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AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders - Anticipation

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Well,  I still am watching, but they just picked the final team. I have not enjoyed the Kalina show - both Tina and Victoria. And, too much Reese. She is a lovely girl, although incredibly immature and naive (she is engaged to the first guy she ever dated?).

I agree with those who are feeling sad for Victoria. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have friends and doesn't seem to have the social skills to make them. I wonder if her mother actually has any other clothes besides her Cowboys shirt. Her mother has managed to make Victoria's life seem pretty pathetic. But, I think Tina's is more sad if this is the only thing she has in her life. They aren't showing the other legacy cheerleader (is it Madison?) as this being the only thing she has. 

I guess it must be episode 5 or 6 that is playing now, so I will finish this today. I really like Kelcy.

Since I have missed the show the past couple of years, and I saw that they had Kat on - did she try out and didn't make it, or was she just in for a year or two?. I think it was at least 2, right?

I kind of liked the documentary format, but I did miss a lot of the dancing and learning the routines. And, I definitely skipped through the life stories.

OMG -that birthday party! Poor VK. She has no chance at a normal life. All she has is that wacko mother who has instilled in her that being a DCC is the only thing that matters. And, I sure hope that we don't get a new show featuring the Kalinas as a future Netflix offering. 



Edited by Retired at last
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42 minutes ago, LilyD said:

The whole Victoria-thing made me sad. This new show will do nothing to redeem her in the eyes of MTT-fans. TK is a proper helicopter mom and the way Victoria still clings to her (and Tina to Victoria) is quite worrying.

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The moment where Judy confirms Victoria doesn’t fit in with the team and basically is on her own…. It confirms what was said a few years back here on the forum. 



26 minutes ago, Blue hues said:

Still can’t believe how gung ho TK and VK were going into this show!  Didn’t they see this coming???  Wonder what their thoughts are now, that they are watching it back?  Poor VK… she is living the real life version of the reality show “s’mothered.”

I think the pendulum has swung a different way. A lot of viewers now see Victoria in a new light and have a ton of sympathy for her and her journey.

I actually see Tina a bit differently too. Her big mistake was wrapping her own personal identity around the Cowboys to such an insane degree. That left too great an impression on Victoria. Tina admits as much toward the end of the series.

I will say again, there are a few of us Moms that really see this because we have children like this - Victoria is likely neurodivergent. She is a square peg trying desperately to fit in a world built for round ones. You cannot diagnose from a TV show, but there was enough there that a handful of Moms and I really zero'ed in on the nuances of neurodivergence because we see this in our own children, and we are right there with them and their struggle daily. I don't think Tina had a choice but to be the mom she is right now, she could have toned down her obsession for the Cowboys, but she is just trying to support her daughter's dream while also trying to keep Victoria alive and happy and safe. I get it, at least. And Victoria, she carries way too much shame for not fitting in. 

I hope they know, and I hope Victoria is getting the love and support and understanding that she needs.

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2 hours ago, Blue hues said:

Still can’t believe how gung ho TK and VK were going into this show!  Didn’t they see this coming???  Wonder what their thoughts are now, that they are watching it back?  Poor VK… she is living the real life version of the reality show “s’mothered.”

This. I keep wondering if TK is reading all these comments about her across various platforms. Would love to hear a response.

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My guess is that TK is who she is and is, for some reason, proud of it and will just say the way she is being shown is the editing. I don't know what Victoria does or can work as, but, as long as she is living with and being sheltered by her mother, she will never reach whatever potential she might otherwise. I also think that VK had probably hoped that after her "career" as a DCC, she would probably be given a nice position in the organization, which, of course, won't happen.

But, I do agree that this season is actually changing people's minds about her. Not that she is more likable, but just not so much hate.


Watched all seven episodes and some initial thoughts here:



I feel like this was a great series but for all the the organisation claimed that this was "all access" - it definitely glossed over a LOT and sucked up to the Jones family etc to the point that it felt as co-produced as MTT. 

I was disappointed that - the previous weight culture was alluded to but they weren't explicit and they didn't explain how/if it had changed. I know they don't want to be accused of being triggering etc but it wasn't transparent. Clearly it's enough of a difficult culture for Victoria's bulimia to have got really bad - so why didn't they ask the hard questions?

Similarly, I think they should have referenced Erica's lawsuit and made it explicit that the Cowboys org only started paying cheerleaders properly because they had to and had been happy to exploit goodwill beforehand.

