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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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A nice little 8-mile hike back and forth through Memphis' Shelby Park at 2-3 AM one Saturday morning with a gas can taught me the importance of maintaining reserves. 


There's some freaky shit going on in that park during the wee hours, BTW.  And we're not talking normal freaky - we're talking 10:00 PM News freaky.

A friend and I were walking through a park here, in the dark, and we heard a noise and looked behind us and there was this man hiding behind a hedge. We start walking faster and he keeps going faster hedge to hedge and then he comes right out and starts chasing us!  We were running like crazy screaming help! help! and he just keeps getting closer and closer and my friend fell down and I'm trying to pull her up and the man charges right up and pokes us each on the shoulder with his finger and yells "HaHa! You're IT!" and runs away.

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To counter-act the scary and upsetting:  I've settled into my new job but I still haven't adjusted to working Saturday mornings.  It's hard getting up at 7am on a day when I rarely got up before 10.  This morning was an easy one though:  a sleep-deprived (to the point of danger to herself and others) new mom came in so I took the baby and sent the mom to the quiet room for a nap.  The baby was pretty tired too, so I sat on the couch with her and she fell asleep.  It wasn't busy, so I settled in with her.  For two and a half hours, I lay on the couch with the world's cutest five-week old baby girl sleeping on me.  Yep, I get paid for that!


My mind wandered to The Walking Dead, as it does, and I had a thought about Dawn.  I would have liked her a lot more if she'd been played by the actress who used to be in The Shield.  I think her name is Catherine Dent.  She played Danny, a patrol officer.  I think she would have nailed the role of Dawn.  She has a don't-mess-with-me look, and a hint of age and experience.  I could see her laying down the rules at Grady Memorial.

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Yes, Catherine Dent would have made an excellent Dawn. 


Remind me that nothing is ever worth it when traveling for thanksgiving. It will take me weeks to recover and I think I've lost an ipod. Spent way too much money on crap I don't need to buy. (Not black Friday crap, like feeding my sister and her dumb ass cats until Dec 5th when she gets paid) I am thankful thansgiving is over and you never appreciate your own place, stuff, life until you're out of it for a while. 


Didn't get home in time for walking dead but even after 15 hour drive had to watch. and HOLY MOSES!

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What are we gonna do til February? I know they take the break for the holidays but I don't like my family. I spend as little time with them as possible. 




This Sunday evening is going to be a bitch.  I predict a minor seismic event, which is really just TWD fans with a case of withdrawal shakes.  That AMC New Years marathon is looking better and better ...

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Sadly, I'm not minding the break so much this year. This season started out with a bang, but then kind of petered out for me. So I'm looking forward to rewatching better days. I don't know if I'll have time to marathon the entire series, but I might at least watch season 4; I really enjoyed that one. It might cleanse my palette. And my New Years wish will be a better second half for this season. 

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What are we gonna do til February? I know they take the break for the holidays but I don't like my family. I spend as little time with them as possible.

And I don't even have a family. My Mom (whom I cared for) and my cats all died this year, and my sister lives in Europe.

Perhaps we can go to the Speculation without Spoilers thread and write a new episode each week? Then compare our brilliant ideas to what actually happens when the show comes back.

The first episode could try to make Gleggie relevant again. In her grief, Maggie kills Mullet Boy with her bare hands. Then finds a box of Clairol, and while Glen holds him down, dyes Sgt. Moobs hair and facial hair brown. If anyone objects, Rick shoots them and says, "Shut up!"

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Mr. mandolin got the flu to start off the hiatus. Fun times. I started tamiflu today to try to hold it off, though I feel it trying to sneak in.


I'm sure I will do some rewatches, especially of favorite episodes. I can pretty much watch seasons 1 and 2 on repeat. And season 3, ep 1, and...


I know some of you also watch Sons of Anarchy...that "exciting" finale is in just a few days, though I also watch it day after.

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And I don't even have a family. My Mom (whom I cared for) and my cats all died this year, and my sister lives in Europe.

Perhaps we can go to the Speculation without Spoilers thread and write a new episode each week? Then compare our brilliant ideas to what actually happens when the show comes back.

