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I don't miss Marlowe.  The new show-runners are, in my IMO, clueless, but it doesn't 'make me miss Marlowe.  He swung and missed more than he hit a home-run.  I agree, they didn't develop the secondary cast (that was Marlowe) and it brought more hours, and work for the two leads.  I've written before, I don't' think any show has worked their leads like Marlowe worked NF and SK. 


I almost wonder if this is like the X-Files.  It ends, grows in audience over time, and a revival happens down the road.

  • Love 3

For me Ryan and Esposito were just never defined or developed nearly enough for me to want to see them carry a show. Ryan is IMO still mostly a generic, personality-free guy played by an actor who makes the role a little more appealing than it would be otherwise, while what little we see of Esposito's personality is mildly to moderately unlikable to me. I like 'buddy cop' stuff as a general rule, but these two just aren't likable/vibrant/well-defined/etc. enough for me to want to see more of them than we already do. 

I do like Ryan's character  and agree that SD has done a good job on filling it out. He was very good in the Wild Rover episode.

I suspect JH could be better if he had been given a little more leeway-- even just mentioning some of his lady friends after the episode is over (the mother from the Santa ep, and of course the subway cop). And of course, he seems to have been abandoned by his family when he became a cop. It would be interesting to have that come up again.

Jon H to me is the weak link, he stumbles on lines, and is often in the blooper reel more than anyone else.  He appears to be a close friend of Stana, and does have good chemistry with Seamus and her, but after that,  not so much IMO.  The episode with the Transit Cop was his best work, and SD did bring it in Wild Rover, but not enough to put them in lead character status.  Think about the guest stars, #1 Fan Emma, Rover female Jeavan who not household names stole the show.  The fire burning was blah, and unbelievable to me, compared to Stana's delivery of Probable cause where she looked like she had been crying for weeks over RC's arrest for murder,  Good Actors yes,  Lead and Stars , Not Yet.   Jon needs to loose the Bad Ass Cop / Service persona, it is getting old  Your Opinion will probably vary

None of the secondary cast have been developed sufficiently enough to carry anything, the proof for me is if any of them got killed off would I care that much and aside from Martha the answer is no, after 8 years it's shocking how little emotional investment I have in the secondary characters or wish to have them suddenly thrust in the spotlight further and I've absolutely zero interest in the recent additions of Hayley and Vikram. Especially Vikram he makes my skin crawl. If TPTB want to do a spin off I have to want to watch more of these people and I don't.


I agree with Break21, Stana and Nathan were worked to death by Marlowe, they were almost in every scene during some episodes and that was always going to take a toll eventually and he should have foreseen that but instead stuck his head in the sand and if anything it got worse. It says something that some of the secondary cast were way better developed in S1/S2, may be he assumed the show would get cancelled and he wouldn't have to deal with it. I've often thought Marlowe only had about 4 seasons planned out in his head and after that he didn't have a clue what to do with any of the cast but in particular Castle and Beckett, especially once they got together. 


I almost wonder if this is like the X-Files.  It ends, grows in audience over time, and a revival happens down the road.

But the X Files was so much bigger than Castle in terms of the impact it made, even if it did go off the rails at the end like many shows tend to do, in comparison I don't see Castle getting a revival in years to come. It would also require the two leads to want to actively work together again and promote the hell out the new show (like GA and DD are doing and then some) and whilst GA and DD I gather were at odds when the original show ended yet are currently all over each other like a bad rash I have my doubts about the Castle pairing doing likewise.  I think fans have to accept once Castle is done it's done. 


I don't miss Marlowe.  The new show-runners are, in my IMO, clueless, but it doesn't 'make me miss Marlowe.  He swung and missed more than he hit a home-run.


Marlowe was a hack so I don't miss him as a showrunner, time can make people forget the bad stuff but the scary thing about the current writers is they appear so clueless and deluded that it's making Marlowe almost look good in comparison to some folks. If Hawley did leave for pastures new and the show carried on I certainly wouldn't be asking for MilMar to return. 

⭐️Cupkate ‏@katicangel  7h7 hours ago
IF this is really the "Always" bracelet what she wears, I'm going to be emotionally unstable #Castle



I can guarantee I will not be getting "emotionally unstable" if I see a that piece of jewellery, i thought it was as tacky as hell and yet another example of Castle's appalling taste in gift giving but I can see it will cause a total meltdown on tumblr if Luke confirms it is lol.  


