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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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Lynn from Fangasm Meet and Greet report. Some interesting bits on Dean/Amara.



So wait, Dean knows that Amara has a hold of him and is just not telling Cas and Sam.  OH FUCK THAT,  /head desk head desk head desk.


/slams door


LOL Dean was born in January 1979 so he'll be 37 in two months

When has Sam ever tried to make a pun? He rolls his eyes at Dean when he does.


I don't know about sneak peek 2, because the site is being a pain for me on that one, but in the first clip I only saw Dean make a pun and Sam roll his eyes.


As for when has Sam made a pun - Season 7. He had fun making Dick puns (although maybe they were more considered wordplay than straight puns?), and it was Dean's turn to roll his eyes and/or make a face. Hallucifer also made puns of sorts for him sometimes, and since Hallucifer is actually Sam's brain, I guess that counts.

Is the demon tablet going to tell them how to get into the Cage?


If only Death weren't dead...WHOOPS!


I can't remember if Crowley knows where it is.  If Crowley doesn't know, I'm wondering who would help them decode the tablet  since there are supposedly no more prophets after Kevin was murdered. Although, Chuck showed up in Fan Fiction which means he's somewhere on Earth. so that might be how Chuck comes back and helps them without him coming back as God.



Okay. As I remember it:

Kevin translated the whole Leviathan tablet.

He definitely translated the three parts of the Demon Tablet I mentioned above.

I actually can't remember any translation of the Angel Tablet except for the spell that would allow someone to talk to an angel's vessel without the angel knowing about it. Kevin was definitely working on translating the Angel Tablet, though. Both the Angel Tablet and the Demon Tablet were harder for him to translate; the DT because it was broken in half and he had to guess at parts, extrapolate. He had the whole Leviathan Tablet translated pretty damned quickly.

I can't really remember if Metadouche actually knows what is on the tablets or just knew about spells like the one he used to take Cas' grace and make the angels fall. For some reason,  I thought he wanted Kevin murdered because he could eventually maybe translate the Angel tablet and why he stopped any other prophets from being born so they couldn't translate the tablets either.


At this point I don't know what Metadouche knows or doesn't know.  He lied to Dean about knowing about the Mark when he said the "River ends at the source"....or at least HE said he was lying. So the only thing I can say about Metatron is that he's apparently a lying liar that lies but about what is unclear.

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I'd think Marvatron would know at least what's on them, maybe not remember all the specifics though--he did write them, after all--he knew about the spell to kick the angels out of heaven and he didn't have access to the angel tablet then, did he?


Okay. As I remember it:

Kevin translated the whole Leviathan tablet.

He definitely translated the three parts of the Demon Tablet I mentioned above.

I actually can't remember any translation of the Angel Tablet except for the spell that would allow someone to talk to an angel's vessel without the angel knowing about it. Kevin was definitely working on translating the Angel Tablet, though. Both the Angel Tablet and the Demon Tablet were harder for him to translate; the DT because it was broken in half and he had to guess at parts, extrapolate. He had the whole Leviathan Tablet translated pretty damned quickly.


What I remember:

  • Leviathan: Kevin translated to a little notebook fairly quickly and easily.
  • Demon: He translated enough to figure a way to protect himself during the year Dean was in Purgatory and Sam was busy with "normal"--not sure exactly how soon he hid it at the bus station. He had a little notebook with notes of what he had translated when he was on the lamb and hiding from Sam and Dean with his mom--Mrs. Tran gave Sam the notes so they could make demon bombs. Then he read practically the whole thing to Crowley in A Little Slice of Kevin before the thing got broken in two--don't know if he jotted down notes after that encounter or not. After that, I think he was mostly just translating the parts to do with the trials, but he only had half the tablet until he recovered the other half in The Great Escapist. However, he had access to the whole tablet through the first half of S9, so in theory it should've been easy to translate at that point.
  • Angel: Again, had access to it at the end of S8 up until his death in S9, but I don't think it was specifically mentioned how much of it was translated.
Edited by DittyDotDot
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“O Brother Where Art Thou?”

SUPERNATURAL 11.09 “O Brother Where Art Thou?” (December 9)

Amara (guest star Emily Swallow) unleashes her power on the local townspeople as she issues a shocking challenge. Dean (Jensen Ackles) tries to better understand the hold Amara has on him, while Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Crowley (Mark Sheppard) come up with a plan that could have disastrous consequences. Robert Singer directed the episode written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner. [x]


Well.....someone's gonna die.

