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Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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Nah, @DittyDotDot, couldn't be Ben.  Carver said it's someone who had no idea that monsters exist.  So, good news?  :-)


Hee!  But Cas wiped his mind, so maybe he's looking for Dean because he found something that Dean left behind and it doesn't make sense to him, but sill doesn't know about monsters. Just sayin', one should never rule out anything with this show. Especially if it would be silly! ;)

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Oh, that's true!  I forgot about that.  So perhaps Carver is being deliberately evasive to throw us off the scent.  ;-)


Really, either the actor they cast is kind of a big name or it's someone who has been on the show previously....


I'd suggest the dearly departed Sarah Blake's husband, but I'd expect he'd be chasing Sam as much (if not more than) Dean....

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Ooh, this is a fun game. Who else could be a previous character that would work? I can't think of anyone that's still alive right now. Come on, there's got to be someone that's alive still....I reserve the right to return when my brain is functioning better.

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What can you tell me about this mysterious other character that is also on the hunt for Dean in addition to Sam hunting his brother?


Well, I can tell you that he's kind of cool and his name is Cole. He is someone from Dean's past who is looking for Dean for reasons totally unrelated to what's going on with the demon/Mark of Cain story. He's a guy that has a terrific amount of hunting skills but he's not a hunter in our sense of the word. He has no idea that the monster world exists so imagine his surprise when he comes across the man he's been hunting and he is something other than human. He's a pretty cool character.


Have you cast that character yet?


Yes, but we're not announcing it yet.



I wish I could have heard/seen this instead of just reading it.  Did he say it with a smile and a wink -- or was it just a throwaway comment?  Makes a big difference....


Well, at least we know it's not Cole Griffith.

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Oh I meant I wonder when he got the script for the finale. Do they get the scripts 2 or 3 episodes ahead of what they are currently filming or do they get it like the week before they film the most current episode? Since Jensen is directing the 3rd episode this season before the first two are filmed, I would think he would have seen the scripts for the first two episodes to help him with the directing of the 3rd episode to keep continuity and what not.   But I really don't know. Just things I wonder about.


 Did it involve Dean drinking demon blood or gaining demon qualities by screwing a demon? That's about the only thing that I would be like WTF?  Do tell...

Snip:  I know, I know, I said I didn't want that but now I do.  Because honest to Gods, as much as I love this show, I really am not sure I'll be able to handle a Dean that has lost his humanity completely and forever and that is seemingly being retcon'd back to being evil from the get go. 

From other shows talking to showrunners, they work on the script 8 days and then shoot eight days.  Also Jared and Misha have commented that they would have played the scenes differently if they knew what was going to happen, so they may get a few shows at the beginning but then as the season goes on, it is most likely only one or two eps ahead. 


Jensen is very protective of Dean and will always play the moments from I'm the older brother I love you, when he is human.  The last interview reading between the lines as a director and actress...sounds like he doesn't believe that Dean has crossed the lines to the point he can't be redeemed.  But he might be upset that Sam didn't keep to I wouldn't do it Dean I would let you die.  So it sounds like a reversal of Season 9 with Sam being in the hot seat.  This would be in line with them keeping score so to speak.  I WILL be upset if they make Sam the villain in all of this. 


But Jensen did state that he didn't think that the line "I'm Proud of US" would be no longer valid.  It just sounds like they are playing with Season 3 & 4 and NO, I don't think this was planned from season 3, I think this was Carver's Plan from when he took over.


Okay the rumor - Read at your own Risk -  Do not have any sharp objects in your hands and wait to drink until after your fit is over.  NO killing allowed, I'm just the innocent bystander that read the rumor ONCE.


it was for an ep and it sounded really interesting and then suddenly the description changed and what was shown was nothing like the rumor.  But Dean is someone that keeps secrets and he does have some addiction like issues, such as drinking heavily.  He was to keep the secret from Sam and Crowley.  Dean discovers a way to get information from a Demon, and no it didn't involve any blood but more like a way to look through a Demon's eyes and gain all the knowledge he has.  Dean got addicted to this and continued to do this behind Sam and Crowley's back.  So a level of season 4 but yet it was knowledge he was after.    I don't know if that is clear but it sounded interesting to me but like I said, they didn't do it.  Now will it show up this season...NO Clue.   Not throwing anything at me please, pretty please!

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Hmm that rumor isn't too off putting as it sounds like Dean was going to use the skill or whatever as a means of leveraging demons to fight the good fight, much like Sam thought he was going to be using the demon blood to fight the good fight.  That seems like it would have been interesting.

