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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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I read the first 10 of Nora's "In Death" series last winter while I was recuperating. I think there are still about 30 books to go but I'll get to them eventually lol! My favorite author is Jonathan Kellerman. He doesn't do a lot of book signings, but if he ever gets to NYC, I'll wait all day if necessary to meet him lol! I've never read the other authors you mentioned. What type of stories do they write?


Romantic Suspense. Dangerous Men.  I love Stuart's Heroes--you never know if the hero wants to kill the heroine or kiss her. And not in a campy way; seriously. Yet, you know he doesn't really want to kill her.


ROARKE is MINE. We are up to 40 in Deaths. The latest which came out in February, was Obsession.


I LOVE the "In Death" series and own all but the most recent couple (and a few novellas). I'm actually in the middle of a re-read now…I'm on Fantasy in Death.


Please see above regarding Roarke.


These are fabulous pics, GHSR! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. You look fantastic. Glad you had such a good time at the signing.


Thank you! I actually felt fantastic and pretty. First time in six months putting on make-up.

well, I'm late to the Rourke party, but damn that man is FINE.


Ain't he, though? It's why when I first became computer literate, my yahoo! email and handle on all messageboards are/were roarkeaholic.  Get it? You gots your chocoholics, and alcholics, and I am, weeell, a RoarkeAholic! And I don't want to get any help. It's all Nora's fault anyway. I really love it when the Irish comes out. It's why I don't want the books made into a movie or series. And yes, I know I'm a hypocrite because I love Outlander, but they really struck gold when they cast Sam Heughan as Jamie.


Back in the day, when the books first came out, I said that Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Day-Lewis could be Roarke. Today? I can't think of a single person who could do him justice.

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GUYYYYYSSS, I can't believe my jerk of a boss made me come in yesterday. Straight from the brunch and I was here until 11-FUCKING!-30! That's P.M. And didn't get home until close to one, got four hours sleep and up at 5:30, to trudge back to work....


BUT, I had an AWESOME and FABULOUS time at the signing....got to see Nora again after a year (hey, before the cancer, I saw her five times a year--as her hubby's store holds book signings there (since she doesn't do book tours anymore) and she's local, so I go. Yes, yes, I'm known in our circles as The Nora Stalker. But the best part was meeting my second favorite author, Nalini Singh. She's so sweet, and a wee bit shy, but she loved my tank, y'all!


I normally don't post pictures of myself here, just my adopted dogs, but, I wanted y'all to see.


I hope I can get both pictures in this one post. Sorry if they're huge; I don't know how to crop them.


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With all you have gone through ,you deserve some happiness and smiles. You are a very brave women, and I wish you the best. I hope you had a very good time at the book signing.

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I know this sounds very unlikely, but picture Colin Farrell as Roarke. He is extraordinarily versatile and I think he would be terrific.


On the other hand, Daniel Day Lewis as a Mohican back in the day....rowr! Just slightly too ascetic looking for a Roarke for me.


Thank you for the lovely book signing party pics, GHScorpiosRule - the only signing I have been to was a giant clusterf**k involving Anne Rice, just after Lestat was released (yes, that long ago) in the Tenderloin in San Francisco. I brought several books to be signed and wound up getting my friend's books signed and none of mine. Huh. Stuck with Anne Rice for a very long time but when I recently completely relocated I sold off all my collection (including a first edition foil cover of Interview With the Vampire) and now I only collect my favorite Scandanavian author, Jo Nesbo, and everything Neil Gaiman.

I know this sounds very unlikely, but picture Colin Farrell as Roarke. He is extraordinarily versatile and I think he would be terrific.


On the other hand, Daniel Day Lewis as a Mohican back in the day....rowr! Just slightly too ascetic looking for a Roarke for me.


Thank you for the lovely book signing party pics, GHScorpiosRule - the only signing I have been to was a giant clusterf**k involving Anne Rice, just after Lestat was released (yes, that long ago) in the Tenderloin in San Francisco. I brought several books to be signed and wound up getting my friend's books signed and none of mine. Huh. Stuck with Anne Rice for a very long time but when I recently completely relocated I sold off all my collection (including a first edition foil cover of Interview With the Vampire) and now I only collect my favorite Scandanavian author, Jo Nesbo, and everything Neil Gaiman.


