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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Pickled okra. YUM. I've had a hankering (see! I'm really southern.) for some recently, but I can't find any locally, other than spicy, and I want regular!


You were so close!



Poor food around my house growing up for dinner was baked beans and hot dogs in a bowl`. We were not permitted to leave the table if we just fished out all the hot dog slices and ate them.

Edited by morgankobi
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Does anyone actually eat Pickled pigs feet or pickled eggs? Eeeew.

I currently have to turn my dryer on with pliers.

Apparently I get a gift with my 5 year anniversary at work. What should I get? Pop up tent to start the apocalypse off right? Immersion hand blender? There's jewelry which is stupid. Golf crap which is stupid. Luggage. Stemless wine glasses or silverware. Vote early vote often! More important than the damn presidential election.

BEENIE WEENIES! Franks n beans. I didn't like beans either. We also had SOS a lot for dinner. (Shit on a shingle) chipped beef on toast. Whatever you call it.

Edited by nachomama
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Well, I haven't had to sweep up any broken glass since I got my stemless wine glasses (if you are a klutz like me, and you manage to brush against anything near you and make it fall, the stability of the stemless glass is a thing of beauty!)


Just finished writing an exam, and a super quick read of this thread is making me want the comfort of a fried baloney sandwich to relieve the stress!


* wanders to the fridge, wondering if I even have baloney...*

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Apparently I get a gift with my 5 year anniversary at work. What should I get? Pop up tent to start the apocalypse off right? Immersion hand blender? There's jewelry which is stupid. Golf crap which is stupid. Luggage. Stemless wine glasses or silverware. Vote early vote often! More important than the damn presidential election.

Any chance at a pasta maker???

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Thick slabs of bologna cut off the stick and sandwiched between sheet crackers = Nirvana.


(For those of you too young to remember, saltines used to come in 2x2 "sheets" - the way God intended them to.)

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Omg I could be mrs Neidermeyer!

Now I'm remembering eating baloney sammiches with ketchup! Hurl. And scrambled eggs with ketchup. Swoons. Blarghhhhhhh. And my mom forced me to eat two bites of liver.

I remember making home made noodles or "dumplings" with my mom. Rolling out dough and cutting it into strips. There'd be noodley strings hanging everywhere in the kitchen, dining room, drying everywhere around the house. I did love some nice chicken and dumplings.

Oh! And my mom would let us have braunschweiger on crackers and she was very careful to never call it liverwurst so we never knew we were enjoying liver!

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Thick slabs of bologna cut off the stick and sandwiched between sheet crackers = Nirvana.


(For those of you too young to remember, saltines used to come in 2x2 "sheets" - the way God intended them to.)

Don't remember the 2x2 sheets, but bologna and crackers was my paternal Grandparents idea of high end Horderves, and was better than any of the fancy stuff my maternal city raised oil owing maternal Grandparents ever had :) 

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How bout Spam? Ya'll eat some spam or vienna sausages? Or how bout olives from a can that you put on each finger and nibble off? Oh yeah, we can class up a joint. 


For thanksgiving dinner my mom always put out the canned cranberry sauce and just go ahead and leave it in it's can shape where you can see the ridges from the can. And bowls of nuts, olives and tiny pickles. Who ate this shit? I don't know if these were gherkins or cornichons. I liked the itty bitty sweet pickles because they were like toy pickles. And I always wanted to eat baby corn like Tom Hanks in "Big". 

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I used to love Vienna sausages as a kid. Haven't had them in ages. I'm a bit more health conscious now. Ha!


My grandma used to make saltines with mayo. Another yum. Or, she'd put butter on them and toast them. 

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We did butter on saltines. My mother used to put butter on all sandwiches, which I've heard is a very british thing to do. (which she was not, no clue where she aquired the habit)  Peanut butter and jelly? sure, put butter on it first. Ham? butter first. Seemed odd to me. Oh and it was  NOT  actual butter, it was margarine aka Oleo. I didn't have real butter until I was an adult. I don't touch margarine to this day. Also didn't have real mayo it was miracle whip. blech blech blech. And I can now eat sammiches with mayo but it can't squish. If there's a commercial making a sandwich and they put the lid on it and press down, I can't see mayo ooze, it gives me the willies. I can eat mayo just can't look at it or think about it. hahahahhaha I'm not warped, nosireebob. 

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We did butter on saltines. My mother used to put butter on all sandwiches, which I've heard is a very british thing to do. (which she was not, no clue where she aquired the habit)  Peanut butter and jelly? sure, put butter on it first. Ham? butter first. Seemed odd to me. Oh and it was  NOT  actual butter, it was margarine aka Oleo. I didn't have real butter until I was an adult. I don't touch margarine to this day. Also didn't have real mayo it was miracle whip. blech blech blech. And I can now eat sammiches with mayo but it can't squish. If there's a commercial making a sandwich and they put the lid on it and press down, I can't see mayo ooze, it gives me the willies. I can eat mayo just can't look at it or think about it. hahahahhaha I'm not warped, nosireebob. 