Also if they're trying to fool big bad Locksat should she really be wearing such a token of love and adoration from her beloved husband?  It might give them another whopping great big clue they're still loved up and together. Sigh.

Edited by verdana
  • Love 1

The clues are everywhere for Locksat. Its just AH thats clueless.


I suspect LokSat is confused as hell. Beckett's sneaky plan to bring him down to date:


1. Having the NYPD take over the case of the dead FBI agent(but so far doing nothing with it).

2. Hiring Vikram (the man LokSat is fully aware of & has tried to kill more than once) just days after first encountering him.

3. Working out (looking all intense & badass).

4. Leaving Castle (but working with him every day & occasionally having sex with him).

5. Hanging out in a strip club looking at files with Vikrum.


If anything LokSat is probably laughing his ass off (I know I am) trying to take this bullshit seriously.

  • Love 6

Gina Torres reminisces about her various roles, including Castle & Firefly:



And for those interested, go back a few and the entry for Firefly features a Nathan side boob heh.


I think Gina's a talented actress with a strong screen presence deserving of a starring role.  I enjoyed her work on Castle as it was something very different from her usual, and the comedy was fun in that episode too.  Still laugh remembering how Castle ended up addicted to that reality show and his face when he was watching it, and bonding over it with Gates the next day.  Just a shame that Gina and Nathan didn't really interact and get to really banter.


I have to say I'm not that impressed with her outfit here looks like she's just got out of bed and put a robe on then skipped to work.

I'm not even going to start on Castle's wardrobe....sigh


At least they're matching? ;)  Want to bet that Beckett's coat costs thousands of dollars and is some designer label while Castle's is Made (poorly) by Luke as usual.  The sleeves!  The sleeves!  Does Nathan have mutant arms of varying lengths which make it so hard for Luke to get the arm length right? ;)  If you can't even get something as basic as the sleeves right in a bespoke piece, then what's the point of it being bespoke at all?!  Must be nice to have a super generous budget to spend often frivolously on clothes and have your own DIY tailoring experiments which don't turn out so good but still get seen by millions! ;)  


Verdana, I didn't mean to obsess about the sleeves either but looking at the new batch of promo pics where Castle's standing at a lectern (always nice to see his author persona and the Heat books featured!), his overlong sleeves were a terrible distraction from my appreciation of his hair! :P ;)   And you just know it's a Luke production when you look at that bespoke chest pocket.  Why can't he just go with the classic pocket I'll never know.  The less his "flourishes", the better. 


I am interested in the premises of the episodes featured in the pics.  Martha's theatre finally gets a mention, yay.  (Sadly, I think her last real impactful story of her own may be her Chet story?)  But poor Susan doesn't even get a look in in the promo pics.  I hope there's more of her in the actual episode.  I do want to get a sense of how her theatre is going and maybe even glimpse her as a dramatic drama teacher.   And always happy to see them out of the usual precinct cycle, so the courtroom one will hopefully be good.  Not too keen on that antagonist D.A. character who looks smarmy.  I'd like to be surprised but you can already imagine that trope of a character.  Hope he doesn't suck up too much screentime having one on ones with Beckett.


Caption for finger pointing Castle in the courtroom: "J'accuse!". :P


Prepared to handwave a lot of the dramatics that would never happen in a real courtroom.  As long as the story holds my interest....


I can guarantee I will not be getting "emotionally unstable" if I see a that piece of jewellery, i thought it was as tacky as hell and yet another example of Castle's appalling taste in gift giving but I can see it will cause a total meltdown on tumblr if Luke confirms it is lol.


One of the (small) annoyances I have with the show is that we're stuck with Castle's poor taste in gift giving completely unbecoming of a self-proclaimed gift ninja due to the writers' lack of imagination (always jewellery) and also actually ugly stuff due to Luke's poor taste.  I don't know if Stana has any input into Beckett's jewellery, but I still question whether Beckett is a person who would be so into jewellery and also seek it out as a gift from her boyfriend.  It's the same thing with the clothes and the makeup.  Sorry, but to this day, that just doesn't jive with the Beckett who really left an imprint on my mind as someone who didn't have a nice dress in her wardrobe and couldn't really tell a good one from an ugly one in S1.  Other than the jewellery she wore for sentimental value, I didn't detect any sign that that was something she was keen on.  Maybe I'm self-projecting.  Oh well, just got to accept that S1 Beckett's gone for good and been gone for a while already.


