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That was one of the better CoTW, I thought. Interesting characters, the bookstore guy and the slightly mad scientist,  and because the director was not able to block out the sun, we actually saw the actors.

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Thanks for the reminder.  Heh, obviously opinions differ because I'm still completely blanking on the COTW in that episode, don't think I ever rewatched it.  Don't recall anything on the Caskett front either.  Looking at the timeline, it was in that weird arc where they manufactured Caskett angst with Beckett wondering about the relationship and Castle clueless ahead of one odd proposal.  Maybe it was the episode where Castle played with his toy helicopter and Beckett later scared him in bed with a remote control toy (oh that sounds wrong heh) and the one where they hinted at offering her a job at the AG office. 


What I want to know is what happened to good old fashioned murders where Jack shot Jill over Bill or something like that?


Susan Sullivan
unsolicited advice giver


Love Susan's twitter bio.  In my imagination, she's the person to smack some sense into fandom when people aren't being very nice and go drama crazy.

Edited by madmaverick
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Don't recall anything on the Caskett front either.  Looking at the timeline, it was in that weird arc where they manufactured Caskett angst with Beckett wondering about the relationship and Castle clueless ahead of one odd proposal.  Maybe it was the episode where Castle played with his toy helicopter and Beckett later scared him in bed with a remote control toy (oh that sounds wrong heh) and the one where they hinted at offering her a job at the AG office.


I think it was that one, but what I remember most (Castle/Beckett wise) is the North by Northwest shot of them outside and being "attacked" by the drone. Beckett's aimed to shoot it down and Castle reaches down and takes her backup piece from her ankle holster. There's a shot of them I really like aiming guns at the drone. I don't know why that part stuck with me. Maybe because Castle's wearing a tan jacket? ;)


Wasn't that also the episode where Castle spies on Beckett getting dressed with his WWII tank? He's playing general and it makes its way into the bedroom when she's getting dressed. That's what leads to the fakeout later that night with the toy helicopter.

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Seriously?  We haven't had a meaningful or fun Beckett/Lanie scene in how long?  Their friendship felt much stronger to me at the beginning of the series.  And if the showrunners actually listened to fans on twitter, we'd have a different show altogether.  Well lit, well dressed, and probably in Caskett's bedroom 24/7 lol.


Again, seriously?  Are we watching the same show?  When has Lanie become more vocal with Kate about Castle or other matters?  They haven't had any 'advice' scenes in ages, and even then I find them one sided and pale in comparison to the sassy and insightful advice offered early on.  They really missed the boat on strengthening the Kate/Lanie relationship not only with advicing her on Castle as that relationship progressed, and really just to have a girlfriend to get giddy with it about it all.  And of course I would welcome any conversation where they didn't discuss the men in their lives.  


I only recall Lanie getting a moment to congratulate Kate on the wedding she wasn't invited to, and then singled out for a hug when Kate was rescued from Nieman.  But I wasn't especially moved because we rarely see this friendship in action in a meaningful way for that moment to feel earned.  Lanie doesn't feel like a special friend to me anymore that different from Ryan or Esposito because we barely get to see her spending any time with Kate.


And I thought Lanie & Esposito had decided that they weren't the special ones for each other?  So the jealousy thing would make no sense.  Not that I care about either's love lives or lack thereof at this point.  Esplanie was a barely there thing and yet the writers still managed to ruin it with their inattention, weird break up and follow up, and general lack of care.


I'll give Tamala credit for always being positive about a role that must be pretty boring for her.  But I agree with you that I don't know what show she is talking about.  Lanie has become less vocal with Kate, mainly because she doesn't need to be vocal anymore.  Caskett is married.  And Kate probably stopped asking her for advice because she never gave any decent advice.  I would like more Kate/Lanie scenes if they were good, and would especially like to hear Kate advising Lanie on something.  Maybe then I would understand the status if the Esplainie relationship, cause I thought they didn't love each other either.  And I don't know what she means about job/love life conflict.   Tamala should write a fan fic about what she thinks is going on with them.


But I'm pretty sure she gets paid the same per episode, whether it is 10 seconds of lividity or includes other stuff.  So maybe it's easy to stay positive?