Potato and miracle whip sandwiches were my absolute favorite thing to eat as a kid.  Oh Em Gee my Father love love loved Vienna Sausages.  I took them to school for lunch one day because my Mom was in the hospital and that's what my Father packed and everyone laughed at me because my lunch looked like penises.  Never ate them again!

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How bout Spam? Ya'll eat some spam or vienna sausages?

Oh, I'm a big fan of Stuff Posing As Meat - as is just about every native Hawaiian I've ever worked with, incidentally; pork is a cultural diet staple, and they apparently view Spam as the highest culmination of the art of porcine cuisine.

Viennas were a given on virtually every fishing trip my father and I ever went on, to the best of my recollection.

For thanksgiving dinner my mom always put out the canned cranberry sauce and just go ahead and leave it in it's can shape where you can see the ridges from the can. And bowls of nuts, olives and tiny pickles. Who ate this shit? I don't know if these were gherkins or cornichons. I liked the itty bitty sweet pickles because they were like toy pickles. And I always wanted to eat baby corn like Tom Hanks in "Big".

I'm pretty sure we're related - right down to the can rib marks on the cranberry sauce.

ETA: Added a link to prove I wasn't kidding about the Hawaiian/Spam thing; at the U of HI cafeterias, you'd find Spam musubi sitting in the lunch display cases right next to the sushi.

Edited by Nashville
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My college roommate was from Hawaii so I've been knowing the Hawaiian's love them some spam. I didn't hate spam and I had an odd fascination with the can with the key. Omg I wanted to open that can so bad even if I did it badly because it was cool to turn the key. I think my dad would start it and let me do a couple turns. And I had an odd fascination with the spam slime. I was horrified by it and yet drawn to it, to touch and poke. 

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We always put margarine on our saltines.  Which we had with my mom's chili, if we weren't rich enough that day to be able to afford Bisquick to make biscuits with.  I enjoy spam now and again.  Fried is best.  Served with eggs for breakfast.  Mmmmmmmmm.

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We did margarine crackers and chili too. And my dad liked to make corn bread but not the bake it in a pan kind and not even a hush puppy kind. It was a patty and you fried it and honestly it tasted to me like a super hard crusted thing you had to crack open then mooshy inside. He was the only one that ate them. Hard like a hockey puck.

Did anybody ever have leftover rice from dinner served cold the next morning and you poured milk over it and put raisins in like cereal? I hate raisins.

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Omg spam singles? Like cheese slices?

I'm in the mood for Greek salad. Good thing we are going over this stuff, I have to survive the next two weeks on less than $100. That's food, gas, entertainment and anything that might creep up. I'm eating pb & j for lunches at work. Ironically purchased to be a food donation around Christmas for a group that left bags at everyone's door and claimed they were coming to retrieve them and on the appointed day they did not retrieve it. So I have my own food basket for the less fortunate given to me by myself. Alas there is no spam.

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My birthday was on Saturday and, because I was out of town on the day, some friends came by last night with wine and a truly spectacular red velvet cake. We had a great time and I resigned myself to catching TWD episode on demand. At 8.55, without my saying a word, everyone got up and left. Because they know me that well!

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My birthday was on Saturday and, because I was out of town on the day, some friends came by last night with wine and a truly spectacular red velvet cake. We had a great time and I resigned myself to catching TWD episode on demand. At 8.55, without my saying a word, everyone got up and left. Because they know me that well!

Happy Birthday Irish!  Mmmmm red velvet..


So today was my first day of jury duty...I know most people hate it, but considering my day normally consists of me getting up at 3 am and getting home after 5 pm, this is a cake walk.  The court is 10 minutes from my house and you are only there 8 hours!  My work reimburses for jury duty too, so I'll be making the same amount of money without the 13+ hour day!


I wonder if there is a list you can get on to get called up more often...


Re: Cornbread....I make my in my great grandma's cast iron skillet in the oven.  Heaven.  Contrary to everyone that lives in the Chicago area it is not supposed to be sweet like the Jiffy mix...lol  People are always surprised AF when they eat my cornbread around here...lol

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In my world, if it's sweet it's a corn muffin, corn bread, though, should not be sweet. But I also do not call those hockey pucks my dad made, cornbread. I think they were just short of sea rations, completely dried out hunks of bread that you can gnaw on to survive drought and famine. My dad made some excellent biscuits in a cast iron skillet. He made really great breakfast altogether. I don't like eggs but I'd eat his scrambled eggs, they were hard scrambled with lots of cheese and salsa. so they didn't taste like eggs. :D

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There was a convo on the radio this morning about fried baloney sammiches. Johnny Depp would be a baloney sandwich if he was to come back as a sandwich. White trash on wonder bread he said. 


This morning the thing stuck in my head when I woke up was "How funky is your chicken? How loose is your goose?" Do not ask me why. Oi Vey!

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There was a convo on the radio this morning about fried baloney sammiches. Johnny Depp would be a baloney sandwich if he was to come back as a sandwich. White trash on wonder bread he said. 


