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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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A&E or A, said that Zelena's story would pick up in the second half of 5B, so I guess this is it. Plus they can't exactly do what they did back in Neverland where Shadow!Belle is hanging out with Rumple. 


The UW portion doesn't sound too long.  So far it seems like they mostly meet cameos there and then quickly rescue Hook within a few episodes and then they go off tangent with other plots like Dorothy/Zelena/etc.

It seems like each of the mains in the Underworld gets a centric and then they're done. So Regina, Snow, Hook and Rumpel each get an ep to deal with whoever and once that's done maybe we get an episode about Hades and they're out of there. I don't think David will get a full on James episode because it would require a lot of work to film them together all the time and because David & James don't know each other. I can see James meeting the rest of the crew at various points potentially even popping up throughout the arc (it's not like they can't get the actor). Then it's off to Oz/Storybrooke for Zelena/Belle/Dorothy. They don't have enough story for the cameos to cover 12 episodes. So maybe it's six in hell, four in Storybrooke/Oz (maybe Hades follows them home?) and then a two hour season finale that's disconnected from everything.

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JMo seems to still be in LA, so this is probably the Zelena-centric, Belle-has-an-adventure-with-a-Disney-princess episode of this arc.


I *think* Colin is doing that movie in NYC this week. 


I guess we'll find out who is in Steveston sometime during the day.


I've been wondering if time doesn't pass differently in the UW, and SB. I think they could do their time jump that way if they wanted to. And I've also been wondering if Hades won't follow everyone back to Storybrooke, where he's like you bitches can't keep doing whatever the hell you please.


Maybe they end up giving him Zelena in the trade. One thing everyone in Storybrooke seems to agree on (and by everyone, I mean Emma and Regina) is that Zelena is not needed, and that they just don't want her around. Emma wanted to kill her, and Regina tornadoed her back to Oz. 

Edited by YaddaYadda

Maybe they end up giving him Zelena in the trade. One thing everyone in Storybrooke seems to agree on (and by everyone, I mean Emma and Regina) is that Zelena is not needed, and that they just don't want her around. Emma wanted to kill her, and Regina tornadoed her back to Oz.


Everyone except the writers who for some reason dragged her character out like this.


Then it's off to Oz/Storybrooke for Zelena/Belle/Dorothy. They don't have enough story for the cameos to cover 12 episodes. So maybe it's six in hell, four in Storybrooke/Oz (maybe Hades follows them home?) and then a two hour season finale that's disconnected from everything.


It all feels disconnected, usually in the previous arcs it's a long drag with some filler moments padding the episodes out (well, except for 5a's super messiness in the end).  Here, it seems like they threw in any random character that was available for them.

Everyone except the writers who for some reason dragged her character out like this.

They needed to give Robin another child to not take care of?


I'm thinking this season second half will be the real end of Zelena. The thing is, we already know what can defeat her, and I don't see them revisiting that particular light magic plot because that would be too easy.


Maybe whatever she does is what sets up the season finale, you know, like in 3B, because the writers lack imagination. 


They did Back to the Future and Good Becomes Evil, so now they need to do "What if there was no curse?"

We'll get an actual version of the Princess and the Pirate, she whispers.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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We'll get an actual version of the Princess and the Pirate, she whispers.


Oh, can we please get the OUAT version of The Princess Bride?  Different enough that they don't ruin the most awesome movie ever, but just enough to pay homage like they did with Back to the Future?



Instead we would probably get a version where everyone's life is miserable because Regina didn't cast the Curse. :-p


Damn it, of course we would.  It would be the Regina-verse Its A Wonderful Life.


I'm really still hoping that we are not spending 4 episodes out of the Underworld to deal with baby momma drama.  I'm encouraged that the clock tower is set up for today's filming, because theoretically then we're still in the UW at this point. I really didn't hate the Season 3A potted plant dilemma so I in theory wouldn't object to it here in 5B either.

Instead we would probably get a version where everyone's life is miserable because Regina didn't cast the Curse. :-p


You know, it's a super strong possibility.


I think that if they go to a place where the curse was never cast, it would mean that Regina as the EQ may never have happened. A&E said that there's going to be a lot of EQ this second half, so maybe the AU we get is what if Regina never became the Evil Queen? What if she never blamed Snow for Daniel's death, and wanted revenge?


That means Rumple would have had to find someone else to cast the curse. Enter Zelena. Maybe it's what if the curse was never cast by Regina, but by Zelena instead?


I think that there are events that would still have happened. Like James dying, and George replacing him with David. I think David and Snow would still have met, but likely during David's engagement party. 


Just spitballing.

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 I wonder what this means for the speculation that A&E have scrapped the LGBT romance based on Jamie's tweets? Maybe they've actually just switched Mulan for Dorothy? Which would incredibly dumb, but hey.


Or maybe it just means Billy is confirmed to make an appearance in the Underworld... Eh? He's still obsessed with Ruby so he tows her red Camaro around just for kicks.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I wonder what this means for the speculation that A&E have scrapped the LGBT romance based on Jamie's tweets? Maybe they've actually just switched Mulan for Dorothy? Which would incredibly dumb, but hey.

I think Jamie responded to someone that her tweet didn't have anything to do with OUAT.  

Edited by Stuffy

I think Jamie responded to someone that her tweet didn't have anything to do with OUAT.  

Thanks! I hadn't seen that update. It did seem weird that she would post a passive-aggressive tweet about OUAT while hanging out with Jennifer so much. 


So if Regina, Robin and Belle filmed together, either Belle gets to the UW, or they're back?

