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S10.E04: Of These Two Lovers

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Jasmine tries to regain Gino's trust; Ashley grows skeptical when Manuel's family bombards her phone; Nikki demands intimacy from Justin; Sophie's reveal jeopardizes her engagement; Nick prepares for Devin to meet his family for the first time.

First Look: 10/27/23

Full Episode: 10/29/23

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I figured out who Manuel reminds me of: A really bad impression of the wrestler Razor Ramon (aka Scott Hall). I showed my wife a Razor Ramon vignette on YouTube right after the ep and she agreed with the similarity. The difference, of course, is that Ramon was deliberately written to be arrogant and obnoxious. Manuel's just acting that way naturally.

Does Devin seem a little...slow to anyone? Or maybe she's just really shy and self-conscious?

Nikki's mind must be blown. In America, guys literally pay $500 an hour to have sex with her, but her boyfriend can't even pretend to be interested.

Rob's sister was right: the child conversation should have been had a long time ago.

So did Gino give Jasmine $4K or $10K for the wedding dress? They've said two different amounts.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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29 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

So did Gino give Jasmine $4K or $10K for the wedding dress? They've said two different amounts.

Gino gave Jasmine $4k, Jasmine got the other $6k from Dane (her ex) and hasn’t told Gino about that part. 

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Nikki seems waaayy too high maintenence for Justin/Igor to take.  I mean, girl! you're going to the PARK... Do you really need an hour and a half to get ready?

And you can't even tie your own shoe?  Seriously?

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8 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Rob's sister was right: the child conversation should have been had a long time ago.

Yeah. Before the engagement for sure. 
Rob and his sister look alike (as bio siblings often do), she seemed to have a welcoming personality and a sunny disposition. Think she’d be a good sister in law to Sophie. But yeah…. Discuss these things before engagement. 

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8 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Nikki seems waaayy too high maintenence for Justin/Igor to take.  I mean, girl! you're going to the PARK... Do you really need an hour and a half to get ready?

And you can't even tie your own shoe?  Seriously?

The woman can't operate a napkin! The way she was screaming at Igor to lick ice cream off her face was.....unseemly.

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Ugh, so many famewhores, so little time...

What on earth did Rob and Sophie talk about during their long love story (snerk) if they got engaged not knowing each other's views on having a family? 

I fast forward thru/completely ignore Jasmine and Gino so no opinion on them.

Nikki is horrific to look at and it seems even Igor agrees. No porn star...sorry, internet sensation... should ever be seen in the harsh light of day, but then, she does take up to *three hours* to become FLAWLESS before she goes out into the daylight so that's a relief. You can see Igor loves to give her the attention she demands (sarcasm font).

New couple: I can foresee the wacky hijinx that will ensue as Arkansas Devin encounters Krazy Korean Culture. Should be fun!

I have rarely seen a more unattractive love interest as Manuel. I can't believe any woman with a brain could possibly be interested in this ugly, snotty, lazy, rude lump. However, Ashley, he has FAMILY and A LOT OF IT, in the state in which he is now residing. Just because you never heard from them in the few days you spend together on vacation in the past, doesn't mean they wouldn't be interested, nay, even eager, to reconnect with him when they are relatively close by now. Answer the damn phone and then maybe they'll stop calling! Oh, yeah, and he's definitely married with a wife ( and maybe even another girlfriend) back in Ecuador that he is willing to ignore in pursuit of that green card. Open your eyes, Ashley!



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Oh....where to begin. 

Ashely and Manuel---that was just flippin ridiculous, the drama over the phone. He can't wait two damn days to have a functional phone? She HAS internet and said she has a laptop, an ipad and her phone that she offered for him to connect to for communication. But he just sulks and then in his talking head tries to play it off like she is denying him access to wifi. And boohooing about how far away his family is and how he MUST communicate. He is acting like a 20 year old who never left home before and is super homesick for mama....yet he got on the plane and left without a word to his family and made a point to say how he would be away working for months so he didnt' see why it was a big deal. Which is it? Ashley, welcome to the family of a bunch of FOB latinos....sorry, but that non stop calling and expecting you to want to connect and hang out with distant family you haven't talked to or in 20 plus years is par for the course. He absolutely has a wife and kids or a baby mama and kids he is still with back home and will bounce a la Luis once he gets that work permit. 

