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Captain America: Brave New World

tv echo

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1 minute ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Talk about failing upwards. For anyone who thought Ross seemed unlikely to be a successful politician.....

I guess at this point MCU America knows all about the Soviet and Hydra brain washing. As a last chance to vote for the greatest generation as well as a hero of both fights against Thanos how could he lose?

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Will go back and read everyone's thoughts but I thought that this would have been better as a series. There were good ideas in there but felt kinda rushed but meandering at the same time.

Anthony Mackie was good, the Joaquin actor was ok but the character was not it with the jokes. The Steve/Sam banter it was not.

Biggest pop in the audience was when Bucky showed up!

On 2/14/2025 at 6:44 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Well, as one of the biggest MCU apologist out there (even defending the likes of Eternals and Quantumania), I didn't think this was horrible as some were suggesting and I still found things I liked about it.  That said, this really might be the closest to The Dark World in that it was kind of just dull on a lot of levels and almost felt like everyone was going through the motions.  The look, the action, the dialogue and overall writing, the acting, etc.: nothing was horrid but it just had low energy all around.  I really wonder how much of damage the reshoots did because it just felt like it was never on solid footing.

The biggest issue was that it really did feel like it wanted to in the vein of The Winter Solider with all of the political intrigue, the hero at odds with the US government, and even a little mind control.  But despite the potential of it all, I just felt like it didn't deliver like it should have.  And then there was all of the stuff with President Ross.  It really did feel like they reconed the character where we were suppose to find him to be a decent man who did questionable things that he believed was for the good of the world, instead of just a raging dick who made it his mission to thwart the Avengers at almost every turn.  A lot of that probably is because Harrison Ford is just at the level of fame now where not many will buy him as a straight-up asshole like they did with William Hurt.  But the character just felt half-baked and it was hard to get invested in it, which is a problem since he was such a major factor here.

Also, definitely just nitpicking, but I found it hard to believe that someone like Ross would ever be elected President.  Ignoring any actual political views, Presidents these days usually need some form of charisma or ability to play to the crowd (for better or worse), and I just don't see Ross pulling that off on any potential campaign trail.  Realistically, he strikes me more as someone who would have been selected as a VP pick for a more charismatic presidential candidate.  Kind of wish they did that and he became President after the original one resigned or died or something to that nature.  Again, I know I'm thinking way too hard about that aspect but it kind of bugged me.

Definitely think Anthony Mackie has been overly-criticized at times for not being Chris Evans, and I still think Sam has potential to be a great Captain America.  Mackie did his best here, but the writing definitely let him down.  Did enjoy his easygoing chemistry with Danny Ramirez/Joaquin.

I swear, I love Giancarlo Esposito, but will Hollywood ever let him play a character that isn't the same one that it feels like he's been playing since Breaking Bad?

Great seeing Isaiah Bradley again.  Carl Lumbly is a treasure.

The Ruth Bat-Seraph character left almost no impression and seemed wasted here.

Tim Blake Nelson was good as always, but Samuel Sterns' new look didn't quite work for me.

Wish we had more Betsy/Liv Tyler.

I don't care if it is fanservice to end all fanservice: loved that they did bring in Bucky for at least one scene.  Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan's interplay and chemistry can't be beat.  Almost we see more of the duo in future team-up films.

The visual effects weren't the best but I feel like they've been over hated as well.  I've see so much worse: even in other MCU films.

Do kind of respect that both Eternals and The Incredible Hulk were major factors in all of this.  The franchise certainly isn't shy about involving their outcast films lately.

So, yeah, disappointing and will probably fall short at the box office but, well, at least it ain't Secret Invasion a.k.a. probably the only MCU product I can safely say I didn't like/almost hated.

Your whole review @thuganomics85 SPOT ON. I was telling my sister I enjoy most of the MCU movies because to me they are at baseline, good movies. I don't get the hate for The Marvels or The Eternals (haven't watched Secret Invasion yet). 

Also I'm glad that you said you found it dull to look at because I was trying to explain to my sister that the movie looked off but couldn't find the words to let her know what I meant - I had forgotten my glasses at home so that didn't help either. The movie is weirdly grey and lifeless looking.


