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Small Talk: The Library

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Hee val- twopocalypse is right.  It's much more fun sounding than Twopaggden. 

I sort of feel like we should all get in a ceremonial school bus and speed over here as the old site collapses in on itself.

Lnb, glad to see you made it here.  I've been sending vibes your way.  And erratic!  And Cherokee.  I begin to feel less of a refugee.

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Of interest: We have a podcast (Extra Hot Great) and in episode #24 we replaced the usual "The Canon" segment (talk and vote on a great episode of a show) with "The Nonac" which are terrible episodes of otherwise great shows.

Guess which one John Ramos (Couch Baron) nominated for Buffy?

I'm guessing 'Amends'... ;)

Edited by Erratic
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Oh thank God there's somewhere somewhat familiar to discuss BtVS as if it never ended...I almost felt an uncomfortable chill of reality creeping up on me...=P

I really hope this takes off. Can't wait to be part of something like TWoP was (I was only a lowly lurker over there, but I'm trying to change). Obviously gonna be different in some ways, but yeah.

Long live Buffy :)

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Uh okay I think I lost my first post. No surprise there.

I'm here with a confession. I realize it's time I admitted that I never finished Buffy. I had to quit after The Body. Of course, you may remember I started way late; a lot of you shepherded me through the first many seasons just a few years ago.

Now you know why I do so lousy on the Buffy Trivias. Hah! I feel better now.

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Season 3 Faith vs Season 7 Faith is a discussion I'd gladly have.

as for the actual seasons, KPC, are you incredibly stoned right now?

With the TWoPoyclypse, I worry that any of the Previouslies might be left out. Like on the DVD versions of Buffy, and thus miss the Gift.

That went to a strange place, I haven't done the forum thing for a while, might need to adjust.

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I'm going to say it, Once More With Feeling is just as awful as the reason of seasons 6 and 7, it just has prettier smoke and mirrors to hide behind.

All the magic crack, and Giles abdonment and the Spuffy... Oh god the Spuffy, all in there. Giles abdonment has an entire song about it! A ridiculous song to justify Giles not being around to help back from the dead Buffy that makes no sense with his character.

It is a pretty song, but are ASH's smooth vocals really enough to cover such deep emotional pain of the core relationship of a father's love for a child being ripped apart to force another burden onto Buffy?

Are they?

Look, I love musicals and I love that they got the mustard out, but OMWF does not stack up against some of the truly great episodes of Buffy there are. Like Passion, which showcases the wonderfulness of the Buffy and Giles relationship, and that Giles would never leave Buffy because he thought he was "standing in the way".

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cko, I am horrified! But, I listen to a podcast (Potentialcast) where one of the newbies said that 'The Body' was so upsetting to her that if he hadn't committed to the podcast she would never have watched another episode.
I suggest skipping 'Forever' and finishing the series just so you can be more competitive on the trivia on Mondays.

I like 'Once More with Feeling' because if how it sets up the entire Season Six arcs. I don't like anything about Spike and Buffy's relationship. Not because I am a Bangel shipper, but because tptb changed not only Spike's personality to the point of destruction, but because they also changed the rule of soul vs unsoiled demon to fit their love affair. Angel changes completely when he loses his soul. Spike has a slight itch.

But, still. Finish the damn series. One of us. One of us!



By the way, 'Potentialcast' has just started Season Six, so if you want your hand holding with other newbies, now would be a good time to start finishing the series, CKO. Find them on iTunes.

Edited by Erratic

I think it's groovy that lurkers are delurking. :) Maybe the TWoPocalypse will end up being a good thing, bringing more folks into the Buffy vortex. Or something, I dunno, I can't metaphor today. Heh.

My 14- year-old son, the F-ster, is now 6 feet tall and wears bigger shoes than his dad. And his skin, oy. He's doomed, since both his dad and I had terrible acne. But anyway, I don't think I told y'all about him doing online school. Did I? I can't remember. Oh yeah, even as I type this, I recall...oh well, anyway, it is working out really well. His grades are up, he's getting taller by the second (which I wonder if might be related to the fact that he can now get 10 hours of sleep every night. Biology, hmm) and we spend more time together. It is good.

