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15 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Amanda and Razvan

Those of you who said it was too soon after Jason's death for Amanda to pursue a relationship were, in hindsight, correct. But we can't turn back the clock. Their hearts are involved. I hope they're both able to treat each other with patience and grace as I think they really do love each other.

Gino and Jasmine

Oh Gino. I wish your mind worked a little bit faster. When Jasmine shrieked "Get out of my house!" I thought you would calmly remind her that because you're paying the rent, it's your house. And follow with asking whether she needs help packing up her things, or can she handle it herself?

This woman is an extremely manipulative narcissist, Gino. You cannot change her. What you can do is spend some of the money she demands you spend on her on a therapist for yourself instead. If you don't figure out why you're so willing to accept being emotionally and verbally abused by her soon, you're going to end up both broke and alone. She'll spend all your hard-earned money and when it's gone she'll leave — with her sights already fixed on her next mark. 

Christian and Cleo

Inviting someone you just met in a bar to a dinner hosted by you and your girlfriend without discussing it with your girlfriend first is wrong, Christian. This isn't one of the more obscure etiquette rules, either.

That the guest you invited is a woman bumps this to the very top of the inappropriateness scale, AKA the "What the Hell Were You THINKING?" scale. 

Cleo has you pegged. I agree with what she said about the situation: you do seem to constantly seek attention and validation from other women. 


You're going to be hard pressed to find a woman who accepts that behavior.

Riley and Violet

I suspect communication issues are what causes most of the disagreements between these two.

Riley doesn't seem to take the fact English is a second language for Violet into account when they're talking. Simplifying what he says along with encouraging Violet to ask him to clarify anything she doesn't understand could go a long way.

I think Violet misunderstands a good deal of what Riley says, but Violet may be too proud to stop him while he's speaking to ask him to repeat, rephrase, or explain something he just said. So she just lets him continue to speak, and at the end reacts not to what he actually said or meant, but what she thinks he said or meant. 

Meisha and Nicola

At least these two don't get involved in screaming matches.

Nicola doesn't seem to understand his own family's beliefs. Just think: there was no reason for him to have spent the last six years being wary of introducing Meisha to his family!  

I wonder if Meisha has noticed how controlling he can be. The cut she got on her leg when they were fishing didn't look very serious to me; if there was a valid reason for Nicola being upset about it (i.e., knowledge of flesh-eating bacteria in the Mediterranean Sea), why didn't he explain it and immediately take her to the ER?

But he didn't; instead he said he'd never take her fishing again. So presumably there are no serious health risks associated with going into the Mediterranean with a small, open cut.

Is insisting they'll never do an activity again how he's going to react when the activity they're doing together doesn't pan out the way he thinks it should?

I can't imagine Meisha being okay with that long-term.

David and Sheila

They're a sweet couple, IMO.

I'm glad David put some pressure on Sheila to learn ASL. David can't learn to communicate verbally, but Sheila can learn ASL. 

It's good she knows how to sign the alphabet and several simple words. But having to use their phones and translation apps to communicate all the time would get really old, really fast. 

I hope when David returns home he insists she use ASL when they video chat because Sheila will learn much more quickly the more opportunities she has to use ASL. 

TwirlyGirly: out! 😉

Agree with everything except … Amanda does not love Razvan. I think his feelings are genuine, though.

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14 hours ago, magemaud said:

but I’m on vacation and there’s not much going on

Do we know what his job is?

13 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

fully furnished apartments in Panama

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

Also she was screeching about not wanting to move to the US when she has been screeching every other episode about speeding up the process.

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1 hour ago, cynicat said:

The fact that Nicola is such a pill makes Meisha look normal.  She's got her own issues, so that's going to limit her choices.  That being said, she can definitely do better, but that's a really low bar.  😉

I think Nicola is the lowest of low. He has nothing to offer. Absolutely nothing.

I like Meisha and think she's really trying to delve into the relationship and figure it out. It's not what she thought it was now that she's with him in person. She's always asking him questions, which can be annoying - BUT these two don't flow and she seems to be trying to understand - so she can leave and be 100% sure  that this isn't the guy for her (or anyone).

