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S19.E13: Week 11: The Final Elimination

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I won't argue that she could probably picked up votes along the way, but I actually think she hit a plateau at some point in the middle of the season, and while not horrible, never got better than those first few weeks. It's one of the reasons I would be seriously disappointed if she won.



Agreed. In my opinion, Sadie's dancing didn't get better and keep steadily improving. Instead, right around the middle of the season Mark started getting more and pissed off about their scores, then the controversial Paso happened and a narrative was created that she was being so horribly underscored and picked on and some started elevating skills to far more than they really were.


And to me it felt like it was more about simply liking her than truly judging her technique. And hey, don't get me wrong, that's a more than valid reason to vote for her but it's why I just never bought this claim that she was being underscored and picked on by the judges. Like I noted above, if Sadie wins I'll view her win like Helio's - a mediocre dancer who got by on some fun numbers by a clever Pro and a massive fanbase.


And maybe this is my own bias against Mark talking, but I've never considered him a pro with a huge, rabid fanbase. He's definitely made it into the finals a lot recently, but he and his partner have been voted out early a few times, too.



Ha, it's funny that you mention that about Mark because he was the Pro in the final when Peta and Donald won. That was his season with Katherine Jenkins and they came in second.  Also that was Peta's second season but it was impressive because she'd been eliminated first the previous season. That being said, Donald Driver as a football player, coming in off a winning SuperBowl team had a massive fanbase much like Hines Ward, Warren Sapp, Jason Taylor, etc. And they definitely cemented their win with their freestyle. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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So everyone's repeat dance was worse the second time, except for Alfonso's, which was pretty much the same. And I thought Janel's samba skirt was too long last time, but I didn't realize it was designed to have sequined gaps between the layers until last night. I just kept waiting for the skirt to fall right off of her during the dance.




Also, why does the show keep inviting back Stompy McObviouslyNotABallroomDancerOrEvenAllThatGoodAtWhateverHe'sDoing to dance in pro numbers? (Excuse me, "Jaymz".) He is terrible and stands out in a bad way.


I actually really enjoyed Bethany's dance for the performance it was. Her isolation lines have always been shoddy, and that really stands out when the movements are supposed to be sharp, but other than that I liked the whole package: the mood, the costumes, the choreography, the song. She and Derek totally looked like they knew they were going home though; based on some reactions I vaguely recall from past season, I really think they must get told at some point in the show.


Sadie's freestyle was ridiculous. The music was uninspiring; I kept waiting for some kind of awesome remix to kick in and the dance to really get started, and it never did. It was just so underwhelming, and when I heard the audience go so nuts for it I just figured it was one of those times I was on another plane of existence from everyone else. But then I read that like 25 family members were in the audience, so it made a bit more sense.


Janel and Val - very well done, but kind of boring. I realize this really is a romance between them and no longer a showmance, but I find watching it very uncomfortable. 


I enjoyed Alfonso's freestyle and I'll be good if he wins, but I feel like he's been on the same level the whole show. He, like Sadie, hasn't shown any improvement. (His movements were always too compact to me; he's a compact guy, so he should have extended and reached more. Frustrating.)

Edited by Abra

Janel is a very good dance. I like her. However....the thing that so turns me off with every partner of  Val's except Zendaya (who was too young for it) is this showmance/fauxmance nonsense. Does anyone really buy into it anymore? When my 12 year old rolls his eyes and says "Oh right....Val and Janel are supposed to be so in love" you know you have overdone a gimmick. I firmly believe the choice of contemporary was so that 1) Val could have his shirt off and 2) they could kiss multiple times during the routine and play up the showmance angle. Its tired and old and no one is buying it anymore.

Sherri was married, Elizabeth was married and Danica had a boyfriend (now husband). Elisabetta was gone too soon. Zendaya was a minor. So not "every partner". Just Kelly and Janel. "Showmances" with two partners is pretty average for the pros and so far, neither have resulted in real life relationships after the show as others have (Karina and Mario, Derek and Shannon, Maks and Erin, etc.).


Janel just seems like a really flirty, touchy-feely person, and so is Val. The fact that she's pretty and single and around his age has made people want to push for that angle from the beginning in a way they wouldn't with Derek and Amber or Maks and Kirstie. I don't think the show is pushing the showmance anywhere near as much as they have in previous seasons. Last season, the hosts asked Maks and Meryl every week if they were going to get married and have babies, and shared paparazzi pics of Peta and James. None of that nonsense has come up with Janel and Val. Talking about their chemistry as dancers isn't the production shipping them. A kiss in the context of a dance doesn't mean they're faking being in love- unless there's a Derek/Sasha showmance ship after the samba last week.


It's silly and inaccurate to write off her whole performance on the show as pandering to the fangirls with a showmance to get ahead when she's arguably the second most talented dancer of the season.