I felt really bad for Victoria - I thought she'd been a bit redeemed by MTT and that the internet dragging of her had gone way too far. Her mom annoys me and is a really over the top personality but people take it way too far. I thought TK was quite reflective when she acknowledged she'd pushed her DCC experience far too much onto Victoria. I also thought that Kelli and Judy's feedback to Victoria was edited weirdly - like they said "oh we've given you all this feedback" but it seemed really indirect and passive aggressive. Victoria was delightful with members of the public and I bet was NOT one of the ten who failed to write a card. 

Lol at the brief shots of Judy with no makeup - she's a beautiful lady but I know she will have HATED it. Just seen Cassie made a joke about it on IG! 

I love Kelcey so much as a cheerleader but I did find her weirdly robotic, especially given how emotional her storylines were - maybe she was just really that tired? It was weird to me. 

I thought Kelli snapping at Kleine was so true to form but also I thought Kleine's response was crazy - I would have just said "thank you for calling me out - you're right I should have thanked Michelle for making an effort to put up the tree before I started thinking about myself."

I found the racism of the cuts was pretty grim and would have liked some discourse around race which I feel we go in eg Cheer. 

Madeline's segment was a heartbreaker. 

The episode about sleaze and groping was well done - but I feel like there could have been some discourse about the relevance of cheerleaders as sex symbols at all in 2024. 

Caroline and Kat's segments were fascinating to me - I loved them both as cheerleaders and it was crazy seeing someone as accomplished as Caroline so bereft after no longer being a DCC. 

Reece was sweet but annoying AF, I tried to make my husband watch but after the Bible stuff started her bailed. I'm a Christian myself so didn't mind as much and was struck by how deeply religious so many of them are. I did know this before but it was a key point of the show. 

Interesting that cameos aren't part of the selection process now - I always thought that they were a really revealing episode of MTT as you could see who had photogenic star power and who was awkward in front of cameras etc. 


I will share more thoughts soon! I also want to say that I think the Reddit discourse around TK/VK racism is BS and sounded ridiculous at the time and doesn't track at all with the show. 

Edited by dccfangirl
additional thought.
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Just  watched the first 2 episodes and read the comments.

Kelli does not look younger on this series as I watch the show on an OLED tv. 

Maybe VK's party was for filming & instagram only?  Friend stuff afterwards? I did catch what Judy said.  

Fun to see the old familiar faces but not invested in the show as I do not know any of the cheerleaders.

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4 hours ago, dccfangirl said:

I also want to say that I think the Reddit discourse around TK/VK racism is BS and sounded ridiculous at the time and doesn't track at all with the show. 

I'm not buying that rumor AT ALL.

6 hours ago, Retired at last said:

She is a lovely girl, although incredibly immature and naive (she is engaged to the first guy she ever dated?)

It could be worse, she could have gotten married at first sight 😉 

Edited by ByTor
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so I binged the show and while I like the format, it was way WAY to much VK/TK. I actually started to fast forward her speaking parts at times cause hot dang nope can't do it. I also think she is definitely underprepared for life. She has no college background, no job background other than DCC really, and she honestly isn't that great of a dancer to be a choreographer. Even Kelly had a look of heck no after VK asked about that and was saying something about that's not you. If she would have tried out again she definitely would not have been a group leader nor up in the triangle. Only two people on the team voted for her and 0 rookies voted for her as a group leader from what Kelly/Judy said.

Also, I am neurodivergent and while I never want to just diagnose or deny one through television, I honestly did not see that as much as I saw a girl who struggled with mental health. Now not everyone is the same on the spectrum but still I just didn't see it. I mean the no friends thing is throwing some red flags but at the same time how much of it is a VK thing (as in just a loner vibe) and how much of it was a Tina thing with the girls. Were they worried she would just run and tell Kelly sort of thing or whatever or did her first year antics on television kind of ruin it for her? Also she took an entire year off, which is good for her well being, but it also set her back with rookies and such and getting that bond with her teammates. Kat touched that she just needed to get away and do things for herself (as in her auditioning to be a Rockette) but then immediately she came running back and well she just needs to get out and live I think.

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On 6/21/2024 at 4:58 AM, Uk-Eve said:

But are you surprised about vk’s birthday was that “lonely” tho? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but with all the rumours of vk’s actions esp when mtt was on and tk there to “mommy-fy” her. You can’t really blame anyone for not wanting to “be friends” with her. She’s literally a “work colleague” you tolerate because you work with her.