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Welcoming Sam Wilson as Captain America at the ‘Brave New World’ Press Conference
Mike Manalo   Feb 13, 2025


... Present for the conference were producer and Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, director Julius Onah, producer Nate Moore, and stars Xosha Roquemore, Shira Haas, Giancarlo Esposito, Tim Blake Nelson, Danny Ramirez, Anthony Mackie, and the legendary Harrison Ford. ....
*  *  *
Kevin, what elements made Captain America: Brave New World, a film that Marvel Studios wanted to produce. Why did you want this film in the first place?
Well, I mean, it was really all about Sam Wilson as Captain America. We saw him in the biggest movie we’ve ever made, Avengers: Endgame, we saw Steve Rogers pass [the mantle] to Sam Wilson. We want to continue that story. And it’s always about bringing new characters to the MCU, and this amazing cast that you see before you did just that.

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5 hours ago, DanaK said:

It's projected to earn less than Ant-Man and Wasp Quantumenia over the same 4 day weekend. That's not a good start by any stretch of the imagination. Captain 4 also has a lower CinemaScore (B-) than Ant-Man 3 (B+).


Weekend Box Office: New CAPTAIN AMERICA Marks Another President’s Day Weekend Win For the MCU
News & Analysis • Boxoffice Staff • February 16 2025


1. Captain America: Brave New World
Marvel Studios | NEW
$88.5M 3-Day Domestic Opening Weekend
$100M 4-Day Weekend
$192.4M Global 4-Day Total

*  *  *
The superhero movie wound up at #1 with an estimated $88.5M 3-Day domestic total alongside a projected $100M 4-Day President’s Day holiday gross on 4,105 screens for a $21,559 Per Screen Average. That’s easily the biggest debut of the year as well as the fourth-best President’s Day gross ever. The top single theater in the country was AMC Disney Springs in Orlando with over $172K. No matter how Cap ultimately does for the studio, it drove overall theatrical business to nearly 50% above this same frame in 2024 when Bob Marley: One Love was the top film.
*  *  *
While this is actually on the higher-end of our prediction panel’s estimates going into the weekend, it’s not necessarily the best when grading on the Marvel Cinematic Universe curve. This studio has had 20 of their 35 films open over $100M for the 3-Day, including their first movie Iron Man in 2008. Brave New World opened to far less than the last Captain America movie, 2016’s Civil War ($179.1M), although that was more of an ensemble Avengers movie. That $88.5M 3-Day is also considerably less than the $106.1M that Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania opened to on Feb 17 of 2023. Quantumania also earned the ire of critics and fans, then wound up dropping 70% in its second weekend with $31.9M, leading to a box office freefall. The first two Captain America movies debuted with $65M and $95M, respectively, with over a decade of inflation not being taken into account. The new Cap adventure opened in closest proximity to other MCU sequels like 2013’s Thor: The Dark World ($85.7M, $206.3M domestic total) and 2016’s Doctor Strange ($85M, $232.6M domestic total).

With audiences split 63% male to 37% female, here’s how age demos looked…

  • Under 12 – 4%
  • 13-17 – 8%
  • 18-24 – 20%
  • 25-34 – 23%
  • 35-44 – 20%
  • 45-54 – 15%
  • 55+ – 10%

*  *  *
Outside factors played against the film during production, including being delayed from a prime summer 2024 slot to the dog days of February, having been shot prior to the post-Marvels creative reset at the studio, lots of reshoots/rejiggering that reportedly never helped test scores, as well as a peculiar reliance on characters and events from less-loved MCU entries like The Incredible Hulk and Eternals. Disney+ streaming The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series was a great way to ramp up to Anthony Mackie taking up the mantle of Captain America from Chris Evans… except that show ended four years ago.

Edited by tv echo

First of all, this is not the trainwreck that some of the early reviews and internet complainers have acted like it is. I know that I'm a blatant MCU apologist who has found the most recent batch of MCU movies like The Eternals and the Marvels to be underrated, but I mostly feel like this movies biggest crime is being sort of average, a place holder to move the greater MCU plot along to the next thing. The acting was all quite good, but the plot, the dialogue, the quips, even the fight scenes and effects, felt like they were sleepwalking towards the end credits until we can set up our next thing. There was a lifeless quality to it that I hope the MCU shakes off. 

Anthony Mackie continues to do a lot with whatever he is given, and he really is a good Cap, even if he's forever going to be stuck in the shadow of Chris Evans on some level. I think that the script didn't give him quite enough to work with here, I wish that they had leaned more into his conflicted feelings about Ross as his president, wanting to respect the office of president and being a symbol of the country while not really liking the guy, but what we got of that was still pretty good. 

