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All Episodes Talk: What's Up Doc?

Meredith Quill
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2 hours ago, Amethyst said:

IA.  It's easy to forget that Carter had great teachers when he was a student/intern.  Even when Benton kept throwing him road blocks, Carter learned a lot from Greene, Lewis, Ross, Weaver, and so on.  But as a teacher himself, Carter was annoyed by Lucy and gave her too much responsibility without understanding that she wasn't ready.  Even Carol called him out for that.

But I think Carter learned his lesson.  Years later, it shows him trying to teach students like Abby and Gallant, and showing real patience with them.

Oh yes, I agree with that. He did become a great teacher. He was just not good with Lucy. Growing pains. I'm sure every doctor has it. He just comes off really bad is a lot incidents around this time. Even by the end of his rotation with Lucy had learned and got better. Thankfully.

ETA - oh god. I totally blocked out any memories of Carter and Lucy hooking up. No! I'm watch season 5, The Storm right now aka Doug's exit arc.

Edited by Racj82
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That was Doug's best show, not just that it got him noticed by outside sources and led to other movies, etc. but it was a more mature Doug, he wasn't dating, acting holier than thou, he was just being the best doc he could be and a good person. It was the best of him.

Re Carter and Lucy, I didn't see that but the writers didn't like to use too many people from outside the the main actors which made it seem everyone had to date Doug or Kovac or Abby etc. They only could meet people on their rotation. ; )  I feel their friendship was better without sleeping together.

I felt a shift after Green died, the show changed a bit, and know with Romano gone and just Weaver, it seems off.  It was nice to have the scenes in the Congo just to get out of the ER. I knew a doctor who started a program to have medical equipment sent to countries in need and it's a wonderful thing but frustrating. You don't see all the red tape and mailing issues on show but the help and gratitude is real.

I really  hated the Romano ending, the helicopter was bizarre writing, doing it twice especially after he has a panic attack over reliving the accident? I didn't watch it the first time, had bowed out except for certain shows but it was awful. He wasn't even mentioned, just a vague, "Anyone seen him" and then he was having a memorial. I knew many doctor's like him without the wit and heart at the teaching hospital I worked for. Some were void of heart it seemed at all and no one would just not go to a memorial, the heads of surgery, his staff,  that was unbelievable. We know he was unlikable, you don't have to hammer it home. Why did he get that expensive prosthetic if you never see him use it except to accidentally grab a butt of a nurse, something he'd never do? Such a waste. I'm glad you see Corday burn the condolence card from County that just said "Condolence" That was a fitting ending to a horrible episode.

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I hold Ruby accountable for that more than Carter. Carter was a student and learning. Ruby came in there insisting people keep trying to help his wife. Later he claims you should have just let her go/how dare you put her through that. Not that Carter was perfect but Ruby was over the top and I agree when he returns, he's even worse. He was partially to blame for what happened--he did not roll in there accepting that it was time for his wife to pass on but Carter pushed him to do more. He played a role in that and Carter got in over his head.

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I'm now watching episodes that I don't think I've ever seen before (I stopped watching the last several seasons during the original airing of the series).  I just finished watching season 12 episode 'There are no angels here' with Pratt in Africa.  I loved the song used at the end and had to find it online.  I have no idea what the words are, but I love the tune.

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I just watched a season 7 episode where I had to listen to both Abby's mom and Benton's sister scream and wail. Good grief! Had to turn the volume down. 

I have to say, I'm actually almost impressed/mesmerized by how non-emotive Michael Michele's face manages to stay in basically any situation. I'm pretty sure even a dead person could show more emotion than her. 

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I'm obsessed with this piece of music and cold open for season 5's Choosing Joi. The episode before the two parter that got Clooney out of the show. Haunting and beautiful to me.

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If the music isn't listed in credits at end of episode, sometimes you have to freeze it, they go so quickly, it might have just been a random instrumental. They have one song on Wiki page but not for Doug and Carol.

They even have a CD with ER music! https://www.amazon.com/ER-Original-Television-Theme-Music/dp/B000002JAV/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1525252799&sr=8-2&keywords=ER+soundtrack&dpID=41q4FJBONFL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

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Yeah, they have a bunch of music from the soundtrack on YouTube. There are two pieces of music I had been trying to find for years but got them recently.


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I know a lot of people hate the 'tinkly piano' music that was Doug and Carol's theme, but every time I hear it this wave of nostalgia comes over me, but I can't figure out why.  I don't think it has anything to do with 'ER'.  I think I'm reminded of some other piece of music and something from my past but can't make the connection.  It's odd, but also kind of comforting.  Oh, well.  Maybe someday I'll remember.