I think it was that one, but what I remember most (Castle/Beckett wise) is the North by Northwest shot of them outside and being "attacked" by the drone. Beckett's aimed to shoot it down and Castle reaches down and takes her backup piece from her ankle holster. There's a shot of them I really like aiming guns at the drone. I don't know why that part stuck with me. Maybe because Castle's wearing a tan jacket? ;)


Wasn't that also the episode where Castle spies on Beckett getting dressed with his WWII tank? He's playing general and it makes its way into the bedroom when she's getting dressed. That's what leads to the fakeout later that night with the toy helicopter.


Yes, he did spy on her in that episode

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You can see on Rob's red binder that episode two is called XX:

@RobKyker: And away we go.... http://t.co/KvwAoATFbh

Yep. Premiere is XY. Remember it's a two parter. TPW and AH have co-written both parts (credit SS). At this stage Paul H is due to direct XX.

Crap I was going to go MIA from this board for a month (at least I haven't broken my other social media rules yet).. But now I'm definitely out of here!

Edited by Nadine
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So episode 1 is XY and episode 2 is XX.  That's definitely a reference to male/female chromosomes then.  Or maybe we're seeing two sides of the same event, one male (Castle?) and one female (Beckett?).  Or they are going to go all Orphan Black and give one person both chromosomes.


The lack of a cliffhanger over the summer means that there's no starting point for speculation.  I feel like anything could happen in S8.

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You can see on Rob's red binder that episode two is called XX:


I feel weirdly vindicated because back on July 1st I posted:


Which, if true, would only mean part two is going to be called "XX", right?


I don't know if I should be proud, worried, or annoyed (that they're that predictable).


I'm still of the opinion that the XY/XX is in reference to chromosomes: boys versus girls or a boy and a girl or something along those lines.

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Is it possible they're going to kill Beckett off in the first two episodes? That would break them up without ruining the love, etc. from last season.

I know Stana has a full season contract, but that hasn't stopped other shows from cutting a star contract short (McDreamy).

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Forehead meet desk, First of all, Castle is NOT a Shonda show.    Stana, unlike McDreamy, is not giving the showrunner's fits with her racing schedule.  


The new showrunners can do whatever the hell they want, but that doesn't mean that they are batshit  crazy enough to WANT the Caskett shippers to run at them with torches and pitchforks.   


Look, we either trust the new showrunners or we don't.    I'm willing to wait until 9/21 to see what they come up with and not panic until then. 

Edited by ZingerCaskett
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I would be very, very, very surprised if Castle went there. I think it's just too dark for a show that doesn't take itself too seriously (except once in awhile). First, killing Beckett would have giant character repercussions for Castle, Ryan, and Espo that I don't think they could just walk away from in the next episode. The only other people they could get maybe away with killing off (besides a captain ... and they went there) would be Lanie, Ryan, or Espo (or maybe Martha, but that would be a different kind of shock) and I don't think they'd even try that. Killing off Beckett is just a no-go.


Besides, I don't think Stana would have been excited if, in her meetings with Hawley and TPW in an effort to get her to re-sign, they sat her down and said ... "great idea! Beckett dies". She's been pretty protective about her character and getting Beckett a version of a happy ending ... and I don't think that includes having her happy and in a good place (both professionally and personally) for a hot minute and then snatching that all away. (Unless Stana believes that Beckett's happy ending was solely getting justice for her mom, but I don't think that's true based on how she talks about her character.)


Killing Beckett isn't something I'm really worried about. Besides, if TVLine's blind item about a break up was because it involved a major death ... you'd bet they'd be teasing the crap out of that. Think of the clicks! It sounds like TVLine is pretty sure about what causes the breakup, so I don't think they'd hold that back. (McDreamy is in a different boat; I think they kept that pretty tightly under wraps, especially because Patrick Depmsey had been in and out of episodes all season. I don't think anyone, even TVLine, knew what was coming there.) Plus, TVLine said a breakup could possibly be permanant. Death is pretty permanent, so unless there's a zombie!Beckett down the road, I doubt death is included.


I'm mean, anything is possible, but I just think killing Beckett is unlikely.

Edited by McManda
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I wonder if the break-up will happen within the two-parter or has already happened when S8 opens. Although I really don't want to see a break-up of any kind, I'm just trying to reconcile myself with it since the writers will do what they want. I do think it would be interesting if they went with something like KaveDweller's idea of showing us the same event through Castle's and then Beckett's eyes in this two-parter.


