. I get the Seattle bit, they film in Vancouver and 52 GA is set in Seattle. This why I prefer Marvel they use real cities LOL.

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I'd take those long train rides if I could get a sleeper; I got a deal on one once and it was nice.


I've heard that other cities are used as well (Vancouver and Frankfurt), but a lot of the Starling City establishing shots are Boston.  The white skyscraper that looks like an old-time washboard is the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, and what is now Palmer Technologies is 100 Summer Street.

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I'd take those long train rides if I could get a sleeper; I got a deal on one once and it was nice.


I've heard that other cities are used as well (Vancouver and Frankfurt), but a lot of the Starling City establishing shots are Boston.  The white skyscraper that looks like an old-time washboard is the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, and what is now Palmer Technologies is 100 Summer Street.

Pretty sure, SC is supposed to be Seattle if we are drawing from the comics or the s1 dvd xtras. But some of the stock footage (esp s1) that they use does look a little like Boston, but the streets are definitely too much on a grid system to be Boston. And frankly, there is not enough snow & too much rain. Boston very rarely gets TV love, and if it does its often shot in Toronto.


I do wonder if they are going to introduce Coast City where McKenna went. It is the only other comic town I've heard them mention on the Flarrowverse.

Edited by kismet
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Coast city and Bludhaven were two cities mentioned in the Flarrow verse. I thought Bludhaven was nearby, however I don't know anymore since they seem to be able to travel across the globe to NP in 10 minutes.

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From what I understand, Bludhaven is supposed to be in New Jersey, since Gotham is supposed to be in NY.


Of course Oliver managed to get from Seattle to Bludhaven, rescue Walter and back all within (what appeared to be) a few hours.


I've actually been assuming that the new spin-off will take place in Coast City. No idea why, probably because it's the only other DC City I knew besides the two they can't use (Metropolis and Gotham).

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I will point out this shot, from Danielle Panabaker's Instagram, although I'm putting NO stock in these timezones.  Also, at the end of the Firestorm episodes, Ronnie and Prof. Stein were specifically said to be heading for Pittsburgh.




To try to get back to the spinoff in particular, Ciara Renée has posted that she's in Vancouver... and forgot to pick up her work permit so had to do through some bureaucracy before she get productive.  I don't know if they're in costume fittings, or initial table reads, or what... but if there's any physical component to those wings I'm sure they'll take a lot of work to get right.


I just hope she has a more-classical HG costume and not the recent silver look I've seen pics of.

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I figured Starling was in Seattle, Central City was in Nevada. Coast City could be California or maybe it could still be in Washington. Bludhaven being in New Jersey makes the travel in this show unbelievable. since Oliver and Roy have gone there a couple of times. That's at least a 5 hour plane ride. I guess were supposed to ignore everything and go with Because Comics. 

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I prefer to think they all travel with the speed of plot. Maybe a really good show(s) would take time to establish all this stuff, but I don't really expect anything like that from Flarrow.

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I prefer to think they all travel with the speed of plot. Maybe a really good show(s) would take time to establish all this stuff, but I don't really expect anything like that from Flarrow.

i want that in all my shows.  You don't have to stick to real world time or reality, i'm willing to suspend disbelief but I want shows to stick to what they establish.  If they tell me it takes 8 hours to travel from SC to CC then stick to it.  Don't make it a 30 minute drive in one episode and 6 hours in another because plot dictates it.  I find it annoying.

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I'm usually okay with almost anything, especially in a comic book show where suspension of disbelief is a requirement. I can accept physics and other science working different in their world than they do in the real world. Like you, all I ask for is internal consistency. If Central City is 600 miles away from Starling City then unless you're Barry Allen (and even he would take nearly an hour doing the speed of sound) or a teleporter it's got to take hours. If you don't want me to notice or care don't make it specific in the first place. Starling and Central can be as close or as far as the plot demands if they're vague enough.

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It looks like Felicity is off the table as the floater (unless the floater's role is going to be a lot smaller than SA made it sound).  Assuming it's a character we think of as being on Arrow (not just originated like Cisco who I think of as a Flash character) - then I think there are three good possibilities:


Lyla/Diggle - because I think even if it's Lyla, we will see a lot of Diggle cross-over as well.  I could see it being Lyla is some organization is behind the new spin-off team up show (like if she goes back to work for the military or something like that).  I could see it being Diggle if they stretch the HIVE plot over all three shows.