The first episode could try to make Gleggie relevant again. In her grief, Maggie kills Mullet Boy with her bare hands. Then finds a box of Clairol, and while Glen holds him down, dyes Sgt. Moobs hair and facial hair brown. If anyone objects, Rick shoots them and says, "Shut up!"

And as long as they had found one box of Clairol, they were inspired to dig a little deeper, amazed to discover a large stash of the stuff.

Just as Maggie held up two boxes of 'Midnight Black' in triumph, Daryl oozed into view with his crossbow aimed at her. 'Haiye,' he yelled in his typical confusing attempt to shout 'hey' with a Southern accent, 'get yer mitts out of my duffel bag and put my things back in it!'

Glen stepped between Maggie and Daryl, holding out his hands in a conciliatory gesture. 'We won't tell anyone, man', he said carefully, trying hard to keep the laughter at bay over the idea that Daryl might truly believe nobody had noticed his unrealistic dye-job.

'It was for a good cause,' Maggie added, carefully setting the boxes of Clairol back in Daryl's bag. 'Abraham's hair was making Judith cry...'

'You don't know what I had to do to get that!' Daryl looked at his feet in obvious shame. Whatever it had taken to procure the dye, it still obviously weighed heavy on his mind...

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So how is everyone dealing with Week 1 of the hiatus?  I ate Thai takeout with my housemate and bemoaned the lack of my show this evening.  In the nicest possible tone, she suggested this was not the disaster I seemed to think it was.  After that, I caught up with last Wednesday's episode of Arrow because my housemate got me hooked on Survivor after twenty-odd seasons of ignoring the show, and now I'm watching The Mentalist before The Red Tent starts at 10.  I watched the first two or three seasons of The Mentalist before dropping the thing once I realized the Red John arc was fated to stretch into infinity.  I heard this was the final season so I caught the premiere on demand and it was interesting to see Jane and Lisbon in a relationship (a development I never saw coming; I thought he was way too manipulative to be a viable romantic partner for someone as smart as Lisbon)  A couple of core characters are gone (Grace and the cop played by Owain Yeoman) and the office seems to have moved to Texas or something.  It doesn't seem like The Mentalist, but what the hell?  I'm too tired to change the channel. 

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I couldn't even watch the full episode where NCIS crossed over to introduce the NOLA crew. Oh, the accents. And Gibbs saying, "my brutha." Ugh. I'd recommend Quantum Leap if you want to see Scott Bakula. :P You could give it a shot. I have a friend that watches it because she likes the kid from Slingblade (and at least his accent is real).


I have been binge watching Gilmore Girls, which I never saw in first run. The acting isn't awesome, but I've enjoyed it so far. I'm sure I'll get back around to watching early seasons of TWD before the hiatus is over.

Edited by mandolin

LOL, Gilmore Girls is actually probably my favorite show of all time. Some of the best acting is done by the secondary characters, but that show is just so freaking hilarious. I have literally seen every episode dozens of times. 


Right now I'm currently enjoying the much underrated AMC series "The Killing". 


I am not sure I'll marathon all of TWD during the hiatus. I might just rewatch season 4 in January. I really enjoyed that one. 

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LOL, Gilmore Girls is actually probably my favorite show of all time. Some of the best acting is done by the secondary characters, but that show is just so freaking hilarious. I have literally seen every episode dozens of times. 


Right now I'm currently enjoying the much underrated AMC series "The Killing". 


I am not sure I'll marathon all of TWD during the hiatus. I might just rewatch season 4 in January. I really enjoyed that one. 


Ah, The Killing, only Linden could make our merry band of dysfunction seem well adjusted.


However, I do think she would do quite well in the Apocalypse.

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I prepared myself by forgoing my catnaps and drinking heavily in the late afternoon; fed the cats early and slept through the entire evening.  When I woke up I forgot it was Sunday and just watched the assorted drivel on my DVR.  Now, after my second sleep, I am realizing just how much I am going to miss TWD, and, surprisingly, Z Nation.  Why couldn't Z Nation air during TWD hiatus?