BLECH! Colin does NOTHING for me, even though I love me the Oirish Accent.


And YESSSSS to Daniel Day-Fucking!-Lewis' Nathaniel in The Last of the Mohicans.


And I had a blast last weekend; The first time, in months, post-chemo and MutantBoob/FrankenBoob drama.


Happy to see you enjoyed your Sunday (before going to work), ScorpiosRule. You deserved a fun day.


I did! I had the BEST Saturday and Sunday. I mean, normally, I'm so shy about approaching authors, but on Sunday, when I saw that Nalini Singh was actually there, I looked over...I saw her, she saw me and smiled, and I just walked up to her and started gushing.  Then she asked about how the brunch worked, like how does one get invited, etc., etc., and I was...honored, yes honored that she asked me and not Nora, or her hubby or son or an employee of the book store.  And after I'd told her the history of it, I went back to my, erm...enthusiastic chatter about how much I loved her books, especially this one novella and that I'd thought I'd never see the day when a fellow Desi (She's East Indian descent, as am I) would be in the romance section. Hey! I love me my romances! And she's really good at the world she's created, even if it is paranormal romance. I concentrate on the story/relationships between the characters.


And not for nothing, but yes, I deserved to actually enjoy a day or two, because I ended up working until midnight and with less than four hours of sleep, had to head back to the office yesterday, and worked straight 8 hours. Dammit, I went straight to the liquor store, grabbed me some Bailey's, some Scotch-Whisky and Sangria...bought some fruit and bread, and made me a HUGE glass of Sangria and was off to bed.  My boss was kind enough to tell me to rest up, because the work we I did over the weekend, was how it was going to be for the rest of the summer. Pat myself on the back, indeed. The work could have been cut in half, if he'd started on what had to be done at least a week before, since he knew that yesterday was the deadline, instead of waiting until Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 to do "his" part.

The work could have been cut in half, if he'd started on what had to be done at least a week before, since he knew that yesterday was the deadline, instead of waiting until Sunday afternoon, at 3:30 to do "his" part.



Ah, but that;s why he has YOU LOL! Seriously, BTDT. It sucks and I'm glad you made yourself a pitcher of Sangria. You earned it!

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Drained, and I feel SOOOO much better! And my surgeon used this teeny weeny needle, so the fluid didn't just gush out like it did at my plastic surgeon's. 


I know I keep saying this, but she is AWESOME. Just had to wait a bit, as she was in surgery. But she did a very good job, and she said that I am healing nicely; I now have sensation in parts of Franken Boob that I didn't before, and that's a good sign.


So if I need to be drained again, I will just go to her; and next week is the Genetic Testing.

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Although I heard the news about Ron today, I am behind on the show and the board. Mainly because we thought we were going to put down my mom's dog, Lucky (no significance to the character) down this afternoon. A lot of drama ensued, my brother blew up at me and her because she didn't want to go through with it after figuring out she would have to leave him in the freezer over the weekend, alone. He said she was being nuts and ridiculous, I said it's her decision, her choice, she's the one that's taken care of him all these years (he's 19), he's the mess living in her basement and he had no room to judge. Keep in mind this was originally his dog, but she took care of him and he's lived with her for so long it's really her dog now and has been for a very long time.


So she will take him again on Monday, which is hard because I left work early today and went to the vet, cried and started getting mentally prepared to say goodbye to this dog who has been a part of my life for almost 20 years. He's not himself anymore, he's blind, disoriented and does not have quality of life but it's still so hard to actually go through with it (although she was prepared to do it).


Sorry to blather on and on, but my boyfriend went to sleep already so I just needed to get this out.

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tvgoddess, I'm just glad you got it out.


It is a tough decision to put a pet down - they are family. I wouldn't want to put my pet in the freezer either and, at this point, two extra days is not going to make a huge difference. I'm sorry that your brother is being so difficult about it but it is your mom's decision and I hope he can respect that.


Keep your chin up and be there for her - that's all you can do.