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Okay, I vaguely remember that description being released for an episode sometime after Sharp Teeth. I thought they were just trying to be hush-hush about Kevin coming back for an episode and they released that to throw us off the track. Interesting. No reason to throw anything at you @7kstar! Not that I would anyway. ;)



ETA: Shucks, the character already has the name of Cole...I guess it's not a previous character after all.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I didn't mind Repo Man, infact I liked many things about it. I understand what you mean though @Demented Daisy. They keep doing this whole ::gasp:: suddenly someone appears from their past that we've never heard nary a word of in 10 years, even though it hardly makes any sense given the transient nature of their lives, but they are really relevant and important! It's starting to be such a soap opera at times.


I wish they hadn't released that new hunter's name, I was having fun running down memory lane. Why'd they have to spoil all my fun? (Yes, the pun was absitively positutely intended, Hee!)

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If they bring back Ben, I will put my eye out with a spork.  IF Ben can remember, then Lisa can too and that's just a big ole pile o fugly crap that we don't need again.

Doubt it is Ben, because the fans were not kind to Lisa and Jensen said it was something that just couldn't work out.   I would kind of go with someone that Dean saved but he really didn't know Dean did that because his lack of knowledge and has a grudge against Dean for harming someone he cared about.  I mean not everyone lives that got saved got a rosy experience and some were totally in the dark about what the Winchester's do.

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And if Carver doesn't let Sam be the driving force for at least getting to Dean to try and rescue him (Dean may or may not take more agency in the actual "save"), I'll print out this post and eat it on youtube for you all to see.  :)


A little late here but... I think you're pretty safe in the Sam is going to be actively looking for Dean this time bet, @SueB. After season 8, it wouldn't make sense for Carver to have Sam not be looking this time... however I'm more concerned about why Sam is looking and what his "driving force" will result in. Sam was a "driving force" in trying to stop the apocalypse in season 4 also, and look how that turned out.


I'm going to consider it unsatisfying if either:


1) Sam is "hunting" Dean rather than looking for him to try to help/save him.

2) Sam looks for Dean, but fails to help him in any way and/or does something that requires Dean to clean up some mess that Sam made in the process. (i.e. Sam has some monumental failure).


Just because the start is the opposite of season 8 - Sam looking rather than not - doesn't mean the result might be any different. The show has before had Sam do something different only to have negative results in both cases. For example: revenge. Sam has both acted on his revenge and given it up to similarly disastrous results. (And he was chastised for both decisions.)


So for me it doesn't count unless Sam is somehow helpful in the saving Dean process. In other words Sam can't try but fail yet again (or be useless), thereby once again earning Garth's description of him from "Sharp Teeth" ("Bless his heart.") Dean can be a part of his own saving too, but I think Sam needs to at least be able to help this time. It also doesn't count for me if Sam either becomes the villain as someone else said (I couldn't find the comment again or I would credit) or somehow monumentally screws something up.


I think Carver has had Sam in a "bless his heart" (i.e. he means well, but...) place for far too long. I think it's time to let Sam actually accomplish something positive for once, and I need that to happen for it to count in any way towards a Sam redemption for me.

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I think it's time to let Sam actually accomplish something positive for once, and I need that to happen for it to count in any way towards a Sam redemption for me.

I can totally relate and hope that something positive comes this time.  Limp Sam is fanfiction and not one I really like.  Sam always failing on the big issues, because he has saved Dean's life many times, but he hasn't gotten the big Save other than Season 5 and well that one wasn't satisfying for me. 


Carver can explore both boys dark sides as long as he also explores their struggles to discover their good sides.  Plus I really feel it is WAY PAST time for the boys to get along and work together to reach a goal.  When has that happened?  Where both boys got equal billing in the save?


It would be nice if I was surprised instead of going okay they did that...now what?  I'm still looking forward to Dean's story but I also hope it explores new territory.

Edited by 7kstar
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I watched a second interview with Jensen Ackles, He hints that Sam does something really bad to recover Dean.  Would Sam use a time reset to prevent Dean from taking the mark and thus keep him from killing Abbadon?  Would Sam go back in time and take the mark himself to "save" his brother?  


I also got the feeling that JA knew Dean would be himself again.  

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Honest to gods, if they have Sam take on the Mark, i will be so done. it will have been the 2nd time in 3 seasons of Carver that Sam gets Dean's plot line. No just let Sam find something else.