Meeting the family where the mom sat on the couch and just turned and looked out into space, seemingly without a thought in the world except her grape leaves, was totally unexpected. It was Meisha who drew her in, telling Nicola to go to the table with the mom and involve themselves with her cooking. She then opened up. He's clueless. Or telling Nicola to speak Arabic so that she could be a part of their conversation and not feel left out. She is not the typical crazy, clueless, screaming, argumentative person that we usually see on this show.

Meisha, do your thing and leave with confidence, knowing you made the right decision by leaving. This guy is the opposite of what a new relationship should be. What a dud.

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19 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

Also she was screeching about not wanting to move to the US when she has been screeching every other episode about speeding up the process.

With Jasmine it appears it's always about what she believes will get her what she wants — what she thinks she's entitled to — in the moment.

That's why she frequently contradicts herself.

One of Gino's many mistakes in dealing with Jasmine is instead of really listening to what she says and calmly pointing out when she contradicts herself, or when her argument is factually inaccurate, he takes her insults and throws them back at her. 

It reminds me of how little kids fight:

"You're a doo-doo head!"

"No, you're a doo-doo head!"

"No, you are!"

Oy vey. 

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17 hours ago, Raja said:

In a way with the camera crew on him he is relatively safe and Filipinos, especially those working in customer service are fluent enough in English that his text communications shouldn't be much more difficult than in his hometown.

I read a story about David explaining why he can't set up a gofundme to fix Sheila's house, and it included a couple of his written instagram replies, and I think it would be challenging for a non-native English speaker to understand them:

Hello fans people. I know that lots people ask me about gofindme.and sorry I can’t do that because I can’t afford pay tax or irs . And can’t send money to house for sale . Yes I still send to money support Sheila and Sheila family too . And please wait see on tv 📺 show of end episode or season thank you 🙏.


Go fine me can’t send to sale of house money in Cebu City Philippines and too much cost irs


I have a general distaste for gofundme, but if it's going to exist, I have no problem with David getting on the gravy train to fix Sheila's house.  If donors don't receive anything in return, and if it's not his employer TLC doing the donating, the money won't be taxable income to David--the donors are making gifts, which aren't taxable (and not deductible by the donor, btw).  Somebody here who's on Instagram want to let him know?


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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Do we know what his job is?

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

I’m sure she has a ton of both and packing anything with those nails would be quite a chore…

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24 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

<snip> I read a story about David explaining why he can't set up a gofundme to fix Sheila's house, and it included a couple of his written instagram replies, and I think it would be challenging for a non-native English speaker to understand them: <snip>

I'm so glad you posted this, because those IG posts prove something I wrote about in a post about the reason for the high rate of illiteracy among the deaf in S06.E06:

How do we teach children to read? By having them sound out words. But if you can't hear, you can't sound out words...

And then there's the matter of ASL being a completely separate language from English, and the primary language of deaf Americans. So for any deaf person who learns to read and write in English at all, English will always be a second language for them. 

All things considered, David communicates pretty well in written English, and much better than most people who are deaf. 

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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On 8/25/2023 at 11:33 PM, MrBuhBye said:

I wonder what percentage of grooms buy the ring without asking the size first (or asking a relative or friend who might know).

Percentage of men who are dumb about women is 98% if that helps.

Note to the young bucks out there.. take her to shop for cheap costume rings first (after a fresh manicure is an opportune time) and make a mental note of the size of ones that fit her left ring finger.  When you’re ready to go ring shopping, either a) take the friend whose style she’s always complimenting and/or whose restaurant recommendations she holds in the highest regard or b) take pictures of her favorite pieces of jewelry and articles of clothing- a seasoned jewelry salesperson will help you identify her style. 

Edited by Drogo
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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Do we know what his job is?

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

Also she was screeching about not wanting to move to the US when she has been screeching every other episode about speeding up the process.

She was screaming cause she wants to be on the rich island. It’s all status with her. 