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My Lucky passed almost 17 years ago, he was 15. Thank God no one told me anything about a freezer back then or I would've had an elephant. Or demanded to go in with him. The day I made the decision to put him down was the hardest of my life. I think I cried for a week straight, often while sitting at my desk in the office. If someone came up to me to offer condolences, I cried. If anyone even mentioned him, I cried. I still cry sometimes when I think or talk about him.

So I completely understand your mom's feelings, and yours. Your brother sounds like a friend of mine, who when she found out about Lucky, called me to offer condolences and then immediately asked if I was going to replace him. I blew up at her and asked if she would Replace a child who died? That was one of the last times I ever spoke to her because I didn't think I could be friends with someone so clueless about my grief.

Hugs to you and your mom. A couple of more days isn't the end of the world and if she feels better about it, that's all that matters.

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{{{HUGS}}} tvgoddess


Well, went to see the Genetics Counselor, who was as nice and understanding could be, AND explained what exactly what they will be testing for. And I learned something new today. I always thought the BRCA test wasn't for me, as I am of East Indian descent, and not of Jewish or Mediterranean descent, as I thought the latter is who have to be tested. But apparently, this gene has become prevalent/testing positive for those who are from Northern India.  Guess where my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents are from? Yep, Northern India. 


So, the fastest way to get my DNA with quick results is through my blood, of course. Gak. Just had blood drawn on Monday for my oncologist to see how my white blood cells are doing. Here's the thing--if I test positive (which is bad), that means that the chances of the cancer coming back go up. If it's negative, then it could be some other variant, and I remember both my breast surgeon and oncologist telling me that I had a genetic anomaly and suggested I get tested after I'd had my mastectomy. Either way, positive, negative, why give fucking Cancer any kind of chance to come back? So I've already decided to get rid of the ovaries* and the other breast.  With the test, at least I'll know.


*Of course, I hope with them gone, I wonder if the place where my ovaries used to be will explode when I see cutie babies or you know, Sam Hueghan in a kilt again. I would hate to not have those feelings anymore. Well there's always my innards.

Not to worry! I had all my internal woman bits removed 9 years ago now by necessity and the "feelings" for Sam Hueghan (yum) et. al. are not affected in the slightest. Never ending menopause can be tiresome but every woman varies greatly in this regard - I've never taken any sort of hormones but recommend the pine bark extract Pycnogenol (unless contraindicated for your existing medicinal mix and/or blood chemistry) for some mitigation without any side effects that I can cite. The rest of my female specific anatomy seems to be working perfectly (and I'm married so I get frequent "test drives" :) so don't be concerned on that account either.


How much longer do we have to wait for new Outlander (TV) by the way? Driving me crazy.



I did it.


Today was the first day I left the house and went to work without a wig.


No one did double take, or looked at me like I was some Manson psycho follower.


My best friend had colored it with an ammonia free, "blends with gray" instead of coverage, and styled it a bit, as my hair has been growing in weird ways.


It's what they call a pixie cut--and the closest it comes to is Robin's look, after Kimberly McCullough hacked her hair before she left the show after telling AJ he was Michael's father. Except a wee bit shorter in length.


Baby steps, y'all, baby steps. Before today, I could only manage to go wig free when I went to the pool.

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Thanks everyone.  Truth to tell, the last time my hair was this short, I was a year old. So I feel like I didn't have much hair, but my best friend, who is a hair stylist and has been doing hair, and mine for years, told me that I did have a head full of hair--it's just the length I don't have yet.


I'm my own worst critic, heh.


But yes, it feels so good not to be constantly itching my "hair" as if I've got the worst sort of dandruff or shudder lice.

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Good for your GHSR!


Here's a story for you guys...


I lost my older cat Freddie in February. He was 12 years old and I just came home to find him gone. I have another cat, Socks, who is nine and has never been alone. He is doing okay but has become very needy ever since he lost his brother from another mother. Today I decided to start looking for another pet to bring into the house so I went to our local animal control to see what animals they had available for adoption.


