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The L&O: SVU Spoilers and Spec Thread!

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Kind of surprised one didn't already exist. So here.


To start it off, a Walking Dead actor will appear on SVU in an episode devoted to domestic violence in the NFL. Looks like Warren Leight wants to strike while the iron is hot. Sigh.


I fear this episode. I fear the hot mess it will undoubtedly be as subtle is no longer a part of the SVU writing team's vocabulary.

I'm really looking forward to episode 11 and to learn more about Rollins' backstory. I'm hoping they'll do something with/about sexual harassment within the PD (Atlanta in this case), hopefully they'll do something original with it. Harassment and where to draw the line is really tricky. I've always thought of myself as strong and independent and someone who can look out for myself & was quite surprised to end up on the receiving end of that a couple of years ago. It was a hard process to go through and in the end, probably to save themselves some hassle, the management let the guy resign instead of firing him, making it so it never made his papers. Thankfully I wasn't alone, it was me and another woman and we had great backup from our nearest boss. I just wonder a lot what that had been like to go through alone and in an environment where you might be outnumbered gender wise.

When I watched The Invisible War (2012) I remember just fuming. So I'm hoping the writers will do something close to epic with that. I still have faith in them, and the show.

And on a lighter note I'm hoping Amanda's mom will be a hoot.

Apparently Bree from Desperate Housewives is going to be abusing Napoleon Solo in a future episode.


That is a sentence that I never thought I'd type, but I am glad to see Robert Vaughn hasn't stopped working yet.

Of note is the fact that this ep, #16, is the one Warren Leight et al said would feature Barba. Wonder where his personal storyline ties in with the case? My guess is the obvious, a revelation that his father was older when he married Barba's mother. Alternatively, Barba's father was sexually abusive. (God I hope not- it's bad enough that they're already going the abusive route for Barba's dad at all.)

Edited by RafaelBarbas

That prospect does not fill me with joy. The more we find out about the characters, the more problematic they always become. I really don't want to see Barba Taking It Personally because he was sexually abused by his mother or father.

Maybe the situation of the family will have another effect on him? Maybe he knows them somehow or is personally linked with them in some way? But if that is true he really shouldn't be working the case at all (just like last season where he prosecuted his creepy best friend).

Totally agree, Lebanna. Every time we get a peek into the character's personal lives it ends up being horrible melodrama that makes it hard to keep liking the characters. Nothing could make me stop loving Barba because I'm too deep in this Raul fan hole I fell in, but it would be infuriating. I don't want tragic!backstory!Barba. I want cool sarcastic bastard who works SVU because that's his job not because he feels some sort of moral obligation.

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Apparently Barba's storyline in ep.16 has something to do with Barba 'going against his grandmother's wishes'.

Since I doubt that this episode will also feature a two groom wedding (and besides, who's to say she wouldn't be fine with that?), what else might he possibly do to go against his Abuelita? Especially in context of the main story being about elder abuse? Accidentally put her in an evil abusive home?

Apparently Barba's storyline in ep.16 has something to do with Barba 'going against his grandmother's wishes'.

Since I doubt that this episode will also feature a two groom wedding (and besides, who's to say she wouldn't be fine with that?), what else might he possibly do to go against his Abuelita? Especially in context of the main story being about elder abuse? Accidentally put her in an evil abusive home?

Or perhaps putting her in any home period. My guess is that she's sick- Alzheimer's maybe- and he's been taking care of her, but she reaches the point where his best is no longer enough.

Alternatively: she has the last name Barba (Lucia Barba, according to the press release) which means she is Barba's father's mother. This could tie in to the implications from Padre Sandunguero that Barba's father was abusive or horrible in some other way.

The following things have been teased about Undercover Mother (and there's been a bit of piggybacking with regards to December Solstice as well) by the writers:

1. There will be two surprises.

2. One will be good, one will be bad.

3. One will be about Benson/Noah, the other about someone else.

4. The one about Noah will be "scary" and "change her life forever".

5. One of the surprises will carry over into the season finale.

6. Said season finale will end "on a precipice."

So all that said, I'm thinking Noah is going to be given a serious lung disease (fits his frequent infections). Perhaps cystic fibrosis. Which is infuriating, I'm tired of the baby being used solely to manipulate us as viewers. There comes a point when you just stop caring because you can't lose really. If they don't go through with it then nothing happens. If they do,  then nothing bad can happen anymore. I am completely apathetic to any Noah danger now, and I cared little to begin with because the very first storyline involving Noah as Benson's child teased him getting shot at.


As for the happier surprise about the other character, since the next ep is December Solstice (Barba's ep) and the two are being mentioned together, I think it must be Barba related. And this might be wishful thinking but I'm thinking more and more that it might be a reveal that he's bi. I really would welcome it, even from the SVU writers. TV needs an out bi man, and especially an out bi person who isn't promiscuous.

