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Leah's Veto looks different from the actual one.   It's big, red, and has a "J" on it, likely for "Jankie."

8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

To win both HOH and veto at F8 and evict 1 of the most useless players in the game. Oh Leah lol.

We don't know what she's going to do with it.  She could use it, and probably should.  This might be her one chance to go for Chelsie if she wants to.

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If she uses it, I think it'll be to take out T'Kor, which imo just doesn't really do anything for her. And pretty much guarantees Chelsie will win the game. But like if you take out Chelsie, I don't think T'Kor has as easy a road to the end as Chelsie will with T'Kor gone.

Leah pretty much has to comp out to get to the end no matter what, which is even more reason to go for Chelsie (or honestly even Cam) over T'Kor.

But I think she's just playing it safe and hoping CCM will save her next week so she'll leave it the same. Although, I guess if Chelsie tries to get her to BD T'Kor then she may do it. Sigh lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

If she uses it, I think it'll be to take out T'Kor, which imo just doesn't really do anything for her. And pretty much guarantees Chelsie will win the game. But like if you take out Chelsie, I don't think T'Kor has as easy a road to the end as Chelsie will with T'Kor gone.

Leah pretty much has to comp out to get to the end no matter what, which is even more reason to go for Chelsie (or honestly even Cam) over T'Kor.

But I think she's just playing it safe and hoping CCM will save her next week so she'll leave it the same. Although, I guess if Chelsie tries to get her to BD T'Kor then she may do it. Sigh lol.

We'll have to wait till Leah talks to Angela.  She's usually the most honest with her.  If they ever get some alone time to talk, then that'll tell the tale of what she's actually going to do.

The smartest move is Vetoing one of Kimo or Rubina and throwing Chelsie up, though.  Otherwise, if she leaves it the same, then it's guaranteed that Kimo goes on Thursday, as that is Chelsie, Makensy, and Cam's objective.

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Xwitter thinks that Cam said, "Angela put hers over here," when Leah was putting down the Jankie Veto, leading to the two Veto theory. I'm seeing the same on reddit. I dunno. Could be bullshit. Could be popcorn time.

ETA: Once again, getting rid of Flashback was a horrible decision because I would love to go back and find out for myself.

Edited by Callaphera
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Two "to be fairs" to added to the fact that Leah is handling this HoH horribly.


1. Rubina and Kimo suck, too, so they're not making the case to her what she should so, and 

2. The current setup outside isn't very conducive to secret planning, obviously. Kimo and T'Kor, for instance, never would have gotten Cedric out if they were dealing with this setup. 

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It is. And another reason to consider maybe not taking any of them out over 3 people who have won multiple comps lol.

Well, no, it's a reason to consider not taking Kimo out since he's only won, IIRC, one AI Arena.  It's not as if Cam is some comp beast here in this group of HGs.  These two guys are getting smoked by every single woman left in the house when it comes to comp wins.

I do wonder if DR is going to try and question some sense into Leah and challenge her to nom T'Kor and Chelsie.  It would come down to Angela, who goes in that scenario, presuming that Kimo/Rubino vote for Chelsie to go and Cam/Makensy vote for T'Kor to go.

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So you’re saying Angela has a veto. That might just save this week from total boredom since Leah has been such a disappointment. I’ve resigned myself to finally losing one of the trio (who I still love and always will and don’t even care what anyone has to say about it). But I want some gameplay, damnit! Not just a bunch of people trying to pretend to have fun in Jankie world.

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You mean there’s 2 vetos that can be used?! Use them both and put up Chelsei and TK and let the 2 sides fight it out. I’m not giving up on Leah! Wtg girl on winning both comps this week and if her closest ally Angie got the 2nd, that’s awesome for the potential drama. They better live up to my imagination, they haven’t disappointed me so far.

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14 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still like them, too, but they're such, such bad gameplayers.

Everyone this season is lol.

I mean, if Leah and Angela somehow can both use the veto and we get T’Kor vs. Chelsie then I’m ready to declare this in contention for Top 5 BB seasons.

I wanna temper my expectations though since I was on such a high when Leah won HOH only to be completely let down by her noms.

