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Small Talk: The Quiver

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9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Hated that Emily didn't get to see Lorelei get married.

Jess was my favorite of her boyfriends. He had issues and he messed up but I thought they had the best rapport and chemistry. I love that he grew up. He was still Jess but he got it together and was mature. He had actual character growth. Dean did too from the little we saw of him. None for Logan.

I'm two weeks away from being allowed to watch but nice to know my impression of Logan held.  Sitting smugly.  (Smug is never a good look, I apologize for it.)

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18 hours ago, LeighAn said:

There is a Dean/Rory moment but he has his own happy ending that doesn't involve Rory. 

If there is a sequel I think there will be a Logan/Rory/Jess plot. There's still a good case for either guy but let's just say Logan and Rory got dented. 

I forgot to add Paris Gellar is still the best! 

Ive watched maybe 2 episodes but it was enough to for me to glean the dynamics of the relationships and I did remember Dean so I tuned in to see  Jared P. All I could think is that it's Sam Winchester an alternate universe.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I really liked the Sookie scene. That was a moment that I thought they got GG.

Rory, Rory, Rory. It was like the show put a spotlight on my least favorite Rory. I loved Chilton Rory and Freshman Yale Rory. I didn't like later Rory so much and it was like they rehashed all that. Seriously hated everything with Logan and Paul. Dating Paul while sleeping with Logan who was engaged to another woman. I don't get that choice. Esp after the Dean and Lindsay mess. 

I think the part I hated the most with Logan and Rory was when he 


Offered her the key to the Maine house. After putting her up in a hotel in London because his fiancée was in town the key to the house just gave off the serious implication that he was trying to set her up as his permanent mistress. He marries his fiancée to satisfy his business interests and please his family and keep Rory on the side with a convenient excuse for the wife of she ever asks where he's going. Combined with the fact that he showed no regret or hesitation or confliction over getting married it all felt gross to me. And if there is a sequel I think that's how they'll justify Rory raising the baby alone.

I also didn't like Lorelai's non reaction to Rory and Logan sleeping together. When Rory slept with Dean Lorelai and Rory didn't talk to each other for months. But this time she had hardly anything to say to her daughter not only cheating on the guy she was dating with a guy Lorelai was never a fan off but that said guy was also engaged to someone else. It just felt like Lorelai should have had a stronger reaction to that. 

I also hated Rory's reaction to the Sandy Says position and her pissy fit when she didn't get the job. Yes Rory they pursued you but you acted like they were beneath your talents despite the fact that your only claim to fame was one well received article then when you turn up for the interview you don't bother to study the tone of the zine  or offer anything to the owner when she asks for your thoughts or pitches and contribution to the site and act openly insulted that an owner of a popular culture website would even ask what you can offer to the site. Like that's only the most  general expected question of any job interview ever. Maybe it's because I'm a hiring and training manager professionally but I was totally on Sandys side. Rory was acting like the job should just be outright given to her.

I loved the Sookie part too and I'm sad that either Netflix couldn't manage to get enough time in Melissa schedule for more then that one scene or more likely didn't want to pay the $$ to give Melissa more then a short cameo. But at least less was more and that was one on the list of moments in the show where the revival didn't feel forced.

Also on second viewing I couldn't believe I missed the Mr Kim appearance!

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I thought that the entire thing was horrendous. Not only did they ruin Rory even more, but I didn't like Lorelai for the first 3 1/4 of the show. 

I understand ASP had a vision about everything coming full circle and Rory paralleling lorelai, but somehow in order to achieve that narrative device, ASP had to ruin the main characters and make them more intolerable than they actually were. It reminds me of HIMYm. 


The high points of the new episodes though:

  • They actually made me start supporting Luke/Lorelai as a couple.
  • Paris Gellar. 
  • Jess had the most character growth out of all of them and now I'm hoping he stays far away from Rory because he deserves better than her.
  • Emily's entire journey was spot on. 
  • Sookies part was touching 

Low points of the new episodes:

  • Wtf was that play the show wasted 10 minutes on? 
  • They destroyed Logan for me. 
  • It came to the point where I knew I was supposed to be sympathetic for Rory because she's so lost but couldn't because she's an asshole. 
  • Lorelai not saying anything about her father as everyone was remembering him was the most I was disgusted in Lorelai ever. 
  • Lorelai not calling Rory out on her bullshit was horrendous too

Simply put, I thought the new episodes were a waste of time. 

