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The Curse Of Oak Island - General Discussion

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Now it's the Ark of the Covenant.   Because there's been a conspiracy for too long involving too many people to be simply pirate treasure.


Or there's nothing there.    Honestly, the weirder the theories the more likely I am to tune out.   I don't want to hear the theory of the week.   I want to see them trying to find something -- or prove once and for all this is the biggest hoax in history.


Oh and did you know FDR believed there was treasure on the Island?    Good grief.  

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I am waiting for the "aliens" guy (the guy with the weird hair from the History channel) to come on next and say it was aliens!


Seriously, enough with the damn theories...at this point, it is just pure filler, nothing else. They are trying to stretch this show out too much.


The rock ended up being what I figured, a vaguely triangular rock that could have formed naturally.


And then all the hype for the dive and of course...next week....


At this point, that is all I am really interested in, what is at the bottom of that hole. Though I guess we get to see the sword they found next week. But it isn't like this was a deserted isle....there have been people there for centuries. Anyone could have dropped or planted anything. So one artifact really doesn't prove much.

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The Portugese and Knights Templar are really one in the same theory.. It is believed that many of the KT moved to Portugal when they were chased by the King of France and executed. Watch the show by the America Unearthed guy, Scott Wolter,  about the KT and PIrates gold.


That being said. We will see a Roman sword tomorrow night. This is discussed in the facebook group:




Did you know you can buy one just like it online?







I almost feel bad for the people CREATING these theories.  How much time and effort it must take to compile a story of who was there and what they hid.  


I agree though.. it's getting ridiculous.  I find myself doing other things while I'm 'watching' it. 

I'm tired of them looking for things that people said they found previously but for some reason are no longer there. 


And the voice over guy needs to give it a rest with his constant questioning after everything. 

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I agree, the narrator was really annoying this episode. "A PUUULLEY?"Just because an old pulley was found it HAS TO BE the alleged pulley over the oak tree. Like just about every ship in olden times didn't have pulleys.


And the way the editing made you think that the Roman sword was found with their metal detector. When some guy bought it from someone else. Sheesh!!!


I think those divers really didn't want to go back down that hole. They were making excuses to not go back down.

Edited by margol29
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This show is getting BAD...


All the hype (all the previews) around the sword and the damn thing wasn't even found on the island, it was found in nearby waters.


I also found it odd they supposedly found that pulley and then decided, hey, we are done for the day (it showed them walking away from the rock with the tide pretty much at the same point it was when they started). Kind of reminds me of the people that see a UFO and take ONE picture. Seriously, you find one item and you are done? You find something you think is important, why are you not digging all around that rock?


They really are reaching with everything now. Pulleys were and are common. That sword could have been tossed off a boat back in the 1800's (or whenever) for whatever reasons (people have collected things like that for a long time now).


I enjoyed the first two seasons because I genuinely got the feeling they were searching for answers. Now it seems they are just trying to stretch the show out for multiple seasons, leading people along.

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I have to wonder about those divers and all the equipment malfunctions they were having...isn't this equipment that they use for every dive? Do they have to have new masks and communications gear overnighted to them for every dive they do?

Good equipment in proper working order is the literal lifeline for a high risk diving outfit like theirs. It seems hard to believe that they would have so many equipment failures on one dive.

Of course, if they just didn't want to do it, I don't blame them. I could hardly listen to that diver tell the story of getting into the narrow pipe and having everything go dark, so actually doing it would be more terrifying yet.

Edited by gardendiva
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All the hype (all the previews) around the sword and the damn thing wasn't even found on the island, it was found in nearby waters.

Someone claimed to have found it in nearby waters. Who then sold it to someone else who sold it to someone else who is showing it to the Laginas. The sword has zero provenance, IMO. I will be interested to see what an antiquities expert makes of it.


Oak Island is becoming the black hole of treasure hunter "theorists". It just pulls them into it's gravitational field.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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Unless that sword is proven authentic, and as noted, its provenance established, it's just something the show did to keep people watching since they never find anything.   Because they don't look systematically.   As noted, "welp, we found one thing here, time to quit."   