I wish Kristen Johnston had been on more episodes.  She was so overbearing that she might have gotten really tiring after a while, but I liked her character.  At least, I wish they had brought her back now and then like they did with other characters who would just pop up in the occasional episode.

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3 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I know a lot of people hate the 'tinkly piano' music that was Doug and Carol's theme, but every time I hear it this wave of nostalgia comes over me, but I can't figure out why.  I don't think it has anything to do with 'ER'.  I think I'm reminded of some other piece of music and something from my past but can't make the connection.  It's odd, but also kind of comforting.  Oh, well.  Maybe someday I'll remember.

I wish Kristen Johnston had been on more episodes.  She was so overbearing that she might have gotten really tiring after a while, but I liked her character.  At least, I wish they had brought her back now and then like they did with other characters who would just pop up in the occasional episode.

Kristen Johnston is a very good actress and she made a nice abrasive foil for the rest of the cast after Kerry was downsized.  She also had the possibility of providing an interesting backstory.  I would've much preferred it if she had gotten the screentime given to Leguizamo's Clemente.


On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 11:14 AM, RedbirdNelly said:

I hold Ruby accountable for that more than Carter. Carter was a student and learning. Ruby came in there insisting people keep trying to help his wife. Later he claims you should have just let her go/how dare you put her through that. Not that Carter was perfect but Ruby was over the top and I agree when he returns, he's even worse. He was partially to blame for what happened--he did not roll in there accepting that it was time for his wife to pass on but Carter pushed him to do more. He played a role in that and Carter got in over his head.

The whole storyline is pretty true to life, in my experience.  I recall being a student and intern, caring for elderly patients who had suffered strokes or heart attacks and were in the ICU for weeks, clearly never going to recover and return to their former level of function.  It often took their families a long time to accept that miracles are few and far between: 'But, Grandma just made cookies with the grandkids last week, she can bounce back from this' or 'Dad was planning to take a fishing trip with the family this summer, he's going to rally'.  It is very hard to let go of the person you once knew and accept the newer, more limited version or let that person go entirely.  What was really wrong was that both Benton and Vucelich, both poor communicators, put the whole burden on Carter when it became clear that Ruby was a PITA and his wife wasn't going to recover.  Carter was great with patients, but inexperienced with this scenario, he deserved guidance.  Just as Carter sometimes failed Lucy in addressing her weaknesses, Benton failed Carter here.  He should've stepped in and helped Ruby see the light, or at least, not let Carter be the sole source of information for the family.  I don't think Carter realized initially just how unlikely it was that Ruby's wife would recover; but Benton knew and so did Vucelich.  It was their responsibility to make sure Carter understood, too, and to guide him in interactions with Ruby to prevent the ultimate breakdown of the situation.  Even longsuffering Jeannie got sick of Ruby, but, as a practitioner, we don't get to pick and choose.  It can be really hard to deal with failure, including the fact that all of our fancy high tech treatments can come with a price; but it's part of the job.

Edited by doodlebug
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Kristen Johnston is a very good actress and she made a nice abrasive foil for the rest of the cast after Kerry was downsized.  She also had the possibility of providing an interesting backstory.  I would've much preferred it if she had gotten the screentime given to Leguizamo's Clemente.

I totally agree about Clemente.  His episodes could have been fewer and told the same story.  His girlfriend shows up in one episode and is maybe in one more before the husband shows up and shoots her.  Then two or three more could have finished out the story line.  It's like he was brought on to be the 'quirky' doctor and then they didn't know what to do with him so they decided to have him suffer from PTSD and be taken away.  Did they say what happened to the girlfriend (Jody?)?  He was shown talking to her on the phone but I don't remember seeing anything about where she went.  Was she in hiding from the husband?  Was he ever arrested?  Too many threads left dangling.

Edited by BooksRule
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11 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

I totally agree about Clemente.  His episodes could have been fewer and told the same story.  His girlfriend shows up in one episode and is maybe in one more before the husband shows up and shoots her.  Then two or three more could have finished out the story line.  It's like he was brought on to be the 'quirky' doctor and then they didn't know what to do with him so they decided to have him suffer from PTSD and be taken away.  Did they say what happened to the girlfriend (Jody?)?  He was shown talking to her on the phone but I don't remember seeing anything about where she went.  Was she in hiding from the husband?  Was he ever arrested?  Too many threads left dangling.

agree with all of this and about Kristen Johnston. I posted similar thoughts when watching those episodes. I think they could have had some interesting storylines with her working on implementing changes--some better than others. She had some valid points at times.

I don't think they ever explained what happened with Jody. And I don't think they ever tell us if he got arrested.