Edited by wonderwall
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2 hours ago, MariaHill said:

I never really liked Rory, but didn't mind her in the first two eps. By the end I was actively disliking her. Deciding to write what amounted to Lorelai's biography without getting her buy-in first, then pouting and going ahead even after Lorelai told her no? Sleeping with Logan again after she knew his girlfriend had moved in, even after he gave her an easy out by getting her a separate room on her stupid romp with his douchebag friends? Ugh, Rory, you suck. 

Always disliked Jess before, but he seems to have grown up into a relatively normal person and now I'm sure he deserves better than Rory. 

Keep poor Jess away from Rory...and I even say that as someone who never really liked Jess.

2 hours ago, Chaser said:

Hated that Emily didn't get to see Lorelei get married.

Jess was my favorite of her boyfriends. He had issues and he messed up but I thought they had the best rapport and chemistry. I love that he grew up. He was still Jess but he got it together and was mature. He had actual character growth. Dean did too from the little we saw of him. None for Logan.

They actually regressed Logan 2-1/2 seasons which was sad.  He came such a long way re: breaking away from his crappy dad and actually committing to Rory only for them to turn him into the character Rory first met.  It angered me, quite frankly.


I absolutely despise the "full circle" ending with Rory. Why spend 7 seasons in the show and 9 years post-Yale just to leave her aimless and pregnant at 32...basically where her mom was at 16. That's awful.  I also loathe that they leave us to believe that Rory won't tell Logan he's a dad.

The only redeeming real character growth we got to see was Emily's.  Lorelai seemed like the same flaky woman she always was to me.

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I'm halfway through episode 3 of the GG revival but OMG Rory is the worst. I always thought she was a selfish a-hole but they actually made her worse. Wow.


And that whole thing where everyone kept forgetting about her boyfriend Paul wasn't funny. It was horrible.

I think the only thing I still like on the show is Luke/Lorelai but as individuals they're all...not nice people tbh. Yikes.

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10 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Keep poor Jess away from Rory...and I even say that as someone who never really liked Jess.

They actually regressed Logan 2-1/2 seasons which was sad.  He came such a long way re: breaking away from his crappy dad and actually committing to Rory only for them to turn him into the character Rory first met.  It angered me, quite frankly.


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I absolutely despise the "full circle" ending with Rory. Why spend 7 seasons in the show and 9 years post-Yale just to leave her aimless and pregnant at 32...basically where her mom was at 16. That's awful.  I also loathe that they leave us to believe that Rory won't tell Logan he's a dad.


The thing with Logan got me imo though is that even though he did grow as a character from his first appearance he never completely evolved if you compared him to say Jess and how much he changed from season 2 to his last appearance in season 7 and then in the revival. 

Even when he wanted to marry Rory at the end of season 7 he basically wanted to marry her in a way that was entirely on his terms and had basically planned out Rory's life for her. Even though he didn't want to work for his father he still desired the same things his father wanted. To create his own business to be successful to have the WASP sort of life of money and privilege just not by his fathers design but by his own. He never wanted to break free in the same way as Lorelai. 

So to me while I didn't like how they presented Rory and Logan as selfish and careless people I don't find Logan completely OCC. I think they demonstrated that Logan loved and cared about Rory and left them open ended enough that if there is a sequel there could be hope for them or if not fans can head canon or fanfic them ending up together. But their relationship took a really horrendously crappy turn that reflected poorly on both of them as individuals.

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29 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Even when he wanted to marry Rory at the end of season 7 he basically wanted to marry her in a way that was entirely on his terms and had basically planned out Rory's life for her. Even though he didn't want to work for his father he still desired the same things his father wanted. To create his own business to be successful to have the WASP sort of life of money and privilege just not by his fathers design but by his own. He never wanted to break free in the same way as Lorelai.

I don't agree that he had Rory's life planned out for her.  His proposal was only really talking about where they would be living, not what her career or life would be.  He frequently encouraged her pursue her career goals so I didn't really get the impression he wanted her in some kind of WASP-y, trophy wife scenario.