Harrison Ford was more engaged than I have seen him on the big screen in awhile, and I think that's why this Ross seems so different than the thundering asshole he's been for most of the MCU. Thanks to his performance, I can actually buy that Ross, getting older and filled with more regrets, wants to be a better person and wants to reconnect with Betty but falls back into his old habits under stress, and it does actually feel tragic. I wish that they had acknowledged more that, in his previous performances, he was not exactly a well intentioned man who thought he was doing things for the greater good but a huge dick who hurt people for the sake of his ego and power, but I can see why this version makes for the more interesting antagonist. 

I highly suspected that Bucky would make a cameo, and holy crap did the movie come alive when he showed up! Joaquin is fun and all but its hard to beat that snarky best buds chemistry that Buck and Sam so naturally have, his five minutes were probably my favorite part of the movie. Although I do have to wonder, who sold angsty traumatized sweatshirt wearing shut in Bucky on becoming a politician? I guess I'm happy that he's doin better, but where the hell did that come from?

It was nice that they brought back so many characters and elements from The Hulk (except for Bruce) and dealt more with the fallout from Eternals, which I have been waiting for since Eternals ended, there is a lot to be mined from those stories. 

It was great seeing Isaiah Bradley again, I was so worried that they would kill him off for maximum angst, so I was relieved when he made it. That's the thing about this movie, lots of good bits, but they never really come together to make something great. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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i was glad that the celestial was finally acknowledged in some way.

i almost thought Liv Tyler's only "appearance" was going to be that phone call for a while, it nearly was until she finally showed up for a brief scene at the end.  yet still got quite high billing.    At least Bucky said more than her. 

The reshoots with Giancarlo were unfortunately pretty obvious.  I hope they do right by him the next time he shows up.

Harrison Ford almost stole the movie from Anthony Mackie.  Did i miss it or did they cut Sam's "you're right" line when Ross said "you're not Steve Rogers"?  I swear i didn't hear it.  

5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Although I do have to wonder, who sold angsty traumatized sweatshirt wearing shut in Bucky on becoming a politician? I guess I'm happy that he's doin better, but where the hell did that come from?

Especially since a first term member of Congress is almost completely powerless - if the public considers him a great hero then this seems too small for him.  Run for mayor or governor.

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, baldryanr said:

Especially since a first term member of Congress is almost completely powerless - if the public considers him a great hero then this seems too small for him.  Run for mayor or governor.

Bucky and Steve were from Brooklyn. They would have to spread time and nerd capital to relocate Bucky because they have plans for street level NYC local politicians already in play.

On 2/15/2025 at 9:00 PM, Raja said:

I think the force multiplier of being part of the MCU has now flipped and instead of getting bonus points from adding to the grand story that because we can't see a grand story being pointed to like the Avengers we are getting deductions other movies would not have held against them for not getting them.

It's almost become boring, because Marvel movies have become so formulaic.  Plus they disregard the core fans, and the current overarching story about the multiverse is IMO, inherently a bad one.  The good part is that it will likely be used to end up with a world that includes the Fantastic Four and X-Men along with the MCU heroes.

2 minutes ago, iarwain said:

It's almost become boring, because Marvel movies have become so formulaic.  Plus they disregard the core fans, and the current overarching story about the multiverse is IMO, inherently a bad one.  The good part is that it will likely be used to end up with a world that includes the Fantastic Four and X-Men along with the MCU heroes.

I guess you can say that all of the post Avengers: Endgame, and the Spider-Man epilog movies the content has been just trying to hold a place and mark time until The Fantastic Four and X-Men could be fit in.

Between COVID and the strikes and having the returning MCU characters blip, thus should be 5 years younger I think they missed their window for the current MCU heroes. By the time a Young Avengers come you will have 30 something actors trying to pass for college freshmen.

You might as well own that the MCU greatest generation is gone and are now historical figures because of real life actors can not shrug off aging like super soldiers and aliens. And now that we have the source comics greatest generation coming just start over, at least don't depend on middle aged airmen flying suits that the next generation can be put into. And like the MCU was built on the B list just go ahead without that B team that became the movie A list like you did when you had no choice and were young and hungry with the eye of the tiger.

To this movie and the old MCU, besides Cap's wings where was Wakanda, they were in the prequel Falcon and the Winter Soldier? They are the MCU superpower because of vibranium and suddenly we have adamantium spring up with America and Japan. In her role as the replacement for Nick Fury in America, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine? I got a feeling the production schedules left no time to deconflict Captain America from whatever will happen in  Thunderbolts*

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I enjoyed the movie, I tend to ignore critics since they aren't me and do not speak for me and my tastes.  I had a couple of things that bugged me the main one being that the cherry blossoms in DC do not look like that, ever.  Whoever decided that was a good effect obviously never actually saw the the cherry blossoms.