Count me in as another who definitely doesn't miss Marlowe.  In assessing his record on Castle, I don't rate him as a particularly good writer (except for S1) or as a particularly good showrunner.  Will be interesting to see what kind of show he does next (and I see that the Bones showrunners have yet another show ordered to pilot), whether it's more of the old or something genuinely new and creative.


I don't fault Molly either for RT something that is to her own interest.  It's no different than what the other cast do when they get a special mention or featured more. Their social media is mostly about promoting themselves first and foremost, and their audience isn't just Castle fans.  She should have envisaged the kind of reaction she would have gotten, but if you're only going to tweet according to fans' sensitivities, you might not tweet much at all. ;)


I did laugh also at Seamus' tweet earlier basically suggesting people stop tweeting him pics that have nothing to do with him.  His character already exists to service the leads on the show, don't blame him for not wanting the same on his own twitter!

Seamus Dever ‏@seamusdever  
Y'all know that you tag me in some weird pictures, right? So you're thinking "he's not in this picture but I thought he should know it?"


Love Susan, heh.



The answer for me right now is that there's no real point speculating because of insufficient data, so I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the season with my glass half full.  There's no real way of knowing which way the actors will go because we don't know what they're thinking.  If I were them, a lot would depend on what career opportunities are open to me elsewhere (which we know nothing about) vs what I have on Castle (no small paycheck!), and I would also think about whether I'm still enjoying my job on some level or if the grind and physical/creative fatigue has me beat.  Que sera sera.


OT: I was just a casual viewer of TXF back in the day.  Watched the first ep of the revival, and am I the only one that was underwhelmed?   I understand conspiracy and mythology are part of the show, but all that was just gobbledegook to me.

Edited by madmaverick

Castle - Episode 8.10 - Witness for the Prosecution - Promotional Photos + Press Release


I'm really looking forward to this episode in court more than 8.09, looks like Castle is also at some presentation of his latest book there too. 


I didn't mean to obsess about the sleeves either but looking at the new batch of promo pics where Castle's standing at a lectern (always nice to see his author persona and the Heat books featured!), his overlong sleeves were a terrible distraction from my appreciation of his hair! :P ;)



Obsess away. Holy crap did you mean this one. Argh! Luke must be having a final hurrah figuring if this is the last season the lets go all out on making sure even fans wanting to appreciate Mr Fillion's fine hair are unable to do so without having to get past the horror of those extra long sleeves and jacket. 


Does Nathan have mutant arms of varying lengths which make it so hard for Luke to get the arm length right? ;)


Heh, I can't get past thinking about Nathan and his "mutant arms" when I see those pics now, it's possible because otherwise why are they getting something basic like that so wrong?  For a split second I thought Beckett was wearing the black turtle neck of doom but realised when I looked closer she's just in super serious court room mode with her hair put up not sure I'm entirely a fan of that look. 


I feel sorry for Seamus lol poor guy, that would be another reason not to be on twitter all the crap you get tweeted by fans in their own little world they think the actors would obviously love to see it too, what a pain. 


madmaverick. I agree with you about the DA, whenever he pops up all I can see is the word "SMARMY" flashing in front of me in big letters lol.  


TWP. It's been firmly established as yet but I'm hoping that when the big reveal finally arrives Hawley goes for the Bloefeld model because nothing screams TV Trope supervillain more. 

Edited by verdana

One of the (small) annoyances I have with the show is that we're stuck with Castle's poor taste in gift giving completely unbecoming of a self-proclaimed gift ninja due to the writers' lack of imagination (always jewellery) and also actually ugly stuff due to Luke's poor taste.  I don't know if Stana has any input into Beckett's jewellery, but I still question whether Beckett is a person who would be so into jewellery and also seek it out as a gift from her boyfriend.  It's the same thing with the clothes and the makeup.  Sorry, but to this day, that just doesn't jive with the Beckett who really left an imprint on my mind as someone who didn't have a nice dress in her wardrobe and couldn't really tell a good one from an ugly one in S1.  Other than the jewellery she wore for sentimental value, I didn't detect any sign that that was something she was keen on.  Maybe I'm self-projecting.  Oh well, just got to accept that S1 Beckett's gone for good and been gone for a while already.


