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S25: Online Bonus Clips

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So the first episode had eight bonus clips. The two I found most enlightening were shoeless and clueless. In shoeless, the Gay couple left their shoes at the beach after completing the digging task. They spend a few minutes debating going back for their shoes but decide not too because it would take 90 minutes to go back and then an hour to get to the pit stop. They are concerned because all they have on are their water shoes that they were wearing. I was not clear if they had left the shoes where the sea plane dropped them off, after changing into water shoes, or at the beach were they completed the compass/digging challenge. Either way, they thought that the gear left behind would be watched and brought back by Production but a latter reading of the clue made it clear that was not the case.


In clueless, the dating couple lost their clue and had to go back for it because they were not 100% certain where they were going. When they got back to the beach, they found the clue in pieces in the water and were able to piece together the pit stop location. They handled it pretty well as a couple but it seems to me like they are over looking important details and making some pretty serious mistakes on the first leg.

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I love stuff like this. Every "reality" show I watch usually has outtakes and I often wonder why they were cut. Some of them are better than the actual show. To me, it shows the true reality instead of the manufactured edits of production. I've seen more than one person edited to be a bad person when in fact, quite the opposite was true.

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I wonder if some of it is cut because it is not dramatic enough.  For example, the lost clue, they went back and forth and he was not happy but there was no yelling or berating. They figured out where she would have put the clue down and went back to try and find it. Same with the shoes, it was a calm discussion. I think it is important information for us regarding how attentive some teams are but not dramatic enough to include in a packed opener. There is also an extended scene with Whitney and Keith talking to each other about taking the penalty. Most of the clips get at the team dynamic in some way and it seems like the teams are pretty respectful towards each other, so far.

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Be sure to click the Right pointing arrow after the 8 bonus clips you mentioned, thats only the first page!  There were actually about 20 clips posted.  I found a lot of them quite interesting.  There's another one of Dennis and Isabelle bickering like crazy in JFK.  Apparently he was wasting time asking someone for directions or something and she didn't approve.


There was also a lot of videos of teams introducing themselves to each other, which I always find interesting.  Adam and Bethany seem like very nice people, I enjoyed the video of them with T&T and D&I mingling at JFK.  There's one of Phil amusingly wondering why Adam lugged the treasure chest all the way to the pit stop.


And the one that made me laugh the most: Brooke and Robbie and the cycling gals shared a cab to the pit stop, but the cab took a horrid route, and stopped for pictures at the top of a road overlooking the city.  One of the biking gals yelled "WHAT THE F***", and the other one immediately got extremely angry, saying stuff like "We're not going to act like this".  I think I'll like that team.

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I could probably find them on YT...


Yes, by searching for Amazing Race 25 Shoeless and then ditto Clueless, I was able to find the two videos mentioned above.  I didn't know what to look for on the other videos, but I'm confident that with a little digital spelunking, anyone could find them all.


I just don't understand why CBS would make it unnecessarily difficult (even if only slightly) for me to find them.  If the show hadn't aired in my region yet, I might understand, but CBS is broadcast here, and anyone with a TV will get it.  So, if I can legally and properly watch the show itself, why not the extras?  I'm sure CBS have a reason, but I'm willing to bet it's half-baked and completely the brainchild of some bean counter.

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The bonus clips are banned for us in Canada too.  And the network that airs "The Amazing Race" doesn't post the bonus clips on their website, only the episode (for 6 days).  Thanks for the heads-up for the YT search.


I liked both those teams with Shoeless and Clueless, and I really hope they both learn from their mistakes.  I think the Clueless dating couple did learn from it, and they will double check from here on out.  Interesting how the fireman called them "good people", though we completely didn't see the context.  Finding those pieces in the water... wow, were they lucky or what.  I think that would have made the episode more intense for sure.  I guess because of the three quitters at the end, they made that the climax.


I'm not sure if the Shoeless duo learned to read the clue, since they seemed really confused when their boat stopped at that location.  One of them already made a mistake by digging at the anchor instead of using the compass.  

Edited by Camera One

I just watched/listened to the clips from this week. Some interesting stuff. I am thrilled that we lost Dennis and Isabella, their interactions in the unaired clips are annoying. Isabella over thought everything and did not like it when Dennis disagreed with her. Last week she was upset that he asked someone a question. This week she was unhappy when he told her that she had misread the clue and that they could take a cab.


