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S03.E12: Jus In Bello

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Sold out by Bela, Sam and Dean are trapped with Agent Henriksen in a county sheriff's office, under siege by a demon hoard.



Oh Chuck, how I love that Hendrickson, let me count the ways. Okay, I won't count the ways, but he definitely brightens my T.V. screen and I lament his passing greatly.


Right, the episode proper. It's a good, solid one IMO, but it gets weighed down by the yucky and totally obvious Ruby, also IMO. I really adore the first at least half of it before Ruby hops through that window. Which I think I need a little aside on anyway...I realize it's Supernatural, so shit like this doesn't always make sense and my general stance is that as long as Sam and Dean make sense, I go with it, but I'm rather confused on how it is that Ruby comes through that window--presumably as smoke--and then materializes in her human-possessed body. It doesn't really matter and I've long decided that she didn't come through the window as smoke and instead teleported in, but then there's the whole thing about needing a window to get through instead of just teleporting into any room...yeah, I know, time to move on.


Okay...the first half is pure gold to me. I love that they are on Bella's trail and I love that she's just that bitchy that she sold them out. I love Hendrickson's arrival and I love, love, love how he tries to take over the police station. In fact I really love the cadence Charles Malik Whitfield gives to Hendrickson's voice. It's almost like he's rushing his lines, but I've seen the actor do other things and he doesn't talk like this so I assume it's an acting choice. It's so fitting for the character--I gotta a lot of stuff to say and don't have time to say it, pay attention and keep up--I love it.


Sorry, little tangent again. I think I need to wrap this up before it's just a bunch of tangents strung together. There's some really good one liners, Sam and Dean are very Sam and Dean and smart and proactive throughout the entire episode and if it weren't for the ending it would be at the very top of my list of favorites. Speaking of the ending, have I mentioned how I hate that they killed Hendrickson just to teach Dean a nonsensical lesson about trusting evil demon chicks about warfare? Well I do. And, you want to know what I hate even more than that? I hate that they killed Hendrickson to teach Dean a nonsensical lesson about warfare and let Ruby laud it over them. Yuck!


One last thing, speaking of Sam and Dean being very Sam and Dean...Sam using the puppy-dog eyes of doom to get Nancy's rosary was pitch perfect. And Dean's inappropriate levity at Hendrickson shooting the sheriff but not shooting the deputy was so spot on! And, it wouldn't be a good episode of Supernatural if they weren't shoving someone's head in a toilet filled holy water, now would it? ;)

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It's hard for me to critique this episode more than others because it may just be my favorite. I love Hendrickson, Sam's body language when Hendrickson smack talks John, the toilet exorcism, the dialogue between Dean and Hendrickson and so much more.


I hate that it was all for nothing since everyone dies anyway, which is nothing if not foreshadowing.

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I really ought to like this episode much more than I do. I really don't know why I don't.


I gave you a perfectly good reason...Yucky and Totally Obvious Ruby. Ha! ... I kid, I kid...sort of. ;)


I think the fact that it's all for naught in the end really rubs most people the wrong way and if it weren't for Hendrickson and the little bits of funny in the beginning, I would probably absolutely hate it. This is one of those Supernatural episodes that the actors elevate the material and make the episode actually enjoyable to me in the end.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I actually had a great conversation about this episode over the weekend at Pittsburgh Comic-Con, and the guy I talked to agreed it was one of the best episodes. I love it because Dean goes into leader mode and has a plan that takes into account all the varied strengths of the group. In that regard it is perfect.

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Love this episode. It's one I can re watch over and over and never tire of it. There's so many good, quiet character moments in the first half, too. Especially when Dean and Sam are in the cell. Love how Sam sits up and completely changes his body language when Hendrickson starts in on how John must have molested them and all that. Well done. Smart boys throughout, Sam with the excorcism and snatching the rosary, and Dean with the plan that DID work.

While I understand and see how it was all for nothing (well, except the boys aren't in jail, so there's that), there's a lesson in there, and Dean touches on it a bit. He doesn't want to win if it means they compromise their beliefs that they are, ultimately, saving people. He doesn't want to win if it means sacrificing the girl. That's not who he is. They could have gone that route and maybe it would have worked, but who would they be and what line would they be crossing?

now, considering where things end up and the lines they learn to cross for the greater good in later seasons, this is just a growing pain, I guess. But I like to compare Dean in this ep to the Dean we see in The End. It's striking.

There's a bit of good continuity that Sam is more OK with, at least considering, the virgin sacrifice plan. He did just spend 6 months honing his hunter skills and plotting vengeance all alone (in Mystery Spot) and that should have changed him some. I don't know that we consistenly get to see that in his character, but it made sense here.