My own explanation for this is that Beckett actually isn't all that into jewelry, which is why she doesn't even realize the stuff from Castle is ugly.  She's just so in love with Castle that she likes anything he gives her.  I know there was an episode in season 5 where she told him she wanted jewelry, but I like to pretend she was just kidding. She doesn't wear much jewelry, so I can buy she just has the stuff that he gave her and wouldn't be that into it if she had to buy it her.  It's kind of like how I think she only liked the ugly wedding dress because when she saw it she could only think about marrying Castle and it screwed up her judgement.


That certainly doesn't explain why Castle is so bad at picking out jewelry and coming up with original gifts.  It's not the writers' fault because they've let Beckett give some really meaningful, personal gifts. So they are capable of coming up with some.


TWP. It's been firmly established as yet but I'm hoping that when the big reveal finally arrives Hawley goes for the Bloefeld model because nothing screams TV Trope supervillain more.


Locksat is a person, but it seems like he has a whole organization behind him, and has people everywhere. Bracken was one of them, and this lawyer guy is another. But I guess they think if they take down the head the whole organization will crumble?


Re: The courtroom episode.  I'm really interested in how they show a trial, but I'm hoping they pull it off without Beckett and Castle looking like bad cops. It sounds like the premise is going to be that the person on trial wasn't really guilty, which means they were wrong and arrested the wrong guy.  I'm sure that happens to cops IRL, but it kind of messes up their record.

Fillionista ‏@TheCaskett  5 hrs5 hours ago

The news that @alan_tudyk will appear with @NathanFillion on #Castle makes my world go round.  #Browncoat joy


If this is true, lets hope they write a good part for him that allows Alan to play off the chemistry he has with Fillion.

Edited by verdana
  • Love 1


TWP. It's been firmly established as yet but I'm hoping that when the big reveal finally arrives Hawley goes for the Bloefeld model because nothing screams TV Trope supervillain more.


Yes, whoever it is, let's hope s/he has a shaved head, monocle, long-haired-scrunched-faced cat and a mini-me.  Would be SHAGADELIC! as they say.


Nathan:  I suspect he's written into his contract that he doesn't sit for wardrobe fittings....He'd rather just let the stuff hang on him, over-long sleeves and all.  You would think, for the right price, Krista Allen** would put a tape measure on him while he's sleeping or something.  I definitely don't blame wardrobe, given that most everyone else has pretty nicely fitting clothes.


**Disclaimer: Another of my contrarian views is that I really think Krista Allen is a nice person and Nathan is lucky to have her.  She is a dog person, for heaven's sake -- what more do I need to know about her?  I'm wasn't trying to cast aspersions on her or anything, just trying to be funny, via the notion that he could be measured for wardrobe while sleeping ;-).

  • Love 1

Hopefully Nathan and Alan will share more scenes on Castle than they did on Con Man, or Nathan and Gina did on Castle.  Although... it might actually be interesting to see Alan play the killer though there's not much room for banter and comedy in that!


I'm really looking forward to this episode in court more than 8.09, looks like Castle is also at some presentation of his latest book there too.



Looks like some kind of book club in a Desperate Housewives setting?


Holy crap did you mean this one.


Yeah, I did.  Nathan also has the bad habit, and his wardrobe person never seems to fix this either, of having his shirt cuff not sticking out of his suit jacket in the usual sartorial way.  Between his overlong sleeves, his big hands and the lack of cuff, it just looks a bit weird.


she's just in super serious court room mode with her hair put up not sure I'm entirely a fan of that look.


Now that's an outfit I may actually approximate from my wardrobe, although of course it doesn't cost a much as Stana's and I don't look as good as her.  I find the all black look a bit too severe though.  Not that I would rather see her have her blouse unbuttoned down to an inappropriate level like on some lawyer shows.  But I find Luke's idea of a 'super serious', 'super badass' look to be a bit too in your face if people know what I mean.  She can look perfectly fine and professional without a specific 'look'.  If Beckett can walk around with her curls bouncing when she's holding a gun, I'm sure she can manage the same in a courtroom instead of having her hair tied up in a bun to signify what, exactly?  The severe look for the courtroom is a cliche of sorts.


That certainly doesn't explain why Castle is so bad at picking out jewelry and coming up with original gifts.  It's not the writers' fault because they've let Beckett give some really meaningful, personal gifts. So they are capable of coming up with some.


