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Small Talk: The Impala

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I've been (over)thinking about it, and tbh can I take you up on the offer? Because I'm really curious what the cards would say!

Yes you may, no promises but sometimes people have said it helps...so what's your poison (just kidding)  what do you feel you connect with the most, dolphins, angels or fairies.  All answers will be positive, I don't do any other types.  Focus on 3 questions but don't tell me them.  Once you're ready reply.  If you want me to pm answers let me know.   Who knows you may find some laughter where you once had confusion and then the right answers show up. 

Yes you may, no promises but sometimes people have said it helps...so what's your poison (just kidding)  what do you feel you connect with the most, dolphins, angels or fairies.  All answers will be positive, I don't do any other types.  Focus on 3 questions but don't tell me them.  Once you're ready reply.  If you want me to pm answers let me know.   Who knows you may find some laughter where you once had confusion and then the right answers show up. 



1. Fairies

2. I'm glad all answers will be positive!

3. OK, I've got my questions ready.

4. PM me or reply, whichever you prefer.


1. Fairies

2. I'm glad all answers will be positive!

3. OK, I've got my questions ready.

4. PM me or reply, whichever you prefer.

you got 4 cards.

1.  Positive Expectations - focus on things you want and let go of the past experiences that keep you from believing it can happen.

2.  Awakening Your True Self - Trust your gut, what really makes you happy and look for those in your life that want to guide you.  Someone may show up when you're ready to explore a new area or re-explore something you thought you couldn't do.

3.  Creative Expression - How do you want to create and allow yourself to enjoy this.

4.  Honoring your true Feelings - stop second guessing and trust yourself. 


Dang girl did you get my cards?????

Edited by 7kstar
  • Love 1

I'll see your Blue Label and raise you Jameson's /has no actual idea of what is better.


Oh man I could go on about this for days. I'll keep this brief! Or...sorta brief!


Blue Label is more expensive, but I like Jameson's better. Because I apparently have the soul of an old man and Jameson & ginger is my default drink. I like tomato juice, sardines, and salami sandwiches, too. And am tight with a buck. And LOVED driving a Cadillac (it was like steering a yacht! I'm still hoping that one day I'll be able to buy my own). I don't think this is what they mean by "has an old soul" but what can ya do.


Anyway, Red Label is cheaper than Black Label is cheaper than Blue Label is cheaper than Gold Label. Those are all just types of Johnny Walker scotch. I'm open to corrections, but this is how I see it right now:


Blue Label fits Rufus perfectly imo. I think it's for someone who cares about his alcohol but doesn't really have enough money to be a snooty ~connoisseur~. A smart underachiever, maybe just before or just past his prime. Imo it goes with Benson & Hedges or Pall Mall.

Red label is more equivalent to Jameson's. Red Label imo is for people who either don't know anything about alcohol, so they get the cheapest kind of Johnny Walker by default, *OR* for people who really do enjoy the taste of alcohol and want to feel a little bit of that burn as it goes down (the same people who will get cheap red wine (but bottle-cheap, not box-cheap) and genuinely like drinking it). I think it goes well with Smoke Salems, or maybe American Spirit if you don't like menthols. DO NOT repeat DO NOT smoke Marlboro Lights (Marlboro Silver or Gold) with it, though, you will look like a clown. Black Label is between the two, and imo is for people who are sensible and feel like they've "made it." House proud middle class people, etc. Not going to spring for Blue Label (they're frugal) but who feel they've graduated from Red Label. It goes with Parliaments. Knowing the people likely to drink it, they probably only allow themselves a lone Parliament nowadays, though, and they'll have their drink and cigarette out on their deck (preferably by their pool).


Below Red Label, you're getting something like Jack Daniels, or, god forbid, Seagram's. Obviously, it's Newports with any of that stuff. If you want to go below *that,* then you've dropped out of the whiskeys imo, and it's a forty mixed in the bottle with OJ, and a Black & Mild or at least some kind of cigarillo. Or, if you're a woman, the equivalent could be a SoCo and lemonade, and if you're over the age of 25, that'll go with Lucky Strike. It's doubtful imo that a woman under the age of twenty-five who's drinking a SoCo and lemonade smokes anyway, and if she does, she's just going to bum a cigarette from someone else (she should try to bum a Dunhill imo). (NOT A NAT SHERMAN FANTASIA).