I found a beautiful calico cat sitting quietly in her cage and she instantly rubbed up to my hand and started purring - a real sweetheart. I asked the man working there what her story was and he shook his head and said she was the Craigs List cat. I asked him what he meant and he said that she was surrendered by a couple right after they got her from an ad on Craigs List. Apparently the couple had another cat and, when they brought this cat into their home, they thought the cats would instantly bond. When the cats were still ignoring each other after a few hours the owners decided that it wasn't going to work out and brought the cat to the shelter.


I was told that this cat was 2 1/2 years old, already spayed, declawed, microchipped and had almost all her shots - I would just need to do the rabies shot and get her registered in my county. I instantly agreed and brought her home - rechristening her Callie (I'm one of those people, Socks is named that because he is black with white paws lol). Are she and Socks instant friends - of course not, this cat has been re-homed 3 times in as many weeks, she needs time to adjust. But the two of them are tolerating each other right now and that is all that matters. She does seem to be settling in to the new surroundings pretty well, she is sitting right next to me as I type this.


I just can't believe the reasons people sometimes come up with to relinquish an animal.

Edited by cmahorror
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Oh cmahorror, bless you for being such a. Wonderful person! Callie is truly lucky to have found you and I'm sure in time she and Socks will become friends. And if not, well, as long as they continue to ignore each other, everything will be fine lol!

As for me, I survived the hysterectomy on Thursday, although the surgeon almost didn't make it to the OR. He walked into the admitting room to go over the procedure again, and asked me 'why aren't we taking ghe ovaries?' I just looked at him and said 'um, because YOU said not to?' We then spent the next couple of minutes talking about that and he looked at my chart again and said ' well, you're 60 now..' And he almost died by my hands. I am NOT 60, I just turned 55 thank you very much! I told him to try that again and think carefully before he responds, because they may be his last words. I mean, I know his family would miss him but surely his wife would understand why I had to kill him, right?

In the end, he decided to stick with the plan and leave the them in. The procedure only took 2 hours but I spend the next six in recovery, most of it sound asleep. They really didn't skimp on the anesthesia lol! I was fine as long as I didn't try to get up, which of course is necessary to be released from the hospital, buT eventually I managed through unsoeakable pain to get out of the bed and in my feet. But who knew blowing your nose of sneezing took stomach muscles?? I sure didn't until I tried to do just that and instantly regretted it!

I took the stupid pain killers for the first couple of days and slept more since then than I have on the last 4 months, but today I'm going to try just taking Motrin as needed instead of the narcotics. I seem to be able to get up and about with minimal effort although the stomach muscles still remind me they are not pleased,

Yesterday I walked six blocks (albeit very slowly) to dunkin donuts and back agakn, so that was definitely progress. The doctor wants me walking as much as possible but all my body wants to do is sleep. I'm trying to find a happy medium...

Six blocks less than a week after major surgery? That's awesome!


I too would have been ready to kill him and also kind of worried about a doctor who can't do basic math. I may be slow when it comes to addition and subtraction but even I can do that math in my head. Besides, I only have an Associate's Degree, not an MD lol.

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Well, it was done laparoscopically so it wasn't as invasive as it could have been, but yeah they did take a lot out of me. In addition to the massive fibroids, they took the uterus, cervix and both tubes. So I guess it was still major Lol! They actually encourage you to get up and walk as much as possible to alleviate the pain and get everything working again. So today I went to the park with my friend and her dog. She's six weeks pregnant and pretty sick so the two of us made a fine pair Lol! Poor dog didn't understand why we were walking so slow, especially since whenever I'm with him, we take off at high speed. Only not today. I told him I'd kidnap him in a few weeks when I'm moving better :).

Of course by the time I got home, I was barely moving again. I took a couple of Motrin and laid down off eh sofa for a bit. Then I had some soup and I feel better. Problem is I literally have no appetite. I'm trying to eat just to have something inside me to absorb the drugs, but food is not on my list of Must Do or even want to do right now...

{{{HUGS}}} to you cmahorror.


YEOUCH! Sake! I had the laparoscopic hysterectomy four years ago--but only the Uterus removed. Cervix left (for sexual health my OBGYN told me). I think I still have my tubes and ovaries, though.


So. Got Part one of the results back--BRCA 1 and BRCA 2--NEGATIVE. Which is GOOD. The results for the 'other' cancer genes will be next week.


