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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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Jack Ketch was the name of a notorious executioner in 17th century England. Check out his wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ketch

Of special interest: "Because of his botched executions, the name "Jack Ketch" is used as a proverbial name for death, Satan, and executioner."

The name is too rare for me to think it is a coincidence. Could just be a wink to people who know the history, but it could be more as well. This guy could very well BE the original Jack Ketch. 

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So, after Mama Mia I got to thinking, remember when they were filming episode 8 and Alaina Huffman and Ty Olsen were on set? Now, it could be they were there for a whole bunch of reasons, but I'm now wondering if Dean doesn't get his own hallucination spell done on him and we see the dead are back...maybe even Death? Love me some Death! ;)

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20 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

Hee! I think Mary and Rowena together would be just hilarious. Rowena can blather on about how she was a career woman all these years, Mary can talk about what it feels like to be a revenant...you're right, they need Jodi to roll her eyes at them and tell them to suck it up! ;)

Oh!  And Donna could join them as the plucky comic relief!  ;-)

4 hours ago, companionenvy said:

Jack Ketch was the name of a notorious executioner in 17th century England. Check out his wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ketch

Of special interest: "Because of his botched executions, the name "Jack Ketch" is used as a proverbial name for death, Satan, and executioner."

The name is too rare for me to think it is a coincidence. Could just be a wink to people who know the history, but it could be more as well. This guy could very well BE the original Jack Ketch. 

Last year (maybe?), I speculated that John Dee was Crowley's dad.  That didn't seem to pan out, so I was thinking that with this whole BMoL and the spellwork, that he might be one of the "old men" Lady I'mNotGoodAtMakingUpNicknames was talking about.

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The One You've Been Waiting For






“The One You’ve Been Waiting For” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)

EVERYBODY STILL HATES HITLER – After learning that the soul of Adolf Hitler has been trapped in a 1930’s gold pocket watch, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) must act quickly to prevent a group of Nazi necromancers from resurrecting the Führer. Meredith Glynn penned the episode directed by Nina Lopez-Corrado. (#1205) Original airdate 11/10/2016.


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9 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

The One You've Been Waiting For



“The One You’ve Been Waiting For” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)

EVERYBODY STILL HATES HITLER – After learning that the soul of Adolf Hitler has been trapped in a 1930’s gold pocket watch, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) must act quickly to prevent a group of Nazi necromancers from resurrecting the Führer. Meredith Glynn penned the episode directed by Nina Lopez-Corrado. (#1205) Original airdate 11/10/2016.

Intrigued! Hitler's been trapped in a pocket watch? Now that sounds more like the show I used to know...you know, the show that didn't take itself too seriously and was fun! 

Plus, Aaron and his delightful Golem are supposed to be back, right? Love that! ;)

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This is SpoilerTV's copy of the press release.  Oh, CW, I wonder who made this mistake.


“The One You’ve Been Waiting For” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)

EVERYBODY STILL HATES HITLER – After learning that the soul of Adolf Hitler has been trapped in a 1930’s gold pocket watch, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) must act quickly to prevent a group of Nazi necromancers from resurrecting the Füror. Meredith Glynn penned the episode directed by Nina Lopez-Corrado. (#1205) Original airdate 11/10/2016.

Yeah, Führer and füror mean different things.  I'm not even sure that füror is a legit German word.  (My spellcheck certainly doesn't like it.)

Edited by Demented Daisy
Whoops! Accidentally put it in a spoiler block instead of quote. All fixed now.
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I hate Nazi episodes as a general rule, but Supernatural's track record with them is actually pretty good. Or at least, the episode with Aaron was good! And the other Nazi episodes have been OK. So fingers crossed that it's actually fun. And maybe even a bit better than last season's submarine cheesefest.

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"Furore" is a German word, it means something garnering lots of attention, making big waves etc. But I have never seen or heard "füror" before, till this poor intern apparently typed up the  episode synopsis.

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I like Mary's haircut.  That's probably really gonna throw Dean off LOL. 

I saw the name Lucas on the tombstone and thought for a minute it was Lucas from Dead in the Water but his last name is Barr unless he changed his name.

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5 minutes ago, Diane said:

I love Crowley and his umbrella drinks, makes me giggle every time. My 6'9 younger brother loves umbrella drinks, also makes me giggle.

I didn't see a pitchfork :(. Maybe he can only get that at demon bars.

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Just now, catrox14 said:

I didn't see a pitchfork :(. Maybe he can only get that at demon bars.

Now that's funny. I always have to laugh when they talk about how big Jared is and I think we'll my dad is 6'7 and my baby brother is 6'9 not so much. I think my idea of tall is warped.

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Dutiful Sam.  It looks good on him.  And look how the boys are so attentive when Mary is talking.  D'awwwww.  

Mary and Cas must talk at the start of the episode (based on Mary's hair and Cas' plot)  I'm glad that Cas doesn't just show up elsewhere to be with Crowley.  

Team Winchester Hunters!  Can't wait.

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Is 250th the episode in which  Jensen spoke about Dean having to face  a fear that is not a monster? I sure hope they don't make his fear into a joke. That's MY fear. I hope it's something serious and is treated seriously. 

