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VinceW. Yeah I've noticed Joy's been on a real downer about what's been going on since they separated, her detailed reviews have made interesting reading, she's covered many issues and nailed some of the problems I've been having with the storytelling choices. I must admit the three week hiatus came as a welcome relief to me too from this separation story or should I say "weird time out" as Winter laughably calls it.


Polaha actually did pretty decent work on Bones as a character who had some chemistry with Brennan. Some chemistry might be nice.


I don't mind him working with Kate sometimes but I don't want the writers to start stupidly showing Castle being jealous of their association. It's irritating and not funny, especially right now.  

Edited by verdana
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The LOKSAT coverage is being treated like a side issue that doesn't impact the show much. It's like they truly don't care.

Yes! You are right, it does seem like they don’t care. It also appears that they have not planned these storylines at all. 


I would be far less aggravated by the S8 developments if they weren’t following the normal Castle playbook for recurring storylines. Over 7 seasons the tradition has been to introduce a big deal storyline and then only make mention of it at 2 parters, sweeps or finales (or never again). I find it hilarious that for all the talk about season long story telling earlier on by the new showrunners, in many ways they are operating quite similarly to the previous group.


Short of a scant mention here or there, Loksat has been almost non-existent week to week. I wouldn’t care too much if it wasn’t the driving force behind the break up that is leaking into every episode. Loksat could join Castles’ disappearance, Beckett’s PTSD and the aftermath of all major traumas as plotlines that only come up when convenient.


It has been disappointing to see what has occurred over the first five episodes. I was never going to love this story. However, if they were set on taking the show in this direction, respect the viewers enough to show them the story (actually show us the Loksat story, a real break up etc). Commit to it. Don’t blow things up and then pretend everything is normal.


That’s the problem for me. Castle has never been this type of show. It has never been serialized storytelling or super heavy week to week emotional drama. The whiplash of S8, as they try to maintain the old show while grafting on these new elements has been bizarre.

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It has been disappointing to see what has occurred over the first five episodes. I was never going to love this story. However, if they were set on taking the show in this direction, respect the viewers enough to show them the story (actually show us the Loksat story, a real break up etc). Commit to it. Don’t blow things up and then pretend everything is normal.

And it's going to get worse before it hopefully gets better, there's the Slaughter episode coming up (with minimal/no? Beckett) and Hawley has already confirmed they'll be no movement on Locksat, then ooh the excitement their wedding anniversary! In normal circumstances I'd be looking forward to that one to see how they plan to celebrate now I'm dreading what bizarre romantic interactions will ensue there whilst everyone pretends life is continuing on as normal, there's two more weeks of this idiocy to endure guaranteed.

Edited by verdana
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And it's going to get worse before it hopefully gets better, there's the Slaughter episode coming up (with minimal/no? Beckett) and Hawley has already confirmed they'll be no movement on Locksat, then ooh the excitement their wedding anniversary! In normal circumstances I'd be looking forward to that one to see how they plan to celebrate now I'm dreading what bizarre romantic interactions will ensue there whilst everyone pretends life is continuing on as normal, there's two more weeks of this idiocy to endure guaranteed.

I'm in full agreement, I mean these show runners are acting like they are making the most awesome story to tell and by that they are going over what hurts the show and alienates their audience. Not to mention bringing back plots that were disasters like the Castle Mythology or introducing plots that take almost 9 episodes before they are revisited again. They don't build, they are just *Bam* here they are. Now, we won't talk about them for even hint at them and then *Bam* here it is again, aren't we clever?  No, its poor writing and then when ratings sink, critics and fans both agree that its bad story telling. They will turn face and go: "But we thought it would be awesome." 

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I'm in full agreement, I mean these show runners are acting like they are making the most awesome story to tell and by that they are going over what hurts the show and alienates their audience. Not to mention bringing back plots that were disasters like the Castle Mythology or introducing plots that take almost 9 episodes before they are revisited again. They don't build, they are just *Bam* here they are. Now, we won't talk about them for even hint at them and then *Bam* here it is again, aren't we clever? No, its poor writing and then when ratings sink, critics and fans both agree that its bad story telling. They will turn face and go: "But we thought it would be awesome."

Its not going to be "but we thought it would be awesome" its going to be "it was awesome" and we, the fans, critics, etc will have been wrong in their eyes. Sigh

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Its not going to be "but we thought it would be awesome" its going to be "it was awesome" and we, the fans, critics, etc will have been wrong in their eyes. Sigh

Right because remember, we don't know better. They do, its in all forms of media from TV to comics, where they do it because they see the amazement of their story telling until it falls flat on their faces.

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Right because remember, we don't know better. They do, its in all forms of media from TV to comics, where they do it because they see the amazement of their story telling until it falls flat on their faces.