One rumor that springs to mind is that phone cover she stole a few years ago. Like she can’t be that broke that she can’t afford one?


Ive not watched the show yet but who said vk’s room is small. Small as in Harry potters cupboard small?

Yes, I was that surprised tho!! 🤣 Rumors are rumors and a lot of what has been said about VK on here over the years has not been verifiable to me. That's not to say I never believe anything, but I also blew past tons of VK comments and posts, because I was bothered by the rage and sometimes hate directed at a young woman--especially when a lot of what was said could not be verified as true or false. So, for me, to see her isolation and her mama's extra everything with my own eyes was a bit shocking. For a mom who seems to want her daughter to be so popular, she sure seems to work against that goal or possibility. 


I am not surprised but am very disappointed about this, though: They showed NOTHING of the TK vs Chandi and TK vs Armani and Armani's mom--as detailed by a Reddit post that I did find believable--in the Netflix series. The cops shown at the beginning of the first episode were for Sophy and not TK like I had thought/hoped!! They really missed the drama boat with that one. I'm actually kind of mad about them leaving all that out, and that on top of that, Armani hardly is featured in the show, and I wonder if that is TK's doing. I *really wanted to see some of that mess go down and TK Extreme Stage Mom in effect.

Related to this, I find it disappointing that the show did not feature any non-white women who were on the team or made the team that year. We heard from Kat (which I loved) but she's already retired, and Anisha didn't make the team or even get that far. Kellee is one of my favorites of all time from MTT, so I would have loved to see more of her, or Chandi, or Ellie, Jada, Darian, KayDianna, Kallie, or Camille, the one Black rookie who WON Rookie of the Year, and they don't even mention that when they show the banquet. Literally, any woman of color as a brief talking head would have been welcome. The show felt very...white, all the way through. Literally the one mention was when Anisha said she had to do it for the brown girls. I'm not saying they needed to go on and on about race, but surely these people know that representation matters and noticed that they only were featuring white women, plus the history of race and the DCC is kind of interesting and was ahead of a lot of entities and places in the 1970s and 1980s. And to read on Reddit that Armani was one chosen to be on camera and that TK thought (told her!) she had too much time on camera, and I don't think we heard from Armani at all on the show...well, that feels wrong and, as I said, disappointing. I am not saying that I think it was racism that made TK go against Armani or her mom--that seems all Stage Mom, and I think she would have found anyone a threat to her daughter being front and center regardless of race or class standing.


Edited by M1977G
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 I’ve binged watched all the episodes yesterday. I agree with those who said Ari’s cut was difficult. Yes Charlotte‘s approach is very much like it’s not personal it’s just business because she has no personal relationship with any of these people and certainly would not see them as perhaps real people but just simply numbers or names without any personal investment. In fact the only one that I seem to see that she ever had a personal investment was Miranda Parker because she took the time to see her out after one of the auditions and talk to her.

Yes there was way too much TK and It is clear that it has impaired Victoria’s growth. I was actually overwhelmed by seeing her on the bed completely surrounded with what was to define her entire life which was just DCC and now she’s turning 24 has no college education Or skills other than being employed at dance or fitness. It is no wonder she has mental health issues which seem fairly isolating as demonstrated by the sadness of her little pathetic birthday party which her mother wants to put on TikTok. I think she will be surprised when she sees the series and sees Kelly and Judy discussing that she doesn’t really interact with her teammates yet in Victorians mind they don’t want anything to do with her probably because she herself isn’t doing any reaching out and making an effort. I have certainly seen this when teaching college students were in their core classes with the same group all the time she’s of the group but not really part of the group she’s just there as a placeholder and you see that when she just walks aimlessly around whether it was the end of the year party or just when the team was in the locker room. I don’t see her taking any accountability or responsibility for issues that occurred in the locker room very early on in her career and have changed the perception of others about her as one who cannot be trusted. It is really sad that her mother has made Victoria her entire life and I was really surprised that she is allowing Victoria to quit. I wish Kelly and Judy have been more frank in their discussion of why they do not see her in a leadership position and that just shows that Victoria has a little insight into how a lack of interpersonal skills with others is going to hold her back from a leadership position. Clearly she has not been invited to all of the weddings and I don’t see her interacting with other people and I don’t see her interacting with other friends it’s like she has a cocoon and her mother is everything and without her mother she can’t exist. I wish for her more mental health and some distance which allows her to bloom into her own being. 

