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Small Talk: The Quiver

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10 hours ago, catrox14 said:

The 100 has to be the most depressing show on TV. it's relentless. And I am  a BSG fan. But there is literally no joy in this show ever.

Yeah I believe Jason Rothberg said this season was gonna be really dark. He wasnt kidding I HATE the Jaha/Allie storyline and its depressing seeing death every week and all these people being weak and succumbing to the mind control

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29 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Before, when I posted a youtube link, the video would appear in my post.  Now only the link appears.  Anyone know how to make the video itself appear in the post?  Thx.

I saw that mentioned in the Bugs forum.  It's a bug and it's on the list of things to be fixed.

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21 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Yeah I believe Jason Rothberg said this season was gonna be really dark. He wasnt kidding I HATE the Jaha/Allie storyline and its depressing seeing death every week and all these people being weak and succumbing to the mind control


Yeah I get grim/dark but this is gross.And no thank you to the cruxificion shit. I think I'm out.

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:


Yeah I get grim/dark but this is gross.And no thank you to the cruxificion shit. I think I'm out.

I have not seen the whole episode yet but I saw Poor Kane with that and yeah it was gross and now he's under the mind control too SMH. I hope Jaha gets a brutal death at this point 

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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

Re deleting the quote box, try starting on the line after the quote box and then using the backspace key.  That worked for me the one time I did it.

Thanks... I did try this. But sometimes when Im on my mobile or tablet it won't even let me delete even text. I can't get the cursor or the text bx to highlight. And my delete button def. does not work.

Is anybody else having trouble with posting or editing posts on a mobile/tablet?

I find the site is very wonky & slow on non-desktop devices.

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Ironically i have that issue on my laptop but the phone/tablet have been pretty good.  

Except, the weirdest thing just happened. I went to type in a reply to your post.  I didn't hit the quote button or anything,  I clicked in the text box and it popped up the entirety of your post.

Kind of crazy.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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1 hour ago, JenMD said:

Can somebody help me out with the specs for adding a cover photo?  I can't figure out how to size it so it's not gigantic and cutting out most of the photo. 

I just let it cut out most of the picture.  It does let you raise or lower the position once you've downloaded the picture.  Not sure if that helps or not. 

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Well my day is starting well.  Tripped and smacked my head against a door jam and now I have a raised bump directly in the middle of my forehead from top to bottom.  It's like a vertical speedbump.  Yes I look ridiculous. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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It's more the rolling hills of the Appalachian than the craggy peaks of the Rockies but otherwise, it's about right. At least I managed to avoid hitting the rest of my face.  This is why you should be fully awake before you start walking! (*And put away you winter boots) 

Edited by BkWurm1
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The forums bumped me back to the first page of this thread and for nostalgia I was reading the old posts and ran across this comment from you.


Between Smallville and Stargate Atlantis, I learned the folly of sticking with a show when it's just stressing you out. ;) Hence my dropping Merlin very early in season two (and that ended worse than I ever feared, so no regrets), and dropping Arrow now. I will keep lurking here however and trust you all to keep me informed when it's safe to return. (FYI that's when Katie Cassidy leaves the show - lol).

So my question is did you avoid watching Arrow the last two years and are you coming back now? 

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Now if only I can figure out how to get them reported to me.  For the last few days I thought I was just not getting any love.  I get alerts to quotes and messages but the likes aren't coming through. 

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

Now if only I can figure out how to get them reported to me.  For the last few days I thought I was just not getting any love.  I get alerts to quotes and messages but the likes aren't coming through. 

You have to click on the notifications, then on the top right hand corner of the box click on notification settings :) 

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8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

You have to click on the notifications, then on the top right hand corner of the box click on notification settings :) 

I had been to that page several times but never scrolled past the first box, lol. Never saw all the little green switches. Problem solved!

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:


The forums bumped me back to the first page of this thread and for nostalgia I was reading the old posts and ran across this comment from you.

So my question is did you avoid watching Arrow the last two years and are you coming back now? 

Lol no.  My resolution didn't last very long, obviously. :)  It turns out it's harder to walk away from a show when you're actively participating in the fandom, rather than lurking around the edges.  In the long run, I'm glad I didn't, though.  Season three was tough. But wow, patience was eventually rewarded!  Lol. :)

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It's reassuring to know that other people are having trouble with these new forums. I find them so difficult to read and to comment that I haven't been around much.