I'll concede the point about him not wanting a Lorelai-like breakaway but he absolutely did want out from under the Huntzberger empiric thumb and never wanted to turn into to his dad (which he said so many times). That makes the decisions in the revival that much more confusing with him seemingly being okay throwing himself into the dynastic family plan and all the expectations that go with it.

In fact, the whole turning into our parents thing with both Rory and Logan that ASP obviously is so married to actually makes the story less interesting to me. If the characters are just destined to make the same stupid mistakes that their parents made then what's the point?  It makes the story the epitome of predictable.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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7 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

I don't agree that he had Rory's life planned out for her.  His proposal was only really talking about where they would be living, not what her career or life would be.  He frequently encouraged her pursue her career goals so I didn't really get the impression he wanted her in some kind of WASP-y, trophy wife scenario.

It's been a while but I seem to recall him saying how he had gotten her an interview at the San Francisco chronicle and how he had already brought a house for them (with pear trees or something) which just felt like he already made the decision how their and Rorys life was going to be. 

I agree they should be allowed to be their own people however and not carbon copies of their parents but I guess the writers always intended for the show to be full circle. 

I guess I think post breakup with Rory and post college I don't find Logan caving in to the Huntezberger Dynasty too hard to believe all though I would have liked more insight into Logan's POV and choices. I think he's one of those paradox characters who despite rebelling his father also craved his approval. And I guess that's the Christopher comparison although I find it sort of a flimsy parallel as there are things Logan is that Christopher isn't and vice versa. 

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Ugh, I probably won't be watching. I never liked Logan (and I didn't watch s7 so I didn't even see his "redemption arc" anyway), and the idea of Rory and Logan in an unhealthy on-and-off relationship puts me off (and her being pregnant with his kid is a 1000 times worse). 

I always had a torch for Jess/Rory and I'd probably watch if there was more of him in the revival, but it doesn't seem so. I guess I'll wait for the probable renewal and see if they'll actually get together at some point. Otherwise, meh. I won't bother watching just to be disgusted with Rory.

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33 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

It's been a while but I seem to recall him saying how he had gotten her an interview at the San Francisco chronicle and how he had already brought a house for them (with pear trees or something) which just felt like he already made the decision how their and Rorys life was going to be. 

I agree they should be allowed to be their own people however and not carbon copies of their parents but I guess the writers always intended for the show to be full circle. 

I guess I think post breakup with Rory and post college I don't find Logan caving in to the Huntezberger Dynasty too hard to believe all though I would have liked more insight into Logan's POV and choices. I think he's one of those paradox characters who despite rebelling his father also craved his approval. And I guess that's the Christopher comparison although I find it sort of a flimsy parallel as there are things Logan is that Christopher isn't and vice versa. 

No, he didn't set up any interviews with her.  I just went back to look and he suggested she could look for a job with a couple of newspapers in San Francisco which would be close to where his job was in Palo Alto.

I agree with you though that they literally gave us no insight into Logan's POV, which I guess considering we also got very little of Jess or Dean isn't wholly unexpected.

ASP did mention that she saw Christopher parallels which I can understand to a degree but it was rather disturbing she was making us believe Logan was  just like Christopher in the revival by

throwing in the whole Rory/Christopher discussion at the end in order to convince the audience that Logan is just like him and Rory would be justified in raising a baby herself.  We're led to believe that Logan=Christopher and therefore automatically would be the same crappy father.  Anytime you take away someone's agency like that, I'm going to call bullshit.

4 minutes ago, FurryFury said:

I always had a torch for Jess/Rory and I'd probably watch if there was more of him in the revival, but it doesn't seem so. I guess I'll wait for the probable renewal and see if they'll actually get together at some point. Otherwise, meh. I won't bother watching just to be disgusted with Rory.

Believe me, you wouldn't want Jess with Rory.  

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6 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

No, he didn't set up any interviews with her.  I just went back to look and he suggested she could look for a job with a couple of newspapers in San Francisco which would be close to where his job was in Palo Alto.

