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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Anyone watch Bates Motel on A&E? That show is the most creepy awkward show I've ever watched. I guess it's expected watching the beginnings of a serial killer. But it's also got some hilarious moments like the girl with cystic fibrosis driving a VW Bug over flowing with weed plants to drop off at her boyfriend's half brother's house where he's hanging around with his UncleDad. 

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I've come to enjoy the theme to the MIndy Project.  It suits her in it's crazed over the top energy and quirk. 


Firefly theme I find to be simply beautiful, the melody and the lyrics, but that's the thing with music, different tastes.  Going way back, I loved the theme to  Remington Steele and I used to love the theme to Cheers until I got so sick of it that I wanted to spork my eyes out.  Also right now I have this gorgeous, lush sax melody running through my head that I think belonged to some 80's or early 90's show and I can't for the life of me put a name to it.   

No, it's mostly a 19th Century crime procedural. Long Susan the Brothel madam's story runs through all the seasons though. I didn't like what they did with her in season 3, but it was their last so I guess it made sense. 

I gave up after S2, I didn't even watch S3, I think it was saved by Amazon or Netflix after BBC canceled it.  One of these days I'll get around to watching it.  I was OK with Long Susan but mostly I watched for the crime and the very odd friendships between Reid/Drake/Jackson

What are some of your guys' faves?  I find The Musketeers & Parks and Rec theme songs to be really catchy.  Black Sails has a really great one too and Copper's was kind of cool.

I love the opening theme to Outlander arranged by Bear McCreary or anything by him, really...Black Sails being one, for example, along with The Walking Dead, BSG and Constantine. I just love him.

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Hill Street Blues, E.R., M*A*S*H and Cheers are four of my all time favourite theme tunes. Friday Night Lights and The West Wing were pretty fantastic as well. 


Then you've got HBO's finest. Band of Brothers, The Pacific and Game of Thrones, to name but three.


I always love the angsty cello of Angel, too. But then, Joss Whedon shows always have good themes.

Bringing this conversation over from Mind Your Surrounding, re: the video of JLM, CV, and RC singing the Firefly theme.



Because it's the wooooooooooooooooooooooorst? I mean, as this video proves, the song itself is fine when performed well. But as a theme song, just terrible*. And I hate the vocals/arrangement of the original. Speaking of that, this series of remixes of the theme is one of my favorite things ever to appear on this site.


(*To me, the whole thing is just very try-hard and overwrought--just like Firefly itself!) (Sorry, I'm a jerk, but it's easily my least-favorite Whedon property. It seems like the kind of thing where if it hits you right, or you're on the right wavelength, it's awesome. I just wasn't on that wavelength, and it doesn't work for me.)

Thanks for this; that polka one is high-larious!  I also hated the original score; it's right up there with Enterprise's IMO for the worst, uninspiring theme.

I watched most of S1 for The Following, but would come back for Chloe Mack.


I've been meaning to ask about rewatching Smallville. I watched for the first 4 or 5 seasons before I quit. Chloe fan, disliked Lana, loved Lex. The usual. I never watched any of the justice league stuff and am now SO curious about Oliver Queen on Smallville.  So questions:


- if I start again, knowing I've seen 4-5 seasons, where to start?

- is this a really bad idea? I have no idea how this series ends 

- am I going to fall for Oliver/Chloe and be forever ruined because of it?

- Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen? I know him from soaps, can I see beyond that?

- am I just asking these questions because this season of Arrow is disappointing me?



I watched most of S1 for The Following, but would come back for Chloe Mack.


I've been meaning to ask about rewatching Smallville. I watched for the first 4 or 5 seasons before I quit. Chloe fan, disliked Lana, loved Lex. The usual. I never watched any of the justice league stuff and am now SO curious about Oliver Queen on Smallville.  So questions:


- if I start again, knowing I've seen 4-5 seasons, where to start?

- is this a really bad idea? I have no idea how this series ends 

- am I going to fall for Oliver/Chloe and be forever ruined because of it?

- Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen? I know him from soaps, can I see beyond that?

- am I just asking these questions because this season of Arrow is disappointing me?

If you haven't seen season 5 you might want to just because I personally think it was good season for Chloe but Oliver doesn't show up until season six.  In that season he and Chloe don't interact much but his last episode "Justice" they do, .  Oliver is there for about half the season I think (he dates Lois) and then shows up for one episode in seven, "Siren"  (they introduce the Black Canary - that one is entertaining actually)


Oliver is one of the regulars (though not in all episodes) for the remaining seasons 8-10.   The Chloe/Oliver romance starts up halfway through season 9. 


Is this a really bad idea?  I can tell you in broad sweeps what happens (like who ends up with who, which characters stay to the end of the show) if you want to know ahead of time if that's your concern.  Otherwise it's hard to say if you should watch or not.  Me, I'm scarred for life.  I joke about suffering from Post Traumatic Smallville Disorder but from season 9 until maybe a year ago I really wasn't joking.  That show played with my head. 


Of course, if you are going in to watch just for the Chlollie, then you are safe from disappointment with Chlark.   I know someone on this board had a wonderful experience just watching from that standpoint. 