I saw on Reddit something about Leah can only use her Jankie veto if Angela uses her veto but I don’t know if that is based on something they said or just the poster speculating.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Crazy idea - what if, since this is the Jankie Veto week, the Vetoes won MUST be used?  Like, the HGs have no choice but to use them and two new HGs have to be nominated?

ETA - peach was posting at the same time I was...  Interesting that apparently Leah can only use her Veto if Angela uses hers.  I hope the rule is if Angela uses it then Leah also must use hers, no option to not use it, lol.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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I’m trying to figure out the comp wins so far.

MJ has 4, Angela/Leah/Chelsie have 3, and Cam/Trio all have 1.  

Or if we’re not counting Arena/Upgrade then Angela/Leah have 3, Chelsie has 2, Cam/T’Kor/MJ have 1, Kimo/Rubina have 0.

Or am I misremembering something there? That’s easily possible lol.

I was watching an interview Quinn did on ET online, and they asked him about being interviewed by Jerry instead of Julie.  We all thought he was disappointed, but apparently, he's thrilled.  He was super gushy over meeting him and said 'Kangaroo Jack' is his third favorite movie and he loved that Jerry is a BB fan.

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25 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I was watching an interview Quinn did on ET online, and they asked him about being interviewed by Jerry instead of Julie.  We all thought he was disappointed, but apparently, he's thrilled.  He was super gushy over meeting him and said 'Kangaroo Jack' is his third favorite movie and he loved that Jerry is a BB fan.

I still think Jerry O'Connell would be a great BB host.

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

So you’re saying Angela has a veto. That might just save this week from total boredom since Leah has been such a disappointment. I’ve resigned myself to finally losing one of the trio (who I still love and always will and don’t even care what anyone has to say about it). But I want some gameplay, damnit! Not just a bunch of people trying to pretend to have fun in Jankie world.

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still like them, too, but they're such, such bad gameplayers.

That's where I am, too.  I love Kimo, Rubina, and T'Kor as people.  But aside from the amazing Cedric blindside, they've been terrible at this game.  Though I blame it all on T'Kor.  I feel like if Kimo and Rubina weren't bound to her, then they could've made some moves and done some damage by now.  Unfortunately, they're stuck with the burden and albatross this is T'Kor.

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Finally!  Some game talk.

While everybody else naps (or Angela tries to), T'Kor and Rubina talk.  T'Kor says that if the nominations stay the same, then it's a strong chance that Kimo goes.  Rubina isn't awfully worried, since it's not like it's a vote in either Leah or Angela's direction.  The rest is too whisper-y to understand.

T'Kor says that even if she uses it, Angela won't win any favors due to how many people she's treated poorly, which Rubina says is crazy.  In fact, she is going to tell Angela that she's been rude to her since week two (and when did that happen?).

Rubina says that if T'Kor goes up, she shouldn't worry, since everybody loves her and wants her there.  She's a joy to be around.  She doesn't think that anybody would stay against her.  They hug, and she thanks Rubina.

They think that Angela will use her Veto, but they're unsure as to whom.  They can't push her, though T'Kor would prefer it if Angela saves Rubina.  They want her to backdoor someone from the other trio.  But they feel like Leah and Angela will move together on this move.  The fear is that T'Kor will be one of the choices for their replacement nominees rather than Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy.

T'Kor admits to Rubina that she wants to tell Angela how much she did want to work with her in week one.  But then, she did so many things that work against her.  The top thing being calling out their alliance on week one during her meltdown, and several of her other freakouts.  And it's that although she knows that it's not intentional, what she says is the opposite of what she does.  Rubina agrees, saying that she has to own what she does.

T'Kor admits to Rubina that she wants to tell Angela how much she did want to work with her in week one.  But then, she did so many things that work against her.  The top thing being calling out their alliance on week one during her meltdown, and several of her other freakouts.  And it's that although she knows that it's not intentional, what she says is the opposite of what she does.  Rubina agrees, saying that she has to own what she does.

Rubina adds that Angela winning the Veto is . . . "the icing on top of the cake," T'Kor finishes.  "Only in Jankie World can she win the Veto," Rubina practically snots about her.