I agree with you though that they literally gave us no insight into Logan's POV, which I guess considering we also got very little of Jess or Dean isn't wholly unexpected.

ASP did mention that she saw Christopher parallels which I can understand to a degree but it was rather disturbing she was making us believe Logan was  just like Christopher in the revival by

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throwing in the whole Rory/Christopher discussion at the end in order to convince the audience that Logan is just like him and Rory would be justified in raising a baby herself.  We're led to believe that Logan=Christopher and therefore automatically would be the same crappy father.  Anytime you take away someone's agency like that, I'm going to call bullshit


Yeah that's where the parrallel fails slightly for me because while I think Christopher and Logan had very similar upbringings and similar ideals and life styles 


The reasons Christopher didn't play apart in raising Rory is not the same as the reasons Rory presumably will be raising her and Logan's child alone. Christopher was a teenager when Lorelai got pregnant and was a man child for along time before he got his life together while Logan also behaved a bit like a man child in college he has he's life a lot more together then Christopher did. I think the context of how Rory got pregnant is messy but we don't know enough  to say that Logan would be as bad or as good a father as Christopher or make the same choices should he find out.

The same goes for Rory and Lorelai. I think the Christopher conversation did okay in showing that Rory was conflicted because she kept asking how Chris felt and whether it was Lorelai's fault which sort of hinted to her own head space about whether she would be unfair to Logan to raise her child by herself and whether she's just pushing him away. But given her relationship with Christopher and Lorelai I can rationalise that she had decided that she can't count on Logan. But it's unfair on Logan to put her issues with her upbringing on him I agree. 

She's not stuck in the same position as Loerlai was so her choice isn't the same. I mean I personally don't see Logan and Rory in a happily ever after situation raising a baby together based on the way their lives were presented in the revival but there's no reason Logan can't be like Luke/Anna or Christopher/GG in a co-parent situation.  

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2 hours ago, NumberCruncher said:

I don't agree that he had Rory's life planned out for her.  His proposal was only really talking about where they would be living, not what her career or life would be.  He frequently encouraged her pursue her career goals so I didn't really get the impression he wanted her in some kind of WASP-y, trophy wife scenario.

I'll concede the point about him not wanting a Lorelai-like breakaway but he absolutely did want out from under the Huntzberger empiric thumb and never wanted to turn into to his dad (which he said so many times). That makes the decisions in the revival that much more confusing with him seemingly being okay throwing himself into the dynastic family plan and all the expectations that go with it.

In fact, the whole turning into our parents thing with both Rory and Logan that ASP obviously is so married to actually makes the story less interesting to me. If the characters are just destined to make the same stupid mistakes that their parents made then what's the point?  It makes the story the epitome of predictable.

Even if he didn't have her whole life planned out, he blindsided her with the proposal and then did a now or never kind of ultimatum that was plenty controlling IMO.    


They actually regressed Logan 2-1/2 seasons which was sad.  He came such a long way re: breaking away from his crappy dad and actually committing to Rory only for them to turn him into the character Rory first met.  It angered me, quite frankly.

ASP didn't even watch the final season so she wouldn't count that as canon anyway, lol.  

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Ultimately if there is a sequel I think that who Rory ends up with will be based on BTS decisions. If they manage to get Milo for more then a guest appearance then I'd say there's a good chance it'll be Jess but since he joined This is us I think after filming Gilmore Girls I'm not sure whether NBC will release him. If they can't get him more then a few short cameo scenes then I think they'll work on rebuilding Logan and Rory and maybe have them be the anti Christopher and  Lorelai. But the revival seemed to be selling the idea that Logan and Rory weren't the "right fit". But they also didn't play to heavily that Jess was the "right fit" either. 

But personally I think Rory shouldn't be with anybody for a good long while because she ended the revival in a rather selfish place so the girl needs some inner self development first

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33 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Even if he didn't have her whole life planned out, he blindsided her with the proposal and then did a now or never kind of ultimatum that was plenty controlling IMO.    

Nope, that's not how I saw it.  He let her ultimately make the decision...that's not being controlling.  The desire not to do the long-distance relationship thing happens all the time in real-life relationships.  I wouldn't call that controlling either.  Those fall under normal relationship decisions.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Typical of my crazy self I watched GG and freaked out at all the terrible things that tptb could do to Olicity and Felicity! Temporary LIs are not the worse things possible apparently!