If you go above Blue Label, though, I can't help you because that's the best I've ever drunk or served! The Duke brothers from Trading Places would probably think Blue Label is beneath them (it was just a shoutout to Rufus :P), but I have no idea what kind of whiskey people like them would drink. Oh sorry, what kind of whiskey people like that would *sip.* They'd probably call it cognac anyway.


Final Jeopardy:  The kind of scotch/whiskey you drink with a hookah is...

(Idk, but I would say Jameson. But that's probably just because I like Jameson and hookahs, it's probably a terrible answer).


OOOOH Final(est) Jeopardy:  The kind of scotch/whiskey you drink with an e-cig is...

(No idea!)

Figured out I didn't answer these, so better late than never I guess...


Oh man, I'm jealous of your hardwood floors...I assume.


Yup, hardwood floors. Original with the house. And interesting story: when we finally were able to have the carpet removed in what was the previous owners' kid's bedroom, * the floor needed to be refinished to match the rest of the wood. Even though the house was built in 1957, there was a guy who had been there when the house was built - I think he was the son working for his dad when the original floor was done, and so was there when the floor was put down - and he was still here, in town! And he was the one who came and resurfaced the floor in that room when we had it done a few years ago, so it looks exactly like the rest of the wood floor. He remembered putting down the original floor also.


Now being old, the floor does tend to creak sometimes in places, but I don't care. I still love it. If the rest of the floors haven't been resurfaced since they were built, it's amazing, because they still look great.


* (green plush carpet, I suppose to "go with" the bright yellow walls with a jungle animal wallpaper "border" but in the middle of the wall instead of the top. The people who owned the house before us had some weird decorating tastes I think. We had to wait to redo that bedroom - and I hated that bright yellow paint, so it was lucky it was my hubby's office / guest room. But the blood red living room walls - which we later made the dining room - and the dark pine green dining room - which became the living room, got repainted right away, because yeesh.)


What are you cooking that gets you all into the zone?


Usually, it's stir fry (which I actually make in a large electric skillet. I have a gas stove, and heard that they are not safe for actual woks. I really need to replace my stir fry pan).... So when I cook stir fry, I get the main ingredients chopped up ahead of time. If it's gonna have meat I need to cook, that's done first and set aside, but then comes the zone stuff. So, the "base" veggies are chopped up ahead of time: Onions, celery, eggplant if I'm gonna use that (it's gotta go in first actually - even before the onions), banana peppers if I got 'em (garden) and some sort of squash if that's going in. These all get put near the skillet with the sunflower oil, the rice vinegar, and whatever broth, preferably homemade and gelled from the fridge, I'm using (that gets added periodically).


But then things get more creative, because I generally don't decide what else is gonna go in there until I start making it and seeing what it tastes like. So as those get added, stirred, and get cooking, I'll also be chopping up other things I'm deciding to add - hence the trips to the fridge - chop - and to the skillet. Depending on what meat  - beef, chicken, pork, eggs, or none - I'm using I'll decide what else to throw in there. That could be sweet plantains (good with chicken or pork), edible pod peas (in season - from the garden), Chinese cucumbers if I got em (also garden, but finicky to grow), pak choi (garden, ditto), mushrooms, tomatoes, frozen peas, broccoli, or even apples or plumped raisins (best with pork). But a lot of the time, I'll be tasting as I go and say "nope, needs something sweet" so in go the plantains or apples or peas or "it needs some acidic", so in go the chopped tomatoes. And it can be a not too long a time between nicely stir fried - which for us is a little softish, but still with shape - and a gummy, blobby mess (except the egg plant - hubby and I like 'em soft and cooked to within an inch of their existence, but I only do that with the eggplant ), hence: zone. I will not be amused if you distract me from my stir fry and it becomes a blobby mess. Generally if hubby wanders into the kitchen, I start putting him to work - making him get stuff out of the fridge ("since you're right there, can you grab me the..."), throwing peels in the "destination: compost pile" container, or worse chopping something. Usually it's not too long before he practically runs out of there.