Yes, for them, if we don't like it, "it's not them, it's US, the fans!" who are to blame.  But the reality is, if your art isn't commercially viable, the only person who will buy it is your Mom! ;-).  They need to go "indy" if they want to do that.

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Something i have noticed in my lurking with twitter, columns, other boards, etc is that while people are still upset, there is more indifference- people are either not watching anymore or trying to watch "detached". I think thats a horrible sign and the exact opposite of what AH and co think is going on. Its easy to do. There is absolutely nothing there to hold ur interest. These breaks between eps should be interesting.

Edited by CastleSeason8
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From eonline.com's list of shows they think need to end this season:


Let's be real—the show should've ended a while ago, and definitely before they broke up Beckett and Castle. Let's put this one out of its misery, shall we?



The descriptions of the other shows they mentioned were longer and more detailed, and not quite so blunt about it.

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Why is it that every spoiler release is worse than the last? I cant even comment...

Maybe it'll be better than expected.  <grimaces>


My biggest beef with the whole storyline is it's depressing.  Castle is a battered puppy.  Beckett is the queen of mixed messages, leading him on.  Get them back together or break them up. This just feels like a trip up hill through slippery mud.  It's going nowhere.

Edited by TVWithPity
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Maybe it'll be better than expected.  <grimaces>


My biggest beef with the whole storyline is it's depressing.  Castle is a battered puppy.  Beckett is the queen of mixed messages, leading him on.  Get them back together or break them up. This just feels like a trip up hill through slippery mud.  It's going nowhere.

The ongoing portrayal of this marriage which the new producers think as clever is really pathetic and an insult to intelligent thinking people. Let us hope the floor ratings number is hit soon and the network will be forced to make changes or just end it.

Edited by VinceW
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Maybe it'll be better than expected.  <grimaces>


My biggest beef with the whole storyline is it's depressing.  Castle is a battered puppy.  Beckett is the queen of mixed messages, leading him on.  Get them back together or break them up. This just feels like a trip up hill through slippery mud.  It's going nowhere.


Yea I feel sorry for you guys tbh. I've been avoiding even watching this season.

The new producers ongoing portrayal of this marriage which they think is so clever is really pathetic and an insult to intelligent thinking people. Let us hope the floor ratings number is hit soon and the network will be forced to make changes or just end it.


And that kind of thing is never good. Regardless of the show. It just ends up being insulting to the fans.

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Oh please. How about this for a surprise for Beckett, ask her what the hell is going on! 


Have they surgically removed Castle's spine?  Dear God in heaven would someone please start writing these two characters sensibly and get them behaving like two rational mature adults rather than pod people.  


I cannot get excited about an anniversary surprise under these twisted circumstances. 


At this point, I'd prefer them to split up permanently if they're going to carry on with this sick fiasco much longer.  I keep coming back to the same point each time with this - SHE LEFT HIM. He has no reason to be acting like this, if anyone should be making any anniversary overtures it's Beckett! 

Edited by verdana
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Oh please. How about this for a surprise for Beckett, ask her what the hell is going on! 


Have they surgically removed Castle's spine?  Dear God in heaven would someone please start writing these two characters sensibly and get them behaving like two rational mature adults rather than pod people.  


I cannot get excited about an anniversary surprise under these twisted circumstances. 


At this point, I'd prefer them to split up permanently if they're going to carry on with this sick fiasco much longer.  I keep coming back to the same point each time with this - SHE LEFT HIM. He has no reason to be acting like this, if anyone should be making any anniversary overtures it's Beckett! 

It is called writing in a vacuum by refusing to accept honest and useful feedback from outside others except those writers who belong to the Castle season 8 writing cabal. When Christine Roum is writing your fall finale, you know the show is on a death wish journey.

Edited by VinceW
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Why is it that every spoiler release is worse than the last? I cant even comment...

I just checked the comments section on that link and they're almost all saying the same thing, Castle needs to grow a backbone and this story is making both characters unlikeable,  Sadly true. 

Edited by verdana
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I just checked the comments section on that link and they're almost all saying the same thing, Castle needs to grow a backbone and this story is making both characters unlikeable, Sadly true.

I wish TPTB would read them. Highly improbable

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The operative word in the press release is "plans" doesn't mean it gets pulled off.

Beckett will do something for him instead which will inadvertently circumvent his plans.  That's it! That's how I'd write it anyway!  Which means it. won't. happen.  Sigh.


You lose, TWP.  Thanks for playing ;-).

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How could watching a baffled & confused husband trying his best to celebrate an anniversary with his estranged wife (who walked out without even telling him why) be anything but fun? There must be something wrong with me since I think it sounds sad & pitiful.

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In normal circumstances I'd be looking forward to that one to see how they plan to celebrate now I'm dreading what bizarre romantic interactions will ensue there whilst everyone pretends life is continuing on as normal, there's two more weeks of this idiocy to endure guaranteed.