Mind you I've always thought Rory was a little brat so they'd really need at assassinate Felicity’s character  to get her to that level. 

ETA: Can I just add that I was a Rory/Logan fan and they  killed that for me. *Goes back to freaking out about the ways Olicity can be ruined*

Edited by Mellowyellow
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34 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Nope, that's not how I saw it.  He let her ultimately make the decision...that's not being controlling.  The desire not to do the long-distance relationship thing happens all the time in real-life relationships.  I wouldn't call that controlling either.  Those fall under normal relationship decisions.

It's not controlling in the sense that he was freaked out if she went anywhere or talked to anyone (I had a friend that couldn't even go to the grocery store without drama) but it was him dictating the terms of the relationship and not just dictating it, (Marry me and move or we are through) but changing the current terms (the relationship being on the east coast).  

Maybe some might consider it normal relationship decisions but there was an IMO an inherent unfairness in that while Rory had been understanding when it was Logan in London for his job, he wasn't understanding about Rory wanting to explore her career wherever that was going to take her.  Maybe controlling is the wrong term but there was an uneven balance of power where Rory was willing to compromise and frequently did, while Logan wasn't.  For me the end of their relationship seemed less about Logan not wanting a long distance relationship than him not wanting to meet her halfway or put her needs and wants ahead of his.  He's free to decide it's not what he wants in a relationship, but It always seemed to me that for all his easy going manner, he was actually very rigid about making sure he got what he wanted on his terms.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm just dropping in to say thank you to everyone who has been talking about the GG revival.  I don't have Netflix so I can't see it but I get the impression that the only thing I'm missing is cleaning off my TV from having thrown things at it.

Lorelei lost me after a couple of seasons because she was self-centred and childish and Rory moved there in the last couple of seasons so I was losing interest in her too. Sounds like Rory fulfilled her potential, but there's still a huge difference between being 16 and pregnant and 32 (with better birth control) and pregnant.

Some shows really do need to end earlier rather than later.

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40 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

It's not controlling in the sense that he was freaked out if she went anywhere or talked to anyone (I had a friend that couldn't even go to the grocery store without drama) but it was him dictating the terms of the relationship and not just dictating it, (Marry me and move or we are through) but changing the current terms (the relationship being on the east coast).  

Maybe some might consider it normal relationship decisions but there was an IMO an inherent unfairness in that while Rory had been understanding when it was Logan in London for his job, he wasn't understanding about Rory wanting to explore her career wherever that was going to take her.  Maybe controlling is the wrong term but there was an uneven balance of power where Rory was willing to compromise and frequently did, while Logan wasn't.  For me the end of their relationship seemed less about Logan not wanting a long distance relationship than him not wanting to meet her halfway or put her needs and wants ahead of his.  He's free to decide it's not what he wants in a relationship, but It always seemed to me that for all his easy going manner, he was actually very rigid about making sure he got what he wanted on his terms.

Yeah that's how I view the relationship  as well. Like its not controlling behaviour but I think an unequal balance of power and not enough compromise is a fair description. It was especially jarring given only a few episodes prior to the proposal episode they had made the decision to factor each other into their lives. 

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59 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

It's not controlling in the sense that he was freaked out if she went anywhere or talked to anyone (I had a friend that couldn't even go to the grocery store without drama) but it was him dictating the terms of the relationship and not just dictating it, (Marry me and move or we are through) but changing the current terms (the relationship being on the east coast).  

Maybe some might consider it normal relationship decisions but there was an IMO an inherent unfairness in that while Rory had been understanding when it was Logan in London for his job, he wasn't understanding about Rory wanting to explore her career wherever that was going to take her.  Maybe controlling is the wrong term but there was an uneven balance of power where Rory was willing to compromise and frequently did, while Logan wasn't.  For me the end of their relationship seemed less about Logan not wanting a long distance relationship than him not wanting to meet her halfway or put her needs and wants ahead of his.  He's free to decide it's not what he wants in a relationship, but It always seemed to me that for all his easy going manner, he was actually very rigid about making sure he got what he wanted on his terms.

