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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I'm kind of assuming it's something like Merida's ale, that will allow her to communicate with him.


I'm thinking that Hook will be a ghost/spirit in the UW, at least for part of the time. And when they leave, Emma will have to play Orpheus and trust that he is with her and not look back. It will be a huge test of faith. And had damn well better have a happier ending than with Eurydice!!

Edited by Souris
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Henry looks upset in one still--looks like Robin is comforting him.

I wonder if Henry sees his father's grave, meaning he's disappointed that he has already moved into the afterlife. (So he can't see him in the Underworld.)


As far as promo pictures go. I like the Evil Queen costume, except for the hair. It gives me terrible memories of the ballerina bun from 3x19. Funny seeing Snow, Charming and the dwarves having a party as a nod to the 100th episode. If you notice in Pan's shop, he has the chipped cup, Cogsworth, the Peter Pan doll he gave Rumple, and a spinning wheel.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I guess it must be a bad flashback to seeing Neal's Gravestone for Henry. If you think about it, Henry has lost most of his father-figures, starting from Graham to his own father Neal, and now Hook. Robin almost died a couple of times in 5A, but we didn't really get to see Henry's reaction to that (nor do we know what kind of a relationship they have). So, it can't be easy for him.


Both Pan and Cora look subdued. I'm guessing Regina and Cora will make it up before Regina comes back to the Real World. Not sure about Pan. He didn't seem to have a particle of empathy ever, so Afterlife can't make much of a difference IMO.

I guess it must be a bad flashback to seeing Neal's Gravestone for Henry. If you think about it, Henry has lost most of his father-figures, starting from Graham to his own father Neal, and now Hook. Robin almost died a couple of times in 5A, but we didn't really get to see Henry's reaction to that (nor do we know what kind of a relationship they have). So, it can't be easy for him.


I'm the furthest thing from a Henry fan, but I think it's a shame that the show has not addressed what he has gone through regarding loss.


We talk about how Regina, a grown up was unable to take the loss of Daniel for instance, and how she behaved poorly after Robin left, and how she threatened to control Emma into saving Robin's life in 5x02.


But Henry? Henry knew Graham his entire life, that's 10 solid years of having this man be part of his life even though Storybrooke was a messed up town. He lost his father 3 times. The first time was when Emma lied about him, the second when he was shot and fell through the portal, and the 3rd when he really died. Walsh, 8 months. Hook...


Going back to the stills we got, and yay, it means the show is right around the corner, I'm impressed that Pan might be helping. Sounds like he might have mellowed out a lot. And Rumple is actually helping, as in helping.

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I find it interesting that he seems to be nowhere near the Undervengers after 5x14.

I think Rumple will have his own agenda in the Underworld, kind of like the Neverland arc, and he won't be a huge part of the main group until the end of 5B. Meanwhile, Emma and the gang will be naive...again...and assume Rumple won't be up to anything dastardly, but he'll double-cross them during the finale and his actions will lead us into an Agrabah-themed Season 6A.

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Is that how Emma wakes him up? I'm still wondering if Hook and Emma can touch or not.

Looks like Regina and Cora can touch and the rules should be the same for Emma and Killian....unless Cora is 'special '..

Hmm...maybe what Emma pours out of that flask brings Killian's body to the UW....hopefully he wouldn't have to dig himself out.....!

So, time to over-analyze things. Pan seems to favor the no-clutter approach to running a pawn shop. Here are some things I noticed in the pictures of the shop interior:


1. Seven clocks (to indicate the element of time–the clock is ticking + the obligatory “tick tock” reference).

2. Spinning Wheel/Sewing Machine (could be another reference time = the wheel of time. Again emphasizing the time-element. Also DO Rumple's hobby)

3. Ship/boat replicas (reference to Hook, as he is the cause of this mission)

4. The chipped cup and saucer (Rumple dashed Chip to pieces in 5A, and it’s now sitting on a pedestal in the UW pawn shop. Rumbelle's dead y'll)

5. Peter Pan doll (to show that Pan has some regrets, perhaps)

6. Candlesticks, but no candles (could be a reference to this being the land of the Dead).

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Heh. I had a thought. What if James tries to convince Snow that he is David so he can hitch a ride to the Living World? He's going to get punched in the face. 5B actually has a lot of comedic potential with so many awkward "family" meetings coming up

Knowing this show, Snow will probably sleep with James thinking he's Charming, then a second child will spawn. But it'll be okay because kids know this is a magical show and not realistic at all.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I have decided that I think it would be fun if James & Cruella were a thing. SpottedTwin? DevilPrince? DoubleDevil? #ChiseledPup?


