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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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I feel like if I had started watching Buffy from the beginning I probably would've been super into Buffy/Angel. We didn't get The WB in my area until season 4 and I just started watching it from there. That summer I went back and caught up with seasons 1-3, but I was already into Spike and Spike/Buffy by then and Angel and Buffy/Angel just paled in comparison to them for me. But I know I would've ate that shit up if it weren't for that.

I wish they hadn't taken Buffy off Netflix because this has me so nostalgic and I really wanna rewatch my fave eps at least. I have all the dvds but no dvd player lol.

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I was always hoping for Xander/Buffy.  I remember thinking at the beginning of the final season that they were both in a place where it would work, but the writers had other plans I guess.

Also, I always liked how much of an asshole Xander could be.  He was flawed, but I think it made the character that much more relatable.    

Season 3/4 Anya I dug, after that I think the writing did a huge disservice to the actress, with a few exceptions particularly in S7.

I actually preferred Boreanaz as the quieter and somewhat wooden Angel in the early years.  I loved Angel the Series, but the character became a bit of an ass after the first season.

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53 minutes ago, Tenshinhan said:

I was always hoping for Xander/Buffy.  I remember thinking at the beginning of the final season that they were both in a place where it would work, but the writers had other plans I guess.

I didn't exactly care to see them as a couple, but it made more sense than Buffy and another vampire. The whole point of Angel leaving was because he wanted Buffy to have a better life than he could give her.

I think Joss wanted to keep Xander's love for Buffy unfulfilled, though.

Edited by HeatLifer
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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Their chemistry was definitely terrific, and I wonder if it changed what they did with Angel and Buffy.

I'm sure it did. I remember reading somewhere that Joss said writing Angel was tough for him (and if anyone knows anything about Joss, you'd know why, lol). The chemistry between SMG and DB helped a lot to make their love FEEL epic. Joss loved writing Angelus, though. Again, obviously. 

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wish they hadn't taken Buffy off Netflix because this has me so nostalgic and I really wanna rewatch my fave eps at least. I have all the dvds but no dvd player lol.

It's on Hulu.

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

No, tell me why it was hard for Joss lol. Cause he wasn't snarky?

Pretty much. Joss was prone to using snark, sarcasm, and wit to make his characters "interesting." It was a whole other beast for him to write a heroic romantic lead.

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I have no idea if the church knew. I found it pretty hypocritical that my sister-in-law was okay with her gay brother being a godparent but I, a heathen Protestant, was totally unsuitable. We both should have been equally disqualified, if for different reasons. But it doesn't matter now. I got my revenge by being my nephew's favorite aunt, and I know that sticks in my s-i-l's craw.

No, I'm not petty. Why do you ask?

Edited by dubbel zout
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Heh. I was just wondering because I was thinking probably no one told the church that the brother was gay. I suppose someone could have looked the other way, but no one saying anything seems more likely.

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Sigh, Enemies is one of my favorites.

No, I didn't watch Big Little Lies. My TL was raving about it though on Twitter, especially Nicole Kidman's performance. I haven't seen that much of her work (she always seems to do the same period pieces), but my favorite role of hers is To Die For.

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57 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Sigh, Enemies is one of my favorites.

It never gets old. Ever. I remember being so shocked and surprised at the time. It was exceptionally done, writing/acting/directing. And I have such an appreciation for plots that keep the audience in the dark, but also provide that instant gratification. 

DB/ED's chemistry was also FIRE. I could have watched a show about Angelus/Faith, lol.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

DB/ED's chemistry was also FIRE. I could have watched a show about Angelus/Faith, lol.

Oh god, you and me both. Eliza once said at a convention that she really got into their kissing scenes.

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16 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Oh god, you and me both. Eliza once said at a convention that she really got into their kissing scenes.

Angelus didn't fuck around. Heh.

Faith always cracked me up, though. I loved when she came back from the coma and was like, "You killed me for the love of your life and you're not even with him anymore and moved on to some college dude!?" LMAO.

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Real life intrusion:

I just got some really scary news. My best friend's sister (the one I spoke of that had ECT for severe depression) is missing. She was supposed to pick up her son from school today, and she didn't show up. I'm really trying not to think the worst, but considering she tried before I don't think this is going to end well. The police are already involved.

I feel horrible for my friend. Both of her parents are gone, and now possibly her sister.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The expression of disbelief and horror on the woman behind him is everything.

RIGHT. I have tears. And the clapping! Oh my word.

I love one of the comments on YT about it. "He looked so happy I was afraid he would turn into Angelus." LOLOL.

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48 minutes ago, ulkis said:

oh man I forgot about that. You're really tempting me into watching Angel. Late season 1- late season 2, best of the buffyverse, imo.

I've been itching to do that, too. I really want to see I Will Remember You again. I need a good cry.

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It sounds like Bryan Craig is maturing some more. Damn it!

I'm trying to workout.....but it's not working out [man working out emoji]

I'm really trying to understand some of the trends going on currently in life and in business, and I really just don't get a lot of them....

I will say this...If your one of those who acts like your better than others, more than likely others are better than you.

I have a lot of thoughts today. There's gonna be a lot of changes concerning the people I gravitate too. I'm a quick learner ;)

All this being said....Have a wonderful Saturday everyone be nice

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So, he's depriving me of my Brydog entertainment and making my eyes bleed with his horrific grammar. Unacceptable, dude.


I have a lot of thoughts today.

Too easy.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I watched BSG for the first time a few years ago. I wasn't really a fan tbh. I mean it was OK, but I thought I'd like it more than I did. And huge UO alert, I didn't like Kara. My faves were actually probably Dee and Sam.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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