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Tigerlily's wedding day seems to be all about Adnan. Loren tells Faith he hasn't been monogamous-and has contracted an STI. Niles travels to Ghana. Brian hopes for a fresh start with Ingrid. Rayne and Chidi try to reconcile their different views.

➡️Air date: 9/29/2024


Season 7 Couples: Names and Locations

(Can't remember who's who? See the topic for S07.E01: Great Expectations for photos of each couple)

Tigerlily, (Texas) & Adnan, (Jordan) 

Rayne, (New Mexico) & Chidi, (Nigeria) 

Loren, (Nevada) & Faith, (Philippines)

Niles, (Alabama) & Matilda, (Ghana) 

Joe, (Florida) & Magda, (Poland) 

Brian, (Illinois) & Ingrid, (Brazil) 

Veah, (Florida) & Sunny (South Africa)

Vanja, (Florida) & Božo, (Croatia)

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Am I the only one who's disgusted by Loren’s flippant attitude towards stds (thus, unprotected sex)? Poor Faith, finally meets someone who doesn't want to "change" her; only to learn he wants to live off her while sleeping with others.

She needs to kick him to the curb. I'm sure there's a better man out there, especially now that she's known because of the show.

Gosh, Americans come across as losers on this show.

Edited by Chalby
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Loren is just gross.

Tigerlily is like the final boss in the game of marrying a Muslim man and moving to his country without the slightest idea about the religion or culture. We've seen some doozies before, but she's really something.

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I've missed the last couple of weeks of live snark (but caught up!) because my daughter got married last weekend!  She is still in failing health and who knows how much time she has, but her now-husband loves her and wanted to be with her, whatever happens.  That's rare.  I wonder how many of these fools would do that.

Adnan's wedding was all "Look at me and how much money I can spend, and oh yeah, my wife what's-her-name?"  I think he knows what a dolt he married, but a dolt worth $50 mil, so why not?  He can make up t he rules as they go along, including the one about all the money a wife brings to the marriage goes to the man.   I hope her ex is providing financially and emotionally for the kids, as obviously her hair and makeup are more important to Tiger, and they're not going to get it from Adnan.

Rayne is a nut.  She's not even coolly menacing at the start,  like Glenn Close.  I think Chidi and certainly Veronica, are reading these tea leaves that spell "crazy".  "You went blind so we could meet?"  Are my ears deceiving me?

I want to smack the smirk off of Loren's face.  It never changes, from "I'm homeless" to "I'm broke", to "I have an STD".  I'm sure he's left out a few secrets.  If it wasn't Faith, it could be anyone.  In fact, back in Vegas, it was a string of anyones.  Faith's aunt needs to sit her down and wise her up-quick.

Another who needs wising up is Ingrid.  Don't take this sinister man directly to your house, don't let him in, and don't bring your precious son around him!  Gadzooks!  That goes also for a good guy, who will respect your space and pace. There are millions of men who won't be a stalker, haven't done and dealt drugs, and who don't manipulate you.  I hope she realizes that his dealing could have put poison in the hands of kids just like her sons (I think she has an older one).  He is without conscience.  

Someone last week called Niles the "goner in Ghana", and I hope she doesn't mind my borrowing that as it is the truth!  Who does Niles remind me of, especially in the voice?  The name is on the tip of my tongue.  Steve Urkel is close but not quite right.  Professor Honeydew, lol!  But there's someone even closer.  Whoever he is, he has no idea he is about to meet the force of nature called Matilda, who is named obviously after the displaced Queen of England in the 1100's who let her fury fly.  Oh let the games begin when Niles tries to get out of marrying her right off the plane.  

Sunny in South Africa also reminds me of someone, i hate to say a cartoon character, but the name won't come to me.  Morocco Mole did come to mind.  What's his name Ex is either a drama king, just as vapid as she is, or simply wanted an excuse to go to SA-or all three.   A female companion, no issue.  He could have just gotten off the plane like a random person, but no, both are addicted to drama.  Yeah, this will go well!

I say again, please, please let Bozo in Croatia be normal.  So far, even with green card incentives, the foreigners are (mostly) earning my pity when faced with these fools.  Oh, and we have Magda in Poland with yet another Floridian up ahead.



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1 hour ago, Tango64 said:

Loren is just gross.

Tigerlily is like the final boss in the game of marrying a Muslim man and moving to his country without the slightest idea about the religion or culture. We've seen some doozies before, but she's really something.

The chemistry is undeniable, when these two get together their love is explosive 🧨 🙄

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4 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

I've missed the last couple of weeks of live snark (but caught up!) because my daughter got married last weekend!  She is still in failing health and who knows how much time she has, but her now-husband loves her and wanted to be with her, whatever happens.  That's rare.  I wonder how many of these fools would do that

How wonderful! Congratulations to you and your daughter, what lovely news! Sending hugs and tons of good wishes!