Not really when you consider that he did agree to the long-distance relationship once before at the end of S6 so Rory could finish her schooling. Pretty much the first 3rd of S7 showed them managing a LD relationship with him in London and her at Yale.  He even made sure Rory had a place to live.  How that's not putting her needs ahead of his I'm not sure but clearly you see it differently. He simply decided he didn't want to do it a second time.  That doesn't exactly make him a selfish, controlling boyfriend.  We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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43 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I'm just dropping in to say thank you to everyone who has been talking about the GG revival.  I don't have Netflix so I can't see it but I get the impression that the only thing I'm missing is cleaning off my TV from having thrown things at it.

Lorelei lost me after a couple of seasons because she was self-centred and childish and Rory moved there in the last couple of seasons so I was losing interest in her too. Sounds like Rory fulfilled her potential, but there's still a huge difference between being 16 and pregnant and 32 (with better birth control) and pregnant.

Some shows really do need to end earlier rather than later.

Unfortunately she doesn't reach her potential as she walks away from her journalism career to be an author for a book that has no promise of actually being bought, ends up back living with her mom in Stars Hollow, and pregnant.  It's rather puzzling after spending 16 years watching her lofty education/career progression but I guess if she's happy then more power to her.  ASP has a very odd sense of female empowerment, IMO.

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2 hours ago, LeighAn said:

But personally I think Rory shouldn't be with anybody for a good long while because she ended the revival in a rather selfish place so the girl needs some inner self development first

My hope for this sequel was that Rory would realize exactly that, pull a Kelli Taylor and choose herself. But based on her most recent characterization I don't see that happening now or maybe ever, and frankly the idea of her raising a child is kind of horrifying. 

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36 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Not really when you consider that he did agree to the long-distance relationship once before at the end of S6 so Rory could finish her schooling. Pretty much the first 3rd of S7 showed them managing a LD relationship with him in London and her at Yale.  He even made sure Rory had a place to live.  How that's not putting her needs ahead of his I'm not sure but clearly you see it differently. He simply decided he didn't want to do it a second time.  That doesn't exactly make him a selfish, controlling boyfriend.  We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

I don't expect to change minds and I don't think Logan was a cad or wholly unlikable but he gets no special points from me for not insisting Rory leave school when he had to move to London.  Even his father put school ahead of career. And since he was the one leaving, not her, I really have a hard time seeing it as him magnanimously agreeing to a long distance relationship since she's wasn't the one forcing the change in the first place.  All things being equal, Rory was very understanding of the demands that Logan's work placed on him after school but once it was her graduating, he wasn't willing to extend the same courtesy.

 I do agree that Logan loved Rory, but I have to add some kind of a caveat since he was the one that kept leaving, not Rory and while he felt it was vital to his career to move to California, that choice meant that if Rory had moved, she was once again the only one that would be compromising for their relationship.  She wanted to keep the relationship and be able to go where her opportunities for her career took her and I just can't help thinking less of Logan for not giving her the same chances as he presumed for himself.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Just now, MariaHill said:

My hope for this sequel was that Rory would realize exactly that, pull a Kelli Taylor and choose herself. But based on her most recent characterization I don't see that happening now or maybe ever, and frankly the idea of her raising a child is kind of horrifying. 

Maybe the child (aka girl cause you know they'd have to go there) can live with Lorelai in Star's Hollow?  Either that or Emily gets a do over.  

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I remember Ron Glass not only as Shepherd Book but also from his time on Barney Miller, the sane-ish one among the crazies.  It's been a bad, bad year.  Sharon Jones of the Dap Kings died last week too.  When they were here last year, I thought 'it's too expensive, I'll see them next time they tour'.  Mistake.

31 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Unfortunately she doesn't reach her potential as she walks away from her journalism career to be an author for a book that has no promise of actually being bought, ends up back living with her mom in Stars Hollow, and pregnant.  It's rather puzzling after spending 16 years watching her lofty education/career progression but I guess if she's happy then more power to her.  ASP has a very odd sense of female empowerment, IMO.

I meant her potential to be as annoying to me as Lorelei is.  As a character she lost me in the last season.

How is she going to write a book about her mother while living in her mother's house when her mother has said no?