My other zone thing is my "pies." Which aren't really pies, but those things you make with Bisquick, milk, and eggs. I've modified the recipe and have a bunch of different combinations - and again generally a fair amount of chopping is involved... So I guess the basic theme is when I'm going to be chopping, I'm in the zone, so stay out of the way. Hubby doesn't mind those, because while I have the Bisquick out, I often make him a coffee cake or fruit compote cake thing (I don't know what to call it, but hubby loves it, especially with ice cream on the side) and he's all for that. I use half Bisquick, half whole grain pancake mix (Bob's Red Mill - yummy and full of fiber). Besides the "pies" also have cheese, so yum.


If I'm doing pasta though... I don't generally want anyone near the stove when it's time to remove it. I will not be responsible for burning anyone when I drain the pasta. Just get out of the kitchen, or I'm gonna get testy. And don't touch my pot of grains or my spaghetti sauce (that cooks in cast iron and usually for 3-4 hours).


An apple with sharp chedder spray cheese is fantastic, way better than an apple with peanut butter, I wasn't kidding about that before!


There is no spray cheese in AwesomO's kitchen. Just no. : P


There is no spray anything in AwesomO's kitchen except sometimes spray whip cream, because hubby loves it (whip cream = ew for me), so I tolerate that - barely.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Damn you all. I don't have any ingredients for making a pie, but damn if I don't want to go and buy the ingredients.  I mean I haven't made a pie crust in over 9000 years so I would probably ruin it anyway.  But there is a Village Inn just up the road and I could totally get on of their wonderful apple pies...


I hate all of you right now. :(

Edited by catrox14

catrox14, my sister has one of those near her, and when we visit for the holidays, she and I go out to have pie there. My favorite is the triple berry with ice cream on the side. I bring back some peanut butter-chocolate pie for hubby.


And trxr4kids - why not make an apple pecan pie? If you can only choose one or the other, I'd say apple, because pecan pies are generally too sweet for me.

Thanks I'm going with apple, no cheese crust, I've never made one but it sounds awesome and I'll experiment with one some other time. There will be no ham, I made one on Wednesday, I froze the leftovers for split pea soup next week. I'm grilling pork chops and making potato salad to go with though. Tonight my family is being forced to finish off the chilli and corn bread from yesterday and the roast from Tuesday, so I can clean out the fridge.

It's Friday in Lent: fish for me.  Maybe tonight will be my annual guilty indulgence of a McDonald's fish sandwich.  These things are so full of fat & calories that I can feel the arteries hardening as I eat one.  They are horrible for you.  But damn, I find them tasty comfort food.  I know...I need help.  


OTOH, if I had a warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream, who needs fish???

Hmm, I'm surprised that chocolate pie is the favorite of Massachusetts. I would have guessed either strawberry rhubarb or - believe it or not - ice cream pie, since people in Mass. are all about ice cream. (Yes I know that doesn't sound like it makes sense, but for a long time - and maybe still - it was the state with the largest per capita ice cream consumption. When I was a kid, our local mall - which wasn't that big - had two ice cream shops.)


If there was some way for there to be a coffee pie, that would also work  : b . In Mass, the staple ice cream flavors were vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and coffee. (Unless things have changed, it was much more common to find coffee than say butter pecan.).

So yesterday was Friday the 13th, today is Pi Day, and tomorrow is the Ides of March? It's like every super-minor-not-even-a-holiday-really holiday is happening this week!


I think I'm going to make a pickled beet and goat cheese tart for my pie, because I like savory ones better. Not a big apple pie fan, I like apples baked, or sliced up and smeared with something yummy. Blueberry pie on the other hand. Sometimes it's heaven.