I can't say I've found any other current shows that captivate me as much as TWD.  When is Game of Thrones coming back?  :-)

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I THINK I LOVE YOU GUYS! You're all doing what I'm doing.


I'm waiting for SOA to die an agonizing death. I think it jumped the shark back when they killed Opie but I was invested so I'm gonna finish the damn thing. But in my head now I think it just tries to top itself each week now with ridiculous deaths and I feel like each one is like "jazz hands" or "tada!" And yes, IrishMaple, yes!


CarpeDiem54 my condolences and virtual hugs. I have a cat I can ship  you in a box :) I will even punch air holes. He's stinky.


I'm watching NCIS New Orleans and yes because I love the kid from Sling Blade! I cannot stand NCIS original recipe, I just wanna hold Gibbs down and change the hair.


I also loved the Killing, yes Holden and Linden would do well in the apocalypse but she was married to Brad Pitt in his zombie movie and she was the helpless wife while he saved the world. But in real life she's married to Cameron from Ferris Bueller, why that makes me happy I don't know. I love Cameron.


And CSI is pissing me off because it's delayed for football so I keep getting partial episodes. rassin frassin football running late >:(


I think I covered most things, yay! I read, I'm a thoughtful poster, it's not all about me me me, do these pants make my butt look big?


oh yes, I think game of thrones is February or March, kinda back when TWD is back. Which is fine with me 2 great things doesn't hurt.

Edited by nachomama
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And I don't even have a family. My Mom (whom I cared for) and my cats all died this year, and my sister lives in Europe.

Perhaps we can go to the Speculation without Spoilers thread and write a new episode each week? Then compare our brilliant ideas to what actually happens when the show comes back.

I'm so sorry about your Mom (and your cats) :(

Haven't we all had a bummer year?!  Damn!

A bunch of us here have been the caregiver for a family member who passed. We feel ya. You can always come on the Small Talk thread just to vent.


But you do have a family!--we're here as your "framily"--for what that's worth! :-)


I like your idea. Let's give it a whirl. I'm going to try writing a brief episode. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed!


Also I am rewatching Jericho--this would be a good time to try it out for those who never saw the show. Not that many episodes, so easier to catch up with than the Mentalist (yes the Red John thing never stops---gag!)

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nachomama - I am sticking with that piece of shit SOA, too, but am mightily pissed that the one death I waited all these years for was not so satisfying.  I have permanent optical damage from rolling my eyes so much at Kurt Sutter's drivel.  :-)


Smelly cat!!!


CarpeDiem54 - I meant to send you condolences earlier, but have some short term memory issues ... I also lost 4 of my 5 cats in less that 4 years, my old Mum's sick and won't be visiting this winter, and I haven't got much of a family to dislike.  If you ever want to wallow in melancholia, come sit by me!   :-)


Never mind having a bad year - I am having a bad decade.   But it could have been a hellofalot worse, so I am counting my blessings, which include our little "family" here.  You guys are the BEST!

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Also I am rewatching Jericho--this would be a good time to try it out for those who never saw the show


I might just try that after I finish The Killing. I've seen quite a few people mention Lennie James in it, so that piqued my interest. My hubby got me a Kindle last year for my birthday....actually this year, but it's only about 4 weeks until my birthday again so it feels like last year. Anyhow, I digress. I love streaming shows on Amazon or Netflix to it while I prepare lunch, dinner, fold laundry, etc. It's so portable! And then I can safely watch stuff the kids can't see while I'm in the other room. So I always appreciate show recommendations and I've heard enough about that one that it might be my next one. 

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walnutqueen You know Kurt Sutter could not give us what we wanted, which would be slow, agonizing, eyeballs etc that we got for everybody else, even his own damn tongue got cut out, but he couldn't do that to his wife. She got roses. blah. He did this with the Shield too, the end got so ridiculous that I wanted to just toss the whole thing and he brings back all the same people, I chortled with Michael Chiklis' little cameo in Gemma's episode and of course Walter Goggins. I just can't figure out why CCH Pounder keeps coming back, he always makes her the dumbest FBI/detective always chasing down these bad guys and never getting them. bah humbug


I'm watching Z nation but it's like the high school production of zombie stuff. I have a friends with benefits relationship with it. It kills time til my soulmate returns.