Nikki.....what a horrible, horrible person. I am sorry, but it is painful to watch these two together as she berates him and dictates his every movement. "tie my shoe" "Lick it off my face." WTF?!! No wonder he was concerned about people staring, if this is how she behaves. She wants a sugar baby who then treats her as if he is the sugar daddy. He is not attracted to her and I dont' blame him and it goes beyond her being trans. She is a harpy. 

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It’s clear Robb is a nut. 

I told y’all about the crazy eyes. Something is off about him. 

He went crazy. You don’t want Kids!!!!!!! 

like bro you gonna spaz out because she doesn’t want to have kids. You need to support her. Maybe she can’t. 

Robbs a bitch. 

Pouting like that. 

and Sophia is gorgeous. I like Sophia. 


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It’s clear the drama this season will come from Robb and Sophia and next episode. Looks scary. First time I said that they might actually need to remove someone from a couple on this show. 

He looks off the rails. Robb looks off the rails. 

Nikki is aggressive. She has some self conscious issues. LICK MY FACE!!!!!!!!!! 

Damn who the fuck wants to lick it off??? 

and then the demand for sex????? 

He’s a gigalo come on he is showing you attention. She got real demanding when doing her makeup. 

You need 3 hours to get ready to go to the park?????????????? 

she’s a dom treating him like a submissive. His names not Justin it’s Igor.!!!!!!

And Piggie. Come on?????? We can get a better nickname then that. I like her she’s hot. And she’s already one of my favorite characters on the show. 

2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

She reminds me a little bit of a younger version of Danielle (Danielle and Mohammad) 

 No no she’s just super chill. 

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15 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Does Devin seem a little...slow to anyone? Or maybe she's just really shy and self-conscious?

It's the speech/accent she's put on.    I'm not sure what she think she sounds like - educated/posh/British - but it just sounds like extreme vocal fry through clenched teeth.  Didn't John and Patrick remark on Pillow Talk that she speaks like a ventriloquist?  

And what's Nick's deal?  I know he spent time in Australia, but surely not enough that he developed an Australian accent?

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39 minutes ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

No no she’s just super chill. 

I agree, I think this is her shyness coming off as a bit....slow. He mentioned that she is an extreme introvert. I love his accent lol! I am sure there will be some drama from his parents over her not being Korean, not knowing the language or customs. But, they have a very independent worldly son so this shouldn't come as a total shock that he is marrying a foreigner. And hopefully her putting in the effort to travel there and meet them goes a long way. I am curious as to how she found herself in Australia (I assume study abroad) and is now back in Arkansas. It is nice to finally see someone who doesn't seem in this to become an influencer or promote her only fans page. She is far from fat or even chubby (he mentioned she is athletic so she is fit), but I guess compared to the super think Korean girls he was used to....still, the piggy nickname would get real old, real fast for me, lol. 

43 minutes ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

You need 3 hours to get ready

When she said that my mouth dropped. Even to get ready to go clubbing, how TF does it take that long? Unless you are getting a professional hairstyle....seriously. And did I hear her right that she is a makeup artist? WTF would hire her to do their makeup?? Now that I realized she is from NJ she reminds me more of Big Ange from that show Mob Wives in terms of her makeup, appearance and personality. She wants to purchase sex slave basically that is what she is doing here. He doesn't have any real affection for her. Did she reach out to him to reconnect or vice versa? He needs to cut her loose and just enjoy that nice apartment. 

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1 hour ago, Quof said:


And what's Nick's deal?  I know he spent time in Australia, but surely not enough that he developed an Australian accent?

I think he said that he learned English in Australia and if he learned it from people with an Aussie accent, he'll have the same accent.

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17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Gino gave Jasmine $4k, Jasmine got the other $6k from Dane (her ex) and hasn’t told Gino about that part. 

If she's to be believed, she said Dane gave her $2K, and I believe the other $8K came from Gino, including the four thousand he had earmarked for her wedding gown. 

8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

The woman can't operate a napkin! The way she was screaming at Igor to lick ice cream off her face was.....unseemly.

Then she said to the cotton candy saleswoman, "See? My fiance won't even lick my face!" like it was a perfectly normal request. 

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I agree, I think this is her shyness coming off as a bit....slow. He mentioned that she is an extreme introvert. I love his accent lol! I am sure there will be some drama from his parents over her not being Korean, not knowing the language or customs. But, they have a very independent worldly son so this shouldn't come as a total shock that he is marrying a foreigner. And hopefully her putting in the effort to travel there and meet them goes a long way. I am curious as to how she found herself in Australia (I assume study abroad) and is now back in Arkansas. It is nice to finally see someone who doesn't seem in this to become an influencer or promote her only fans page. She is far from fat or even chubby (he mentioned she is athletic so she is fit), but I guess compared to the super think Korean girls he was used to....still, the piggy nickname would get real old, real fast for me, lol. 

