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Dual Survival - General Discussion

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how come these guys NEVER have to deal with massive swarms of mosquitoes around dusk no matter where they are? Never ANY issues with thousands of bugs all over jungle at night? Really am starting to think they dont sleep in the shelters they make, it's always "let's go to sleep" and then next shot is morning scene. Never any night footage. 

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I just watched a rerun today where Joe lowered his socks and showed Matt how badly he had been eaten up, by ants I think.  Matt found some tree gunk and spread it on the legs of this bed thing he made for them so the insects and such couldn't climb up and continue to bite them while they slept.  Its the same episode where Joe got upset with Matt for not killing a rattlesnake because it was "so beautiful".


With that said, I do sometimes question whether they really sleep where they say they're sleeping. 

Just saw this on repeat today.  Totally agree with the poster upthread who said it was unnecessary and kind of dangerous for Joe to jump back into the cenote for a pair of glasses they didn't even need.  I also think it was a way for him to show off, since he himself said Matt made the climb look easy.  What better way to upstage Matt than to make the climb twice!


Also, how can Joe be certain that the backpack had a hole in it before Matt put the glasses in there?  The hole could have happened when they were diving under water.  Matt said the area was so tight he wasn't even sure Joe could get through with the backpack, so to me its possible the bachpack could have scraped against something under water and created the hole.  Anyway, the whole thing was unnecessary because the environment they were in was pretty great for starting a fire naturally.


I agree that Joe came on a little strong when Matt declined to kill the rattlesnake, but at the same time, if I'm in a survival situation, I'd be pretty pissed with my partner going all kumbaya with possible food sources.  When pickings are slim, you can't just let snakes and whatever else go.  But "lucky" for them, Matt managed to snag a turkey the next day.

I think in this episode the producers were still trying to go with a tension vibe between the two, make it all drama the way it was in Cody's last episodes. Some of it was probably real though as Joe was now the #1 guy (since Cody left) and was probably trying to be alpha leader squadron delta commander like he always is. Made for an ep that felt relative forced in that sense, especially the utter foolishness of diving back into the cenote. Also you could tell the two didnt know each other that well yet.


Much different show now with Matt having proven time and time again to Joe that he's more than his equal in these environments and so Joe now having total respect for him. I think it fully switched around in the episode where Matt used a voice call to lure a deer or something towards where they could hunt it. Joe was scoffing at him and then was like "holy shit it worked, this dude is LEGIT'

Edited by tv-talk

I think Joe pretty much ruined the show for me.


Dual Survival was pretty much what got me into survival television and I think the first reason actually did a pretty good job of finding a balance between entertainment and teaching survival skills.


But Joe apparently went to the Bear Grylls school of survival, to the point I genuinely believe watching this show might actually be detrimental. We don't need campers out there scaling 90 degree 50 foot cliffs on vines just to save time.


Just read on TMZ that Joe killed a dog and DS is cancelled. That sucks, if it's true.



Edited by XPac
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i kind of like his show....but.....the prodcution intervention is irking it for me.


was watching a few reruns.....a few things bothering me.


joe trapped a possum, it's hanging.....it looks dead.  shouldn't that thing be still alive trying to wriggle out of the rope?  these rodents and drop twenty feet and land on their feet.  hihgly doubt a sudden rop snap an dhanging will kill it.


on another episode, ice fishing......ooo, they caught trout ice fishing.  .......fish weren't moving.  out of the pole, not moving.  they were holdingn the fish, tail is not even moving ..... they tried shaking their hands to try to simulate movement......../faceplam.


and that time joe was climbing down.  matt yells, joe watch out......and the camera miraculously is on the right spot to capture the exact "falling" rock...perfect shot.


not doubting matt and joe's skills....but the production intervention is making the whle show lame.

I don't mind Joe. Yeah he's all macho, I can't decide if he is a jerk untill I see him interact with a wider variety of people. Would he be patient with someone who had less skills and didn't act like they knew it all? How would he treat a competent female survivalist?

I think the trouble with Cody is that his lifestyle makes him hard to get along with. Some people who isolate themselves become a bit odd, and fall out of practice on how to interact with people. I think I would have a hard time getting along with Cody. Matt's lifestyle has not affected his people skills. He may be a bit odd but he is a likeable guy. For many people social skills need to practiced and worked on. I think Cody has fallen out of practice.

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Don't quite know where to put this.  Hope it's OK to post this here.


Apparently we are getting 2 new Dual Survivalists.  They are Grady Powell and Bill McConnell.  I'm unfamiliar with both of them.  


