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S03.E14: The Return


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Malcolm puts Oliver and Thea in a dangerous situation that lands them on Lian Yu with Oliver’s former enemy, Deathstroke. A flashback reveals when Oliver and Maseo returned to Starling City to retrieve the Omega bio weapon, and despite being under strict orders from Amanda Waller not to reveal himself to anyone, Oliver looks in on his family, Laurel and Tommy.


Well, that was disappointing. Not at all what I was expecting for the return of Slade, which I guess is fitting. And seriously, Oliver certainly made the rounds without anyone catching him. Using his fingerprints to log on to a QC system, walking into Queen Mansion undetected and using some random tablet that just so happened to be laying around. SERIOUSLY, HOW DID NO ONE SEE HIM. 

  • Love 10

I actually really enjoyed this episode.  Can we trade Laurel for Thea?  She'd be a great asset to Team Arrow, and I'd love to see her interact with Diggle and Felicity.


The Felicity flashback scene was cute.  Oliver broke into Queen Consolidated (I think that's the name of the family company) during the night to get some files off of the system.  Maseo told him over the comms that he needed to go because someone was coming.  Cue Felicity walking down the hallway in her Mary Jane's.  Oliver hid, and she went into the office that he had just been in.  She looked at a photo of Robert and Oliver on the desk and said something like, "You're cute.  It's too bad you're dead, which is obviously a lot worse for you than me.  I really need to learn to stop talking to myself."  Seemed like classic Felicity.


Oliver told Thea that she was the one who killed Sara, so there's no more secrets between them now, right?


I'm not sure how Oliver (with his long arms) could not reach the button to open the Argus prison cell door, but tiny little Thea could dislocate her arm and reach around the corner.  O...kay.


Yeah, the writers are DEFINITELY lifting lines from the internet with respect to Laurel.  I am 100% certain that she has been referred to as a gold digger on here before (Quentin, while drunk, says something about her chasing after rich billionaires, and says that she's a gold digger).  They're just mocking us now, aren't they?


I enjoyed the stunt with the spiked booby trap.  Thought it looked cool when Oliver shoved Thea out of the way.


Slade asked Oliver about Felicity, "How's the girl with the glasses?  What's her name?  Felicity?  How many people can Oliver Queen lose before there's no more Oliver Queen?"


Present-day pissed off Quentin is the one who refers to Laurel as Black Canary, whew.


Thea agrees to be Malcolm's soldier to defeat Ra's, but she'll never be his daughter again.


New episode next week. 


I recommend that you watch this episode, it will not make you rage at all.

  • Love 15

This episode felt old school! Big improvement from the episodes I've been skipping lol.

Things I loved:

Thea telling off Malcolm.

Quentin telling off laurel.

Felicity/Oliver flashback adorableness

Maseo. Just in general. Love!


Diggles brother is the guy from bones I think? I'm guessing that means we are getting some of his story soon.

I'm sure there are little things I didnt like, but I'm just so happy to have this Thea/Oliver bonding time and fun flashbacks that I don't want to start with that. I was going to rant about laurel always heading towards the mask but Quentin shut that bullshit down so I'm good.

  • Love 13

So, Malcolm sent them to the island to find their killer instinct, but they find out they're not killers at all (and what in the actual hell did they think Malcolm was sending them to the island for in the first place? A camping retreat? Outward bound? Come on, guys), but they still need him even though his method of "teaching" them isn't effective at all. Malcolm claims that he drugged Thea to kill Sara because he loves her and wants to protect her from Ra's (did I hear that right?) even though that's what's bringing Ra's to their doorstep. Uh...okay.

  • Love 21

But now the writers have officially put Quentin on Prop patrol. Can't say I didn't see that one coming. I feel like this episode made past Quentin look shitty so present day Laurel can look like a sparkling diamond with regards to her lie. SMH


I didn't expect him to be the one who called her Black Canary. Although I did nearly fall out of my chair laughing when Laurel told him that deep down he knew she had always been "headed toward the mask." Girl...

