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Small Talk: The Quiver

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I had no idea, but I'm glad he's recuperating.

For those of you who mentioned using coffee grounds to fertilize your plants, how often do you add new coffee? Also, do you use your grounds for other purposes? While checking out the plant thing, I also found they can be used to absorb smells in the fridge, to clean burnt pots and pans, and for facial and body scrubs. And thinking about it, all those things make sense.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

Timothy Omundson (Psych, Supernatural, Luck of the Irish) suffered a stroke recently. Glad to hear he is recovering.

I really loved him as the daffy king on Galavant.  Hope he gets better soon.  

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I hope Timothy Omundson will be okay.  He was awesome last week as God on Lucifer.

6 hours ago, bijoux said:

For those of you who mentioned using coffee grounds to fertilize your plants, how often do you add new coffee? Also, do you use your grounds for other purposes? While checking out the plant thing, I also found they can be used to absorb smells in the fridge, to clean burnt pots and pans, and for facial and body scrubs. And thinking about it, all those things make sense.

I have no plans when adding coffee grounds, it just depends on how much coffee I've been drinking lately.  I'm a terrible gardener.

I also heard that it can be used to help clean the drains and garburators.

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Friendly suggestion, do not ever watch the Dirty Dancing Remake. It's even worse than imagined. And I've only put in 20 min. It's that bad. I dread to imagine how bad the other 160min are.

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13 minutes ago, kismet said:

Friendly suggestion, do not ever watch the Dirty Dancing Remake. It's even worse than imagined. And I've only put in 20 min. It's that bad. I dread to imagine how bad the other 160min are.

Now I almost want to watch it for the sheer horror.  

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We're watching it now.  If you loved the original, be prepared that this isn't it.  It's the grittier, more realistic version (like the new Anne series is more realistic).  Billy (waiter) pushes Baby's older sister too hard and she rejects him. I think she's getting another love interest


the black piano player

Neil is a nice guy, too nice and not patronizing.  Right now, I think Baby may end up with him in the end, which is more realistic than the original move was.  Baby's father just turned down his wife's advance of sex because it's 4:30 in the afternoon!  Hee.

I"m really enjoying the music though.

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I will say this. Nicole Scherzinger, Debra Messing & Sara Hyland have nice voices. And I can understand their castings. The other castings are just puzzling to me. There is absolutely no chemistry. And just wait until the ending. Johnny & Baby were so poorly cast, I really wish they had dropped their entire story & scenes and just focused on the other characters. I could have dealt with that reimagination.

I'm not sure, if it's grittier or just poorly produced. The original was pretty gritty and risque. It taught a lot things to me as child that still held up years later on multiple rewatches.

As someone who listening to the Cassette Soundtrack frequently for almost 2 decades (until my car "Baby" named for this movie broke down in 2012), I will say that the music in this rendition was perhaps the most disappointing thing I experienced (until the ending). I get that they wanted to make it a musical, but it lacked everything that made the movie so special. It was really uninspired.

However, the Twitter Trending slayed all night. I'm not quite sure that it was what ABC had in mind when they promoted it as a musical event. But the BUZZ was crazy & shady. I think it was ranked higher than Empire.

Edited by kismet
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There were things I liked about it, like showing the older sister actually getting ukulele lessons instead of just showing up in the tacky costume and singing badly. I liked her duet with the black piano player and that whole approaching the forbidden cross-racial relationship.  I liked that it looked at the relationship between the Houseman parents, and how they had Debra Messing look a bit schlumpy as a 45 year old housewife would look,  And I loved Bruce Greenwood playing the piano and singing "They Can't Take That Away From Me".  Katey Segal doing "Fever" was pretty good too.  I also liked the addition of a friendship between Penny and Baby so it wasn't all about Johnny.

There wasn't a lot of chemistry between the actors playing Baby and Johnny but it wasn't helped by the directing.  All the slo-mo that came after Johnny left should have been earlier as they were falling in love.  I did like that Abigail Breslin was plump and nowhere near as good a dancer as the original Baby. It was more realistic.

I HATED the ending.  In my head canon


Baby and Johnny get together again

and I hated that the show blew that to bits.  But generally, as long as you don't expect the original, I didn't think it as that bad.

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On this day 40 years ago, a new hope emerged, one of the most badass pairs of siblings started to become what they were destined to, a wise old knight came out of hiding to become more powerful than anybody could imagine, a smuggler and his best friend met their family, 2 robots would also meet their family, and a simple farm boy would blow up the Death Star.

Happy 40th birthday to Star Wars.

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I will say this. Nicole Scherzinger, Debra Messing & Sara Hyland have nice voices. 

I think Sarah has a very pleasant voice,  she participated in a really good cover of Closer by the Chainsmokers, that I prefer over the original.   