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4 hours ago, Gobi said:

I guess Loren thought that since his gonorrhea happened in Vegas, it would stay in Vegas.

He needs to see a doctor. What a disgusting human being he is. Faith should ghost him completely. She deserves a nice guy who will love her! 

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4 hours ago, Del Boca Vista said:

Faith should ghost him completely

You know, you are ao right! She should have him.kicked out of the hotel where it looks like she also lives. How is he planning on paying his hotel bill? He's already spent most of that $46.00. He's a friggin 💩🤡🤮

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Ingrid kept going back and forth between children and just seeing her son. Which is it? Single kid or a bunch? Did I miss something in the intros? 🤔

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Why on earth would she allow him to cone I to her home and WTF would sheet him see where she lived after learning he was a drug dealer?!? Just when I think she's a smart cookie she does something so dumb. And Nrian, respecting boundaries is important. No means no. He's sending stalker vibes and it's creepy AF. He really is gross and it feels.like he is using his disability to try to trap Ingrid.

ETA: I don't know if I can keep.watching this, its just too weird and the people are so skeevy now.

Edited by surfgirl
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13 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

ETA: I don't know if I can keep.watching this, its just too weird and the people are so skeevy now.

It's definitely gone from pretty normal but trusting people on both sides to outright psychotic and sleazy people preying on those people. 

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I had some hope that finally we had a sane parent on this show in the form of Ingrid when she refused to introduce Brian to her kids. And then....he won her over with those shitty flowers. He just has such a sleazy vibe. And is it me or does he always look high or drunk (the red bloodshot eyes)??? I am guessing he smokes, for "medicinal" purposes. Also seems like the type who gets off on control and watching a woman attend to his medical needs like the catheter, bathing, etc. She should run and never look back. She is young, attractive, seems to have a good head on her shoulders. WTF....Ingrid, you could do so much better than this con man. 

Rayne is mentally unstable.....but I predict Chidi will ride this crazy train out, he is desperate for that green card and I can't blame him. Life in Nigeria is hard for most and I can't imagine the extra challenge being blind. 

Tigerlilly is a moron of the highest order. Does her ex have full custody of the kids? How can any mother run off and marry someone a) they barely know and b) who has never met her children??? /this has to be a joke, right? To help launch Adnan as an influencer or some other bullshit??? I did read the info that people dug up on her ex husband and based on his looks and background I am guessing she met him while working the pole or high paid escort. 

My heart breaks for Faith. Sweetie, there are men out there who will love you and accept you for who you are without expecting you to provide for their broke, STI filled asses and who believe in monogamy. Loren is disgusting and looks like he smells. 

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On 10/1/2024 at 1:55 PM, Stuckathome said:

Rayne is mentally unstable.....but I predict Chidi will ride this crazy train out, he is desperate for that green card and I can't blame him. Life in Nigeria is hard for most and I can't imagine the extra challenge being blind. 


I don't think Chidi is desperate for a green card or has any intention of traveling to Crazy Town. His life in Nigeria is hard because he's blind, but other than that, I think he's content.

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9 hours ago, politichick said:

I don't think Chidi is desperate for a green card or has any intention of traveling to Crazy Town. His life in Nigeria is hard because he's blind, but other than that, I think he's content.

I agree with the above. Chidi has a blind soccer league he plays in, it's the same kind of thing I saw in the recent Paris 2024 Paralympics, and the fact that he has that at his disposal for recreation says a lot about how he is living his life to the fullest. I think the Rayne thing is just Chidi looking for someone to love him despite his blindness. In Nigeria, a lot of women would overlook him even if he is a good looking man, which I think he is. But I think the fact that Rayne was giving him sexy Face Times is what hooked him. A woman was into him for him, and his blindness didn't factor into that, well at least not that he knew about. WE know Rayne has hang ups about her body and thinks it's awesome that Chidi can't see her, so she can let her freak flag fly. But honestly, I don't think these two will get that far because I think once she leaves town, Chidi and Sister Chidi will have a serious sit down about him getting of the Express Train to Crazyville! One of the things I find so offensive about Rayne is how she is trying to gaslight Chidi about his religious faith. If she had bothered to do even one iota of research into Nigerian social norms she would have found that you're either Christian or Muslim, and either way, you take your faith fairly seriously. So trying to coerce him or guilt him into having sex with her before marriage was just so disgusting. But then again, nearly all the American folks on this show are gross and disgusting, acting like they're the Great White Savior and their significant others should be licking their feet at being with an American. It's so embarrassing.