  • Love 23

I like that Felicity was once again lumped in with Oliver's parents and Thea in terms of importance, this time by Slade. I'd like to think he'd also be pretty upset if something happened to Diggle too, Show.


Oliver's smile saved the Felicity with Ollie's picture moment. That was nice, but what was she doing up there in the first place? It didn't look like she was checking on the computers or anything. 

  • Love 7

Well, that was disappointing. Not at all what I was expecting for the return of Slade, which I guess is fitting. And seriously, Oliver certainly made the rounds without anyone catching him. Using his fingerprints to log on to a QC system, walking into Queen Mansion undetected and using some random tablet that just so happened to be laying around. SERIOUSLY, HOW DID NO ONE SEE HIM. 


QC needs to invest in security cameras. Same thing when Oliver walked in with his hood down in 2x07. Apparently no one bothers checking the surveillance feed.


Laurel: “You knew my life was always headed towards that mask.” Really, writers? REALLY?


Slade: “How many people can Oliver Queen lose before there is no more Oliver Queen?” Good to see Slade back. Didn't realize how much I missed him til I heard his voice.








The last episode I watch live for quite a while.

Edited by Soulfire
  • Love 11

The Return: Welcome to Retcon City.


So let's see, Oliver knew about the book because his father left him a video? That really ruins the entire Oliver deciding for himself to save the City in honor of his father vs you know a mission tasked to him by his father. And the mystery of him figuring out the damn book with Felicity. WTF was that about.  Or am I forgetting something?


I LOVED Lance telling Laurel to fuck off for lying to him as long as she did. That was great. of course it's tainted by Lance calling her Black Canary.  But hey at least I got that.


Paul Blackthorne is so damn good. Even when he's being a total dick to Laurel whilst he's drunk (which I kind of loved too HEE).


Thea should be the new Black Canary because I believe Willa Holland looks and carries herself like a badass way more than Laurel ever will. Great work from Willa tonight.


SO MUCH Laurel propping again. No show, you can't tell me how Laurel was all about service because her drunk Dad told her to do it. Because you tell me, doesn't make it so. Laurel is still being a selfish asshat.  YMMV 


Hated the Felicity scene with her saying how cute Oliver to his picture.  No thank you.  It was kind of creepy and I hated that Oliver saw her do it and it makes their first meeting far less fun.  BOO


So Oliver just outright murdered that guy in Tommy's house?? WTF.  Is the show trying to make me hate Oliver (I never will for the record).


Good to see that Slade is still alive so he could come back as needed. 


TOMMY!!! Too bad it was all to prop Laurel . 



  • Love 6

I like that Felicity was once again lumped in with Oliver's parents and Thea in terms of importance, this time by Slade. I'd like to think he'd also be pretty upset if something happened to Diggle too, Show.


Oliver's smile saved the Felicity with Ollie's picture moment. That was nice, but what was she doing up there in the first place? It didn't look like she was checking on the computers or anything. 

Shhh stop thinking. It'll ruin the episode for you.

  • Love 5

I promised myself I wouldn't bring up the whole lying to Quentin about his child again, I was wrong, I can not believe they had her giving Quentin attitude at his daughters grave after he has only had a week to process it.  That one scene managed to spike my rage meter off the charts. Pouring the alcohol on Sara's grave was just the final touch. I hate this character so much.  


For someone going through an emotional crucible over her sister and boyfriends death that is still apparently effecting her in the present Laurel seemed to be doing just fine. 


*Deep breaths*


The rest of the episode was alright although extremely idiotic at points with Oliver wandering everywhere and never getting caught. Honestly the guy was in more places when he was hiding out dead that we see him in current time when he's alive.


Love seeing Queen Manor again. I miss Moira and "normal" people so damn much on this show.


In all I'll take this Meh episode over the train wreck the last handful have been. 

  • Love 11

The last episode I watch live for quite a while.