If true, I will definitely miss Matt.  Joe i shall not miss at all.  Anyway, here is one report on the change:




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Don't quite know where to put this.  Hope it's OK to post this here.


Apparently we are getting 2 new Dual Survivalists.  They are Grady Powell and Bill McConnell.  I'm unfamiliar with both of them.  


If true, I will definitely miss Matt.  Joe i shall not miss at all.  Anyway, here is one report on the change:





Thanks for the link, brgjoe.  Looks like the new season starts Jan 13.  I recognize Grady Powell from Ultimate Survival Alaska, Team Military. 


I'll miss Matt, too.

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I wish Matt could have been paired with Grady.  I do not like Bill.  He reminds me of people who I grew up with (grew up in the south) who talk a big game, but are not worth shit in the long run.  Grady was very patient and kind with him.  I did not like the way he took Grady's shoe lace instead of using his own-that was a dick move.


I definitely think Matt and Cody were much better primitive survivalists. For one thing, neither of them would brag about being able to make a fire.  Both of them respected the laws of nature and knew fire making was a tricky business at best.

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I wish Matt could have been paired with Grady.  I do not like Bill.  He reminds me of people who I grew up with (grew up in the south) who talk a big game, but are not worth shit in the long run.  Grady was very patient and kind with him.  I did not like the way he took Grady's shoe lace instead of using his own-that was a dick move.


I definitely think Matt and Cody were much better primitive survivalists. For one thing, neither of them would brag about being able to make a fire.  Both of them respected the laws of nature and knew fire making was a tricky business at best.

My verdict is still out on the new team. Grady's Military Team on his previous show was overly aggressive, but so far he doesn't appear to impulsive on this show. To me he appears to be well trained for miltary survival, but not so much in primitive survival where he has little to no equipment. Bill seems to have lot of primitive survival skills, but lacking in other areas - he appeared lost when faced with repelling.

Grady appears likable and a team player - I guess that goes along with his military background. Bill not so much. The whole thing with the match and Bill's arrogant overconfidant boasts on his fire starting abilities really made me dislike him. I haven't made up my mind yet, his primitive skills may offset his arrogant attitude.

Anyway, I agree that I would have rather they kept Matt as the primitive expert. Maybe Bill will chill out, or at least grow on me.

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Well, this week the new team of Bill and Grady completed their scenario in the Chilian Andies. Bill demonstrated valuable skills, but I think he'd drive me crazy if I had to spend much time around him. He shouts for joy when recognizes a tree that grows near water. Cries as he gives thanks for finally getting a fire started. And insists they back off and give the wild pig's spirit a minute to leave its body after they kill it. (Sorry Bill, after a couple days with nothing much to eat while hiking down a mountain and bushwhacking thtough a rainforest, all I'd be willing to do is give a brief moment to thank the pig, and then get to field dressing it.) As Bill is doing his thing, Grady is sitting back shaking his head not knowing what to make of his antics. Bill shows that he is skilled, but you won't learn much about survival techniques watching him.

I'm liking Grady. He took the time to explain how and why he did things, like improving the shelter with a wind brake, and how he was using the rope to make s fence to funnel the pig to Bill. And, while working on improving the shelter, Grady told how important it is to continually work and improve your situation in a survival situation

The lack of that concept is what made me stop watching Naked and Afraid. On N&A, most of the time they do the minimal amount of work and just hunker down and wait out the 21 days until they are picked up.

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Grady is my television boyfriend, man bun and all. I'd feel very safe with him if we were stranded in the wild.  I think Bill will settle down as the season progresses.  I've already started to get used to him and it's only been a few weeks.  It seems like he's spent a lot of time alone and never really had to think about how he is perceived by others.  Got to give him credit, though, because he does seem to know his way around a survival scenario.

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He shouts for joy when recognizes a tree that grows near water. Cries as he gives thanks for finally getting a fire started. And insists they back off and give the wild pig's spirit a minute to leave its body after they kill it.



That's my problem.  Bill seems so fake to me.  He is like a parody of a real primitive survival guy.   I feel like at one point he is going to say "Look away Grady, while I make sweet love to this tree".


I never had these type of feelings with Matt or Cody. 


I do like Grady a lot better then Joe.  I miss Dave, but I understand why he was asked to leave the show.

Edited by qtpye
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That's my problem. Bill seems so fake to me. He is like a parody of a real primitive survival guy. I feel like at one point he is going to say "Look away Grady, while I make sweet love to this tree".

