Primal Slayer February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 3 minutes ago, MarkHB said: Apparently that leak, as well as a few others, came from a set hairdresser who posted them on her own Instagram. When you get the top-level cast members calling you out on social media, your livelihood may be in danger. I think it is probably best if they keep this bts instead of calling her out on social media. Leaks like Donna Troy I can get betting annoyed about but a continuity photo from a year ago? That isn't harming anyone. Link to comment
Danny Franks February 19, 2019 Share February 19, 2019 I'm three episodes into this on Netflix and it's interesting, so far. Dick is certainly moodier than even the most moody comic book interpretations of him (I'm thinking Devin Grayson would love this broody, damaged version of him). I don't mind them dancing around without mentioning Batman, and I'm very familiar with Dick's various attempts to get out from under the shadow of that cowl. Starfire is certainly striking, as she should be, but the hair looks distractingly like a clown wig, and the outfit doesn't help. I remember seeing the promo shots of her, and the backlash against how she looked (though, sadly, I think a lot of that was due to the fact she was black), so hopefully she won't be wearing this outfit permanently. I do wonder just why she has a portable disco soundtrack, though. The girl playing Rachel is a very expressive young actress. I've been really impressed with her performance so far. Vulnerable but tough, clearly in way over her head and scared stiff of what's happening to her. Where do they keep finding these precocious, 14 year old girls who can act their socks off? I'm not sure what to make of Hank and Dawn, other than I will always see Minka Kelly as Lyla Garrity, and I will always like her because of that. Clearly she and Dick have a messy history, just as Dick Grayson has had with multiple women in the history of DC. Beast Boy? Eh, I never cared for him in the comics, and from the little I've seen of him in this show, I'm not going to like him much more here. The Nuclear Family are freaky as hell, and really cool. I don't know where they fit into the story, or what their agenda is as antagonists, but it all obviously ties into Rachel's 'mysterious' dad. I know Donna Troy is going to appear, and I'm looking forward to that. But I know that my ultimate crackship of Dick/Donna will again be left disappointed. I've been wanting those two to get together ever since reading Teen Titans comics when I was young, but it's just never going to happen. I just wish the show wasn't so dark. And I mean, literally dark. Why does DC always seem to think that taking three quarters of the light bulbs out of a set makes a show adult and cool? 1 Link to comment
MarkHB February 19, 2019 Share February 19, 2019 3 hours ago, Danny Franks said: I just wish the show wasn't so dark. And I mean, literally dark. Why does DC always seem to think that taking three quarters of the light bulbs out of a set makes a show adult and cool? Akiva Goldsman used up all the lightbulbs on the 1997 Batmobile and now they won't let him have them anymore. 6 Link to comment
Sandman February 19, 2019 Share February 19, 2019 It's tempting to imagine that, even at the time, the most widespread audience response to that "sexy" reveal must have been "... Wait -- what?" Link to comment
Danny Franks February 25, 2019 Share February 25, 2019 (edited) Okay, so that ended with a whimper, rather than a bang. I can see what they were going for, but two of the final three episodes being almost completely detached from the main plot? Not a very good idea. And the finale was clearly based on a story from early in the original Nightwing run, where Dick hallucinated being married to Donna, and her cheating on him, in an increasingly twisted version of reality. It might have meant more here if we'd been given reason to care about Dawn, or Dick and Dawn as a past couple. I can never really take Koriand'r seriously, because I always hear 'coriander' and when combined with Tamaran (tamarind), I just think that Marv Wolfman was reading a list of curry ingredients, when he came up with her. Anna Diop is doing a good job, but the character is just inherently corny to me - hot alien babe who is incredibly open about her body and her sexuality, but needs the love of a good Earth man to learn how to control her crazier instincts. The reveal of her spaceship made the show feel more like Legends of Tomorrow - cheesy. Donna Troy is what I hoped she'd be. She's always been my second favourite