Ha! I think I thought that was a promo? Anyways I'm not counting it in this episode.

QC probably would know Oliver logged in but maybe they weren't looking for it.

Slade was so heavy handed with the theme at the end. Stupid writers. This is a show don't tell kind of thing. They don't know how to write bs crazy slade anyway.

SO MUCH Laurel propping again. No show, you can't tell me how Laurel was all about service because her drunk Dad told her to do it. Because you tell me, doesn't make it so. Laurel is still being a selfish asshat. .

It was kind of unkind to laurel IMO because I least I thought she wanted to help people. Now I find out she was basically shamed into taking that man of the people job. And now she's swf'ing her sister. Ok... Edited by Shanna
  • Love 8

I promised myself I wouldn't bring up the whole lying to Quentin about his child again, I was wrong, I can not believe they had her giving Quentin attitude at his daughters grave after he has only had a week to process it.  That one scene managed to spike my rage meter off the charts. Pouring the alcohol on Sara's grave was just the final touch. I hate this character so much.  


For someone going through an emotional crucible over her sister and boyfriends death that is still apparently effecting her in the present Laurel seemed to be doing just fine.  


No but see, no one will feel bad for Quentin or be mad at Laurel for treating him that way because the flashbacks regarding Quentin being a shit father were absolutely necessary to take the heat off of Laurel. smh

  • Love 4

I didn't expect him to be the one who called her Black Canary. Although I did nearly fall out of my chair laughing when Laurel told him that deep down he knew she had always been "headed toward the mask." Girl...

Oh My Gods.  It's good I didn't actually have a remote in my hand because I would have thrown it at the TV.


That is such a fucking retcon line. Laurel was NEVER headed towards a godsdamn mask.  Nope, sorry writers you can do all you want to try and make Laurel sympathetic but I remember s2 and her shitty behavior and her being awful to Sara in high school and being a pompous asshat in the present with no self awareness. And telling me she was always headed for a mask doesn't change anything that got us to this terrible point. 

  • Love 18

I still don't understand how Robert thought to tell Oliver to correct his mistakes and save the city for him, when he thought they were just going out on a safe trip on the seas. Because if he knew the boat was going to go down, there's no way he would have taken Oliver.


It really takes away the punch of the life raft scene to know Robert had it all planned out just in case. 

  • Love 7

I still don't understand how Robert thought to tell Oliver to correct his mistakes and save the city for him, when he thought they were just going out on a safe trip on the seas. Because if he knew the boat was going to go down, there's no way he would have taken Oliver.


It really takes away the punch of the life raft scene to know Robert had it all planned out just in case. 


So much this.  I am so annoyed with that scene. :(.  And if Robert did have it all planned out just in case, then him letting Sara on the boat with Oliver makes it that much worse because Robert knew he was possibly in danger.   Sigh...

  • Love 3

Oliver being in Starling City his absence was ridiculous.  This is one of those annoying retcons where they have to explain everything when they don't have to.  Oliver finding the message from his father being one of them and Felicity's little moment.


There's still some fun to be had in the return and the episode.  Always great seeing Tommy.  Quintin ripping on Laurel in the past and the present was great.  He's entertaining that way even if it's bad for him.  Despite how horrendous and nonsensical her storyline is, badass Thea is a great addition.


Other silliness...who decided to put the lock so damn close to Slade's cell?  Manu Bennett is another one given a stupid storyline that he manages to make work because of his performance.  I'm glad Thea knows the truth but again, it just shows how ridiculous the Malcolm brainwashing storyline is.  This show really needs a clean slate in Season 4.

  • Love 3

I guess Oliver will catch Felicity with Ray again and sink into season 1 Oliver? I'd only accept this if Felicity fights to bring him back but there are times I feel MG hates me. I really hope Slades words about losing his sister and Felicity means the Opposite he won't lose them and he will fight for a future with Felicity and getting Malcolm and Ra's out of his and Thea's life

  • Love 3

I still don't understand how Robert thought to tell Oliver to correct his mistakes and save the city for him, when he thought they were just going out on a safe trip on the seas. Because if he knew the boat was going to go down, there's no way he would have taken Oliver.