I definitely don't believe they'll be killing off Beckett. Nathan most recently said that he thinks what makes Castle successful is that it showcases people who are generally happy (or something to that effect). That kind of tragedy would be greatly at odds with the overall tone of the show.

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I would be very, very, very surprised if Castle went there. I think it's just too dark for a show that doesn't take itself too seriously (except once in awhile). First, killing Beckett would have giant character repercussions for Castle, Ryan, and Espo that I don't think they could just walk away from in the next episode. The only other people they could get maybe away with killing off (besides a captain ... and they went there) would be Lanie, Ryan, or Espo (or maybe Martha, but that would be a different kind of shock) and I don't think they'd even try that. Killing off Beckett is just a no-go.


Besides, I don't think Stana would have been excited if, in her meetings with Hawley and TPW in an effort to get her to re-sign, they sat her down and said ... "great idea! Beckett dies". She's been pretty protective about her character and getting Beckett a version of a happy ending ... and I don't think that includes having her happy and in a good place (both professionally and personally) for a hot minute and then snatching that all away. (Unless Stana believes that Beckett's happy ending was solely getting justice for her mom, but I don't think that's true based on how she talks about her character.)


Killing Beckett isn't something I'm really worried about. Besides, if TVLine's blind item about a break up was because it involved a major death ... you'd bet they'd be teasing the crap out of that. Think of the clicks! It sounds like TVLine is pretty sure about what causes the breakup, so I don't think they'd hold that back. (McDreamy is in a different boat; I think they kept that pretty tightly under wraps, especially because Patrick Depmsey had been in and out of episodes all season. I don't think anyone, even TVLine, knew what was coming there.) Plus, TVLine said a breakup could possibly be permanant. Death is pretty permanent, so unless there's a zombie!Beckett down the road, I doubt death is included.


I'm mean, anything is possible, but I just think killing Beckett is unlikely.


Zombie Beckett could be kind of fun. And certainly a way for the writers to "shake things up."


I'm sure we'll know soon enough if they are killing her off, because of all those stalker-y fans who take pictures whenever they are out filming.


I wonder if the break-up will happen within the two-parter or has already happened when S8 opens. Although I really don't want to see a break-up of any kind, I'm just trying to reconcile myself with it since the writers will do what they want. I do think it would be interesting if they went with something like KaveDweller's idea of showing us the same event through Castle's and then Beckett's eyes in this two-parter.


I don't want to watch a break up either, but I think it would be pretty cheap of the writers be all, "I know they were happy the last time you saw them, but now it's X years in the future and they hate each other.  Just go with it."


I was thinking about potential split scenarios, and I'm wondering (hoping) it's a case where they have to pretend to be split for some contrived reason? Cause I can't really think of a way to have Castle still be investigating cases.

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Nathan most recently said that he thinks what makes Castle successful is that it showcases people who are generally happy (or something to that effect).


Kinda goes against the idea that the Blind Item Breakup is referencing Castle. I mean, I don't think he drives the show, but I think he knows more than someone like Ausiello. (That said, I don't know the context of what he was talking about and/or when he said that, so maybe it's more of a generalization.)


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still not convinced that we even need to be worrying.

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I hope you're right, McManda. I'm just trying to figure out how Hal (who implied he/she read the first two scripts him/herself) could be so sure the blind item is Castle if it's not. Trust me, I'm hoping there's some mistake, or even trolling going on. I would be so happy to be trolled right now :).

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Zombie Beckett could be kind of fun. And certainly a way for the writers to "shake things up."


I'm sure we'll know soon enough if they are killing her off, because of all those stalker-y fans who take pictures whenever they are out filming.



I don't want to watch a break up either, but I think it would be pretty cheap of the writers be all, "I know they were happy the last time you saw them, but now it's X years in the future and they hate each other.  Just go with it."


I was thinking about potential split scenarios, and I'm wondering (hoping) it's a case where they have to pretend to be split for some contrived reason? Cause I can't really think of a way to have Castle still be investigating cases.


I think it could fit in with Castle working  a lot with security specialist Hayley early on in the season. If Beckett is captain, I guess Castle could also work with Ryan and Esposito out in the field from time to time. 