What gets me more than anything is how arrogant he comes across. He appears to be very knowledgeable about the plants and primitive survival techniques, but even when Grady shows skill Bill is very condescending. I have to add, watching last week's episode with pop-ups before this week's, Bill came off even more arrogant than watching it the first time. I stopped watching shortly after it came on.

I do like Grady a lot better then Joe. I miss Dave, but I understand why he was asked to leave the show.

I agree. Of the 3 military half of the team, my ranking would be Dave, Grady, and a distant third Joe. Of the primitive half, I'd rank them Matt, Cody, then Bill. My favorite team was Dave and Cody. I wish we could have kept Matt and replaced Joe with Grady. After just what, three episodes, Bill is losing ground fast. Edited by SRTouch
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That's my problem.  Bill seems so fake to me.  He is like a parody of a real primitive survival guy.   I feel like at one point he is going to say "Look away Grady, while I make sweet love to this tree".


I never had these type of feelings with Matt or Cody. 


I do like Grady a lot better then Joe.  I miss Dave, but I understand why he was asked to leave the show.

I came looking for a thread just to say how much I can not stand Bill.  I have a couple of episodes stockpiled in my dvr....I'm in the middle of episode two with these guys and I had to pause it.  I was already side-eyeing this guy the first episode when he bragged and bragged about being able to start a fire and then opps couldn't and then it seemed like he only wanted them to stay another night just so he could have another chance to start a fire.  Very selfish. And YES, he seems soo fake.  Matt did a lot of that earthy, circle of life stuff, and even though I used to roll my eyes at him some of the time, I NEVER got the impression that he was faking it or full of crap.  Bill is making me feel like he's putting on an act.  I don't know how Grady does it.  The constant praising of trees, rocks and sometimes just random crap that has nothing to do with their survival.   He's super annoying and maybe a little too emotional.


I like Grady a lot more than Joe.  Grady definitely knows his military tactical stuff, but seems a lot more willing to compromise and go with Bill's suggestions.  Joe seemed very dismissive of Matt sometimes.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I came looking for a thread just to say how much I can not stand Bill.  I have a couple of episodes stockpiled in my dvr....I'm in the middle of episode two with these guys and I had to pause it.  I was already side-eyeing this guy the first episode when he bragged and bragged about being able to start a fire and then opps couldn't and then it seemed like he only wanted them to stay another night just so he could have another chance to start a fire.  Very selfish. And YES, he seems soo fake.  Matt did a lot of that earthy, circle of life stuff, and even though I used to roll my eyes at him some of the time, I NEVER got the impression that he was faking it or full of crap.  Bill is making me feel like he's putting on an act.  I don't know how Grady does it.  The constant praising of trees, rocks and sometimes just random crap that has nothing to do with their survival.   He's super annoying and maybe a little too emotional.

Well, the good news is that he tones down some. Still arrogant and annoying, just not as bad.

I like Grady a lot more than Joe.  Grady definitely knows his military tactical stuff, but seems a lot more willing to compromise and go with Bill's suggestions.  Joe seemed very dismissive of Matt sometimes.

That seems to be the consenus. I'm like Grady, and never liked Joe. Like I said, I think Bill is toning it down, and the team dynamic is improving
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Hell even Matt might look at Bill funny. The guy is just over the top weird. I hope you're right SRTouch about Bill toning it down in later episodes. I have a nice long weekend ahead of me so I'll see.

Just don't watch the ones where they have pop ups and extra scenes - I started to watch one of those and Bill comes off as an even bigger a$$hole

I agree that Bill is toning it down a little.  Biggest thing for me is that he's been able to put his money where his mouth is.  Also he and Grady are getting along better, each knowing what the other's strong suit is.  They've been able to work as a team learning more about the other partner's schtick and building some trust.

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I can't believe I am saying this, but the show has gotten a lot better.  Bill actually has toned it down and seems to be jelling with Grady.


What is interesting is that the other pairs of guys seemed too set in their ways to be friends.  I believe, at first Cody and Dave respected each other, but were way too different to ever be close.  Joe, is an amazingly skilled guy, but too much of an asshole to really ever be friends with Cody or Matt.


Bill and Grady are young enough that I could see them form some kind of bond outside of the show.


Does anyone know why the are no longer using Joe and Matt?


Edited to Add:  Joe might have been let go, because of an incident when he killed a stray dog attacking a stray cat (this is speculation on the Internets).


Matt might be working on a new show.


Discovery official word is that they wanted a "new generation of perspectives and skills"

Edited by qtpye

I can't believe I am saying this, but the show has gotten a lot better. Bill actually has toned it down and seems to be jelling with Grady.