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I have been rewatching these since hulu started streaming.  I loved this show, and I thought I never missed an episode.  but there are some that I don't remember at all.  

I am on season 13, episode 14, Murmurs of the Heart.  I know a lot of sad and scary things happen to a lot of the characters on this show, but sure seems like Abby can't catch a break.  Seems like there is always something happening to her, or someone she loves.  

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Season 6 episode 6. Eriq LaSalle makes me cry. His plea to Carla to not take his baby from him and why he would not turn in the DNA test hit me like a ton of bricks. All the more impactful knowing that he used to me surgeon and now he couldn't give a damn about his career. Reese comes first and only.

Then the show hits you with the Dr. Lawrence exit.

Oh and then Jeannie leaves the show. This episode is a whopper.

Oh and screw Carter for being dismissive to Lucy again about Dr. Lawrence and screw up he did. It's shit like this that put Carter and Lucy in the position they were in 6 episodes later.

Edited by Racj82
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I'm getting to the point where I'm FF a bit. Lizzy just left, (who is there to talk to anymore?) and Ray and other new docs are on board, very young cast.  Susan is taking over Chief of ER but it seems almost silly, (she isn't liking being home and her husband is breast feeding in the lounge) and borders with macabre as they kill off regulars. I know there are good episodes mixed in and still enjoy it but the first 10 seasons are the best. I believe as this article said on it's last show, they "jumped the shark" with Romano and after that the writing changed a lot.


I saw Carter and Kem scatter their sons ashes and had my daughter translate (using CC) of the prayer Kem said in French as he did. Sad but beautiful scene.  Kovac chasing Sam on the run which was silly and leaving his ER post twice was not realistic but then you got the "Time of Death" show with Ray Liotta which was excellent. It will just be a roller coaster from now on.

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Love that...he had one more with him alone.

They both aged well but seeing them 20 years ago and then seeing the pic takes a few seconds of adjustment. I sometimes wish they could do a TV ER movie but so many are gone now, killed off, it would be kind of sad too.

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Finished off season 6 and I'm deep into season 7 right now.

I understand the negativity towards the screeching of Sally Field and Khandi Alexander in season 7 but damn did they act their asses off. They laid it all out there. Sally looked amazing too. Wow. Just gorgeous.

I'm actually a lot more into watching Kerry explore her sexuality. I used to think it was too random how they went about it. But, when you watch back, they didn't explore anything sexual about her except for one man. I don't think she had even really thought about it. I like how slowly she is easing into it. This isn't a  phase or a plotline designed to titillate or exploit. Kerry could also use some happiness in her life.

Quick question, was the woman who was brought in and told by the guy she hired to be her mother actually her mother? Did she lie about him being wrong so she could feel better or was he actually wrong and she just didn't want to do it again.

I love to connection between Chen and Carter. Right down to those two calling each other John and Deb when no one else does.

There was some interesting looks at race on the show around this timeframe. Black men being presumed to be bangers when they are brought in shot. A older black woman rejecting Benton as he doctor because she feels more comfortable with white doctors. Jing Mei knowing her family wont except her half black baby.

Greene's life is really fucking depressing when you think about it. His marriage begins to blow up in the first season. Second season, Jen cheats on him and divorce is finalized. Then Rachel gets taken away from him twice. Then his mother unexpectedly dies. Then, he has to watch his father slowly die. A few months later, he gets a terminal brain tumor. Gets a successful operation. The tumor comes back and kills him just as he's gaining happiness again with his wife and new child. 

Did Randi sleep with Malucci at some point. She implied when some of the female doctors were mocking him after a random woman came in looking for him. If so, gross Randi. I never realized Randi played the oldest child in the home alone movies. The one who is doing the head check before they leave in the first movie and confuses the neighbor kid for Kevin during the head check.

It's funny that some people didn't like Corday/Benton because he never seemed happy. That's honestly just Benton as I'm learning. He doesn't look happy with Cleo either. Benton seems to internalize his pain and fears constantly while lashing out at the ones he loves. It's a terrible way to build relationships. He was so hurt about hearing that Reese was now deaf or too distracted by his job status to ever give Corday or Cleo the attention they deserved at different times. At least they addressing it on screen in season 7.

I begrudgingly give the show props for at least how they begun the Carter/Abby/Luka triangle. Luka has Abby's interest and she's attracted to him but she has a more mental and emotional connection with Carter. It's actually interesting watching it unfold. 

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Finished off season 6 and I'm deep into season 7 right now.

I understand the negativity towards the screeching of Sally Field and Khandi Alexander in season 7 but damn did they act their asses off. They laid it all out there. Sally looked amazing too. Wow. Just gorgeous.