Good on you for coming with your personal head canon about Beckett and jewellery, but it doesn't really work that way for me.  Castle used to give some really meaningful, personal gifts before they got together (dedication, fixing father's watch, Temptation Lane photo, Johanna Beckett scholarship) but the writers definitely got less imaginative with his gifts once Caskett got together.  The seashells were more imaginative, I guess, but they were ugly!  Beckett's drawer and birthday mystery were great, which is why I'd hoped Castle could catch up in the gift stakes as he would appear to be a romantic and imaginative person.


It sounds like the premise is going to be that the person on trial wasn't really guilty, which means they were wrong and arrested the wrong guy.  I'm sure that happens to cops IRL, but it kind of messes up their record.


That's an interesting premise that I've always hoped they would explore.  Along with something in their investigation/arrest being messed up procedure wise and leading to a guilty party's release.  I'd actually like to see Capt. Beckett reprimand a subordinate, or even the boys.


The X-Files mytharc in all its "glory" makes LokSat look like a paragon of coherence.


Heh.  Nicely done.


This excerpt in a Variety piece on TXF revival, and the author's an X-Phile, had me chuckling.

But some of the dialogue they’re saddled with, especially in the hollow and chaotic season premiere, is criminally clunky (Scully: “You want to believe. You so badly want to believe!” Mulder, later in the same scene: “The truth is out there, Scully!” Fan-fiction writers would be roasted for that kind of dialogue



Oh, I can think of quite a few criminally clunky lines on Castle which would never have appeared in good fanfic.


I do still think that, generally, dialogue is an area which has improved this season.

Barry O' Brien ‏@Barryjo1O  3 hrs3 hours ago

Molly Quinn graces Episode 816. #castleseason8


She looks more normally dressed there.

Barry O' Brien ‏@Barryjo1O  34 mins34 minutes agoBTS with Tom Wright and the ever elegant Susan Sullivan.  Episode 816. #castleseason8



Martha's in 8.16 hooray! I hope it's not a blink and you'll miss it scene again. I'm surprised she doesn't get neck ache wearing all that jewellery. 

Thank you for posting that video, turnitwayup, It reminded me to buy Con Man, so I have a happy evening planned.


Alan Tudyk was a terrifying villain (Alpha) on Dollhouse. He is a criminally underused actor. Mind you I like actors with faces-- like on Coronation Street.

Edited by femmefan1946
Castle used to give some really meaningful, personal gifts before they got together (dedication, fixing father's watch, Temptation Lane photo, Johanna Beckett scholarship) but the writers definitely got less imaginative with his gifts once Caskett got together.  The seashells were more imaginative, I guess, but they were ugly!  Beckett's drawer and birthday mystery were great, which is why I'd hoped Castle could catch up in the gift stakes as he would appear to be a romantic and imaginative person.


The book dedications continue to be very sweet and romantic, but sadly we haven't gotten to see them on the show. I'd really love to see Beckett's reaction to some of them post being a couple.  

Nathan and Alan on Fat Man on Batman. At 21 mins, Nathan mentions that Alan is coming to do an ep.


Alan had an idea for how he'd do a Castle episode and spoke of it at a con I attended.    I wonder if they'll use it, or try something else.


Definitely hope that he'll have more interaction with Castle than Gina Torres did when she did the show!  Such a disappointment.    I mean, they could have gotten any actress to do what Gina did on the show....it was so forgettable.

Edited by ZingerCaskett

So Google Translate is not the greatest, but I guess the problem is saying that the love story isn't the "bottom line" of the show?


I disagree, but without knowing exactly what he said in English it seems silly to get upset about.  It sounds like he was just saying the crime solving part is more important to the show.

Thanks, CastleSeason8.

The romance isn't what makes the show? He clearly doesn't know what makes his own show tick......too many 4am nights maybe ;-).

"Always" -- maybe the word he was thinking of when he spoke of trying to keep lines said over and over again fresh?

It occurred to me the other day that the word was maybe stolen from Star Wars. I don't know. But may the force be with you ;-)....always.

  • Love 1

Give the guy a truck load of cash....

I doubt Fillion at this point believes he's doing anything that artistically fulfilling as an actor when it comes to Castle but it is keeping his bank account healthy and paying those bills, right now I think he's happy to carry on for as long as the network want to keep flogging this sickly looking horse in whatever guise they dream up.  However, if he had anything better to do on the horizon I bet you wouldn't see him for dust (that goes for Katic too), that's Hollywood business for you lol.  