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I think Miesha is still dealing with the thought she spent 7 years with this idiot….they met through their faith and I wonder if Nicola had a lot of influence guiding her through her epiphany and now she might feel like if their relationship was a mistake and he was hiding his true self…can she trust hIs religious guidance?  

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18 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Inviting someone you just met in a bar to a dinner hosted by you and your girlfriend without discussing it with your girlfriend first is wrong, Christian. This isn't one of the more obscure etiquette rules, either.

I'm beginning to wonder if Christian isn't on the Autism spectrum himself. He doesn't pick up on social cues at all. Why would he think inviting a stranger to Thanksgiving would be ok especially for someone as sensitive and introverted as Cleo? 

Just how big is David's peen and how tiny is Sheila's vagine? Inquiring minds want to know. 

Jasmine is insane. She kept saying she didn't understand why Gino wouldn't pay a month's rent for her. I thought he was paying all along not just one month....so what's up with these two? 

So Meisha can't complain about Nicola's family not accepting her now so she's  going to complain about Nicola not accepting her. She's exhausting. 

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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Jasmine is insane. She kept saying she didn't understand why Gino wouldn't pay a month's rent for her. I thought he was paying all along not just one month....so what's up with these two? 

She means one more because she thinks she is close to having the visa approved.

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12 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

She means one more because she thinks she is close to having the visa approved.

Meanwhile Gino tries to explain it may take longer than that. She of course thinks it's his fault it taking so long. 

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Meanwhile Gino tries to explain it may take longer than that. She of course thinks it's his fault it taking so long. 

But now she is anxious about moving to the US so she should be relieved about the delay lol.  

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43 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So Meisha can't complain about Nicola's family not accepting her now so she's  going to complain about Nicola not accepting her. She's exhausting. 

I think she's just trying to make sense of this relationship and what his intentions really are before she goes back to the US. The guy seems emotion-less and a closed book, not willing to explain a thing. He put her in the position of having to pry in order to get anything out of him. Kick the guy to the curb. He's a block of cement (or a brick wall like Amanda). These people are impossible.

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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Do we know what his job is?

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

Also she was screeching about not wanting to move to the US when she has been screeching every other episode about speeding up the process.

She was screaming cause she wants to be on the rich island. It’s all status with her. 

Chris totally has Cleo hypnotized. She doesn’t play any games with him. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Just how big is David's peen and how tiny is Sheila's vagine? Inquiring minds want to know. 

I Google this stuff so you don't have to:

Length of average Filipino male erect penis: 10.85 cm/4.27 in. (3rd smallest in the world).

Length of average American male erect penis: 13.58 cm/5.34 in.

Vaginal length varies by individual, but not by nationality, from 3-7" long. However, vaginas can stretch lengthwise to accommodate longer penises.

Which might come in handy if you meet a guy from Ecuador. Ecuadorian men have the longest penises in the world, averaging 6.9" erect. 

Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Added citation
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Meanwhile Gino tries to explain it may take longer than that. She of course thinks it's his fault it taking so long. 

In the episode where they hooked up, Sheila commented that intercourse didn’t happen because it was uncomfortable for her. But she seemed pleased with the evening they did have together. 

I speculated that 1. They didn’t spend enough time on foreplay, 2. Didn’t have any lubricant, 3. Sheila wasn’t super comfortable with David yet which prevented her from getting aroused. 

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I can’t stand Demanda.  How many times does she have to stroke her greasy hair strands, say the word “like”, and giggle with her hands covering her face? What an annoying Kardashian wannabe.  Razvan can do so much better. 

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58 minutes ago, jnymph said:

I can’t stand Demanda.  How many times does she have to stroke her greasy hair strands, say the word “like”, and giggle with her hands covering her face? What an annoying Kardashian wannabe.  Razvan can do so much better. 

Like alternating with literally.

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8 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:


But other guys on this show have worked and got jobs. Some of y’all don’t remember Devar from season one. So there’s definitely ways guys can come here and work. 

They had to wait to get a green card before they could legally work. 

