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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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That's the Cup of Hufflepuff.


I'm sure that cup was a bit nicer than this one.


It's actually interesting if Camelot becomes flashbacks, because it will actually mean that time has passed.  I'm sure part of the reason they would be doing this is Zelena's pregnancy since she is set to give birth this season.  She's a good way to measure passing time.

Does anyone else find it a bit weird that Eddy says this about Charming and Arthur's relationship?


I understood absolutely nothing from that article and I mean nothing.  


Stuff that went through my head was..


  • Arthur is gay and has a thing for David
  • I don't know how special Guinevere and Arthur are since Gwen cheated on Arthur with Lancelot
  • Are Arthur and Gwen really special?  In everything that's Lancelot, Arthur loves her, she doesn't


In conclusion, Arthur has a thing for David, David doesn't swing that way and is married.  Arthur forever second best.


And I did not understand anything about Merida either.  She's going through her own stuff, which great.


Main character stories, relegated to the back burner then Eddy complains about how they have so many characters.

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Yeah. The cup looks like a "thank you for participate" gift, something you give the kids that take part in a sport competition but doesn't win.


It does look really cheap-ass. Maybe they're trying to fake out somebody with a pretend Grail, like David did to Snow with the fake Excalibur. I snarked on Tumblr that it looked like David was bestowing his "Best Bro" trophy on Arthur. Bastard! Everybody knows that it should be Hook's.


I agree that the most believable reason for Emma to give in to the darkness would be if she thinks Hook betrayed her.


I hope like hell they don't have Hook actually betray her. It would make no sense and be totally counter to his character, but TS, TW. I fret about the "heartbreaking" aspect of Ep. 5.

Edited by Souris
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Do they go and get that from Merlin's mansion since everyone seems to be back in Storybrooke anyway?  I can very honestly say that the more "spoilers" we get, the more confusing this is.


Also, I do wonder a bit if the show won't decide to go the Da Vinci Code route for the Holy Grail instead of an actual object.

I have a feeling they will put some sort of spin on the Grail so that it's not so overtly religious -- like making it a magical object rather than a Christian one.


With Robert's comments seeming to differentiate b/t Rumple & Gold, I'm rather imagining that Rumple will be interacting with Emma in her head as a representation of the Dark One within her trying to seduce her to the Dark Side.

Does anyone else find it a bit weird that Eddy says this about Charming and Arthur's relationship?

The word that comes to my mind when I think about Arthur and Gwen is betrayal, and I doubt they would be promoting that friendship between Arthur and Charming if it was just that, a friendship. So I think Arthur is going to betray Charming or, following the trend "the Charmings are terrible persons" that A&E seem to love, David is going to betray Arthur.

Edited by RadioGirl27

So Gold and Rumple are 2 separate entities inside one person?  I'm guessing this would be the first time a person is not the Dark One without being killed.  But isn't this who Regina is?  Two sort of separate people in one person, especially since she's changed?  And isn't this who Snow is? 


And okay, so Gold is Rumple's Storybrooke's counterpart.  And Rumple wasn't always the Dark One and Gold wasn't the Dark One for 28 years because of the curse. But Gold is a a jerk and everyone during the curse was scared of him.


Yeah, so dude will want the Dark One's powers back, I'm pretty sure.  This doesn't bode well for Emma if anything (or even Belle for that matter or anyone really).

Edited by YaddaYadda
I don't really like Robert's DO comments, or I don't understand them.


Running it through my A&E Decoder Ring, it seems to me it's a sign that show retains its basic unwillingness to step out of their comfort zone in any meaningful way.


By definition, a "blank slate" Rumpel would require them to do something different from the Gold of Old or the pre-DO Rumpel. They'd had to employ some creativity, to have him interact with other characters in new ways, and Bobby would have to do more than just show up and nosh on some scenery. None of them seem willing to do that at this point.


So, "Gold" will remain in a coma, while Rumpel, through some contrived bullsh....um, magic, will be just as he's always been, plotting and conniving to get his power back in either the 5a or 5b finale, depending on how long they decide to drag this out.

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I talked to the crew on the Lady Washington about OUAT filming. Was told that they were scheduled to film in September but it got cancelled. I am guessing that the show decided to go CGI/studio route instead. Either way it looks like the Jolly will be back in 5A.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how you go from "they have canceled the filming in the ship" to "the Jolly Roger will be back in 5A". For me it sounds more like "they have changed the story and they don't need the ship anymore". And, really, looking at the filming spoilers we have, the change in the story sounds more logical.

Edited by RadioGirl27

^ As long as we still get to see the Jolly in some compacity (whether just the deck or whatever) I'll be happy.

Otherwise, they could have waited to bring it back at a later date (so when it'll actually get used).

