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S06.E11: Humbug

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The team investigates a burglary at a cyber-security company, but Callen must steer clear of the crime scene after Hetty reveals his girlfriend, Joelle, is one of the lead witnesses. Also, the team discusses their personal holiday travel plans.



This thread will open at 22:58 on December 15th

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Pretty solid episode and we got to know Callan's girlfriend a little bit.  My question is if Weber was voluntarily giving them the info couldn't he have done it differently like..say..maybe just giving it to the guy..instead of the whole robbery angle?


I love Deeks and Kensi finally moving along and seeing all of Sam's family.


Good holiday episode.  I'm glad Joelle came back to Callan.

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So you know when the powers that be on a show say "this episode is a gift for the fans," and then most of the fans (at least online) hate the episode and get really pissed off?  Well, as far as I'm concerned, this ep really was a gift to the fans!  At least to this fan!  We got to see the whole Hanna family, including the mysterious other kid who has been referenced for four long season but never identified.  And Michelle reappeared.  And Callen made a huge step forward in emotional development.  And of course, Kensi and Deeks.  That was a tease that TOTALLY paid off!  Can't wait to see where they go from here (and to read the fan fiction :)


NCIS LA is my favorite show on TV right now, and it's partly for the gloriously silly save-the-world, James Bond, shoot-all-the-bad-guys-and-blow-everything-up-with-no-consequences plots, but it's mostly for the clever banter, engaging actors and interesting relationships that percolate in the background.  And this episode paid me off in spades.  So kudos to you, powers that be :)

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Was kinda meh on it. From the previews I was expecting a more lighthearted ep. Thought Weber / guy with DOD contract pending skimming the account of a bookie sounded like small potatoes and made no sense (I know, I know - silly me).

Not a fan of the families being shown in fear they will take over show.

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I'm glad we've finally met Sam's kids.  But Sam was talking as if he had such a carefree childhood when just a couple of episodes back we heard how his father really pushed him, so that sort of annoyed me.


I liked Nell suggesting Eric's cover story be that he's her boyfriend.  I also liked the progress with Kensi and Deeks, and that it came from her.


"Family" seems to be a recurring theme with the NCIS franchise so I'm sure we'll see or hear about family again but I don't worry that it will take over the show.

Edited by Trey
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We will see Aiden again. 


I LOVED the episode. NCIS:LA is a show that hits all the elements well, very well, in my opinion. Procedural, action, drama, comedy, character backstory, and character development. Last night's episode was prime example. 


I am a Densi shipper so to say I was thrilled w them last night. I love the character development from Kensi. She's the one that wanted to move forward, wanted to stop playing games, and be real! 


Kensi and Deeks finally have a conversation with actual words with no hidden meaning. There are no boxes within boxes, no knives being knives or more than knives or just knives, no raccoons, no multiple hearts, no utterance of the word "thing" to describe what's between them. It's almost a Christmas miracle.



Previously unreleased promo photos for last night's episode. You can see why PR/network waiting to release these:

Pic #1

Pic #2

Pic #3

Pic #4

Pic #5

Pic #6

Pic #7

Edited by Samantha84
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NCIS LA is my favorite show on TV right now, and it's partly for the gloriously silly save-the-world, James Bond, shoot-all-the-bad-guys-and-blow-everything-up-with-no-consequences plots, but it's mostly for the clever banter, engaging actors and interesting relationships that percolate in the background.  And this episode paid me off in spades.  So kudos to you, powers that be :)



I *might have squeed when Deeks pulled Kensi in for that kiss. Ok, I squeed. Out loud. A lot. And rewound. A lot. Am anxious to see how it affects the team.


I really like Joelle and was so glad she is giving Callen another chance.


Soooooooooooo - we still don't know if Michelle is Aiden's mother? It didn't seem like it last night.


Granger looked like shit.


ETA: so how weird is that dinner convo??? "How was work today, honey?"  "Oh it was ok. I spent most of the day on ice skates, making out with your brother. No big."

Edited by betsyboo
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Dani shared when asked is it weird to share this scenes b/c she's married to Eric's brother, David:

No, I think the build up between Kenzi & Deeks has been going on for so much longer than my relationship with David. We’re all in the business, we’re all professionals, and the most important thing is to keep the audience interested in the relationships of these characters, and we’ll do what we have to do to make that happen.


Personally? I think it's more weird and uncomfortable for her, for them to be asked about it so much. 




Edited by Samantha84
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I *might have squeed when Deeks pulled Kensi in for that kiss. Ok, I squeed. Out loud. A lot. And rewound. A lot. Am anxious to see how it affects the team.


I really like Joelle and was so glad she is giving Callen another chance.


Soooooooooooo - we still don't know if Michelle is Aiden's mother? It didn't seem like it last night.


Granger looked like shit.


 I squealed so loud! 