Oh, great. "disasterous consequences." And with those two writers chances are good that Sam is going to do something stupid.


And Sam working with Crowley? Really? Sam hates Crowley.



So it looks like Sam might be working with Crowley to get into the cage......Oh boy....I'm sure  that will work out well!


For all of us speculating that something's off with Dean, the 'dad' cardigan and shirt/tie combo he's wearing in the next ep promo seems to support that theory ;) Of all the outfits they've had Dean in this may actually be the strangest.


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Question: How is the Team Free Will relationship going to be this season on Supernatural? We will see them working more together? –Beatriz
Ausiello: Let’s just say it’s complicated — and there wasn’t a lot that Misha Collins could reveal about the trio’s interactions during our recent set visit. “I feel like that dynamic where Cas is helping the boys and we’re going to solve problems is always a short-lived one,” Castiel’s portrayer shared. “Things, generally speaking, fall apart sooner or later and somebody is lying to someone else, and there’s subterfuge dissembling it and everything is sort of dysfunctional. So that’s where we’re heading.”




Question: I was wondering if you have any scoop on Castiel’s Supernatural storyline? —Zarah
Ausiello: Even in these times of Darkness, don’t expect the angel to act as middle man between the Winchesters and his brethren upstairs. “Cas is very much alienated from Heaven and its machinations,” Collins explains. “In fact, we learn — spoiler alert — that Cas is pretty much reviled by everyone in Heaven. He’s not involved, and he doesn’t have the inside scoop at all. He’s definitely not a conduit to Heaven in any way.”



I'm probably projecting, but Misha doesn't sound happy.  Sounds like he's saying, "You know what we always do with TFW?  Yeah, we're doing that again."


Cas sounds fairly useless at the moment.  Annoying.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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I got a "Mr. Rogers" vibe from it.  


I got a Bert and Ernie thing. Honest to Gods, I wonder if they will pose as a couple for this case...which I'm gonna laugh my ass off if they do.  Not saying that will happen but shit that would make me laugh and would harken back to Bugs when they allowed people to think they were a couple or at least didn't bother to disabuse them of that notion.  

As to Misha's comments I get the same vibe :(. I haven't seen any spoilers that Misha has filmed beyond 11.10. And since he's off to Nicaragua  for a couple of weeks, he won't be filming now or up to the Thanksgiving break. But who knows...:(.


Maybe I'm projecting here myself, but I don't get a vibe that Jensen is particularly thrilled with his storyline to this point either. Baby is the only episode he seemed 100% over the moon about, with good reason of course. And the one he directed which why not he did a good job directing. I know he talks about how he's happy that the boys are back together BUT I feel like he doesn't really have anything else to talk about or maybe it's that he can't talk about stuff to  this point without spoiling things.


I guess I just think about his excitement over demon!Dean, how much he actually talked about it in interviews and cons with such enthusiasm and some trepidation, and how he didn't want that story line to be short-lived but I just haven't gotten that same excitement. 


Jared and Sheppard seem to be super excited about what's coming up, so I can only assume that's because the storyline has Crowley and Sam working together which OKAY WHAT??? No, that makes no sense at all that Sam would work with Crowley. pod!Sam would work with Crowley because Plotonium has been disbursed...I guess. I don't get it.


So yeah. I hate to be a big ole party poop but I'm less excited about the Cage being a thing than I was before.  I dunno. I'm just frustrated because I kind of don't actually like Dean this season and HOLY FUCK I never thought I would EVER say that after s1. I don't always like things that Dean has done, but I've always enjoyed Dean from mid s1 to well this season.


I don't know if I'm supposed to not like Dean or I'm supposed to see that something is squirrelly with him (which would help me feel better so that's probably why I'm sticking with pod!Dean) and that it will all be revealed.


I'm not so keen on this return to s1 through s5 thing because it seems like they couldn't accomplish it without regressing Dean to being annoying and Sam apparently has had a rewrite to being the one that worried about saving people, when well, that wasn't actually the case. He was worried about vengeance..Sorry this turned more bitter than I intended.