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I love Danielle's interviews.  I think she does a great job of asking question Jensen will answer IN DEPTH.  She did another one a few years back that was insightful.


Reaction to the new news:

- So Dean is a straight up asshole to the "fling" vice "chivalrous womanizer" (interesting characterization there Jensen).  Well THAT's going to be unpleasant to watch.  It was hard enough to watch when he was borderline asshole to Suzy (what with not going back to check on her after she expressed some regrets).  But straight up asshole?  It's not that it's out of character.  Dean has always flirted with the Madonna/Whore issue.  But if she's a 'tough but sympathetic' woman and he's an asshole, then our sympathies are likely to be with her and NOT with Dean.  Which is not good.  I don't like Dean treating sympathetic characters badly.  Doesn't mean it's wrong to have that, just means less fun.  What's worse is that if it's just an example of using a woman to tell Dean's story and there's no follow-up or regret expressed - EVER.  I can see her name not mentioned again.  She's just one of a series of exhibit of "how Demon!Dean" functions. 

- Between Jensen, Jeremy, and Jared (look! alliteration!) we've gotten quite a bit on the first three episodes.  I think the whole Dark!Sam bit is over quickly.  He clearly does something normal Dean would not approve of.  Raise your hand if you want to see Dean take him to task and Sam give Dean a verbal bitchslap - GADREEL!   I mean really, I ADORE YOU DEAN but you let Sam be possessed.  Better not come down too hard on Sammy doing something shady else.  You can hassle him a wee bit about the "I lied" bit but that's it.  (So of course I want this scene because I find this juicy ... although I totally get why others would not).

- Cole.  Cole is HUNTING Dean without knowing about the Mark of Cain.  Jeez Dean, did ya' sleep with his wife a few years ago?  What did you do to this guy that has not clued Cole into the hunting life and yet Cole is pausing whatever his life is to hunt your ass down?  It's possible that Dean did something in the line of hunting duty and Cole doesn't have the full picture. That actually is kind of interesting because of how much collateral damage the boys do when they blow thru town and kill the baddy.  I really liked that speech Crowley gave about how they justify their lives (Clip Show).  Anything that is fallout that comes back to haunt them is interesting to me.  Based on Carver's interview it's not something Dean did while a demon and Cole just thinks Dean is an asshole. ETA: Apparently he's a "bad guy" according to one twitter source.

- Interesting that Jensen got the "twisted soul" line from the interviewer and wants to use that.  I do think he's talked to Jeremy but they don't seem to have given them a script for the TCAs (and maybe not Comic Con).  Carver may just treat them like mushrooms prior to these events so that they are not tempted.  And poor Jared and Jensen just want SOMETHING to throw at the thousand microphones in their faces at Comic Con. 

- Jensen's interview makes me more comfortable about Demon!Dean (despite asshole sex dude).  If he isn't feeling pressure before, he's got to be feeling pressure NOW.  She asked the kind of detailed character questions fans want to know.  Which means he needs an answer.


Is it October yet? 





ETA: New Jared interview http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/supernatural_season_10_jared_padalecki_interview_sam_hunts_demon_dean-2014-07


I feel better about the musical.  I love meta. 


CORRECTION: I meant Dean verbal bitchslap Sam... sorry I messed that up.

Edited by SueB
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Another Jensen interview. Looks like at least demon!Dean will be having fun, fun, fun. I`m sort of expecting unfiltered hedonism. He shouldn`t have any trouble landing dates, demon or not. 



So Dean is a straight up asshole to the "fling" vice "chivalrous womanizer" (interesting characterization there Jensen).  Well THAT's going to be unpleasant to watch.  It was hard enough to watch when he was borderline asshole to Suzy (what with not going back to check on her after she expressed some regrets).

I had no trouble with how he acted with Suzie. Didn`t think he was an asshole at all. She was a grown woman, they had consensual sex with no pretense of a relationship to follow or "I love you" beforehand so they acted accordingly. That, to me, is what a one-nighter is. If either party afterwards has problems with it, tough luck for them.


Too often in movies/TV shows they have women mostly but men too here and there have sex like adults but still act like kids about it before and after. Or outside characters comment on it in ways that makes me think they can`t be talking about adults. Bugs the hell out of me, especially the depiction of women since I find this kind of insulting.. .  


