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S07.E21: Tell All Part 3

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13 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I'm only about 15 minutes in, but I'm puzzled: Why would Ed expect Liz to "have his back when everyone is attacking him"- but the reason they are is because it's been proven that he lied to her numerous times to her face? Is he that stupid? She is supposed to defend his actions against her because she supposedly loves her? Make it make sense.

That's how people with damaged personalities operate.  My sister was just like Ed.  Would never take responsibility for anything.  Instead would redirect the blame onto the other person.  Ed used the same tactic to deal with Jenny when she tried to explain to him how his behavior was hurtful to Liz.  "Oh your comment was rude" he kept on repeating.  So he turns the criticism or blame onto Jenny so she either tries to defend herself by saying "How was I rude" enabling Ed to avoid the discussion of his hurtful behavior or she tries to get through to him which won't work because he'll just keep repeating his criticism "I'm not discussing this with you because you were rude to me" to the point where Jenny gives up in frustration.  Either way Ed distracts from the issue and refuses to look at his own behavior.  With my sister it was an overwhelming sense of unworthiness that she couldn't bear to face so she developed these nasty behaviors as a defense mechanism.  It was a shame really because the only person who thought she was totally unworthy was herself.  But yeah people like my sister and Ed can't admit to anything they've done wrong ever.  Like Ed was saying he would deny he was cheating forever.

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5 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

That's how people with damaged personalities operate.  My sister was just like Ed.  Would never take responsibility for anything.  Instead would redirect the blame onto the other person.  Ed used the same tactic to deal with Jenny when she tried to explain to him how his behavior was hurtful to Liz.  "Oh your comment was rude" he kept on repeating.  So he turns the criticism or blame onto Jenny so she either tries to defend herself by saying "How was I rude" enabling Ed to avoid the discussion of his hurtful behavior or she tries to get through to him which won't work because he'll just keep repeating his criticism "I'm not discussing this with you because you were rude to me" to the point where Jenny gives up in frustration.  Either way Ed distracts from the issue and refuses to look at his own behavior.  With my sister it was an overwhelming sense of unworthiness that she couldn't bear to face so she developed these nasty behaviors as a defense mechanism.  It was a shame really because the only person who thought she was totally unworthy was herself.  But yeah people like my sister and Ed can't admit to anything they've done wrong ever.  Like Ed was saying he would deny he was cheating forever.

Don't forget Jenny's epic line after she left the area after arguing with Ed, "Geez, where did they find this guy?"  hahaha


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We’ve known Ed is a sex tourist garbage person for a while now, but I didn’t realize quite how emotionally abusive and awful he was until this tell all. The way he treats any person who disagrees with his behavior is disgusting too. Liz is a doormat, but she’s talked about how abusive her previous relationship was and she is continuing that cycle.

I just hate Ed. He’s literally a horrible person. It makes me so sad to know that someone saw them together recently, which means Liz is wasting so much of her time and energy still on him. I also can’t stand Angela and I refuse to buy into the edit they are trying to give her. She’s a gross person. Lastly, I feel like Kim and Yara came out of this one looking like the most stand up, normal people who had some perspective and didn’t have their blinders on.

Just like Jovi said in the car, I wish someone would rock Ed’s shit just once (inside or outside of the studio). He is so manipulative and a liar and has the audacity to tell Jenny to own HER shit and what she says? Talk about pot calling the kettle black. Did you all hear Jenny tell Wee Eddy that India wouldn’t give him a visa?! 😂

Friend Bilal must be even more of an incel than he is, cause you know it’s bad when Ed says you’re smart.

These episodes are drawn out and pointless. Why are there FOUR EPISODES of this nonsense?


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1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

It makes me so sad to know that someone saw them together recently, which means Liz is wasting so much of her time and energy still on him.

Stupid Ed will have to lock the door and block his phone number in order to make Liz go away. At a certain point, I no longer feel bad for someone that continually sets themselves up for abuse and never learns. I was always in Liz's court, but now, if they are still together, well, it's just pathetic. We know she's damaged; that's why she's accepted this loser. But she now has enough good in her life to rise above this moron and leave him behind. Liz, go read some self-help books for starters, then seek out therapy. I hate the thought that Ed has the edge and knows that someone actually loves his abusive self-centered self.

1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

These episodes are drawn out and pointless. Why are there FOUR EPISODES of this nonsense?

If Shawn would ask what people want to know, how much better would viewers enjoy it? She's so gentle with everyone; I say let those who deserve it have it. :)

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2 minutes ago, Breedom said:

If Shawn would ask what people want to know, how much better would viewers enjoy it?

If she asked the hard questions and production stopped dragging this out by repeating the same crap over and over, they would only need one two hour Tell-All. 