The difference is that back then Jensen was creating Dean and finding all the complexities , the layers beyond the macho kind of annoying guy that was kind of mean. Once they found that gear everything changed. But here I feel like all those layers. All the stuff that Dean has experienced that would evolve Dean is not important. I mean gosh, maybe some kind of discussion about how Dean is feeling after not having the Mark and you know killing Death might be important....


I'm trying to hard to be patient but it's kind of breaking my heart if I'm totally honest. :( Maybe I'm just the broken one.

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I will just mention here a few comments over on Fandomnatural (reddit) about the promo:

1. It was suggested that the sweaters are an alternate universe kind of thing--and Gabe is fond of alternate universes (also Zachariah, but none of the other items apply to him).

2. Someone pointed out the HUGE array of sweets in the opening scene. Who adores sweets? Gabriel.

3. Something about aliens??? I didn't get that from the promo? But, anyway, Gabe is fond of aliens.

4. And, of course, who's there by reason of directing the episode? Richard Speight Jr., that's who. We've had Jensen appear in episodes he's directing.

Anyway, there Ya go. Speculation is running rampant over there. ;-)

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I don't think it will be much of a surprise if Gabriel shows up because we've been speculating that since it was said he'd be directing and he was clean shaven.  Now my fervent hope is this entire season will be Gabriel being the Trickster screwing around with Dean and Sam and it will all be okay. And we can have the real!Sam and real!Dean back. KTHXBAI LOL

And there's this:


Quoting from the article, "Guest star Richard Speight, Jr. (Gabriel/The Trickster) directed the episode."


I mean, if they meant "occasional guest star in the past", wouldn't they say something different?


Not to be a party pooper...again. But I don't think THAT necessarily means anything. They probably just take that from IMDB as biographical information as showing that he's been involved with the show before. 

Edited by catrox14

I speculated Gabriel would be in the episode because RSJ shaved his beard off either prior to or during filming.  Made a bit of a show of it on Twitter... or was it Instagram?  Eh, it's in this thread somewhere.


Daisy! I'm so sorry, I've been such a selfish bitch wrapped up in my own theories, I haven't welcomed you back! I have thought about you and your family everyday, and I'm happy you have such a crazy and friendly place to come back to!


But enough about you, what do you think of my theory that Lucifer is the answer to he Darkness ; )?

LOL I'm just trying to say 'Can't we all just get along". I want nothing to do with Crowley! You ladies can have him all to your collective selves.  Leave me Dean and we'll call it good.

Now, perfect solution...clones. everyone gets what they want.  We can tweak them and get rid of the quirks that we don't like.  Now if you want the real actors...I'm afraid you're up the creek, lol. 


I'm a Dean girl, but I admit I've enjoyed Mark on many different shows.  Behind on what I think is really going one, but first production is over...so perhaps I will catch up and find something worth spinning, but for now waiting to see if they have pulled an AU on us.

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Omegamom and Daisy have just made my night! I love Gabriel!


Which I needed because I had this great long post on a theory I had, and than Rue and Awesom ruined it! Just when I start to think I'm awesome, I find out...not so much.


*Pops in for a moment since I shouldn't be here* I want to hear you theory, Mick Lady. Right now I'm just speculating. I could turn out to be totally wrong - actually I hope that I am, because I don't want to see Sam crash and burn again - so who knows. Your theory could be the right one.


Go for it! There are no wrong answers here: only speculation.


And by the way, welcome back, to you and to Demented Daisy. Good to see you back, DD. Is your computer working better now, Mick Lady?


Tonight was my last class to teach for the Fall... off to write again and finally finish that chapter... it'll be up soon. Promise. Wait, why are you laughing?

  • Love 2

Thanks for the questions, everyone.  I posted in the appropriate thread.  ;-)


Meanwhile, how did we miss this?


Will God help or hinder the Winchesters?


When asked if the boys could defeat the Darkness without God’s help, Jensen Ackles answered, “I don’t think they can.” But when Jared Padalecki was asked the same question, he revealed that there’s potential for God to actually hinder the brothers.



Nice to know that Jensen agrees with me.  :-D

So the blind item about a series co-lead dying in the mid season finale has been answered and confirmed by Ausiello.   It's not SPN. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR WHICH SHOW IT IS. Don't click the spoiler button if you don't want to know  It's

Sleepy Hollow but that death won't stick unless the actor wanted off the show and I haven't heard anything about that being the case..