Pre break up, I had hoped that their first anniversary would lead to another Murder, He Wrote style episode. I would have loved watching Castle and Beckett travel somewhere exotic, have fun and sexy times, all while solving the COTW.

Too much to hope for, I know. At this point, I'd settle for seeing the characters I used to enjoy show up on Castle sooner rather than later.

Speculation about what the next shirt sniffing scene or weird coffee subtext interaction will be should start now. Lol. I cringe thinking about the strange new moments the writers will concoct to prove their love, all while ignoring the mess created by the break up.

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Bye, Alicia! 7 TV Shows That Need to End After This Season, The Good Wife and Castle Included at Watch with Kristin EOnline

Sometimes, when you love a show VERY much, it's hard to see its flaws. When you're obsessed with your favorite couple and any and all potential sexytimes between them, you can forgive the cracks in its storytelling simply because you love the characters so much.

But your affection for the show you've been watching for years isn't enough to support it once it reaches a certain point in its life cycle. Wouldn't you rather see a show end while it's on top rather than after it is a shell of its former self and you begin to resent it?

Bones is on there and Castle gets a short mention. Kristin raises a good question there, I see some fans calling for the show to end sooner rather than later, put Castle out of its misery etc and I sense those calls will get louder if the separation arc drags on but this can earn them angry rebukes. After all other fans are still enjoying it immensely and resent such calls for the show's early demise, to them the answer is simple - walk away and stop watching if you don't like it and let us carry on enjoying the show.

I have to admit at this point I sincerely hope S8 is the last, I want to see Castle through to the end I really do, it's the only show I care about, I've been a fan since the pilot but I'm sad more than happy watching it these days and that's not what my TV viewing experience is meant to be about - at least not with Castle! I can see myself pretending the show ended at 7.23, if I'm brutally honest the show should have ended with their wedding in 6.23 given what I've seen after that has added nothing to the characters or their journey. The Castle mythology oh please! As for Castle PI no thanks it never did much for me.

Edited by verdana
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Wasn't Castle originally planned to be a comedy wrapped around homicide cases?

That's what I thought, and it sure ain't happenin' this season.

They think they're giving us a comedy though, but all they are giving me is some silly slapstick with some major heartbreak wrapped up in there. Not very "fun".

Used to be a great, smart, witty dramedy. Not any more.

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Bye, Alicia! 7 TV Shows That Need to End After This Season, The Good Wife and Castle Included at Watch with Kristin EOnline

Bones is on there and Castle gets a short mention. Kristin raises a good question there, 


Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's the question she meant to raise, which is why she didn't wave that red flag before the showrunners she clearly shared some productive mutual backscratching with left.


They think they're giving us a comedy though, but all they are giving me is some silly slapstick with some major heartbreak wrapped up in there. Not very "fun".

Used to be a great, smart, witty dramedy. Not any more.


This. I actually decided to stick with Castle in season 1 because I was impressed with the way they wrote his relationship with his daughter. Who I am bordering on negative interest in today, and I don't think the actress has grown less skilled as she's gained eight years of experience.

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Bye, Alicia! 7 TV Shows That Need to End After This Season, The Good Wife and Castle Included at Watch with Kristin EOnline

The comments are getting more amusing as time wears on.  Read them for pure comedy pleasure!

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As much a I whine at their lack of continuity I have to give credit where credit is due. They have with great consistency managed to at least partially ruin every milestone of their marriage. From the dismal proposal right up to the wedding (at least 6 episodes too late) it seemed like one long slow motion train wreck. Now with the upcoming anniversary episode they seem to be running true to form. I guess I really should be careful what I wish for.

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Something i have noticed in my lurking with twitter, columns, other boards, etc is that while people are still upset, there is more indifference- people are either not watching anymore or trying to watch "detached". I think thats a horrible sign and the exact opposite of what AH and co think is going on. Its easy to do. There is absolutely nothing there to hold ur interest. These breaks between eps should be interesting.

It's sad to imagine having to be detached in that way, the whole point of me watching something is that I want to get emotionally invested and lost in the story for 45 minutes not emotionally disengage from a significant part of it. That's why it's been so hard going since 8.02 because I can't separate what they're doing with Castle and Beckett and enjoy the rest, everything has been tainted by their separation there's no getting away from it. 

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Barry O' Brien Retweeted

Castle ‏@Castle_ABC  3h3 hours ago

#Castle is all-new in 1 week and there's a special guest! Take a peek:


Someone noted he's not wearing his wedding band in one of the clips, I presume it's a simple mistake and wardrobe forgot.


Castle Promos ‏@CastlePromos 2h2 hours ago

Seven years ago today, production began on something pretty special. To the cast and crew of #Castle:



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I see the PCA Nominations are now out. 


People's Choice Awards 2016: Empire, Pretty Little Liars Among TV Nominees


Castle, Stana and Nathan all make the cut.