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The only thing I didn't like about the freestyle was that IMO awkward transition where Alfonso pointed away and we were given a view of the troupe dancers participating in the number.  That meant the camera was not on Alfonso and Witney at that point, and then we got only brief glimpses of them as they danced into frame with the troupe.

The reason for Alfonso and Witney out of frame was Alfonso's "quick change" when he removed his hat and jacket and Witney's "quick change to remove her skirt". I realized that right away as he and Witney came back into frame. I thought that transition was brilliant, actually.

Edited by luvthepros
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The reason for Alfonso and Witney out of frame was Alfonso's "quick change" when he removed his hat and jacket and Witney's "quick change to remove her skirt". I realized that right away as he and Witney came back into frame. I thought that transition was brilliant, actually.


I thought they had to change into tap shoes, as they could not have done the preceding section of the routine while wearing them.

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Did I hear correctly that this is going to be a THREE hour finale?  Yeesh.


Was it me, or was that Annie remix pretty awful? 


Val has never really done "showmance" very well.  It was just so awkward and uncomfortable with Kelly and the one with Janel is so obviously fake.  The best showmance is none at all.  Even though there really wasn't anything going on, I'm sure it's wrong of me to still wish that Julianne and Apollo / Meryl and Maks were to have a double wedding. 

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Wow some people on Twitter who have blogs are actually blogging that the judges gave Bethany the same dance as Alfonso (Jive) to purposely make her look bad when compared to him. Others are stating production "purposely" mishandled Bethany and Derek's props like its a conspiracy or something. Folks like this tend to scare me just a bit. Its a reality show not who will be Crowned Ruler Of The Universe, sheesh!

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Holy catz!  I just read on the other thread that the final show tonight is 3 muthafracking hours long!  No way am I going to watch all of that.  


I'd like Alfonso to win because he's the best dancer.  Particularly when he wasn't injured his routines entertained me more than most other finalists across all seasons.  I can't honestly say Alfonso has had any kind of improvement arc, but I don't care. 


I'm only a little bit sad that Bethany went home last night instead of Sadie.  I think the two of them were pretty close in abilities, but Sadie's growth arc stalled out several weeks ago, whereas Bethany has continued to improve, even if only a little bit, every week.


I like Janel as a dancer, and I think she's also shown slight improvement from week to week.  Since, to me, she's clearly a better overall dancer than Sadie, I'd like to see Janel come in second.  But, I'm not expecting it.  It isn't such a slam dunk between her and Sadie that I'd feel like howling about injustices or shaking my fist at the moon if Sadie comes in second.


Good luck Alfonso and Witney.  You deserve this.

Wow some people on Twitter who have blogs are actually blogging that the judges gave Bethany the same dance as Alfonso (Jive) to purposely make her look bad when compared to him. Others are stating production "purposely" mishandled Bethany and Derek's props like its a conspiracy or something. Folks like this tend to scare me just a bit. Its a reality show not who will be Crowned Ruler Of The Universe, sheesh!


I wouldn't go down that rabbit hole if I were you. If you listen to "people on the internet," Sadie was given the Duck Dynasty dance to tank her chances because it was her best dance so she'd be less likely to show improvement, but also it was unfair and to prop her up because it was her best dance while others needed to show improvement on their dances. Also Janel got the samba as a conspiracy to make her win but also to make her lose, and Bethany and Alfonso had to add 30 second to their dances so that clearly was set up to make them lose because they had to learn more choreography but also it was set up to make them win because they got to show the audience something new. And the entire show is run by Maks' Ukranian Mafia so that Val can win but at the same time Derek and Mark also run the show, oh, and also Witney has a secret unrequited crush on Alfonso. (I stumbled across a youtube video - you don't want to know.) 

Edited by kitcloudkicker
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 Director who chose to show Sadie with VOMIT DRIBBLING FROM HER MOUTH!! EWWW


I'm a nurse so that doesn't bother me, but I understand others find it disgusting.  I thought they showed it because Mark was so sweet while helping Sadie.  I've seen family members who can't aid someone throwing up without grimacing or running from the room.  Mark does really well when his partners are young girls.


I love red hair, but I'm sad to see Sharna died her gorgeous dark hair red.


I don't hold Sadie accountable for her obnoxious family, but I hold ABC accountable for the amount of ass kissing they've done to this family.  Even Tom, who usually subtly portrays his distaste, enthusiastically brown noses - I find it revolting.  Please tell me there are not more "Ducks" waiting in line to be on the show.  I'd almost prefer another Palin - almost.


It's amazing how less irritating I find Bruno this season.  Is he on his best behavior, or does the irritant sitting next to him make him more likeable?