I'm so glad that this show has bucked the trend of keeping the 'will-they, won't-they' going until the end. I'd much rather come to a conclusion and then move forward. I think it's going to be enormous fun to see what happens next.  


And on a practical level, I can see why the production team went in this direction. The relationship between these 2 characters has been building since we first met Deeks, all the way back in Season 1. Whether it was intentional or not, the sparks between them were very nearly visible. At some point, a decision was going to have to be made to either jump in or dial it back. Not to mention, it's not out of the realm that DR has another child before the show ends for good. Now there is an out for writing it in (if it should come to that).


NCIS LA is my favorite show on TV right now, and it's partly for the gloriously silly save-the-world, James Bond, shoot-all-the-bad-guys-and-blow-everything-up-with-no-consequences plots, but it's mostly for the clever banter, engaging actors and interesting relationships that percolate in the background.  And this episode paid me off in spades.  So kudos to you, powers that be :)



This!  A thousand times this. A perfect description of exactly why I love this show. Perfect mix of characters, relationships, storylines and pure escapism.

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It was nice to get an episode were no one died. Very rare for this show.

Well, there was that one guy Callen shot in the chest when protecting Joelle.


I was nice to see a little of the personal lives of team. I'm not sure where they're going with Eric/Nell, though. I don't want them together.


Okay, so they must be planning to address the issue of Callen's name/parentage.

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'bout time Kensi and Deeks!


Even without the kiss, I thought this was a pretty great episode, and I like how it explored G and Joelle.  And we got to meet Sam's kids.  Nice to see the team together, especially in comparison to last season.



In utter speculation, I've decided that "G" stands for Gaylord.  Or Gallivant.  


But I'm liking Gaylord, just to see Sam's reaction to the name, which would be priceless.

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Soooooooooooo - we still don't know if Michelle is Aiden's mother? It didn't seem like it last night.


I've been puzzling this myself since the first spoilers about Aiden's existence.  Doesn't seem like he could possibly be Michelle's son without some MAJOR ret-conning.  


I'm a bit of a timeline whore for things like this, so this is my take.  I'm pretty sure that Callenn told Kensi and Deeks in Michelle's first episode in Season Four that Sam and Michelle met on a joint task force 8 years previously.  Which would mean they've been together now for about ten years, which would make sense given that their daughter is about 8 or 9.  Plus, when Sam first mentions his daughter in the middle of Season Two, he talks about her first day of school, meaning she has to be older than 4 or 5 at that point, which would make sense that she's 8 or 9 now.  Clearly the son is in his teens now, probably at least 15 or 16 given how tall he is.  That would mean he was a little kid when Sam first met Michelle.


Anyway, enough of my pedantic analysis.  Suffice it to say that I think Sam has an ex-wife/baby mamma out there somewhere, which could be a fun plot point down the line.


Oh, and I'm a total freak for Kensi and Deeks too, so I'm still grinning about last night.  It is SO nice when a show lets a relationship like this play out, rather than improbably teetering on the fence year after year (see Tony and Ziva).  It seems much more respectful to the fans.

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I'm going with Gregory. Or Grigori (he was born in Romania to a Russian father).


But Sam's reaction to Gaylord would be epic.

Didn't Hetty tell him that there was grandfather that was George? I just assumed after that that is what it was, even tho it wasn't spelled out explicitly. I don't know how we find out now without finding the father. I wonder what his birth certificate says?

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Oh, and by the by, because I cannot stop obsessing about this awesome episode, did anyone else catch the sweet call-back to last year's Christmas episode, Merry Evasion (which I thought was one of the best eps of Season Five)?  When Deeks answered the sat phone with Kensi's surprise call, he said "Go for Santa."  And when he skated up to her when she said she wanted to talk, same line.  This show is one of the best at remembering its own history.

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Oh, and by the by, because I cannot stop obsessing about this awesome episode, did anyone else catch the sweet call-back to last year's Christmas episode, Merry Evasion (which I thought was one of the best eps of Season Five)?  When Deeks answered the sat phone with Kensi's surprise call, he said "Go for Santa."  And when he skated up to her when she said she wanted to talk, same line.  This show is one of the best at remembering its own history.

I totally caught that! I just thought I was reading too much into it. I also thought it was funny that that they were spending this episode chasing a thumb drive with dangerous info, just like in Frozen Lake.

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Did y'all realize Kensi and Deeks became official on a frozen lake?

Great callback to last season and Kensi explanation of a frozen lake and reasoning for her reservations. Perfect that she's the one that took the step towards Deeks; towards them. 

