Makai March 17 Share March 17 1 hour ago, LexieLily said: I thought I read somewhere that AOC was coming to some of these cities, or at least Bernie invited her? She’s joining him in Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. 3 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 16 hours ago, Mollywolly555 said: No, they "all" don't. For reference, see any speech by any former Dem President. Any examples to support your position? No? Nope. Never. He meant it and his followers believed it. Others knew he could not do it, hence their support for different candidates. Why are you making such a BIG deal out of two little words that don't amount to anything consequential? I have no interest in arguing with you over something so petty. 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 16 hours ago, Mollywolly555 said: Children see and hear about things from other children and overhear other adults, not just devices. Then as a parent you need to console your child and tell them there's no need to worry. Growing up I heard lots of things that were traumatic, starting my uncle's suicide. But my parents were there to explain that my uncle was now in a better place. So instead of crying and being upset, I understood that he was no longer in pain or suffering. 16 hours ago, Affogato said: However they are not a news source, as far as I know. Don't let the harpies hear you say that 😜 16 hours ago, Affogato said: Children need to learn to stand up to bullies. What better way? Through politics? There are better ways to teach a child how to defend his or herself...especially during the formative years. But hey, you do you. 1 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 16 hours ago, Dimity said: I had heard that the MAGA live in their own little bubble but wasn't sure I believed it. Now I do. The disconnect from the real world is scary. And I heard that the far left live in a constant state of denial...totally off the grid! 15 hours ago, Kemper said: The parents are stressed and worked up. Everyone (no matter your politics) is on edge. How on earth can children avoid it? It's the parent's job to provide a safe space for children. This world is FULL of stressors. Most of us don't mope and worrying about the end of the world. Go to a park, watch a movie with your kids...there are endless things one can do to relieve stress. But that's up to you. 1 Link to comment
Lantern7 March 17 Share March 17 Sunday's Doonesbury? Straight fire. 7 5 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 15 hours ago, Yeah No said: Don't believe me? That's too bad because you know those tests where they show you photos of people's facial expressions and body language and ask you to describe how they're feeling? Well, I ace those. Again, I didn't take a graduate degree in Psychology because I don't understand people. But believe what you want. First of all, I never said I don't believe you. I may not agree with you, but that doesn't mean I think you're not stating your truth. And quite frankly, if you've said it once, you've said it a thousand times. You're not the only person here with a degree in psychology. Some of us don't feel the need to brag about it. That said, thank you for your permission to believe what I want. Duly noted & appreciated. 1 Link to comment
Anela March 17 Share March 17 (edited) This is on his “truth” social page. Edited March 17 by Anela 1 6 7 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 13 hours ago, bluegirl147 said: Some people when they develop dementia get combative. Trump is aggressively antagonistic on a good day so if you add in a mental decline that could be the Trump we are seeing now. Also might be why he is letting Musk take the lead on a lot of stuff. Well that and whatever Musk is holding over Trump's head. Let me know when he starts walking into the jungle and avoiding others. Let me know when he has no idea which way to get off a stage. Let me know when he stands like statue not moving a muscle. Need I say more? There's your cognitive decline. 11 hours ago, Dimity said: In The Views thread the discussion turned to Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen De Generes and their moves overseas. @Haleth commented: I don't know whether Trump has spent too much time thinking about Rosie but I thought it was typically Trump that he brought her up in his usual snotty, nasty way to the Irish PM the other day. I mean how totally presidential of him to do this. He's such a petty, vindictive little man. Wrong! A reporter asked the Irishman (forgot his name) if he heard about Rosie moving to Ireland. That's when Trump asked if he knew who Rosie O'Donnell was. Had the reporter not asked the question, Rosie's name never would have come up in the conversation. 1 Link to comment