When she said that my mouth dropped. Even to get ready to go clubbing, how TF does it take that long? Unless you are getting a professional hairstyle....seriously. And did I hear her right that she is a makeup artist? WTF would hire her to do their makeup?? Now that I realized she is from NJ she reminds me more of Big Ange from that show Mob Wives in terms of her makeup, appearance and personality. She wants to purchase sex slave basically that is what she is doing here. He doesn't have any real affection for her. Did she reach out to him to reconnect or vice versa? He needs to cut her loose and just enjoy that nice apartment. 

You are spot on. Genius assesment. 

Nikki looks exactly like her. She does not look trans at all. The Makeup and three hours that’s accesive. 

im gonna call him Igor. He’s taking her out. Looks like she just wants a bang. He should be like if you want a bang then fine. But don’t ask me for extra shit like to lick your face. 

Nikki is nuts. She should talk to Andreis about Maldova. You can’t just do reckless shit. 

Andres said he got caught up with Corrupt police out there. I think Igor knows what he’s doing. 

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Someone on Reddit called him “Justigor” and I think that’s perfect. But I’m not getting too attached to him because it looks like their fake storyline is ending and we have other couples coming in. 

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16 hours ago, Shauna said:

I want to see Sophie without that awful wig and those blown up lips.

I thought her behind looked really odd in those jeans she wore to the arcade.  That’s how dull I find their storyline.  

16 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

She wants a sugar baby who then treats her as if he is the sugar daddy.

She wants a gigolo.  It’s gross how she keeps saying I keep giving you all this money and you won’t have sex with me.  

11 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

Damn who the fuck wants to lick it off??? 

Who eats an ice cream cone and a giant cotton candy back to back?

14 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

She reminds me a little bit of a younger version of Danielle (Danielle and Mohammad) 

She didn’t seem to have an Arkansas accent.  It just seemed slow like she had suffered a traumatic brain injury.

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11 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

He went crazy. You don’t want Kids!!!!!!! 

She should just say no kids until you can provide an attached bathroom.

11 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

still, the piggy nickname would get real old, real fast for me, lol. 

Of course she calls him monkey which isn’t exactly flattering.

9 hours ago, magemaud said:

she's to be believed, she said Dane gave her $2K, and I believe the other $8K came from Gino, including the four thousand he had earmarked for her wedding gown. 

She probably stiffed the landlord a couple months.  It’s not her credit she would be ruining.

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Igor does send her mixed signals like when he said you go in first so I can check out your ass and then this episode he was making a point of groping her ass.

6 hours ago, magemaud said:

Someone on Reddit called him “Justigor” and I think that’s perfect. But I’m not getting too attached to him because it looks like their fake storyline is ending and we have other couples coming in. 

Poor Nikki cut from Botched and then loses two thirds of a season here.

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15 hours ago, magemaud said:

Then she said to the cotton candy saleswoman, "See? My fiance won't even lick my face!" like it was a perfectly normal request. 

I loved the non reaction of the saleswoman who probably doesn't speak any English---or if she does, it doesn't include those words, lol

Sophie and Rob---I would say this is another fake storyline to boost social media and onlyfans, but I don't know that he is THAT good of an actor. The tears seemed real...and over the top. I LOL'd at his comment "even Beyonce and Jay Z have kids!!" OK, Rob the Knob, you have clearly identified your equals, Beyonce and Jayz so how can she dare think maybe she doesnt' want kids? They are way too young and immature for a lifelong commitment. 

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52 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Sadly he is 32.

Yeah Rob is 32, Sophie is 23, which I would agree that I don’t see why she is rushing into marriage with Rob of all people. I don’t like the way he speaks to her, as if she is SO BLESSED to have his attention. He acts so entitled for a man that doesn’t have jack shit besides good looks- which he should thank god, and his momma/daddy for. 

His sister seems like a lovely individual, but yes this was something they should’ve discussed before proposal. 

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28 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

His sister seems like a lovely individual, but yes this was something they should’ve discussed before proposal. 

I think they might have.  She told the sister it never came up in three years but then later when they were alone he said that’s not true we discussed baby names and she said let’s talk about this later.

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