What I`m expecting with this new girls, if they have indeed a "fling" is that he will be a "jerk" to her but she will sass right back and then they land in the sack. I have no trouble believing soulless!Sam was an asshole to women and yet we got flashbacks showing how they lined up for the boinking. The vampire characters on both Vampire Diaries and Originals can be huge assholes and yet have no trouble getting some.


If that is played as a woman going "well, your personality is nothing to write home about but you are one hot piece so shut up and be a good roll in the hay", I`d like it. Because I actually think that is empowering.    .   



Raise your hand if you want to see Dean take him to task and Sam give Dean a verbal bitchslap


Can I unraise my hand? Because while Dean doesn`t hold to his former attitude, neither does Sam. When Dean did the shady thing, he got the "you are a selfish coward, you never did good in your life and certainly have never sacrificed something of yourself EVER" generalization speech in the Purge. So hey, if that is how Sam judges such behaviour - and by the person he made Dean out to be, becoming a demon would be an imporvement - then it`s equally rich of him to go ahead and do it himself and claim it`s the best thing since sliced bread.


What they need to find is common ground on the matter. Which doesn`t even mean that both need to adhere to one philosophy but each one has to choose theirs and the other has to accept what is chosen or say they cannot. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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Another Jensen interview. Looks like at least demon!Dean will be having fun, fun, fun. I`m sort of expecting unfiltered hedonism. He shouldn`t have any trouble landing dates, demon or not.


I'm sorry, but I think there's only so much they can do and stay on the CW. Plus, there's only so much these guys have been willing to do in the past. I doubt it will be all that much different than Souless Sam acting all aloof when a prostitute was throwing herself at him. Plus, when has Dean ever had trouble getting dates before, why would it be easier if he's acting like a total asshole?  I just can't imagine this show ever going there. Especially considering how they seem to be catering to a younger audience and have gotten far "lighter" in tone over the last couple of years.


I just can't take anything they say at face value anymore...remember when Dean had PTSD after being in Purgatory. That lasted what, two episodes and basically boiled down to him being jumpy in one episode and threatening to torture a guy in another...sounds like a regular Sunday afternoon for Dean, to me.


BTW, as I type this, I'm listening to my iPod and Man In The Wilderness started playing which made me think of PTSD Purgatory Dean and all the hype they released before S8.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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lus, when has Dean ever had trouble getting dates before, why would it be easier if he's acting like a total asshole?


No, I meant, it wouldn`t be all that much harder for him now either, even with demon-hood. As much as that whiny guy back in the Wishing Well episode annoyed me, the one who kept the girl of his dreams as his wish-sex-bunny, he did have a point when he told Dean and Sam in the end that they had it easy on that score. 


It`s still a crap argument "wah, wah, because I`m not hot like you, I can only use magical roofies" but there is truth in it. If regular Joe/( possibly regular Jane) acts like an asshole, they will not "score for the most part. If someone looking like Jensen Ackles does, they still have good chances. Might be unfair but there it is.


I agree that this being a little CW show, it won`t go too far. I mean, I`m hardly expecting "`Fifty Shades of Winchester" here. Though, heck, in its own way that is tame as hell. Spanking, the new epitome of sexual deviousness. Or something.


Also agree on the hype of the show often not matching up the show. Not in the least. They did surprise me last year with not giving the Mark over to Sam, stat or something like that so I remain hopeful that this time Jensen - who appears enthusiastic and excited in the interviews - won`t have a reason to lose that like two episodes in. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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I agree with Aeryn13 that Dean did not treat Suzy poorly.  He was skeevy when trying to figure out if he knew her, but it seems quite obvious to me once Suzy asked him to pray with her, he moved away from that scheme. He did not coerce her into sex. He didn't threaten to expose her secret. Nothing. IIRC she came onto him first after he told her how she was what the good dreams were made of. It was her choice to have sex with Dean.


I am not happy at in the least about Dean being an asshole to this woman. It pisses me off because Dean is already IMO quite wrongly accused of being a misogynist. He uses sexist language at times, but IMO it's been clearly demonstrated he's not a woman hater or thinks women are less than men. So now it will be "See Dean really did hate women all along". It removes any of the nuance that Dean had before in his dealings with women.  And to be fair, Dean is often NOT the aggressor in these flirtations i.e. Suzy, and the woman from Blade Runners, and Pamela groping Dean. To my mind, Dean is more of a huge flirt and is promiscuous with CONSENTING partners more than being an outright womanizer and most of the time the flirting goes nowhere..