I have a feeling that Keith and Whitney are going to get old real fast based on their clips.


Tim and Te Jay are great. I like their attitude and how proud he was that they powered through the punting and placed as high as they did.


The Dentists are good competitors but they still annoy me.


Loved the mat chats. Sir Winston was great in them. So much fun

There was some interesting stuff in this week's bonus clips as well.


I was hoping to see how Amy and Maya (food scientists) found the Pit Stop after being told the wrong place, but that wasn't there.  However, they did show them trying to buy food before ferry, and almost got back late due to a wrong turn and bad traffic.


T&T claimed they are better at directions but did not have a map in Scotland and was going by locals' instructions.  Was that the case for all teams?  I'm curious if anyone bought a map.


It was also interesting that the teams were able to mingle and had a campfire at the beach since they were camping and pitching tents at the Pit Stop.

The campfire bonus clip is definitely the most interesting: perhaps TPTB are trying to return to eat-sleep-mingle early on, both with extended travel and shared Pit Stops? Teams definitely seem to have an interpersonal vibe in these early legs that's more reminiscent of older seasons -- not excessively helpy-outy, but not at each other's throats. No obvious alliances, no obvious targets. I like that.



I'm curious if anyone bought a map.


I saw a few teams with maps in the leg itself. They looked more like foldable "general visitor" maps, perhaps picked up on the ferry, but you don't really need a detailed map for a relatively small island with relatively few roads.


The clip where one team (the wrestlers?) got into the right-hand lane thinking it was a turning lane, blocking a lorry and a bunch of other teams, was far too short. Putting teams in cars to drive onto the ferry at a busy port was throwing them into the deep end.

Edited by etagloh

Here's TAR's official Youtube channel. Unfortunately, the aired clips and the bonus clips aren't arranged in playlists, but you can sort the uploaded clips by date.


It's worse than that: half the bonus clips from Leg 3 aren't even posted. CBS needs to fire whoever is in charge of uploading them.


P.S. Food Scientists continue to have the best manners even in the Insider Vids!

Yes, I liked their clip about the dilemma between asking locals if they could move ahead of them in line, versus just waiting it out but then falling behind the other teams.


Agreed: they'd be right at home among the TAR Canada teams, whereas everyone else seems to fit better with TAR Australia and New Zealand.

Edited by Rusun

Just watching the videos and enjoying them. It seems like all the teams are getting along except that the dentists are on the outside. The video with the flight attendants discussing how Jim treats Jill (I think) was interesting. Then there was the video where they commented on how the mother treats her daughter. It is interesting that both teams pick out the superior/subordinate relationship with the other team.


I loved the beach stuff, it was nice to see how the teams interact and get along.


Really enjoying the bonus clips. Good insight and nice to see other parts of the game.

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Am I the only one having trouble viewing the bonus clips? Up until today, I could view them on my iPad just fine. Now I'm getting an error message saying it's not available on my device. I was able to view one clip on my phone and then that stopped working too. I need my fix! Thanks for any help you can give. (I've tried both the website and the cbs app.)

They seemed to be working just now.  Hopefully, you can get them to play.  


One of the bikers got quite worked up at the daughter from the mother/daughter team at the travel agent's.  She said it wasn't a big deal but she sure was talking about it for quite a long time.


So it looks like it wasn't just the Mother/daughter who was looking for the cars in the parking lot.  T&T took a long time to find them as well.  Though I think they did the right things... re-reading the clue, and then eventually finding the cars without arguing with one another.


After the clip of the Mother/daughter trying to find one of the locations, I'm not sure who is the problem anymore.  They were both sniping at each other.  The mom clearly doesn't like being told what to do, even simple things.  So it looks like it might be slightly more her.  The mom should probably be the one giving directions since she prefers giving orders than following them.

Edited by Camera One
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it looks like it wasn't just the Mother/daughter who was looking for the cars in the parking lot.  T&T took a long time to find them as well.


I wonder if since the teams were on so many different flights, maybe some of them arrived at different terminals and had to go racing all over the airport trying to find the right building and parking lot.

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I love the bonus clips. The bikers are great in them. Love the one with the two of them returning from the cake task. The one riding was talking about not having her elbow pads and protective gear. That makes me think that they wear gear when they are riding, so that is cool. The mother and daughter are a mess.