Edited by Samantha84
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I'm in the minority.  I really hate all the pandering for Kensi and Deeks, and it has made the show worse.  I just find that those two behave like teenagers rather than adults, and it has turned the show into more of a goofy show than a serious one.  In seasons one and two, there was some real drama all the time surrounding this team, and then with Kensi and Deeks and later with Nell and Eric, it's like I'm in high school again with the flirting and the cheesy banter.  It's not that I mind Densi together, but I mind how much focus the stories were given to them at the expense of other characters.  Take Callen, since the moment he was introduced, he was an introvert and not very trusting.  He didn't get close to anyone, and then suddenly he gets a quick blind date, and then his entire relationship with her happens off screen.  WTF??!  I would love to have watched her break down those walls, but instead, it's an insta romance.  It was so disappointing after four years of waiting for some story advancement for Callen in a personal sense.  Couldn't the writers have given equal screen time to Callen and Densi?  We didn't even get a kiss for Callen.  


This use to be one of my favorite shows.  I still like all the characters, but it use to be more dramatic and had edgy episodes and compelling storylines.  Now it's a lot of comedic banter.  Hawaii Five O is doing it so much better.  The banter is there, but they have some incredible dramatic episodes (the 100th was incredible) and every character has a story arc.  I really hope NCIS LA gets back to its roots because I want to love this show again. I still love the characters, but the old Callen, Sam, Hetty, Kensi (and even Deeks) have been replaced with these smiley, jokey characters.  I want those great story arcs again.

Edited by Bishop
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I thought it was cool that Nell and Eric were going to see her family for the Holidays and she wanted him to use the story that he was her bf. Then his flash going off in his eyes was funny. He wanted to play her "Clark Kent": I thought with the camera he would be "Jimmy Olsen".

Lincoln Tate being visited under his tarp on the beach reminded me of Hawaii 5-0. He was no longer Billy Rex's friend.

I did figure there was something up with Peter Weber. Hetty sitting on one side and Sam on the other was very cute and intimidating. Having snatch and grab artist Rex steal the Malware to sell on the black market.

I worried when Billy Rex grabbed Joelle Taylor and held her as a hostage that she would have something to do with the case. Like an accomplice. Now it took 3 officers to stop him, but only one was used to transport him to interrogation?? No wonder he over powered him.

His 2 Santa sidekicks weren't much help. Leroy Moss was not to smart when he came after Deeks denting up "The worst Mustang model ever!" Moss yells as he pulls his gun," You picked the wrong guy to mess with, how do you think this is going to go?" Well Kensi steps out with her gun. We know how it will go. Arrested or shot! But then Stuart Woods,(Thought he looked familiar, he is a Lawrence Brother)was in the tub. He was high or drunk or both. He had also I thought been wounded. Deeks had fun interrogating him.

You could see Callen was having 2nd thoughts about Joelle thinking he was a Commodities Trader and not knowing the real truth. Callen being home with Joelle while Rex was coming, I figured would be a funny way to protect her without her know it. I also thought that she would catch him going through her gift bag. Then when he turned down the lights, up the music and danced with her while Deeks and Kensi went after Rex and his 3 men I figured even more it would be funny. But it wasn't like G spun her and pushed kronie number 1 out a window, or kronie number 2 down the stairs. She found out real soon he had a gun and knew how to use it. G tackling the Van driver after he lost his gun was a nice move. I did worry that Joelle was done with him after the arrest.

Nice to see Owen Granger coming back after his poisoning and accident. Him and Hetty had a nice little talk. He was thinking she was to soft on the team for giving them the Holiday off.

Liked the ending with the team at the ice rink. Sam, Michelle, Kamran and then Cadet Sargent Aiden Hanna, surprising dad. Sam not wanting to skate. Kensi and Deeks skating and talking about not wanting to play it safe. Glad they want to do it together and not separate. And finally Joelle Taylor wanting to know about G and his first name,lol. But I am glad she did not want to give up on them.

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As to getting the holidays off, I'm pretty sure that they're not the only four investigators NCIS has in LA.....Also, isn't there something in the rules against fraterization? If K and D are going to be full at it, aren't they going to have to be separated at work?

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There is a rule. Deeks is also not a NCIS agent. He still, technically, works for the LAPD. 

These 2 have all but have an officially title b/c, im my humble opinion, they've been dating for a while >> I.E: This season. I think they can still be work partners and be in a relationship. As long as it doesn't affect their work or comprise the safety of the team and themselves, Hetty and Granger [b/c he knows too] will alright. 

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There is a rule. Deeks is also not a NCIS agent. He still, technically, works for the LAPD. 

These 2 have all but have an officially title b/c, im my humble opinion, they've been dating for a while >> I.E: This season. I think they can still be work partners and be in a relationship. As long as it doesn't affect their work or comprise the safety of the team and themselves, Hetty and Granger [b/c he knows too] will alright. 

I think that is what will make the difference. The second their relationship does cause issues (probably someone overreacting or disobeying orders because the other is in danger), then Deeks will be sent back to LAPD so fast his head will spin. Hetty might be willing (to a point) to turn a blind eye but no way Granger will allow that sort of thing.