I got the feeling from the interview with Jensen that he's not all that thrilled with demon!Dean. I mean as an actor he's getting to stretch his legs, but for his character that he knows and loves....I feel like he's not that happy.  But I could be wrong. That's just my take from Danielle's interviews.

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I really hope they don't give the Mark to Sam, I'm so tired of Sam getting it worst than Dean.  Let Sam's issues be that he dealt with it as a human and explore his natural dark side.  I hope that Jared's correct.


I still believe that there will be things I wish they had done differently but they are at least three scripts into the season.  I do like that Jensen talks as if Dean is the addict, because that would make Dean making decisions not like normal but basically giving into his feeling of enjoyment. 


I just wonder how they will keep Sam from killing Crowley...what they will use to keep him from being successful and wonder if Crowley might even team up with Sam in a way later when he realizes the worst mistake ever, turning Dean into a Demon.  Reminds me of "Be careful what you wish for." 


I don't mind the character's walking a mile in the other person's shoes but I would love to see the brother's broken relationship come to a grinding END!  It's tiresome if you've been watching since season 4.  That's 5 years of rocky relationship.  It's time they put a more upswing than the mess we've been seeing.

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More TVLine spoilers


Relevant bits:


Question: I need something to survive the Supernatural hellatus! —Katherine
Ausiello: I see what you did there. You took hell and hiatus and smushed them together. That’s some clever wordplay. Here’s your scooprize: Scottish actress Ruth Connell (pictured, right) is joining the cast in the pivotal recurring role of Rowena, a mysterious old-school witch who, rumor has it, is looking to reclaim her power base.
Question: Do you have any scoop on Supernatural and Demon Dean? —Joanna
Ausiello: Wondering how Cas will handle his buddy’s new persona? Well, first he’ll have to find out about it. “He doesn’t know what happened to Dean,” executive producer Jeremy Carver tells TVLine. “You’ve got to remember, Sam put Dean down on the bed dead. [He] comes back in the room [and] Dean’s not there. So no one knows what happened.”


ETA I got the witch part right.  Whether she's related to Crowley, well, that remains to be seen.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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is time Jensen - who appears enthusiastic and excited in the interviews - won`t have a reason to lose that like two episodes in.


Heh. I had a different reaction. I sensed that Jensen the actor is happy to have new material and Jensen, the director, is challenged, but I also got  a little bit that he's not altogether thrilled with Dean's trajectory as Dean the character. I don't think he's ever thought Dean was a dick or evil in his heart of hearts. I thought it was interesting that he said he hasn't talked with Jeremy about these things in 3 years. I dunno, maybe Jensen was tired and was trying to not give too much away but I thought something was odd

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You know, I wouldn't be surprised if they flipped Cain and Abel on its head.  You know, this time Abel (Sam) kills Cain (Dean) to save him.  Then human Dean comes back... again.


I don't think Sam will try to kill Crowley.  I think Rowena and her "power base" are after him.  I think Sam and Dean (probably after he's re-humanized and realizes it was  Crowley's machinations that made him a demon) seek them out for help.  Or vice versa.


But I'm probably wrong.

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I have yet to not see Jensen excited at the start of a season. Every year the rumor gets started that Jensen is unhappy, but I'm thinking it's probably more projecting.  I doubt every storyline has been his favorite, but all I ever see is a guy that's happy to be working and working with people he likes and playing a character he enjoys. I also think he's wearing the directing after-glow right now, too.

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Raise your hand if you want to see Dean take him to task and Sam give Dean a verbal bitchslap - GADREEL!   I mean really, I ADORE YOU DEAN but you let Sam be possessed.  Better not come down too hard on Sammy doing something shady else.


The Purge was on last night. And man upon rewatch that speech is even worse the 2nd time around. There was much debate about whether Sam ever actually meant the no brothers thing. I am absolutely convinced he did when he said because in the Purge, Dean brought up the no brothers thing and Sam said 'Yes it is strictly business". Then combine that with Sam's speech, I think Sam has already said all the worst things he could have said to Dean. What else is there for Sam to say?

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I have yet to not see Jensen excited at the start of a season. 

Last year at Comic Con he looked ready to die of boredom because he just had nothing to talk about for his character. And in all the early interviews that followed when Jared went on and on and on over his, as he called it, "wet dream of a storyline", Jensen had a completely vacant look in his eyes. I don`t know what he was but that was the farthest from happy and excited I can think of.