What is interesting is that the other pairs of guys seemed too set in their ways to be friends. I believe, at first Cody and Dave respected each other, but were way too different to ever be close. Joe, is an amazingly skilled guy, but too much of an asshole to really ever be friends with Cody or Matt.

Bill and Grady are young enough that I could see them form some kind of bond outside of the show.

Yeah, I almost wrote off the show after the first couple episodes. Now I enjoy the new team (still think they should have kept Matt). Bill seems to be a good fit now, so he either toned things down, or the editing has improved.

Does anyone know why the are no longer using Joe and Matt?

Edited to Add: Joe might have been let go, because of an incident when he killed a stray dog attacking a stray cat (this is speculation on the Internets).

Matt might be working on a new show.

Discovery official word is that they wanted a "new generation of perspectives and skills"

I suppose we'll never know the truth. I remember that part of the reason Dave Canterbury left the show was exaggerated claims of his military career. Almost as soon as Joe Teti came on the show reports started coming in that his military career didn't match his claims.


Hmmm..... Joe stayed on for two years after it came out that his BIO details didn't match his records, but Dave was let go for the same thing. I think it more likely that Discovery wanted to shake up the dynamics of the team and have more conflict between their "military" and "hippy" experts. See:


The big difference between Teti and Canterbury: when Teti was called out he loudly proclaimed his innocence, while Canterbury admitted his exaggerations and apologized.

Getting back to the current Grady and Bill team. Like I mentioned above, I have to wonder if the good folks at Discovery might be directing our opinion of Bill with editing. After all, this is the channel who presented "Alaskan Bush People" and "Naked and Afraid" to us as factual . At least "Dual Survival" tells us up front that the dual is in a simulated survival scenario, not actually in a life or death situation.

Edited by SRTouch
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Hmmm..... Joe stayed on for two years after it came out that his BIO details didn't match his records, but Dave was let go for the same thing. I think it more likely that Discovery wanted to shake up the dynamics of the team and have more conflict between their "military" and "hippy" experts. See:


The big difference between Teti and Canterbury: when Teti was called out he loudly proclaimed his innocence, while Canterbury admitted his exaggerations and apologized.



I did not know this.  It's very nasty of Discovery to let Dave go the second something smells fishy, but keep Joe on for so long.


Most of the fans of this show like it when the military guy and the primitive survival guy get along and can work together.


If we wanted unnecessary drama and arguing, we would tune into a Real Housewives show.


For the record, both Joe and Matt have been supportive of the new guys, at least publicly.  I think Joe called them "young studs".

Edited by qtpye
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Just watched the "Live to Tell" episode. It ended with previews for next season. No sign of Bill! Looks like Grady will be back, but not partnered with same guy each week. The previews showed a couple guys who appeared on Naked and Afraid, Grady paired up with an Air Force Vet with artic training, and anAustralian hippy dude. Don't know how this new format will work - no more hippy dude paired with military dude. In the past part of the appeal was watching the teams gel as they learned each others strengths and weaknesses.

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Well, just watched the first episode of the new season, and have to say I enjoyed the show. Grady is teamed up with adventure guide and rafter, New Zealander Josh James. A couple debates about the best way to do things, but it was more give and take from guys learning the other's strengths and weaknesses while respecting each other's abilities. 

Judging from what I read  http://tvruckus.com/2016/06/07/dual-survival-returning-to-discovery-for-new-season-in-june-who-are-the-new-hosts/ we are going to have rotating survivalists this season. Looks like Grady will team up with Josh again next week in Nicaragua. Then Grady will have an ex-Air Force guy for a couple weeks, than two guys from Naked and Afraid will team up for three adventures. By my count that's 7 episodes - don't know if that's it for the season or what.

I wonder if Discovery is conducting on air auditions, hoping to find a team viewers like before committing to them. If that's the case, I'll go on record saying I liked the dynamics of the Grady/Josh team tonight. Never really cared for either of the Teti teams (because of Teti, not Cody and Matt) didn't like the Grady/Bill at first, but was beginning to like them towards the end of their season. And like i said, I liked this Grady/Josh dual.

I was surprised to see that Bill was no longer on the show, likely because I watched an episode previous to the one that premiered Josh.

I don't think I'm going to be a Josh fan. Bill would have driven me crazy with his drawl/accent. Josh would have sent me directly to the asylum with his Kiwi accent and his (mixed metaphor, yes) non-stop Crocodile Dundee banter.