Titan, after Dick himself, and Conor Leslie looks the part. She has the natural confidence and charm that Donna should, but hasn't shown the fragility that Donna had yet. I've read somewhere that she's meant to be a regular in season two, and I really hope that's the case. I still think the actress playing Rachel has been great. She's had a fair amount of emotional heavy lifting to do, and she's nailed every scene. I really buy the relationship between her and Dick - quasi-parental/sibling and with a deep connection. But I'd like to see her get more space to grow as a character, instead of being in peril all the time. I guess that's unlikely to change, while Trigon is the big bad. Edited February 26, 2019 by Danny Franks 2 Link to comment
Sandman February 26, 2019 Share February 26, 2019 18 hours ago, Danny Franks said: I can never really take Koriand'r seriously, because I always hear 'coriander' and when combined with Tamaran (tamarind), I just think that Marv Wolfman was reading a list of curry ingredients, when he came up with her. Ha! I never thought of the Tamaran/tamarind possible pun, though "coriander" always jumped right out at me. ... And now I want Thai food. I want to say that the casting of Seamus Dever as Trigon was (to me) completely unexpected and kind of brilliantly unsettling. I completely agree about Conor Leslie as Donna. She's spot on; and I believe in Donna's history with Dick (in a way that I think the show wants me to with Dawn, but with Dawn I can't quite get there. I'm not sure that's the fault of either Kelly or Thwaites.) Tegan Croft is a real find, too. 1 Link to comment
Linderhill February 27, 2019 Share February 27, 2019 I think I liked it overall, or rather I like what it could be. My biggest peeve with the show (besides the whole waste of a final episode and the fact that they devoted 2 full episodes to Hawk and Dove who I have no personal interest in. Let the audience get aquatinted with the basic team before shoving these miscellaneous characters at us) is that Raven is this Rachel child. The comic book (once upon a time I had the full run of the the first couple of years of this book) Raven is named Raven and she's at least 18, knew exactly who her father was, had been raised in another dimension by pacifists and was not some gothy tween with an identity crisis. I also remember that Beast Boy went thru a who run insisting that he wanted to be called Changeling now. He was the youngest team member and had quite the mouth on him. Link to comment
MarkHB February 27, 2019 Share February 27, 2019 Joshua Pepin will be playing Conner Kent, aka Superboy. Quote Superboy, aka Conner Kent, is the angsty teenager of steel searching for purpose and the truth about his past. While looking for answers, he crashes into the world of the Titans where he finds an unlikely home and surrogate family as well as revelations that carry more complications than he ever bargained for. Link to comment
Danny Franks February 27, 2019 Share February 27, 2019 It does seem to be a very disparate group of Titans, taken from various iterations and continuities - part comic, several parts from different cartoons, and some stuff that's just created for the show. I find it a little curious how they're so willing to play fast and loose with some elements, yet seem slaved to others - Beast Boy and Raven as a potential couple, Robin and Starfire banging within hours of meeting, Dick and Donna as childhood friends, Jason Todd being a dick etc. Link to comment
Brinny March 6, 2019 Share March 6, 2019 On 2/27/2019 at 3:00 PM, Danny Franks said: It does seem to be a very disparate group of Titans, taken from various iterations and continuities - part comic, several parts from different cartoons, and some stuff that's just created for the show. I find it a little curious how they're so willing to play fast and loose with some elements, yet seem slaved to others - Beast Boy and Raven as a potential couple, Robin and Starfire banging within hours of meeting, Dick and Donna as childhood friends, Jason Todd being a dick etc. But if Jason Todd isn't a dick, how can you root for him to be beaten to death with a crowbar?! In all seriousness, I do wonder if they just used the Titans angle as a studio pitch and it stuck. Because, you're right, it's definitely a weird mishmash of different versions of the team, all with cherry-picked backgrounds and histories. I mean, Cyborg is off on completely different show. For the most part, this season has just been Dick Grayson: The Angry Years. Now, as someone who's a huge Dick Grayson fan, I don't really mind, but I imagine if you're coming as, say, a Beast Boy superfan, you gotta be disappointed. Like, I get it. Dick's always been the leader of the Titans, but it's almost like they really wanted to do an Nightwing series, but, I don't know, couldn't? 1 5 Link to comment