I would love for the break-up to be a ruse of some kind as well, but maybe the new showrunners are looking for some drama to shake up the show a little. I recognize that pretty much all of my favorite Caskett fics are really quite angsty, so I clearly don't mind drama between Castle and Beckett, but I had kind of been happy to leave it in fanfic land. That said, I'm trying to keep an open mind. I think all anyone is going on right now are the first two scripts. So hopefully this is a temporary split that will be resolved by sweeps. And who knows, maybe the relationship will end up even stronger for it. In any case, I hope the writers are able to pull off something plausible and meaningful. 


McManda, I wish I were in the same boat as you. I'm not really trusting Ausiello and I don't think the blind item hints necessarily lead directly to Castle, but I don't have a reason to doubt halwideman, either. 

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Kinda goes against the idea that the Blind Item Breakup is referencing Castle. I mean, I don't think he drives the show, but I think he knows more than someone like Ausiello. (That said, I don't know the context of what he was talking about and/or when he said that, so maybe it's more of a generalization.)


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still not convinced that we even need to be worrying.


With all due respect about Nathan, wasn't he one of those hyping up the wedding that wasn't? And it's not shade: All actors lie when warranted; name of the game. Maybe the BI isn't Castle; maybe it is. But taken with talking with halwideman, I do think it is a strong possibility, and the pun Ausiello used (shaken, stirred) and past talk of Castle the character writing Bond stuff, etc., well...as I said time will tell, but I'm not ruling it out.


It will be what it is - whether the BI is the show or not - and all we can do is wait and see, I guess!

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I think it could fit in with Castle working  a lot with security specialist Hayley early on in the season. If Beckett is captain, I guess Castle could also work with Ryan and Esposito out in the field from time to time. 

Yeah, but if Beckett is captain, and she and Castle aren't on good terms would she want him working with her team? Would he want to work there? I am not convinced they are going to be totally split either, I am just exploring the options.


That did remind me of a theory I had though.  If Castle is spending time with a security specialist, maybe it's because he needs security? Someone is threatening his life and the CIA doesn't want to pay him back for his help saving millions of lives, so they get this Haley chick?

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No offense taken. I know I'm in the minority in terms of not falling in line with Ausiello. I also know anything is possible, but right now, for every speculation that pops up that the blind item could be Castle I think there are others that point to it not being Castle. Mostly I just need more proof before I believe TPW and Hawley would do something so stupid. ;) We'll see how it all shakes out... fingers crossed it's for the best!

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I don't believe Hal is trolling and the blind is Castle.


I don't set much store in what actors say, firstly yeah they can lie it's not beyond the realms of possibility, they usually have their own agendas and often see things differently from the fans, I doubt Nathan had even seen the scripts yet and they're going to be promoting the show whatever it's about and putting a good PR spin on things. I'm especially wary of what Nathan says given his previous descriptions of certain things heh.


I wonder if the break-up will happen within the two-parter or has already happened when S8 opens.


I presume it happens within the two parter and by the start of 8.03 they're separated. Given the second title XX, I'm guessing the title probably refers to one episode being from Castle's POV and the other mostly from Beckett's, they're usually not subtle about these sort of things and as Hal has said they're not touching on babies then that's the only other option that makes sense to me.

Edited by verdana
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I was thinking about potential split scenarios, and I'm wondering (hoping) it's a case where they have to pretend to be split for some contrived reason? Cause I can't really think of a way to have Castle still be investigating cases.


That's one way of trying to sell them being apart without rocking the boat too much but it still feels like a betrayal of the fanbase who waited so long for them to get together (and get married), separating them for some obviously contrived reason. They won't be fooling many people and if they don't gain acceptance of the story quickly and it drags on too long they're building up unnecessary trouble for themselves which they'll have to spend the rest of the season trying to rectify. If it's a ruse then it's not as dramatic as a genuine "break up" but who knows, Ausiello's bound not to be completely open and straightforward about it. 

Edited by verdana
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Speaking of well dressed.

Luke Reichle ‏@RedCarpetLuke 10 hrs10 hours ago
We're baaaack! Cleaning the #Castle cast closets and getting ready to move it on!

 I wish he'd clean out Castle's closet and give him a fresh wardrobe that didn't make him look so old fashioned and that Castle doesn't care what he's dressed in.


I only recall Lanie getting a moment to congratulate Kate on the wedding she wasn't invited to, and then singled out for a hug when Kate was rescued from Nieman.  But I wasn't especially moved because we rarely see this friendship in action in a meaningful way for that moment to feel earned.  Lanie doesn't feel like a special friend to me anymore that different from Ryan or Esposito because we barely get to see her spending any time with Kate.