good to see that Sophy was supported concerning the physical and sexual harassment. In the stadium of that size I am hard-pressed to think that there is not video evidence of this occurring. As for the Green Bay fans getting up in the face of the cheerleaders if they were in 1/4 filming and this occurred at another section it would be hard to perhaps be aware of that drag the film crew over etc.

it did remind me how much I did miss MTT and getting to know people better. I wish we would’ve seen the choice of seconds and how they put the groups together, and some other things that the luxury of a season versus just a documentary can allow.

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1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

It is really sad that her mother has made Victoria her entire life and I was really surprised that she is allowing Victoria to quit.

I think VK said at the end that she hadn't told Kelli and Judy. Maybe she hadn't told her mother, either? Or, maybe it was TK's strategy to tell them she is quitting and have them BEG her to return, with the promise of leadership, etc. I think TK is also delusional with the talent she believes her daughter has. It is a tough situation since she seems to be so close to Kelli. Judy doesn't even try to hide her disdain.

I guess now we just wait to see the roster when this year's TC is over. It looked like quite a few uniforms were on the 'no' rack, so there should be lots of opportunities for new people. I wonder if there are plans to do this show again and if they will be able to do it so that it plays for the current season.

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8 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

 I’ve binged watched all the episodes yesterday. I agree with those who said Ari’s cut was difficult. Yes Charlotte‘s approach is very much like it’s not personal it’s just business because she has no personal relationship with any of these people and certainly would not see them as perhaps real people but just simply numbers or names without any personal investment. In fact the only one that I seem to see that she ever had a personal investment was Miranda Parker because she took the time to see her out after one of the auditions and talk to her.

Yes there was way too much TK and It is clear that it has impaired Victoria’s growth. I was actually overwhelmed by seeing her on the bed completely surrounded with what was to define her entire life which was just DCC and now she’s turning 24 has no college education Or skills other than being employed at dance or fitness. It is no wonder she has mental health issues which seem fairly isolating as demonstrated by the sadness of her little pathetic birthday party which her mother wants to put on TikTok. I think she will be surprised when she sees the series and sees Kelly and Judy discussing that she doesn’t really interact with her teammates yet in Victorians mind they don’t want anything to do with her probably because she herself isn’t doing any reaching out and making an effort. I have certainly seen this when teaching college students were in their core classes with the same group all the time she’s of the group but not really part of the group she’s just there as a placeholder and you see that when she just walks aimlessly around whether it was the end of the year party or just when the team was in the locker room. I don’t see her taking any accountability or responsibility for issues that occurred in the locker room very early on in her career and have changed the perception of others about her as one who cannot be trusted. It is really sad that her mother has made Victoria her entire life and I was really surprised that she is allowing Victoria to quit. I wish Kelly and Judy have been more frank in their discussion of why they do not see her in a leadership position and that just shows that Victoria has a little insight into how a lack of interpersonal skills with others is going to hold her back from a leadership position. Clearly she has not been invited to all of the weddings and I don’t see her interacting with other people and I don’t see her interacting with other friends it’s like she has a cocoon and her mother is everything and without her mother she can’t exist. I wish for her more mental health and some distance which allows her to bloom into her own being. 

good to see that Sophy was supported concerning the physical and sexual harassment. In the stadium of that size I am hard-pressed to think that there is not video evidence of this occurring. As for the Green Bay fans getting up in the face of the cheerleaders if they were in 1/4 filming and this occurred at another section it would be hard to perhaps be aware of that drag the film crew over etc.

it did remind me how much I did miss MTT and getting to know people better. I wish we would’ve seen the choice of seconds and how they put the groups together, and some other things that the luxury of a season versus just a documentary can allow.

Ok so I slowly watched the episodes and on episode 6.


the thing with vk is there was a scene with her holding her tights around her neck saying along the lines that she can’t go without communicating with people otherwise she get paranoid or something. But then tk was saying vk has ALOT of friends outside of dcc and yet none of them “friends” outside of dcc went to her birthday party either. Not only there there was a bite already o. That cake and you got tk running around screaming that she has ruined x shot or didn’t get the shot of so and so and acting like she don’t know how to use a phone/film etc.