This morning the thing stuck in my head when I woke up was "How funky is your chicken? How loose is your goose?" Do not ask me why. Oi Vey!

Ahh good old cheerleading days!


I still have not made my b-o-l-o-g-n-a (cuz Oscar Meyer has a way) sandwich.  Speaking of commercials that I will remember even when I am 95 years old...There is a series on Nat Geo called Generation X narrated by Christian Slater.  Anyone watch it?  Man was it good and really explains why I am like I am, and why most of the people I grew up with are what they are.  If they have it On Demand I'd highly suggest it.

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Random: Jon Bernthal is AMAZING on Daredevil. Watch it!

I've been putting it off, because I've had a crappy few weeks, and I want to be focused and relaxed. Looking forward to it, though! I watched it last year, just before my birthday (middle of April). 


I also need to get to the new season of House of Cards. I tried to re-watch the series, but said drama was occurring, and I think real politics has put me off the show. I'm tired of hearing about it, and people fighting. 

And referencing something above: I think I'd come back as a grilled cheese sandwich. One of my favourites. 

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I will probly need something to tide me over after Sunday. Been a crappy few weeks here too. Going to be a rough month. Hopefully you'll perk up.

Thanks. You, too. :) I'm catching up on DVR stuff, like iZombie, and do feel better tonight. I'm also now craving a grilled cheese. 

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Grilled cheese is good. I have a panini thing and I put some crazy stuff in a grilled cheese. Cheese is soooo good. I like iZombie although Is it weird that her eating brains grosses me out more than TWD? They're so pink! There's a couple things on Netflix I'll check out. Kimmy Schmidt and something from Ashton kutcher, not for him, Sam Elliott. And Tara's brother Danny masterson.

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Grilled cheese is good. I have a panini thing and I put some crazy stuff in a grilled cheese. Cheese is soooo good. I like iZombie although Is it weird that her eating brains grosses me out more than TWD? They're so pink! There's a couple things on Netflix I'll check out. Kimmy Schmidt and something from Ashton kutcher, not for him, Sam Elliott. And Tara's brother Danny masterson.

A couple of years ago, I liked The United States of Tara. I think that's still on Netflix. It was different. I also liked Brothers and Sisters, but that's no longer on there. One of these days, I'll get started on The West Wing, which might take me through the Summer. 


I get grossed out by what Liv eats, as well, and I've reached a point where I can occasionally eat something now, when I watch TWD. Not that my eyes are glued to the screen while I'm eating, but the repeat came on one night, and it didn't make me ill. 

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When the alarm went off I said to my hubby "sorry (for waking him up), it's saturday" (so I don't have to get up early and go to work)

and then he said it's friday! Oh shit! 

Geez if it's saturday today then it's just one more night for the season finale  ;>

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Going around facebook today was "Do you remember this?" and it was cornbread with milk, and I do remember my dad doing that. You crumble the corn bread and pour milk and eat it like cereal and I got an immediate case of the hurls. I don't do soggy food. Actual real life for true cereal I have to eat with separate bowl and milk. only dipping a spoonful at a time in the milk. And it's captain crunch ya'll. There is no other cereal on the planet. I do not care if it shreds the gums out of my head, it can't be soggy. 


There's a game at work we play WHEEL OF BLAME! and it has literally nothing but my name on it. spin it, lets see if I'm at fault for leaving something off that he told me to take off and even through 6 changes in one day, he never ever said put it back but I am entirely at fault for "forgetting" to put it back. Wheee! It's a fun game. Everybody can play....your girlfriend turns up pregnant? MY FAULT, I don't have a penis but I guarantee I knocked up your girlfriend. 

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Going around facebook today was "Do you remember this?" and it was cornbread with milk, and I do remember my dad doing that. You crumble the corn bread and pour milk and eat it like cereal and I got an immediate case of the hurls. I don't do soggy food. Actual real life for true cereal I have to eat with separate bowl and milk. only dipping a spoonful at a time in the milk. And it's captain crunch ya'll. There is no other cereal on the planet. I do not care if it shreds the gums out of my head, it can't be soggy. 


There's a game at work we play WHEEL OF BLAME! and it has literally nothing but my name on it. spin it, lets see if I'm at fault for leaving something off that he told me to take off and even through 6 changes in one day, he never ever said put it back but I am entirely at fault for "forgetting" to put it back. Wheee! It's a fun game. Everybody can play....your girlfriend turns up pregnant? MY FAULT, I don't have a penis but I guarantee I knocked up your girlfriend. 

We did buttermilk and cornbread and it is fantastic :)

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Regarding spoilers, if you have spoiled some movie or show in a thread where you shouldn't, I assume you can go back and edit/delete your post. For example, the Star Wars spoilage from a while back on this thread should probably be deleted or edited out.


I've had that happen before, when I'm in the forum for one show and someone says something like, "Well, at least it's not as bad as *this* show, where *this* happened." Meanwhile I'd been very carefully avoiding twitter and ptv forums for that show. Not cool. :/


Editing to test...yeah, you can edit/delete things you didn't mean to say, etc.

Edited by Too Late Kev
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