There is a lot of Lana until through season seven though in some ways I found her more tolerable in seasons 5-7, probably lol, because I compared her to Lois and I hated Lois even more, ha, ha, ha. 


Oliver on Smallville is not going to ruin Oliver on Arrow for you.  They are virtually nothing alike but Justin Hartley has his own charm.  I watched him in Emily Owens MD after Smallville and I stopped seeing Oliver after like the second episode so you have a good chance to see past the soaps.  I have no problem separating Smallville OQ and Arrow OQ and along with that Felicity and Chloe.  I do occasionally look for crossover fan fiction where they get to meet because they could rule the world, but so far I haven't found anything quite what I was hoping for.  I will keep looking.  ;) 


Yes, you are asking these questions because Arrow is disappointing you/us.    ;)


Edited to wave at dancingnancy.  :)

Edited by BkWurm1

- am I going to fall for Oliver/Chloe and be forever ruined because of it?

Yes. :)

But if you just want to watch their scenes, there's this playlist on YouTube that has pretty much everything relevant from S6 to S9, in the proper order:

The S10 scenes were deleted from this playlist, but a straight up "chlollie season 10" search will find them.

This is Chloe/Ollie being written shippy in a nutshell, if you don't mind watching a couple of random scenes from an S9 episode:

*pets the adorable blondes*

Also: it's okay to call him Ollie! I actually miss that. Hee.

Oh my gosh, I'm really enjoying iZombie!  I thought that the second episode was even better than the first.  I'm not terribly fond of the roommate, but I like everyone else.  


As for Smallville, I was praying for it to be cancelled at the end there.  It just became such a chore to watch, but it'll probably be OK if you are only going to watch a couple of seasons.  Justin Hartley's Oliver Queen was a very flirty, charming type of guy and I enjoyed him on Smallville (but then he had to go and get between my ship over on Emily Owens, ugh!).  Chloe and Oliver's relationship had a good ending, if I remember correctly, so don't be worried about having to burn your DVDs, or anything like that. 

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- if I start again, knowing I've seen 4-5 seasons, where to start?

- is this a really bad idea? I have no idea how this series ends 

- am I going to fall for Oliver/Chloe and be forever ruined because of it?

- Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen? I know him from soaps, can I see beyond that?

- am I just asking these questions because this season of Arrow is disappointing me?


If you fall for Chloe/Ollie then you are safe. They are great together and this is coming from a hardcore former Chlexer. Justin Hartley's Oliver Queen is much more fun and charming.  Nothing like Arrow's Oliver. 


However I will warn you to me Smallville was extremely disappointing. That show is the reason I won't put up with Arrow's BS. I will not go through that again. 

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I so wanted them to cast Justin Hartley as Ray Palmer (Daniel when the character was announced last summer). Justin had a natural charm and humor as Oliver. I think Ray would be more popular if Hartley played him instead of Brandon Routh.

This is coming from someone who doesn't hate Ray and actually likes BR when he plays deadpan, but I think he lacks the natural charm/charisma required to make the writing for Ray work.

Chollie is so worth it, great couple amazing chemistry and their Eskimo kiss in Checkmate was adorable.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Justin Hartley's Oliver Queen was a very flirty, charming type of guy and I enjoyed him on Smallville (but then he had to go and get between my ship over on Emily Owens, ugh!).


La, la, la. that never happened, la, la, la, it was just a bad dream, right? Right?  Please? Maybe?  You can't prove I'm wrong!!!  I mean, please don't try? 


Oh how I hated that annoying dbag.  How dare he?  After Will brushed her off over and over - choosing her nemesis over her!  Then just when she is FINALLY happy and in a great place, he gets possessive and swoops in and tries to ruin it for her?  NOW you're interested?  Really?  Really?  Nope.  I'm going back to it just being a horrible last minute anxiety dream to which Emily wakes up thanking god that it didn't happen.  La, la, la.  IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!  ;)

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If Justin Hartley had played Ray Palmer, I might have very different feelings about him. Just as if Caity Lotz had played Laurel Lance.


I really liked Emily Owens, and I was sad it ended.


Even sadder how it ended because she shouldn't have slept with the douche even if she had a long-standing crush on him. The creator knew the show was ending but she had planned for Emily to sleep with Will at that point (stall ship!) and she didn't change it even though she knew the show was being cancelled. Blech! it left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by statsgirl

The way it ended seriously made me wonder if I was supposed to be happy she finally got Will to notice her but if that was the intention it backfired big time. 


For all the issues Smallville gave me with TV, it did do one thing, free me up from feeling the ending on TV has to be the be all and end all to the story being told.  It's all fiction so why not reject your reality and replace it with my own? 


That said, I still want Olicity on my TV in all of it's HD glory.  The stuff they aren't legally allowed to put on television, I'll take care of that from there.  ;)

I was never a die hard Smallville fan- didn't do boards or anything like, didn't see any romantic chemistry between Clark x Chloe same for Clark x Lana- I think, if we go back to Iconic couples discussion, having known the Superman lore and watched plenty of movies and superman shows I just knew that sooner or later Lois Lane will show up on so i saw no point in falling for ships I knew had no lasting powers (which may be why I never disliked Lana, cared much for the Lois x Oliver relationship and was totally on board the Chloe x Oliver ship the second it happened- because chemistry and well they really did bring out the best in one another imo).