First episode whose the woman that hangs around black whenever tk/vk has scenes.


Kelsey, you know who she reminds me of? Lacey!! I always thought she was rigid and so especially her last year when she didn’t even do “anything” when Erica was still there on the squad/tcc and then left because of that lawsuit and she literally did fuck all until it was too late, when she realised she could’ve gotten point but lost out to kashara. Even her (Kelcey) voice, not sure why but it really reminds and sounds of Lacey’s 5th year when she was talking and told everyone she was retiring etc.


Eurgh I really love Kelli’s double standards with sophy’s situation. She and Charlotte and co was ok with that guy who filmed and had 4 girls complain about it but was fine with it? But took immediate action over Sophy’s? Sorry I’ve nothing against what those 4 girls and sophy’s incident because I wouldn’t be ok with it either but I just don’t like the way it comes across wrong from kelli’s actions

Edited by Uk-Eve
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On 6/20/2024 at 4:24 PM, JarlenaFan2024 said:

Didn't make it through the first episode before I got bored and shut it off.  

I did the same thing, but I ended up going back and just now finished up all seven episodes. I think it was just slow-going to start. I enjoyed this series. 

Victoria has been dancing all of her life (or at least most of it, I think), and her dad and brother(s) (not sure if she has more than one) never went to a single dance competition or performance? That’s really sad. Wonder why.

Anna Kate seemed annoyed with Caroline in all the bed scenes.  Interesting dynamic between those two. 

Off topic, but wtf with the ads on this site again? I’m either accidentally clicking on the up arrow button and losing my place or clicking on an ad and being taken to another page. Or the ad just overtakes the entire page.


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After watching the last episode I feel, based on the convo with K&J, VK still believes she is the best and why isn’t the DCC rewarding her.  The first time she tried out VK couldn’t believe that she was not chosen for show group.  VK also was shocked a guest judge didn’t notice her.  Now she comes into the office hinting that she will come back for 5th year if she gets a leadership role and other perks as a 5th year or it is not worth her time.  Even after Kelli related back that leadership may not happen,  VK asked about doing choreography>>Kelli asks about where does VK get these goals etc.   seems to be a disconnect of skills vs wants. Glad she retired and hope she figures out something fun to do in her next steps. 

Edited by Jazzmom
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On 6/22/2024 at 6:04 AM, ByTor said:

I wonder if the 2 were her rookie sisters Chandi & Kelcey.

Without knowing I would hazard a guess as yes. I honestly never knew they let the girls vote for second group leader I just assumed it was all up to Kelly/Judy. When Judy said only two people voted for her I automatically assumed her rookie sisters voted for her. I kinda wish Judy would have mentioned who really did vote for her.

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7 hours ago, Jazzmom said:

After watching the last episode I feel, based on the convo with K&J, VK still believes she is the best and why isn’t the DCC rewarding her.  The first time she tried out VK couldn’t believe that she was not chosen for show group.  VK also was shocked a guest judge didn’t notice her.  Now she comes into the office hinting that she will come back for 5th year if she gets a leadership role and other perks as a 5th year or it is not worth her time.  Even after Kelli related back that leadership may not happen,  VK asked about doing choreography>>Kelli asks about where does VK get these goals etc.   seems to be a disconnect of skills vs wants. Glad she retired and hope she figures out something fun to do in her next steps. 

I thought that too. Especially her comment back to Kelly after she was telling her how much harder she was going to have to work. She basically gave the look of "you wouldn't dare cut me" before responding with ok. Her yes initially was an I'll show you and that was very easy to tell with that body language. Right as soon as Kelly mentioned that she was like ok and then yep I am doing it which means she was going to prove her "greatness." That conversation seriously gave off I am the best and you now have to reward me for that. It's like she expected it to be handed to her cause she was going to be a fifth year. Maybe I am imagining things but didn't she make a comment on one of the episodes how senior vets are group leaders or something around that?

After going back and watching that office scene I seriously have to wonder if Kelly/Judy were hinting at a "think really hard about re-auditioning" without saying it straight to her face. Cause Kelly's comment about auditioning next year led me to think that. They knew her solo wasn't great this year and how many excellent one's they did have from new girls/rookie hopefuls. Kinda led me to believe they thought she had gotten complacent but maybe that's just me thinking to hard.