I don't think they really had that many equipment failures.   One of the shows "proofs" that something is up on Oak Island is that equipment that works fine on the mainlaind, suddenly goes haywire on the Island.   If everything worked just fine, there would go that "proof."   Plus, they would be out of excuses for why they never find anything.   "Oh we couldn't dive, the equipment mysteriously acted up."  "Oh, there was nothing there where the metal detector said there was a lot of metal becase it got an bad reading, must be Oak Island protecting its secrets again."   

  • Love 4

What an idiotic premise. Someone somewhere put up money for this show. They should have donated to a worthy cause. They also should have employed the Three Stooges to play the brothers. Honestly, they're running around like farts in a skillet, jumping at any lead, really hacking up the island (they should be prosecuted for messing with nature). I'm not watching, anymore. It's not history. It's Bobba Mysus (fairy tales in Yiddish).

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It seems like every other episode is just a build up episode with more theories.


New divers? Next week...


New place to dig? Next week...


I would love to see the ratings graph for this show. It has to be a steady decline as people get sick of the cliffhangers that go nowhere the following week. Yeah, I am close to throwing in the towel. Best case, I finish the season and delete this show from my season pass. The first two seasons were actually fun. This one feels like some "reality TV" producer took over.


This show should be called the Curse of Seinfeld Island because it is a show about nothing...

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Okay now I want to know the Yiddish fairytale.


Who says this show isn't educational?   I've learned that apparently Oak Island is the center of the universe.   Everybody and his brother came through there.   Yet despite being the most highly trafficked place on the planet, every single one of them managed to hide a fabulous treasure so well no one can find it.

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i can't remember why the little ROV didn't work out that they sent down 10X? That seems like an ideal way to remotely view that chamber without risking human lives. Oh well. I am only paying half attention to this show anymore. They seem to be throwing good money after bad at this point.

The problem with the ROV was the same as when the diver went down: is there is no visibility in that water, it's full of crud.

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Speaking of "Drilling Down", I watched the most recent episode with the old Lagina home movies, and realized that the matching eyeglass frames of Rick and Marty is not a recent phenomena. My comment might be a little off topic, but I found it highly amusing. Did you ever notice their glasses? They both have the exact same frames.

Watching reruns (I don't always watch closely the first time around), it appears that 10X as a "treasure site" is based solely on a depression in the ground and a pulley found in a tree.    Because yeah, nothing says buried treasure on an island where there is farming like a pulley in a tree.   They have no other uses than lowering treasure into the ground.   Learn something new every day.

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Well, it looks like the only interesting episode of the entire season will be the last one...yet, I have a feeling we will all feel disappointed after watching it.


I will say, regardless of all the pointless crap they have shown all season....you have to hand it to that diver. That takes some major balls to go down a pipe not big enough to turn around in, 100's of feet below ground. I am not claustrophobic at all, but even thinking of doing that makes my skin crawl...


I wonder if the previous divers felt a blow to their manhood after this diver successfully enters the cavern?

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Well, it looks like the only interesting episode of the entire season will be the last one...yet, I have a feeling we will all feel disappointed after watching it.


I will say, regardless of all the pointless crap they have shown all season....you have to hand it to that diver. That takes some major balls to go down a pipe not big enough to turn around in, 100's of feet below ground. I am not claustrophobic at all, but even thinking of doing that makes my skin crawl...


I wonder if the previous divers felt a blow to their manhood after this diver successfully enters the cavern?

I was thinking the same thing! That guy was pretty much head and shoulders above that other outfit they used. I guess the saying "don't send a boy to do a man's job" holds true in this instance.

  • Love 1

I was thinking the same thing! That guy was pretty much head and shoulders above that other outfit they used. I guess the saying "don't send a boy to do a man's job" holds true in this instance.

Every since they started talking about divers for this shaft, I was shouting JOHN CHATTERTON! He is the only one in the whole world qualified for this dive. If he can't do it, it can't be done. Read SHADOW DIVERS it is an excellent book on his diving WWII German U Boats that sank off the eastern coast. He got into some pretty tight spots on those dives. Best man for this job.