I have a question for those who drive manual.  I need a new-used car and it's about $2000 - 3000 cheaper to get one with a manual transmission.  Is it worth learning how to drive manual?  I need it mostly for city driving (stop/go) and on the expressway that The Guardian has declared to be the slowest in the world.  (Yes, we beat L.A.)

I'm worried that I'll buy a car that's manual and then go crazy in the traffic.

Edited by statsgirl
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I've only ever driven manual, so it doesn't seem like much to me, but you do need to think about more things while driving and you particularly need to stay focused for city driving and situations like you describe. I actually like the part where it requires you to focus, because I feel more in charge.

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My first couple of cars were manuals. I think it's worth it to learn, and if would make the car purchase easier on you financially, then go for it. But for stop and go traffic, and slow highway driving, if you're someone who's driven automatic your whole life? Honestly, the switch would probably be really freaking annoying.

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On 29.04.2016. at 11:19 AM, looptab said:

It was so nice to read that even the silent readers missed this place and our ramblings :) Welcome, newbies =)

For people having issues with deleting quotes in a post if you change your mind and don't want to quote anymore, or hit quote by mistake, I had the same problem. I think you need to click on the quote - the "box" becomes blue - and then hit delete. At least that's what I did, but I probably just had luck :D

Praise be, it's working. 


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It's reassuring to know that other people are having trouble with these new forums. I find them so difficult to read and to comment that I haven't been around much

I had to enlarge the screen to 150% (desktop) to make reading comfortable but that filled in most of the unused white space on the border and it looks good now.  Still getting used to not having defined boxes around everything.  And I miss the yellow line that showed you what you'd last read.  But it's starting to feel more normal.  I was never good with attaching pictures and videos anyway.  -

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

It's reassuring to know that other people are having trouble with these new forums. I find them so difficult to read and to comment that I haven't been around much.

I have a question for those who drive manual.  I need a new-used car and it's about $2000 - 3000 cheaper to get one with a manual transmission.  Is it worth learning how to drive manual?  I need it mostly for city driving (stop/go) and on the expressway that The Guardian has declared to be the slowest in the world.  (Yes, we beat L.A.)

I'm worried that I'll buy a car that's manual and then go crazy in the traffic.

For City driving and Stop-Start traffic manual is the worst. Unless you been driving it your whole life, you will find it painful to gear-up and downed as your seem to have a lot of bad traffic.

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Does anyone watch The Originals?


I'm behind this season because I really disliked Cami and it seem the show was going to feature her a lot more than usual, but now I hear she is daed, is it worth going back and catching up? 

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Thanks to everyone about the manual transmission.  It looks like I'd better leave it in theory than practice.
  I also asked my uncle, who also said "For you, No."  I'm trying not to take his reply personally. 


For people having issues with deleting quotes in a post if you change your mind and don't want to quote anymore, or hit quote by mistake, I had the same problem. I think you need to click on the quote - the "box" becomes blue - and then hit delete. At least that's what I did, but I probably just had luck :D

Maybe it's my browser (Firefox) but it doesn't work for me.

At least the new layout will encourage me to get an actual picture to my name.

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3 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

But for stop and go traffic, and slow highway driving, if you're someone who's driven automatic your whole life? Honestly, the switch would probably be really freaking annoying.

I think I agree, and I say that as a person who has only ever had manual cars (and hopefully only will.) I don't even think about shifting anymore; it's automatic autopilot for me, but for someone new to it, stop and go traffic would be the worst. (Side note: whenever I have to rent a car, I always slam on the brakes multiple times thinking it's the clutch. I'm a much better driver with my stick shift.)

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Maybe it's my browser (Firefox) but it doesn't work for me.


When you click in the quote box, do you ever see the little box with a four squares in it in the far upper left corner of the quote?  That's what I click to either move it or delete it. 

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My laptop really wants to upgrade to Windows 10. I know it was buggy earlier and people were recommending not upgrading. Have people's opinions changed? Is it worth it to upgrade? Is it a good choice or should I keep on declining?

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I'm on Windows 10 on both my laptop and my PC. I haven't noticed any bugs. It took me a few days to get used to some things, but I'm not having issues with it. But wait until a few more people confirm this.