I'm actually a lot more into watching Kerry explore her sexuality. I used to think it was too random how they went about it. But, when you watch back, they didn't explore anything sexual about her except for one man. I don't think she had even really thought about it. I like how slowly she is easing into it. This isn't a  phase or a plotline designed to titillate or exploit. Kerry could also use some happiness in her life.

Quick question, was the woman who was brought in and told by the guy she hired to be her mother actually her mother? Did she lie about him being wrong so she could feel better or was he actually wrong and she just didn't want to do it again.

I love to connection between Chen and Carter. Right down to those two calling each other John and Deb when no one else does.

There was some interesting looks at race on the show around this timeframe. Black men being presumed to be bangers when they are brought in shot. A older black woman rejecting Benton as he doctor because she feels more comfortable with white doctors. Jing Mei knowing her family wont except her half black baby.

Greene's life is really fucking depressing when you think about it. His marriage begins to blow up in the first season. Second season, Jen cheats on him and divorce is finalized. Then Rachel gets taken away from him twice. Then his mother unexpectedly dies. Then, he has to watch his father slowly die. A few months later, he gets a terminal brain tumor. Gets a successful operation. The tumor comes back and kills him just as he's gaining happiness again with his wife and new child. 

Did Randi sleep with Malucci at some point. She implied when some of the female doctors were mocking him after a random woman came in looking for him. If so, gross Randi. I never realized Randi played the oldest child in the home alone movies. The one who is doing the head check before they leave in the first movie and confuses the neighbor kid for Kevin during the head check.

Carrie finds her bio mom later or really she finds her but that's season 11 "Just as I Am"  I think the woman who plays her is a great pick. Wait, it will come soon enough, sad and happy and I felt long in coming. In an interview Laura said "TVGuide.com: And then Weaver came out. How was the reaction?
Innes: It explained her avoidance of a personal life. That was my favorite story line. I feel that the producers and NBC didn't really get enough credit, because it was a big deal to have a main character on a mainstream show come out. Some viewers were not happy with that, and my friends said, "People will assume you're really gay." Everyone should get over it. A lot of people do think I'm gay. But for that character, what could have been more interesting to do? "

Other articles at the time thought ER didn't do enough with her gay character, but it' is a show on the ER and characters lives were secondary. You can't please everyone but for the time, I thought it was okay. Her feelings were very real and her angst well done. Their real criticism is after that episode with her Mom, she is rarely around and missing from many episodes.

My daughter is mixed and she watches periodically with me. She feels a lot of the patients are not a fair representation of minorities and they all seem to be in gangs or aimless. As I was trying to name some they weren't, 3 black children who were with their (you find out later) "fake" dad are homeless and their dead mom is in the bedroom for a week. Okay, I had to go with her on this one, it was a bit much and the story line just dropped it seems, you figure they go into the system after they call the authorities. Her point wasn't to exclude the ones they had, but show a black family losing a baby as they showed numerous times with white families, show a white addict more (although they did have white drug seekers and Carter gets hooked) show a black teen looking for a kidney.with her intact, worried family. It's subtle at times and other times not so subtle but what you show on TV is sometimes the reflection on life people get and it's sad but if it was on today, I think it would have a little more diversity in patients and staff.  I did like how they had Gallant and Pratt from different backgrounds and although they made Jeannie have HIV, they showed one of the first PA's I've seen on TV.

ER will always be the king of medical dramas for me. Watching it in reruns killed shows like Chicago Med for me, the writing, etc is so awful in comparison. So glad Hulu added it.

Edited by debraran
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On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 2:36 AM, Racj82 said:

Finished off season 6 and I'm deep into season 7 right now.

I understand the negativity towards the screeching of Sally Field and Khandi Alexander in season 7 but damn did they act their asses off. They laid it all out there. Sally looked amazing too. Wow. Just gorgeous.

I'm actually a lot more into watching Kerry explore her sexuality. I used to think it was too random how they went about it. But, when you watch back, they didn't explore anything sexual about her except for one man. I don't think she had even really thought about it. I like how slowly she is easing into it. This isn't a  phase or a plotline designed to titillate or exploit. Kerry could also use some happiness in her life.

Quick question, was the woman who was brought in and told by the guy she hired to be her mother actually her mother? Did she lie about him being wrong so she could feel better or was he actually wrong and she just didn't want to do it again.


Did Randi sleep with Malucci at some point. She implied when some of the female doctors were mocking him after a random woman came in looking for him. If so, gross Randi. 