Maybe the other surprise was that Barba has an ugly-ass brown puffy coat that he should throw away because doesn't go with most of his clothes and doesn't suit him, but that he wears sometimes anyway (although not to work) because it's actually really cosy and it doesn't matter if it gets messed up...

That deep down, secretly, he's like the rest of us really.

The description for the episode has Mercedes Ruehl listed as Lucia Barba and Judith Delgado listed as Katerine.

I looked them both up on imdb when I first saw the episode description and Mercedes is 66 years old. So only 22 years older than Raúl Esparza. So she'd have to be mom. I assume that Judith is playing Barba's Abuelita because she has the only other Latino name listed. Her imdb doesn't list her age but from the photo she looks old enough to play grandma. It would be cool if we got to meet both Barba's mom and grandma.

Edited by Dot Com

Barba fangirl down! Warren Leight just tweeted this. Although the title reads "Parole Violations", this scene will be part of December Solstice; they moved it because the original filming of the episode was a bit short.


I too hope Judith Delgado is Abuela Barba, though it does seem odd that they would only list her character's first name instead of designating her as part of Barba's familia!

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::THUD:: Barba holding a baby. Now if he would just sing to baby Noah in Raúl Esparza's beautiful voice (while an enthralled Olivia listens).

Aren't all toy boxes decorative? That is unless mom takes care of the toys because kids sure don't want to. One of our little dogs doggie friends puts her toys in her toy box when she's done playing with them. Now if human kids could just learn to do that (not to mention my dog).

Edited by Dot Com

Since Raul Esparza is bisexual in real life, and it could fit with the way he's played the character of Barba thus far, I think having Barba revealing that his lifestyle is bi would be fine.  That way he can have romances with both women and men on the show, if it ever comes to that.  It would make his character even more intriguing.

@wknt3 - yeah I read that article too & was very disappointed that it's all about Olivia in S17. Not that that's any different from any other season but still it would've been nice to get a hint where things are going for the rest of them. Like they haven't even touched on Rollins' rape which is such a major disappointment for me, and it's too late for them to redeem that now. Sounds a bit like we might lose someone in the squad room, know they are hinting to Amaro (might leave for Cali) but with SVU you'll never know. It will be a big loss for me if they cut Danny or Kelli, maybe even too big for me to turn up for S17. Ice has signed on for S17 at least so it will be something to be back for. But just the thought of them hooking up Liv with Tucker. Died a ltl. Ewww.


@Suzy123 - I agree that the first crossover sucked (not really a crossover either imo). I do think #2 was a ltl better but I'm not a fan of the crossovers either. To me it's like we have to deal with two Olivias for an episode and it seems this time around Mini-me-Olivia will be even more in the spotlight as she's abducted or something like it. I will be watching this one though cause of Dallas Roberts, I like him. I'm boycotting Fire since they killed off Shay so I won't be watching that one at all, thankfully you can read up on what happened on social medias, with the added bonus of mockery, jabs & hysteric fangirling ;)

So is that it? Are they really going there? I think I speak for many of us when I say, 'Noooo, not the pretty!'

(When I saw it was you posting, Rafa, I thought they could be going there with Barba, which really would have had me in tears. And possibly never watching this show again. That moment before the pictures loaded... So this is almost a relief. But still.)

So speculation on how and why this happens? They're inside the court building, right? Is it a courtroom shooting, like in ' The Good Wife'?

Edited by Lebanna

So is that it? Are they really going there? I think I speak for many of us when I say, 'Noooo, not the pretty!'

(When I saw it was you posting, Rafa, I thought they could be going there with Barba, which really would have had me in tears. And possibly never watching this show again. That moment before the pictures loaded... So this is almost a relief. But still.)

So speculation on how and why this happens? They're inside the court building, right? Is it a courtroom shooting, like in ' The Good Wife'?

It's funny- even though Rafael is my #1 favorite and the pretty one my second (of the current characters), I would rather it be Rafael in a way, as long as they aren't pulling a complete Shonda! I think because the Pretty One has been through so much the last few years and it just hurts knowing now they have this too and without their family to help them through it. And if they do end up getting Shonda'd... yeah, that's even worse. And Barba has gotten really no hurt/comfort in his storyline. So I'd rather it be him I think, as long as they didn't go "all the way there"!

My thought is Johnny D getting his revenge, since that's what the finale is about. The Pretty One takes the bullet for Olivia maybe/probably?

We still don't know the faith of either Nick or Amanda on this show as it hasn't leaked if Danny or Kelli have signed on for S17. There's another pic of Kelli BTS at the courthouse and she looks unscratched but who knows really? She might be the one dying while they manage to rescue Nick?