Of course this raises the stakes for anyone not named Dean or Sam being up for death in our mid season finale since it's  written by Buck Leming and directed by Singer. Unless Jensen or Jared have something else cooking that hasn't been announced but I highly doubt it.

Edited by catrox14

Hey guys, even if I started to hang around here lately, I'm still quite new (both here and in the SPN fandom, I binge watched through all 9 seasons in the summer before season 10. So I'm only 2 years old in the fandom, in the end, but I sure am in !) ^^


Anyways, just wanted to try and speculate at how this season could go on :


I think, as many mentionned, it safe to assume Sam's gonna try and sneak at (in ?) the Cage, probably with the assistance of Crowley.


I definitly cant see that ending right and it will probably piss of Dean (who, meanwhile, would probably get closer and closer to Amara).


I have this theory that Kevin will also show up as a guest for one of the episodes. Of all the dead main characters, he's the one I'd like to see back the most and it can totally be relevant with the tablets and all (I can see Sam and Dean trying to call his spirit to help them translate one of the tablets).


Speaking of the tablets, I'm convinced at least one of them will be important to fight / understand the Darkness. I'd guess the Demon Tablet but I'd like it if it was the Angel one (that we know quite less about). Oh, and I also hope Metatron will show up again (I know I'm in the minority, but I adore the character !), and I'm sure he will, as well as Rowena. Both will be instrumental in how the season unfolds, I'm sure. 


I'm also not that convinced that the Darkness has truly evil goals in the end and exploiting, discovering her vision of the world is one of this season points I'm most invested in.


Well... that post went quite in every directions, but damn, there is so much that can come into play this season ! With the likely return of Gabriel and the more than likely return of Lucifer (and what about Michael and Adam ? ... I think only Lucifer will manage out of the Cage in the end, but who knows).

In any cases, loving this season so far ! I think my main nitpick would be the underusing of Cas... c'mon, give him more to do !

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Triskan!  I love a lot of your thoughts.  An totally agree I NEED MORE CAS.  Carver mentioned Rowena will be essential.  Her work in EP 3 is insufficient for the label of "essential" --- I suspect much of the this will be clear in the mid-season finale and January opener.


ETA: I think the EW article is really well done.  NOTHING is certain ... everything is in flux. It'll drive some fans nutty but I am eating this is up with a spoon.

Edited by SueB

Aren't they a year in the future after season 5, since season 6 opened a year later? So shouldn't he be turning 38 now? Or are they just ignoring that and time re-aligned with real world time?


They should actually be more than two years in the future. There was the year between S5 and S6; a year between S7 and S8; plus the 6 months between S9 and S10. So, Dean should be pretty damn close to 40 right now. But, as I understand it the show found it too hard to keep it straight, so they did the time jumps and then ignored them shortly after. So, Dean is somewhere in the range of 37-40, whatever works best for you own personal wank.


If you want to be all technical about it, we should probably add the 40 years in hell on too... 

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Well Luci isn't a Dad.  But Mary would be LOVELY.  But would she really send him cage pain?? IDK.


I've been thinking about Sam and Crowley in EP9.  WHAT would cause Sam to go to Crowley?  Only the most desperate of the desperate times.  He tried to kill him.  And of course he's doing this behind Dean's back because Dean's stance on the cage is NOPE-ITY-VILLE.  So, here's my random spec du jour about EP 9 & 10:

- We know Amara outs some of her BIG BAD PLAN.  Normally I'd think that's a Dean-vision but I'm not sure.  Jensen implied (of course he could have been misleading) that Dean has yet to confess to the depth of the Amara bond.  Either way, the point is that I think this is what triggers Sam to go to Crowely to get into the freaking cage.

- Sam summons Crowley.  Or calls? IDK... would Crowley ANSWER Moose calls?  Maybe with some hell-hounds.  So I'm going summons.  Anyway, I expect Sam to have to do some fast talking to convince Crowley to get on board a visit to Hell to the Cage.  

- Dean finds out and I think he'll get help from Cas to go after Sam.  Misha is IN the episode.  Then again, so is Rowena.  There's a set of strange bedfellows.  I could see Dean making a deal with Rowena.  No Reaper is going to help.  I don't see Rowena actually entering Hell.  She's got too much self-preservation for that. 

- I think Sam makes contact w/ the Cage about the time the episode ends and EP10 is going to be getting out alive with the info.  IDK.  I just expect MAJOR THINGS from the mid-season.

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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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