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9 hours ago, Realityrocks said:

Can anyone share why Cam is so unlikable?


7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Not in a non-spoiler thread.


2 hours ago, Skooma said:

You could put it in the hidden spoiler mode maybe where you have to click on it to open it.


Looks like my OP instructions need some work.  heh.

Here's the OP which states


A place for

  • general discussion of the contestants 
  • posting social media links from the contestants
  • discussing marriages, births, deaths, firings etc.

Any episode or game play specifics should stay in the appropriate episode topic.


Here's some clarification:

Live feeds talk regarding general aspects of the current season's Houseguests (HGs) is allowed under spoiler tags. Once they're evicted, there is no need to use tags unless the information includes another Houseguest (HG) still in the house.


Here're some examples:

Things to discuss here:

  • HG Personality\Behavior\Quirks etc - Feeds talk allowed under spoiler tags.
  • HG exit interview (Type 1) - Feeds talk allowed related to interviewed HG Only  - Feeds talk allowed open air
  • HG exit interview (Type 2) - Feeds talk allowed related to interviewed HG and any HGs still in the house - Feeds talk allowed under spoiler tags.
  • Past Contestants:  Feeds talk allowed  open air

Things not to discuss here:

  •  Any episode or game play specifics

Also, it's usually better to err on the side of caution and add spoiler tags when discussing feeds regarding any unevicted HGs.

I will be updating the OP with this information.


Now that all that's said, it will be fine to discuss how much or how little Cam sucks in this topic as long as it's under spoiler tags. 


Ooooh, let me at it, then! 
Reasons why Cameron sucks:


1. He thinks he knows everything. Ask a question, and he will have the answer. (Even if it’s wrong, which it frequently is.) Bring up a topic, and he will have several (questionable) facts at the ready. He’s like Cliff Clavin, but without the charming personality.

2. He’s a bit creepy to the female houseguests, in particular America. He continues to flirt with her even though she’s made it clear she’s not interested. More than once, he has placed an unwelcome hand on her. (Think Toby in The Office, putting his hand on Pam’s knee.)  It’s just uncomfortable for everyone.

Anyone want to add to this? I’m sure there’s more.

The frustrating thing about this is, Cameron really is a good player. If not for his personality “quirks”, I would be rooting for him to win. He just makes it so damn hard.

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I read recently that hair rollers in public (like Blue's been wearing) are a kind of social statement in South Korea.  It's not something I would've thought to look into, but ... now I know! 


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On 10/5/2023 at 2:09 AM, 30 Helens said:

Ooooh, let me at it, then! 
Reasons why Cameron sucks:

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1. He thinks he knows everything. Ask a question, and he will have the answer. (Even if it’s wrong, which it frequently is.) Bring up a topic, and he will have several (questionable) facts at the ready. He’s like Cliff Clavin, but without the charming personality.

2. He’s a bit creepy to the female houseguests, in particular America. He continues to flirt with her even though she’s made it clear she’s not interested. More than once, he has placed an unwelcome hand on her. (Think Toby in The Office, putting his hand on Pam’s knee.)  It’s just uncomfortable for everyone.

Anyone want to add to this? I’m sure there’s more.

The frustrating thing about this is, Cameron really is a good player. If not for his personality “quirks”, I would be rooting for him to win. He just makes it so damn hard.

That's it?  Yeesh, I thought it would be something severely awful, from the way it was being talked about.

Not that it merits a Good Conduct Medal, but I was expecting Stoning Offenses.

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A couple more Contestant Threads That Aren't titles:

America Lopez:  America the Reasonably Good-Looking

Yes, they reference the song "America the Beautiful" during Zingbot, but let's not over-sell.

Blue Kim: Kitty-Kitty FAIL.  Paws up!

Okay, I shouldn't rib about her game's demise until Blue is actually evicted, but I don't think I am out on too much of a limb here.

Edited by Halting Hex
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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Just as an FYI:

Felicia has been going on about how her 6 (to date) constitutes some kind of BB record - but truth be told, Felicia is just barely past the halfway point.  Victoria Rafaeli is currently the record holder for most Block rides in a single season, with 10 trips in BB16.