Anela March 17 Share March 17 6 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: Let me know when he starts walking into the jungle and avoiding others. Let me know when he has no idea which way to get off a stage. Let me know when he stands like statue not moving a muscle. Need I say more? There's your cognitive decline. Wrong! A reporter asked the Irishman (forgot his name) if he heard about Rosie moving to Ireland. That's when Trump asked if he knew who Rosie O'Donnell was. Had the reporter not asked the question, Rosie's name never would have come up in the conversation. Let us know why this is okay. No, actually, don’t. Don’t bother. 15 1 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 11 hours ago, anony.miss said: That's incorrect - Trump gave a 24 hour timeline of ending the war, on his first day in office: That's fine, but if you follow the thread all the back, we weren't talking about ending the war. It was in response to the price of eggs, to which I said Trump had more important things (priorities) to take care of before the price of eggs. 1 Link to comment
Lantern7 March 17 Share March 17 Oh, my God, would somebody shut him up? One week. It's all we'd need! Honestly, I think President Carter had a few moments where he wanted to go, "Screw you, Gerry. Let's bring in Tricky Dick for prosecution!" But he didn't do that. 11 Link to comment
Makai March 17 Share March 17 8 2 Link to comment
Yeah No March 17 Share March 17 17 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: First of all, I never said I don't believe you. I may not agree with you, but that doesn't mean I think you're not stating your truth. And quite frankly, if you've said it once, you've said it a thousand times. You're not the only person here with a degree in psychology. Some of us don't feel the need to brag about it. That said, thank you for your permission to believe what I want. Duly noted & appreciated. I'm not bragging about my degree because I've said over and over again that where Trump is concerned it doesn't take any special degree or ability to see where he's really coming from and his true motives. But quite frankly I'm tired of people that just completely blind themselves to him and try to tell me I'm not seeing reality especially when seeing these things is my wheelhouse and my talent. It's insulting. I seriously don't know how anyone could read his history and look at his face and body language and not see that he's a reprehensible human being that is primarily concerned with himself to the disadvantage of anyone else if necessary. There isn't a genuine bone in his body. He constantly insults and belittles people and puts himself up like that's OK to do and yet how many millions of his followers will go to great lengths to defend it? Oh, he's a genius and has "common sense" according to him. Meanwhile if any Democrat or even any person in general acted like him they'd have some choice words for them. It's hypocrisy to a very incredible degree and I think a lot of people need to do some real introspection about what's motivating them to do this. Because it's not healthy for them or for the country. You talk about all the division but it's being made that much worse by HIM. And HE's supposed to be the person uniting us. If our leaders don't try to unite us we're sunk. If all they do is fan the flames of hate then THEY'RE the problem, not the solution. And again, it doesn't take any special education or ability to see this. It just requires being very honest with oneself. 5 1 17 Link to comment
LexieLily March 17 Share March 17 (edited) I know it won't go anywhere but the Democrats can at least draft and bring to the table Impeachment proceedings. Do it every week. I'm sure there are/will be countless crimes and/or impeachable offenses to choose from. Force House Republicans to vote no and state the reason for the record. (Is that possible?) Edited March 17 by LexieLily 14 2 Link to comment
anony.miss March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 33 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said: we weren't talking about ending the war. That's incorrect - the poster you replied to could not have been more clear they were discussing Ukraine, and the topic of Ukraine is what you quoted and directly responded to - see below: Edited March 17 by anony.miss 16 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 22 minutes ago, Yeah No said: He constantly insults and belittles people and puts himself up like that's OK to do and yet how many millions of his followers will go to great lengths to defend it? Oh, he's a genius and has "common sense" according to him. Meanwhile if any Democrat or even any person in general acted like him they'd have some choice words for them. It's hypocrisy to a very incredible degree and I think a lot of people need to do some real introspection about what's motivating them to do this. Because it's not healthy for them or for the country. You talk about all the division but it's being made that much worse by HIM. And HE's supposed to be the person uniting us. If our leaders don't try to unite us we're sunk. If all they do is fan the flames of hate then THEY'RE the problem, not the solution. And again, it doesn't take any special education or ability to see this. It