Compared to the Comic Con pre-Season 4 where he was practically vibrating with excitement or pre-Season 8 where he was jumping in joy over Purgatory. I believe pre.Season 6 and 7, especially 7, he didn`t look thrilled. I mean "domestic Dean" and "guilty cheerleader nursemaid" are the only two "stories" where he openly came out later and said he didn`t like them.


So, I do see a significant level of change there for the various pre-Seasons. This time he appears happy. And I would say not unhappy with the character trajectory either.  

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that Jensen is unhappy, but I'm thinking it's probably more projecting.  I doubt every storyline has been his favorite, but all I ever see is a guy that's happy to be working and working with people he likes and playing a character he enjoys. I also think he's wearing the directing after-glow right now, too.



I'm not projecting. I was expecting him to be more like, "yup this is gonna be great!"  like he was at the beginning of s8 with the Purgatory line. I mean that kind of oozed out of his pores at how excited he was about that. And then later he said he was a little disappointed that it was put away as quickly as it was. Even in his interviews before Demon!Dean reveal, he said "Well, Okay I guess we're gonna go there".  And to be fair, the guy is always going to be professional about the beginning of the season and never say something negative.  Just my interpretation of those 4 specific on camera interviews.  I think he is very excited about the directing though. 

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My point was, it's all interpretation. I thought he was very giddy with excitement at the start of S6, pretty much the same as he was in S8 and S10. In fact he gave a bunch of interviews at the beginning of S6 saying he was the most excited he'd been in years because it was their chance to push the reset button on the series. I don't know, but I feel like every season he's gotten to direct, he's the most lively--but that's just my personal take on it. I think he really enjoys that process and he's usually directing his episode around the time these first interviews and spoilers come around, so he seems to still be wearing the director's glow. I didn't see him at all "dead-eyed" last season, anymore than I saw him jumping for joy at the beginning of S4. What I saw at the start of S7 and S9 was tired guy. I didn't see him all that unhappy, but in the case of last season he was a new father and looked tired to me and maybe had his mind on other things that may have been more important to him at the time than sitting in a convention room answering the same questions he's answered many times over about a fictional character he plays on a silly TV show. I just have a harder time taking a few comments from an interview and drawing conclusions that he's happy or unhappy unless he actually speaks those words for himself.


It just seems like every year folks try to say that Jensen is happy or unhappy based on whether they themselves are happy or unhappy about what Dean is doing. Just an observation on my part, I don't have any hard sciency data to back me up or anything.

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I have to take a little exception to the idea that viewers that might not like Dean's story are unable to detach their opinion of the story with an actor's demeanor in an interview. I did not watch SPN until Nov 2013. I mainlined all 8 seasons in like 5 months so I didn't know anything about Dean's storyline or Jensens demeanor pre-s8.  I only saw those interviews well after the fact having watched s8 which has been in the past like in the past few months. I had no prior knowledge of any of that. Every interview Jensen gave he was obviously happy that Dean was getting an arc of his own with s8 and that Dean would be having new relationships with new characters. He didn't seem to be holding back any enthusiasm.  Midway through s9 when the MoC storyline broke Jensen seemed equally excited.  Again I didn't see any interviews pre-s9 because I wasn't watching live.  So for me my opinion of the story is not informing my interpretation of Jensen's demeanor.  I'm not seeing that level of excitement.  Just MO

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Our interpretations of events are always affected by our own experiences.  Now, that's not a word I use lightly.  We may not even realize that we are being affected, but we are.


For example, my interpretations of Dean's behavior with Suzy (since it's been brought up) are affected by my own experiences.  I know that, but I don't apologize for it. That's why they are interpretations, not hard-and-fast facts.


Unless Jensen (or any actor) specifically says "I hate/love this story line!", we have to interpret, based on his other words, actions, facial expressions, voice inflections, etc. how he feels.  


But in the end, IMO, how he feels about a story line is borderline immaterial.  His own feelings will be affected by not just the story itself, but how he gets to play it.  Being a bad guy is fun.  He may not like everything that Demon Dean is going to do, but he's probably going to have a hell of a time playing it.  Hell, he may be happy about it because it means more time off.  We just don't know unless he expressly says.


As always, YMMV -- and every opinion is valid.

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I've seen Jensen tired at conventions, season 1 falling asleep and Jared poking him awake and Jensen responding, "I'm awake." 


I really wondered season 6 if he was unhappy as rumors were being expressed and looking at the interviews I really wondered how much he liked it. 


Jared made it clear recently that he thought season 7 would be the end of the show.