Sandman March 6, 2019 Share March 6, 2019 (edited) 11 hours ago, Brinny said: But if Jason Todd isn't a dick, how can you root for him to be beaten to death with a crowbar?! I didn't know that was a thing -- but then again, I wouldn't put it past these showrunners, Gruesome Guses that they are. My hope, slender though it seems, is that Dick Grayson's Misdirected Anger Follies will eventually show Dick evolving away from "I'm not Robin! Stop making me eviscerate things!" into someone more balanced, not to say sane -- possibly Nightwing. I like the potential in Dick's relationships with Raven and Donna, and possibly with Kory, but it still feels like there's a lot of groundwork left to do in the Dick/Kory relationship. I don't really need to see any more of Hawk & Dove's rage-fuelled vigilantism, though; thanks, show! And I'm not that invested in the Doom Patrol, either, so, y'know, thanks for that backdoor pilot/waste of my time. Edited March 7, 2019 by Sandman 2 Link to comment
Danny Franks March 6, 2019 Share March 6, 2019 57 minutes ago, Brinny said: But if Jason Todd isn't a dick, how can you root for him to be beaten to death with a crowbar?! In all seriousness, I do wonder if they just used the Titans angle as a studio pitch and it stuck. Because, you're right, it's definitely a weird mishmash of different versions of the team, all with cherry-picked backgrounds and histories. I mean, Cyborg is off on completely different show. For the most part, this season has just been Dick Grayson: The Angry Years. Now, as someone who's a huge Dick Grayson fan, I don't really mind, but I imagine if you're coming as, say, a Beast Boy superfan, you gotta be disappointed. Like, I get it. Dick's always been the leader of the Titans, but it's almost like they really wanted to do an Nightwing series, but, I don't know, couldn't? Oh, I can always root for Jason Todd to be beaten to death with a crowbar. I'm not sure I'd be watching this if it wasn't Dick-focused (pun partially intended, I guess), because Nightwing has always been my favourite DC character. I never really enjoyed Batman's grimness, and couldn't get on board with Superman's wholesomeness either. Nightwing fit quite neatly in the space between them. A few years ago, there was a Graysons TV series being planned, but it was canned for reasons I can't recall. So I think you're probably right when you suggest they wanted to make a Dick Grayson show here, but had to use the Titans label. 21 minutes ago, Sandman said: My hope, slender though it seems, is that Dick Grayson's Misdirected Anger Follies will eventually show Dick evolving away "I'm not Robin! Stop making me eviscerate things!" into someone more balanced, not to say sane -- possibly Nightwing. I like the potential in Dick's relationships with Raven and Donna, and possibly with Kory, but it still feels like there's a lot of groundwork left to do in the Dick/Kory relationship. I don't really need to see any more of Hawk & Dove's rage-fuelled vigilantism, though; thanks, show! And I'm not that invested in the Doom Patrol, either, so, y'know, thanks for that backdoor pilot/waste of my time. I'm really not feeling Dick/Kory, although I know that the show will be focusing on it. I've never enjoyed any of his romantic relationships, in the comics - Kory, Barbara Gordon, the various temporary love interests, none of them interested me. Probably because, as I've said, I was hankering for Dick and Donna to hook up, but they never did. Hawk and Dove are just an odd addition to the show, and I guess they're there because the writers had to work down a list of characters to find some people they were allowed to use - the Flash, Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, Huntress, Batman, Batwoman etc were all probably off limits. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB March 11, 2019 Share March 11, 2019 Titans Season 1 coming to home digital on March 21. Link to comment
Dee March 14, 2019 Share March 14, 2019 ‘Titans’: Esai Morales Joins DC Universe As Deathstroke Link to comment
BaggythePanther March 15, 2019 Share March 15, 2019 I know there have been characters portrayed by a one actor on TV and another actor in the movies, but have we ever had the same character portrayed by more than one person on TV? Link to comment