Haven't read that Spanish interview because things get lost in translation but if it's basically him saying that Caskett isn't the be all and end all that's no shocker, I don't understand why some fans keep getting upset it. It's abundantly clear to me he's no shipper and never has been, the romance is not the key thing for him and he doesn't have to be a shipper, he only needs to act it out once the cameras roll.  He just doesn't pretend that he overly cares about the romance when he could lie (and make his life so much easier on twitter heh) but I rather admire the fact he doesn't bother because I'm naturally cynical about a lot of stars PR games and their bullshit spin. 

Edited by verdana
  • Love 2

I doubt Fillion at this point believes he's doing anything that artistically fulfilling as an actor when it comes to Castle but it is keeping his bank account healthy and paying those bills, right now I think he's happy to carry on for as long as the network want to keep flogging this sickly looking horse in whatever guise they dream up. However, if he had anything better to do on the horizon I bet you wouldn't see him for dust (that goes for Katic too), that's Hollywood business for you lol

Yep and that's where my frustration lies I guess....as long as the price is right they will keep flogging this dead horse and it breaks my fangirl heart that I don't really want to even watch this anymore but as long as they keep offering up the big bucks this show is likely to continue on (life support)

Isn't 8 seasons enough for these people??? That's a great run and it's been a great show but all good things do come to an end eventually??!!


It's sad. While I understand that it's their job and they want to pay the bills, I hate that this seems to be all they care about, no matter how much damage they're doing to these characters and how much they're pissing the fans off who are the very reason they've been able to work at all for the past 8 years.



  • Love 3
It's sad. While I understand that it's their job and they want to pay the bills, I hate that this seems to be all they care about, no matter how much damage they're doing to these characters and how much they're pissing the fans off who are the very reason they've been able to work at all for the past 8 years.



But it's the writers who write the show, and the actors who act it, so I don't believe in blaming the latter if fans don't like the story being told.  I'm still enjoying the actors even when I question the story.  


Everyone cares about their paycheck, to varying degrees, at their jobs, and most of us care a lot even if it's not the only factor.  For actors, I would think the unusual and enviable position of having security of stable employment is also a big factor to be weighed against the unknown out there.  And I would think, finding enjoyment in the job and in the workplace still matters, even if it's not artistically fulfilling in every scene you have to grind out.  A lot could depend on what other opportunities they have out there.  What I'm saying, is, I don't think the concerns of the Castle actors in weighing their decision to stay or go isn't different to other actors, or other employees, out there.


As for his foreign language interview, I thought it was much ado about nothing, not surprising if something got lost in translation, nothing worthy of drama or hate.  But it's what those troublemakers peddle in when it comes to Nathan.  Same old song.  Why they can't use their energy to swoon over Stana's kissy photo instead, I don't know. ;)   


This made me laugh because of Bowman.

Jay Galbo ‏@jayway728  3h3 hours ago

#Castle quote of the morning by @NathanFillion "That back light looks good on you guys..I can see less of your face"





Nathan Fillion ‏@NathanFillion  3h3 hours ago

Nathan Fillion Retweeted Jay Galbo

Out of love… 


Aw.  Heh.  

Edited by madmaverick

From what I'm reading they're using their energy to defend it from Nathan fan's. ;) 


Didn't see anything wrong with that interview, and personally attacking someone on social media I'll never understand.

Why would Nathan's fans care about a photo of Stana kissing her husband?  


I'm happy for Stana or anyone if they are happy, but I also don't understand fans getting all over the moon (or the opposite) about a personal photo like this and going on about being proud and grateful to Stana for sharing.  Huh?  Celebrities' social media are their own and they share what they want to for their own reasons. Sharing PDA on social media isn't my kind of thing, but to each their own.  Sometimes I want to laugh at fans' level of personal investment in the relationships of people they don't actually know.  Why would your personal happiness be affected by the marriage of a celebrity?  Why do people get invested in the private lives of actors they like?  Isn't it enough just to enjoy the work and that actor on his/her own?  There's simple curiosity, but then there's way beyond... people getting really emotional about this sort of stuff, which isn't the least bit important to their own lives of course.

  • Love 3

Couple of quick thoughts while I'm in another airport.  First we know Stana and her Cryptic Tweets, she last released the photo of her and KB kissing in Greece, I am assuming when he or she asked and made the nuptials come true.  Now she posts this and with her earlier tweet in German about pleasures to come, could it be that she has another priority upcoming, time will tell and like someone said wish them all well, if they are happy Great.