It does seem like an odd jump from "canceled usage" to "we'll totally be seeing it in 5a!"

Edited by HoodlumSheep

It could go either way, honestly. Though given the show's track record of dropping things I would be interested in, they probably dropped needing the Jolly Roger. So, table flipping. But it's also feasible they decided it would be easier/cheaper to do it on-set with CGI. I don't know how expensive it would be to get the ship up there & rent it for the time period they need, but it's probably more than using stuff they already do regularly.

It's difficult to know why they would need the Jolly for this arc. They travelled to Camelot through Tornado, so using the Jolly Roger to go through a portal was not necessary. Emma has a house in Storybrooke now. They haven't shown where Killian's been staying for 1.5 seasons now. So, unless they have a flashback to pirate Killian/Hook or Blackbeard, or they want to show Hook brooding in his cabin in Storybrooke, I think A&E changed directions about using the JR during this arc.

Edited by Rumsy4

They may have wanted to get Lady Washington shots but just opted to go the cheaper route. It doesn't mean they necessarily dropped the Jolly Roger from the story completely. They have plenty of other options, including CGI, which they used last season. The shots in the finale and the shots with Ursala were all done in the green screen studio. They also have recreated part of the deck that they can build on a barge to make it look like the ship is sailing without having to have the actual ship.

I'm guessing the Rumple "training" Emma is a mental representation of the Dark One. But, come on, Emma, why the hell would you trust even a Rumple inside your mind??


And I am so bloody sick of the apple imagery on every poster. It didn't make sense with Frozen, and it doesn't make sense with Dark Swan. Though I guess it is truth in advertising, since they make Regina overshadow EVERYTHING.


"Broken Kingdom" could also have a double meaning, in Snowing's "kingdom" of Storybrooke.

Edited by Souris

I'm confused... how much focus are they putting on Camelot? Didn't A&E say it wasn't really about that?

They have casted Arthur, Gwen, Percival, Merlin and they are bringing back Lancelot, and they are making Merida related to Camelot too. Of course they are going to put a lot of focus in Camelot and it's characters. Definitely, there is going to be more focus there in the "core characters" not named Emma, Rumple, Regina and, at least in the first three episodes it seems that also Charming. Never believe A&E when they give interviews.

Edited by RadioGirl27
  • Love 3


They have casted Arthur, Gwen, Percival, Merlin and they are bringing back Lancelot, and they are making Merida related to Camelot too. Of course they are going to put a lot of focus in Camelot and it's characters.


Not necessarily. For 3A they had Wendy and her brothers, Pan-Malcom, Felix, Tink, Liam, Hood, Ariel, Eric etc and it still ended up being mostly main cast. They always cast a bunch of guest stars or recurring every half-season. 3B had a ton too but it was still all about Woegina. Most of them were just one-off characters or another body to stand around. Usually only 2 or so end up with any significant role at all. Obviously Arthur is one. Look at the QoD. Ursula was gone in 4 episodes and Cruella didn't do anything but snark until her centric.


I think Ep. 4 will be half Rump centric, and half Camelot-Merlin.



I'm guessing the Rumple "training" Emma is a mental representation of the Dark One.


Not with the way Robert has been talking. If it was just some imaginary "friend" stuff I don't think he'd be making those sly remarks about Gold vs Rump or the twist they're pimping. Robert "I give no fucks" Carlyle would just come out and say it if it was just a lame thing like Rump being a figment of Emma's imagination.  I thought Rump teaching Emma back in Miller's Daughter was interesting, especially juxtaposed with him teaching Cora. The setup was clever. But that ship, like everything else has long since sailed.

Not with the way Robert has been talking. If it was just some imaginary "friend" stuff I don't think he'd be making those sly remarks about Gold vs Rump or the twist they're pimping. Robert "I give no fucks" Carlyle would just come out and say it if it was just a lame thing like Rump being a figment of Emma's imagination.  


Not necessarily. The writers don't always give full information to the actors. If Rumple is a figment of Emma's imagination, or a manifestation of the Dark One, Robert may not have that information yet, as the mystery may not be revealed right away. 

Edited by Rumsy4


Not necessarily. The writers don't always give full information to the actors. If Rumple is a figment of Emma's imagination, or a manifestation of the Dark One, Robert may not have that information yet, as the mystery may not be revealed right away.

I think they would tell Robert, especially if it informs the way he plays Rump or Gold and I think Robert would make Emma's image of Rump different enough from real Rump or whatever version they pick up. This isn't like Zarian. They told Lana that Woegina killed Marian at the start of 3B so that she could supposedly play out the dynamic between Hood and her. Not that I saw anything but that's what she said they did.