No, Kerry was right, that woman was not her mother.  A couple seasons later, she finds her mother, played by Frances Fisher.  Turns out her mother is a very conservative Christian who believes homosexuality is a sin.  She tells Kerry she can love her but will never accept Kerry’s sexuality and Kerry tells her ‘goodbye’ and she is never mentioned again.  There was some good acting in the episode, but the story was totally rushed.  Kerry meets her mother, tells her she is gay and then decides she will never see her again all in less than a 24 hour period in the course of a single episode.  Expecting her mother to reject her religious beliefs, awful though they might be, in just a couple hours didn’t ecactly show Kerry in the best light, either.  Intolerance as a family trait, I guess.

Randy never slept with Malucci on the show, but Malucci never got any storylines.  He had the misfortune of coming along just as the focus on Abby started to consume the show.  He wasn’t any great shakes as an actor but, IMO, the change in the show at that time to feature only a couple of characters in front burner storylines and virtually ignore everyone else was not a great idea.  Abby, Carter and Mark were the only ones who got consistent, ongoing stories.  Others only got brief storylines here and there except when involved with  those 3.

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6 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Expecting her mother to reject her religious beliefs, awful though they might be, in just a couple hours didn’t ecactly show Kerry in the best light, either.  Intolerance as a family trait, I guess.

The birth mother said very plainly that she'd never accept Kerry's sexuality. What was Kerry supposed to do, hang around and hope that her bigoted mother gets a clue one day? Christian fundamentalists aren't exactly a flexible bunch. Kerry was right to have respect for herself and leave that mess behind. Doesn't exactly make her intolerant, and nowhere near on the level of her birth mother.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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13 minutes ago, CleoCaesar said:

The birth mother said very plainly that she'd never accept Kerry's sexuality. What was Kerry supposed to do, hang around and hope that her bigoted mother gets a clue one day? Christian fundamentalists aren't exactly a flexible bunch. Kerry was right to have respect for herself and leave that mess behind. Doesn't exactly make her intolerant, and nowhere near on the level of her birth mother.

Of course not, but people can and do change, even people who think they never will.  My main objection was to the fact that all of this interaction took place over just a few hours time in the storyline.  Kerry spent years looking for her mother, for her to give her mother an ultimatum and expect an answer all within a couple hours seemed unrealistic.  I think the show did a disservice to the character and her journey by not giving the storyline more time to play out.

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I've seen the whole series before, I just don't remember Kerry's mom coming back into things. The newer episodes I only saw once. 

On the Randi/Malucci thing, I didn't to imply anything happened on screen. Just that maybe they hooked up off screen. Randi's don't knock it until you tried it with a smile regarding malucci just made me wonder. 

I know Malucci doesn't really get used at all. That's basically why Erik left the show. In another world, he would have gotten the arc Morris got if he had stayed longer.

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I think they did rush Kerry and her Mom, after all that, it's "see ya?" I know it's hard for some to change, I hear heartbreaking stories from gay men and women and mixed race relationships that weren't mended but I also (even in my family) have seen many miracles time has given if the person was open and had common sense.  I saw a gay friend after a year make large strides with his conservative mother who was attending church meetings for gay parents to get over her shock and dismay.  I can barely remember my Mom and I not talking because of  my black fiance 25 years ago. It's just TV but a lot left on the floor.  Her mom felt the church saved her and it would take time to see Kerry and Henry through pics or calls to sow the seeds that it isn't the way her pastor painted it.  I would have been nice to see after so much time and money was involved in finding her, some card or call later in the show. The actress felt that was the beginning of the end to her character's growth but at least got her happy ending for leaving the show later. She didn't want to die.  Please another death or limb loss and I don't think I could have continued watching, lol

Edited by debraran
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It's different with a parent who raised you, where the relationship has a whole bunch of facets, and there's good to make you willing to give some time to see if the bad can be changed.  This was just Kerry's biological mom; she'd satisfied her life-long curiosity by finally getting the chance to learn who she is and have a conversation with her, and there's no reason for her to put herself through rejection over and over again for however long it would take for Helen to pull her head out of her ass (on the off chance she would; I don't think she'd ever get out of her "hate the sin, love the sinner" mindset).  Kerry got what she came for -- to know who her biological mom is.  Now she knows she's not someone she wants in her life going forward.  Someone she's glad to have met, but not someone to have as family. 

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This is a question for the people who watched the later seasons of the show when they originally aired.  Was it a real shocker when the result of Ray's accident was revealed to the audience (end of season 13, I think) or did many people already know about it? (were there a lot of online spoilers in 2007?  I can't personally remember)  The episodes from about season 12 to the end are new to me, but I did know about this storyline from reading in forums like this.  