She doesn't come over as even being on the same level as Espo and Ryan, the relationship has been so neglected when Lanie gave Kate that hug it almost took me out the scene it felt so awkwardly shoved in there.  You could almost hear the writers going "aawwww look BFF's!" if I was a newbie to the show I wouldn't have a clue they were supposedly best buds Kate barely speaks to the woman. It's a classic case of "show don't tell" and how you need to have that relationship blossoming and developing on screen you can't just tell people in interviews or with the odd line here and there about their great girly friendship that on one ever witnesses. 

I think it was that one, but what I remember most (Castle/Beckett wise) is the North by Northwest shot of them outside and being "attacked" by the drone. Beckett's aimed to shoot it down and Castle reaches down and takes her backup piece from her ankle holster. There's a shot of them I really like aiming guns at the drone. I don't know why that part stuck with me. Maybe because Castle's wearing a tan jacket? ;)

Did they allow Castle to be a good shot in that one, I can't recall. 


Although I guess the drone was so high up it didn't matter they weren't going to hit it but I hate it when they have Rick incompetent with a gun one minute and then crack shot the next.

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The only thing that makes sense to me is some kind of Witness protection for Castle (cue the security specialist he spends so much time with) or some kind of Bracken gone rogue stuff with Beckett, when she has to go into hiding and severe all ties with her previous life and family. Or a mix of those. We get two different stories then for two characters with no or very limited interaction. I don't see them pulling it off for any extended amount of time. Unless they don't go into hiding, just break up for security reasons. But then it smells of Bones.

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They got off on the wrong foot for me at the start of S7 with Driven and Montreal and the God awful mythology I hope history isn't going to repeat with this two parter but worse instead of being united at the end of it they'll be calling it quits in their partnership. *sigh* 


What a way to kick off S8 that would be. 

Edited by verdana
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It was such a good scene when Beckett got played by Castle with regards to his shooting skills in S1, and he aced his shoot and told her she was a very good teacher heh.  That was a great example of fun, flirty banter; a scene filled with sexual tension and playfulness.  It was good seeing Castle surprise and impress Beckett with something, seeing a strong attraction between two strong alphas back then where each could give as well as they got and put the other off balance from time to time.  Miss scenes and dynamic like that. And yes, absolutely they should be consistent about Rick being a good shot, perhaps due to his research for his murder mystery novels years ago.  It's not funny when they forget that to get some cheap laughs.


I wish he'd clean out Castle's closet and give him a fresh wardrobe that didn't make him look so old fashioned and that Castle doesn't care what he's dressed in.


My thoughts exactly, but we've been saying that for 5 seasons now so... ;)   He cleans out Castle's closet of bespoke suits made by himself only to make more of them in the same ill fitting way for a new season!  I hope he takes new measurements every new season, or even more than once a season, because otherwise that would explain a few things.  But there's no excuse for overlong suit sleeves.


I think it was that one, but what I remember most (Castle/Beckett wise) is the North by Northwest shot of them outside and being "attacked" by the drone.


Oh, now I remember the funny blooper where Nathan and Stana have a good laugh together when he make a crack about it being freaking windy!  Not a fan of that tan suit jacket though, didn't seem to fit well. ;)


Wasn't that also the episode where Castle spies on Beckett getting dressed with his WWII tank? He's playing general and it makes its way into the bedroom when she's getting dressed. That's what leads to the fakeout later that night with the toy helicopter.



Still completely blanking on the COTW, but now I remember Beckett calling Castle a perve, heh.  Thought she liked that about him? :P


I'll give Tamala credit for always being positive about a role that must be pretty boring for her.



I do, too.  Although actors speak at their own peril when they aren't positive about their roles. ;)  Maybe like you said, the pay for little work helps.


I wonder what the set etiquette is for someone like Penny who has been let go?  She would have cleaned out her trailer before hiatus, expecting to come back.  But now she won't, so does she come back to set to say her goodbyes to everyone, including writers, or it's a bit awkward?

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The new showrunners teaming up to write the opening 2 parter will let us know how they compare to the old showrunner writing team from the get go.  It's a statement of intent in a way.  I'm not without hope that they'll fare better than Marlowe/Amann.  