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I wouldn't go down that rabbit hole if I were you. If you listen to "people on the internet," Sadie was given the Duck Dynasty dance to tank her chances because it was her best dance so she'd be less likely to show improvement, but also it was unfair and to prop her up because it was her best dance while others needed to show improvement on their dances. Also Janel got the samba as a conspiracy to make her win but also to make her lose, and Bethany and Alfonso had to add 30 second to their dances so that clearly was set up to make them lose because they had to learn more choreography but also it was set up to make them win because they got to show the audience something new. And the entire show is run by Maks' Ukranian Mafia so that Val can win but at the same time Derek and Mark also run the show, oh, and also Witney has a secret unrequited crush on Alfonso. (I stumbled across a youtube video - you don't want to know.) 


Damn, thanks for looking out! Its seriously like "be afraid, be very afraid!" :)

Edited by Ann Mack

They actually changed some details of Annie in order to update it, and that's a detail they changed - they don't live in an orphanage, they live in a foster home - "no one cares for you a stitch/when you're a foster kid". (It would be hard to do an updated Annie and still have them in an orphanage ... because there aren't orphanages in the US anymore.) I guess the nice looking living arrangement is because today someone like Miss Hannigan would have to at least pretend to put on a front to impress a social worker.

Edited by McManda

My issue with Sadie's freestyle is that for me, the dancing needs to be able to stand on its own. That means if you watch the routine in rehearsal without any sets or costumes with just someone counting (no music), you should be able to clearly understand what the dance is supposed to be. Even if you don't like contemporary, you could see what Val was going for with Janel's routine. Same goes for Alfonso's and Bethany's routines which were both very stylized. But if you watched Sadie's routine without the costumes, the sets, and the music, it just looked like a random mess.




I still don't understand how Alfonso can be competeing. He is a professional dancer! He starred in the Tap Dance Kid on Broadway and danced in commercials. It just doesn't seem fair.

I disagree with this. Alfonso danced on Broadway when he was a child, decades ago. To me, that's like saying a kid who played an instrument in elementary school and becomes an adult who no longer plays is on the same level as an adult who plays in a professional orchestra.


In addition, he was never a ballroom dancer. If you have ever watched So You Think You Can Dance, it's obvious that unless you specifically cross train in several styles of dance, one style does not necessarily translate well to another. That's why so many ballet dancers look hilariously awkward when they take hip hop classes or why tap dancers don't do well at contemporary. Dance encompasses many different styles so just because you are excellent at one doesn't mean that you will do well at another. That's like saying if you know how to play the flute, you should be able to play the piano or if you know how to play soccer, you should be good at tennis. They are related but not the same. In fact, the same part of the brain controls physical coordination of every type. The part of the brain that dancers use is the same part of the brain that athletes and musicians use, so by that token if you can play an instrument then you should be great at football too, right? Except it doesn't work that way because they are different skills.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I'll never understand why male ringers never get backlash like the female ringers do.




Alfonso does his freestyle: "Oh wow, that was amazing, he tapped, how cool was that!

If Nicole Scherzinger did the same freestyle: "Of course it was good, she's a dancer, she went to school for it and performs, look she even tapped, that's how much experience she has."

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I don't know if I'd say they don't get as much backlash because you can argue that more female ringers have won versus the male ringers. Mario lost to Emmitt and far as I could tell, it's because people didn't like him too much, same with Corbin. Corbin got a lot of shit if I recall during the season. And there were many people who didn't care for him and well like Mario, he came in second. On the flipside, Nicole won (even when I found her incredibly annoying and to be honest I'm still surprised she beat Evan who was coming off an Olympic win), Meryl won, Kristy won (I don't really consider her a ringer but I know many others did). 

Not really in the case of winning over losing, I meant more like the fan backlash is more vocal for female ringers, picking them apart, saying how annoying they are, but fans seemed to love Charlie, Corbin, and Alfonso who all have just as much training as some of the best female ringers and yet the fans ate up what they were doing.


It was funny watching fans love Charlie's every move and word, yet they tore Meryl a new one sometimes when they both had the same dance and performing background. That just showed me how male ringers get treated different from the general fans.

I haven't seen the ringer thing come down gender lines as much as a likability issue.  Alfonso and Charlie, for example, are these happy, easy-going, fun guys who seem to be almost universally loved.  Nicole came off rather cold and up her own ass.  Corbin, honestly, there were times when I felt like I was the only person who liked him, and he got a lot of crap about being a ringer.  Mario got a lot of backlash, and I feel like that came down to whether people liked him or not, especially since he was competing against a well-liked football player who seemed to ooze charm.  

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Agreed. That's what I meant - no it's not just about the win but to me their not winning was telling because this show is largely won on who more people like and are willing to vote for. And it is interesting that very few ringer males have won versus the females. And with regard to Charlie versus Meryl, well there was also the fact that Charlie was getting picked apart by the judges and his scores were not as high as Meryl's so it was easier for people to not focus on him being as much a ringer as Meryl who was basically dominating the leaderboard. And as noted above, people were harsh about both Corbin and Mario during their seasons. 

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