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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Thank God for Monica & Chandler. I'd stopped watching the show but decided to come back and see the wedding and that shot of Monica's head popping out from under the covers? Yeah, I was hooked again after that. I agree with you, wonderwall, TV shows should aim for Geller and Bing in their love stories. Maybe it's because they weren't the main romance, but the writers were able to have more fun with them than they ever did with Ross and Rachel. The whole secrets thing was hilarious. Loved Joey's reaction when he put 2 and 2 together.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Ross is a character where less is more for me. Too much time on him and I'm not happy but he can kill with the right line. Early Ross was the best Ross. He was just to pathetic for me later on. And he felt a lot like a third wheel when with Chandler and Joey. That didn't help.

Monica and Chandler were my favourite. Opposites attract and slow burn. It ticks my boxes.

I never saw chemistry with Rachel and Ross and the characters didn't make sense together. I understand giving it a shot, but I don't know what kept them together or hung up on each other.

Joey and Rachel. No

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"They don't know that we know they know we know"


I liked early seasons Ross, he got annoying after that. I also didn't really like that both Phoebe and Joey got progressively dumber as the show went on. 


But I do love Matt LeBlanc playing a version of himself on the show "Episodes". David Schwimmer showed up for an episode as well. 

Edited by Sakura12
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It's funny how there are similar sentiment here.


Monica & Chandler mean I will still watch reruns when I come across it.


Ross and Rachel I was indifferent to after the whole "Break" incident, but mainly they were both annoying, but big NO to Joey/Rachel. I will say the episode where we find out who seduce who when Rachel ended up pregnant was a brilliant piece of writing IMO.

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sign me up on the no Joey/Rachel romance but hell yea on the friendship.

I was fine with Ross and Rachel for the most part, but their entire relationship exhausted me.. they were the quintessential example to why hollywood fear of the Moonlight curse and the star crossed lovers ideal mixed together was idiotic.


I know technically R/R were supposed to be the main couple of the show, but to me Monica and Chandler ended up being the show main couple (and I think the writers realized that very quickly which is why they became the Diggle & Lyla of Friends if you will (even though you know D/L came after M/C)


count me as those who never wanted Joey and Phoebe together, and was very pissed at how they dumbed her down. but I loved her with Paul Rudd's character and was happy she found a home - mostly because I always sensed that she felt the most dispensable of all the friends, i can't remember if she expressed it out loud though (ooh actually I think she did.. but i can't remember which episode) - with someone who while accepted her quirkiness was also able to bring her down back to earth- which I think none of the friends were able to do.

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Yeah, but I don't know how well of a seller Louis Litt would be.  I know I'd buy one, but I just don't know how many others would.

I friggin' ADORE Louis Litt. The only reason why I'm still watching that show is because of him, Donna, and Jessica. IDK why but this season sort of ruined Harvey for me (and I know he has issues and stuff, but I just don't like him anymore), Mike is just useless and so is Rachel who's always been useless. Although I do love Harvey's new secretary. She was Laverne from Scrubs :) 

Absolutely loved West Wing!! Josh & Donna were my favorite couple. I am still impressed & bummed that it took forever to get them together, yet still felt authentic & true to character/story. Figurines of them would be cool. I would definitely sign up for one of President Bartlet though, I could use a little Funko of him to remind me that politics can actually achieve something good, even if its only on a TV show. The current political atmosphere in the US is killing whatever fractured pieces of idealism I might have had.


As for Friends, enjoyed the show but I watched it primarily with my group of friends. A little cliche now that I think of it, but we would all watch it together. Then once we were really unable to do that as easily as before, the show started to lose interest to me. Maybe it coincided with the natural decline of the show. Consider me a Ross & Rachel fan. I loved them together & apart. I did get weary of the forced will they/won't they in the final seasons, especially after the baby. It was enjoyable for awhile and then they writers ran out of creative & fun ways to do it, but still tried which was a mistake on their part. I will forever feel bad for Emily though, no one deserves that on her wedding day.


I absolutely hated when they made Joey & Rachel romantic, to me it just screamed we are out of plot lines. Monica & Chandler were the anchor couple of the show, which was a nice reprieve. I sorta found their characters hard to like/enjoy separately, but when they got together they became better more well rounded characters. The levels of stupidity they made Joey & Phoebe go to were really obnoxious at times especially in later seasons. Watching reruns is interesting though, because I either love the episode & miss the show or I wonder what I ever saw in the show & how is it still so popular.

Edited by kismet
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It's weird because I started liking him more the more he started whining :p I just thought his whining was hilarious! But obviously everyone feels differently :)

I gotta say though, out of everything, I hated the whole Joey/Rachel hooking up thing. It was nails on chalkboard for me.

I only got hooked on the show after the wedding in London, before that I was a very rare viewer. I've gone back and seen it from the start since and I can see why Ross and Rachel was sweet in the beginning and there were still multiple times were I thought they could work but by the end I had to work very hard on caring one way or the other.

I hated Rachel with Joey romantically because they totally dumbed her down for him. Great as friends though and I was even fine with him falling for her while she was pregnant but they should have left it there and just let Joey grow from it.

I reached a point where I hated Ross and then suddenly something popped and I liked all his freak outs and whining.

