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Small Talk: Cup O' Joe


Please remember that the Small Talk thread does not allow for the conversations that violate the Primetimer Politics Rule.

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:


I didn't recall ever seeing this New York Magazine story about JoMika. It is insane.   No punches are pulled. The truth about the Mar a Lago NYE party (Joe is lying), how egotistical and ridiculous they are, but tbs, they really do love each other. When they aren't fighting. 

Favorite quote: “She has Joe so pussy-whipped that he left the Republican Party. If that isn’t knowing your value, I don’t know what is,” Rothstein joked.

Joe: You could go down the long list; people have been doing it all the time. I mean, people at this network, people at other networks, they don’t admit it, but they do it all the time. The difference is, they have very chummy relationships, whether it’s in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard or the Hamptons or wherever. We really don’t have chummy relationships.”

An anchor from a rival network dismissed this idea. “They have done everything they could do to be friends with Trump, and Trump rejected them,” the anchor said. “They’re full of shit.”


I read this article a while ago, and I really liked it. It is interesting but not fawning. It was also the closest that Mika has come to admitting their relationship started when they were still married.

Interestingly, Olivia Nuzzi who wrote the article was at the DC engagement party.

Also, I saw an article somewhere, where someone was interviewing Olivia Nuzzi about interviewing Joe and Mika. It was pretty interesting, too. I am not sure if I can find it again, but if I do I will post it here.

On another note, I had never heard of Olivia Nuzzi prior to this, but now I am a big fan of her work. She is very interesting to follow on twitter.

  • Love 3

From the NY Mag article


But whatever else you think of them, you’ve gotta take beauty where you can find it these days, and these are two people who really fucking love each other. When I asked Brzezinski if there was a moment when she knew, but told her she didn’t need to specify the time frame, she said, “There was a moment, and it was alarming. Complicated and alarming.”

This comes off as more graceful in print. I saw an interview where Mika was asked about this statement (or she made the same statement again) and you could see in her eyes that as soon as she said it she realized what she was revealing. It was awkward, and she had no choice other than to forge ahead: hommina, hommina. She gets carried away to where she's a little slow on the uptake sometimes.

Edited by suomi
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, teddysmom said:


I didn't recall ever seeing this New York Magazine story about JoMika. It is insane.   No punches are pulled. The truth about the Mar a Lago NYE party (Joe is lying), how egotistical and ridiculous they are, but tbs, they really do love each other. When they aren't fighting. 

Wait. Oh god. Does this mean what I think it means?



“You know,” Scarborough said, “it’s actually funny that Mika, she loves — stop that,” he laughed, as her hand disappeared into the mane.

“I’m just trying to get it to be tall.”

“She loves — she will grab it.”

“I suggest you don’t talk too long about this,” Brzezinski cautioned him.


Looooooooool. "He laughed. “It just keeps hitting you that it’s forever. It’s forever. It’s forever," says the man walking up to his third wedding.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, teddysmom said:


I didn't recall ever seeing this New York Magazine story about JoMika. It is insane.   No punches are pulled. The truth about the Mar a Lago NYE party (Joe is lying), how egotistical and ridiculous they are, but tbs, they really do love each other. When they aren't fighting. 


That was rough.  But I kept my supper down.

Them, Trump, they're all repulsive.   Wealth and fame means they don't have to live like regular folks, they can drop families, friends, whatever suits them, whenever it suits them, and still get a tongue-bath from the New Yorker.    How self-absorbed do you have to be to pose for photos like that?  

I need a shower.  

  • Love 3

My issue with this conservative Dem Senator from PA is that he's pro gun and anti a woman's right to choose.  These are special interest issues.  They exist because of $ from PACs and lobbyists.  The majority of Americans don't want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.  The vast majority of Americans think that children or mentally unstable people shouldn't be able to walk into a gas station and purchase an assault weapon.

These are issues backed by money and culture-warrior media outlets.  Right wingers must support them to toe the line in media, and to get financing.
There is a right side and a wrong side to these issues, and money/influence tips the scales for conservatives towards choosing the wrong side.

This kid is choosing the wrong side of the issues out of ideology.  It's nauseating.  The NRA isn't giving him money, but he would vote to protect a child's right to purchase an assault weapon without a background check.  No Christian groups are backing him, but he will vote against a woman's right to decide.  He's not a Dem.  His victory is no win for Democrats.