Is she not going to tell Logan he's going to be a father?  Cause I saw that play out on another show called Arrow and it didn't end well.

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is she not going to tell Logan he's going to be a father?  Cause I saw that play out on another show called Arrow and it didn't end well.

I got the sense from Rory's talk with Christopher that she wasn't planning on telling Logan about the baby. 

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is she not going to tell Logan he's going to be a father?  Cause I saw that play out on another show called Arrow and it didn't end well.

At least Logan doesn't seem in danger of becoming a vigilante, lol.  

Although strand him on an island for five years and we might have something to talk about.  He perfected the charming douche bro in college, so he has that already on his resume.  

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I got the sense from Rory's talk with Christopher that she wasn't planning on telling Logan about the baby. 

Yeah I got that impression too and just...no.  That's pretty cold. We saw how well that worked out in Luke's situation with April.

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5 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

Yeah I got that impression too and just...no.  That's pretty cold. We saw how well that worked out in Luke's situation with April.

Yeah, she was just repeatedly the absolute worst throughout, and that was like the shit cherry on top of a shit sundae.

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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Can someone explain WTF that musical in the middle of GG was ? Is that a thing the show did on the regular?


All I know is Sutton Foster (who was in the musical) was on ASP's show Bunheads with Kelly Bishop (aka Emily Gilmore).  So maybe a shout out to that? That show did have musical dance numbers.

Edited by BkWurm1
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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:


Also, I dislike Rory a lot. Am I supposed to dislike the main character?

Haha I disliked both Lorelai and Rory and hated Alicia in the later seasons of the Good Wife.

There is a charm to enjoying a show and disliking the main character.  There's less stress of wanting good things for them. I cackle when they fail. 

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I didn't leave with impression that Rory wasn't going to tell Logan but I absolutely think she had made up her mind that she would raise the baby alone regardless. I think the reason Amy went with the full circle storyline was to show how Rorys own upbringing and life informs her decision. Because she had seen how a biological father doesn't make a better father and real fathers aren't always flesh and blood she is going to decide that if she can't trust or count on Logan or if he's not giving her enough she can do it alone because Lorelai did. 

Thats why I don't necessarily see a happy Logan and Rory ending in the suburbs if there's a sequel. But I'm willing to stand corrected. 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

All I know is Sutton Foster (who was in the musical) was on ASP's show Bunheads with Kelly Bishop (aka Emily Gilmore).  So maybe a shout out to that? That show did have musical dance numbers.

Oh, yes, the shout outs were a bit much. Not only Mae Whitman, but Peter Krause as well?

Overall, I did like it. I was not hoping so much time would have been spent on the funeral sequence. That was hard to watch.

I could understand Rory's professional struggles and thought that was a good beat to follow, but her romantic storyline was a heaping pile of doggy shit. And man, the Life and Death Brigade DOES NOT get better with age. That the the lamest sequence IMO. Though their "tomfoolery" did make me laugh. Oh my, they go to a tango club. *falls over in a fit of giggles* It was sweet that they showed up, but it just went on and on and on.

I too was utterly confused by Lorelai's blase acceptance of the Logan situation. Is it that it's just a fiance and a boyfriend this time, or that Rory is older, or that it's not her first time? It was super weird. 

On a superficial note, Christopher looks really good and Jason Stiles has aged significantly. And I laughed at them trying to pass some guy with a chin as Chad Michael Murray. Is the poor actress who plays Miss Patty ill? She only had two short scenes and she did not look good.

Are they hoping to get more episodes? Because there were threads that were left hanging.


Like, does Lorelai get the place from the nuns so that Michel can stay?

What about Paris and Doyle? They weren't even mentioned in the last episode, I think.

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Jess definitely got the best character development followed by Emily. I forgot to mention earlier how much I loved Emily's "bull shit" rant about the DAR ladies and the fact that she pretty much adopted an entire not Spanish family- were they Portuguese? 

I also really loved Paris' scenes especially her freaking out over Tristan and the little cameo with Francie who I had completely forgotten about until she turned up. 

Another cameo I liked was Digger and Lorelai at the funeral. Unpopular opinion but I really liked Digger and Lorelai together even though I'm Luke/Lorelai all the way. 