Wait Felicia is saying something that isn't factually accurate as though it is uncontested truth?


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I just finished watching an episode of Rob Has a Podcast that was filmed last night out in LA.  There was a live show where the audience watched last night's episode and then then the podcast was filmed after.  Participants were:  Rob, Taran, Linnea from the podcast.  The guests were Taylor (BB 24), Claire and Derek (BB 23 and AR), Zach Wurtenberger (Blood kin to one half of Coramerica and SUR 42), Omar and Maryanne (also from SUR 42). 

I listened to half of it in the car and then came back home and watched it all on youtube because apart from Taylor I didn't catch names.  And then I took notes, because I am retired and my life is devoid of required tasks and kind of sad.  If you don't want to watch I think I got most of the highlights are set out below the link.  



  • Taylor said she was initially recruited for AR, but didn't feel the need to ruin any friendships.  Saw that the producer was involved with BB and SUR and asked about BB.  After BB she thought about Survivor again, but watched a show and changed her mind after seeing how excited the Survivors got over "unseasoned fish."  The food in the BB pantry was excellent. 
  • The name "Jag" aroused boos from the audience.  Claire said Jag was impressive; no one said anything positive about BJ.  Not a lot said about Matt beyond brief discussion of final 4 vote and what should happen. 
  • Claire and Derek said that there are "handlers" in the jury house to try and keep houseguests from discussing the game off camera.  Nonetheless there was campaigning going on, and in their season there was a lot of resentment against Kyland.  Houseguests were encouraged to say positive things about each contestant before the camera.  
  • Zach came out and was asked whether America and Cory had a future.  At first he said it would depend on whether Cory's dorm room had a single or a double bed next semester.  Then he said he thought they would last. 
  • Omar and Maryanne sat in the live audience at the BB studio.  No one in the audience seemed to like BFJ.   Julie was nice and gave good hugs.  
  • Taylor said she thought the letter from Reilly to Matt was stupid and she assumed it was set up by production.   She also hates Blue's Kitty Kitty Purr Purr Purrsona Persona.   
  • I fastforwarded through the last fifteen or so minutes.  There was a BB Halloween Costume pageant.  I did see one young woman, who was wearing a trash bag and wore a note that said "Bowie Jane."  Taylor asked about it and the woman said it represented BJ, "minimum effort and maximum results." 





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If you had to be permanent roommates with one of your fellow jurors, who would it be and why?


Yeah, this is a tricky one. So right now I'm kind of between Blue and Cirie, but you got to weigh the pros and cons of both of them. I would hate to pick one over the other, so it would have to be one of the two of them.


So this might come as a surprise, but I would love to room with Cory. He's my boo, and I think we make a good pair. We got along really well in the Big Brother house bedroom we shared, and here in the jury house we share a bedroom and we're doing great. If I could room with him for longer than this next week, I would love to.


Edited by Gemma Violet
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Talking to the jury with $750,000 on the line is a stressful situation. How do you think you did with the jury as they were asking you questions and trying to get you to open up about your big game moves?

Yeah, I think an on-the-spot speech, I'm not the best at that. I've got to focus to just hear the questions, so I'm not really prepared of all that. And then when that happened, I kind of thought, "Okay, that's a pretty critical question." I never even thought about that before this day. I had never really paid attention to what questions would be asked, so I was very unprepared. I was just kind of unprepared on the questions

No kidding.  

It makes me wonder if Jag deliberately didn't mention the jury questions to Matt.  And I do sympathize with Matt having to hear and read lips from someone on a big screen. 

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We had heard from Dr. Will in another interview that this was the most "heated" jury roundtable he was a part of. Apparently there was a lot of conflict and arguments. However, we got none of that in the final edit. Can you clarify what happened in the moment?