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2 hours ago, countrygal said:

I thought that too. Especially her comment back to Kelly after she was telling her how much harder she was going to have to work. She basically gave the look of "you wouldn't dare cut me" before responding with ok. Her yes initially was an I'll show you and that was very easy to tell with that body language. Right as soon as Kelly mentioned that she was like ok and then yep I am doing it which means she was going to prove her "greatness." That conversation seriously gave off I am the best and you now have to reward me for that. It's like she expected it to be handed to her cause she was going to be a fifth year. Maybe I am imagining things but didn't she make a comment on one of the episodes how senior vets are group leaders or something around that?

After going back and watching that office scene I seriously have to wonder if Kelly/Judy were hinting at a "think really hard about re-auditioning" without saying it straight to her face. Cause Kelly's comment about auditioning next year led me to think that. They knew her solo wasn't great this year and how many excellent one's they did have from new girls/rookie hopefuls. Kinda led me to believe they thought she had gotten complacent but maybe that's just me thinking to hard.

And that’s what pisses me off about VK. I know everyone has had an issue with CT (Cassie Trammell) but between these two I personally do think and it comes across that Cassie did earn her group leader role. But then again CT was more a “private super grass (as in she’ll grass you up in private to kelli and Judy)/suck up” but she did at least have friends on the team. VK didn’t.


Judy’s comment about vk needing to connect with the rest of the team is what should’ve def been said to her face and shown on camera (of Judy saying so to vk’s face), unless she did say it and I missed it!!! And no rookie even voted for her, I laughed my head off on that one because I did find it dead funny. Because minutes before (or after) vk was shown with her tights around her neck moving it around etc saying she doesn’t like not talking to people but yet don’t hang out with them outside of practice.


cassie being entitled because of who her mom is, well even tho she’s a grass and a snitch at times, I think the fact she has actual friends on the team is the sole difference between her and vk and why she has that vibe about her (vk) I think yes, it might partly be to do with tk pushing vk down everyone’s throat.


VK’s closing “argument” of “I could prove myself but I’m not going to” makes her way more entitled than Cassie or any of the other legacy and makes Cassie look like (what’s the phrase? There is one for it but my brain is blanking on the phrase for it) the other legacy’s at least proved themselves, even cassie.


VK is more spoilt and entitled than Cassie LOL and cassie had the hardest time of all the legacy’s because of Judy.


I actually would love to see VK when she gets married because I’d love to see what dcc she invites and who goes. I’m also not sure whether Kat truely see vk as a friend, as she says tbh.

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I stumbled on this last night because my dog fell asleep on the remote and you know what happens when your dog is asleep - you leave them be.

I've never watched the previous series, so I have no knowledge of any of these ladies.  But good gravy I hope to never see Victoria or her mother on my television screen again.  She came off to me as a young girl whose mom told her she was the very bestest dancer in the whole wide world, and now Victoria is on a life long quest for that same dopamine hit from every single person who sees her dance.  

Madeline's (Madeline?) story resonated with me, i've recently gone thru a similar family experience and my heart went out to her.  

Reece didn't bother me, I thought she was kind of endearing.  She reminds me of my friend's daughter.  I'm constantly asking her "Where did your sweet little child come from? I've known both of her parents since we were all in elementary school and the math ain't mathin..." 😂

Is there any background you all can point me to?  I don't know where to start on Reddit, but is there a season or episode of MTT that you guys feel is "must see TV"?  *running over to reddit anyway*

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11 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

I stumbled on this last night because my dog fell asleep on the remote and you know what happens when your dog is asleep - you leave them be.

I've never watched the previous series, so I have no knowledge of any of these ladies.  But good gravy I hope to never see Victoria or her mother on my television screen again.  She came off to me as a young girl whose mom told her she was the very bestest dancer in the whole wide world, and now Victoria is on a life long quest for that same dopamine hit from every single person who sees her dance.  

Madeline's (Madeline?) story resonated with me, i've recently gone thru a similar family experience and my heart went out to her.  

Reece didn't bother me, I thought she was kind of endearing.  She reminds me of my friend's daughter.  I'm constantly asking her "Where did your sweet little child come from? I've known both of her parents since we were all in elementary school and the math ain't mathin..." 😂

Is there any background you all can point me to?  I don't know where to start on Reddit, but is there a season or episode of MTT that you guys feel is "must see TV"?  *running over to reddit anyway*

You can watch all the seasons of Making the Team, 2006-2021 on Pluto TV for free although you don't get to pick what season is airing and you cannot pause. I think Paramount Plus might have all the seasons as well if you want to pay for a streaming service. 
Season 12 you see their star dancer quit (Holly Powell) due to breaking the fraternization policy. It's an addicting season. If you don't want cheesy nostalgia feels full of incessant body shaming during the the 2000s you may want to start there. 