And the clips do confirm that the racers are being polite to the locals and are racing nicely. I like that. Here is hoping that it continues.

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Did those of you who watched the bonus clips on CBS have to give credit card info?

I don't mind signing up for a site (I have a "junk" email address just for that purpose).

But I refuse to give credit card info for a "free" trial (I never remember to cancel the subscription). Sounds like I have to search You Tube to really see them free...is that correct?

Edited by ChiCricket

I just tried a bonus clip on cbs.com, and it played.  HOWEVER, I can only watch cbs.com videos on Internet Explorer (pfui); the framing doesn't work on Chrome.  I also checked my cable provider's online content (Xfinity - pfui pfui) and they have the bonus clips, listed interchangeably with the regular clips.  Between the weirdness of the cbs video player and the cute tricks of the newer ads, cbs.com is something I can only watch on IE.  And I only do that because Xfinity won't expand the CBS video images to full screen.


Maybe cbs.com is detecting your iPad and deciding you are app'ing.  Do you have access to a desktop?

  • Love 1

Thanks @kassygreene !

Going on my laptop instead of my phone did the trick,both on Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. YAY.

What am I doing wrong not to make kassygreene be highlighted? I thought maybe it was because I put an ! right next to his/her name, but even with a space it doesn't seem to work.

PS the mother was worse in the bonus clip than I thought she was when I just watched the show.

Edited by ChiCricket
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Glad I could help ChiCricket!


I like the bonus clips this season, because the teams this season seem to be a much saner than usual group.  While I cherish the hope of Jim having a "My Ox Is Broken" moment, I think that would have happened in Denmark.  They had a crappy day, starting with a poor decision to buy an expensive guide book.  I've had that day, where something goes stupidly wrong early on, and there is just no way the day will improve.  


I think the saddest thing about the mother/daughter clips is that the daughter is really no worse in those clips then she was in Oxford, freaking out about being a superfan who was going out on the second leg.  But mom Has Had Enough And Is Determined To Teach Her Daughter A Very Public Lesson.  This leads me to believe that mom is not a big fan of the show, or she would realize that she was daring a negative edit.  


I think Shelley is passive aggressively trying to get Nici to quit, instead of having the guts to quit herself.  I'm seeing entrenched patterns of behavior from both of them.  And I'm sorry, but while children should respect the parent, the parent should damn well respect the child right back.  If the parent don't like how the kid turned out, the parent should look in the mirror.

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I like the bonus clips this season, because the teams this season seem to be a much saner than usual group.  While I cherish the hope of Jim having a "My Ox Is Broken" moment, I think that would have happened in Denmark.  They had a crappy day, starting with a poor decision to buy an expensive guide book.  I've had that day, where something goes stupidly wrong early on, and there is just no way the day will improve.

Wait for Killer Fatigue!  Colin didn't truly start breaking down until leg 8 in Tanzania.  Before that was just creepy INTENSITY like when they tried to kill racers with that insane caviar challenge.

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The CBS website has bonus clips that they post after the episode. This is a place to discuss those clips and the information found in them.


I also appreciate ProfCrash posting about the bonus clips. I had no idea they existed. Now I need to show them to my Amazing Race addicted sister.

(she doesn't 'do' computers).

She is even more addicted to this show than I am,so this might get her to learn *something* about how to use one!

(Who am I kidding,it'll just end up with me having to show them to her on MY computer)

I know she'll be so excited to see extra Amazing Race stuff.

The things I learn on PTV!

(Sorry am newish to posting, don't know how to fix the quote part)

Edited by ChiCricket

The bonus clips this week are good.


I liked how they showed the Racers enjoying/being interested in culture.  Adam and Bethany enticing other teams to check out the Cobras (I assume this was after the Pit Stop?), and T&T being interested in the taxi drivers' commentary about Morocco.  I also liked seeing the teams interact with one another, with the Mat Chats where several teams talked to Phil at once.


They don't show it in-show, so I was surprised by the strange, antagonistic relationship between the Wrestlers.  That argument they had made no sense and got rather ugly.