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3 hours ago, BooksRule said:

This is a question for the people who watched the later seasons of the show when they originally aired.  Was it a real shocker when the result of Ray's accident was revealed to the audience (end of season 13, I think) or did many people already know about it? (were there a lot of online spoilers in 2007?  I can't personally remember)  The episodes from about season 12 to the end are new to me, but I did know about this storyline from reading in forums like this.  

I was a spoiler hound, but I don't recall knowing the exact outcome of the accident.  However, it was well known that the actor was being written off the show and, by that time, most people leaving were not leaving intact (or alive in many cases), so it wasn't all that unexpected.  After Romano's arm got so much PR, I think the writers got excited about trying out using CGI to erase Ray's legs.

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Whew -- I have finished re-watching the entire series!  Some episodes, I had no recollection.  Some it took me awhile to remember.  I probably didn't sit and pay close attention to every episode on the re-watch.   

It was great, to see it again.  I had just been thinking how much I missed that show, then I see it on Hulu!  Perfect !  

It ended well, I thought.  But what do you think -- any chance of a movie update?  Kind of like what they did on Gilmore girls?    Maybe they could pick up at County, 10 years after ER went off the air.    I would love to see Carter find someone to be happy with.      And it would be nice to see another Dr. Greene in the ER.   

Well, there are lots of things they could do, but I know most probably think it would be a bad idea to try.   The ending was good, so why risk messing it up, right?  

But I'd still love to see it.  I'd watch.  Anyone else?  

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I think it's been a little too long and they "jumped the shark" killing off so many.  I know it's not the same type of show, but when they begged Michael Landon to do a Little House movie with what characters were left, he said No, too many died, too many of us have aged beyond what the public wants to see and it's best to leave well enough alone. I have mixed feelings about that, many have aged well, but it would be hard to see them from reruns to 2018 without thinking who had plastic surgery, who got heavier, who looks "old". I think it's more the stars egos but it does happen. They killed off Greene, Lucy, Pratt, Gallant, Romano, Gant, had Ray have an amputation, so much sadness. Only Doug and Carol are intact with their twins. Maybe it it was around them and the others came for some special thing going on, a wedding, anniversary, promotion ?  They only knew the original staff though.  I would watch out of nostalgia but if they still would have the magic, IDK.

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41 minutes ago, debraran said:

I think it's been a little too long and they "jumped the shark" killing off so many.  I know it's not the same type of show, but when they begged Michael Landon to do a Little House movie with what characters were left, he said No, too many died, too many of us have aged beyond what the public wants to see and it's best to leave well enough alone. I have mixed feelings about that, many have aged well, but it would be hard to see them from reruns to 2018 without thinking who had plastic surgery, who got heavier, who looks "old". I think it's more the stars egos but it does happen. They killed off Greene, Lucy, Pratt, Gallant, Romano, Gant, had Ray have an amputation, so much sadness. Only Doug and Carol are intact with their twins. Maybe it it was around them and the others came for some special thing going on, a wedding, anniversary, promotion ?  They only knew the original staff though.  I would watch out of nostalgia but if they still would have the magic, IDK.

I honestly think the constant stance that they killed off SO many people, etc.

First, the entire cast is huge. The amount of main cast members that died compared to those who didn't aren't even close. Then, within that, you have people like Lucy and Gallant that were around for that long and the former only being beloved in death. No one realisticly would want Ramano around at this point. 

The entire first season cast still lives except for Greene and he lives on through his daughter. Jeannie still lives. Kerry, Luka, Abby, Chen, Corday, Cleo, Morris, Ray, Sam. The list goes on and on in terms of important cast members still living.

Greene is the only one that truly hurts a reunion of any sort but Carter is probably still there running things and Morris was oddly the heart of the hospital by shows end. It would work just fine and the cat isn't TOO busy as a whole that couldn't make something work. Even Clooney seems to work when he wants at this point.

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I’d watch it because I’d watch anything related to ER, but I thought about it and the only people I’d really care to hear about are Carter, Benton and maybe Corday. Maybe the rest of the original staff but not really anyone who came on past season 6, except maybe Ray (but then Neela would probably still be involved somehow and I don’t really care about her). I’d love to see Ross again, but I have to admit I really don’t care about Hathaway or her twins. 

I assume Cleo’s batteries finally died and she malfunctioned so Benton had to find a new robot, unless he and Elizabeth rekindled things. 

But I think I’m okay with how things were left. I wouldn’t want them to have Carter be lonely still (or with Kem), so if they went that route I’d be disappointed and pretend I never watched the update ha. 

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I'd prefer them not to do a reunion or movie--because the odds of it being good are slim (they seldom are) and they would mess up some story lines that in my head ended happily. I do think if they really wanted, you could get good writers and revive ER --modern day in Chicago, new cast with 1 or 2 people who still work at County from the old show as minor characters (like how Anspaugh showed up from time to time). In the real world there would be tons of new people working there and if you had great writing, it could work. But odds are they would get the writers of Chicago MD and it would be awful and ruin the brand.