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Note to the young bucks out there.. take her to shop for cheap costume rings first (after a fresh manicure is an opportune time) and make a mental note of the size of ones that fit her left ring finger.  When you’re ready to go ring shopping, either a) take the friend whose style she’s always complimenting and/or whose restaurant recommendations she holds in the highest regard or b) take pictures of her favorite pieces of jewelry and articles of clothing- a seasoned jewelry salesperson will help you identify her style. 

Dayum, Drogo! You a catch! 



 Google this stuff so you don't have to:

Length of average Filipino male erect penis: 10.85 cm/4.27 in. (3rd smallest in the world).

Length of average American male erect penis: 13.58 cm/5.34 in.

Vaginal length varies by individual, but not by nationality, from 3-7" long. However, vaginas can stretch lengthwise to accommodate longer penises.

Which might come in handy if you meet a guy from Ecuador. Ecuadorian men have the longest penises in the world, averaging 6.9" erect. 

Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison


I need to know how these data were collected. Self-report? Objective measurement?


Edited by Elizzikra
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2 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I Google this stuff so you don't have to:

Length of average Filipino male erect penis: 10.85 cm/4.27 in. (3rd smallest in the world).

Length of average American male erect penis: 13.58 cm/5.34 in.

Vaginal length varies by individual, but not by nationality, from 3-7" long. However, vaginas can stretch lengthwise to accommodate longer penises.

Which might come in handy if you meet a guy from Ecuador. Ecuadorian men have the longest penises in the world, averaging 6.9" erect. 

Average penis size by country: worldwide comparison

Good research. I had to really stretch out to get the full grasp of everything. This is a funny stat what’s the average in Africa and Jamaica???? lol. 

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

He used to manage some kind of cleaning company but recently became a poker dealer. We also saw him on his You Tube channel or podcast in the first episode 


Apparently Christian mixes up breastplates with shoulder pads 


He does sort of have a medieval face.  And could be related to Mick Fleetwood.

Four-year gap between graduation and the cleaning company job.  Drinking binge?

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41 minutes ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

Good research. I had to really stretch out to get the full grasp of everything

I 👀 what you did there.

41 minutes ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

This is a funny stat what’s the average in Africa and Jamaica???? lol. 

Well, Africa is a continent, not a country. About which of the 54 countries in Africa are you inquiring?

You can open the link I provided in the post you quoted from to peruse the stats from most — if not all — countries in Africa. 

Strangely enough, the list from which I quoted the stats doesn't include Jamaica, which might lead one to believe Jamaican men don't have penises. If that were the case, I wonder who would be most upset by this; Jamaican men, or the women who want to f.....


I found another source (linked below) that includes Jamaica, and it says the average length of Jamaican men's erect penises is 16.30 cm/6.41 in.

What is the average penis size according to the country of origin?

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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25 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I 👀 what you did there.

Well, Africa is a continent, not a country. About which of the 54 countries in Africa are you inquiring?

You can open the link I provided in the post you quoted from to peruse the stats from most — if not all — countries in Africa. 

Strangely enough, the list from which I quoted the stats doesn't include Jamaica, which might lead one to believe Jamaican men don't have penises. If that were the case, I wonder who would be most upset by this; Jamaican men, or the women who want to f.....


I found another source (linked below) that includes Jamaica, and it says the average length of Jamaican men's erect penises is 16.30 cm/6.41 in.

What is the average penis size according to the country of origin?

Yeah kind of a joke. But just thought it would be included. Nigeria Kenya but glad Jamaica was in there. Surprising we were left off the list. Lol. 

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10 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

You guys and your Magnums.

Good one! 😂

Now that I think about the stat for Ecuador, I wonder if Corey (90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, S3) not "measuring up" is the reason Evelin always treated him so badly. 

Thoughts? 😉

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7 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Good one! 😂

Now that I think about the stat for Ecuador, I wonder if Corey (90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, S3) not "measuring up" is the reason Evelin always treated him so badly. 

Thoughts? 😉

She did sleep with the pudgy local guy so . . . .

