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Ask the Outlanders: Questions for the Bookreaders


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As I recall,

Bree is 16 or 17. I didn't think she was done with school yet--I thought she was just finishing high school two years later when Claire takes her to Scotland, but thinking on it now, I think she was just finishing her freshman year in college--when Frank tells Claire he's taking her to England. What I remember of that fight was: Frank starts by saying he's heading to England early (apparently he had a sabbatical planned for later that year) and he wanted Bree to come with him. Claire says Bree and her can join him in the summer once Bree is out of school, as they had planned (if I remember right it wasn't long before spring break when Frank dumps this on Claire). Frank then ponies up and tells her it's not temporary; he's leaving her and taking Bree with him. Claire jumps to the conclusion he's leaving her for another woman--"this one must be pretty special"--Frank denies it, but is shocked to learn Claire knew of his affairs. Apparently he was quite discreet about them, but a couple of the girls (I got the impression most of them were his students) came to Claire to try and get Claire to leave him so they could be together. At that point, the fight is on--Frank says he's taking Bree so she doesn't end up fucking a black man because Claire's morals are obviously so loose herself (in Frank's opinion). I personally never attributed Frank as being racist from this one comment because it was in the middle of a fight and he's never said anything of the sort or given me that impression before (and he was dead after, so...). It's not out of the range of possibilities, but I think Frank's just projecting his own pent up anger about Claire and Jamie, if you ask me, and it's not about the guy being black, but the son of a close male friend of Claire's.




Claire has a very close friend at the hospital--totally platonic--who is black and Bree has been hanging out with his son who is part of the black movement in the '60s. The rumors were that Claire and Joe were more than friends, but, as far as I know, that wasn't the case. I don't recall what year this is exactly because I gave up trying to keep the years straight--it'll drive you crazy later--but, Bree doesn't travel till, I think, five years after Frank dies. I believe it's two years later when Claire takes her to Scotland to tell her about Jamie, they spend some time in Scotland, not sure how long, Claire travels (1968) and Bree goes back to college and her regular life. It's over two years after that, I believe, Bree makes her own trip through the stones.


I hope I didn't give you too much. These books are long and these events are doled out over all eight books that it's really hard to sum them up in a readable snippet on a message board. I know you said you don't mind spoilers, but sometimes too much information can take the joy out of reading it for yourself. Some surprises can be fun, or they are for me, anyway. 

Sorry, didn't see there was another page:



Well, get prepared, the back half of the season diverges quite a bit from the books. I think they're trying to make a show that will have surprises for both book readers and non-book readers. Some things I felt came off better and some, not so much. 


spoiler 1- at that time the movement was pretty flammable, and

Interracial dating and marriage was still next to non existent but growing, and Frank was a product of his time, we may look at it as racist but he may see it different, and Claire with what she saw from her travels would make her see things more worldly seeing political and religious persecutions first hand, and Bree is a product of her time also so there is instant clash of beliefs between the three and yes he's internally mad of Claire's pining for Jamie.


As far as

the dynamics of Claire and Frank and his affairs I only know what people here tell me and what I read ahead on, I don't know if part of the agreement was he can't see other women or he has to cut them off etc.or is Claire staying in separate room from Frank and there is no emotional needs being exchanged etc. basically she and Frank are staying together just for Bree feigning a happy home which is stressful on all, as far as if Frank dating if the special one isn't a student and it started before Claire came back that part is sort of on her and not fair she demand he end it, but the student if true that's a different matter, but back then it was handled usually discreetly not like today where male or female can end up on a sex offender's list or ostracised even if both parties are over age of consent, I also don't know the whole dynamic between Bree and Claire and Frank except people here said she was sort of bratty to both.


Oh, I'm prepared; many years of ASOIAF has prepared me LOL.



just seems like information waiting to pop out ( not a smoking gun type) as a surprise.


ETA: not to much, I'm quite fine with it, I will read all the books; barring something happening to me that is, in which case I'm blaming GRRM and he and I can fight it out at the pearly gates or the dungeons of hell. LOL

Edited by GrailKing
As far as

the dynamics of Claire and Frank and his affairs I only know what people here tell me and what I read ahead on, I don't know if part of the agreement was he can't see other women or he has to cut them off etc.or is Claire staying in separate room from Frank and there is no emotional needs being exchanged etc. basically she and Frank are staying together just for Bree feigning a happy home which is stressful on all, as far as if Frank dating if the special one isn't a student and it started before Claire came back that part is sort of on her and not fair she demand he end it, but the student if true that's a different matter, but back then it was handled usually discreetly not like today where male or female can end up on a sex offender's list or ostracised even if both parties are over age of consent, I also don't know the whole dynamic between Bree and Claire and Frank except people here said she was sort of bratty to both.