Anyone got any good news, or good stuff happening? I think we could all use some cheering up, heh.

I will cast off my lurkey cloak here as well.  Truth be told, I came to both watch and love AtS before I had seen much of Buffy, so when I eventually did watch it was an experience of finally seeing most of what I already knew (through friends/forums/recaps, etc.)  I've since come to appreciate BtVS of its own accord and hold the following mostly popular and non-shocking opinions:  S2 & S3 were the series at its absolute best, hands down my favorites.  Spuffy was a bad mishandling of both characters and I am not a fan.  S7 and especially the cruelty of S6 are my least favorite seasons, with the few bright spots including Once More With Feeling and Tabula Rasa.

Nice to finally "meet" you guys. 

Edited by Earl Is Dead

Another loooooong-time lurker delurking due to the TWoPocalypse (sob). Buffy was responsible for my finding TWoP in the first place. I'm so happy to see so many familiar names popping up here in so many different forums, thank you PTV for welcoming we band of buggers! Now I can stop with the lurking and start with the delurking.

And count me in as loving Once More With Feeling! I'm afraid I won't be able to watch The Body again for quite a long time, if ever. I had a hard enough time watching it before but my Mom passed away almost a year ago, just thinking about that episode being on this side of the fence is enough to bring me to tears. And I'm one of the minority who loves Season 6 (ducks to avoid hurling objects)  :D

Exactly, tveyeonyou, that was kind of the timing for me. I did a deep dive into Firefly, Buffy, and Angel -- and found fandom! -- in the months and years after my mom died. But the aftermath of The Body really did me in

I suggest skipping 'Forever' and finishing the series just so you can be more competitive on the trivia on Mondays.

Good advice, Erratic, and also about Potentialcast, thanks! But here's the thing, I even suck on Mondays (heh) when the trivia covers the seasons I did watch. I don't know why, it's that my guessing is always wrong, whereas on other topics I tend to have a decent record. Not that it matters, I would never do well enough on the Buffys to beat most of you, such as Val.

I love Spuffy. I am all about the Spuffy

You are not alone taylork.  I was a unrepentant redemptionista (MBTV) and will probably remain so. Tabula Rasa may be one of my all time favorite episodes of tv ever

as for the actual seasons, KPC, are you incredibly stoned right now?

Not stoned Superflyse, but in the throws of twopocalypse grief- I'm somewhere between the denial/loopy/anger stage.  But at least it got you posting!

Yay for all the delurkers.  Hope you'll stay around.  We're a fabulous, delightfully quirky and somewhat wacky.*


*there is a slim chance that I'm the wacky one.

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CKO, what does 'DMV' stand for in your Reaper world?

Ah. In our world of Reaper, the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles, where you go to wait in line forever to get your driver's license and whatnot--the last time I went there without an appointment my little slip said number 125 and they were on number 41) is the Portal to Hell where our hero, Sam, who gets sold out to the Devil (aka Ray Wise) to reap escaped souls, must go to see the Demon Gladys (played by Christine Willes) to turn in the soul which is captured in the Vessel of the Week (ranging from a Dirt Devil to a Christmas Sweater to a magician's dove). "Place the Vessel on the mat."

So, when it came to setting up our own fansite (due, ahem, to most of us being warned or banned by Jacob at TWoP, good times), we called it Reaper DMV. No idea why.

Edited by cko
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One of the main reasons I mostly hate seasons 6 & 7 is Buffy's attitude. God, she was such a downer. I also can't help but associate Buffy's attitude with SMG. You just got the impression she didn't want to be there. 