Jensen is also reflective and since he's had his storyline disappear he just may not be thinking he needs to be this invested in this storyline.  But I agree that he loves directing and gets excited about it.


Some cons he is really having fun and when he does he is so fun to watch.  Now is he really tired and having trouble focusing on the questions I don't know.  But I think he is enjoying working with his dysfunctional family, his words. Any job even one you love can get old and you can have some bad days where you really wonder why you're doing it in the first place.  When I'm directing, there are times I'm pulling my hair out and asking myself why did I put myself in this position to begin with, on those days I could easily say I hate my job but two days later be back to no I like it.


He's always stated that he just acts what's on the page and that's his job.  He's also very smart and won't be burning any bridges so he can get work after Supernatural.  Jared is harder to pend down because he is always excited about the new season.  Even if some of us are cringing and not jumping down with excitement.


I also remember interviews where he is complaining about having to do something that is really hard, like the End and saying he never wants to do it again, even though he gave outstanding performances.  I would say that he is waiting to see how the audience responds, because in an interview he was sure everyone would hate Lisa and Ben and it got mix reviews.  Some did hate it but others didn't.  I also think he is overwhelmed right now, directing is a big job and add to the mix heavy eps with him in it, he could easily be very tired.


I've also seen him say I'm not a singer and yet he has really nice song out, so I'll wait and see before I decide anything.  Not saying your wrong that he's not as excited just not sure as it is as simple as that.


But I think if he really didn't like it or felt that he could no longer play what they are writing on the page, he won't resigned after season 10.


However he did seem excited at the end of season 9 so...who knows.  :)

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Aeryn13 & catrox14: my apologies!  I mean Dean verbal bitchslap Sam.  I totally get what your saying.  I just screwed up what I wrote.  I want Dean to take Sam to task for being a hypocrite and giving him hell last year. 


Jensen's 'tude: Suzanne Gomez (aka @Chico6 on twitter), mentioned that she "poured" the exhausted Jensen into a taxi cab at the end of the TCA day.  Between directing and filming prep, dude is tired.  Personally I thought he was pumped. 


On "chivalrous womanizer" vs "asshole": I'm glad Jensen made that distinction.  Because it means it's intentional and we are not supposed to like it.  


On Suzy: Mileage varies.


On Rowena actress: She's pretty. I hope they let her keep her auburn hair. 


Other tidbits: If you follow Mark Sheppard on twitter, then you know the dude is getting in shape.  He's lost some weight and hitting the cardio daily I think.  Perhaps they've warned him of a shirtless scene?  Wouldn't be the first time.  Personally I think he's a sexy beast. 

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Jensen is also reflective and since he's had his storyline disappear he just may not be thinking he needs to be this invested in this storyline.  But I agree that he loves directing and gets excited about it.

This is a really good point. Maybe he's holding back because he's had his storylines yanked right out from him and truncated too soon. 

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I want Dean to take Sam to task for being a hypocrite and giving him hell last year.


Wish I could agree with you, but I don't want to see this really.


I was already annoyed that the story turned Sam into a hypocrite to begin with (which I think that I predicted would happen back on TWoP) rather than deal with the fact that what Dean did - and moreso the lying - was wrong. Instead of the story having the guts to have Dean actually do something like that and admit he was wrong about it - which he did not really - the writers just had Sam do the same thing to make Sam even more wrong (as usual).


And now instead of having the guts to have Dean go demon and maybe - gasp - be a bit bad, they'll have Sam do something even worse so that once again, he's the bad guy who deserves to get verbally chastised by Dean. When Dean gets chastised, it's made apparent that poor Dean doesn't deserve it. But the writers generally seem to make sure that Sam is the one in the wrong in the relationship - even when Sam has a legitimate gripe.


I had enough of Sam having to work to gain Dean's trust back in season 5 after his character got trashed in season 4. And then after Sam finally got to be in a good place character-wise again in season 7, he got dragged through the mud narrative-wise again in season 8. So Sam finally has a legitimate gripe in season 9, and instead of Sam getting to address an important problem in his and Dean's relationship, Sam is again turned into the bad guy of the relationship and a hypocrite to boot.


My questions are: why the hell does Sam have to almost always be the "bad guy" in the brother relationship? What is the point of making it so one-sided and why would a writer do that to one of his/her major characters that isn't supposed to be a villain? When is Sam allowed to just be a good guy again (which he hasn't been allowed to be since season 7)?