just requires being very honest with oneself. Never said he was a genius, but some of the things he's trying to rectify are common sense. I believe there's hypocrisy on both sides, with Jake Tapper being the latest example. I think we both know what motivated him prior to writing his book. He chose party over truth! I agree that DJT has divided this country, but do not blame him, per se. People (mostly Dems) have hated him from the minute he rode down that escalator to announce he was running. And yes, I know he has an ego...but by the same token, if hate is being thrown in his direction constantly (even before the primaries), he's going to fight back. That's his nature and personality. Does he talk like a tough NY'er? Yes. Does it bother me? No. BUT, would I like to see us all come together? Absolutely! Unfortunately, we're too far gone and I don't see any way back. Very disheartening to say the least. Too many fans have already stoked the fires of hate. And sadly, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. And that is my truth for what it's worth. I still contend we need to give it more time before declaring total doom and gloom. Maybe re-visit this conversation on this thread's anniversary. Edited March 17 by Soapy Goddess 2 Link to comment
luv2lurk March 17 Share March 17 Did anyone else notice how the Oval Office has become infected by the gold fairy? I noticed it on clips with foreign dignitaries recently and thought - when did the fireplace have gold trim - and just feature logs set, without a fire? 11 1 2 Link to comment
Soapy Goddess March 17 Share March 17 8 minutes ago, anony.miss said: That's incorrect - the poster you replied to could not have been more clear they were discussing Ukraine, and the topic of Ukraine is what you quoted and directly responded to - see below: Thanks for the recap. But it originally started with eggs if you go further back. Either way, it's a moot point now. 3 minutes ago, luv2lurk said: Did anyone else notice how the Oval Office has become infected by the gold fairy? I noticed it on clips with foreign dignitaries recently and thought - when did the fireplace have gold trim - and just feature logs set, without a fire? If you think that's a lot of gold, you should see the gaudiness of his NY apartment! Link to comment
Makai March 17 Share March 17 13 minutes ago, LexieLily said: I know it won't go anywhere but the Democrats can at least draft and bring to the table Impeachment proceedings. Do it every week. I'm sure there are/will be countless crimes and/or impeachable offenses to choose from. Force House Republicans to vote no and state the reason for the record. (Is that possible?) Al Green has attempted at least twice so far since the inauguration. Unfortunately, it would have to get out of the House Judiciary Committee to reach the stage where a vote would happen, which is highly unlikely. 6 5 Link to comment
Popular Post anony.miss March 17 Popular Post Share March 17 (edited) 1 hour ago, Soapy Goddess said: it originally started with eggs if you go further back. Which has nothing to do with you responding to a different poster making a very specific point about the war in Ukraine. Quote it's a moot point Facts matter - and the poster you replied to had the facts right (Trump said he'd end the war day one of his presidency, and within 24 hours) and your comment to her was inaccurate. It was not a "figure of speech", it was an explicitly stated campaign promise. People who cared about Ukraine were conned into voting for Trump based on that campaign lie (a lie in keeping with Trump's longstanding pattern of duplicity and chicanery - yet another fact about Trump which will never be moot.) Edited March 17 by anony.miss 18 8 Link to comment
anony.miss March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 4 hours ago, luv2lurk said: Did anyone else notice how the Oval Office has become infected by the gold fairy? ...that must explain Trump's eagerness to visit Fort Knox! ;) eta: "And in keeping with the style he has adhered to for decades, there is gold everywhere: new gold vermeil figurines on the mantle and medallions on the fireplace, gold eagles on the side tables, gilded Rococo mirrors on the doors, and, nestled in the pediments above the doorways, diminutive gold cherubs shipped in from Mar-a-Lago. Even the remote control for the television down the hall is wrapped in gilt." The tv remote is gilded - how tacky can you get. Edited March 17 by anony.miss 4 3 6 1 Link to comment