This one time when I was a teenager, a friend and I went to this gas refinery (or something?) place out in the suburbs to take ~artistic pictures~. This is right by DC, so obviously, that didn't go over well with security at the gas place. So the security guard called the cops on us, and both the security guard and the cops tried to be intimidating. I of course refused to give my name or anything and just left to sit in the car, but they had my friend's license plate etc so she ended up giving them her name and address rme. (They ended up picking her up a couple days later and taking her to the station and giving her trouble. She's a good person, though, and refused to give my name or anything). Anyway, so after that, I was especially all disgruntled, so we got tons of fresh blueberries from the grocery store and went to her house to make pies and watch my favorite movie at that time, Pitch Black. Those were SERIOUSLY the best pies I've ever eaten in my life. I've spent the last decade trying to recapture the wonderful taste of those blueberry pies.


Oh, the worst pie I've ever had in my life was blueberry, too (though of course it was, because I always get blueberry). It was in rural southern Illinois. We were on a very long road trip, and we'd learned the hard way that if there's a place to stop to eat STOP THERE. So when we got to this diner on the outskirts of this tiny town, we stopped for dinner, and planned to even spend the night in that town. OMG it was terrible. Everyone in the diner was hideously ugly -- dunno why! -- just had a weird grey tinge to their skin and nobody looked healthy. I don't mean healthy as code for "thin" or anything, I mean they literally all looked ill. Anyway, the food was disconcertingly cheap, but then when we started eating it, we found out way -- it was TERRIBLE. So I could barely eat the dinner, and thought, well fuck it, I'm going to get their $1.15 pie a la mode. So they bring out this piece of blueberry pie. I swear to god it was blueberry jam baked onto a pre-made frozen crust. Nastiest thing I've ever had in my life.


Oh except for these fried apple pies that the cashier threw in for free when I got Popeye's a month or two ago. I took one bite and literally spit it out, just so nasty. Killed my taste of apple pie for good (or at least I haven't wanted any since!).


And I eat basically anything, I just ate a big bowl of spaghetti in a homemade "vinaigrette" with a can of sardines and some capers on top and LOVED it (that's my "comfort food" meal). So just imagine how nasty those pies had to be.

Oh that reminds me of the stupidest interaction I've ever had with the police. Just a funny story, hopefully it'll give you guys a laugh.


When a friend and I were 8 or 10 or so, we discovered that we could get to some train tracks if we climbed up this dirt pathway off of a park trail, and we developed a fascination with those tracks. We used to go there and look for petrified coal and rusted railroad spikes and act like idiots. The usual. One day, we were wondering along the tracks for a while, just talking and hanging out, and started seeing this cop car lurking around. But there were lots of cops around in general (this is when "community policing" was a thing, under Clinton. We had "neighborhood cops" that would have a one-street stretch to lurk around in all the time, plus the sheriff was *always* there, too (usually parked in the 7-Eleven parking lot at the end of our street, which made shoplifting in that 7-Eleven unusually difficult. Well anyway) so we didn't pay cops a whole lot of attention because we were used to them. Thinking back on it, the cop was probably like, "why are these children not even fazed seeing me watching them and following them down these train tracks?!" LOL. But we weren't.


So anyway, finally, when he saw that we weren't getting the hint, he pulled us aside and had a ~big talk~ with us about how we could die on the train tracks and weren't supposed to be there, etc etc etc. And I was a belligerent asshole of a kid, so I was like ARE YOU ARRESTING US OR WHAT etc. So he decided to give us a written warning and tell our parents to come get us. He needed to write down our fathers' names on the warning/ticket, which should have been fine, except that my dad's name is Jean-Francois and my friend's dad's name is Cornelius, and neither of us could spell those names for the life of us. And the cop couldn't even understand what my dad's name *was* when I said it. So anyway, he finally just gave us copies of the not-filled-out-really warning, gave up on calling our parents, and sent us away.


So we left the rail yard and were hanging out on some playground equipment feeling relieved at our close call. Especially my friend, because her parents were *strict.* But then my friend's older sister came tearing down to the playground where we were sitting to tell us that someone had seen the cop talking to us and we were in major trouble after all and she was going to tell my parents, too. D'oh! That wasn't the only time my friend's older sister did that, she also pulled us off of some half-frozen "lake" that we got to in the park and were walking around on top of, etc. She always seemed to have eyes everywhere. Unlike the cops, who were much more visible but virtually worthless. LOL.