Frank and Claire share a room and a bed. They have sex and for the most part they have a functional marriage...just not entirely functional. The biggest problem Claire and Frank have is they don't really communicate with each other after Claire first returns. They're both very lonely people even though they're together. As far as Frank's affairs goes: it wasn't one affair, apparently it was many, over the 20 years. Some of them Claire found out because the girls came to Claire, some of them she heard about through the rumor mill, but Frank doesn't deny he had multiple affairs. Personally, I don't blame Frank for seeking comfort elsewhere, I only take issue with his dishonesty about it and judging Claire for her own affair of the heart. He decided to stay and knew the score, so it kinda irked he acted self-righteous about it--like he was the faithful husband and Claire was the cheating whore. IMO, Claire doesn't really demand anything of Frank, they just never talk about it like they should. The only time she brings it up is in the fight just before Frank dies. Like I said, IMO, it's a fairly even relationship; they both make mistakes. But then, don't we all?

Edited by DittyDotDot

Frank and Claire share a room and a bed. They have sex and for the most part they have a functional marriage...just not entirely functional. The biggest problem Claire and Frank have is they don't really communicate with each other after Claire first returns. They're both very lonely people even though they're together. As far as Frank's affairs goes: it wasn't one affair, apparently it was many, over the 20 years. Some of them Claire found out because the girls came to Claire, some of them she heard about through the rumor mill, but Frank doesn't deny he had multiple affairs. Personally, I don't blame Frank for seeking comfort elsewhere, I only take issue with his dishonesty about it and judging Claire for her own affair of the heart. He decided to stay and knew the score, so it kinda irked he acted self-righteous about it--like he was the faithful husband and Claire was the cheating whore. IMO, Claire doesn't really demand anything of Frank, they just never talk about it like they should. The only time she brings it up is in the fight just before Frank dies. Like I said, IMO, it's a fairly even relationship; they both make mistakes. But then, don't we all?

Then Frank should man up

should be honest and tell Claire he's seeing other women at minimum (did he?), but if it's somewhat functional sleeping together and having sex then shit or get off the pot Frank!

We just don't know when he started seeing other woman though do we?

Edited by GrailKing


Correct, it's a matter of interpretation.

I'm of the opinion he was unfaithful during the war years, but it's never explicitly stated one way or the other.

I'm different on that as I'm basing it on

what the book and show gives us as far as why he asked those particular questions

, but as a Trainer in safety and communications I taught past actions can predict future actions, it's when his actions started that we won't know.

I assume since it's not told or verify that besides possible students, no one has a hint of the age or name of the others correct?

I'm different on that as I'm basing it on

what the book and show gives us as far as why he asked those particular questions

, but as a Trainer in safety and communications I taught past actions can predict future actions, it's when his actions started that we won't know.

I assume since it's not told or verify that besides possible students, no one has a hint of the age or name of the others correct?



If as was said in here or another group that show runners are

keep playing Frank as sympathetic, but let out that he was having affairs with students 18-21 / 22  then he wasn't cheating while still with Claire, if they show a woman Claire's age or older then it would be a possibility yet the way they are showing it, it's likely he was faithful at least until some time after she fell through the stone and his last visit(I know it's not in the book) to it where they heard each other across time.

I'm only defending Franks actions between the war and when Claire returned, after DDD gave me the info that Frank and Claire were in a some what normal relations including sharing bed and having sex, I can forgive him because his wife came back 3 years later and pregnant but he took her back and should have ended those relationships, I can't hate him and I can't crucify .him, but I can dislike his actions after he took her and the child in.

As for Claire

I understand her torment between two men that she loved (somewhat equally) but she can’t really blame Frank or  hate him (unless proven he was cheating on her during their marriage prior to the stone incident) for the liaisons while she was gone for three years, but I can support her after Frank took her and Brianna in as I stated above, it all came down to her fateful decision(I feel she should have picked another and she had several) to stay with Jamie.