Popular Post Affogato March 17 Popular Post Share March 17 (edited) 5 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: Then as a parent you need to console your child and tell them there's no need to worry. Growing up I heard lots of things that were traumatic, starting my uncle's suicide. But my parents were there to explain that my uncle was now in a better place. So instead of crying and being upset, I understood that he was no longer in pain or suffering. Don't let the harpies hear you say that 😜 Through politics? There are better ways to teach a child how to defend his or herself...especially during the formative years. But hey, you do you. Yes children need to learn critical thinking. They need to be exposed to newspapers, news shows and people need to discuss social media. They need to learn why people are upset that Musk made a gesture. For one thing at this time you cannot keep them away from social media and it is a disservice if you do keep them away from it. They will have to deal with it and the poor children who were raised without the support of their parents, learning to navigate it, will suffer because of it. This was always true. Learning about slavery and learning about the persecution of trans children doesn’t make you weak or whatever people are afraid of. It makes children educated, informed and capable of making a better world. what are the better ways to teach a child to defend themselves than to give them a knowledge of himan rights, sympathy for people that are not like them and the knowledge of history to put it in perspective? 2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: I posted the original reply re: your obsession, but it seems to have disappeared. You can bully me all you want. It doesn't change the facts of MY words and their origin. I don't need you to parrot my every word because apparently you don't have the capability to comprehend what I wrote. This is what not to teach children, that when you are cornered, deny the truth and bluster your way through. It is what Trump models. We need to do better. Edited March 17 by Affogato 16 11 Link to comment
Dimity March 17 Share March 17 Everyday a new assault on democracy and the rule of law. And his supporters cheer him on. It's absolutely horrifying. 13 2 11 2 1 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 Black Medal of Honor recipient removed from US Department of Defense website Page honoring Charles C Rogers for his Vietnam war service is now defunct with letters ‘DEI’ added to website address 7 20 Link to comment
tres bien March 17 Share March 17 I still think that a government shutdown would’ve been blamed on the democrats but I also think Schumer should have shown enough resistance so that the voters wouldn’t have felt betrayed Schumer will never willingly step down as minority leader and he isn’t up for reelection till 2028 but except for the nine senators that voted yes (2 which are retiring) the rest of the senate democrats should unite and make his job miserable for next two years As far as I’m concerned I said I would never donate to another political candidate again and I won’t so if Schumer’s blunder pisses off enough of the grassroots donors I hope he can grovel to Hollywood to pony up the millions of dollars his chosen candidates will needed to run for senate in 2026 And how convenient that congress is on recess after passing and feeding Americans a shit sandwich and that Schumer is showing his ignorance of democratic voters. He’s off on a whirlwind book tour that he’s selling tickets for. Ha! 9 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 31 minutes ago, tres bien said: I still think that a government shutdown would’ve been blamed on the democrats but I also think Schumer should have shown enough resistance so that the voters wouldn’t have felt betrayed Schumer will never willingly step down as minority leader and he isn’t up for reelection till 2028 but except for the nine senators that voted yes (2 which are retiring) the rest of the senate democrats should unite and make his job miserable for next two years As far as I’m concerned I said I would never donate to another political candidate again and I won’t so if Schumer’s blunder pisses off enough of the grassroots donors I hope he can grovel to Hollywood to pony up the millions of dollars his chosen candidates will needed to run for senate in 2026 And how convenient that congress is on recess after passing and feeding Americans a shit sandwich and that Schumer is showing his ignorance of democratic voters. He’s off on a whirlwind book tour that he’s selling tickets for. Ha! I thought they should have let the shut down happen in this case, but I also see that Schumer had a considered point. I think we have to stand together against this mess that is happening and appreciate any instance of democracy and law. i appreciate your anger, though. toadd, we lost the last election because of many things, but one of them was that people had some one issue and used their vote as a protest. It didn’t turn out well. Edited March 17 by Affogato 10 2 Link to comment