Oh, I like pretty much any kind of pie! As my grandfather used to say, "Pie is the thing for me!"


That looks delicious, but again, might need to go to the store to make that happen. I like my macaroni and cheese with at least three types of cheese and I think I'm low on varieties right now.

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 1

Oh that reminds me of the stupidest interaction I've ever had with the police. Just a funny story, hopefully it'll give you guys a laugh.


So we left the rail yard and were hanging out on some playground equipment feeling relieved at our close call. Especially my friend, because her parents were *strict.* But then my friend's older sister came tearing down to the playground where we were sitting to tell us that someone had seen the cop talking to us and we were in major trouble after all and she was going to tell my parents, too. D'oh! That wasn't the only time my friend's older sister did that, she also pulled us off of some half-frozen "lake" that we got to in the park and were walking around on top of, etc. She always seemed to have eyes everywhere. Unlike the cops, who were much more visible but virtually worthless. LOL.

That is a hoot and I know I've scared a few kids in my neighborhood.  One wee one was playing in the street...my problem I saw my sister get hit by a car...my reaction. I grabbed her by the hand and rang the doorbell.  I told the mother I'm sorry but I can't let a 2 year old play in a street by herself, too many cars speed through this street and since I watched my sister get hit by a car I can't do nothing.  The kid had snuck out without the mom knowing so it was a good thing I spoiled her fun.


Long story short, my whole neighborhood now knows if I'm in a car get out of the street or the old mean lady won't drive by.  You can also blame my little sister on me being an over protective sister...cause if I didn't spoil her fun, she got hurt.  Sometimes it is parents fault as well because if we don't make sure little brother or sister stays safe, we get in trouble for not doing our job.


Sounds like you managed to have a lot of fun in spite of what over protective siblings you had watching ya!  :)


ETA:  I guess I need to buy some pie when I go to the store later...cheese cake, lemon lime or pecan????  I do like apple but I never buy it at the store.  Although Marie calendars does makes some really good pies.  Since I never learned how to make a good pie, I always let someone else do the cooking.  lol

Edited by 7kstar

Long story short, my whole neighborhood now knows if I'm in a car get out of the street or the old mean lady won't drive by.  You can also blame my little sister on me being an over protective sister...cause if I didn't spoil her fun, she got hurt.  Sometimes it is parents fault as well because if we don't make sure little brother or sister stays safe, we get in trouble for not doing our job.


Were my mother and your mother secretly related in another life? Because you just described most of my young childhood. It was always understood when I was growing up that if my sister got into trouble, I was the one who got yelled at, because I "was older and should know better." And my sister would always get into everything and never stayed put in anything (she found ways to either break the wooden rungs out of her playpen, or she would knock it over sideways so that she could get out. The only way to keep her in was to put the playpen upside down over her.) She was also fascinated with trying to run into the street - any time she could - and unfortunately even though she was younger than me and smaller, she was strong. And fast. So I would run after her - thankfully we had a semi-long driveway - and okay this is going to sound awful, but to keep her from running into the street... I would sit on her until my mom would finally notice and come get her. Now in my defense, my sister was a fighter. She would bite and hit and kick (and I, being the older sister, wasn't allowed to hit her) so if I sat on her back and used my hands to fend of attacks, she couldn't reach me very well to hit, bite or scratch. For all I know my poor sister has psychological problems because her big sister sat on her so many times.


However, it was partially her fault for being so "obvious." For one thing she hated clothes much of the time, so she'd leave pieces of clothing as evidence that she was going to get into trouble. Also she never did "quiet" things. For example whereas she would throw a fit and climb and/or fall noisily out of her crib all the time, I would just stay up and play quietly at night if I didn't want to sleep (My mom told me she would come check on me and find me playing quietly and just let me). I also used to sneak out of the house when I was a little kid (my mom wasn't a morning person - I'm not now either), but I'd just go play with the bugs and the frogs and toads and stuff in the back yard and come back in before my mom knew (my sister was still really young back then.) I barely remember it, but I told my mom one day when she heard me come inside, and I told her I was just outside playing, which she then found out I did often. She really couldn't get too mad, because I didn't wake her up and I never got in trouble and I stayed right in the yard and played near the swamp *, so she just let me do it. It was one of the common stories in family "lore" about the day my mom found out.