It really takes away the punch of the life raft scene to know Robert had it all planned out just in case. 


Oliver had that one scene with Diggle in S1? Where he said his father explained the list to him and Diggle asked how that was possible if his father died on the Gambit.  


Which just reminded me on Moira's desk there was a model of the Gambit behind Oliver. Who keeps a model of the ship that your husband and son died on?

  • Love 1

I missed all of the stuff with Laurel "heading toward the mask" and pouring the alcohol on Sara's grave, but I was probably either typing when that happened or off in space somewhere, as I tend to be during Laurel scenes.


My standards must be super low...like down in the gutter because I liked this episode, and reactions seem very mixed!  I guess I'll take whatever I can get, anymore.


Flashback Oliver was kind of a creeper...hiding in the trees watching Thea and Tommy at the gravesite...hiding around the corner at Tommy's party.

  • Love 1

Which just reminded me on Moira's desk there was a model of the Gambit behind Oliver. Who keeps a model of the ship that your husband and son died on?

My timeline may be off, but wasn't it Walter's desk at that point? If so, then Walter not only kept the Gambit model but also a framed picture of Oliver and Robert. Or did Moira always have a desk at QC even when she wasn't CEO?

Can we all take a moment to discuss the horrendous photo of Oliver that was used? And Felicity still thought he was cute? Yeah, Oliver, put a ring on that finger because even when you look like a psycho, she still digs you. If that isn't love, I don't know what is :p 



I thought he looked like a serial killer. I was like. "No he`s not cute."

  • Love 6

My timeline may be off, but wasn't it Walter's desk at that point? If so, then Walter not only kept the Gambit model but also a framed picture of Oliver and Robert. Or did Moira always have a desk at QC even when she wasn't CEO?

It was Moira's. Thea mentioned something about her running the company.  I'm guessing Walter was CFO at the time and Moira was CEO.

  • Love 2

god bless the CTV for showing the episode earlier because: TOMMY!!!!

Love his scene with Thea at graves, and her shouting at him that he isn't her brother...

So thea would be 14.5/15 in the flashback? that's one mature looking 15. just sayin.

While the Felicity scene wasn't Internet breaking it was pretty cute, I may need to watch it again. what wasn't cute was the stone cold face Oliver had when Slade mentioned Felicity. Slade you may wanna be careful, cause if there is one person Oliver would gladly kill to protect it's her.. just sayin, your insane but I like that wacko ass of yours, I'd hate to see you six feet under (and actually dead, not like six feet under ucked in a cell).

Also: I know he's BSC, but this is where Barrowman is so wonderful in his performance because when Thea walked away you could literally see a small breakage in Malcolm facade and heart. I think he just realized that once again he has lost a child, not by anyones fault but his own. I would be totally surprised and happy is Malcolm will decide to turn himself in to Ra's. that would be shocking. ETA: never mind just saw the promo... so does this mean Thea turned him in? my lord, well she is the Devil's daughter.

Surprise: I didn't totally hate Fakanary, I think it was because she wasn't trying to be Sara. I'm still pissed she's insisting on wearing the mask. but I am too exausted to care today.

Tommy does make her a more tolerable character, it's super official.

Drunk Lance.. I just wanted to hug him!! poor guy. I clapped when he told Laurel to bite him (well I wish he would have said that, but walking away from her works too).

did they cut the scene with Oliver hiding while Diggle is talking to someone.

Also! Andy!! we finally got to meet you. I think this means we're gonna see him again, the actor looked super familiar, I know i've seen him on some shows before, I think he's like kind of famous (or alot and i just can't remember his name)

So... that military guy is interesting, is he a real military guy or someone who is working for Waller? with her.. who knows.

also: if China White was captured, how did she get out to terrorize Starling yet again?