I hope James is in more eps. I want others to meet him!

Well, if she thought David was hot as sheriff she would probably like the slightly villainous Sheriff James even more. I'm in!


I want everyone to meet James too! It will be a shame if Snow and Emma don't meet him. Also, I'm almost convinced that Regina had to have met him before he died even though she sadly never got to dance with him. I wouldn't be opposed to an AU Regina/James ship. 

So Firebird is another name for the Phoenix, which rises anew from the ashes. I'm already seeing people think it's about Killian. I highly doubt that. Given the way this arc has gone, it's probably about Zelena. Or Hades. Or there's always Regina! The x20 ep has been heavy on her (and Zelena) the past two seasons.

There's also this Russian fairy tale/ballet where a magical Firebird helps a prince defeat an evil magician (Koschei the Deathless) whose soul is kept hidden inside an egg, thus freeing all the people he had entrapped with his magic. It's unlikely for Hades to be literally killed at the end of the arc, but the fable might otherwise fit. The Firebird will most likely end up being the deux ex machina of the arc to help defeat the "baddie".

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I like the ballet reference. I looked it up and it does fit within what's going on during this arc.


Zelena also has hair kissed by fire btw (borrowing from GoT)


And there's the phoenix reference, and rebirth. So Hook, but it could also be a number of things especially if some dead people are trying to hitch a ride back to the land of the living.


This episode could end up being exactly like 5x08, we saw 3 separate births in it.


It could be one of the above or all 3.


Looking over the filming spoilers from yeseterday - Zelena is kidnapped by Pan and Rumple - Is she leverage against Hades? Maybe they're trapped in the UW, and can't get out.


I could see Hades being, well no one is leaving this place, and deciding everyone is staying. Question is why is Pan even helping at all? Pan is a little shit, so what did Rumple promise him in exchange for his help? I don't think Pan is like I wanna release my son from the UW. Plus there's the whole Neal issue which I'm sure Rumple hasn't let go of with Zelena just yet.


Then there's the confrontation between James and David. David gets tazered. That means he's not going to make it back to MM, Emma, and everyone else. So where is he? Is James looking to pass himself off as David and hitch a ride with everyone else?


5x19 just got more interesting.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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We are getting Emma flash back.


Please be longer than 30 seconds. Please let it be an important scene and not some random retcon with Merlin popping in to give advice in a movie theater. Please let there be absolutely no references to fucking Lily. Please let there be no ham-fisted parallel where Emma needs to beg for Regina's friendship in the present day because she happened to save an innocent person's life. Please let it be the main flashback of the episode and not a quick vignette. Please...

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Please be longer than 30 seconds. Please let it be an important scene and not some random retcon with Merlin popping in to give advice in a movie theater. Please let there be absolutely no references to fucking Lily. Please let there be no ham-fisted parallel where Emma needs to beg for Regina's friendship in the present day because she happened to save an innocent person's life. Please let it be the main flashback of the episode and not a quick vignette. Please...


Let's all hold hands and work the magic on A&E.

I think it's either present time which would then indicate that they are back from the UW and things may not have worked out like she had hoped.


Or it's a missing scene in 5x11 where she went out of town looking for something and came back to Storybrooke so that they could head to the UW.


Regardless though, I think Emma is bailsbonding.

Let's just say that what Emma is wearing is the stuff she was wearing before she went to the UW, and that makes it confusing as hell as to what this is.


But good news! Emma centric episode?


This is going to be exactly like 5x08 I think, a title that means different things. At this point though, I'm convinced that Emma is firebird. the other portion may or may not have anything to do with someone rising from the ashes because phoenix.

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