But that ended by the time I turned 5, because my sister was then 2 1/2 and coming into her own of getting into everything - and if she got outside, instead of playing quietly in the back yard, she headed right for the street - so my days of quietly playing by myself in the yard were pretty much over.


* And it's weird now that I think of it, because no one worried about us falling in and drowning back then. We just knew not to fall into the pond *shrug.*

Were my mother and your mother secretly related in another life? Because you just described most of my young childhood. It was always understood when I was growing up that if my sister got into trouble, I was the one who got yelled at, because I "was older and should know better." And my sister would always get into everything and never stayed put in anything (she found ways to either break the wooden rungs out of her playpen, or she would knock it over sideways so that she could get out. The only way to keep her in was to put the playpen upside down over her.) She was also fascinated with trying to run into the street - any time she could - and unfortunately even though she was younger than me and smaller, she was strong. And fast. So I would run after her - thankfully we had a semi-long driveway - and okay this is going to sound awful, but to keep her from running into the street... I would sit on her until my mom would finally notice and come get her. Now in my defense, my sister was a fighter. She would bite and hit and kick (and I, being the older sister, wasn't allowed to hit her) so if I sat on her back and used my hands to fend of attacks, she couldn't reach me very well to hit, bite or scratch. For all I know my poor sister has psychological problems because her big sister sat on her so many times.


But that ended by the time I turned 5, because my sister was then 2 1/2 and coming into her own of getting into everything - and if she got outside, instead of playing quietly in the back yard, she headed right for the street - so my days of quietly playing by myself in the yard were pretty much over.


* And it's weird now that I think of it, because no one worried about us falling in and drowning back then. We just knew not to fall into the pond *shrug.*

Lol.  I think it is the curse of being the older sibling.  The difference is I'm 8 years older, so I was second mommy could pick her up.  Of course my little brother and sister had the nicknames of Dennis and Denise the Menace!  My sister was double jointed until the car incident, and we had bicycle locks on all cabinets in the kitchen.  To this day I hate it when it is totally silent because I know something bad is gonna  happen. 


My little brother was the one that liked to strip and run around naked until he got a bit older. 


I did have time to myself or was running around with my friends, so it wasn't all the time but there certainly were enough times where I was in charge and unlike my older brother, maybe it the sister thing or girl thing, I took it seriously.  Ironically I'm closest to my younger brother, now.  My sister...well let's just say we don't get along and she doesn't have a clue who I am.   Maybe if there hadn't been so many years between us it would have been better, no clue.  But if I had sat on her...well that wouldn't have helped me at all but I do believe a few times I might have held her upside down a bit longer than I should have....Who says older sister has to fight fair?   lol 


But don't feel too sorry for her, she got in her own shots and of course stole my stuff and then claimed I don't know what happened to it.  Later I would find out what she did.  Once she gave away a necklace to a teacher for a present...the teacher gave it to my mom and my mom asked me did I know whose this was.  I screamed that brat.  lol


I wonder if I wrote a story about my family how many would go I can top that....

  • Love 1

I wonder if I wrote a story about my family how many would go I can top that....


Ooooh try it! I mean right here in this thread, I love those stories :P.


Sounds like you managed to have a lot of fun in spite of what over protective siblings you had watching ya!  :)


I don't have any siblings, but the friend in that story -- her family had a HUGE hand in raising me. Her older sister didn't care about me at all, but since a couple of her younger sisters and I were together practically 24-7, I ended up more or less getting raised along with them by default. Actually, AwesomO4000, it was at their house that I got my first taste of spray cheese! :P

  • Love 1

Wanna hear about how I burned down my grandfather's house when I was 3?