On 3/12/2018 at 12:09 PM, teddysmom said:


I didn't recall ever seeing this New York Magazine story about JoMika. It is insane.   No punches are pulled. The truth about the Mar a Lago NYE party (Joe is lying), how egotistical and ridiculous they are, but tbs, they really do love each other. When they aren't fighting. 

Favorite quote: “She has Joe so pussy-whipped that he left the Republican Party. If that isn’t knowing your value, I don’t know what is,” Rothstein joked.

Joe: You could go down the long list; people have been doing it all the time. I mean, people at this network, people at other networks, they don’t admit it, but they do it all the time. The difference is, they have very chummy relationships, whether it’s in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard or the Hamptons or wherever. We really don’t have chummy relationships.”

An anchor from a rival network dismissed this idea. “They have done everything they could do to be friends with Trump, and Trump rejected them,” the anchor said. “They’re full of shit.”


Interview about the interview.


I love Olivia Nuzzi's sense of humor, especially when taking about Mika's mother's art gallery, and facetimining with Mika's chickens.

Also, despite being fairly skeptical of Joe and Mika in general, she seems to have totally bought in to how much in love they are. 

51 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Is Mika endorsing secks talk and popular culture on her Twitter feed? Grab me my smelling salts!


Who is the Admiral?

23 minutes ago, cased said:

Interview about the interview.


I love Olivia Nuzzi's sense of humor, especially when taking about Mika's mother's art gallery, and facetimining with Mika's chickens.

Also, despite being fairly skeptical of Joe and Mika in general, she seems to have totally bought in to how much in love they are. 


23 minutes ago, cased said:

Interview about the interview.


I love Olivia Nuzzi's sense of humor, especially when taking about Mika's mother's art gallery, and facetimining with Mika's chickens.

Also, despite being fairly skeptical of Joe and Mika in general, she seems to have totally bought in to how much in love they are. 

I agree with Joe about how friendly many television journalists are with politicians. Chuck Todd is one of the worst offenders. He wouldn't be allowed to interview politicians on tv without disclosing he & his wife's business relationships with the politicians they cover.

37 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

My issue with this conservative Dem Senator from PA is that he's pro gun and anti a woman's right to choose.  These are special interest issues.  They exist because of $ from PACs and lobbyists.  The majority of Americans don't want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.  The vast majority of Americans think that children or mentally unstable people shouldn't be able to walk into a gas station and purchase an assault weapon.

These are issues backed by money and culture-warrior media outlets.  Right wingers must support them to toe the line in media, and to get financing.
There is a right side and a wrong side to these issues, and money/influence tips the scales for conservatives towards choosing the wrong side.

This kid is choosing the wrong side of the issues out of ideology.  It's nauseating.  The NRA isn't giving him money, but he would vote to protect a child's right to purchase an assault weapon without a background check.  No Christian groups are backing him, but he will vote against a woman's right to decide.  He's not a Dem.  His victory is no win for Democrats.

I find it interesting that  MSNBC didn't replay clips of Lamb's commercials with his AR 15. It would make him look bad to the anti gun viewers of MSNBC.

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, cased said:

Interview about the interview.


I love Olivia Nuzzi's sense of humor, especially when taking about Mika's mother's art gallery, and facetimining with Mika's chickens.

Also, despite being fairly skeptical of Joe and Mika in general, she seems to have totally bought in to how much in love they are. 

She apparently feels about them the way a lot of us do, they're interesting in so much as we all know they're full of shit and almost watch to see what bullshit they try to spin every day. I watch the show for the news or information I can glean from a guest.  Neither of them can get out of their own way to form an opinion they haven't had for 20 years.

The comment about not being judgmental about others etc. due to their circumstance, that's baloney. Joe cheated on two wives, Mika cheated on her husband. And they did it on tv and in front of the DC/NYC social circles. They don't give a shit about how it came across.  I really think if MSNBC replaced them tomorrow that show wouldn't miss a beat. There are several smarter, more knowledgeable people at MSNBC who could do a much better job and we wouldn't be tortured by the cohosts sick relationship. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, cased said:

Also, despite being fairly skeptical of Joe and Mika in general, she seems to have totally bought in to how much in love they are. 

These articles talking about their love story this, he wrote her a love song that. The "love song" is basically just a song about how he loves her and calls her babe one too many times, but she keeps easily breaking his heart like it's nothing. Lol. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

She apparently feels about them the way a lot of us do, they're interesting in so much as we all know they're full of shit and almost watch to see what bullshit they try to spin every day. I watch the show for the news or information I can glean from a guest.  Neither of them can get out of their own way to form an opinion they haven't had for 20 years.