I know it's futile to hope, but with ep 4 being an episode that's been Hook-centric in the past, plus "Broken Kingdom" being something that ties with Hook's backstory of rebelling against a corrupt king, plus Arthur's description, I'm kind of getting my hopes up about this ep.

I guess we'll know more soon since I guess they'll start filming it tomorrow?

Edited by Serena

I saw somebody on Tumblr speculate that the Rumple tutoring Emma is his "soul." Since he didn't die when she became the Dark One, his soul is now attached to her because it was all tied up with the Dark One. So his body is in a coma in Storybrooke, but his soul is traipsing around Emma's mind. Which sounds utterly nightmarish, frankly.


Though I'm not sure how that would work with that B&B jar Belle was carrying. Maybe it's empty now but they plan to use it for Rumple later.

I think they would tell Robert, especially if it informs the way he plays Rump or Gold and I think Robert would make Emma's image of Rump different enough from real Rump or whatever version they pick up. 


I just don't think we can know what goes on behind the scenes for sure. At the time of SDCC they had just finished filming one or two episodes, IIRC. Carlyle intentionally plays Rumple with a slightly different accent in different flashbacks as a sign of how long he has lived. So, it may not be a big stretch retroactively if they show at a later date that "Rumple" wasn't Rumple after all.


I had another thought. Rumple has been the Dark One so long (the longest?) that maybe his personality rubbed off into the Darkness as much as the Darkness seems to have affected Rumple. So, in the beginning, there is some battle to see whose personality traits will dominate the new Dark One--Emma's or Rumple's. The "Rumple" manifestation may be a symptom of that dissonance.



Since he didn't die when she became the Dark One, his soul is now attached to her because it was all tied up with the Dark One.


How many souls are inhabiting Emma's body now? Hers, the Original Darkone's, and Rumple's? The Nevengers' best best to save Emma may be to perform an exorcism! :-p

Edited by Rumsy4
How many souls are inhabiting Emma's body now? Hers, the Original Darkone's, and Rumple's? The Nevengers' best best to save Emma may be to perform an exorcism! :-p


Maybe it's just Rumple.  I mean the previous Dark One (at least Zoso) was killed so that Rumple can become the new Dark One. I'm assuming that if the (insert name here) Dark One is killed, then the person's soul dies with him?


I know it's futile to hope, but with ep 4 being an episode that's been Hook-centric in the past, plus "Broken Kingdom" being something that ties with Hook's backstory of rebelling against a corrupt king, plus Arthur's description, I'm kind of getting my hopes up about this ep.


I'm not sure that Hook's rebellion and fall from grace has anything to do with Camelot.  If anything, Hook would recognize Arthur as his corrupt, genocidal king.  


I think episode 4 (Broken Kingdom) will likely tie in with episode 2 (The Price) on some level.  Episode 3 seems to be David-centric and Jane Espenson is the one who wrote the David centric last season as well.


i find it interesting that Excalibur, even though the sword was a fake, made its "first" appearance in Lost Girl.   There was the chalice from which Snow drank Lake Nostros' water that healed her from George's poison during the wedding ceremony that was held for Ruth.  That's already 2 would be things from Camelot.

^ lol!

I would be fine with a switch up in the centric order. Patterns like that can get tedious for some people. However, I expect the 4th episode to be a Rumple centric, proven by The Crocodile, Nasty Habits and The Apprentice (which was kind of split between him and Hook, but Rumple got the flashbacks!).

So I expect Broken Kingdom to feature Rumple quite a bit.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
However, I expect the 4th episode to be a Rumple centric, proven by The Crocodile, Nasty Habits and The Apprentice (which was kind of split between him and Hook, but Rumple got the flashbacks!).


Eh...The Crocodile was sort of Hook's Neverland origin story.  i guess that one can also be called a split between him and Rumple.

I know it's futile to hope, but with ep 4 being an episode that's been Hook-centric in the past, plus "Broken Kingdom" being something that ties with Hook's backstory of rebelling against a corrupt king, plus Arthur's description, I'm kind of getting my hopes up about this ep.

I guess we'll know more soon since I guess they'll start filming it tomorrow?

Noone wants a Hook centric more than me, but I doubt it. He is not involved in the Camelot storyline and with that title, the episode is probably about Camelot, so Arthur and Merlin are more likely than Hook.

^ lol! You'd think the mission would be lead by...I don't know...her parents or even her boyfriend, but nope. Of course Regina's leading the mission.

At least based on spoilers, there's a 95% chance she fails. Also, didn't people mention that the group sort of splits (in a matter of speaking; like they have different ideas) to follow separate ways in trying to help Emma? Which means Regina may also fail in keeping the group unified.

I'm down with that (If that's the case).

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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