Hate that Hendrickson ends up dead. I don't mind Ruby, even if she's obvious. For me, there were enough moments in S3 where I wondered what her real motives were, so she worked for me.

If I have to nit pick one thing then, just like in Heart, I do not like how easily Nancy agreed to being sacrificed. Doesn't ring true to me. Our boys throw themselves on the line all the time... That's ingrained in them and they have missions and their reasons for being sacrificial of their lives. Most normal, day to day people do not, and I just don't buy it when regular folks sign themselves up for being held down and carved into within 30 seconds of hearing the plan. Ymmv :)

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I've been rewatching on the TNT schedule and have really enjoyed falling in love with the show all over again. This is clearly a stand-out episode, even if it drives me crazy that Hendrickson doesn't seem too interested in why the animated corpse of his boss shot Dean.  What I love most about it is how perfectly it captures Dean's sense of humor, something truly lacking in latter seasons.  When Hendrickson says, "I shot the Sheriff", the look on Dean's face is beyond priceless. You know the punchline, I know the punchline, everyone knows the punchline.  They're in the middle of this horribly tense and scary situation, but Dean just can't help himself and he has to say it.  I love that -- and Ackles' delivery is perfect!

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I was watching this episode last night and I realized, I really liked Nancy. I especially adored this line of hers: "When I was little, I would come home from the church and start to talk about the devil. And my parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I showed them, huh?" ;)

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On 3/5/2015 at 2:30 PM, sarthaz said:

When Hendrickson says, "I shot the Sheriff", the look on Dean's face is beyond priceless. You know the punchline, I know the punchline, everyone knows the punchline.  They're in the middle of this horribly tense and scary situation, but Dean just can't help himself and he has to say it.  I love that -- and Ackles' delivery is perfect!

OMG, that was great.

And definitely interesting of the role flip of Dean and Sam over the virgin sacrifice.  I wonder, though, even if Ruby's spell worked and got rid of all the demons, would have have included Lillith?  She seems, at least at this time, to be something a little more, or at least one of the more powerful demons and if the spell didn't work on her, couldn't she, wouldn't she have still acted the same?  So even with the virgin sacrifice, others would have died.

It starts to make me wonder if Ruby's plan is really to make the brothers cross more lines.

Sorry to see Hendrickson die.

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51 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

And definitely interesting of the role flip of Dean and Sam over the virgin sacrifice.  I wonder, though, even if Ruby's spell worked and got rid of all the demons, would have have included Lillith?  She seems, at least at this time, to be something a little more, or at least one of the more powerful demons and if the spell didn't work on her, couldn't she, wouldn't she have still acted the same?  So even with the virgin sacrifice, others would have died

IIRC, she said it got rid of all the demons within a two-mile radius.  I'm sure Lillith was nowhere near the joint.  Plus, I think she knew the Winchesters would never go for it. So, she offered to gain their trust a bit more, and I think, to cause a bit more friction between the two of them.

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Great episode, I was sorry to lose Hendrickson, great actor and character on the show.  Of course "but you didn't shoot the deputy" will never not be funny.

Edited by Diane
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4 minutes ago, Diane said:

Great episode, I was sorry to lose Hendrickson die, great actor and character on the show.  Of course "but you didn't shoot the deputy" will never not be funny.

I prefer the line, "nobody kill any virgins" or possibly "nobody's killing any virgins."  I can't remember exactly.  Didn't do her much good, though:(

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Just now, Katy M said:

I prefer the line, "nobody kill any virgins" or possibly "nobody's killing any virgins."  I can't remember exactly.  Didn't do her much good, though:(

I think it's "Stop! Stop! Nobody kill any virgins" I love that one too! Also before that one "Nobody’s a virgin"

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3 minutes ago, Diane said:

Also before that one "Nobody’s a virgin"

I didn't like that one. I think in general people are too judgey about adult virgins.  It's practically worse than being a murderer.  OK, I'm exaggerating.  But, it is pretty looked down upon.

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This is such a great episode. Just watched it for the first time in years and it was better than I remembered. And you know how we talk about how deep Dean's voice has gotten over the years? I just noticed how high-pitched Katie Cassidy's voice is compared to Arrow.

On 8/29/2014 at 8:56 PM, trxr4kids said:

Sam's body language when Hendrickson smack talks John

I remember something someone said on TWoP back in the day. It's not just Sam sitting up because Henrickson trash talking their dad, it's Sam getting ready cause Henrickson trash talked their dad in front of Dean while he's chained to Dean, and Sam wants to be ready when Dean gets up to kick his ass.

