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S44.E09: Under the Wing of a Dragon LIVE CHAT

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Castaways must negotiate to earn a big pot of rice for the entire tribe. Then, the castaways will need to put their best foot forward to earn immunity at the next tribal 

Original airdate 4/26/23

This is your LIVE CHAT thread 

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So according to Jamie, everyone wanted to split the vote except Brandon.  

Wait, Lauren thinks they still have Tika on their side?  Oh, Yam Yam just voted with them because he was playing both sides.  But they seem to really think he's on their side.


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I'm hoping Frannie's "you are good at finding firewood" to Danny is her attempt at sarcasm.  

Oh, and Jamie still thinks he idol is real.  Guess that answers my questions as to whether she found out like Matt did when Brandon pulled the curtain back on that.

Heidi found the idol!  Now please don't tell anyone.

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Just now, iMonrey said:

Enough with the idols already. They should change the name of the show to The Idol Show.

I don't think it should be allowed to be used up until the final 5.  Final 6 should be the maximum cut off time.

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Enough with the idols already. They should change the name of the show to The Idol Show.

1 minute ago, Carey said:

Or bring back the "Ultra" Idol

Or hang an idol over Probst’s nuts.

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Just now, Straycat80 said:

Will Heidi not tell anyone she has an idol? We’ve heard that line before. 

Since she had no problem telling people about Danny's idol and potentially blowing his plan last week, I doubt it.  Not everyone is a Carolyn who can keep a secret (as far as we know anyway).

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“I’m an open book!” NO WAY, CAROLYN. 🙄🙄🙄

Good for Carolyn to stick it out this long. I’m still thinking she wins based on exposure.

Edited by Lantern7
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YAM YAM AND CAROLYN, STOP CLIMBING ON ROCKS! Do you NOT remember that's how Matthew went out?!?!

Just now, iMonrey said:

Danny is conspicuously absent from this segment.

He popped in at the end, but him and Kane were absent (probably hunting for idols still lol)

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I am SO happy that we're FINALLY getting some tribemates praising Carolyn.

Oh look, everyone else has shown up now.

It took 8 episodes, but better late than more than eight...

...so I'll blame Brandon

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Just now, susannot said:

I'm worried by the extensive Carolyn interview.


Lauren's face looks clean and beautiful.  How so?

Honestly, these people nowadays are a far cry from the days when castaways were dirty, losing hair, covered in bug bites, and having noticeable weight loss.  I am sure they are suffering from these things, but it doesn't show like it used to.

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Just now, Lantern7 said:

Eighteen minutes and no challenges. Is that odd?

No, they've actually done fairly well this season in holding off the challenges until 20 minutes in, which is nice. We've had a couple of episodes lately where the challenges have started at its usual time (5 minutes in) but there's been more episodes this season we don't see right off the bat.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Ah, Carson, all his confessionals have either been "I'm a mastermind" or "I'm sick".

And the mastermind part I believe is him thinking he's one in his own mind.  I have yet to see anything that would constitute this from him.

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Just now, truthaboutluv said:

Carolyn's either getting eliminated this episode or this was her winner's edit episode. 

I kinda don’t think it’s either.  I think when a Survivor opens up like that, how can the producers not show every bit of what Carolyn said?  Lots of good things said by her — sort of “teachable moment” kind of things.  We got a good glimpse of how Carolyn counsels people in recovery.  When she talked about her son and decorating her home for Halloween and things she never thought she’d be able to do in life — very, very touching.  I was never one of the Carolyn fans, but I’ve come around to really cheer her on in her life, now and long into the future.

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I kind of miss the days when contestants would mismanage their rice supply so bad they'd have to approach Jeff like a kid who just scratched his dad's prized car and have Jeff rip them a new one over it.  

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