This is Dianna Gabaldon's work and it's a masterpiece of writing she decided to let her female protagonist make the decision she did, what DG did not do was make that decision the only option for Claire, so  some say Claire chose the right option  others can point out otherwise.


Also was  Breanna aware at all?

Edited by Athena
Added spoiler tag

Frank's cheating

is a very small part of a very rich and epic story.  You'll see that when you finally read the books. 

Yes it is and I'm reading.

Making a quick trip to the GOT thread here, I'll be back later.

for GOT people in this thread HBO released ~24 picks from season 6, you can see them large at WIC and WOTW

Any new shots for season two of Outlander?

Last I saw was Claire

in France.

Also was  Breanna aware at all?


Not until

a couple years after Frank dies. As I recall it was a promise she made to Frank she wouldn't tell Brianna about Jamie while he was still around. After Frank dies Claire figures Brianna has a right to know and she figures she's gonna need some kind of proof for Brianna to believe her. She enlists Roger's help--Rev. Wakefield had recently passed away--to do some digging up of the past to get that proof. Brianna has a very strong reaction to this bit of news, to say the least.

Edited by DittyDotDot

Not until

a couple years after Frank dies. As I recall it was a promise she made to Frank she wouldn't tell Brianna about Jamie while he was still around. After Frank dies Claire figures Brianna has a right to know and she figures she's gonna need some kind of proof for Brianna to believe her. She enlists Roger's help--Rev. Wakefield had recently passed away--to do some digging up of the past to get that proof. Brianna has a very strong reaction to this bit of news, to say the least.

thanks DDD, I remember reading a little on that.

Not until

a couple years after Frank dies. As I recall it was a promise she made to Frank she wouldn't tell Brianna about Jamie while he was still around. After Frank dies Claire figures Brianna has a right to know and she figures she's gonna need some kind of proof for Brianna to believe her. She enlists Roger's help--Rev. Wakefield had recently passed away--to do some digging up of the past to get that proof. Brianna has a very strong reaction to this bit of news, to say the least.


I thought Grail King was asking if Brianna knew

that Frank cheated and the answer to that is that yes, I think she did figure it out eventually but she wasn't destroyed by the news or anything.  It was during a time in her life when she was thinking a lot about marriage and what it means and how to do it.  Also, that you can't always tell from the outside what is going on with a particular couple. 

I thought Grail King was asking if Brianna knew

that Frank cheated and the answer to that is that yes, I think she did figure it out eventually but she wasn't destroyed by the news or anything.  It was during a time in her life when she was thinking a lot about marriage and what it means and how to do it.  Also, that you can't always tell from the outside what is going on with a particular couple. 


Oops, my apologies if that wasn't what you were asking, GrailKing.

So,yeah, Brianna doesn't know about the affairs until she's an adult. She's under the impression Frank and Claire have an almost perfect relationship until she learns about Jamie. At that point she starts to piece it together. It's not till after Brianna sees Jamie and Claire together that she realizes there was something missing between Claire and Frank, even though they did care for each other and all.

I thought Grail King was asking if Brianna knew

that Frank cheated and the answer to that is that yes, I think she did figure it out eventually but she wasn't destroyed by the news or anything.  It was during a time in her life when she was thinking a lot about marriage and what it means and how to do it.  Also, that you can't always tell from the outside what is going on with a particular couple. 



Oops, my apologies if that wasn't what you were asking, GrailKing.

So,yeah, Brianna doesn't know about the affairs until she's an adult. She's under the impression Frank and Claire have an almost perfect relationship until she learns about Jamie. At that point she starts to piece it together. It's not till after Brianna sees Jamie and Claire together that she realizes there was something missing between Claire and Frank, even though they did care for each other and all.

Yes the affairs, no apology needed. :>) Bree's reaction is due to the times she is brought up on woman's movement civil rights etc.

So I'm in book 2, anyone in hindsight think when Claire was on the Arianna and she mentions she can't get  the pox was a sad foreshadowing of the fate of

baby Faith



Also DG had a different body type for Claire in her book than Catriona, with age a minor consideration who do you think her vision had in mind?

I'm thinking in the line of: Lynda Carter, Lucy Lawless, Connie Nielson, Kate Winslet.


No, I don't think it foreshadows anything about


. And I don't think that DG had anyone in particular in mind for Claire.

May not be a person, but she clearly stated in an interview that Cat did not match the body type she described.

So my question is more on actors who come close to her description not on the actor themselves.