Another Old saying comes to mind,   "Why make someone a Priority, when you are only an afterthought at best to them"  In 5 years when these "kids" have re-assessed their priorities I wonder how high up a TV Actress kissing her real life husband will be??


Why would Nathan's fans care about a photo of Stana kissing her husband?


You would probably have to ask them.  I'm not going to get into the ugliness and pettiness of both fandoms.


Why do you assume the fans complaining about this interview are all just Stana fans?  There are viewers out there who are fans of both and still don't like Nathan's stance on the romance.  Some of his fans have even criticized his performance in that area.  Anyone who has followed this Castle fandom knows there are segments of each actors fandoms that can get ugly and petty.

Edited by Thak
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Why do you assume the fans complaining about this interview are all just Stana fans?


I never said they all were.  But it's not hard to track down where the usual shit stirring originated from.  We've been here many times before.  I often don't agree with Nathan's opinions about the show either, but that's not the same as misconstruing his words, ignoring any context, and then using them to stir up hate and drama and untruths.


I don't know why you assume it's Nathan's fans who care about a photo of Stana kissing her husband either.  


I have no desire to get into the ugliness and pettiness of the fandom either, even if they like to spray all of us with their shit, excuse my language.  I'm just tired of people making drama where there should be none, and pitching one actor against the other, when it's not an either/or, or an us vs them.  Everyone can be on the same team but that seems like an alien concept to fans who thrive on divisiveness.

  • Love 1

I wouldn't blame any actor for settling in and enjoying the comfort of "just a job."  Were someone to offer me a position with a year's worth of job security, pampering in my trailer, summers off, where I could at least partially dictate when I take my mid-season trips to Hawaii...oh, and they paid me millions of dollars too?  I would jump at the chance.   Who wouldn't?  Personally, I find the "just a job" mentality a little refreshing in Hollywood.  When I used to watch TV award shows where Hollywood-ers talked about their *craaaaaft* (insert elistist accent), I thought I'd need to have my eyes surgically removed from how far they rolled back into my head.  Get over yourself, Hollywood.  Yours is the fluff and nonsense inserted so that we don't have to watch 100% Tide and toothpaste commercials.


If we're fans, I think maybe we should stop and smell the roses. Once our favorite actors are gone, they may really be gone, replaced by someone who is skinnier and smoother and maybe not as interesting as our beloved ones.  And gosh, I don't know how many TV shows I've given up on and then came back only for the finale so I could see how things resolved.  We can always do that.


I do not necessarily blame the writers for show direction.  Sometimes that is dictated by the stars' contracts -- and their trips to Hawaii/Europe/Timbuktoo.  This is possibly/likely so with Castle.

  • Love 3
I'm happy for Stana or anyone if they are happy, but I also don't understand fans getting all over the moon (or the opposite) about a personal photo like this and going on about being proud and grateful to Stana for sharing.  Huh?


I went to take a look. I couldn't help noticing that their eyes and lips were shrouded in darkness because of the hat and wondered if Katic had brought Bowman in to take it.  


Jay Galbo ‏@jayway728  3h3 hours ago

#Castle quote of the morning by @NathanFillion "That back light looks good on you guys..I can see less of your face"




I guess I should be thankful for small mercies that Bowman didn't direct the wedding episode, instead of that OTT sunset to enjoy I'd have got them kissing in silhouette. 


I see some fans are reading into this married bliss lark that this is Stana's cryptic way of telling the fans she's pregnant and fans can look forward to a Caskett baby being written into the show sooner rather than later hurrah!


Although if true, I would have thought that's going to be the final nail in the coffin of this super smart separation ruse Castle and Beckett have going on to fool Locksat. 


Synopsis for Dead Read here.


“Dead Red” – When the son of a Russian diplomat turns up murdered, Beckett and Castle find themselves in a dangerous game of international crime and punishment, with Castle having to entertain a jovial Russian security officer who winds up more involved than anyone planned, on “Castle,” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EST) on the ABC Television Network.



Speaking of Locksat I see from the credits that Rita is back so I presume we're getting an extra helping of it in this episode....great can't wait.  I'd love to know if Castle has been told about his step mom by now, I do hope so. 

Edited by verdana
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