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Steven Amell got the spot of honor in the Celebrity Ninja Warrior show.  Last run, full course coverage and awarded run of the night. He also was the only one to do an extra obstacle.  (Beating out the Olympic Athlete -a Curtis type I'm sure) 

I bet everyone can guess which special obstacle he made sure to do.  Lol.  

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15 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

(can DR do the salmon ladder?) 

He can. SA told a story about how he dared him to do it at a con or in an interview and, Of course he can do it. He's David Ramsey. I'm also fairly sure there's footage of it on some DVD extras.

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6 minutes ago, bijoux said:

He can. SA told a story about how he dared him to do it at a con or in an interview and, Of course he can do it. He's David Ramsey. I'm also fairly sure there's footage of it on some DVD extras.

Yes, he can!

Edited by leopardprint
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3 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

That's even more difficult than the way Stephen does it, I think. Stephens swings quite hard to get that jump up the next rung. David looks like he's using all arms.

Yeah he made it look like it was the easiest thing to do in the world, lol.  

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On 5/25/2017 at 1:39 AM, statsgirl said:

There were things I liked about it, like showing the older sister actually getting ukulele lessons instead of just showing up in the tacky costume and singing badly. I liked her duet with the black piano player and that whole approaching the forbidden cross-racial relationship.  I liked that it looked at the relationship between the Houseman parents, and how they had Debra Messing look a bit schlumpy as a 45 year old housewife would look,  And I loved Bruce Greenwood playing the piano and singing "They Can't Take That Away From Me".  Katey Segal doing "Fever" was pretty good too.  I also liked the addition of a friendship between Penny and Baby so it wasn't all about Johnny.

There wasn't a lot of chemistry between the actors playing Baby and Johnny but it wasn't helped by the directing.  All the slo-mo that came after Johnny left should have been earlier as they were falling in love.  I did like that Abigail Breslin was plump and nowhere near as good a dancer as the original Baby. It was more realistic.

I HATED the ending.  In my head canon

  Reveal hidden contents

Baby and Johnny get together again

and I hated that the show blew that to bits.  But generally, as long as you don't expect the original, I didn't think it as that bad.

My Mom watched it and didn't think it was that bad either. Of course, I think she barely ever watched the original.

Those parts you mentioned were enjoyable. Although I did miss the hula song. It was one of the only original songs actually sung in the movie. They could have squeezed it in. The new song was good but I was looking forward to the Hula song. I'm glad they didn't cut out the Kellerman song.

I think they so catastrophically miscast Johnny & Baby, that I really think the show should have just dropped their storyline and focused on the other characters which were better cast & performed. Debra Messing gave an interview saying they were expanding the other characters and I think that is where the show should have focused. It's really hard to replicate the chemistry that Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey had, and the actors didn't even come close to getting basic line delivery - nevermind chemistry. And you can't recreate iconic scenes whose basis is chemistry when there is none to draw from. When it so fundamentally missed the mark on the remaking or the inspiration - I really think the movie would have been better off redirecting it's focus. Of course, I really think they would have been better leaving it alone or just writing their own actually story.

I watched the original and an interview with Swayze on the special features, and the way he described the filming - it seemed that they just captured a magical moment in time. Sometimes its impossible to replicate that magical moment of chemistry.

The ending was atrocious.


It provided closure that was never really needed. I know that Johnny and Baby likely did not make it as a couple or perhaps they ended in eternal bliss. I actually have imagined both endings with satisfaction.. But that was the beauty of the original ending, I didn't need to know how the actual relationship ended. I could imagine any ending I wanted. Now I know how it actually ended. And frankly, even if they got successful endings, it just didn't feel like a happy ending.

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I agree the ending was atrocious.  I watched with my daughter and she was so upset, I spent half an hour talking her down.

1 hour ago, kismet said:

When it so fundamentally missed the mark on the remaking or the inspiration - I really think the movie would have been better off redirecting it's focus. Of course, I really think they would have been better leaving it alone or just writing their own actually story.

Yeah.  Almost everything I liked about it was an add-on to the original, not something that was in the original.

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Anyone here like the movie "The Lake House"?

Hubby and I watched it again last night and we love it so much. So romantic!

Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock are weird choices for such a mushy movie but they worked so well in it. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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I love "The Lake House", in all its cheesy, convoluted glory.  It's the kind of mushy romance that's right up my alley.  Keanu and Sandra are just so lovely opposite each other.  I love them even more in "Speed" (it's one of my all time favorite movies).  I wish they'd work together again.

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I loved them in Speed and thought they had great chemistry but they always seemed more like "action" stars to me so I was really surprised at how wonderful they were in The Lake House. 

After I watched the movie I read up on quite a few reviews. A lot of reviews were praising the Korean version saying it was really good. I am a big fan of korean movies so I tried to watch it but didn't make it past 20 minutes. It lacked the charm of Keanu and Sandra. 