I'm personally tired of Sam having to be in a position that he deserves to be verbally bitch-slapped by Dean. It often isn't necessary in my opinion for the writers to put Sam in that position, so it must be deliberate. I'd prefer they just let Sam act like Sam - well like Sam before Carver got a hold of him anyway, since Carver's Sam is often a Sam whose actions I don't understand, nor is Sam allowed to explain them.


But I shouldn't be surprised. As soon as Dean became a demon, I'm pretty sure that I predicted that Dean wouldn't be that bad as a demon and that Sam would be made to do something worse so as to make Dean look not so bad in comparison... and that was well before these spoilers.


My hope is that Jared from his interview above is correct - that Sam is now of the opinion that Dean is not a demon by his choosing and that Sam is committed to helping Dean get back to himself. And if Dean then wants to be angry at Sam for helping him, fine, but at least I'll sympathize with Sam. Because if Dean is going to be angry and resentful at Sam for not having looked for him in season 8, I don't think he should then complain when Sam does do all he can to look for Dean in season 10 (but then again - as I said above with the revenge example, sometimes Sam is wrong no matter which side of the decision he chooses, so...).


*Sigh* this show makes me crazy.

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Wish I could agree with you, but I don't want to see this really.


Just so there's no confusion. I adore Sam and I want nothing but Sam to be a BIG DAMN HERO this season.  The reason I want Dean to take him to task is because while I believe Sam absolutely should have drawn some lines with Dean (and that he absolutely deserved a proper apology and heart-to-heart FROM Dean), I just think the "no brothers" thing was a really bad idea.  But I also believe Sam was totally messed up by what happened.  So I'm not remotely mad at him -- I just thiink he needs to be handed this one back. Because he HAD to know he gutted Dean.  And if he didn't -- I want him to know it.  And THEN I want him to turn around and have a real talk with Dean (I know, I know... and unicorns will fly out of my butt someday too). **sigh**  I also would LOVE for Dean to acknowledge just how much he screwed up Sam with the Gadreel maneuver. 


A new interview (Access Hollywood):



...Making up for lost time... sounds fun.

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 rather than deal with the fact that what Dean did - and moreso the lying - was wrong. Instead of the story having the guts to have Dean actually do something like that and admit he was wrong about it - which he did not really - the writers just had Sam do the same thing to make Sam even more wrong (as usual).

And now instead of having the guts to have Dean go demon and maybe - gasp - be a bit bad, they'll have Sam do something even worse so that once again, he's the bad guy who deserves to get verbally chastised by Dean. When Dean gets chastised, it's made apparent that poor Dean doesn't deserve it. But the writers generally seem to make sure that Sam is the one in the wrong in the relationship - even when Sam has a legitimate gripe.

My questions are: why the hell does Sam have to almost always be the "bad guy" in the brother relationship? What is the point of making it so one-sided

But I shouldn't be surprised. As soon as Dean became a demon, I'm pretty sure that I predicted that Dean wouldn't be that bad as a demon and that Sam would be made to do something worse so as to make Dean look not so bad in comparison... and that was well before these spoilers.


Exactly. I agree with7kstar about exploring Sam's dark side but he is not the monster here.


Demon Dean just sounds a lot like himself only with no inhibitions. So the worse he is going to do is sleep around and be a misogynist. Ho hum.

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So I was prowiling around Tumblr and came across this quote from Nicki Aycox.  


"Jensen absolutely refused to ‘hit’ Meg in that original Devil’s Trap exorcism. Until Me and Kim convinced him, he outright didn’t find it acceptable to even fake hitting a girl. My words were ‘Dude, she’s talking about your momma and she’s a DEMON, of COURSE you’re gonna hit her!’"


I just think this says so much about Jensen.  And it makes me think if Dean is going to be terrible to women as a demon, I wonder if Jensen is going to really struggle with this.

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I'm gonna say it's probably his strict southern/Texas gentleman upbringing.  ;-)  


ETA  Not a genuine comment on how Jensen was raised, because I don't have a clue.  More a general comment on how many men in the south/Texas view hitting women.


For example, when we told me dad that my husband and I were engaged, he sat my husband down and said, "If you ever touch my daughter, I will start with your fingers and break all the way to your shoulder."  My husband is 8 inches taller than my dad, but he didn't, for a moment, think that my dad couldn't or wouldn't break every bone in his body if he hit me.


Of course, my dad would have to make do with what would be left of my husband after I was done with him.  ;-)

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