Spartan Girl March 17 Share March 17 34 minutes ago, Affogato said: toadd, we lost the last election because of many things, but one of them was that people had some one issue and used their vote as a protest. It didn’t turn out well. Is it wrong that this is why I’m not going out of my way to be upset about Trump going after the college protestors? It is horrible, but what did they expect? We tried to warn them, and they didn’t care. 5 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 7 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said: Is it wrong that this is why I’m not going out of my way to be upset about Trump going after the college protestors? It is horrible, but what did they expect? We tried to warn them, and they didn’t care. There was a pro Palestine protest in my city yesterday. I’m glad, although I missed it. I go to protests when I can. I can’t vote in congress. I’n not a judge or lawyer. But the right to protest is something I can do. What did they expect? To be heard, I imagine. the protests were peaceful and included a variety of people. But yes, voting is a compromise. I hope they learned. 8 Link to comment
Spartan Girl March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Affogato said: There was a pro Palestine protest in my city yesterday. I’m glad, although I missed it. I go to protests when I can. I can’t vote in congress. I’n not a judge or lawyer. But the right to protest is something I can do. What did they expect? To be heard, I imagine. the protests were peaceful and included a variety of people. But yes, voting is a compromise. I hope they learned. From what I can tell, they didn’t. It’s 2016 all over again. Some are still acting like sitting out the election was the only moral choice, that Kamala wouldn’t have been any different, bullshit bullshit bullshit…and even the ones that claim they voted are acting like they didn’t contribute at all to the voter apathy that screwed us over. Edited March 17 by Spartan Girl 7 3 2 Link to comment
Popular Post Mollywolly555 March 17 Popular Post Share March 17 Words matter. How would we understand each other otherwise in reference this site? If Biden's supposed incapacity was a problem, so is Trump's-- who is currently President and thus, it is more crucial to understand his words. Posting here, or anywhere online for that matter, takes an open mind and a very tough hide. I think we are extraordinarily civil and well-informed here, for the most part, in trying to understand each other. If bullying = pointing out inconsistencies to clarify meaning, then....... If piling on = countering claims with multiple references to facts from multiple sources by multiple posters, then.... Also, I would love to hear even one example of Trump's "common sense"--that hasn't resulted in millions more being spent to rout out the problems. 10 18 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 11 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said: From what I can tell, they didn’t. It’s 2016 Some are still acting like sitting out the election was the only moral choice, that Kamala wouldn’t have been any different, bullshit bullshit bullshit…and even the ones that claim they voted are acting like they didn’t contribute at all to the voter apathy that screwed us over. It is optimistic to think we will have an election. I’m beginning to think, anyway. We can only hope things go differently. 1 4 1 Link to comment
Mollywolly555 March 17 Share March 17 4 minutes ago, Affogato said: It is optimistic to think we will have an election. I’m beginning to think, anyway. We can only hope things go differently. I think about that also. So I don't know which emoji to tap--sad, mad, or thumbs up to show i agree. How is it that so many members of Congress have lost their souls and spines? 10 2 4 Link to comment
JustHereForFood March 17 Share March 17 5 hours ago, anony.miss said: People who cared about Ukraine were conned into voting for Trump based on that campaign lie (a lie in keeping with Trump's longstanding pattern of duplicity and chicanery - yet another fact about Trump which will never be moot.) If any did, they were idiots who decide by emotions. Ending the war on day one would have only meant bad things for Ukraine. (As do most of Trump's efforts on that front.) 1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said: Is it wrong that this is why I’m not going out of my way to be upset about Trump going after the college protestors? It is horrible, but what did they expect? We tried to warn them, and they didn’t care. If he goes only after those who broke the law and assaulted other students, it's a broken-clock-is-right-twice-a-day in my books. As are his current attacks on the Houtis, at least for now. 3 Link to comment
Ohiopirate02 March 17 Share March 17 5 minutes ago, Mollywolly555 said: How is it that so many members of Congress have lost their souls and spines? This is what happens after Congress being unable to pass any meaningful campaign finance reform and Citizens United. The people who run for office are those who are well-connected and can raise the millions needed. Then they are beholden to their donors. And the Republicans are beholden to Trump since he holds the RNC purse-strings and can direct them to back a MAGA challenger next year. I do think we will have an election next year because the current Congress is not going to be enough for Trump. Republicans have a slim majority in both houses of Congress, enough to get their agenda passed but not a mandate. Trump's lies about having a mandate from the people can only go so far and work for so long. He's going to want more and next year's election could give him that. Conversely, it could also give him a Democrat majority if the Dems do the work. There are seats they could pick up like mine if the would only field a candidate. 6 Link to comment