I loved the Bucky cameo and I'm also curious about the sudden turn to politics.

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15 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

I loved the Bucky cameo and I'm also curious about the sudden turn to politics.

I have lost the story's timeline, how long has it been since Captain America challenged the congress to do better? Or the Wakanda Talokan War? Or for that matter how long did the US chase Skrulls? The troops seemed to accept Sam as the Cap before President Ross called but Sam still seemed uncertain about accepting the role.

On 2/17/2025 at 2:42 PM, Hanahope said:


The reshoots with Giancarlo were unfortunately pretty obvious.  I hope they do right by him the next time he shows up.

Harrison Ford almost stole the movie from Anthony Mackie.  Did i miss it or did they cut Sam's "you're right" line when Ross said "you're not Steve Rogers"?  I swear i didn't hear it.  

With his revolver and knife that maybe penetrated vibranium some are speculating that as with The Marvels the reshoots and demands to cut running time down left Giancarlo's weapons being adamamatium tipped on the cutting room floor. 

I also don't think the Steve Rogers line, a reprise of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier made the final cut.

Mid AF, but not the kind of mediocre that comes from not giving a damn. There's a lot of good ideas in there that I think just didn't get enough cooking time. Plus, there's Marvel's desperate wish to be apolitical while somehow making a "political thriller". Winter Soldier was like half a thriller blended into MCU formula, but this is a quarter of a thriller. And -- as with FATWS -- the racial themes were added and then toned way down until you barely noticed. The fight scenes were MCU-average, but I appreciate that they don't even pretend the shield bouncing makes sense any more. Sam just throws it wherever the hell he feels like and it magically comes back.

I really do like the idea that Sam's empathy is one of his greatest assets.

I didn't like that Joaquin Torres knew who Isaiah Bradley was but not that he'd been unjustly imprisoned for three decades. That's fundamental to Bradley's story! They wrapped up FATWS with Sam ensuring Bradley's story was told! Did Torres just sleep through the stuff that was embarrassing for the US?

I've never liked the MCU idea that vibranium is basically magic and enables anything. The MU idea of a magical metal that "absorbs vibrations" is credulity-straining enough. But now adamantium is a better vibranium? Not just the MU "indestructible metal"? Yeesh.

Also, where are the Eternals in all this? Did they stop giving a shit after Tiamut died? Who even told humans that this was a dead Celestial?

general MCU digression follows:

Also, Sam kept muttering about wishing he'd taken the serum. Is that still on the table? Cause he kind of talks like it is. I haven't rewatched FATWS, but I thought all doses of the new serum were lost by now. That said, the thing about science is that is not something only one irreplaceable genius can do, and so if Erskine could make the serum and then that other guy in FATWS could basically replicate it, then surely some third person could also re-make the serum. Which gets me to my point: the difference between sci-fi and superhero stories is that in sci-fi, the logical extrapolations of  technology are followed. Why isn't the serum widespread? And with this treaty spreading adamantium world wide*, will the whole world soon have super-tech like Wakanda? And meanwhile, why is the world not already running on miniature arc reactors? It's been like 15 years since Iron Man 1. In the real world, we went from the Wright Brothers in 1903 to the first transatlantic flight 16 years later.

* which, speaking of Marvel trying to sidestep politics, I found it very hard to believe America would spearhead a movement to ensure global access instead of trying to lock it up for themselves.

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18 hours ago, arc said:

Which gets me to my point: the difference between sci-fi and superhero stories is that in sci-fi, the logical extrapolations of  technology are followed. Why isn't the serum widespread?

I agree with you in principle, but in practice, the issue with the serum has always been the potential for misuse or the wrong person receiving it. That's how we get John Walker and his nonsense. A good person like Sam could probably take it with no ill effects, but I can see how he would be cautious given the evidence of things going wrong. Hell, if someone had bothered to ask Isaiah all those years ago, "Do you want this?" he'd have said no. The similarity between sci-fi and superhero stories is that people are always screwing around with stuff they don't understand, and then something either explodes or it "just" falls into the wrong hands.

2 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I agree with you in principle, but in practice, the issue with the serum has always been the potential for misuse or the wrong person receiving it. That's how we get John Walker and his nonsense. A good person like Sam could probably take it with no ill effects, but I can see how he would be cautious given the evidence of things going wrong. Hell, if someone had bothered to ask Isaiah all those years ago, "Do you want this?" he'd have said no. The similarity between sci-fi and superhero stories is that people are always screwing around with stuff they don't understand, and then something either explodes or it "just" falls into the wrong hands.