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On 8/29/2014 at 7:20 PM, DittyDotDot said:

One last thing, speaking of Sam and Dean being very Sam and Dean...Sam using the puppy-dog eyes of doom to get Nancy's rosary was pitch perfect. And Dean's inappropriate levity at Hendrickson shooting the sheriff but not shooting the deputy was so spot on! And, it wouldn't be a good episode of Supernatural if they weren't shoving someone's head in a toilet filled holy water, now would it? ;)

omg YES, i thought the same thing! sam used the Power of the Puppy Eyes to its limit, more than ever! dean even pitched in with his innocent grin as well, i saw that ;)

as for the "shooting the deputy" part none of us understood but my mother, who had the idea to say it before dean even said it. needless to be said she was on the bed laughing when dean said what she had just a few seconds before.

On 4/30/2017 at 7:49 PM, bettername2come said:

I remember something someone said on TWoP back in the day. It's not just Sam sitting up because Henrickson trash talking their dad, it's Sam getting ready cause Henrickson trash talked their dad in front of Dean while he's chained to Dean, and Sam wants to be ready when Dean gets up to kick his ass.

haha, that seems more appropriate ;)


i know many people love this episode reading this thread, but dear Lord me and my sister hated it. it's not because of the episode itself or the writing, but because of goddang bella. the whole time we were hating and damning her soul. none of this would have happened if she never was so freaking selfish and stupid. so many innocent people died because of her. because of her, more than 30 people died. those people are on her hands now. 

which is why we were angry at ruby for ranting at dean and sam for doing the right thing. it's not their fault at all, they tried to do their best with what they were forced upon. if i could go back in time and do magic i would have written that the episode didn't end with dean and sam mellowing in their guilt, but instead yelling at ruby it would have never happened if bella the bitxh never told on them. honestly, why don't they tell ruby about her so she can hunt her down and KILL her?

some epic parts of the episode:

-hendrickson finally coming to his senses and dean even becoming friendly with him. i liked that because it showed how quick dean is to forgive if he sees the dignity in a human being. me on the other hand was still thinking of one liners of teasing him having his head in toilet water.
-sam quiet the entire scene when hendrick went in on them. he barely showed any reaction as well. very powerful scene for sam.
-sam immediately setting into action when dean got shot, how quickly he leaped up and pushed the gun up! and when he saw it was a demon, he instantly spat out the latin chants from memory alone. i'm surprised no-one has mentioned that yet! that was so awesome.  saving his bro requires no books^^
-strange of me to say but the scene that followed afterwards, when sam and dean were trying to calm people down and insisting they didn't shoot anyone.
- dean being obsessed with the virgin. "Nobody’s a virgin" i mean come on dean, he actually meant that as well. so does that mean that with all the people they interview and deal with daily he just assumes in the back of his head "They've had sex"????? not everyone values sex as you do, dean. tisk tisk tisk.
more lines from this moment:
"What? It’s a choice, okay?"
"So, y-you’ve never… Not even once? I mean not even – Wow."
"Stop! Stop! Nobody kill any virgins!" the way that was said was hilarious because jensen's accent slipped and made it sound like "VOURGINS" lol.
"I’m not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl, who hasn’t even been laid!"
-his reaction when nancy's picture showed up on the screen. honestly i felt so bad for him that i wished for her to be alive somehow and meet up with the boys in another episode in that moment.

dean is so dead serious about this sex thing, what's his problem lol?  my mother was watching it with me and said dean should have took nancy's first after the whole fight and said "Okay, now it's taken care of." for shame mother!


side note and random: where is elle???? with bella making me hate any female i see on the show, i was reminded of her being the only saving grace. i want her back :(

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Henriksen's death was such a waste of a great character. I liked him throughout and the reveal that the supernatural is real and his realization that Sam & Dean's work saved so many more lives than his as an FBI agent had "agent turned hunter" written all over it. 

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On 12/27/2018 at 2:05 PM, Lunula said:

Henriksen's death was such a waste of a great character. I liked him throughout and the reveal that the supernatural is real and his realization that Sam & Dean's work saved so many more lives than his as an FBI agent had "agent turned hunter" written all over it. 

This was a loss to me, and probably my only problem with the episode. We see so many hunters who are already there and almost all of them have that moment when they encounter the supernatural. It would have been awesome to see that unfold. I will note that even after one person had their gun taken, he was holding his gun and standing awfully close to the bars. 

I loved the tension in this one. It was well done. The claustrophobic feeling was intense. Oh and I loved the reanimated corpse. It was a good touch to have one of the murdered men kill the agent. 

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