If DP is out I hope they don't kill him off though - leave killing off their actors to CPD and Fire - but instead "just" have him shot and realizing he needs his kids in his life & he transferres to the west coast once he's patched up. It would be devastating to me if he dies & it would completely seal the deal of S16 being the worst of SVU.02 :(

As they are filming ep1 of S17 soon I'm crossing my fingers there will be some pics leaked of them both on set.

As they are filming ep1 of S17 soon I'm crossing my fingers there will be some pics leaked of them both on set.

That's what I'm thinking. Hopefully we'll know if they renewed their contracts soon-ish. That's the one good thing about the show filming S17 episodes before the summer break. Also, not gonna lie, I'll be on the look-out for Peter Scanavino too, just to make sure Carisi will be in S17 (do we know anything about that? He was made a regular after a few episodes of S16 but was it a 1-year contract?). I'd hate to lose him; he's the one non-angsty character on the whole show.


And I agree about those Chicago shows just killing people left and right. I don't watch either show but, apparently, in their few seasons they've killed quite a few regulars. I like that on SVU people just go on to do other things, and are mostly able to return. Deaths are dramatic but also hard to take. I'm still mourning O'Halloran, you know?

  • Love 1

That's what I'm thinking. Hopefully we'll know if they renewed their contracts soon-ish. That's the one good thing about the show filming S17 episodes before the summer break. Also, not gonna lie, I'll be on the look-out for Peter Scanavino too, just to make sure Carisi will be in S17 (do we know anything about that? He was made a regular after a few episodes of S16 but was it a 1-year contract?). I'd hate to lose him; he's the one non-angsty character on the whole show.


And I agree about those Chicago shows just killing people left and right. I don't watch either show but, apparently, in their few seasons they've killed quite a few regulars. I like that on SVU people just go on to do other things, and are mostly able to return. Deaths are dramatic but also hard to take. I'm still mourning O'Halloran, you know?

I also hope they don't get rid of Carisi! He is my favorite character and he is so nice to look at.

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Yeah... I don't mind Carisi, but I'm not really enthused about the idea of swapping him in for Amaro.  Mainly because TPTB repeated a lot of Stabler mistakes with Amaro, so I have little faith they won't just transfer the same mistakes to Carisi if he becomes the male lead. 

I think the higher ups think that people won't watch SVU unless there is a crazy irrational detective on the squad.

Yeah... I don't mind Carisi, but I'm not really enthused about the idea of swapping him in for Amaro. Mainly because TPTB repeated a lot of Stabler mistakes with Amaro, so I have little faith they won't just transfer the same mistakes to Carisi if he becomes the male lead.

I really hope they don't make Carisi into Stabler #3. I have no idea why they ruined the Amaro character. The writers should know better than to make a Stabler 2.0 after so many years of the first one.

  • Love 2

Yeah... I don't mind Carisi, but I'm not really enthused about the idea of swapping him in for Amaro. Mainly because TPTB repeated a lot of Stabler mistakes with Amaro, so I have little faith they won't just transfer the same mistakes to Carisi if he becomes the male lead.

I'm with you on that. Hell, the reason I like Carisi is that he's so angst-free and anger-free and just a loudmouth goofball with a heart of gold, basically. If they suddenly turned him into Stabler #3, yeah. No. I hope that doesn't happen, though I'm sure that it will, given enough time.


I also agree that Amaro was nowhere near as angsty in the beginning; I remember when his daughter was first shown and he was all cute and happy, even if he still had issues with his wife. And now he's a total trainwreck. Sigh.


I would still miss Amaro if he was gone, though. But, at this point, I feel like I would miss Carisi more. Which is weird. I think it's because Amaro has been on the show for a few seasons whereas Carisi's only been in one.


Also, if I'm honest, I would hate to lose a hot dude in general. So fingers crossed that they're both in S17. And I love Rollins so same goes for her. Basically just bring everyone back.

  • Love 5

Totally agreed. Bring everyone back. I love them all. I even like Carisi, and I didn't expect that. But I do NOT want to see him as a replacement for Amaro. The two are so different that I think there's room for them both. And Danny Pino is 99% of why I watch the show anyway, and after the on-screen death of my first TV boyfriend (RIP, McDreamy), I couldn't handle Amaro, too. Don't do it, Warren! Don't pull a Shonda!

  • Love 4

But it may be impossible to bring everybody back if the budget keeps shrinking. That is the sad reality for a show so old.

True, which is why I'm a little comforted by the fact Peter Scanavino has to be a lot cheaper than the other regulars, no? He was (or he is, heh) an unknown actor and he's not the lead. If the budget is the main issue, I'd imagine that, at the very least, they'd keep him for sure (other, unpredictable reasons notwithstanding).

By the way, that only occurred to me when I realised we haven't had a Carisi-free episode in forever. Which is fine by me.

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