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Love After Lockup Season 6: Live Chat

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Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

I'm his GIRLFRIEND...... no one is trying to get with meth mouth Louie 

The yoga teacher had a wedding ring on. Don’t nobody want this man, Melissa. Melissa is a bartender, right? Doesn’t she flirt a little to sell drinks? People who work with people are friendly to their clients, particularly when they’re selling them stuff.

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I think the dance lesson was actually kinda a nice idea. He's put more effort into a date than most people I've seen on this show. He could be dragging her to clubs and getting trashed and reliving his 20s that he spent locked up.

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1 minute ago, Ladystardust said:

I think the dance lesson was actually kinda a nice idea. He's put more effort into a date than most people I've seen on this show. He could be dragging her to clubs and getting trashed and reliving his 20s that he spent locked up.

I thought it was sweet. He seems like a decent dude.

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Boy, old Brittney sure has Andy snowed!!  I think it's hilarious.

 Here he is, thinking they're about to get engaged and Brittney's all "I need to go SLOW..."  Followed by (in my mind anyway)"Hey, where's the rest of that $$$ you owe me"....

She's a real cool customer! LOL!

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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

@Pepper Mostly, is Salem filling up with Halloween celebrants yet?

Its been PACKED since September. Wall to wall people downtown now. We are a city of 43,000 people, and we'll get one million visitors this year. It is absolute madness. We locals are avoiding downtown, its the only way to survive. Restaurants open at 11 AM, they're full by 11:15, lines out the door all day. It's insane. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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Andy thinks he owes her because he paid for her.  Brit is stupid enough to have paroled to his home, so if she does feel uncomfortable now that she's actually around him, she's stuck.  She definitely played him for cash, btu she's also not the first one with every intention to settle in with someone who then realized what fresh hell they signed up for.  

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Wait, who are these people? Is this the couple that she gave him all designer clothes? They’re not getting much screen time.

EtA: oh, yeah, the party with the ex!! I remember now!

Edited by JenE4
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