So they're copying 5A already? It's not like that formula worked well. Storybrooke was boring and pointless, and the memory loss was so blah.


They clearly are copying 5A, but at the same time, if there's no memory shenanigans, then it's already a bit different, no? I'm guessing that 5x12 will play out exactly like 5x01, as in everyone is back in Storybrooke with a time jump, and Hades follows, and Zelena returns. I mean that explains what Rebecca Mader said about filming with Colin and Jen, which didn't really make sense since her character did not go to the Underworld. It just means everyone is already back in SB, and Hook is alive and well in SB.


I'm assuming Hades is going to follow.  Maybe Emma stole Hook's soul from the UW, and Hades is super pissed, and wants what's his back.


Dorothy is in SB because of Zelena, and Zelena is there because of her kid, and Hades is there because everyone is messing with a God, and he's not having it. Hades gets his sob story about the brother who is always picked on, and never gets to keep his toys.


They drag everything, and then stuff everything in the finale. When the season is over, we will be able to discuss how they haven't answered half the questions, and guess exactly how season 6 will go, and complain about it, all the while looking forward to it starting.


Wash, rinse, repeat.

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I'm imagining Regina getting to the Underworld, and when they don't find Hook within five minutes declaring that this is boring and pointless and heading home, Robin in tow.


If there's a time jump with flashbacks, does that mean we'll start with mild-mannered Hook (if they really mean anything about having all the darkness sucked out of him) tending the roses at Chez Picket Fence, with everything looking hunky-dory and no sign of the past trauma, then Hades shows up, and then we start flashing back to how they got Hook back and at what price?


I'm assuming Hades is going to follow.  Maybe Emma stole Hook's soul from the UW, and Hades is super pissed, and wants what's his back.

That thieving hussy.


I'm not getting flashbacks from this. I'm assuming they just get back from the Underworld and Hades comes with them because they messed with the wrong sassy God.

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Yeah, I'd have to agree that if they're doing time jump with flashbacks, unless everything in the jumped timeline is interior, we'd have seen the shooting.


Unless maybe Scarybrooke is the real Storybrooke and this is what happened after they opened the portal to the Underworld. The Underworld moved in and took over.

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Why are Snowing lining up to use the phone booth? I saw somebody make a "Hello from the other side" Adele joke earlier. Maybe that's actually true? LOL.

It's an old British phone booth too. There's also a corner mortuary right behind them. I kind of love how crazy the Underworld is. Looks wackier than you might think.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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They needed to give Robin another child to not take care of?


That they abandoned just a few scenes later.


They clearly are copying 5A, but at the same time, if there's no memory shenanigans, then it's already a bit different, no? I'm guessing that 5x12 will play out exactly like 5x01, as in everyone is back in Storybrooke with a time jump, and Hades follows, and Zelena returns. I mean that explains what Rebecca Mader said about filming with Colin and Jen, which didn't really make sense since her character did not go to the Underworld. It just means everyone is already back in SB, and Hook is alive and well in SB.


They've been rehashing previous arcs.  It also reminds me of 3a only not spending as much time there, in terms of the rescue arc/Hades seems like he might be a Pan-like villain.


I'm thinking this season second half will be the real end of Zelena. The thing is, we already know what can defeat her, and I don't see them revisiting that particular light magic plot because that would be too easy.

Maybe whatever she does is what sets up the season finale, you know, like in 3B, because the writers lack imagination.


I still don't see Zelena's point of being here or why bother to bring her back after being banished to Oz.  We already do know what can defeat her and we've already seen her be defeated more than once, so it's just pointless redundancy especially since the show is already juggling several new storylines and characters.

Either Belle and Pistachio are both dead, or she found a way to enter the UW that did not need Rumple's blood. 


She probably finds out Rumple is the Dark One again. Lather rinse repeat.


I was reminded that the Blue Fairy also died and returned. My guess is that Belle followed the others to the UW to keep Pistachio from Zelena, courtesy of the Blue Fairy's blood. They did film at Blue's house, so Zelena was likely there to get Pistachio. And then Zelena used Blue's blood to follow.


Zelena and Hades might be a thing?


Ship name is already WickedHot, LOL. I've also seen Zades.


Hey..that could work. ...Zelena could be OUaT version of Persephone (think that's right) and they can swap her for Killian. ..as long as he doesn't have to go back for 6 months if every year.


Hades can keep Persephelena for half a season. I'm fine with that. But I wouldn't be fine with only half a season of Killian!

Edited by Souris

I'm really confused. At this point I'm questioning if Underbrooke is really the Underworld or it's Storybrooke invaded. Belle, Zelena and Hades in the same place complicates everything. We've got three people who were all in three separate realms as of 5x11.


If Belle brought Baby Hood to the Underworld... best babysitter of the year. 

Edited by KingOfHearts

People say that Hades turned SB into the Underworld for Zelena. How much do people want to make a bet Adam and Eddy will redeem themselves from that horrendous 4B twist which caused massive backlash by making Hades the real father of Zelena's baby?


Like they redeemed themselves after the Marian/Zelena twist only to dump a Zelena baby on OQ?  It's better if they stopped making it worse.

I know I shouldn't go demanding logic for their "genius twists", but if Robin wasn't the father, why would Zelena not fess up at this point? She doesn't want Robin and Regina to be involved. Having Robin's baby is not really messing with OQ, because they're fine. If she was like "just kidding, baby's not yours", Robin would stop caring, because he barely cares about the children that are genetically his. 

Edited by Serena
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