Laurel: I still don't know why they would do this in regards to plot/character job, but I could see them wanting to give her a story separate from Oliver/TA and that would allow them to give her a bigger story without taking too much away from the core Team Arrow story.


Roy: I could see it being him if they break him out of prison on Arrow and he needs to operate below the radar.  He could float between shows to convey messages and do the team up thing, but mostly he could just have to start operating under cover/with various aliases and need to stay on the move because he is wanted by the law. 

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Thank goodness Felicity is going to stay a series regular on Arrow. The show needs her more than the spin-off or Flash.


Cisco/Caitlin - I don't think either really counts as originating on Arrow since they only had few guest shots. So they are out from my perspective.


Diggle - Even if he is the perfect combination of leadership & skill. They are not going to remove the only person of color from an Arrow series regular, its just not going to happen,


Lyla- Makes logical sense, but CW is on a budget so I do not think they are going to expand the cast to accomodate the role.


Quentin - Like the idea of him doing it, but think he might be needed in SC since they need some police connection, unless of course things fall apart as result of manhunt.


Roy/Laurel - Have about the same amount of chance in my book, which is a pretty good chance. Both could expand their independent comic characters, both has tangible assets unique to them for the team. Honestly, they both have big fanbases so that works in their favor even if people may not consider them fan favorites. LL I think might have the edge, only because she is not in a relationship with Thea. And I don't see Thea moving from Arrow.


Malcolm - He is my #1 choice. He can be both evil & good, so they can change him in future seasons if his allegiance wavers, so they have more options. JB is also the most talented/versatile of the floater options, so acting won't be a concern and he is able to bring different types & layers of chemistry with multiple actors. He has a fan following. Also he has contract with almost no role for him left to play on Arrow, so why not use him. His other show won't be a problem since he's proven he can multi task projects in the past. He might even prefer to have the option to float.

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silvermoondancing asked:

Regarding Sara and the island. If I'm confused about things, I'm sorry. Sometimes you "move" so fast it takes me a moment or two to catch up. Anyway, when the League rescues Sara from the island were they in fact looking for Oliver? And if so, will we ever learn the League's connection to the island?

MG:  Our hope/intention is to one day tell the story of how Sara got rescued off of LIan Yu and what the League was doing there.


This does seem to imply that Caity would be playing Sara, doesn't it?

honorthedeadbyfighting asked:

will Felicity be the character from arrow whose job it will be to hover between the three shows?? because I think I speak for the majority of the fanbase when I say that that would be the worst thing- we want Felicity to stay on Arrow and have as much screentime as possible, and we do not want her story once again being there to back up everyone else's on the other two shows.

MG:  Felicity is staying on Arrow.


smoakingenius asked:

Stephen said at the panel this weekend that an original arrow character is going to float around all 3 shows instead of just being on one....i feel kinda stupid for even asking, but please, please, PLEASE tell us that's not Felicity.

MG:  Felicity will continue to show up on Flash and, possibly the spinoff.  But Emily is remaining a series regular on Arrow.  That’s not going to change.


Unless MG is trolling (and I have to consider this a possibility since he never says flat out that she wouldn't be the "floater") it sounds like Felicity is safe (from that at least)  Just his comment that she would remain an Arrow regular didn't reassure me since I never expected anything else to be said if they took Diggle or Felicity but the line about her "possibly" being on the spinoff does seem to eliminate that chances of her being the floater.    


He must have received a lot of worried messages about it for him to have answered twice (I know I sent a plea that flat out begged him not to do it)

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But if we didn't have Sara, why would they?  I could have seen a reason for it this season from Nyssa's viewpoint but that doesn't seem like something they need to explore anymore.


Random thought, I wonder if the flashback concept with be a regular part of the new show?  And if so, does that mean it's ala Lost style where the flashbacks rotate among the cast? 

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Not really. They can always do a flashback.

I think they might consider it too confusing to do flashbacks with Sara if Caity is going to play a completely new character. Casual viewers would be wondering 'Why is Karen on Lian Yu."?

They could always address it in the comics though.

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I'd have to go back through this thread or MG's Tumblr, but he has answered several questions about CL/the spinoff in ways that indicated she was playing Sara. I don't even think he was trying to be coy about it, or viewing it as an admission. Like someone asked if we'd find out how Sara was coming back on Arrow (versus not finding out until the spinoff), and he said we'd find out this spring. Especially now that we know there is a floater among the shows, they are happening in the same timeline, same universe. This is Sara, I think.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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