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I loved it too!  Embarrassingly enough, my sister and I went to see it in theatres and she actually decided it was too girly and romantic and left her brother to watch it alone while she played in the movies arcade. 

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I had no idea it was based on another movie.  I think at the time it came out, I was just pretty much, Keanu and Sandra together again? Yes, please. I'm incredibly easy. Heh.   

Why can't I just win the lottery, buy a movie studio and get the two of them to make a sequel to "Speed"?   It's been 23 years, Annie and Jack's kids would be plenty old enough to get into trouble. ;-)

@Delphi aw, that's too funny. 

I left my sister in a movie once, with about 15 minutes to go.  I told her if a certain plot twist happened I was leaving.  I was out of my seat before the body hit the ground.  I'm still annoyed to this day.

Edited by JenMD
I'm just slow
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39 minutes ago, JenMD said:

I left my sister in a movie once, with about 15 minutes to go.  I told her if a certain plot twist happened I was leaving.  I was out of my seat before the body hit the ground.  I'm still annoyed to this day.

Ok, what movie?  For some reason Inglorious Bastards jumps to mind. 

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I dragged Hubby to see The Gift (the one with Katie Holmes). He warned me that he was scared of scary movies but I thought he was exaggerating. He was terrified the poor thing! Stuck his head under his T shirt and laid on my lap the whole time to hide from the screen! 

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Oh no, nothing so highbrow as "Inglorious Basterds".  It was some dopey Nicholas Sparks adaptation called "The Best of Me" which starred James Marsden (who I really enjoy but maybe had to work a little at not holding it against him) and Michelle Monahan.  So, being Nicholas Sparks, I wasn't expecting anything too deep (I've only ever seen parts of "The Notebook", but one of those parts was the end, which I hated).  We hit up the matinee while I was on vacation, so the theater was almost empty.  It was all going along fairly well, if predictable, but inoffensive; the cast was good, both JM and MM as well as the two actors playing their younger selves.  Then, just as JM and MM are deciding to reunite (long story), it gets mentioned that her son is sick and needs a transplant.  So.  I turned to my sister and whispered, "If they kill James Marsden just so that stupid kid gets {whatever organ he needed], I'm leaving and I'll meet you in the lobby".  My sister looks at me like I have just suggested the weirdest twist ever but shrugs.   About five minutes later, JM is in peril out of nowhere and, like I mentioned above, I was up the aisle before his body hit the ground.   My sister assured me that it did not go uphill from there.  I've heard there's an alternate ending where he doesn't die, but too late, people, way too late.  It was just so... dumb and unnecessary and out of the blue that it still annoys me just to think about it.   I mean, I grew up on daytime soaps for Pete's sake, but this was just badly done.  Maybe it worked better in the book, I don't know.  It certainly didn't work for me on screen.

Also, we're in the process of watching the "Dirty Dancing"remake.  So. Bad.  You folks weren't kidding.  Although, I've had a crush on Bruce Greenwood for years, so he's helping get me through.

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47 minutes ago, JenMD said:

It was some dopey Nicholas Sparks adaptation called "The Best of Me" which starred James Marsden (who I really enjoy but maybe had to work a little at not holding it against him) and Michelle Monahan.  So, being Nicholas Sparks, I wasn't expecting anything too deep (I've only ever seen parts of "The Notebook", but one of those parts was the end, which I hated). 

I loved The Notebook but have come to realize I hate most of what Nicholas Sparks puts out.  I won't watch anything he does anymore.  I always hate the "twist".  So often they seem unnecessary to the plot.  And just a cheap emotional grab.  

I doubt it plays better in the book unless you like that kind of melodrama.  Me, not so much.  I always noped away from his stories just from the description on the back.  Now I don't even read past his name on the cover.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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38 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

@JenMD do you watch a lot of tragic movies? Because that's such an obvious conclusion for someone who is greatly familiar with soppy tragic movies. 

And other people look at us like we're crazy!

Do you like tragic movies?  Personally I hate that they so often get lumped in the chick flick category.  I like happy endings.  Sue me, lol.  Anything but at least a hopeful ending makes me feel I wasted my time.  And leaves me really grumpy.  ? 

Edited by BkWurm1
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My aunt refuses to see anything but happy endings. She says she's lived through so much bad stuff in her own life that when she goes out to be entertained, she wants it to be happy.  As I get older, I see her point more and more.  Kitchen sink is for the young.. Even more so tragic endings.

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38 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My local station just played the original Dirty Dancing.  Wow, what chemistry, and good acting.  Helps to take the bad taste of the remake out of my mouth.

It really did help watching the original :) What a mental cleansing. Hopefully your daughter will heal from the remake's ending with a few rounds of the original.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My aunt refuses to see anything but happy endings. She says she's lived through so much bad stuff in her own life that when she goes out to be entertained, she wants it to be happy.  As I get older, I see her point more and more.  Kitchen sink is for the young.. Even more so tragic endings.