Also season 13 is the Victoria Kalina season. She comes back in season 14 but it is not as bad of an overdose. So you may want to avoid 13 and 14 for a bit.

Edited by StellaCL
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11 hours ago, lilybell1425 said:

Victoria announced on Youtube today (She has a new channel) that she is moving to NY in 12 days.


9 hours ago, GeorgieNY said:

As a NY-er who is also “in the biz”, I think NY is going to eat her alive. Oof.  🤦🏻‍♀️🥺

I have to wonder if she is trying to make the Rockettes a little more seriously since she literally has no backup now? Didn't she try out once or twice (I thought twice but I could be wrong there and maybe Kat's comment was the time I already knew about). Unless this show and Making the Team didn't show her exact skills I am not really sure she has that training to be a Rockette. Those girls are hardcore from what I have seen of their rehearsal videos. Is this another "I am great and I will show you just how great I am" PR stunt for influencer status? NY is going to eat her alive if she is naïve and as attached to her mom as she was seen on the shows.

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46 minutes ago, countrygal said:


I have to wonder if she is trying to make the Rockettes a little more seriously since she literally has no backup now? Didn't she try out once or twice (I thought twice but I could be wrong there and maybe Kat's comment was the time I already knew about). Unless this show and Making the Team didn't show her exact skills I am not really sure she has that training to be a Rockette. Those girls are hardcore from what I have seen of their rehearsal videos. Is this another "I am great and I will show you just how great I am" PR stunt for influencer status? NY is going to eat her alive if she is naïve and as attached to her mom as she was seen on the shows.

Not sure if this continues to be the correct place to post this. Should it be in the main forum now?  The horrible thought came to me a bit ago that cameras might be following her to NY for this next stage in life. Netflix seemed to like her story 🤔. I really wish she would make her platforms private or get off altogether when she moves. She seemed so affected by comments in the past. Not sure how staying in the public eye will help her. Just my opinion. But what do I know?

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3 hours ago, lilybell1425 said:

Not sure if this continues to be the correct place to post this. Should it be in the main forum now?  The horrible thought came to me a bit ago that cameras might be following her to NY for this next stage in life. Netflix seemed to like her story 🤔. I really wish she would make her platforms private or get off altogether when she moves. She seemed so affected by comments in the past. Not sure how staying in the public eye will help her. Just my opinion. But what do I know?

Her YouTube video indicates she's going to take viewers along with her, so she appears to have no desire to step away from the public eye. And you're 100% correct in that Netflix sure seemed to like her. I wouldn't be surprised to see a follow up on her if they do a second season. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 3:02 PM, Jazzmom said:

Now she comes into the office hinting that she will come back for 5th year if she gets a leadership role and other perks as a 5th year or it is not worth her time.  Even after Kelli related back that leadership may not happen,  VK asked about doing choreography>>Kelli asks about where does VK get these goals etc.   seems to be a disconnect of skills vs wants

K&J correctly identified her weaknesses and I’m convinced they’ve tried to explain them to her on more than one occasion, but some people refuse to learn. (Though that is likely mom’s fault too, as Tina kept finding fault in anyone but Victoria)

Having said so, I do understand Victoria’s feelings when it comes to GLs and G2Ls. Most 4th years and basically all 5th years do become GLs or G2Ls. Becoming a 5th year and not a group leader or G2L, no matter how justified, really is a bit of a humiliation. 


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21 hours ago, GeorgieNY said:

As a NY-er who is also “in the biz”, I think NY is going to eat her alive. Oof.  🤦🏻‍♀️🥺

Well… maybe VKs lack of self awareness will protect her.  That she doesn’t succeed because of HER skills, but because those she auditioned for didn’t know what they’re doing.   She already auditioned for Rockettes, is there another audition soon?  Does she know someone in NYC or is she going to rely on being a DCc and on TV.  Who will film her if mom isn’t always around?