Edited by MrBuhBye
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1 hour ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

Yeah kind of a joke. But just thought it would be included. Nigeria Kenya but glad Jamaica was in there. Surprising we were left off the list. Lol. 

Well. Kenya doesn't appear in either of the two sources I've used thus far.

But I've found a third source that does!

The average length of Kenyan men's erect penises is 16.28 cm/6.41 in.

Penis Size by Country 2023

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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13 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Well. Kenya doesn't appear in either of the two sources I've used thus far.

But I've found a third source that does!

The average length of Kenyan men's erect penises is 16.28 cm/6.41 in.

Penis Size by Country 2023

Lol. Your third source. 

14 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

She did sleep with the pudgy local guy so . . . .

Little weinie. I think he was a cuck. I think she cucked him. 

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On 8/28/2023 at 3:21 PM, cynicat said:

The fact that Nicola is such a pill makes Meisha look normal.  She's got her own issues, so that's going to limit her choices.  

The fact that Meisha is with Nicola tells me that there is something wrong with her.  He is unattractive and unemployed.  Quite a catch.  In the meantime, just because she is a divorcee, in his mind she is like the "Whore of Babylon." "My family will never accept you."  He seemed upset that his family did indeed accept her.  

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On 8/28/2023 at 3:40 PM, seacliffsal said:

a lot of the participants have tried to find better and think that the ones they have found (for this show) are as good as it's going to get.

hey, the dating world is brutal, especially if you are over a certain age or live in certain parts of the country. As in, if you didn't meet your partner in high school/college or early in your career, you are screwed. Seriously, especially in smaller towns, rural US, think about how many people who are born there just ...stay. So, you go online to look for a partner and again, it is brutal. I have posted before that when I became single at 41, after being with my ex for 18 years, it was sort of shell shock. I live in a major east coast metro area, am well educated, great job and gosh darn it, I think I am pretty easy on the eyes. lol My friends assured me I would have my pick,etc. I started online dating and yeah....a lot of fish in the sea. Also a lot of garbage in the sea. Those friends who told me all that? Had been and still are happily married with young kids. The good guys I went to school with? Still partnered up. 


Still, I would risk being alone rather than tied down to such a sour puss as Nicola. It isn't like she can even say, well I put up with his shit because he is just SO hot! Or such a good lay! Or has money and this great career. This guy has zero redeeming qualities. 

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3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Still, I would risk being alone rather than tied down to such a sour puss as Nicola. It isn't like she can even say, well I put up with his shit because he is just SO hot! Or such a good lay! Or has money and this great career. This guy has zero redeeming qualities. 

In the restaurant where he was barking orders at the waitress (preview for Misha of domestic life?) he was giving off serial killer vibes.

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On 8/28/2023 at 1:28 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Do we know what his job is?

I didn’t get it when she was screeching about how much trouble it is to move when it’s probably just clothes and cosmetics.

Also she was screeching about not wanting to move to the US when she has been screeching every other episode about speeding up the process.


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Watching Pillow Talk. I Love Libby she is gorgeous. She is so hot. She’s definitely the hottest 90 day fiancé lady. YARA is YARA but Libby is the hottest. 

Robert is hilarious. Tim’s reaction to Chris hitting on the girl in the bar was my reaction. Chris is a fucking idiot. Im a American you’re an American wanna come to our place??? 

Is this Chris fucked up way of saying to Cleo other women want him????? 

Chris is the dude who would be wearing his wedding ring still hitting on chicks at the bar. He has no shame. What’s that on your finger? Oh that’s nothing just a ring. You were saying???


Jasmin is such a bitch so she just fucked this guy. This same guy she was still talking to. It’s fucked up that she was still talking to him. It’s fucked up that she went to lunch with him. It’s fucked up that she lied about him living in her building. Was she trying to make him Jealous with Gino???? It makes no sense. They are still fucking. She can’t get an orgasm for Gino. She wants all of Gino’s money. 

Ladies help me out. Is she full of shit. Even the sexually stuff. Doesn’t it look like she’s full of shit or acting. All the I want your meat??? Seems forced. I’ve seen pornstars more genuine. 

im just saying. 


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