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My husband is from Queens, and he always says that it is clear some ppl have clearly never been hit square in the face based on how they talk to other people. Ed is one of those ppl. The level of gaslighting, deflection, and sheer nastiness to other people while taking no responsibility or ownership of his own behavior is appalling. No wonder his daughter doesn't talk to him anymore. I didn't care for him much before this, but I really dislike him now. Liz needs to go away. Raise your daughter, make your paper, and maybe don't get into a relationship again until your figure your shit out. Bc, honey, Ed isn't it.

Personally, I like Jamal. Clearly, he loves his mom, and has her best interest at heart, unlike Ousman. I also think he is pretty hot. **shrugs**

Ousman can fuck right off. He KNEW Kimberly and Lisa couldn't give him babies, and yet he is making it Kimberly's fault for not being able to give him what he needs as a Nigerian man?! How sway?! 

Bilal is better at PR than Ed, but damn if he isn't similar in terms of the controlling ways and gaslighting. The idea that she doesn't have a bank account and he won't help her get a joint account is crazy and very much controlling. I don't care for Eutris, but his friend Christopher seems like a real piece of work too. "Maybe as the man, he is trying to teach her..." I know that kind of guy, who buy the narrative that women need to be taught and taken care of, and men are giving a bad rap that do that. Ew. Nah. And it makes complete sense to me that is the kind of company Bilal keeps. And he manipulated Shai with the whole baby gesture b/c it got him out of the spotlight for being mean and controlling, and made him look like a good guy. 

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Jenny is ridiculous. She is  totally dependent on lying scammer Sumit. She's pretending they are so deeply in love and Sumit says he depends on Jenny for love and support. OMG. No, what he depends on is her social security check.   She can't even polish her own toe's. Sumit does that for her, too. She can't leave the house to buy a few groceries. She doesn't cook or clean. She doesn't want Sumit to have a job because it takes away from his babysitting duties. She's deplorable.  Then they come on this tell all and act like their relationship is so perfect. She's no better than big Ed or Bilal.  Sumit admits he never wanted a kid so why are we watching this lying jerk? 

Edited to add: Why haven't they started the Visa paperwork yet? What is the excuse for that? 


Edited by bichonblitz
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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Jenny is ridiculous. She is  totally dependent on lying scammer Sumit. She's pretending they are so deeply in love and Sumit says he depends on Jenny for love and support. OMG. No, what he depends on is her social security check.   She can't even polish her own toe's. Sumit does that for her, too. She can't leave the house to buy a few groceries. She doesn't cook or clean. She doesn't want Sumit to have a job because it takes away from his babysitting duties. She's deplorable.  Then they come on this tell all and act like their relationship is so perfect. She's no better than big Ed or Bilal.  Sumit admits he never wanted a kid so why are we watching this lying jerk? 

Edited to add: Why haven't they started the Visa paperwork yet? What is the excuse for that? 


Who's visa ? Summit doesn't want to come to the US at all and probably purposefully sent his paperwork in too late to even get a tourist visa for the tell all, I think he's scared that he will like it too much & want to mover here which will piss off his mother even more.

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For all we know, Sumit could be squirreling away some of the money that comes in from TLC + Jenny's social security checks, knowing that she'll pre-decease him by decades.  He'll then have a stash of cash, and as a then 50-something man, he can find his 30-something Indian wife.  He clearly has no interest in even visiting the states.  

Jenny can't even properly buy groceries, probably doesn't even know how to use her phone to translate Rupees into dollars.  Sumit could be telling her the rent is X amount of Rupees, when it's really Y.  The electricity bill is A, when it's really B.

Sumit wouldn't do that.  He's so in love with her.  He'd never lie!  Except in a stolen photo as a dating scammer.  Oh, and the little incident of a whole marriage.  But he'd never lie about rupees.  No, not Sumit.

Heck, for all we know, Mama Sumit could be in on the scam.

Bilal is not only controlling vis a vis the finances and not wanting to add Shaeeda to his account, but my theory is that he's hiding something.  Is his financial picture all rented?  The house, the cars, etc?  Does he really make what he projects to make?  Is there some financial monkey business going on?  Did he think he'd find some poor, hungry foreign woman who would be so thrilled to be with him in the U.S., that she'd never ask?

Edited by Starlight925
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The only thing I can't understand is why the show deciding to portray Angela as the victim here.  She is a terrible person to Michael.  Always yelling and cussing at him any chance she gets.  Her excuse to being terrible to Michael is "He knew I was this way".  Someone needs to tell Angela that her personality and attitude might be the reasons for their issues.  Lol....I guess the show needs Angela, so I guess that's why she is the inocent one here.  😒 

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On 1/16/2023 at 2:14 PM, applewood said:

Did anyone else hear the part where Shaeda said that when they go to the movies she's not allowed to buy popcorn. She has to stuff a snickers bar in her bra!??? I don't understand this baby thing. Does she want a baby or not? Is she thinking the marriage may not last and she will be raising the baby by herself?

