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S14.E13: Caviar Catastrophe

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On 2/28/2025 at 5:55 PM, JenE4 said:

I was one of the people who took offense to Sutton’s wallet comment, so here’s where I’m coming from. Foremost, just because Dorit has also said terrible things about people doesn’t necessarily negate a tit for tat. There’s room to acknowledge that they are all terrible people. If we’re ranking an insult continuum, I don’t necessarily think it’s that bad to call someone out on their bad behavior—ie, telling someone they’re acting like a bitch when their behavior could arguably be categorized as bitchy. That’s why Sutton calling Dorit a bitch in her own home was fine by me, because she was acting bitchy toward Sutton. However, the wallet comment suddenly became classist. It wasn’t a matter of calling someone out on their behavior or actions. Rather, it was implying I’m better than you simply because I have more money than you. It was icky. I think the women at the luncheon were all appropriately shocked, as well. Granted, I’m sure living in Beverly Hills, they all think it and are comparing the Haves and the Have Nots, but you’re not supposed to say it. It’s also highly condescending to basically say there’s a caste system at play, and standing on my wallet puts me above you. And, I don’t want to break any forum rules by talking about what’s happening in America right now. But let’s just leave it at there are too many billionaires on power trips because their money thinks they “know better” than the plebeians who don’t deserve what they’re getting. Maybe if Sutton said this a year ago, eh… It just hit a little too close to home right now…


Well that's where things get tricky. YOU seem to think that's what it was implying and that wasn't everyone's take on it.

Some of us think she threw it in her face to say stop weaponizing a status you don't even hold and even on top of that don't wield it at someone who is NOT pretending. Love it or hate it a reality check doesn't always have to come with a sticker and a lollipop.


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On 3/1/2025 at 12:37 AM, princelina said:

To be fair to Dorit - I think she did think she and Kyle were real friends; we saw quite a few scenes of them hanging out, spending Jewish holidays together, etc. and I think Kyle's denying that they were friends publicly really hurt her feelings.  Add to that - as someone said earlier - she's clearly furious with everything this year; Sutton was right about that.

As you know, RH, I'm NOT a Sutton fan, but I think the reason the others treat her like a misfit is because she makes it so easy for them. She could have told Crystal "I don't appreciate you sneering at me and insinuating I'm  racist" and then coolly walked off, instead, she went the "face roller" route.  I was a middle school teacher for many years, both regular and special ed, in a blue-collar suburban district where the kids were mostly kind and we did not have a bullying problem, but when a kid did get picked on I could always see why.  That's who Sutton reminds me of!

I can too and it infuriates me that a little self awareness can go along way but when push comes to shove I'm always going to side with the non aggressor. I don't NEED Sutton to put the roller away to be kind. I don't NEED Sutton to "make it easier for me" to be nice. I already come that way.

My motto is, if someone's quirks, energy or awkwardness is not done to deliberately disturb me then it's up to me to decide how I want to respond. Sure, I may decide that I can't handle someone's quirks so that means I have to decide when and how I interact with them and if it's someone I have to come across on the regular then I just need to do the best I can. To be honest I've also been that blunt dose of truth to see if that may help matters. One thing I've noticed is that if you address something head on but without malice or distain it can help that person with their own awkwardness. But taking aim, highlighting and being disparaging right off the bat is just a mean and nasty thing to do. That's what the women do to Sutton EVERY time they get the chance. They highlight her discomfort and drag out the moment longer than it needs to be. 

Dorit did it at the dinner table when she first met Dorit. They did it at the strip show when Sutton left the room. At the backyard where "ugly leather pants" was born etc. etc. It's like they like to highlight her awkwardness and then spend tons of time bombarding her with actions she needs to take to fix it instead of just letting the moment fade. 

I only worried that Sutton has gotten so comfortable after all this time that she is starting to be more forward in her defense of herself because no matter how much confidence she's gained her awkwardness is still a real thing and retaliatory commentary IS NOT her forte.  

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I'm definitely sick of the alcoholic accusations on all of these shows. They're surrounded by alcohol all the time provided by Bravo. Who cares if someone wants to get drunk and be silly once in a while? As long as they're not driving or actively responsible for children, who cares?!  Not everyone who gets drunk occasionally is a damn alcoholic.  I dont blame Sutton for being enraged by that label. As was said, now she can't enjoy a good buzz with out judgy Doritos making her 'told ya so' face.  You can't win, Sutton, so Go get lit and annoy the hell out of Dorit with your boozy joy! 

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