I do watch the Mentalist off and on, ( I adored Owean (or however you spell it) so they can kiss my butt) and I mostly try to figure out what bugs me about her (can't remember her name and to watch him slip his accent here and there)

Edited by HalcyonDays
Derogatory terminology removed.
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 I had chili on the menu for this week and our grocery store had this brand of chili/kidney beans called Mrs. Grimes on sale for $.60, so I decided to try it. I figured - they're just beans, I always get the store brand and they're fine, so these should be too. NO. Just no. So bland. Horrible texture. Like eating an old sock. 


So apparently Mrs. (Lori) Grimes is just as shitty at making chili beans as she is at making pancakes. 


(Thankfully Mr. Ghoulina adds so many extras to his, he didn't seem to notice.)

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Anybody else watching that Red Tent show?  It airs on Showcase Canada but, for all I know, might have aired six months ago in the US.  It's basically a Biblical soap opera.  Iain Glen from Game of Thrones plays Jacob, Minnie Driver and Morena Baccarin (I think that's her name) are his wives Leah and Rachel.  The damn show is on from 10pm to midnight, which is inconvenient since I have to be reasonably alert at work by 7.30.  The show killed my eye candy shortly before midnight last night, leaving some doubt as to whether I'd return for part 2.  I probably will.  I walk to work and it's supposed to be minus something tomorrow morning; that should wake me up.

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Irishmaple - I checked, and it is airing in the States now, as well.  Thanks for reminding me - I just set the DVR to record both episdes tonight.  Yes, I am desperate and depressed enough to watch a biblical soap opera on Lifetime.  Any port in a storm, folks - we've all got to get through the withdrawals somehow.  :-)

I read the book The Red Tent and whilst kinda sexist, the concept that we wimmins gotta go have our Aunt Flo visit in a whole nother place cuz the boiz lose their manly man-ness, part of me is like, fuck bring that shit back. I go on vacation for 4-5 days a month, I'm not "allowed" to work. I'll watch some Walking Dead, marathon couple shows or movies I been missing. He can cook his own bland kidney beans. 

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Anyone that can't give you the day before Thanksgiving off is a tool. (Men women children etc) not for cooking but for driving etc. And I hate thanksgiving. I hate thanksgiving food. We've established I hate my family the ones I haven't already stabbed to death. But yeah I want the day off. I did just have a great thanksgiving, went to visit my sister and we had fun but we didn't make turkey. We had brisket and key lime pie. :D And aside from a killer drive and having to buy her $300 worth of food and supplies that I can pay for but not really "afford" it was swell, there was no crying or fighting. 


I have 2 spectacular thanksgiving stories that I know will love (even if you don't WHAT THE HELL ELSE ARE YOU DOING? THERE'S NO WALKING DEAD TO WATCH) I made lobster once for thanksgiving. Well I had never cooked my own lobster before. And you know how you devein a shrimp? Well you gotta do that with a lobster too only it's the size of a pencil which will make you gag because there's way you can ignore and call it a "vein" when you're staring at a toob of poo. I practically got out bleach to clean that puppy because by jove I bought it, I's gonna eats it. It was tasty in the end <-- Hee! I said end.


Then in college bunch of us too poor to go home and had to work we decided to have a "chill" and casual thanksgiving. Everybody bring a little thing (salad, side, pie whatnot) and get a chicken or ribs or some crap. who knows. Well this girl Tonya tells us her mom is coming last minute so now it's all about Tonya showing her mom she can be a hostess with the mostest. I find myself scurrying in someone's backyard at 2 am "borrowing" a dining table. We couldn't sit on the couch and watch tv with mom coming, we had to have proper plates, silverware and furniture that wasn't a futon which served as a bed, couch and dinner seating. She claimed it was somebody's cousins' boss' house and we had permission. Yeah right! Tell the cops after he's tazed me. She practically had a nervous breakdown because it had to be special for her mom. When her mom showed she was so sweet and said "oh my goodness this is too much, I thought we were just gonna have pizza and watch a movie". I nearly kicked Tonya in the teeth. 

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