Yeah No March 17 Share March 17 5 hours ago, anony.miss said: Facts matter - and the poster you replied to had the facts right (Trump said he'd end the war day one of his presidency, and within 24 hours) and your comment to her was inaccurate. It was not a "figure of speech", it was an explicitly stated campaign promise. People who cared about Ukraine were conned into voting for Trump based on that campaign lie (a lie in keeping with Trump's longstanding pattern of duplicity and chicanery - yet another fact about Trump which will never be moot.) Even if people knew he was exaggerating on how quickly he'd resolve things it's misleading. He gave no plan of action, nothing, just a so-called "figure of speech"? That and him saying "Trump will fix it?" And that's OK now and we shouldn't question it? Meanwhile Republicans got all over Harris for being "vague" about how she would address certain issues like inflation etc., accusing her of having no plan of action or platform, etc. The Republican double standard is ridiculous. BTW, thank you for using the word "chicanery". Haven't seen that one in a while. I'm going to adopt it as my "word of the day"! 13 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 on the lighter side: https://www.flying 2 14 Link to comment
Yeah No March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said: From what I can tell, they didn’t. It’s 2016 all over again. Some are still acting like sitting out the election was the only moral choice, that Kamala wouldn’t have been any different, bullshit bullshit bullshit…and even the ones that claim they voted are acting like they didn’t contribute at all to the voter apathy that screwed us over. My husband sat out the election this time. At least he didn't vote for Trump like he did previously. The misinformation he internalized back then is hard to unlearn. I think he's softened on Harris in light of the way Trump is acting now, but I still think he is too middle of the road to vote for most Dems. now. The more left they seem to him the less likely he's going to vote for them. I think he was convinced Harris was too far left for him and THAT's the only reason he didn't vote for her. It had absolutely nothing to do with her race or gender. Of course you can blame the right for making Harris look left of Lenin. He also wouldn't have voted for Biden either but for different reasons. He was convinced he wasn't up to the presidency due to his age. But truthfully, I'm not even that far left myself. I voted for Harris and Biden but I didn't see them as too far left for me. I like people like Sanders and Warren but I wouldn't vote for them, at least not in a primary and I doubt they'd ever become actual presidential candidates. I do happen to LOVE mayor Pete, though, and I hear he is not going to run for the senate, presumably to keep himself open to a presidential run. I hope so, although once again I worry about his ability to win thanks to being gay. But among the Democratic choices right now, he's my favorite. Edited March 17 by Yeah No 2 1 Link to comment
jessiebell March 17 Share March 17 Thanks Affogato for the laugh. Until recently I didn't know what a cybertruck was. About two months ago I was sitting at a red light and this horrible looking vehicle made a left turn in front of me and I thought what the heck is that ugly thing. I later found out it was a cyber truck. I can't imagine what would possess someone to buy one. 16 Link to comment
Popular Post Kemper March 17 Popular Post Share March 17 8 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said: It's the parent's job to provide a safe space for children. This world is FULL of stressors. Most of us don't mope and worrying about the end of the world. Go to a park, watch a movie with your kids...there are endless things one can do to relieve stress. But that's up to you. I truly have no words for this. But cannot stop myself from responding. I do agree with you in theory. But the real world has come crashing down on everyone. Well, most everyone I meet/see most everyday. No one I know is living in a bubble, no matter how hard we try. I know that I don't have - or pretend to have - answers. I do not boast about having answers. I have raised two children who are now adults with children of their own. The Grands!!! As a Librarian in the public school system, I saw it all, firsthand. The good and the truly tragic. These days are so much worse. Kids have always had stress; whether we admit or not. Teachers are carrying loads right now that would seem unimaginable...even a decade or so ago. They are right in the smack dab middle of this chaos. Even the best parents, best families, at this point in time, are under previously unimaginable burdens. It is discouraging and a symbolic slap in the face to make parents think that at this time in history, we can stop this deluge on our own. If our kids are is our fault! Let's heap more blame and guilt. Everyday, most kids leave their allegedly safe houses and step out into a world that is upside down. And sometimes our best is just not good enough. Yet we still try; which can create even more guilt when we are judged by not trying hard enough. 4 1 17 4 Link to comment