For me personally Smallville was special because it was the only time in the week (weekend since it aired on a friday) where my sister and I actually hung out. It holds fonds memories if only for that.


I think this is why, Oliver and Chloe is part of the reason i love Olicity so much. Maybe if Oliver would have ended up with Smallvile Dinah/Black Canary, my preception would have been different... yea right! who am I kidding, the reason i can't stand Laurel x Oliver has everything to do with their anti-chemistry and KC poor acting skills...

which leads me to the "character I hate": I never really hated characters before, that i can remember. There have been characters I loved to hate, characters i disliked, characters I was "meh" about and would have been okay if they left but was also okay if they stayed; I have never hated a character to the point I just wanted them gone from my screen, Laurel Lance is a true anomaly in my viewing habits, and it has nothing to do with the writing (which compered to other characters is on the same level) and everything to do with KC poor portrayal of her.

regarding Belle on OUAT, I find that I like her best when she's far away from rumple, that's when she's the smartest- I like her interactions with hook (though Captain Swan all the way!!). I liked Rumple and Belle when she was first introduced as she embodied all the personality of the Belle I remembered from the movie, They also had a good dynamic, and the actors have good chemistry but then they went and made her stupid when she's around him and now it feel more like "Once Upon a Time in Stockholm Syndrome" - which now only makes me dislike the Beauty and Beast story, which is sad cause I always liked Belle and thought she was a smart strong female character- because, finally a smart disney princess who is the one who saves the day, I even went as far as dressing up as her for Purim one year; and now? yea, no!, OUAT fucked that up for me... "Thank OUAT!")

ETA and it took me four minutes to try and realize where that "thanks ouat" came from to my head and why i sounded so snotty and mean: "Married with Children"!! when Peg would tell the kids to "thank" Al. A show which btw, I am adding to the theme song list.



regarding themes from shows: ER is my major one (and 20.5 years after it first aired, 15 years after I first watched it and became hooked, it still bring a smile to my face, makes my heart skip a beat and give me butterflies) JAG, Fraiser, can Will & Grace count as 90's even though it really ran during the 2000's,? on that note does Charmed counts too?; Lois and Clark, Batman: Animated series (which is technically a version of the movie theme only cooler), 90210! (the original, the remake never happened, except for Erin cause she's the only one that matters), The Simpsons!!. Friends too of course but that was a song so I don't know if that counts.

I think, if we go back to Iconic couples discussion, having known the Superman lore and watched plenty of movies and superman shows I just knew that sooner or later Lois Lane will show up on so i saw no point in falling for ships I knew had no lasting powers


I avoided watching Smallville at first for this very reason.  Lois was my gal so I saw no point in watching or getting invested in any other romances.  I ended up watching and catching up at the winter hiatus and it was more about a fondness for John Schneider, lol, than any other reason .  (First scene I saw of the show was him without his shirt out on the porch and yeah, it was good.)


Plus it came on right after Gilmore Girls and I was already recording that so it was easy to extend the time another hour and watch something fluffy that I wasn't invested in....but I really liked Chloe and she and Clark were so Lois and Clark like that I watched with a little more interest but it wasn't until I thought I figured out the big twist - that Chloe was Lois - that I fell HARD for that show. 


I lost a little faith in my Chlois theory when Lois showed up but they dropped her more Lois like traits after her second appearance and I figured her actually being on the show made the twist that much better and I figured it was their way of exploiting the name while at the same time being able to throw the too smart fan base off (cause I thought it was hugely obvious by the time she tried to use Lois Lane as a pseudonym)  Then I went on line and found other people who thought the same thing. 


The original creators of the show have said in interviews they considered going there so I have that at least.  I maintain that for many many years I watched a much better written show through my Chlois lenses than if I'd taken it at face value.  So no regrets for that.   Chloe will always be my Lois on Smallville and fan fiction has taken care of all the other pesky issues.  ;)


One thing the show left me with is a zero tolerance of tell not show relationships.  The "because comics" reason is about the least effective tool to support any argument in my opinion. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I loved this one so much. If she has moved on from Arrow, then I'm glad she's into The 100 instead. I suspect she's still watching Arrow, but it's not very...inspiring this season, so I don't blame her for putting her energies into The 100. She was commissioned this winter by some writers and the EP of The Vampire Diaries/The Originals to do pieces as gifts for other writers, which is pretty awesome.

I watched. She's back to being a blond which I think is better than her stint as a red head. I've missed her very expressive face. Seemed like a solid part. Even seemed like they left the door open for her character to show up again perhaps. If she does I'll watch again but otherwise I do not like that show - really creepy (let's spend five minutes explaining in real time in front of our victim as we are killing them how and why to enjoy the step by step process of killing someone) and graphic.





Fillion & Tudyk Add Emily Kinney, Nolan North & More To Con Man
By Andrew Steinbeiser  03/30/2015

Edited by tv echo

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