The plot thickens.

  • Love 1

I guess Oliver will catch Felicity with Ray again and sink into season 1 Oliver? I'd only accept this if Felicity fights to bring him back but there are times I feel MG hates me. I really hope Slades words about losing his sister and Felicity means the Opposite he won't lose them and he will fight for a future with Felicity and getting Malcolm and Ra's out of his and Thea's life

I agree, that was the foreshadowing, Oliver losing Felicity, and Ray being the new hero Felicity can run to and rely on.


Felicity and Sara being replaced by Tia and Laurel.  

  • Love 2

My standards must be super low...like down in the gutter because I liked this episode, and reactions seem very mixed!  I guess I'll take whatever I can get, anymore.


I thought it was okay. It wasn't a train wreck, and it didn't ruin the things I was afraid it was going to ruin (although it seems others feel differently). Is this virus only going to be a thing in the past, or is Ra's going to unleash it/threaten to unleash it on Starling at the end of the season? 

I thought it was okay. It wasn't a train wreck, and it didn't ruin the things I was afraid it was going to ruin (although it seems others feel differently). Is this virus only going to be a thing in the past, or is Ra's going to unleash it/threaten to unleash it on Starling at the end of the season?

Depends. Does the virus cause massive amounts of fear and is there a water supply in Starling City with easy access?

I need a warning before I start the episode. Do we have to watch Past Oliver moon over Laurel and Tommy?

  • Love 1

I agree, that was the foreshadowing, Oliver losing Felicity, and Ray being the new hero Felicity can run to and rely on.


Felicity and Sara being replaced by Tia and Laurel.

Ugh please don't make me puke lol I don't think he will lose Felicity fully. MG is nuts if he thinks fans want Felicity with Ray. Ray is lame his suit looks ridiculous and I'm so Goddamn tired of Oliver losing people a big part of it being him making dumb decisions

  • Love 1

This episode was aggressively fine. 


As soon as Oliver walked into QC, I knew he was going to see/run into Felicity. I haven't decided yet if it's sullied the "it was red" moment yet. It was nice to see Oliver smile, though.


I really, really liked the Thea and Oliver stuff on Lian Yu. Thea would fit into Team Arrow pretty well. Not sure why they're still agreeing to work with Malcolm at this point. (Hey, Felicity was right about Malcolm!)


Colin Donnell is so handsome. I miss Tommy. Also that "You're not my brother" line from Thea. OUCH. RIGHT HERE, SHOW. 


Yeah...aggressively fine. 


ETA: Stephen Amell should get more credit for his acting when playing Ollie vs. Oliver.  It's such a distinct difference. 

Edited by closer2fine
  • Love 13

I enjoyed the Thea/Oliver stuff on Lian Yu, but Slade seemed, I don't know ... diminished? Which makes sense, I guess. He's no longer high on Mirakuru and he's been imprisoned for months now. Not exactly in fighting form, but it still took both Thea and Oliver to take him down.


Felicity being mentioned yet again in reference to Oliver losing people. The show really wants to keep reminding us.


Glad to see Andy Diggle. My first reaction was: God, he's tiny! I mean, seriously, John looked like a mountain out there.


The flashback moment with Felicity was cute. Looked like she was bringing up files. Does that mean she and Robert Queen knew each other (I understand it's a huge corporation and the boss may not know all the minions)? Loved that they got her Season 1 ponytail right.


I like Colin Donnell but was there a point to Tommy in the flashbacks? It just felt like, let's get a former fan favorite in here! It didn't really advance anyone's story or develop character, did it?


Paul Blackthorne's wig actually looked right! I'm shocked. I didn't hate it, and he actually looked like "old" Quentin. I almost want him to keep it.


Oliver walking around in the Queen mansion *rolling my eyes* Some folks on Twitter were asking where the security folks and the maids were. That was beyond ridiculous.


All in all, it felt like a filler episode.

  • Love 3

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