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S04.E04: Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

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This is the one part of Nina that I despise, and I love Nina.  If she is partial to Helen its only because Nina believes that Helen with her pretentious hipster tattoos represents someone who is "young, hip and trendy" and so therefore the clothing she makes must also be young, hip, and trendy.  It reminds me of Nina trying so hard to pray at the alter of "young, hip and cool" to the point where she won't even take note that Helen is a dope.

It's "Young, Fresh, and On Trend"!

  • Love 2

I think it was Helen twisting Nina's tail. 


Back in season 12 when Helen was paired with Kate in the Coney Island challenge, Helen got the "win" and immunity for the next challenge, the "tie" design.  Heidi told Helen she was lucky she had immunity for her tie design, or she would probably be gone.  Nina then said something to the effect of she doubted Helen was really behind Coney Island design, it should have been Kate's win. 


Despite Helen's win for the red dress, I don't think Nina is a big fan of hers, and Helen knows it.

Nina then said something to the effect of she doubted Helen was really behind Coney Island design, it should have been Kate's win. 


Despite Helen's win for the red dress, I don't think Nina is a big fan of hers, and Helen knows it.


The Coney Island design had Kate practically telegraphed across the front of it, and all the judges knew it.


But Helen's subsequent wins and appearances in the Top always smelled of Nina, especially the Shoe Inspiration and Athleticwear challenges, the latter of which also should have gone to Kate.


I think Nina really likes Helen, but is quick to be disappointed by her (see: Fashion Week preview) when she does not live up to expectations.

Edited by Oholibamah

I didn't think making them make a love life inspired dress was any worse than what they do on Top Chef and other shows. They have to have some kind of interesting twist. I personally would love it if they just made lovely gowns of their choice every week, but most people would find it boring.


I didn't think any of them except Justin got really emotional about it and since Zanna came in later, there really wasn't anyone insisting on details of their love lives. Outside of Justin and Kate (with her bound since preschool love) and Fabio with his open relationship, I don't remember any of the other stories, so I don't think they were that memorable. 

I didn't think making them make a love life inspired dress was any worse than what they do on Top Chef and other shows. They have to have some kind of interesting twist. I personally would love it if they just made lovely gowns of their choice every week, but most people would find it boring.


I didn't think any of them except Justin got really emotional about it and since Zanna came in later, there really wasn't anyone insisting on details of their love lives. Outside of Justin and Kate (with her bound since preschool love) and Fabio with his open relationship, I don't remember any of the other stories, so I don't think they were that memorable. 

Gunnar got dumped and is sad about it.


Dimitri is single and ready to mingle.


Samantha is in a relationship and it makes her feel sparkly.


Sonji is in a relationship and she is caged in, but thats a good thing.


Ben got out of a bad relationship and got a tattoo


Michelle got divorced and for somehow found another sucker, I mean man willing to marry her


Helen dumped/got dumped by a guy smart enough to avoid hanging out with her 


I don't remember Jay's story

Edited by RealityGal
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Um...sorry, but IMO Helen's neckline (?) is not anything new.  There is a reason you don't see it.  I think that was the simplest design on the runway.  Why would you want your party dress to look like a frown?  I doubt it would have won if Nina weren't there.  Did I detect a Helen love and a D'mitri meh from her?  Sonjei (sp?) should have won that prize between those two, imo again, of course.  

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I don't know how much more energetic Helen's model could have been. The only thing holding her dress up were her (not all that large) breasts and her not moving her arms above the elbow.


I like off the shoulder dresses. My wedding dress was an off the shoulder dress. And you're right, they are hard, because you're removing most of what traditionally supports the bodice of a dress, so they have to be very carefully constructed. What Helen made was a sheath with the shoulders hanging down, and would have had to be glued to stay up if the wearer intended to do anything but stand rigidly upright without moving her torso. So yeah, it's a romantic idea, but a badly failed rendition, JMO.

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 Still think it was unusual for her to give this style a try.


She made essentially the same dress in a different fabric for her runway show. 


It's entirely possible I'm prejudiced. I think she makes slight variations on the same dress every time for a reason - she seems very limited to me - but if I didn't find her personally repellent I might be more patient with that.

Edited by Julia
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Michelle got divorced and for somehow found another sucker, I mean man willing to marry her

I don't remember Jay's story

I couldn't have said it better!

The reason why you don't remember is because there wasn't one.

Don't forget the most important word of all: modern!

...and hip, tasteful, feminine, sweet, editorial, couture, edgy....

  • Love 2

Honestly, I didn't despise Helen's dress, but I dislike her so much I cannot even bring myself to say something she does is meh.

So it was okay, but nothing special and her model looked like she was about to burst into tears. Someone said it reminded them of Wallis Simpson and I agree. Because she styled her with the Duchess' severe bun and then the model had bitchface because she had to wear it... voila! The Duchess of Windsor!


I actually don't HATE Nina either, but she needs to leave the mothership show posthaste. Kors left after ten seasons which left him just enough good will with us that we all kind of miss him. But Nina's been on borrowed time since season 8; maybe if The Beautiful is not coming back to All Stars, NIna can take her editorial self there as a full time judge. Or just take a break and focus on her Marie Claire career. I mean, she's not getting any younger, hipper, more expensive, edgier or couture-ier.


There's a new epi next week, right?

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 7

Or just take a break and focus on her Marie Claire career. I mean, she's not getting any younger, hipper, more expensive, edgier or couture-ier.


There's a new epi next week, right?


But there's always that chance she may still show her cooter (which I still think is the funniest thing I've ever heard on this show)...it's not that I actually want to see it, but given the way the season has gone I think it'd be hilarious if she does some sort of inappropriate flash before she finally leaves. Even better if she calls it expensive, edgy, and couture.

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These so-so shows with dubious ratings should not skip a week...(same goes for Gracepoint...) as they are likely to lose viewers who forget it was ever on...not a good idea lol.

Wouldn't a network have to pay advertisers more for a non-holiday/28-year-old rerun/infomercial show??? When my father was a fixture in my life, he explained to me that the reason why most channels have a lot of reruns, infomercials hawking crazy products, and holiday themed shows is because of some weird thing advertising companies do for specific shows in certain categories. It was a lot of weird psychology about Christmas mindset or something. He was really into Hollywood so I had to listen to Seinfeld every night.

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