No, really.  I did.  I've always been a little advanced for my age.  ;-)

R u related to my little sister...although you have beaten her with the burning down a house.  My sister just took the garage door lock apart at age 2, and forced my Dad the engineer to figure out how to put it back together again.  But your story sounds interesting do share.  :)

I forgot to mention -- spray cheese and celery was a New Year's Eve staple in my house growing up.  ;-)


Okie dokie.  Here's the story.  I remember every detail, despite being so young.  I must have been heavily traumatized.


One fine weekend, my father and grandfather went hunting.  Meanwhile, my mother, who was working as an interior designer at the time, went out for some cloth swatches and paint samples.  They left me and my sister with our step-grandmother and aunt.  I was being particularly stubborn and refused to get dressed, so my mom left me with some clothes (tan corduroy pants -- yuck!) and an order to put them on.


Anyway, we were watching tv with my step-grandmother while my aunt took a bath.  I got bored and started wandering around the house.  The bedrooms had those old gas heaters that produced blue flames, which I found particularly fascinating.  So, after staring at them for a few minutes, I retrieved some birthday candles from the kitchen.


Like the smart little girl I was, I lit the candles and set them on the waxed, hardwood floors.  Well, they promptly fell over and went out.  After several tries, I got annoyed and started laying them down, instead of standing them up.  Guess I wasn't so smart after all.  ;-)  


I don't remember much after that, except waking up in the ambulance with an oxygen mask over my face, but not a scratch or burn on me.  My mother was sitting next to me and when she realized I was awake, she exclaimed:


"I thought I told you to put your clothes on!"

Edited by Demented Daisy
  • Love 4

Hey, so I'm sitting here thinking that I'd like to watch an SPN rerun while I finish eating, but I can't decide which one to turn on. Any suggestions? The food is going to be gone and I'm still not going to be watching anything! GAH!


I'm feeling pretty monumentally shitty (as you guys have probably noticed, what with my flooding the board with cranky posts over the last few days. Sorry about that) so something bitter-but-also-cheerful-or-hopeful-somehow would probably be good -- but I can't think of what episode that would fit!

Edited by rue721

A while back, I was looking into that barefoot running fad, and found out that apparently you can use Kung Fu shoes as "minimalist" running shoes. The idea of running around wearing Kung Fu training shoes like a badass was honestly too cool for me to resist, so when my current sneakers wore out, I ordered a pair!


Have any of you guys tried doing the "minimalist" running thing before? Or....done Kung Fu? Both are new to me. (Well, I guess Kung Fu will remain new to me, since I'm not actually going to be training in it. But...you know.)



Edited by rue721

I don't run anymore, but cover a lot of races for my job and know a lot of folks that do (including my sister and her family). I know a woman who runs trail races barefoot and wins almost every race she runs. Which, in this neck of the woods, seems crazy to me considering all the boulders and tree roots that litter the trails around here. Many people also race and train in these:




Like SueB said, I'd avoid concrete and/or pavement, though. Shin splints are a bitch, IMO.

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It amuses me to no end that TNT shows basketball at night and Supernatural in the daytime.  Why?  Because I often grab an early lunch at places with TVs.  A week ago, I'm in my favorite burrito joint, and the TV is still on TNT from the previous night's games.  There's a decent sized line of kids off of school sick and working businesswomen, and we're all watching ghouls snack on bodies while they make our burritos.


Today, I'm in Chili's picking up a salad to go.  As I wait, who do I see on the TVs around the bar?  Our good friend Pestilence!  No part of that is appetizing.  Change the channel, people!

Love the story Jensen told at a Chicago con. Jensen decided to go to the gym in his hotel in Chicago to run on the treadmill. TNT was showing a Supernatural marathon that day (actually a day-and-a-half) and it was on the TV in the gym. Another guy was in there on a treadmill too and he casually asked Jensen about what he did to be on business on Sunday. Jensen of course told him he was an actor. The guy responded "anything I'd know?". Jensen nodded to the TV screen. The guy looked at it, back at Jensen, and said "Oh, wow". Great story.

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