Hey, Rubina?  She's won more competitions than you, you snob.  You, as well, T'Kor.

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. . . I'm done listening to them.  They're just scared about what Angela's going to do and feel that bashing her is the way to deal with it.  They can bash without my ears on them.

Okay.  One more thing.  They say that other people like to revisit their wins.  They say that Chelsie, Quinn, and even Kimo haven't done that.  They act like Angela has revisited her wins, but I haven't heard her do anything of the sort.

I can't believe these girls.

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

T'Kor and Rubina are just damn dumb.  They believe that Chelsie stays if she is put up next to T'Kor on the block.  Do they not realize that if that's the decision then the intent is to BD Chelsie?

They're just mean girls to different degrees of Chelsie and Makensy.  They're just better at hiding it.

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Jokers rankings as of today:

#1. Tucker (evicted)
#2. Leah
#3. Makensy
#4. Cedric (evicted)
#5. Rubina
#6. Matt (evicted)
#7. Quinn (evicted)
#8. Cam
#9. Kimo
#10. Kenney (evicted)
#11. Joseph (evicted)
#12. Angela
#13. Chelsie
#14. Lisa (evicted)
#15. Brooklyn (evicted)
#16. T'Kor

It seems that T'Kor's worn out her welcome in other places, too.

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T'Kor and Rubina are dumb, part two.  Next week, if Kimo leaves, and one of them wins HoH (as if!), they'll go after Angela and Leah and put them up, so that one can't save the other.  Oh, yes.  Never mind the big, intact trio that'll still be left.  Let's go after the middle-riding duo instead!

I can't with these two.

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Hearing T'Kor and Rubina talk, I'm starting to realize why it made no sense for Leah to get Chelsie out.

When all else fails, T'Kor and Rubina just start melting into sludge about the white women in the house.  No way Angela or Leah (and kind of Makensy, as well) ever make any ground with T'Kor and Rubina since they're so determined to only work with the POCs, so might as well just attack their trio full force and get one of them out.

At least Chelsie, Makensy, and Cam aren't bringing race or color into their alliance or voting choices.

And really . . . T'Kor's weirdness doesn't extend to only the race issue.  She's been talking about poisoning the jury since, like, right after Tucker was evicted and Quinn won HoH.

She wants to use Kimo and Rubina to sabotage the jury any which way, which is basically why I almost don't want Cam or Chelsie to make the F2 anymore, because then the finale is just a referendum on the finalists' races.

I want a female winner, but don't want her game to just be "T'Kor and her minions crowned X person because of their race."

I hope Kimo and Rubina don't get brainwashed with their votes, but I don't have faith.  T'Kor's done a hell of a job conditioning them.

Edited by Rodney
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Chelsie and T'Kor are bitching about Cam on the balcony.  Chelsie is not happy how Cam gave up the win of the HoH Competition to Leah, and she now trusts him less because of it.  She knows that he's playing his game, and she's seeing that that's what his game is.

T'Kor agrees that that's how Cam is going to continue to play.  Keep himself in mind, but nobody else.  T'Kor doesn't know what happened, as she should've had at least three hours more in her.

T'Kor admits that she likes Cam as a person.  But she has no use for him as a player.  Chelsie sounds like she agrees, but it's clear that she's placating her.  But they both agree that neither respects his game.

Chelsie thinks that Rubina is protected and won't go home, as she doesn't see Angela or Leah using their Vetoes.  So Kimo is going home, for sure, if they're not used.  Chelsie asks if she thinks that either would use the Vetoes.  T'Kor just turns the question into an Angela bashfest, talking about how she came right out and admitted to Kimo that she voted him out because she was threatened by their trio being together.

So she bashed Angela for . . . just being an honest person?  Whatever, T'Kor.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

...they're forcing them to eat for a mandatory pizza party?

If I hadn't already self-evicted twice over the conditions, having a diet of nothing but frozen shitty pizza and ice cream would do it. I hope no one in the backyard is lactose intolerant. Or pre-diabetic.

Upon reading this, I just had a very unsettling flashback to the image of GinaMarie and the soft-serve ice cream eating comp….  🤢

Edited by Nashville
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