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S03.E04: Big Week


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On 4/12/2023 at 9:43 PM, PurpleTentacle said:

But why would he want to get up at 4am instead of training later? I don't see a reason. Just seems like a trope these writers used without thinking about it for 5 seconds. (Not that this is a real complaint, more of a funny observation)

I mean if we were to go by realism here, this doesn't make any sense anyway. A body is not a machine, it needs a some time to recover and premier league teams already train on the edge of what is possible. All Jamie would be doing here would be actively destroying his body and getting worse results.

Maybe he's a morning person. I know I'm not so there would be no way I would be doing it but some are and would. Plus it's quiet at that time of the day so less people around & they can train in peace.

As to your second point, plenty of players do other training alone or one on one before/after the normal training with David Beckham being one of the more well known players who would spend hours practicing his free kicks after the usual training had finished.

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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4 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

As to your second point, plenty of players do other training alone or one on one before/after the normal training with David Beckham being one of the more well known players who would spend hours practicing his free kicks after the usual training had finished.

David Beckham was active like 20 years ago. Times have changed. Players get worked to the bone. There is literally no place for doing extra training, especially not the extremely strenuous kind we've seen Jamie do. Maybe sometimes you can do some extra light work, like practicing free kicks, as Beckham did, but not something that is so strenuous it makes you throw up.

13 hours ago, pennben said:

Because he already has a fulltime job that is beyond 9-5 and this is on top of that and only time available?

There isn't only time before 9, there is also time after 5. Again, it makes no different from a time management perspective if you get up sooner or go to bed later, if you even have to go to bed later, because most people have at least some free time in the evening.

There's no way Roy would think that getting the entire team to lose their minds at half time was a good idea. He's supposed to be an ex-professional, and one of the best.

Still, if Ted wasn't so obsessed with taking the moral high ground, they could have used that video of Nate to motivate the team in training and to allow them to use their anger in a focused, controlled way.

I'm still not even slightly interested in a Nate redemption. He wasn't a nice guy who made a mistake, he nursed his resentments and turned everything into a slight towards him, and he never even tried to see things from anyone else's point of view. Just learning that the grass isn't greener when you work for a narcissist does nothing to change my opinion of him. He actively tried to hurt Ted for no other reason than he felt like he wasn't Ted's special boy any more. I don't have time for that.

Keeley's storyline is still incredibly boring. She seems to be just doing the same thing she was doing in season two, only supposedly with more money on the line. I'm not sure what the point of it is, other than to have her go on her own 'the grass isn't greener' journey.

Can't watch any scenes with Ted's ex-wife now. She either actively worked against Ted with her therapist, or she is a complete moron who has been manipulated by him.

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On 4/5/2023 at 8:55 PM, sjankis630 said:

OMG! Yes I remember the "stress" dreams I used to get when I started work I would find myself back in college. Mine dreams were I was going to graduate but I suddenly realized that there was a class that I went to once (to get the syllabus ) and then never again thus negating me being able to graduate. I don't tell anyone but tell myself that if I can just speak to the professor and promise to make up the work then I can walk at graduation...

I would run and run around campus but never find the class and wake up nervous. Although I do remember one time I did finally find the classroom but when I got there it was a basket weaving class and I was back out running again .......

So when I was in my first year teaching AND direcring rhe school play AND coaching two girls theough their international baccalaureate though I’d barely learned what that was I had a dream where I was selling a car in Holland and didn’t speak the language and I suddenly had no clothes on and couldn’t find where I’d left the car as I ran around Amsterdam? With no clothes and then I suddenly remembered there was a class I had forgotten about and just as my teeth began to fall out I woke up.


the stress dream medley was so obvious I burst out laughing. 

  • LOL 1

Re the marriage counselor: it does happen and is not a tv contrivance. I know a man who cheated on his wife WITH the marriage counselor.

hes well known in the irish music world and the wife messaged literally everyone on Facebook about it (she had been his manager). 

Pretty sure that relationship ended but the marriage did too.

Edited by lucindabelle
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This series is like a rarely seen, quirky relative who showed up at the house and stayed too long. The quirks were fun in season one, irked in season two and now in season three are grating. Ted floats through life saying banalities and barely participates in his own life. Everyone else is more concerned with who they date, or used to date, than any interesting plot. I miss the no-bullshit doctor.

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