I am currently slogging through season 14. Currently watching Abby on a downward spiral and it has occurred to me that this season so far is very dark. I think the show could have benefited from less Abby focus and if there was some other character to focus on right now--with Abby in the background. Gates just took care of a kid with a rare disorder that took him out young. I just note this because the kid actor was good. Sometimes shows have the worst young actors but this kid pulled off "kid who is advanced intellectually for his age without being annoying" really well.

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2 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Gates just took care of a kid with a rare disorder that took him out young. I just note this because the kid actor was good. Sometimes shows have the worst young actors but this kid pulled off "kid who is advanced intellectually for his age without being annoying" really well.

That kid was Miles Heizer who later became Drew on Parenthood.

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I just finished season 8 again and I think it was at least unofficially sponsored by Burberry. Or Burberry must have been super trendy around that time (2001-2002). Susan had 2 different Burberry coats (seems a bit much) and Kerry had a Burberry scarf, which she may have borrowed from this one extra who was in the background in a couple scenes at least (goof: in one scene she's going up the stairs, and while the main characters are still carrying on the same conversation (I think it was Susan & Carter maybe), you see the same lady with the scarf go up the stairs again. Whoops!).

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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58 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I just finished season 8 again and I think it was at least unofficially sponsored by Burberry. Or Burberry must have been super trendy around that time (2001-2002). Susan had 2 different Burberry coats (seems a bit much) and Kerry had a Burberry scarf, which she may have borrowed from this one extra who was in the background in a couple scenes at least (goof: in one scene she's going up the stairs, and while the main characters are still carrying on the same conversation (I think it was Susan & Carter maybe), you see the same lady with the scarf go up the stairs again. Whoops!).


Abby's mother, Maggie, played by Sally Field, wears a Burberry jacket several times in the storyline with Abby's brother which is interesting considering the fact that Maggie was virtually homeless and broke just a couple years earlier.  As I'm sure you know, the scarves are easily $350-400 apiece while the jacket Maggie wore would be around 600 bucks and a full length coat costs $1200.  And, yet, we were supposed to think the docs at County were underpaid. 

I suspect Burberry paid for the product placement, but it really didn't suit the show, IMO.

Edited by doodlebug
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I’ve just completed Season 3. I have to say that I feel it was better than the first two seasons.   Maybe because Susan Lewis leaves. Okay,  there, I’ve said it. I’m not a big Susan fan. Well, not a big fan of Susan, temp-mom of Baby Susie. And here’s another shocker: I like Chloe. I like that she got her life back together and found a guy and wants to be a family. Go, Susan, go to Phoenix and make sure Baby Susie will be okay. I liked Mark and Susan’s friendship and didn’t like how they turned it into this budding romance and Mark’s cliched running to the train just to have his hopes dashed-except wait-why in the world does Susan say “I love you, Mark” as the train pulls away from the station. Too bad they don’t live in 2018, where you could actually have a decent long-distance relationship via Skype and texting. You could get a non-stop ticket for $211. But you guys, you were better off as friends. 

Mark, Mark, Mark. Did you have some sort of Freaky Friday experience with Doug? Maybe it happened when that babe OD’ed in the ER. The spirit of love-em-and-leave-em jumps out of Doug and finds a new home in Mark. It’s really subtle. Doug is clearly shaken by what happens but you don’t notice so much right away that he isn’t boozing and banging like he used to. I’m not sure I wanted him to take an interest in Carol, I kinda liked the mom and son from last season (or season 1?) And all of a sudden, Mark is on a dating marathon. Clearly, marrying your high school sweetheart leaves you lacking in the skills needed for dating after a divorce. But then, *that* happens and we just wish he had taken the time to have a good relationship with just one person so there could be someone to give him a much needed hug. I didn’t remember how mean he got. Mad, you could expect. Or scared. But his overall personality changed and he wasn’t nice to be around at all and didn’t seem to care overly much about the people he worked with. Very well written and well acted.

The Pediatric Surgery rotation. Another very well done storyline. Loved Peter’s comeuppance although it almost came at the cost of the newborn’s life. I really wasn’t sure why he wanted to go for a second round, except to get it perfect this time. Can you really not accept that you just aren’t good with children? I loved Dr. Abby. She was just so opposite of Peter.  I wish she could have stayed. Then Carter maybe would have stayed with that specialty because I think it lends itself to a caring, involved surgeon. Abby seemed to be the type. General surgeons, thorasic surgeons, cardiac surgeons—they all seem to be the Benton type: driven and competitive. 