But, like I said, with my medical history and all the other problems I've had, I had already decided to remove the ovaries and the other breast, because I don't want to give cancer any scintilla of a chance to find its way to my other breast or ovaries.  Good thing is, there is no urgency, so when I see the surgeon who specializes in reconstructive using one's own body tissue, I will ask him what the wait time is, or if it can be done after I get the other breast lopped off, and have the reconstructive for both at the same time. Or do I need to have the drains all complete first. And I'm seeing him on September 10.

Again, congrats GHSR - that is splendid news! And cmahorror - you are a cat lover's hero....I would like to take every cat at my local shelter home, particularly the beautiful older ones that no one ever wants to adopt. Unfortunately my current cat, an enormous tom who is now 19 years old (and doing great!) would not accept any other cat - he attacked a poor little girl (cat) who just wandered into our yard last week and got his ear bit for his troubles. After he goes to cat heaven, I'm probably going to adopt a couple of all black kittens (a brother and sister maybe) as those cats are also hard to place.


All you brave recovering-from-surgery people out there: So brave! I had the full hysterectomy 9 years ago now (5-1/2 inch slit across the lower abdomen) and I must say I am so glad that I had them take everything (including the cervix) - no worries ever about getting cancer down there and no more Pap tests! Hasn't hurt my sex life whatsoever once I recovered (and that did take a number of weeks...but my wonderful cat helped a lot by snuggling next to me and purring a lot to be of comfort, and he was!).

Thanks everyone. And yes, it's a relief to know that i tested negative for breast and ovarian cancer. But the other one is still testing for "other cancers" so I am just going to get rid of what I don't need.


I made my surgeon swear that if there were complications and he had to cut, that there would be a plastic surgeon on hand to throw in a tummy tuck. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it was minimally invasive, but as long as I'm in pain, I might as well have gotten some reward for it lol!


That's funny. My dentist told me when her sister-in-law gave birth, it was C-section and the OB gave her a free tummy tuck!  And that's pretty much what my reconstructive surgery would be--using my own fat tissue, which is essentially a tummy tuck, but leaving me with enough stomach muscle.

I like your dentist's OB! Lol! All my doctors keep saying I don't need a tummy tuck and i tell them I want it anyway! Of course I don't want to go through the recovery, but I do want the end result lol!

I like your dentist's OB! Lol! All my doctors keep saying I don't need a tummy tuck and i tell them I want it anyway! Of course I don't want to go through the recovery, but I do want the end result lol!



Exactly! It's why I haven't exercised this summer! I need all that tissue for my boobs! Then after, if there is still excess, when I am fully recovered, I will endeavor to make time and use the work out facilities at my firm and apartment.  Because one of the things I read while researching was that it said to make sure there was enough tissue so that I would still have a strong stomach muscle/lining after.  I was never so glad to have a belly, let me tell you!

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Good news - the cats stood nose to nose to each other today and didn't hiss or try to bat at each other. Huzzah! After spending 20 minutes trapping her and getting her into her cage, Callie did great at the vet and got her rabies shot. She even forgave me after a few hours and spent the afternoon by my side.


I really needed that today - it would have been my 17th wedding anniversary. It's seems almost silly that my husband has been gone for almost 10 years and this day still upsets me but it does.


On the plus side, I will see three of our grandchildren tomorrow and that always makes me happy.

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Hooray for progress! I knew the cats would make peace and live happily together :).

As for feeling sad on your wedding anniversary, I think that's perfectly normal. My dad is gone 20 years and I still get sad on his birthday and their anniversary, I don't talk about it with my mom, but I know she misses him too. I'm glad you'll get to see the grandkids today. They're sure to take your mind off any sadness for a while!

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Thank you Sake614 - it's hard to explain to some people why days like that still get to me.


Meanwhile, the grandkids were fun and happy today, loving on me like crazy. They always make me smile.


I had to laugh today - I fed the cats some wet food on two separate plates. Socks, the older cat started eating on one of them. Callie came in, pushed him out of the way and took the plate from him. He didn't get mad - he just moved to other plate and ate it instead lol. 

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