Strange to see Castle coming under TV crime drama category, according to TPTB I thought it was classed as a comedy these days?


Meh. TPTB can call it whatever they like, but by virtue of the hour (and being an hour in itself) it airs and some darker elements, it always falls into that "dramedy" in between regardless.

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There's no "Crime Comedy" category, so it has to be a drama for award shows. For the Emmys this year the academy said any show that was an hour long needed to be classified as a drama and any show that was a half hour needed to be classified as a comedy.

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It's weird how a bunch of people are commenting on that site that Stana didn't renew her contract....we know she and Nathan both renewed for another year.

But I don't see how it can be Castle when we already know Stana is in the episodes airing after 8x08.

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Strange to see Castle coming under TV crime drama category, according to TPTB I thought it was classed as a comedy these days?


See, I think you are getting confused. TPTB have told us time and time again all of their storylines are FUN and we must come along for the FUN ride. A drama is only a drama when the storyline is organic. ;)

Edited by Brit Babe
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Speculation about what the next shirt sniffing scene or weird coffee subtext interaction will be should start now. Lol. I cringe thinking about the strange new moments the writers will concoct to prove their love, all while ignoring the mess created by the break up.

Dibs on pancakes with a turned-down mouth and a raisin single tear...

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Maybe it's her ghost! Think of the wacky high jinks! It's wacky!

I think what keeps that rumor going about Beckett getting killed comes from a posting on @CastleFansOrg twitter account in the photo gallery section a few weeks ago over a weekend that reported SK had leased an apartment in Paris and she was leaving the show after 8x7. That rumor might have been what hastened the Hawley/Winter interview with EW denying that a lead character was being killed off in the fall finale.

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VinceW that's interesting.


It's so weird in these cases. 


Sometimes it's someone just taking the germ of an idea, posting it, and a bunch of media outlets pick it up, even though it's based on nothing.


Or sometimes it's someone who really knows what's going on, and they're the first to report it.


It's so hard to tell at the beginning. 

SK was in Paris for a fall fashion show and she skipped filming an entire episode (8x8). There is a three month hiatus and she has gone overseas in the past for vacation. Maybe she gets kidnapped during Feb sweeps and she is not rescued until May sweeps or Baldwin becomes a recurring character and they film another episode after "Cool Boys" called "Whores in the Work Place" for some more ongoing sexist 'FUN' to hold the audience until Kate comes back for the season finale.  Just kidding !!!!

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I guess my work ethic is different than Stana's? Or she had to be there as part of her job? I'm so confused.


Huh? Work ethic? Really?  She was away during the filming of an episode where she wasn't needed, that's all we know. 

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Her being absent must have been known in advance by TPTB and it's a situation they have to grit their teeth and deal with given both stars have negotiated more time off in their new contracts. The episode with Baldwin must have been the best one to shoot at that time so her absence could be covered up relatively easily, it's the one I'd have chosen. I expect Fillion to get a similar break at some point, although saying that he's No 1 on the call sheet for a reason and the show is called "Castle" so whilst they can get away with it in Stana's case it would be really weird to have an episode where he doesn't make an appearance. I don't see that ever happening.  

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It's a tough one to deal with, but I think the actors have negotiated one toe in the Castle waters and the rest of themselves to other things, whether it is serious work or exotic vacations. Wish the rest of us were in a position to write greatly their our own ticket on a show that a network wants to keep.

Judging their work ethic will just make us feel bad. They've accumulated enough wealth, that it's possible that they don't have to work much. Rich people can mostly play if that's what they'd prefer, and maybe we're seeing some of that here. Or maybe Stana has an interest in the fashion industry and was attempting to make contacts for some future business line. At the same time, maybe Nathan wanted to work with Baldwin again.

I only hope they'll end the show on a high note. It'll be nice for all of us, cast, crew and viewers, to move on, I think. We can't have this show forever.

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Huh? Work ethic? Really?  She was away during the filming of an episode where she wasn't needed, that's all we know. 

Uhhh, no. She negotiated in her new contract to take a specific amount of time off. It's not that she wasn't "needed", but that they needed to write an episode without her in it.


It's completely different.

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I'm envious of them being able to have time off like this but that's the kind of business they're in and I accept that. It's not as if they're the only ones negotiating more time off, after a set of number of years most actors on shows like these want to step away somewhat from the weekly grind and whilst I don't blame them it does impact on the storytelling as I knew it would.

For selfish reasons I'd rather they spent more time on set together but this appears to be the trade off, fans want more seasons then expect to see less Castle and Beckett and more of the ensemble and new characters.

I expect that if they agree to a S9 they'll get more concessions, whether that's time off and/or a further pay hike I don't know, although there surely reaches a point where it's not practical to give them any further breaks off work.

Edited by verdana
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