I'm a pretty calm guy when it comes to the heat of battle stuff. So the only times we really had to break was for planes or sound stuff or whatever. It's just normal activity. The only heat that really came was between Felicia and Cirie every now and then. Or Cirie would talk her peace to Cory. And me, Blue, and America never really got thrown in really hard in the mix. We're a very opinionated group. Now we try our best to curb our thoughts and to be kind to one another, because we're family. We've lived together for three months now. But thoughts and emotions are going to come out whenever you feel like you've gotten wronged.


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Andy Herren is not my favorite past winner, but it is hard to disagree with his comments here about Matt.  The article goes on to mention Matt's derogatory comments about America and other female houseguests, and how Matt got a great edit during the episodes.  

In a recent tweet, Andy shared that he doesn't want to see Deaflympic gold medalist Matt Klotz win the game due to his defamatory comments against women in the house. "Honestly, I think I am rooting for Jag to win #BB25. I am so uninterested in this final 3 from a gameplay standpoint that I am just gonna go with who I like the most as a person," Andy shared. "Matt hates women and Bowie doesn’t know where she is, so that leaves Jag."


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This is history, rather than "news," but I decided to watch at least one of Cirie's seasons on Survivor, starting with the first, Survivor 12:  Panama, Exile Island from 2006. 

She hasn't changed an iota personality wise, except she is clearly happier on Survivor than she was on BB.  Cirie 1.0 still makes the same incisive comments on everyone.  As with BB, she was isolated from the rest of the mostly young cast by her age, common sense, and a total lack of athletic ability.  The most shocking thing to me looking back was how close she came to being voted off in the first episode.  Made me wonder who else over there years who missed out on becoming Reality TV Royalty by the luck of the first vote.  

Bringing it back to this season of BB.  Survivor Super Fan Cory didn't just miss Jared's family visit in a later season, it was mentioned earlier that she had a son named Jared.  Jared, his brother Jamil, and Honey showed up in a video clip.  Jared was about 8 and cute as a button by the way.  

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Jared is still cute, as long as he doesn’t talk. 

Cirie’s no-fucks-given attitude is the main thing I’ve always loved about her. She says what she thinks, she is confident in who she is, and she doesn’t care what you think about her. She’s also extremely loyal— that’s one part of her game here that was not faked. And while I get why people were not happy to see her here (I wasn’t either, due to the bullshit circumstances), it’s far enough removed now that I can fully reclaim my Cirie love. 

Still waiting on news of a Cirie/ Felicia sitcom. Real Housewives of Big Brother, maybe? Come on, Mr. B, don’t let me down.

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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

[Cirie’s] also extremely loyal— that’s one part of her game here that was not faked.

Bowie might disagree with that assessment.

Was it ever explained why Cirie and Felicia had such a raging hate hard-on for FBJ in the first place?  That was one facet of this season I could never properly sort out.

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Humph. Reasons. Felicia don’t need no god damn reasons. But if you ask me, I’m guessing it was a combination of:

  • Personality clash- C/F appreciate “real”ness, which to them involves a certain amount of skeptical cynicism. Bowie exuded an attitude of sunny, eager-to-please enthusiasm (“yeah!”), and that was so far removed from their personalities that I don’t think they ever believed it was real.
  • General mistrust- They knew Bowie was lying about her age, because they have eyes. And if you’re going to lie about that, what else will you lie about? Felicia certainly spent many hours coming up with possibilities.
  • Lack of fealty- While Cirie was working to solidify her group in the Comics Room, BJ had the temerity to explore other relationships. For Cirie, loyalty is both a strength and a weakness, if it means you hold too tight of a leash. 
  • Having opinions- Talking back after the Red vote was probably the last straw.
  • General grumpiness. They were bored and annoyed. They needed a target to focus their frustration on. For the reasons noted above, Bowie fit the bill. I mean, it’s right there in the name. Bowie Fucking Jane. What did she expect?



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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

They knew Bowie was lying about her age, because they have eyes. And if you’re going to lie about that, what else will you lie about? 

As Cirie is lying about having her son playing the game with her. Please lol.


BJ had the temerity to explore other relationships. 

Yea, Cirie wanted people around her that would just blindly do her bidding and for some reason she thought Bowie wouldn't. Bowie totally would have though if Cirie could have just pretended like she actually liked her.