I'm inclined to think that the episode titles XY and XX relate to a new killer/villain, more than anything to do with Caskett, but we'll see.  


A short separation from witness protection arc isn't without potential although it's still a lot to swallow from the believability standpoint.  They're married now so you'd think where one goes, the other goes too.  Caskett breaking up because of differences over how to respond to an external threat is also questionable.  They can argue it out and have their differences, but at the end of the day they've always stood as a united team (except for end of S4) and I'll have a hard time buying a separation that isn't forced by external factors when they've been loathe to leave each other when either is under threat.  Hope the writers still remember Still


I don't remember if Nathan ever hyped up the wedding that never was, but I do remember that when he was asked about the (stupid) cliffhanger by Ausiello at comic con last year, he did pose the pertinent question of, "How much longer can we make people wait for a wedding?!"  If only we knew the uncensored thoughts of the cast when they read 6x23!  I bet Stana had some reactions too.  I don't think we should put too much stock in what actors say or don't say, but nevertheless it was interesting re-watching this interview in the context of the show getting new showrunners again this year, as well as the show possibly starting something new in the story department again.  Will be interesting to compare his thoughts last year with any interview he may do again with Ausiello this year at comic con.


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The thing that worries me is the possibility of the split being permanent due to Stana only wanting to be in one more season. I've never been as emotionally invested in Castle/Beckett as I am with some other television couples, but would the writers seriously have them not end up together? IMO, that would be phenomenally stupid.

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I don’t think the endgame is Castle and Beckett going in different directions in their professional and personal life. That would be indeed stupid.

But I could imagine some kind of rift happening regarding a massive clash of opinions about an (past/ present) incident. Some kind of incident that requires them to still work together, though maybe not in their old environment as a writer and a muse. That way, you would also have the “polarizing, fandom-shattering split” as some side with Beckett and some side with Castle over the event.

And it would be in line with the XY/XX speculation from KaveDweller and McManda above that we get the introduction to the splitting event from two sides, Castle and Beckett.

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but would the writers seriously have them not end up together? IMO, that would be phenomenally stupid.

It's never stopped writers and network execs before, they're frequently caught out making dumbass decisions.


I find it hard to believe the writers off their own bat woke up one morning and thought "hey! lets shake up the show and break up Castle and Beckett see how that goes!" they can't be that batshit crazy, especially given Hawley has worked on the show and would be fully aware of the importance of the two main characters relationship. It wouldn't shock me to discover the network played an important part in whatever decision got made. The writers need network approval for any major overhaul, they have to sign off on all the scripts in any case and splitting up Castle and Beckett is a big deal. 

Edited by verdana
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It was such a good scene when Beckett got played by Castle with regards to his shooting skills in S1, and he aced his shoot and told her she was a very good teacher heh.


Watched that episode not so long ago it's one of my favourites and loved seeing that scene again, the sexual tension and heat coming off them....just wow. Why did that kind of fun banter and flirty teasing die away when they got together? If anything it should have heated up and become more frequent not less!  These days they'd probably have Castle fumble and drop the gun and Beckett would eye roll and sigh or they're get interrupted just as it was getting good. 


Another reason I enjoy that scene is Stana looked amazing in this fab red sweater with that choppy short cut she had back then. Katic always looks great in red, can't go wrong there. 

Edited by verdana
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But I could imagine some kind of rift happening regarding a massive clash of opinions about an (past/ present) incident. Some kind of incident that requires them to still work together, though maybe not in their old environment as a writer and a muse. That way, you would also have the “polarizing, fandom-shattering split” as some side with Beckett and some side with Castle over the event.

That's not going to be healthy, fans split between pro Beckett and pro Castle supporters, the worst excesses of the fandom tend to occur when that happens, things get toxic. Having Castle and Beckett at odds has never made for particularly enjoyable viewing, especially as they tend to end up making both characters unlikeable along the way.  I hope the writing is going to improve hugely if this is the plan. If the writers and network see this as a positive step forward for the show (stirring up fans emotions so they take sides) they're fools. 

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So Hayley's been cast.  Scotland Yard again?  Nooooooo.  Still have nightmares about Hunt thanks to the writers.  And I normally love Scotland Yard although I don't think it'll be anything reflective of reality on a show like Castle except for another British accent.   The actress did play an alien on her last ABC show though I think it's safe to say she won't be playing another undercover alien on Castle unless the showrunners are taking the show in a wild new direction.