I've generally liked Jim these last few weeks, but he was being really dismissive and condescending towards Maya on the plane, when he said *of course* Morocco would have a dry heat because it's near the Sahara Desert, and "I already knew" the temperature would be around 100, but "I just wanted to know if you saw a weather report."  He has such a "I'm always right" kinda attitude, which hasn't shown on TV since Leg 1.

Edited by Camera One

I mentioned in the main thread that the weirdest thing I saw in the Bonus Clips this week is that apparently Keith and Whitney think that Shelley/Nici are lying about being mother and daughter!  Whitney says, "They're not mother and daughter, I don't know what they are"!  They must have felt pretty foolish when Episode 1 aired.


Keith does a great Bulging Eyes Jim impression, but K&W still bug the crap out of me for some reason.


Kym has been to Marrakesh before.  While all the teams were waiting around for the first task to open (the show edited out the bunching there), Kym took Alli around on a personal tour.


I always love watching the teams on the Mat, breathlessly talking about how fun their day had been!

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For those living outside the States can try installing Hola Better Internet on your browsers. It works better on Chrome for me. For some reason, I keep needing to install and uninstall it with each use on Firefox. Just for other references since thanks to those who pointed out the extra clips are also on YouTube, I've been using that coz of the much better player. The one on the CBS site keeps on having hiccups even with HBI

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Oh yeah, I just figured out today how much easier it is to watch the clips on Youtube rather than the CBS player.  No commercials, and you can just start at the first one and let them all play automatically, one by one.  On the CBS site you gotta scroll down, pick one, sit through commercials, watch it, and then hurry up and pick something else before it starts playing the episode again or something else you don't want to watch.  (Or you can do what I do and just pause it right before the end of the clip.) And that's not counting the hiccups in the buggy player.


The only thing that really bugs me with both the Youtube playlist and CBS's website is that the clips are all in random order.  It would be great if there were some logic to it.  When I watch on the CBS site I try to watch the bonus clips in chronological order, but it's hard to tell sometimes from the title and screencap because they're usually sitting in a cab.  And on the Youtube site, the clips from the episode are mixed in with the bonus clips.


The most interesting things from the clips this week were of the teams talking about other teams.  You know what, a lot of teams seem to really like the dentists.  The scientists were unsure of them at first but eventually bonded over nerd stuff ("you've got lipstick on your No. 9").  The wrestlers say the dentists are awesome, but they're not sure what to think of the cyclists.  They say a lot of teams think the same thing, that the cyclists are standoffish and sneaky or something.  Tonight it kinda felt like the dentists were getting the winner edit and the cyclists the villain edit, which bums me out because I like the cyclists.


The other funny clip was the wrestlers talking crap about the way the scientists run around.  Robbie is for some reason bugged by the way that they never walk or quite run, they just kinda jog around constantly in a bouncy sort of way, like a bunny hop.

Do you have AdBlock on? If so it should get rid of the commercials on CBS but if you don't, I wonder how come your YouTube is not infested with those things. I'm still catching up on every 2 minutes videos on YouTube starting from the very beginning of the team introductions. I flipped through the newer clips to check out the chronology order and the episode and bonus clips mix you mentioned. I think they are in chronological order on YouTube, yes? If the episode and bonus clips are mixed then I would still much prefer YouTube coz I can simply skip to the next clip = )

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Ah I see, guess I didn't notice that since I just gave it a quick brush through. Pretty odd since AdBlock works totally fine for me on CBS, if only I can say the same thing about Hulu. I find these additional web features pretty annoying for the lack of access and order. I don't mind having to be online since I watch most stuff on my laptop anyways but the selected territories and all over site design are a big meh

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The Youtube clips weren't working for me before, but now they are.  Thanks for the tip, Lingo... it is so much easier than the CBS Website where you have to scroll down to the Bonus Clip section each time and click one by one, and if you're slow, it defaults to the episode video.  AdBlock doesn't work for me on CBS since the video won't play when I have it on.  I did notice on Youtube, there is a mix of Bonus Clips and Episode Clips (which I don't generally want to watch again), so that's the only slightly annoying thing.


We get so many bonus clips of the Scientists, T&T and some of the eliminated teams searching and searching, so this week, it was interesting to see how long the Bikers and the Dentists took to find the Ceiling.  I'm surprised that the mad dash that happened later had all three teams rushing up the staircase since you would think one of the teams would have been off in that courtyard of dead ends.  

Edited by Camera One
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