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36 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

As Cirie is lying about having her son playing the game with her. Please lol.

I was not suggesting that I agreed with their reasons, but just projecting what those reasons might be based on their comments. Of course there was a bit of a double standard happening.

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On 11/17/2023 at 10:13 AM, Nashville said:

Bowie might disagree with that assessment.

Was it ever explained why Cirie and Felicia had such a raging hate hard-on for FBJ in the first place?  That was one facet of this season I could never properly sort out.

Taran speculated that Bowie's inability to share anything about her personal life impacted the others feeling like she was a genuine person and feeling connected to her, but I also agree that the fact that Cirie's reasons were game related as well. And clearly joke was on herm, because Bowie was actually the blindest soldier that ever there was.

Felicia did a live with Meme the other day where she continued to Felicia...namely that she can see now looking back that every gut instinct she had in the house was correct. (Reader, they weren't.)

Please enjoy:

Cory has mockingly recreated Matt's infamous thirst video

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I’m still confused as to what production saw in Cameron, and why they protected the ever loving shit out of him during the live episodes. Him being “willing to shake up the house?” Involved targeting Izzy, Felicia and Meme, who had little to no social capital or a chance of winning this game. 

Edited by jsm1125
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 Whereas I want to see her go on with Felicia.  Actually, not really.  I don't care to see here again at all.  But I'm sure CBS will cater to her whims again so I at least should get some entertainment from her misery.  Cory would be acceptable as well to that end.

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7 hours ago, Maverick said:

Whereas I want to see her go on with Felicia.

This. But can you imagine Felicia on TAR? She would not be rushed, she would not carry that damn heavy backpack, and there aren’t enough mustard seeds in the world to get her past all those rude, unhelpful kids. I imagine Cirie would ditch her pretty quickly, and they’d find her 2 days later, lost, riding a tuk-tuk up and down the streets of Bangkok and yelling “I’m coming, Mr. P!!” at the top of her lungs.

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Are Dan and Janelle Faithfuls ... or Traitors (Info that is shown in episode 1)


To my delight, but surprise because I thought it was too obvious, Dan is a Traitor.   But maybe Janelle and the Survivor group who really know how good he is at deception.  And it has been 10 years since his funeral.   Best thing is that Traitors get a lot of Camera Time.   Janelle is a Faithful, but she made a move or two that everyone noticed in Ep 1.   

And perhaps most importantly, Janelle looks Fabulous in her Scottish Country Manner Clothes. 

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3. Daniele Donato & Dominic Briones

Viewers first met Daniele Donato during Big Brother’s eighth season but it wasn’t until season 13 that she met her now-husband Dominic Briones. While in the house, the pair were just friends but after they both wrapped filming, things turned romantic. The couple got engaged in 2012 and got married just a few months later. They now have two children.

“Truth be told, I really didn’t like him at first,” Daniele told People. “I thought he was a little troublemaker. But we became friends, and although I didn’t like him like that, it just grew. After the finale, we became inseparable. We got to know each other really well, and we fell in love!”


Meanwhile, I remember watching Dominic’s first impression of Daniele: “who is that hoochie mama?”

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I saw some clips of BB25 Matt doing an interview on Zach Nichols' podcast (another misogynist pig from the Challenge franchise). He was trashing Reilly saying he only knew her for two weeks and was totally creeped out that she wrote him an HoH letter -- like he wasn't the one who built her a Q-tip shrine, carved a pumpkin dedicated to her, and just obsessively talked about her all season long. Also said he didn't want to date her outside the BB bubble because all she does is drink and go to brunch -- like he wasn't a 27-year-old living a frat boy lifestyle at LSU when he came on BB. He also took no accountability for all the nasty things he said about America (justifying it as strategy so the other houseguests would dislike her and want to get her out), but that was less surprising to me than the mean-spirited stuff he said about Reilly (who btw was nothing but kind and gracious to him in the early stages of the game when it came to his disability).

Even though Jag was a horrid BB player and a bottom-tier winner in the show's history, it reminded me why I was so glad he won over Matt.

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