The comment about not being judgmental about others etc. due to their circumstance, that's baloney. Joe cheated on two wives, Mika cheated on her husband. And they did it on tv and in front of the DC/NYC social circles. They don't give a shit about how it came across.  I really think if MSNBC replaced them tomorrow that show wouldn't miss a beat. There are several smarter, more knowledgeable people at MSNBC who could do a much better job and we wouldn't be tortured by the cohosts sick relationship. 

Agreed. The guests that the show was able to attract during the early years of Morning Joe is what attracted me to the show. There used to be  a big variety of guests on numerous topics. I still remember buying a book in 2009 on how to teach your kids about how to use Facebook responsibly .

They used to discuss personal finance, careers, economics, world politics etc. Now it's all Trump all the time.

Both hosts are usually off doing their own pet projects.


I am puzzled as to why Joe took his music off ITunes. I have downloaded  several of his songs. I don't mind it but I think it's funny that he seems to have decided that he can be a Rock Star with so few downloads of his music.

I am fascinated at how oblivious Mika & Joe are to how they are perceived by many posters in this forum. Joe calls us "Cheeto eating basement dwellers ", but he think's it's OK to run a cable news network show from his basement when he has access to NBC studious in NY & Washington.

The fact that Joe has admitted to being infatuated with Mika since 2007 & hiring her to be a co host despite not knowing her is stunning.

Joe is very lucky that Mika was open to his romantic advances . What would have happened if Mika turned Joe down? Wouldn't Joe have ended up like Mark Halperin?

Mika's "Know your Value" tour has very little credibility now because her success at Morning Joe appears to be based on Joe's romantic interest in her. Would she have the guts to tell the women that attend her show that it's OK to cheat on your spouse & sleep with your boss to get ahead at your job?

Would Joe have fired Mika if she turned him down romantically?

I hope they are happy together, but it seems obvious that Mika & Joe's ex's & the kids have been affected by their relationship.

I don't think anyone on this board would have sent death threats to Mika & Joe. We "snark" about them but don't threaten them.

I met Barnicle in NYC in 2011 & he was very friendly. I would be very polite if I ever met Mika & Joe.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

The comment about not being judgmental about others etc. due to their circumstance, that's baloney. Joe cheated on two wives, Mika cheated on her husband. And they did it on tv and in front of the DC/NYC social circles. They don't give a shit about how it came across.  I really think if MSNBC replaced them tomorrow that show wouldn't miss a beat. There are several smarter, more knowledgeable people at MSNBC who could do a much better job and we wouldn't be tortured by the cohosts sick relationship. 

Do we know for sure that Joe cheated on his first wife? I don't doubt that he did, but if it is not known publicly, I don't see that as being different than many other powerful men who have cheated (unfortunately) that we don't know about. 

Regarding Joe and Mika, I do believe that they fell in love while married to other people. To me this is different than just cheating for sex. It does present a difficult choice. Do you leave your marriage to be with the person that you love, or do you stay in your marriage to keep your family together. And is this choice really fair to the other spouse, if they know that their husband/wife is really in love with someone else (and the spouses had to have know, it was so blatantly obvious).

Unfortunately it is the children that suffer the most, and I probably would not have made the same choice, but I do understand that it was probably a difficult choice for them (especially for Mika, she seemed to be more conflicted about what to do).

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, cased said:

Do we know for sure that Joe cheated on his first wife? I don't doubt that he did, but if it is not known publicly, I don't see that as being different than many other powerful men who have cheated (unfortunately) that we don't know about. 

Regarding Joe and Mika, I do believe that they fell in love while married to other people. To me this is different than just cheating for sex. It does present a difficult choice. Do you leave your marriage to be with the person that you love, or do you stay in your marriage to keep your family together. And is this choice really fair to the other spouse, if they know that their husband/wife is really in love with someone else (and the spouses had to have know, it was so blatantly obvious).

Unfortunately it is the children that suffer the most, and I probably would not have made the same choice, but I do understand that it was probably a difficult choice for them (especially for Mika, she seemed to be more conflicted about what to do).

There have been rumours of Joe cheating on his first wife with his intern who later died in his office or with his future second wife,  Susan, who worked in Jeb's Bush's Florida administration.. I don't know if that's true or not.