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3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Is 250th the episode in which  Jensen spoke about Dean having to face  a fear that is not a monster? I sure hope they don't make his fear into a joke. That's MY fear. I hope it's something serious and is treated seriously. 

I hope they won't go there but, maybe the "fear" is him having to choose between Mary and Sam?

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Is 250th the episode in which  Jensen spoke about Dean having to face  a fear that is not a monster? I sure hope they don't make his fear into a joke. That's MY fear. I hope it's something serious and is treated seriously. 

Agree with that!  So what do we know Dean is afraid of?

  • flying (because DUH)
  • losing Sam
  • losing Mom
  • becoming a demon
  • trapped in Hell forever
  • also what @goldy just said, having to choose between Sam and Mom
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2 minutes ago, pixelcat said:

Agree with that!  So what do we know Dean is afraid of?

  • flying (because DUH)
  • losing Sam
  • losing Mom
  • becoming a demon
  • trapped in Hell forever
  • also what @goldy just said, having to choose between Sam and Mom

other fears

  • Lisa and Ben being killed by demons OR remembering him
  • Cas dying
  • Becoming Michael's vessel, although that's not so much a fear as just flat not wanting to do it unless they were out of options.
  • Being subsumed by Amara
  • Sam being Lucifer's vessel again
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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I sure hope they don't make his fear into a joke.


1 minute ago, Bessie said:


I suspect whatever it is, it will be played for laughs.

It would only be fair, considering how much mileage they've gotten out of Sam's coulrophobia.  

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32 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:


It would only be fair, considering how much mileage they've gotten out of Sam's coulrophobia.  

Eh, it's not as though Dean's fears have never been played for laughs. His fear of flying in Phantom Traveler & Weekend at Bobby's; Yellow Fever with the ghost sickness/generalized anxiety and panic was played for laughs for pretty much the entire episode even though it wasn't actually a funny situation. It wasn't Dean OWN fears but it was still played for laughs and Dean was teased by Sam and Bobby at the end of the episode.

If we find out that Dean is afraid of Mary finding out he watches porn, or he's afraid of the number 13, something silly, fine play it for laughs. But I won't be down with it being a real deep soul shattering fear like @goldy & @pixelcat have suggested, being played for laughs.

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Why would they do that?  That sounds like serious disrespect of the character

That has never once stopped them before.

But I didn`t get the impression it was gonna be comedic. However, I did not read the bit about Sam having to fix it. Not a fan of damsel-dom, sigh.    

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9 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

That has never once stopped them before.

I disagree, but I think that conversation is better suited to the All Episodes thread, if anyone wishes to continue it.

Edited by Demented Daisy
To fix title of thread.
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1 hour ago, Demented Daisy said:

Why would they do that?  That sounds like serious disrespect of the character and not something that (IMO) Jensen or TPTB would be willing to do.

They've done it before

If Sam has to fix it for Dean, sounds like it's not about Sam. Unless Dean believes Sam is dead and he needs to convince Dean that he's not dead. I'm just wondering what Sam could fix that is a real fear that everyone might face. Maybe Sam "fixing" it is not really fixing as it the sense of repairing a broken thing. But more like helping Dean to cope with it.

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Blech. I don't care for this actress. Oh look another redhead who is an old enemy of Castiel's? Say what?  Anna 2.0?


Witt says she’s been in Vancouver filming her role on the show, and is tight-lipped about her character, except to say that she “has a relationship with Castiel.” Witt quickly followed up to say that she “did not specify what *kind* of relationship” her character has with Cas, but TVLine has since confirmed that Witt’s character is named Lily Sunder, and she’s an old enemy of Castiel’s.


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Hmm. The character has a last name? She's probably not an angel or a demon then. Why would Castiel have a non-angel or non-demon enemy? And an "old enemy" at that? And how "old?" If it's a non-demon or angel enemy, it couldn't be too old.

Leviathan maybe? Nah. They wouldn't bring leviathans back.

I got nothing.

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31 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Is Alicia Witt a "get" for SPN?

Probably. For me, it's not.  I did not care for her at all on Justifed or the Walking Dead but I liked her on Cybill. Oh wait, Jensen was on Cybill with her back in the day..maybe he did her a solid.

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I doubt she's a get. I watch TWD and I don't even remember who she was on that show. To be fair, I'm not a huge fan of TWD or anything but come on.

I find it ironic that the show makes Jensen and Jared, who look nothing alike, keep their hair as different as possible in order to keep viewers from getting confused...while hiring this woman and the woman who plays Toni to both play "old enemies that we've never seen before" roles in the same season. They look so much alike to me that I'm already feeling like this storyline is stale and we don't even know what it is yet. Not that the "old enemies we've never seen before" storyline wasn't stale before this season anyway but eh.

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A bad employee at the Gas & Sip? Just Kidding. 

I think they'll have to break canon for this one, unless she's over 2000 years old. Because Cas hadn't been on earth for 2000 years before he gripped Dean tight and raised him from Perdition.  So, either a really old witch or something else.  Plain human would surprise me.

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