Trini March 15, 2019 Share March 15, 2019 (edited) 23 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said: I know there have been characters portrayed by a one actor on TV and another actor in the movies, but have we ever had the same character portrayed by more than one person on TV? You're probably not counting animation, right? The only recent examples I can think of are the two versions of Barry Allen in the Elseworlds crossover on CW last year; the various incarnations of Poison Ivy on Gotham, and there were two Linda Parks on The Flash. Edited March 15, 2019 by Trini Link to comment
Primal Slayer March 15, 2019 Share March 15, 2019 29 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said: I know there have been characters portrayed by a one actor on TV and another actor in the movies, but have we ever had the same character portrayed by more than one person on TV? At the same time? Or just in general? Because Kara Zor-El, Dinah laurel Lance, Stargirl, etc... the list goes on. Link to comment
BaggythePanther March 15, 2019 Share March 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Trini said: You're probably not counting animation, right? The only recent examples I can think of are the two versions of Barry Allen in the Elseworlds crossover on CW last year; the various incarnations of Poison Ivy on Gotham, and there were two Linda Parks on The Flash. 1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said: At the same time? Or just in general? Because Kara Zor-El, Dinah laurel Lance, Stargirl, etc... the list goes on. I wasn’t counting animation. And I did mean concurrently, but seeing as Deathstroke hasn’t been seen since last season and Arrow will be ending next fall, I guess there won’t be two live action TV Deathstrokes at the same time. Link to comment
MarkHB March 16, 2019 Share March 16, 2019 If you're in the US, the pilots for Titans and Doom Patrol and the first episode of YJ Outsiders are free to view on DC Universe until March 29. Tell your friends! Link to comment
Dee March 19, 2019 Share March 19, 2019 ‘Titans': DC Universe Series Adds Deathstroke’s Son, Jericho, for Season 2 Quote The DC Universe series is bringing in Chella Man as Joseph Wilson, better known as the hero Jericho. He’s also the son of the DC Comics villain Deathstroke, another new character joining “Titans” next season. Esai Morales was cast last week as the super assassin, whose real name is Slade Wilson. Mute after his father failed to rescue him from having his vocal cords severed by assassins, Jericho has the unique ability to possess anyone just by making eye contact. This gentle-natured yet proud hero has proven himself a formidable Titan. Link to comment
Trini March 22, 2019 Share March 22, 2019 Have they said how many episodes Season 2 will have? Link to comment
MarkHB March 22, 2019 Share March 22, 2019 36 minutes ago, Trini said: Have they said how many episodes Season 2 will have? Nope! They have cast Rose Wilson, though! (Did we also note that they've cast Deathstroke?) Link to comment
Dee March 23, 2019 Share March 23, 2019 They're certainly adding a lot of characters for Season 2. That's a worrying sign, when current characters like Gar & Kory are already under-served. 3 Link to comment
Sandman March 23, 2019 Share March 23, 2019 On 3/19/2019 at 7:10 PM, Dee said: Jericho has the unique ability to possess anyone just by making eye contact. This gentle-natured yet proud hero has proven himself a formidable Titan. Sounds like yet another character choice based on the potential darkness of his "power." Season 2 of Titans: Now with even more damage and dysfunction. Oh, joy. Link to comment
BaggythePanther March 23, 2019 Share March 23, 2019 18 hours ago, Dee said: They're certainly adding a lot of characters for Season 2. That's a worrying sign, when current characters like Gar & Kory are already under-served. It will also depend on how many episodes these characters are in. It could be like Jason Todd who was a supporting character in a short arc or it could be like Hawk and Dove who got so much screen time it felt like they were setting up a backdoor pilot. 2 Link to comment
MarkHB March 27, 2019 Share March 27, 2019 BTS video of Conor, Ryan and Curran training while Minka and Anna cheer them on off-screen: (link if it doesn't embed). Link to comment
BetterButter April 11, 2019 Share April 11, 2019 Game of Thrones' Iain Glen Has Just Been Cast as Bruce Wayne (on Titans) 1 Link to comment
MarkHB April 12, 2019 Share April 12, 2019 I didn't see this earlier, but it's pretty damn funny. Photo taken when he dropped by DC Daily and they had this prop on set.... Link to comment