What I'm wondering most about is why a security specialist will be necessary to the story.  Especially when there's so much law enforcement on the show already.  Unless Hayley will actually be joining the 12th precinct full time this season as a cop/security specialist working on some joint task force or something like that that ignores real life jurisdictional issues as usual. 


Naturally, Hayley's an attractive woman as expected on American TV.  But I don't think they're really going to involve her in a love triangle with Caskett.  That would be show and character suicide.  They'll probably make Castle impressed by her free spiritedness and quick wit ;), like he was impressed by Serena Kaye, but he's going to be a one cop man. 

Edited by madmaverick
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Well, I have to confess I watched all of The Neighbors and it was really quite meta and fun. And she's a great choice for this role. Lots of sass and energy and obviously not afraid to throw herself into things, based on the crazy stuff they had her doing on that show. I'm actually now looking forward to this new character.

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Never heard of this woman. How do you pronounce her name by the way?  I saw her face pop up on Twitter just now, she's already being tweeted by Castle fans, all good ones I hope. 


Hope to God her accent holds up better than the guy who played Colin Hunt, (what is it about Scotland Yard?) especially as she's going to be a series regular.

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Toks Olagundoye ‏@ToksOlagundoye  18m18 minutes ago

Toks Olagundoye retweeted Denise Gideon

I will be sure to give them the memo, so we can salvage your time #Castle Toks Olagundoye added,

Denise Gideon @blueaeryn1

Y is @Castle_ABC wasting my time casting this stupid actress @ToksOlagundoye as new regular? Gr8 more scene sucking characters. #overit




I'm liking this actress already.  Sass away the rudeness.  People can have their opinions but I will never understand why they feel free to express it in such a rude manner to the person directly.


And what a nice, polite response from Jane Espenson.

Jane Espenson ‏@JaneEspenson  14m14 minutes ago

@blueaeryn1 But @ToksOlagundoye is amazing.  Any show would be lucky to have her.


Edited by madmaverick
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I like the new actress from Neighbors, she has a great on screen presence. If she ends up copy shop girling Caskett (Friends reference) though, I reserve the right to hate her ;).

Hal, my shipper self was just hoping you were wrong, not thinking you were :).

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That's not going to be healthy, fans split between pro Beckett and pro Castle supporters, the worst excesses of the fandom tend to occur when that happens, things get toxic. Having Castle and Beckett at odds has never made for particularly enjoyable viewing, especially as they tend to end up making both characters unlikeable along the way.  I hope the writing is going to improve hugely if this is the plan. If the writers and network see this as a positive step forward for the show (stirring up fans emotions so they take sides) they're fools. 

Just trying to make sense of the alleged spoilers. I'm more surprised by the network greenlighting the direction as I always thought they are behind the steady formula for target group specific reasons. 

I find most episodes (of the few there exist) where Castle and Beckett are at odds interesting as it changes the dynamic for once and creates tension. But I must agree that the reasons behind the tension aren't always open to further scrutiny, and the characters did indeed suffer. But on the other hand their togetherness makes for some cringeworthy moments as well. And the characters also suffered IMO.

As for fans taking sides, I sometimes have the impression that is what they want and do, even if there is really no reason to (that is when it gets toxic). If, and with the history of Castle it is a little bigger if, you have a story with comprehensible reasons on both sides, it could be interesting.

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Naturally, Hayley's an attractive woman as expected on American TV.  But I don't think they're really going to involve her in a love triangle with Caskett.  That would be show and character suicide.  They'll probably make Castle impressed by her free spiritedness and quick wit ;), like he was impressed by Serena Kaye, but he's going to be a one cop man.


Hayley I highly doubt is love interest material for many reasons, the "free spirited" description grates as that probably means in this case she's a constant rule breaker. As for her quick wit well someone has to be since Castle sadly has been lacking in that department for some time.


Good luck to the actress I hope she has an enjoyable stint (be it long or short) on the show.


if, you have a story with comprehensible reasons on both sides, it could be interesting.


Yeah I understand and may be future spoilers will make the premise sound more interesting to me but right now I sincerely wish they would put far more time and effort into writing them as a realistic, mature, happily married couple.