Dimity March 17 Share March 17 (edited) @Yeah No people like your husband are a big part part of why Trump won. Not voting was the same as voting for him. I will never understand anyone who saw what he did the first time around and still sat on their hands in 2024. The world is paying for that apathy. Edited March 17 by Dimity 10 5 Link to comment
Bookworm 1979 March 17 Share March 17 9 minutes ago, Dimity said: @Yeah No people like your husband are a big part part of why Trump won. Not voting was the same as voting for him. I will never understand anyone who saw what he did the first time around and still sat on their hands in 2024. The world is paying for that apathy. Thank you! I am so sick of the excuses, "They didn't vote at all, but at least they didn't vote for Trump". If my husband gave me that excuse I'd show him the door. 10 1 Link to comment
Makai March 17 Share March 17 8 minutes ago, Dimity said: @Yeah No lookalike your husband are a big part part of why Trump won. Not voting was the same as voting for him. I will never understand anyone who saw what he did the first time around and still sat on their hands in 2024. The world is paying for that apathy. I have a lot of issues with the people who chose not to vote but this is only true in a handful of states. Where I am not voting was legitimately a vote for no one. We were never in play and everyone knew it. I voted because I feel like it is the right thing to do but I also understand the mindset of those who see little value in voting in solidly red and blue states. 6 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 4 minutes ago, Makai said: I have a lot of issues with the people who chose not to vote but this is only true in a handful of states. Where I am not voting was legitimately a vote for no one. We were never in play and everyone knew it. I voted because I feel like it is the right thing to do but I also understand the mindset of those who see little value in voting in solidly red and blue states. There is always value in voting. I have voted in elections, more local, where no one was contested. 12 2 Link to comment
Yeah No March 17 Share March 17 45 minutes ago, Dimity said: @Yeah No people like your husband are a big part part of why Trump won. Not voting was the same as voting for him. I will never understand anyone who saw what he did the first time around and still sat on their hands in 2024. The world is paying for that apathy. I agree but he confided in me that if there were a chance in hell that Trump might have won Connecticut he would have "held his nose" and voted for Harris. Thank goodness he didn't have to face being responsible for Trump winning or I think he would have felt much worse about not voting. And I would be a lot madder at him, LOL. 3 Link to comment
Affogato March 17 Share March 17 56 minutes ago, jessiebell said: Thanks Affogato for the laugh. Until recently I didn't know what a cybertruck was. About two months ago I was sitting at a red light and this horrible looking vehicle made a left turn in front of me and I thought what the heck is that ugly thing. I later found out it was a cyber truck. I can't imagine what would possess someone to buy one. We have economic power, at least. 4 Link to comment
Yeah No March 17 Share March 17 49 minutes ago, Kemper said: I truly have no words for this. But cannot stop myself from responding. I do agree with you in theory. But the real world has come crashing down on everyone. Well, most everyone I meet/see most everyday. No one I know is living in a bubble, no matter how hard we try. I know that I don't have - or pretend to have - answers. I do not boast about having answers. I have raised two children who are now adults with children of their own. The Grands!!! As a Librarian in the public school system, I saw it all, firsthand. The good and the truly tragic. These days are so much worse. Kids have always had stress; whether we admit or not. Teachers are carrying loads right now that would seem unimaginable...even a decade or so ago. They are right in the smack dab middle of this chaos. Even the best parents, best families, at this point in time, are under previously unimaginable burdens. It is discouraging and a symbolic slap in the face to make parents think that at this time in history, we can stop this deluge on our own. If our kids are is our fault! Let's heap more blame and guilt. Everyday, most kids leave their allegedly safe houses and step out into a world that is upside down. And sometimes our best is