It's quite possible that they fell in love with each other over time, but Joe was after Mika since 2007.

I think Mika looks silly trying to get outraged over Trump's affairs with Stormy Daniels & Bill Clinton's numerous affairs while he was governor of Arkansas etc. Focus on something else.

Mika & Joe have to admit that they get to close to the politicians they cover & that it clouds their judgement.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Which one? There are so many. Lol. Hillary Clinton? Joan Walsh? Maggie Haberman? Rachel Maddow? Mrs. Claus? 


Just now, cased said:

Do we know for sure that Joe cheated on his first wife? I don't doubt that he did, but if it is not known publicly, I don't see that as being different than many other powerful men who have cheated (unfortunately) that we don't know about. 

I recall reading that he had.  As far as their "affair"  MSNBC/NBC employees called it the worst kept secret in cable television.  It just seems they were flaunting running around together, all the events they did like no one would notice something was going on.  Hey I'm no angel, my point and what irks me is Mika's holier than thou attitude about someone else cheating.  


11 minutes ago, oakville said:

am puzzled as to why Joe took his music off ITunes.

Because people write reviews on iTunes. 


12 minutes ago, oakville said:

I am fascinated at how oblivious Mika & Joe are to how they are perceived by many posters in this forum. Joe calls us "Cheeto eating basement dwellers ", but he think's it's OK to run a cable news network show from his basement when he has access to NBC studious in NY & Washington.

The fact that Joe has admitted to being infatuated with Mika since 2007 & hiring her to be a co host despite not knowing her is stunning.

Joe is very lucky that Mika was open to his romantic advances . What would have happened if Mika turned Joe down? Wouldn't Joe have ended up like Mark Halperin?

Mika's "Know your Value" tour has very little credibility now because her success at Morning Joe appears to be based on Joe's romantic interest in her. Would she have the guts to tell the women that attend her show that it's OK to cheat on your spouse & sleep with your boss to get ahead at your job?

Would Joe have fired Mika if she turned him down romantically?

I hope they are happy together, but it seems obvious that Mika & Joe's ex's & the kids have been affected by their relationship.

I don't think anyone on this board would have sent death threats to Mika & Joe. We "snark" about them but don't threaten them.

I met Barnicle in NYC in 2011 & he was very friendly. I would be very polite if I ever met Mika & Joe.


If I met them I'd be polite but I'd probably back hand compliment her on her face lift.

 "Did you decide not to get your eyes done?"

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika's "Know your Value" tour has very little credibility now because her success at Morning Joe appears to be based on Joe's romantic interest in her. Would she have the guts to tell the women that attend her show that it's OK to cheat on your spouse & sleep with your boss to get ahead at your job?

I'm curious how she will address this. It is suspect enough because the whole thing is based on Knowing Your Value, right, but: 1. Joe had his bonus deposited in her account, and 2. Joe was instrumental in getting her her raise and helping with her negotiations. 

So Mika getting her raise and Knowing Her Value was based on having a supportive male co-worker. Which is fair enough point. Men need to be feminists too. But they got engaged. Um. 

Maybe they fell in love after all of this and his helping her so much really was altruistic. Maybe it wasn't. But it's the shining diamond elephant in the value room showcase. 

Her re-release is going to address workplace relationships. Lol. 

Edited by XOQueens
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Her re-release is going to address workplace relationships. Lol. 

You know what Mika? I'm good. How about you address YOUR workplace relationships? 

15 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Wait. This is juicy. How did I miss this? 

Yeah he said he used to lay in bed next to whatever wife was around back then and get all bothered watching her do the over night news breaks.

That's why he hired her when he started the morning show. I don't recall how long Country had been off the air.  He started doing mornings after they let Imus go. 

He asked her why she was so snarky about his show and she said "how can I be snarky I never saw it". Of course back then she was wearing 4 inch heels and tight skirts and giggling at all his idiot jokes. 

She does have the hard to get action down pretty well.  And Joe is dumb enough to fall for it. 

  • Love 1

This has been going around, but for anyone who hasn't seen it, here's a great article featuring some of my MSNBC faves Stephanie Ruhle, Nicolle Wallace, Joy Reid, all knowing the value of their words... No Mika.



  • Love 2
1 hour ago, XOQueens said:

I'm curious how she will address this. It is suspect enough because the whole thing is based on Knowing Your Value, right, but: 1. Joe had his bonus deposited in her account, and 2. Joe was instrumental in getting her her raise and helping with her negotiations. 