Edited by verdana
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What I don't get is why the [undefined] split is being done at all, given that the episodes that separate Castle and Beckett physically for most of the episodes, even if they're in wonderful synch emotionally, tend to be not "controversial" but received with indifference, because it calls attention to the COTW weaknesses. What could be more deadly to a show at any stage of its shelf life than indifference? I suppose outright revulsion is not the goal, but isn't the danger of too many episodes without actual Castle/Beckett interaction a likelihood that a certain percentage of the viewing audience will drift away or try a competing show? What kind of audience would they be looking to gain?

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madmaverick I was literally about to post that same tweet!  


Whoah, that's charming, the actress hasn't even done anything on screen yet and she gets messages like that sent to her. 


Jesus makes you wonder why stars want to go on twitter to put up with that kind of behaviour. 


I may end up deciding the character is a unnecessary and her screen time could be better spent elsewhere but I'll have to wait until September to find that out and even if I did I certainly wouldn't be corresponding with the actress and telling her my feelings. 

Toks Olagundoye ‏@ToksOlagundoye  1 hr1 hour ago
Ok, guys. I'm having a hard time catching up with all the love, but those who know me know I will! Be back later! Thank you all so much
Edited by verdana
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I'm liking this actress already.  Sass away the rudeness.  People can have their opinions but I will never understand why they feel free to express it in such a rude manner to the person directly.


And what a nice, polite response from Jane Espenson.


It wouldn't have been so bad if the person just wrote that without tagging the actress specifically, but there is just no reason to be that rude.


It reminds me of Alias (again) Season 3, when Melissa George got booed at a fan event before her first episode have even aired.

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The blind item. Not so much. However like I said, while I think no one here will enjoy it simply because of what it is, the reason works on some level, at least for me and of course Ausiello makes it seem 500x worse which is probably why no one can come up with a good speculation and their minds run to it being cheating, falling out of love, or work reasons. 


So I guess that means our guesses are all wrong, huh? I think the reason the speculation is all negative is because if a relationship/marriage is healthy then it ending usually is a bad thing.  But if there's no 3rd party, no career issue, and they are still in love, what could split them apart? One of them gets picked for those missions to Mars and the other is giving them the chance to live their dream?


What I don't get is why the [undefined] split is being done at all, given that the episodes that separate Castle and Beckett physically for most of the episodes, even if they're in wonderful synch emotionally, tend to be not "controversial" but received with indifference, because it calls attention to the COTW weaknesses. What could be more deadly to a show at any stage of its shelf life than indifference? I suppose outright revulsion is not the goal, but isn't the danger of too many episodes without actual Castle/Beckett interaction a likelihood that a certain percentage of the viewing audience will drift away or try a competing show? What kind of audience would they be looking to gain?


Well, if we really stop having any scenes with Stana and Nathan together, then it would really seem to be an actor issue or at the very least a scheduling issue. But if they are still having scenes together but just not as a couple, that seems like an odd choice because they are so good at the loving looks and the writers haven't put in the effort to make the COTW interesting.

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Apparently she covers Castle for a review site. Her Tumblr post said 


Why doesn’t ABC just put this show out of its misery and cancel it? I have never gotten into gossip but have become even more evident the two leads Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion don’t like each other and that is why the writers are finding more ways to keep them out of scenes together. It is pathetic. I am so over all this crap and this crapfest of a a show.

so I'm gonna say that she doesn't have any particular opinion about the actress, she's just using her as clickbait and a stick to beat the show with.

And geez, desperate for attention much?

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Obviously having the answer key is an advantage, but it's really a no brainer... What everyone should do is think about if they had the pen in hand how would they do it? And no cheating and saying "well if I was the showrunner I wouldn't do it" . I believe one of the funnier members here once said Castle is written using the book of tropes.

Does Beckett sacrifice her relationship with Castle to save his/Alexis/Martha's lives?

Does she fall back into the rabbit hole, & leaves Castle in some misguided desire to keep him safe?

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Apparently she covers Castle for a review site. Her Tumblr post said 


so I'm gonna say that she doesn't have any particular opinion about the actress, she's just using her as clickbait and a stick to beat the show with.

And geez, desperate for attention much?


Yeah, and of course she gets exactly what she wanted.


I am all for healthy criticism, but if a person hates a show that much they should just stop watching. Why waste your energy if you don't get even a little enjoyment out of it.

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