With all the stuff in the news lately about the Veronica Mars movie, I can't help but compare SMG's attitude towards her show and it's fans with Kristen Bell's and hers. Buffy and Veronica Mars are two of my favourite shows but i've always sort of resented SMG because of her lack of appreciation to the fans.

Did everyone get that impression of her or am I being unfair?

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You are not alone taylork.  I was a unrepentant redemptionista (MBTV) and will probably remain so. Tabula Rasa may be one of my all time favorite episodes of tv ever

Yup, and I'm sorry but from this end of the bell curve of life Spuffy would be the long-haul couple IMO, not Bangel.  Ooooh I know those are fighting words ;)  For the record, Bangel breaks my heart.  So you see lurkers, come out of the dark.  Or the bushes.  Or wherever.  Some of our group are considered deviants and we haven't been ostracized yet! :)

OK, I have good news (which is going to sound completely out of left field for those who weren't following the other place.)  With apologies to MKL, "Free at last.  Free at last.  Thank God almighty, I am free at last."  Yes, last night, at our 8th store, a prom dress that was both loved and available in journeydaughter's size, was obtained.  Even better, journeydaughter was subsequently asked to prom by the boy with whom she preferred to attend - thereby relieving her of the extremely awkward and slightly heart-breaking aspect of turning down another boy (with whom she is also friends) who intended to ask her.  Dear God, the drama.  And the joke is none of these people are sweet on each other and will all hang together the entire prom anyway.

So, migration to data phones as a family - check.  Prom dress secured - check.  Cube packed for office move -   uuh, not so much.

Edited by journeywoman
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Inkworks, a lot of us felt the same way about SMG's 'tude towards BtVS. Recently, it seems, she's had a change of heart - either that or we were wrong all along - as she made a special note of thanking all the cast, crew, and fans of Buffy when she accepted her People's Choice award. She actually spoke about Buffy longer than The Crazy Ones, the show she was nommed for.

She also recently joined twitter, and has been knocking it out of the park. She frequently tweets her BtVS costars with cute, funny banter, makes a ton of 'inside' jokes with her followers, and hashtag mentions Buffy in fully 90% of her tweets. She also recently did the most charming, delightful reddit AMA I think I've ever seen. If you haven't gotten to it yet, it's really worth checking out: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1z4nu6/i_am_sara_michelle_gellar_also_known_as_the_girl/

And not to piss off the Spuffys amongst us (Hey, I love Spike with the intensity of a thousand burning nuns, but I never really shipped them), but she unequivocally settled the BAngel/Spuffy question - as far as Buffy Summers was concerned, it was always Angel. ;)

My furnace is making a weird screechy sound when it starts. This is probably not good, y/y? Argh.

I am all about a new t-shirt list. I am finally feeling comfortable about dressing myself (I had breast reduction surgery done last June) and I have been going just slightly bonkers with the novelty t-shirts. I could never wear them before, so it's like a whole new world of clothing options. (It really has taken almost nine months for me to get used to my new self. It was a big change, and I think I had some dysphoria that is finally resolving. But I'm at long last fully at home in my bod, yay.)

As for Spuffy, to each their own. I didn't think it was handled well on the show (could have been, but wasn't) so my reaction to it was "yeuuuccch." I like Bangel mostly because it takes place during a better era of the show, and also because it did a better job, IMO, of capturing what it was supposed to represent: that sort of DRAMATIC high school romance that can't last, but seems bigger than everything while it's happening.

Edited by AnnieF
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someone needs to say something pithy and funny so we can start a new "That should be on a t-shirt!" list.

This in itself would make a smashing hipster tee shirt!

Glad the dress and dance drama is over. For now. (-she's a teen. There will be more drama a-coming)

Twitter and 'The Crazy Ones' has completely changed my attitude towards Smidge. I also think that Buffy's true love was Giles, not in an icky sexual way, but in a family way, and that is also why 'Lies My Patents Told Me' remains my least favourite, most reviled Buffy episode ever. Buffy totally rejecting Giles and choosing Spike over him *kills* me.

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