And Gant. Wow. And the aftermath of it all. I really can’t believe Peter missed the memorial. Sure he so out of touch with his feelings, but missing the memorial. And then missing the presentation with Carter? C’mon Peter!

There is so much about this show that I don’t remember. Like Peter having a baby in Season 3!  I liked Carla at the beginning of their relationship. She seemed very confident—wasn’t she the restaurant owner or manager? And even when she was first pregnant—maybe she should have told Peter sooner, but then he doesn’t talk to her for weeks? Yeah, she should plan to be on her own. Then she must have had a talk with Jackie (who also lets Peter in on this well-known fact) because all of a sudden she becomes a helpless needy pregnant woman who is afraid of needles. Which reminds me: show me any medical student who *doesn’t* know their blood type and I’ll eat my stethoscope. No way did Jeanie need to take some blood, just should’ve had to ask him his blood type. But really, Carla, you are refusing a needle stick right now? I did *not* like the circumstances that led to little Reese getting a circumcision, but I did like Carla’s argument: “You want him to look like you. You should say that. *That* I understand.” 

New secretary Cynthia. I completely have wiped any memory of her from my mind. She seems on the edge of crazy. I think I am misremembering her as the coke-head who carved up Dr. Caldwell (Mark Harmon) on St. Elsewhere. Keep those razor blades where you can see them, Mark!

Oh, and Jeanie and Al Boulet. What a wonderfully written storyline that is! From her screaming at him that he has killed her to getting back together, somewhat. It’s just lovely and touching and was very real for the time. And would be very real for today. It’s amazing how well this show ages.

I think I will have to comment more frequently than once a season. There is just too much going on. Too much to write about in a single post.

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On 5/11/2018 at 2:36 AM, Racj82 said:

It's funny that some people didn't like Corday/Benton because he never seemed happy. That's honestly just Benton as I'm learning. He doesn't look happy with Cleo either.

Who could be happy with Cleo? Ugh.

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1 hour ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Does anyone happen to remember off the top of their head which season/episode it was where there was a father who went out into the ambulance bay and shot himself in the head in front of Carter? 

If you mean the one where the father put his teenage daughter on some new seizure medicine that caused her remaining kidney to fail so he shot himself so she could have his other one, then I believe it's Season 11, episode 12 ("The Providers”). Just saw that one a couple weeks ago. 

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Yeah! I think that's the one. Thanks! Doing my most recent round of rewatching, but I'm currently stalled at the beginning of season 9.... not looking forward to the season of Abby and her family drama, continued. 

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I was a little surprised when I googled and found a lot of similar stories or father's wanting to give remaining kidney. (even in prison!) https://www.nytimes.com/1998/12/05/us/girl-awaits-father-s-2d-kidney-and-decision-by-medical-ethicists.html

That was so sad but showed the good and bad side of pharmaceutical sales

The young woman did end up dying in above article and they denied the dad's request.  It might have been part of the research for the show since it came years before.

Edited by debraran
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One small continuity goof that I forget annoys me until I see it - people's lockers would keep changing in terms of which side the door opened from (and people's locker locations kept changing too, which I can see happening, but within a few episodes in the same season when there weren't staff changes?).

Like for instance in season 8, when Mark is cleaning out his locker on his last day in the ER, the door swings open from the left side. In 'The Letter' when Carter is cleaning out the rest of Mark's locker, the door opens from the right side.

Also I think it was either in season 13 or 14, there was a scene with Pratt and Abby in the locker room, and Carter's tag is still on a locker. 

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claiming a gueststar bingo square--that might have already been claimed but hard to find the posts from when season 14 first aired. Bailey's husband/anesthesia guy/turned surgeon/ now a firefighter from Grey's Anatomy was on as the environmental guy flirting with Sam.

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Since I quit watching 'ER' during ts first run around season 11, all of the episodes that I've been watching lately are all new to me.  I watched a season 15 episode this morning called 'The long, strange journey', which was the one with the elderly John Doe who wandered into the ER after being mugged.  When Dr. Morgenstern showed up, it was revealed that the man (Morgenstern's mentor) had been the doctor who had basically revolutionized emergency medicine years before (he had literally wrote the book on ER medicine).  It was a really good episode, and the scenes that showed his point of view of what was going on around him (he saw everything and everybody in a late-60s style of clothing, equipment, etc.) were excellent and touching.  His story was sad, but it was also a good story (and was kind of fitting that he died in an ER trauma room--that he had designed--surrounded by people who appreciated what he had done for them).  And, the doctor was played by Rance Howard, which is always a bonus.  

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