Didn't see the first episode of this new season yet.  So can't comment on Grady/Josh.  I'm not so keen on the rotating hosts though.  I wish the higher up's would just pick a team and stick with them.  I would have been fine with Grady/Matt.  But perhaps Matt didn't want do it anymore(?)  Which is too bad -- I learned so much from him during the time he was on the show. 

I suppose I should be glad that the show is still continuing to air.  But I still think it would be better if they stuck to the 2 hosts per season concept.

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Hmmm, wonder if this article http://m.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11402111 had the facts right? According to the article, Josh James was set to start working on his own Discovery show in Feb 2015. Filming was scheduled to start in early 2015. Have to wonder if that show fell through, or if they grabbed him as a short time fill in while looking to find a permanent second host for Dual. Perhaps this Dual appearance was to introduce him to viewers for his own show. Also looks like he has a popular YouTube channel.

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I'm a viewer of both Dual Survivor and Naked and Afraid, for multiple seasons, perhaps since the beginning of both? But the crossover was shite. Not a good idea in the first place, and turned out even more contrived and annoying than expected. I hate to stomp my tiny little online foot, but I might stop watching both shows. Too much scripting and unpleasantness. I don't turn the TV on to be annoyed. Real life is good enough at that.

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On 8/31/2016 at 11:16 PM, fallaway said:

I'm a viewer of both Dual Survivor and Naked and Afraid, for multiple seasons, perhaps since the beginning of both? But the crossover was shite. Not a good idea in the first place, and turned out even more contrived and annoying than expected. I hate to stomp my tiny little online foot, but I might stop watching both shows. Too much scripting and unpleasantness. I don't turn the TV on to be annoyed. Real life is good enough at that.

Never been a fan of N&A, though I admit to watching the XL version. I liked Dual Survival because they were upfront about it being a survival scenario, not real life. Not great acting, but they didn't claim to be, and actually show techniques that make sense. When this season started I enjoyed Grady with both his temporary partners. Ah, but then the N&A alums show up, and I find I might watch 15 minutes before giving up. After watching a few minutes yesterday I took Dual Survival off my DVR schedule of shows to record. Not sure if there is still the same amount of time devoted to demonstrating survival techniques, because I can't stand watching the horrible over acting and haven't watched a whole episode of these guys.

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I thought Grady was excellent on every level, he had greats skills and a perfect temperament. Bill was lame but they may have been onto something with Josh and even the Air Force guy was ok...but the show fell off the cliff with the two Naked and Afraid guys on it. I'll wait to check out the next incarnation, these two are boring and contrived. 

Edited by tv-talk
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As far as the Naked and Afraid guys go, I generally liked them both on that show.  But I just think they are out of their element on Dual Survival.  This version of that show that they are in is seemingly more like their reality show that N&A was. 

I also liked Grady.  And I thought he and the combo of Grady and Josh was good.  I preferred if Matt stayed on, but Grady/Josh started to win me over as they went along.   Wish they would think about going back to them for the next incarnation of that show (when/if that ever happens).

On 7/28/2016 at 6:20 PM, MostlyContent said:

Well, this is interesting!  I was just watching an episode of 'Live Free or Die', and Matt is on it!   

Very happy to see him again.   He, of course, built a very interesting structure to live in so far.

Matt always gets the gigs doesn't he? Heeh i don't mind.  Anyway i think this came after Dual but not sure.  Called 'dude you're screwed'.  Premise is your buddies kidnap you, drop you somewhere and you have to get out on your own.  Anyway, Matt was one of the buddies.  When it was his turn they were watching from the street of a white picket fence house in suburbia!  He was putting a new surfboard into a station wagon!!!!!!  how friggn bizarre is that???  These guys have lives??  Its still strikes me weird.  Maybe if it had been a log cabin in the woods lol with no neighbors.

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On 8/16/2020 at 10:15 PM, ForumLou said:

Matt always gets the gigs doesn't he? Heeh i don't mind.  Anyway i think this came after Dual but not sure.  Called 'dude you're screwed'.  Premise is your buddies kidnap you, drop you somewhere and you have to get out on your own.  Anyway, Matt was one of the buddies.  When it was his turn they were watching from the street of a white picket fence house in suburbia!  He was putting a new surfboard into a station wagon!!!!!!  how friggn bizarre is that???  These guys have lives??  Its still strikes me weird.  Maybe if it had been a log cabin in the woods lol with no neighbors.

 I feel sad that I too remember


Dude you're screwed.

I guess it was not a fever dream...

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