My sis-in-law is the same way. I'm not like that with fictional works myself, but I think that's one reason I watch like two reality shows. I don't want to watch other peoples lives who may or may not be better or worse off than me. I guess sports are my reality shows. LOL

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55 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

@JenMD do you watch a lot of tragic movies? Because that's such an obvious conclusion for someone who is greatly familiar with soppy tragic movies. 

And other people look at us like we're crazy!

I don't mind a tragic movie, and I've bawled my way through plenty, but I don't necessarily gravitate towards them.  It has to feel earned, though.  I have no idea how I got to the twist like I did; I just chalked it up to way to a lifelong diet of daytime and nighttime soaps having warped my brain. ;-). 

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My aunt refuses to see anything but happy endings. She says she's lived through so much bad stuff in her own life that when she goes out to be entertained, she wants it to be happy.  As I get older, I see her point more and more.  Kitchen sink is for the young.. Even more so tragic endings.

I'm ok with tragedy as long as it happens within the narrative, but isn't the end of the narrative.  

7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

My sis-in-law is the same way. I'm not like that with fictional works myself, but I think that's one reason I watch like two reality shows. I don't want to watch other peoples lives who may or may not be better or worse off than me. I guess sports are my reality shows. LOL

The only "reality" shows I enjoy are the drama free house renovations and the occasional contest show like an American Idol, but never a Big Brother.  

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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm ok with tragedy as long as it happens within the narrative, but isn't the end of the narrative.  

The only "reality" shows I enjoy are the drama free house renovations and the occasional contest show like an American Idol, but never a Big Brother.  

I watch The Amazing Race semi-regularly and American Ninja Warrior. I gave up on things like Survivor, Big Brother..etc.

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My reality shows likewise are drama free house renovations (I'm interested in the designs mostly)  and the Great British Bake-off because everyone is so nice to the other competitors and help them out if they get into trouble.

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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

My aunt refuses to see anything but happy endings. She says she's lived through so much bad stuff in her own life that when she goes out to be entertained, she wants it to be happy.  As I get older, I see her point more and more.  Kitchen sink is for the young.. Even more so tragic endings.


20 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

My sis-in-law is the same way. I'm not like that with fictional works myself, but I think that's one reason I watch like two reality shows. I don't want to watch other peoples lives who may or may not be better or worse off than me. I guess sports are my reality shows. LOL

 I'm like that,  but only with movies obviously.   I go into them wanting a happy ending.   I've had a rough upbringing and movies are a great escape,  I certainly don't go see movies to watch the main characters wind up sad. 

I also have what can be considered a millennial library,  with lots of sparks books,  I've only read a handful, I don't trust him as an author. 

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I accidentally saw a Sparks movie without knowing it was a Sparks movie that I forget the title of and it was so earnest that I kept waiting for a twist like the husband was secretly a serial killer, she's really the local madame, or their children a robots. But nope, just picturesque schmaltz. 

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Do you like tragic movies?  Personally I hate that they so often get lumped in the chick flick category.  I like happy endings.  Sue me, lol.  Anything but at least a hopeful ending makes me feel I wasted my time.  And leaves me really grumpy.  ? 

Yes! But only if it's what I signed up for and they didn't do a weird switch midway. I once watched a comedy series where the lead got cancer in the very last episode and dropped dead. This was not even a dramedy. Was a full on comedy up until the end. 

But yes I do love a good heart wrenching, crying, wailing series if it's advertised as such and I'm prepared for it. 

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14 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I watch The Amazing Race semi-regularly and American Ninja Warrior. I gave up on things like Survivor, Big Brother..etc.


14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

My reality shows likewise are drama free house renovations (I'm interested in the designs mostly)  and the Great British Bake-off because everyone is so nice to the other competitors and help them out if they get into trouble.

TAR, ANW and GBBO are my shows, too.  One thing I enjoy about ANW is that, like camaraderie of GBBO, the competitors cheer each other on.  It's definitely a friendly competition where everyone wants to do their best, but they want each other to do their best, as well.

8 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Yes! But only if it's what I signed up for and they didn't do a weird switch midway. I once watched a comedy series where the lead got cancer in the very last episode and dropped dead. This was not even a dramedy. Was a full on comedy up until the end. 

But yes I do love a good heart wrenching, crying, wailing series if it's advertised as such and I'm prepared for it. 

First off, major Yikes to whatever comedy you were watching.  Wow, that's bad.  As for the being prepared, I'm remembering being in the theater watching Fried Green Tomatoes and bawling my eyes out with nary a tissue in sight.  I honestly had no idea I'd need them,, I just went because it sounded good and I loved the cast.  I've never gone to a movie since without tissues in my purse. Heh.

Edited by JenMD
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