Monica and Chandler should be assigned viewing material for all future show runners. This is how you put a couple together but keep them interesting. They are still very different people. Let that drive the stories.

Oddly I hated Pheobe when I was a casual viewer but love her by the end. I wanted someone more quirky for her than Mike. He was too bland for her IMO. I didn't see Pheobe as dumb, just a space case at times. Joey WAS dumb which is why I was sure his spin off would NOT work.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Rejoice! Football is back (almost) and all is right in the world.

BTW that Deadpool game is hilarious! Very fun game, standard action/3rd person shooter gaming but the humor and general Deadpool vibe elevate the game to "great" status.

Anyone go see Fantastic Four this weekend? I heard t was horrible and it totally bombed both domestically and internationally. I was wondering if it was as bad as the critics were reporting

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With the Deadpool game the little comments that he or the voices in his head make when your playing really elevate the game. 


Fantastic Four is a flop with a 26.2 mil opening weekend. For comparisons the Chris Evans and Jessica Alba one took in 56 million opening weekend. Apparently all the re-shoots they did really messed up the flow of the movie. I really had no desire to see that movie even before the critics started on it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Bringing the Torchwood discussion over here because it really doesn't go in news.

Well I think CoE was massively silly beyond...pretty much anything. I think the plot was dumb. The writers did things that didn't make sense to me.

For example, I don't think I don't think Captain Jack would go along with a plan to sacrifice kids to aliens.

I think everyone's characterization suffered.

In regards to Ianto, I felt mostly like his and Jacks dynamic in regards to their relationship felt kind of out of character. Ianto for the first two seasons felt very professional and mission focused while working and would leave his personal life for his personal time. I didn't really get that sense during series 3. But that may have had more to do with such a shortened run.

Then after his death it comes across like Ianto was lying about all sorts of details about his life. It was just ick.

I've done the lowest thing for fandom when I started watching SPN.  I watched a movie about those horrible people in Canada that raped and murdered their sister/sister in - law. Misha Collins played the main character. He was horrible creature. Misha has since disavowed that film and literally tells no one to watch it.  My palate cleanser for that was Stonehenge Apocalypse with Misha Collins.


I have not yet watched New York Minute for Jared Padalecki.

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Ok, I have to admit, the moment SA jumped into the ring I was giggling and cheering. Pretty short though.   My favorite part might be the big yellow "I can Dig it" sign in the background with Diggle's face on it.  Hee! 


Of course they are going to drag this out and save the big stuff for some pay per view in two weeks. I draw the line at paying Sixty bucks.  I will haunt You Tube for clips though. 

So, watching WWE.  I assume that it's 2 hours of trash talking and 30 minutes of actual "wrestling"?

If that.  And the commercials.  Sooo many commercials.  I had the whole thing on fast forward and just occasionally stopped if I saw him in the crowd or at the start and end of each segment where they would mention him being a special guest.  Oh and it's FOUR HOURS of fast forwarding and it's not done yet. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Honestly, I've done worse things for fandom. Like when I watched that terrible Hallmark Hall of Fame movie where SA played a Canadian Mountie in the early 1900's.

That movie was horrible. 90+ minutes I will never get back. Of course the I watched Hung, which balanced it out at least visually ;)

When the clip makes it online, I would recommend giving it a watch.  I enjoyed myself. 

That was my plan...:) Thank you for for taking one for the team. Although twitter did show the sign, that was pretty good :)

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Of course they are going to drag this out and save the big stuff for some pay per view in two weeks. I draw the line at paying Sixty bucks.  I will haunt You Tube for clips though.

You can watch it on the WWE Network for only $9.99 for the entire month.  Of course this Raw won't be on the Network for I believe another month due to the agreement with USA.


I was surprised that they didn't have Amell and Sheamus (the Irish dude with the mohawk) interact.  They are both going to be in the Turtles sequel, Amell as Casey Jones and Sheamus as Rocksteady.

Edited by Jediknight

Sometimes fandom takes you to some dark places. The terrible movies I've seen. The money I've paid. It's all good. I say embrace it. Embrace your joy!


I am, like, the opposite of this. The harder I fan something, the worse my second-hand (or sometimes first-hand) embarrassment gets about stuff around it. I've never watched any of SA's other stuff (except TVD and New Girl, because I'd already seen those by the time Arrow started). I'm not watching that EBR short, probably won't watch this WWE thing even in clip-form, there's about a 1% chance I'll watch TMNT2. I usually can't even bring myself to watch their panels.


And like, I would be happy to go to a con sometime, but wouldn't really want to do the photo/signing deal with the people involved with my biggest fandoms. That...is kinda weird, now that I think about it.

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Oh that might be unclear: I mean that my own brain is weird. :) As I was writing that response, I was thinking, "Well, I would definitely do a signing/photo with Hayley Atwell!" Or, the iZombie people. Or a bunch of other people from things that I LOVE but am not super fannish about. So it's odd, even to me, that I wouldn't want to do that with the things I fan the MOST. 

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I totally understand. I follow SA and EBR to closely to ever want to meet them. How embarrassing would it be to accidentally mention a tweet from three years ago or ask SA about the Twilight books in his living room?


On the other hand, I would love to meet the Star Trek peeps. Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Franks, etc.. and I grew up with those. 

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