One more thing, I find it bizarre that none of Niles' family or friends accompanied him to Ghana given his anxiety about traveling alone and their fear that he will get railroaded into marrying Mathilda before he is ready to do so. My dude needs a chaperone FFS, even if only to explain directly to Mathilde that he is not marrying her on this trip, and that as someone on the spectrum, they need to go slowly and both decide if marriage is right for both of them. I feel for him, he seems like he should have a champion on his side right now.

Edited by surfgirl
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On 9/30/2024 at 11:23 AM, Tango64 said:

Loren is just gross.

Tigerlily is like the final boss in the game of marrying a Muslim man and moving to his country without the slightest idea about the religion or culture. We've seen some doozies before, but she's really something.

I wonder what's really going on with Adnan & Tigerlily? The fast wedding, I understand,  but he's talking about 5 kids, and she's talking about living in the US.

So I can't help but think this is an arrangement, but one that we are not privy to.

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On 10/3/2024 at 5:34 PM, surfgirl said:

I think the Rayne thing is just Chidi looking for someone to love him despite his blindness. In Nigeria, a lot of women would overlook him even if he is a good looking man, which I think he is. But I think the fact that Rayne was giving him sexy Face Times is what hooked him. A woman was into him for him, and his blindness didn't factor into that, well at least not that he knew about. WE know Rayne has hang ups about her body and thinks it's awesome that Chidi can't see her, so she can let her freak flag fly.

But then again, nearly all the American folks on this show are gross and disgusting, acting like they're the Great White Savior and their significant others should be licking their feet at being with an American. It's so embarrassing.

I agree with your assessment of Chidi's daily existence, and I believe being on this show will open the door to Chidi receiving a lot of DMs from  more "appropriate" women who will be interested.

As much as Rayne annoys me with her overly defensive attitude, I believe she and Chidi were a lot more freaky during their phone exchanges, enough that she believed they were in love and looking to marriage. 

It's all fun and games until your behaviour becomes public. Rayne is Rayne, no filter, so she doesn't care. Whereas I think Chidi realized their previous online antics are not something he actually wants to pursue in real life.

So Rayne is rightfully confused & frustrated between his personalities ie: online, alone, Chidi, and presently celibate Chidi.

Perfect time for them to part.

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36 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I wonder what's really going on with Adnan & Tigerlily? The fast wedding, I understand,  but he's talking about 5 kids, and she's talking about living in the US.

So I can't help but think this is an arrangement, but one that we are not privy to.

If it's true that she has millions of dollars, then she can really do whatever she wants. And they are likely not legally married in the US. She might be doing a Darcy and Stacey where they want a man that can model their clothing line. 

Cute that Adman thinks a fancy wedding is now satisfying her for life. Typical male that thinks they do something great and then they can just be a heathen forever after that. He's going to get schooled on high maintenance US rich women. She wants that type of energy and effort ALL the time.  

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3 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

If it's true that she has millions of dollars, then she can really do whatever she wants. And they are likely not legally married in the US.

She might be doing a Darcy and Stacey where they want a man that can model their clothing line. 

Good point, but I had no idea she has "millions". It's clear he's got money, and given her entourage, she must have some $. I assume family money as she clearly isn't a 9 to 5 gal.

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5 hours ago, Chalby said:

Good point, but I had no idea she has "millions". It's clear he's got money, and given her entourage, she must have some $. I assume family money as she clearly isn't a 9 to 5 gal.

She has $50 million from her divorce settlement.

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6 hours ago, Gobi said:

She has $50 million from her divorce settlement.

What!?? Holy smokes, someone gave me the wrong marital preparation book when I got engaged. How does one "spot" eligible millionaires?

(And if she truly received that amount... why the Hell is she marrying this immature goof ball, while booking it back to the states?) 

Again, I think there's an agreement, based upon what each can bring to the other. She wants to be treated like an exotic queen, and he wants every man to envy him and his life.

She's clearly committed to her Kardashian persona, and that's what Adnan's paying for. No criticism from me as that's their "agreement" but I'd LOVE to snoop back in time and see what her real name was, and how she looked at 18? I'd like to see her parents as well. I just "feel" something is not what it appears to be.

Reality shows appear to share everything, EXCEPT reality.


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On 10/1/2024 at 9:41 AM, surfgirl said:

No means no. He's sending stalker vibes and it's creepy AF. He really is gross and it feels.like he is using his disability to try to trap Ingrid.

I wish this scenario wasn't filmed, and/or inluded in the final edit.

I'm with you - when I saw him returning with flowers and a gift for her son, I got the heeby jeebies.. But this also shows how some potential restraining orders get ignored.

Others may like his persistence, but for me it's a turn off.

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