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Arghhhh. I've been desperately trying NOT to update my phone to Lollipop and I have been ignoring all the noifications to do so. Then my text messaging just stopped working. Called Verizon they said well we might have to do a system reset. I said no, I can't do that right now they said it's probably a 3rd party app conflict so I uninstalled a couple of apps that Verizon suggested was the conflict. and restarted my phone. This morning I see a notification again in my notification toolbar to install a system update and when I tried to dismiss it...it started a system update. And now I think I'm going to be stuck with Lollipop and I ran a backup last night  but I'm not sure it took. I am going to be so flipping upset if they forced this on me and I lost my data and pics and stuff.

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I've read some comments on the Verizon forum and other outlets that for some users who have the same phone as me the update to Lollipop jacked their phones and they lost data. Hopefully, I am worrying for no reason.   I'm going to be really annoyed if after this update my text messaging STILL doesn't work. 

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29 minutes ago, kismet said:

My laptop really wants to upgrade to Windows 10. I know it was buggy earlier and people were recommending not upgrading. Have people's opinions changed? Is it worth it to upgrade? Is it a good choice or should I keep on declining?

I was very hesitant to update because of all the bad stuff I heard,  but then my computer went and did it by itself,  yay.   It's not too bad after you get used to it,  the only thing I made sure to do was to make sure the Cortana app was disabled because I thought that could be a little invasive. 

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Can someone pretty please help me and explain a few things about writing fanfic?

1. Is a Beta someone who checks your work?

2. If so how do I find one?

3. Can I just create an account on Archive of Our Own and post?

Is been like a zillion years since I've ventured down the fanfic road and so much had changed.  I've got one chapter and a whole story outline but not sure where to start!

Thank you in advance for your help!

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I highly recommend that you do NOT upgrade to Windows 10.  I have a Microsoft Surface and to this day I have not been able to get any of my Apps to work.  They just hang when I try to open them.  I've tried everything to fix the problem and have finally given up in frustration.  Oh and my bluetooth now doesn't work anymore.  I seriously loathe Windows 10.

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4 hours ago, kismet said:

My laptop really wants to upgrade to Windows 10. I know it was buggy earlier and people were recommending not upgrading. Have people's opinions changed? Is it worth it to upgrade? Is it a good choice or should I keep on declining?

I upgraded almost right away on my PC but it was wonky with the way everything looked.  Like everything was zoomed in and stretched.  Couldn't stand even looking at anything on the internet.  Tried everything but there was no fix.  So I uninstalled it in the hopes that it was a glitch they'd get sorted.

Finally reinstalled it a few months ago and yep, they'd fixed the bug.  I don't find that I use any of the special features but I think they've had time to work on what wasn't working.  And hey, it you hate it, you can uninstall. 

3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Can someone pretty please help me and explain a few things about writing fanfic?

1. Is a Beta someone who checks your work?

2. If so how do I find one?

3. Can I just create an account on Archive of Our Own and post?

Is been like a zillion years since I've ventured down the fanfic road and so much had changed.  I've got one chapter and a whole story outline but not sure where to start!

Thank you in advance for your help!

Yep, a Beta is someone that checks your work but I've never used one myself so can't help with how to find one, but yes, you can pretty easily create an account on Ao3.  At the login just request an Invitation.  It will probably take a couple days before they send it to your email ( they send out 1500 a day and the current request is 3995)  I understand when they first started there was a long backlog but not so much these days. 

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Okay so it my phone updated and YAY I didn't lose any data but OMG do I freaking HATE Lollipop. It's really hogging the battery more than KitKat. I don't like all the different colored windows like that doesn't do anything for me at all. I mean the different colors for the different app windows. It's unnecessary.  I don't need the color coding. But OH LOOK suddenly my text messages work just fine and with the 3rd party app the tech guy tried to blame it on. I suspected they were trying to coerce me to finally "upgrade". Bah.  Too much change all at once. LOL

Edited by catrox14
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On 4/30/2016 at 7:50 AM, Genki said:

Does anyone watch The Originals?

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I'm behind this season because I really disliked Cami and it seem the show was going to feature her a lot more than usual, but now I hear she is daed, is it worth going back and catching up? 

Yes I do! I like it. I find it really over dramatic but fun! It is rather silly though, more silly than when it first started!

Also thank you BkWurm1 for your help! I will just edit my own writing! 

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So I don't watch Game of Thrones bc of the grotesque violence-started the first book ages ago and put it down never to be picked up again when the little turd prince guy ordered the direwolf killed. But did a bad guy 


rape like a newborn baby or some such, I think to death? 

My twitter feed sort of implied it, and why in the world would they write something like that? 

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