Edited by GrailKing

I'm not going to disagree with your assessments, but if your an author having a major studio or network do a major adoption of your work, I don't think a common unknown would be your protagonist.

The question isn't the actor, it's what actor comes closest to her vision of Claire's body type, unfortunately unless she gave a picture of her Aunt Mimi from early 1900, the best way of referencing her vision is to say somewhat with a body like......we know Claire Daynes would not fit her ideal just like Catriona didn't; she understands the visual medium she's happy with the results.

So what actress fits her ideal in peoples opinion for the role?


Do you mean who her vision was when she wrote it (what I thought you were wondering) or who her vision was once the series became a reality (but before casting and filming)? Because she wrote the first book a long time ago and probably did not even consider that someone might want to film it.

I am asking who you / we the fans would pick to match her description ( and it can't be Sam or Cat), she never gave a choice, all she said is Cat did not fit her description, so if you are the casting director / agent who would YOU recommend?

I gave my choices above, just looking for other peoples choices based solely on DG description of book Claire.


This is DG description, add the curly hair and make your choice:

Claire is 5 feet 6 inches and curvy. She has a good bosom and a very round, somewhat prominent rear end.

Edited by GrailKing

OK, I would have thought woman could look at other females in the acting / singing field and come up with some names.

As I said if age isn't a factor and I don't know the definition of full bosom, I assume she means more than a handful.


Kate Winslet (Titanic version)

Lynda Carter ( Wonder woman version, may be a tad tall)

Lucy Lawless

Connie Nielson

Can't believe I'm putting this one down, Kim Kardashin

Katy Perry

Meghan Trenor

I really don't know many newer actresses and most seem slim.


By the way If I asked to name your Jamie ( not Sam) would that have made it easier?

Edited by GrailKing

I believe I am capable, but there isn't anyone who fits for me better than my friend. A lot of it is hair, for me. I find that Hollywood never does hair described as really, really curly in the way I think they should. It is always too straight.

Jamie has always been Hugh Jackman for me. All romantic leads are Hugh Jackman for me.

To be honest, when I'm reading a book for the first time, I honestly don't have a particular real life person in my head to match up with the character. The only time that would ever happen is if I was reading a book for which a movie was made that i've seen a zillion times ... like Gone with the Wind. I've seen that movie two dozen times. If I read the book, I can't imagine I would see anyone but Vivian Leigh in my head.

  • Love 2

I believe I am capable, but there isn't anyone who fits for me better than my friend. A lot of it is hair, for me. I find that Hollywood never does hair described as really, really curly in the way I think they should. It is always too straight.

Jamie has always been Hugh Jackman for me. All romantic leads are Hugh Jackman for me.

I do agree on the hair, I imagined curls and each had a mind of their own that would break a brush (like in princess diary).

I believe I am capable, but there isn't anyone who fits for me better than my friend. A lot of it is hair, for me. I find that Hollywood never does hair described as really, really curly in the way I think they should. It is always too straight.

Jamie has always been Hugh Jackman for me. All romantic leads are Hugh Jackman for me.

Your not my wife are you? LOL

She gets drunk on Australian male voices. :>)

Her all time hunk is still Sean Connery, t heir’s a Scot!!

Edited by GrailKing

...wait !

You mean Claire and Jaime do NOT see one another for TWENTY YEARS ❗

Where/what is the best avenue (other than The Novels) to get sound summary, synopsis,... of the ENTIRE storyline❓


I'm not sure exactly how much spoiler information you want (and it doesn't mean the show will do the same anyway) so I 'll keep it as brief as I can for now:

Yes, Claire and Jamie are separated for 20 years.


Let me know if you want more details, though.


Did Geilles/Gielles(sp?) know about Claire before she, Geilles, travelled to the 18th century❓


Yes and no. Yes, Geillis knew a woman named Claire who went through the stones existed, but she didn't know her personally.



As to where would be best to find a complete synopsis....gosh, I'm not sure. I read the books so I haven't sought something like this out. Here's a couple links that might put you on the right path, though: 


Keep in mind these are some very long books, so even a summary of all the crap that happens in each book would be fairly lengthy. But, someone else may have better suggestions for this than me.