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The maid part was the first sign of a profound change in Emily. She has fired others for way less than not understanding them and them invading her home:)

I was disappointed by 


Lorelai not telling Luke that Emily had stopped going to therapy. After all this years, still with the witholding? Jeez.

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Yep at first I thought it was just a sign of Emily's grief that she was letting the the servants run round the house but as it went on I think she sort of created a weird family with them like the Crawleys haha. The part where she covered them up with blankets was so sweet.

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57 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Haha I think they were scamming her a little bit but Emily seemed to accept and welcome it because they took care of her and made the house less lonely. 

I'm not talking about that. There was a point where I semi-seriously expected them to lock her up in the safe room as they emptied out the house. I don't know if I'm touched with how she let them in or something I can't even explain by getting there through her own design by alienating her daughter so much. She was still being hella passive aggressive to both Lorelai and Luke at this late date. The bit with, Oh, he/she didn't tell you, accompanied by a Cheshire cat grin were pretty terrible IMO. I mean, it's vintage Emily Gilmore, that's for sure, so it's character consistency, but it's not something I can or will root for. They really managed to make the gradparents be consistent, even Richard still being a caring, but overbearing presence from the grave. One of my favorite developments was Lorelai asking for the money set aside for Luke. Although it did make my eye twitch a bit, because why hadn't Richard set aside money for his daughter's business ventures? He had obviously come to realise, appreciate and even be proud of her business acumen. What the hell with this dated, sexist crap? Lorelai's final Richard story was really great though, Richard at his best. Caring, but not really demonstrative.

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10 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I didn't leave with impression that Rory wasn't going to tell Logan but I absolutely think she had made up her mind that she would raise the baby alone regardless. I think the reason Amy went with the full circle storyline was to show how Rorys own upbringing and life informs her decision. Because she had seen how a biological father doesn't make a better father and real fathers aren't always flesh and blood she is going to decide that if she can't trust or count on Logan or if he's not giving her enough she can do it alone because Lorelai did. 

But Rory doesn't get to decide that Logan doesn't get to be involved in this kid's life. Once he knows, he has all manner of ways of getting involved if he wants to - there's no guarantee that he's just going to roll over and give Rory all the power like Christopher did. She has all kinds of life experiences to draw on with regards to whether or not the kid would be fine without its dad, she didn't need to see Christopher for that. She got insight from Christopher about what it was like to be the father in that scenario - which is why I think she was trying to justify to herself that not telling Logan would ultimately be the best. 

She's a garbage person in any scenario that doesn't involve notifying Logan and giving him a chance to be involved in his kid's life, though.

Edited by apinknightmare
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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

Oh, yes, the shout outs were a bit much. Not only Mae Whitman, but Peter Krause as well?


Also, Jason Ritter (as the first park ranger) and I spotted at least 4 Bunheads actors (previously mentioned Sutton Foster and the girl who played Sandee, plus the blonde girl in the 30-something group and one of the hikers).

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I did notice Jason Ritter, but I can't remember who he worked with and on what project. I actually thought of Arrow when I saw him. I know it's not him on the show, but his brother. It's still where my mind went.

37 minutes ago, looptab said:

MVP to Michael Ausiello, haha.

Do you think he really botched when he had to speak since his only job was to look up?

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Just now, bijoux said:

I did notice Jason Ritter, but I can't remember who he worked with and on what project. I actually thought of Arrow when I saw him. I know it's not him on the show, but his brother. It's still where my mind went.

He was Lauren Graham's love interest on Parenthood. I thought they were pretty cute together, actually. 


13 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Can someone explain WTF that musical in the middle of GG was ? Is that a thing the show did on the regular?

Also, I dislike Rory a lot. Am I supposed to dislike the main character?

Not musicals necessarily but they definitely had all these odd little festivals and events on the show throughout the years, like some Edgar Allen Poe recital, a Stars Hollow museum and a living art festival, among others. Weird stuff like that, but I do feel like it felt more organic in the past, if only because there were twenty-two episodes a season and the main characters were always involved. The musical obviously had Lorelai involved and a bunch of the characters from the town, but it was...really jarring.

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