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Oh my gosh! I read Shadow Divers years ago but forgot the name of the diver in the book. I had no idea John Chatterton was THAT GUY. He is a badass.

It was interesting in this episode to see the difference in demeanor between Chatterton and the previous diver. Chatterton did not require a "test pipe" to swim through, or freak out when he got hung up on the drill pipe. He was so cool and confident. It was really fun to watch.

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It's interest how much difference there is in diving equipment.  the previous guy had WAY too much stuff on him. Makes you wonder why they could find this guy weeks ago before the many others they've tried.  Or were they trying to not shell out the money it probably cost them to get this guy?


they better find something in the freaking finale!!!

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This show.   I just.   I don't know if I will stick around for a season 4.    


They are told by one of the foremost divers in the freaking world that it's a natural formation at the bottom of 10X.   Do they accept that?   Of course not.   There must be something manmade there, after all, there's treasure on that their island.  So they need to drain the damn thing.   


Then we have the McGinness clan coming back.   And we hear that a gold chain was found in the money pit.   No, it was actually only 3 links of a gold chain.   Couldn't be plant.   Of course not.   It must be drop dead proof that there's treasure on that their island.   Prior to finding the "chain" the McGinness brothers get funding for full time digging.   Yet find nothing.   As someone noted earlier, the real treasure is for all the owners of the heavy equpment that has been used for 200 years on the island treasure.  


I've been convinced for a while now that there is nothing to find.  I don't want to call it a hoax, it's just a failure of people to believe what is right in front of them.  So, longest running case of gold fever in history?   But tonight, with the pronouncement that there is nothing at the bottom of 10X, I am convinced, everything on that Island is natural.   The water level rises for some reason (tidal?) and that floods the tunnels periodically.   There are no booby traps.   There is no treasure.  Just people wanting to believe.  

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Well, that season finale was about as disappointing as I sadly thought it would be.


Completely agree there is no treasure there. I am sure they will continue to find "artifacts" like an old pulley, but you can probably do that anywhere along the coast, just about everywhere. People have traveled for a LONG time dropping and leaving things...


And that gold cross, what a joke. So I am related to someone who played with Babe Ruth. I guess if I go find a bat from the 20's, I can make up a story that Ruth gave the bat to my relative and people would just take my word for it? Of course not...I found it insulting to my intelligence they all accepted her story at face value. I am not saying she is a liar, but people love to make up stories that make them seem more important than they are. Whoever gave it to her or whoever gave it to that person could have made it up.


I can say I won't watch season 4 next year, but I probably will. Not because I am a sucker and their constant leading on every week that goes nowhere fools me, but because, well, I typically have nothing better to do.

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They are told by one of the foremost divers in the freaking world that it's a natural formation at the bottom of 10X.   Do they accept that?   Of course not.   There must be something manmade there, after all, there's treasure on that their island.  So they need to drain the damn thing.

Word. This is getting to be fringe history at it's best. If the facts don't agree with your theory, the facts are wrong. (Or part of a conspiracy.)

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Same old talk and same old running around.   They never check anything.   Someone comes to them and says "Hey did you know I did some research and I think Marco Polo actually went to Oak Island rather than China.   He had the treasures of the Vatican with him and buried it on the island for safekeeping."   They go "Oh wow, really, where did they bury it?"   "Well, my research says in the swamp."   Off to the swamp they go.   Untl someone shows up and says "Hey, my uncle's cousin's stepson's best friend had a grade school teacher who had a nephew who lived on the island and he said he found a silver bar in 10x."   Off they go to 10x.   Absolutely no verification.   No research.   No going to documents.   Although they finally have  an alleged map.   But no research on how the map came to be, etc.   Just hey "hatch."   Must be the opening to the treasure.   Because just like with the pulley, hatches are ONLY associated with treasure and nothing else, ever.