Edited by anna0852
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I think that Granger will be willing to turn a blind eye as long as he doesn't actually catch them making out in the hallway- plausible deniability.  And since Deeks is not an ncis employee (and doesn't get a bonus at christmas), it's technically okay, I think.


Personally, I, too, think they have been dating since last spring.  


But I am very worried for the actor who plays him.  Obviously I respect his privacy, but I hope he is okay, and if he's not, I'm sending vibes his way.

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KPC, yep, I say they have as well. They just hadn't made it official ... kissed or had sex (again). lol. 

We learned from conversations that they've been hanging out outside of work (more than usual).... and the scene with them waking up? Looked like that wasn't the first time that had happened. 

Edited by Samantha84
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I would absolutely love to see one character pay off another (ie, settling a bet) when it gets out that Kensi and Deeks got together. If it isn't 't out already, that kissing was pretty public.


Completely unrelated, you think Kensi is short for something or did her parents really dig deep for a unique name?

Edited by anna0852
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I've just discovered this show by recommendation of my brother. I've caught up on all past seasons these past few weeks. I can't believe how great this show is and how I've missed it this whole time. Like someone above said, the humor, banter, explosions, relationships, etc. Perfect. 


I am having a hard time finding other forums about this show. Is it just that folks don't talk/obsess about this show as much as say, The Walking Dead?


I am definitely all for Kensi and Deeks, but Nell and Eric makes no sense to me. She is way too smart for him. I can't decide if K and D have been secretly dating all along. My romantic thought is that she was so tortured in Afghanistan and that Deeks has been patiently waiting for her to be ready to move forward. Baby steps like sleeping on the couch together.


This Christmas episode was the best present I got this holiday. 

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I liked this one. Especially after all the depressing family stuff from last ep. It was most definitely a more feel-good ep.


That Mustang made the most pathetic siren noise ever.


I wasn't expecting the Kensi and Deeks scene at all, or for it to turn out the way it did. I liked that Deeks kissed Kensi in mid-sentence.And that Kensi was the one to push things forward. I like it when the two actually have REAL conversation.


I think it's been pretty obvious ever since the beginning of last season, these two have been a "thing"-intimate, but unclear about exactly how much.  Certainly more than friends. That conversation and that kiss was all about them deciding to dive into the deep end saying "fuck it." And yes, how appropriate for it to happen on a "frozen lake".


I loved the first time Deeks kissed her, in the S4 finale, how utterly stunned she was...


I liked Eric's reactions to "coming home" with Nell, and using being her "boyfriend" as being their cover. Interesting also that Erik accepted the invitation as well.


I didn't clue in at all that the woman being taken hostage was Calen's girlfriend.  Hetty had to point that out. It's nice that she decided to still be involved with him. So, she wants to know what his first name is huh? So would we, because I don't believe we've ever known what it is...

Edited by StarBrand
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I have no idea why it took me this long to think of it, but - if Joelle really thought Callen was just some ordinary guy with a boring job - how did he explain the fact that he is completely covered in scars from bullet holes? I mean, they went all the way through. There's nothing else they could be.

What would he say? Embarrassing accident with an industrial riveter? Previous career as a colander for one of the finest sous chefs in Paris?

Edited by Lebanna
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I feel bad that I don't really care about Callen's girlfriend or even get to know about her.  I guess I just don't like the chemistry with them but that's probably me.  They were my least favorite part of the whole episode.  I did love seeing Sam's family and his son surprising him too.  Yay for Kensi and Deeks but I wonder how it will play out.  Either way they are cute together.  My favorite on the show is Eric but I don't know what to think of him going home with Nell. I love his quirks and what he does but something about the Nell character.  I can't put my finger on it.  Anyway this show is my new addiction.

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So wow, I just watched "Merry Evasion" again (yes, I admit, I'm watching through my Season 5 DVDs again) and guess what  I didn't remember before?  The final take-down scene in "Merry Evasion," where the senator and the bad guy confront one another and the team thwarts the bad guy's dastardly plan?  Takes place in Pershing Square next to the set-up ice rink.  Exactly where the final scenes in "Humbug" take place a year later.  Yet another cool throwback to the show's own history.  (Along with "Go for Santa" and the Frozen Lake).  


Very well thought-out episode :)

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I recently rewatched the episode and it suddenly hit me: Joelle says to Callen that he has no idea how scary it is to have a gun pointed at you. Okay, but how on earth did Callen explain his scars from his shooting? They are a very distinct round shape, so other than that he got caught in a shooting, what would or could he have said?

I buy that Joelle would not have thought about that in that moment


the original Joelle anyway

but Callen didn't remind her that he got shot either. (I'm pretty sure they just forgot about the shooting or didn't want to deal with it, still, I'd love to know how they'd explain it if asked).

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