We have had different super soldier serums from the flawed Red Skull growing a red demon head to the perfected Erskine with Steve Rogers which made his body grow. Where we got the reinforce what you are basic theme

But since then we got whatever Leviathan/ Soviet Hydra gave Bucky Barnes, the exploding soldiers in Iron Man 3,  and to start that series the product improvement on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Vibranium infused heart shaped herb of the Black Panthers and sea urchins the Lakotan's ate. What Isiah Bradley was given on to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier version that Sam might have had access to.

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I saw this today and was pleasantly surprised. I don’t really like Captain America basically turning into Iron Man (getting all his power from his suit and gadgets) but whatever. One question though is Bucky.  He’s running for Congress but ends up being one of the Thunderbolts in a couple months (I know it’s probably not a couple months in MCU time).  I really hope they explain that somehow.

1 minute ago, KeithJ said:

One question though is Bucky.  He’s running for Congress but ends up being one of the Thunderbolts in a couple months (I know it’s probably not a couple months in MCU time).  I really hope they explain that somehow.

Disney is getting desperate, like the spoiled adamantium and President Ross to try to lure in the nerds the Thunderbolts* add campaign has already spoiled Bucky. Turn on YouTube or watch commercials 2 weeks out from opening day at your own peril.

On 2/21/2025 at 1:44 PM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

the issue with the serum has always been the potential for misuse or the wrong person receiving it.

Indeed, but at a minimum, the potential for health care would be incredible. Imagine being eighty and at a minimum, being fit like you were 20. Surely there should be a way to make a toned down serum that's not so super but still massively helpful.

And then going back to its original purpose, it's kind of crazy the MCU doesn't have every soldier on it, or at least a time-limited version that can expire when their tours of duty expire. (Actually, if I was an evil genius I'd make a 24 hour serum and soldiers would take it the day of an operation. The vials would have to be locked down like they were nukes, I guess.)

Anyways, again, if you apply sci-fi logic to an ongoing superhero story, then soon enough the super technology becomes widespread and then the fictional world is no longer recognizable as a version of ours.  But I'd like them to at least try explaining they lost the serum again, or that adamantium didn't pan out, etc.

Will Elsbeth Complete Ferris Bueller Trifecta? Is Captain America Latest to Snub Secret Invasion? Did SNL ‘In Memoriam’ Forget Someone? More Qs!
By Vlada Gelman, Matt Webb Mitovich, Kimberly Roots, Ryan Schwartz, Rebecca Luther, Dave Nemetz, Charlie Mason, Nick Caruso, Andy Swift   February 21, 2025


1 | Were you surprised — or quite frankly, not at all — that Captain America: Brave New World made zero mention of President Ross’ predecessor, Secret Invasion’s President Ritson (played by Dermot Mulroney)? Was he impeached for his anti-aliens rhetoric? Did he resign? What?


Captain America: Brave New World | Official Clip 'Missiles Inbound'
Marvel Entertainment   Feb 26, 2025

Captain America: Brave New World Spoilers with Anthony Mackie
Marvel Entertainment   Feb 27, 2025


This week, Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Brave New World stars Anthony Mackie, Tim Blake Nelson, and Giancarlo Esposito dish spoilers from the film. ....

01:19 - CA:BNW Actor Commentary 

Edited by tv echo

Just came back from seeing this. Although it didn’t feel like a Captain America movie, I really really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t have minded them using the original actor that played Ross. Also I see brainiac is back, was surprised because I didn’t think we would ever go back to that particular Hulk movie. I also thought the post credit scene would have a Wolverine reference since we now got Adamantium on the planet. 

Also I was unaware of the Isaiah Bradley version of Captain America. 

6 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Also I was unaware of the Isaiah Bradley version of Captain America. 

It was a relatively recent retcon in the comics and brought into the MCU in the FATWS TV show. Joaquin Torres was also introduced in the same show.

Actually come to think of it, while Marvel/Disney admirably promoted the hell out of this movie, I think they forgot to do the Marvel Studio Legends catch-up clips they did with previous movies and TV shows.

  • Useful 2

I finally got around to watching this today. Long term, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of President Ross*. Aside from not showing off the full range of the abilities of “Rulk” (including absorbing radiation), we have a man — an American President — who did wrong, but he took responsibility for his crimes in the end and let himself be imprisoned.