just not good enough. Yet we still try; which can create even more guilt when we are judged by not trying hard enough. I agree with you but my generation (later Boomer) had to face a lot of crap growing up too. Race riots, Vietnam war, Kent State, Presidential assassinations, "the sexual revolution", you name it. I was 9 going on 10 in 1968. If that wasn't a year that would cause any kid emotional strife, I don't know what was. Everything had gone mad. And every night our parents put the TV news on and we saw it all in minute detail every single night. We saw the war up close and personal. They didn't shelter us back then. We saw the bodies - that girl running with the napalm - I'm scarred for life on that alone. And our parents didn't really prepare us for this stuff, at least they didn't shelter us from it. My parents did offer sage wisdom and advice, though, and in school the teachers helped as well. But I do think the issues and problems are multiplied by 10 even from back then and the online experience magnifies them even more and introduces the conflict of people at odds with each other over them, and kids need even more support and direction because of it. But this was never solely on the shoulders of parents, even when I was a kid. It always "took a village" to raise a child. I just think some of that is not working the way it should today or there should be more of it but how to make that happen I have no solution. 4 4 Link to comment
Makai March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 46 minutes ago, Affogato said: There is always value in voting. I have voted in elections, more local, where no one was contested. I agree and that’s why I vote. That doesn’t change the fact that our current system leaves many feeling like their vote doesn’t matter. I don’t agree with the mindset but I understand where it comes from and why non-voters in many states won’t feel any responsibility over the outcome of the election. Trump voters here absolutely could have caused him to lose the popular vote, and I wish we had, but that is the only difference they could have made on a presidential election this year. I am more upset at the people in my state that didn’t vote because of the propositions that were on the ballot than I am over Trump. Harris was going to win here either way but choosing to sit out when we had protecting gay marriage, changing rent control laws and minimum wage on the ballot fucking pisses me off. Edited March 17 by Makai 10 5 Link to comment
kittykat March 17 Share March 17 My dad voted third party. He's always been center right. I mean at least he voted and he's in a firmly blue area but definitely got the side eye from me. And I was so relieved he didn't vote for Trump. 2 1 Link to comment
bluegirl147 March 17 Share March 17 2 hours ago, Mollywolly555 said: How is it that so many members of Congress have lost their souls and spines? 1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said: This is what happens after Congress being unable to pass any meaningful campaign finance reform and Citizens United. The people who run for office are those who are well-connected and can raise the millions needed. Then they are beholden to their donors. And the Republicans are beholden to Trump since he holds the RNC purse-strings and can direct them to back a MAGA challenger next year. It's also gerrymandering. It's how we ended up with extremist politicians. They are in safe districts so they can do whatever they want with no fear of being voted out. And those in swing districts have the fear of being primaried or worse to deal with it. In no sane world should MTG or Lauren Boebert be in Congress. 1 hour ago, Dimity said: @Yeah No people like your husband are a big part part of why Trump won. Not voting was the same as voting for him. I will never understand anyone who saw what he did the first time around and still sat on their hands in 2024. The world is paying for that apathy. The number of people not voting especially in swing states decide elections. It happened in 2016 and 2024. There are no perfect candidates. I didn't like Biden but I voted for him because I didn't want Trump again. That is what you do. I know sometimes it seems like voting for the lesser of two evils but when one of the evils is an unhinged dictator I will be pick the lesser evil. 13 8 Link to comment
Dimity March 17 Share March 17 (edited) 41 minutes ago, Makai said: Trump voters here absolutely could have caused him to lose the popular vote, and I wish we had, but that is the only difference they could have made on a presidential election this year. I agree, I know it doesn't change anything but in reality if those who sat on their hands because...reasons... had voted Dem, then at least he would have lost the popular vote. We posting here know he doesn't truly represent what the majority of Americans believe or want but looking at the election results you'd never know that. Edited March 17 by Dimity 13 Link to comment
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