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If VK is moving to NY by herself for her next chapter, that is a good thing for her. However, I don't think starting with NYC is a good idea. As people have said, they will devour her. I don't think she has the common sense she needs to be on her own there. If she does, that's great, but I wonder who is funding that expedition.  I do wonder if her mother is going to help her get settled? I hope she knows people to point her in the right direction, based on what she wants to do. I can't see her as a Rockette. If she can't fit into DCC, she will never be able to fit in with the Rockettes, where everyone must look and dance the same. I hope that people who follow her on her channel will keep us updated.

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1 hour ago, Blue hues said:

Well… maybe VKs lack of self awareness will protect her.  That she doesn’t succeed because of HER skills, but because those she auditioned for didn’t know what they’re doing.   She already auditioned for Rockettes, is there another audition soon?  Does she know someone in NYC or is she going to rely on being a DCc and on TV.  Who will film her if mom isn’t always around?

There are lots of audition opportunities for her and maybe she will get hired for some non-union tour and hopefully go out and have fun and also LEARN about being in a cast and how to be a human separate from her mother. Maybe a cruise ship would be fun for her. But having both worked backstage at the Christmas show and also just watching Rockette YouTube audition  videos, she does NOT have what it takes to get hired there.

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Why do we assume Tina is going to let her venture out alone in the first place? From what we have seen over the years, she’s going to be around every step of the way.

I agree with previous posters: NY is going to eat her alive. Has she even been away from Texas, other than on DCC business? And yes NY, or LA for that matter, have tons of jobs on offer, but maybe 10 times as many hopefuls. Competition is high. We’ve seen quite a few very talented DCCs over the years trying to make it elsewhere, but very few actually succeeded. Jacie (Rockettes), Melissa Rhycroft and Abigail Klein now come to mind. Or am I forgetting someone? Even a talented dancer as Holly didn’t get much more than some burlesque types of jobs.

We do have several succesful alumni in areas like choreography or directing teams, but for that you also need life experience and maturity, which Victoria lacks (she’s only 24 so may develop that some more)

Well if vk wants to try for rockettes she needs to get hold of Jacie for help on that, imho. Jacies been on rockettes 3 or 4 years so would know that better than Alora-rose who was on it 1 year. But who knows. Vk needs to make a few mistakes in her life. How else will she improve without making mistakes?

2 hours ago, Uk-Eve said:

Vk needs to make a few mistakes in her life. How else will she improve without making mistakes?

But, she would need to understand that they WERE mistakes in order to learn, and, at this point, she just seems to keep blaming others and doesn't see her part in anything. I blame her mother for that, but it is still something she has to develop.

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VK has a particular style of dance.  Very lyrical, flowy almost impromptu looking.  In fact, I think I heard a judge comment on her solo that it looks like it was made up as she went.  The Rockettes are very structured and very precise in their movements.  Even more so than the DCC.  It isn't her style of dance.

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15 hours ago, LilyD said:

Having said so, I do understand Victoria’s feelings when it comes to GLs and G2Ls. Most 4th years and basically all 5th years do become GLs or G2Ls. Becoming a 5th year and not a group leader or G2L, no matter how justified, really is a bit of a humiliation. 

Because of the year off the bubble girls became her peers. So for the 23-24 season there was her, Dani, Claire, Jada, Armani, Elli, Darian, McKenzie, Jessica and 5th years Kelcey and Chandi. That's 11 people for 8 spots, it was impossible for all to get leadership positions.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Because of the year off the bubble girls became her peers. So for the 23-24 season there was her, Dani, Claire, Jada, Armani, Elli, Darian, McKenzie, Jessica and 5th years Kelcey and Chandi. That's 11 people for 8 spots, it was impossible for all to get leadership positions.

I actually meant this year.

Based on what was said, they wouldn’t even consider her for a 2GL, and rightfully so.  Had she re-auditioned, we would have had Chandi as a 6th year,  Victoria, Jada and Armani as 5th, followed by seven 4th years. (Assuming the chart is correct and everybody makes it back) She really would have stood out as the only 5th year without a GL(2) position. I think that would be hard for anyone, let alone Victoria.

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2 hours ago, Retired at last said:

But, she would need to understand that they WERE mistakes in order to learn, and, at this point, she just seems to keep blaming others and doesn't see her part in anything. I blame her mother for that, but it is still something she has to develop.

There were zero scenes in America's Sweethearts where Victoria blamed others. 

There was an overwhelming amount of sadness, poor self worth, and shame she seems to feel though.

These things shouldn't get mixed up.

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