One moment . . . I’m just gonna hit the GIF button, look up “hysterical laughter” and post one of the first results.

Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
I just find that hilarious.

Also, I can buy “Thunderbolt’s” redemption. Yeah, it’s not realistic, but this is a world where half of mankind vanished for five years, a dead alien giant can yield plotdevicium, and that heads of the world’s most powerful states would join forces to benefit the planet rather than go to war over it immediately. The Captain Ahab of the MCU could totally be a hero, and a whale-shaped hero at that. Also, I think Harrison has a few more years left in him.

Captain America? Oh, right. I think Anthony Mackie got shafted in scheduling. A February release would have been more appropriate for Thunderbolts, which will star Bucky, Yelena, and the contents of the MCU’s junk drawer. BNW should have gotten the May release. He’s Captain America. He’s not Steve Rogers, but who could be?

I liked the movie, even when the beats were too obvious. If it wasn’t for massive promotion, Ross stressing out on the carrier as Lumpy egged him on would’ve been suspenseful. But I knew that wouldn’t be the “Rulk-out” moment.

I have D+, but I don’t feel compelled to watch all the MCU series. I might have to change that and check out FWS. I’m a comic nerd, so I knew who Isaiah was. I recommend looking up The Truth, which gave readers a Cap that Steve Rogers never knew about.

How long do we wait to find out Ross’s Vice President? I think canon would suggest Glenn Talbot, but I believe he was used in Agents of SHIELD.

Does Sam pop up in Thunderbolts?

*Gotta differentiate from Everett Ross.

  • Like 2
56 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

How long do we wait to find out Ross’s Vice President? I think canon would suggest Glenn Talbot, but I believe he was used in Agents of SHIELD.

Does Sam pop up in Thunderbolts?

Unless Thunderbolts* prequels itself which the ad campaign says they are not


due to Bucky

I don't know how they can avoid the recent political turmoil in the MCU, USA in the movie

General Talbot with two recent Generals as a Presidential ticket even post Blip MCU seems odd.  Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. made extensive use of General Talbot, maybe far beyond a quick multiverse work around. So far they have brought back to life almost all of the other "is it MCU" shows with the Defenders saga and Agent Carter.  The Runaways, Cloak and Dagger being in doubt. So are keeping options open with no real reason to kill and bury linked content that Disney+ can market as such in the future. The Inhumans connection to AOS though might be the big "trout in the milk" for AOS.

4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Captain America? Oh, right. I think Anthony Mackie got shafted in scheduling. A February release would have been more appropriate for Thunderbolts, which will star Bucky, Yelena, and the contents of the MCU’s junk drawer. BNW should have gotten the May release. He’s Captain America. He’s not Steve Rogers, but who could be?

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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*sigh* I had to hold my bladder for dear life through the credits . . . only to see Lumpy tell Sam that there are other worlds. That was a letdown. Chris Evans going on a cuss-filled rant for two minutes was better.

I'm going to refer to Sterns as "Lumpy" instead of "Leader."

Once again, I don't watch the MCU shows on D+. How nerfed is Hulk these days? I'm still thinking Ross will get sprung for the next Avengers movie.

  • Mind Blown 1
3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Captain America? Oh, right. I think Anthony Mackie got shafted in scheduling. A February release would have been more appropriate for Thunderbolts, which will star Bucky, Yelena, and the contents of the MCU’s junk drawer. BNW should have gotten the May release. He’s Captain America. He’s not Steve Rogers, but who could be?

February is Black History month and, it's also where they released Black Panther to over $1 Billion.

This movie being released in February wasn't what caused it to bomb. Also, you don't throw a movie that you expect to tank into the Summer Release schedule, that's just a waste.

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

February is Black History month and, it's also where they released Black Panther to over $1 Billion.

This movie being released in February wasn't what caused it to bomb. Also, you don't throw a movie that you expect to tank into the Summer Release schedule, that's just a waste.

Falcon, Luke Cage and the Black Panther did come up at a political time and the social conditions changing since those times are also in effect. A generation after a Black Commander in Chief and two after a Black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with new fans joining the targeted demographic, make a Black Captain America not the bigger deal it was when Sam wearing the suit was written into the comics.

And the kicker is Captain is the number 1 movie for 3 weeks meaning the entire industry is in trouble. The home theatres and streaming wars for exclusive content has left everybody knowing they just have to wait a few weeks to make the service they are pre-paying for worth it.

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