  • Love 4

I love this show and couldn't wait for it to be back on!  I had so missed the over dramatic narrator when he takes a hint of a connection and by the end of his statement stated it as fact.  I love how every scratch on rocks that some expert seasons ago pointed out were caused by glaciers is still always a Templar cross,  And then there is the map where at one point they point out as the date being the written out one thousand three hundred xxx and the next time they point out some roman numerals.  Finally how in four seasons has no one ever mentioned that there was a hatch??  It's like spending years trying to break down the front doors and forgetting to see if the back door was locked?

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Yeah, all this time and that goober, Blankenship, never mentions the mysterious depression in the ground that is just a stone's throw away from the house.  I would laugh my living ass off if they decide to knock down the house and start digging under it.  That would make this whole show worthwhile.

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Of course you know that the hatch is going to be something like a root cellar but it will of course be considered a grave so the narrator can say " A possible  Grave?  Could this be a grave from one of the constructors of the Money Pit? Since it was located through previously undiscovered Templar map could it be the grave of a Templar Knight?  Rick and Marty continue to explore the Templar Knight's grave for further clues about the secrets of Oak Island's money pit."

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Wouldn't it have been cheaper to hire people for heavy-duty RESEARCH into all of these theories than hire all those big machines to dig (when they didn't know WHERE to dig)?

I do enjoy the show, but they do seem to be willing to spend a lot of money without knowing everything they should know beforehand.

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Do Rick and Marty put any money into this at all or are they just banking on a bunch of treasurer hunting fools to support them??

I want to know how all their financial supporters came to be. 

And Rick and Marty said they won't leave the island without digging the money pit(?).  Which leads you to believe that after they dig up the entirely island they will sell it off to the next nutcase who wants to be a treasurer hunter.  And are the blankenships the only people left living on the island?

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On 11/16/2016 at 5:37 PM, speac said:

I love this show and couldn't wait for it to be back on!  I had so missed the over dramatic narrator when he takes a hint of a connection and by the end of his statement stated it as fact.  I love how every scratch on rocks that some expert seasons ago pointed out were caused by glaciers is still always a Templar cross,  And then there is the map where at one point they point out as the date being the written out one thousand three hundred xxx and the next time they point out some roman numerals.  Finally how in four seasons has no one ever mentioned that there was a hatch??  It's like spending years trying to break down the front doors and forgetting to see if the back door was locked?


I like watching this show, but I roll my eyes and talk back to the tv through much of the episode. Someone says they have an old well on their property and they think it's got writing on the rocks in the wall. After 50 minutes of much ado and talk they are looking in the well and nod to each other that they've found writing. Then they super-impose an image on said rock to make it look like they have "confirmed" that it is a cross or arrow or felix the cat. It looks like a natural rock though. Then, after convincing themselves that there's something there... they don't do anything with it. They hear that someone else has a map with rather updated vernacular and they are off somewhere else. What about the well? Oh, yeah, it was only an episode filler. 

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The depression in the ground under "the hatch?"   How could it just be a hole in the ground?   Why would someone make a hole in slate?   I don't know maybe its a freaking root cellar to keep things cool from before they had refrigerators you twits.   Geez.

A broad arrow?  Must be templar.   Or you know prisoner.    Which that makes sense that Oak Island was once a prison.  

They finally go back to the swamp the ONE place they found something substantive but have ignored since then in favor of "theory of the week."  Geez guys.   And what do they do, freak out over a plank.   because it can ONLY be from a treasure ship that was buried.   No one took apart a ship that foundered and used that piece to shore something up.

Do these guys not understand geology?   Oak Island is build on Oak Island.   Something that might have been on the surface once upon a time over the span of a couple hundred years becomes "buried."  It was deliberately placed once upon a time, but maybe not deliberately buried.

Oh and don't get me started on "we have to follow safety protocols because of the curse. "   How about you follow safety protocols because you are playing around with heavy machinery?


You know it's bad when a show called "Finding HItler" uses better foresnic methods to track down clues and piece things together than this show.

But you notice I am still watching this show.   

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