Danny Franks April 19, 2019 Share April 19, 2019 ^ The less Jason Todd the better. Just generally. Even when DC have tried to write him as likeable, he comes across as an obnoxious asshole. I think the casting for Titans was perfect, on that score. I hated that kid almost as soon as he appeared on screen. Link to comment
Dee June 15, 2019 Share June 15, 2019 'PLL' Alum Drew Van Acker Lands Splashy 'Titans' Role Quote TV Insider has confirmed that Drew Van Acker, whose PLL character was never seen again after escaping the murderous "A" on Freeform's hit in Season 6, will be joining the DC Universe's dark and addictive Titans as Aqualad for Season 2. Described by DC Comics and Warner Bros. TV as "a founding member of the Titans and Aquaman's eager sidekick," this take on the Young Justice favorite was also born in Atlantis and is a member of the royal court who trained under Aquaman to be a protector of life in and out of the ocean. Like all up-and-coming capes, Garth "would eventually step out from the shadow of his mentor to become his own hero as a Titan along with many other former sidekicks." Obviously, all things Aqua-related are hot AF these days, what with Jason Momoa's Aquaman becoming DC's biggest theatrical earner ever. 1 Link to comment
UNOSEZ June 15, 2019 Share June 15, 2019 4 hours ago, Dee said: 'PLL' Alum Drew Van Acker Lands Splashy 'Titans' Role Kaldur is the only aqualad I know... That said I did enjoy DVA on PLL... When I understood what was going on.. Plus his energy with troian bellissario was great to see even if they were supposed to be siblings or whatever 2 Link to comment
Trini June 16, 2019 Share June 16, 2019 More casting news: Quote Natalie Gumede has been cast as a recurring guest star on the DC Universe original series Titans in the role of Mercy Graves, the formidable bodyguard and ruthless right hand to the megalomaniacal Lex Luthor. The official character bio from the show’s producers: “Mercy Graves is the ruthless, cunning, right hand and bodyguard to the notorious Lex Luthor – serving her boss with unquestioned loyalty. Her connection to the Luthors runs deep, as Mercy has been a friend of the family and in Lex’s life since they were young.” Link to comment
MarkHB June 18, 2019 Share June 18, 2019 First look at Superboy! Spoiler Link to comment
Dee June 19, 2019 Share June 19, 2019 He looks nice, but not as impressive as the extra they had in the finale. 1 Link to comment
Danny Franks June 19, 2019 Share June 19, 2019 So the approach to this show, and the characters in it, still seems incredibly scattershot. 'Just take a couple from this iteration, one from that iteration, and chuck in some more who have never really been notable members of the Titans'. Or maybe this all makes more sense to people who watched the various cartoons, more than it does to those who read the comics. Link to comment
Primal Slayer June 19, 2019 Share June 19, 2019 16 hours ago, Dee said: He looks nice, but not as impressive as the extra they had in the finale. I'm not sure why they went such an extreme route when they probably knew they'd never cast someone anywhere near that physicality. 2 Link to comment
Ottis August 26, 2021 Share August 26, 2021 (edited) I’m just catching up on this show, and have enjoyed it way more than I expected, but I hate, hate, hate false drama like having Raven and BB leave to rescue her mom when all Robin asked was that they recon for 5 minutes. Also, everything they need to do appears to be in a 60-minute radius. Love Robin as a psychopath as well as all the darkness. Can BB turn into other things? This show really slowed down with ep 8 and ep 9 (Hank and Dawn), which I largely FF’d through. Edited August 26, 2021 by Ottis Link to comment
KittenPokerCheater August 26, 2021 Share August 26, 2021 1 hour ago, Ottis said: Can BB turn into other things? Because of Budget issues, BB was mostly (entirely?) a tiger. 1 Link to comment
Primal Slayer August 26, 2021 Share August 26, 2021 38 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said: Because of Budget issues, BB was mostly (entirely?) a tiger. Which is stupid because they could turn him into smaller animals to get out o tricky situations but they refuse to. He's a waste in this show. Link to comment
Ottis August 26, 2021 Share August 26, 2021 (edited) Well, finished season one. What was all the alternative reality stuff in the final episode? The first 5 eps or so were a lot of fun. The last 3-4 were weirdly slow or went on tangents that weren’t very interesting. Edited August 27, 2021 by Ottis Link to comment
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