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 1

I can certainly provide that:

So, at the end of the second book (Dragonfly in Amber) Jamie sends Claire back through the stones because he believes he will die at Culloden; Claire is pregnant, and Jamie believes Claire will be better off raising the child in her own time. So, she returns to Frank and raises Brianna in Boston. While Jamie unexpectantly survives, lives hidden and then a prisoner for most of that time. After Brianna is grown, Claire takes her to Scotland to tell her about Jamie and learns that he didn't die at Culloden. She then travels back through the stones to have many more whacky adventures with Jamie.

I was thinking about how long the show will go on and wondering if they want to finish Diana's epic story which books could be combined into a single season to make that happen?

There's no way this show will go for 10 seasons unless a miracle happens with the way cable channels run.


LOL. As a book reader I'm wondering which books they will have to divide up into two seasons to tell the huge story they have.  I don't see any reason this show won't go on as long as it's profitable for Starz and gets good viewing numbers.  It's the actors that might get tired of it before the end of the story.

  • Love 2

I'm guessing this will be answered on the show eventually, but I am driving myself crazy trying to figure out the timeline so I thought I would just ask the book readers here so that I can stop torturing myself! In S2.E1, Claire is pregnant. Is this the same baby she's pregnant with at the end of last season? Or is this a second baby?

I removed the spoiler bars when I figured out that everything I'm about to say is in the show.  Claire told Frank she was with Jamie for two years.  In the last episode of season 1 she told the priest that she has been in the past for 8 months.  So it's been over a year since Claire disembarked in France.  Et voilà! -- this cannot be the same same pregnancy.

Edited by WatchrTina

I'm guessing this will be answered on the show eventually, but I am driving myself crazy trying to figure out the timeline so I thought I would just ask the book readers here so that I can stop torturing myself! In S2.E1, Claire is pregnant. Is this the same baby she's pregnant with at the end of last season? Or is this a second baby?

You might have more questions after knowing.  

Second pregnancy.

Edited by Lion

OK, I got laxed in reading with March Madness and work, any who I just got done with a very comical chapter

Claire shaved and waxed, I guess Jamie likes horses.

but I got to asked this other question ( because obviously I have a dirty mind ) Jamie opens the window and reaches up and

pulls in BPC, now from what I got from Claire's thoughts is the question;was BPC masturbating?

I'll go sit in the corner now. 

OK, I got laxed in reading with March Madness and work, any who I just got done with a very comical chapter

Claire shaved and waxed, I guess Jamie likes horses.

but I got to asked this other question ( because obviously I have a dirty mind ) Jamie opens the window and reaches up and

pulls in BPC, now from what I got from Claire's thoughts is the question;was BPC masturbating?

I'll go sit in the corner now. 



 Wasn't it sleeting outside or at least very cold?  Also, he was calling for Jamie into the chimney.  

Edited by toolazy

I don't know if this is the right thread because of all the spoiler bars, but is this Count of St. Germain supposed to be THE Count of St. Germain or Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's Count of St. Germain, or did Gabaldon just like the name?. 


I briefly googled this the other day and there are several Comte St Germain, one of whom is an occultist.  That's the one I believe that DG is referencing, unless he's some sort of composite character.  I don't think he's the one who claimed to have lived for 500 years.

  • Love 1

I don't know if this is the right thread because of all the spoiler bars, but is this Count of St. Germain supposed to be THE Count of St. Germain or Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's Count of St. Germain, or did Gabaldon just like the name?. 


It is the right thread for all show and book questions. :)


I don't think this is a big spoiler so I'm leaving it untagged. Gabaldon has based this Comte on this one (1712-1784). I am not sure if it's the same one Yarbro based her St Germain on, but as toolazy mentioned, this one is not Robert-François Quesnay de Saint Germain, an active occultist.

  • Love 1

It is the right thread for all show and book questions. :)


I don't think this is a big spoiler so I'm leaving it untagged. Gabaldon has based this Comte on this one (1712-1784). I am not sure if it's the same one Yarbro based her St Germain on, but as toolazy mentioned, this one is not Robert-François Quesnay de Saint Germain, an active occultist.


Huh.  That's interesting because the character in the book

is an occultist.


Anyway, thanks for clarifying that.

  • Love 1

Huh.  That's interesting because the character in the book

is an occultist.


Anyway, thanks for clarifying that.


This St. Germain was known to also make remarks similar to that one. The full Wiki article goes on further about it his claims and his abilities.


The wiki article does tell me that he is the basis for Yarbro's St Germain. Don't read their entry about Outlander though since it is mildly spoilery.

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