So Mika getting her raise and Knowing Her Value was based on having a supportive male co-worker. Which is fair enough point. Men need to be feminists too. But they got engaged. Um. 

Maybe they fell in love after all of this and his helping her so much really was altruistic. Maybe it wasn't. But it's the shining diamond elephant in the value room showcase. 

Her re-release is going to address workplace relationships. Lol. 

I am stunned that she will consider re releasing this book.  The deal was signed around the time Trump was attacking her about her facelift at Mar A Largo. It was good publicity for Mika, so why not re release the book. However, it was with a Harvey Weinstein owned company, which turned out to be a bad idea. However, the company got taken over, so it was now OK to re release the book. On the other hand, workplace relationships that start as affairs are not as popular now as they were in the pre Weinstein days. Also, Mika went on several rants about co workers socializing with each other after work.

At the time of the original release of the Know Your Value book, I thought it was nice of Joe to give part of his bonus to Mika. Mika admitted to struggling financially when the show started. She was making $150K which isn't much for NYC after you pay child car expenses etc..

She wanted to give the money back, but Dr Z said to keep it.

I think Joe was trying to be a father figure to Mika & protect her from the overlords at MSNBC. I also think Joe was doing this to get Mika romantically interested in him.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, teddysmom said:


I recall reading that he had.  As far as their "affair"  MSNBC/NBC employees called it the worst kept secret in cable television.  It just seems they were flaunting running around together, all the events they did like no one would notice something was going on.  Hey I'm no angel, my point and what irks me is Mika's holier than thou attitude about someone else cheating.  

It was so blatant that at the time I thought they must not be having an affair, because if they were, I thought that they would try to be discreet about it.

In retrospect, their spouses had to have known something was going on. Maybe both couples were separated for longer than we realize.

But, it had to be embarrassing for the kids, especially Mika's kids, since they were teenagers at the time. Maybe making a clean break earlier would have been easier for everyone in the long run.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

he said he used to lay in bed next to whatever wife was around back then and get all bothered watching her do the over night news breaks.

That's why he hired her when he started the morning show.

If there is evidence of this being true, and provable, then it is possible that Mika's husband could have some legal avenues to sue Joe and receive alimony from Mika.  Depending on the state.
I've been trying to picture me having a lustful crush on Katie Tur, or Stephanie Ruhle, or Hallie Jackson, or Heidi, or Kacie or whomever (all super easy to imagine), and connive to invite one of 'em to join my show as a co-host so I can get my paws on her.  And no.. I wouldn't do it.   Straight up icky, right?

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, cased said:

It was so blatant that at the time I thought they must not be having an affair, because if they were, I thought that they would try to be discreet about it.

In retrospect, their spouses had to have known something was going on. Maybe both couples were separated for longer than we realize.

But, it had to be embarrassing for the kids, especially Mika's kids, since they were teenagers at the time. Maybe making a clean break earlier would have been easier for everyone in the long run.

Mika said that she separated from her husband in the fall of  2015. I think filmed a segment of them taking one the kids to college.

11 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

I've been trying to picture me having a lustful crush on Katie Tur, or Stephanie Ruhle, or Hallie Jackson, or Heidi, or Kacie or whomever (all super easy to imagine), and connive to invite one of 'em to join my show as a co-host so I can get my paws on her.  And no.. I wouldn't do it.   Straight up icky, right?

I can't say that was his intent at first, he just thought she was hot and wanted her to be his co host. But as we all know, it became very apparent a few years in that something was going on. Also, there's a Page Six story from last summer that says they're together when it looks like they're not. They're sitting in the same room with different back drops. At least that's what they were doing in London last summer. So I would imagine they're doing it when they're here and not on set. 

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, cased said:

It was so blatant that at the time I thought they must not be having an affair, because if they were, I thought that they would try to be discreet about it.

In retrospect, their spouses had to have known something was going on. Maybe both couples were separated for longer than we realize.

I don't really understand the allure of Joe Scarborough that results in him going on his third wife and having multiple women supposedly having affairs with him. I just don't get it. I don't find him physically attractive. I don't find his personality charming in the least. Maybe he smells nice? I don't know. 

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I can't say that was his intent at first, he just thought she was hot and wanted her to be his co host. But as we all know, it became very apparent a few years in that something was going on. Also, there's a Page Six story from last summer that says they're together when it looks like they're not. They're sitting in the same room with different back drops. At least that's what they were doing in London last summer. So I would imagine they're doing it when they're here and not on set. 

The London trip was a fiasco from a broadcasting perspective. Mika was in the NBC London studio & Joe was in a bunker. I thought Joe was in Connecticut, but on Instagram, they had photos being together. Why pretend to be in different places?

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, oakville said:

The London trip was a fiasco from a broadcasting perspective. Mika was in the NBC London studio & Joe was in a bunker. I thought Joe was in Connecticut, but on Instagram, they had photos being together. Why pretend to be in different places?

That was bizarre. Now that they are engaged, I think most people would assume that they would take vacations together, so why try to hide it?

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, oakville said:

Why pretend to be in different places?

Why pretend you aren't dating when the whole world knows you are? Why pretend you don't like Donald Trump when you kissed his ass for 18 months? 

They think the rest of the world is as stupid as they are. 

13 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

I don't really understand the allure of Joe Scarborough that results in him going on his third wife and having multiple women supposedly having affairs with him. I just don't get it. I don't find him physically attractive. I don't find his personality charming in the least. Maybe he smells nice? I don't know. 

Replace "Joe Scarborough" with "Donald Trump". 

Money, power, charming when they want to be, women with low self esteem.  Who knows. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe is very lucky that Mika was open to his romantic advances . What would have happened if Mika turned Joe down? Wouldn't Joe have ended up like Mark Halperin?

To be honest, after reading the extent of Halperin's ickiness, I was surprised he didn't try it with Mika too given she was in her professional circles. Equally surprised she claimed to not have known anything about his actions.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika was in the NBC London studio & Joe was in a bunker.

Nope, they were in the same room.  From the Page Six story

But they’re actually yards away from each other, working out of a London broadcasting facility. We’re told the pair — who secretly dated for a while before Page Six revealed their engagement in May — are in the UK on family business.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Nope, they were in the same room.  From the Page Six story

But they’re actually yards away from each other, working out of a London broadcasting facility. We’re told the pair — who secretly dated for a while before Page Six revealed their engagement in May — are in the UK on family business.

Of all the things that ooog me out about those two the fact that MSNBC not only knew about their adulterous relationship (that involved young children) but helped facilitate it with that London bs fills me with rage.  No wonder you don't see many MSNBC people hanging around with them unless they have to.

  • Love 2

This amused me enough to bring it over here from the Episode thread. Joe completely changed his part (when he grew his hair out and up?)?!?!? I've never known a guy to do that without trying to cover up a balding pattern *which he obviously doesn't have. I wonder if all great rock stars part their hair on that side so he had to make the image change. 



Edited by XOQueens
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, XOQueens said:

This amused me enough to bring it over here from the Episode thread. Joe completely changed his part (when he grew his hair out and up?)?!?!? I've never known a guy to do that without trying to cover up a balding pattern *which he obviously doesn't have. I wonder if all great rock stars part their hair on that side so he had to make the image change. 



Mika seems to like tall hair, so maybe it was her suggestion?

  • Love 1
On 3/14/2018 at 3:02 PM, XOQueens said:

I don't really understand the allure of Joe Scarborough that results in him going on his third wife and having multiple women supposedly having affairs with him. I just don't get it. I don't find him physically attractive. I don't find his personality charming in the least. Maybe he smells nice? I don't know. 

He doesn't look like he smells nice.  ?

  • Love 3
On 3/15/2018 at 4:45 PM, cased said:

I'm not sure about that, but on the recent Joe/Mika feature on CBS Sunday Morning, it showed Joe and Mika walking to the Morning Joe set, and Mika was fixing Joe's hair with her hand.

Ok. I just watched this. I think my favorite part was Joe directing her Know Your Value photo shoot. “Amazing Mika, right in there.” Dude. Also, when did Joe become a pro photog? 

I wonder if they always wander the halls of 30 Rock grasping onto each other like that or if it was for the cameras.

  • Love 4

Suomi and Xoqueens, thanks so much for those videos.  I really enjoyed(?) watching all of them.  Wow, what a difference watching the side by sides of Mika and nothing says I Love You quite like riding in a car with your beloved wearing earphones.  My ex and I were galled we were forced to breathe the same air as the other at the end of our marriage but even he wouldn't have been that rude to me.  Again, wow.

Edited by Chloesmom
  • Love 2

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