Unfortunately for  her time is not on her side. She can't afford to wait. The likelyhood of conceiving at 40 is much lower and they may need to resort to other means of conception like IVF which is insanely expensive and usually takes more than one try. Anybody see Bilal dishing out that kind of money to have a baby? I think not. I still think he may have had a vasectomy and is not telling the truth. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I still think he may have had a vasectomy and is not telling the truth. 

I still don't think he had a vasectomy because then he wouldn't bother to use protection (and have sex all day) and could just chalk up Shaeeda NOT getting pregnant to "Allah's will." 

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Surely there's a way to remove Ed from the 90 Day franchise. I've rarely wanted to cancel someone off a show, other than Paul and Karine and the old guy with the super young girl (i believe he had a red car)?

Anyhow, why are they paying someone who has clearly crossed some boundaries by offering $$ etc in exchange for love during his Asian tourism jaunts?

He's verbally abusive to the women and simply babbles over them to shut them up. I want him gone, he's so disgusting.

Even when Andre annoys me, at least he lets Libby voice her opinion, even if it annoys him.


Edited by Chalby
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On 1/20/2023 at 3:12 PM, rr2911 said:

 Her excuse to being terrible to Michael is "He knew I was this way".  Someone needs to tell Angela that her personality and attitude might be the reasons for their issues. 


You are absolutely correct. I was feeling sorry for her as well, until I rewatched her storming in and getting into Yara's face, and others. She's like Ed, she behaves like a disgusting loser, and when she sees we're not interested, she turns on the "supportive and vulnerable Angela" (who actually doesn't exist). Unless shes going to beat up Ed, we really have no use for her at the tell all, since nothing has changed between her and the husband (who's not allowed to interact with anyone until she says so). What a farce.


Edited by Chalby
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I don't remember which night or thread it was mentioned about Sheeda complimenting Liz on her skin and feet and toes. I have TLC on in the background today and saw that scene again. It makes more sense that she would compliment Liz on those features because in the Muslim way of women dressing, that is all you would see - the skin on their face and possibly their feet and toes. So of course that is what Sheeda would be noticing (and not the fact that Liz is wearing a sausage-skin tight handkerchief, exposing everything but her hoo ha).


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On 1/19/2023 at 6:49 PM, TrininisaScorp said:

My husband is from Queens, and he always says that it is clear some ppl have clearly never been hit square in the face based on how they talk to other people. Ed is one of those ppl. The level of gaslighting, deflection, and sheer nastiness to other people while taking no responsibility or ownership of his own behavior is appalling. No wonder his daughter doesn't talk to him anymore. I didn't care for him much before this, but I really dislike him now. Liz needs to go away. Raise your daughter, make your paper, and maybe don't get into a relationship again until your figure your shit out. Bc, honey, Ed isn't it.

Personally, I like Jamal. Clearly, he loves his mom, and has her best interest at heart, unlike Ousman. I also think he is pretty hot. **shrugs**

Ousman can fuck right off. He KNEW Kimberly and Lisa couldn't give him babies, and yet he is making it Kimberly's fault for not being able to give him what he needs as a Nigerian man?! How sway?! 

Bilal is better at PR than Ed, but damn if he isn't similar in terms of the controlling ways and gaslighting. The idea that she doesn't have a bank account and he won't help her get a joint account is crazy and very much controlling. I don't care for Eutris, but his friend Christopher seems like a real piece of work too. "Maybe as the man, he is trying to teach her..." I know that kind of guy, who buy the narrative that women need to be taught and taken care of, and men are giving a bad rap that do that. Ew. Nah. And it makes complete sense to me that is the kind of company Bilal keeps. And he manipulated Shai with the whole baby gesture b/c it got him out of the spotlight for being mean and controlling, and made him look like a good guy. 

I think because Ed has disability, he knows that people don’t want to get in trouble by fighting with him. 

Liz  - you can repeat 1000 times how much you love Ed, but I don’t believe you, sorry 

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On 1/22/2023 at 8:57 AM, Chalby said:

Surely there's a way to remove Ed from the 90 Day franchise. I've rarely wanted to cancel someone off a show, other than Paul and Karine and the old guy with the super young girl (i believe he had a red car)?

Anyhow, why are they paying someone who has clearly crossed some boundaries by offering $$ etc in exchange for love during his Asian tourism jaunts?

He's verbally abusive to the women and simply babbles over them to shut them up. I want him gone, he's so disgusting.

Even when Andre annoys me, at least he lets Libby voice her opinion, even if it annoys him.


Mark and Nikki. Don't touch the windows!

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On 1/20/2023 at 9:16 AM, bichonblitz said:

Jenny is ridiculous. She is  totally dependent on lying scammer Sumit. She's pretending they are so deeply in love and Sumit says he depends on Jenny for love and support. OMG. No, what he depends on is her social security check.   She can't even polish her own toe's. Sumit does that for her, too. She can't leave the house to buy a few groceries. She doesn't cook or clean. She doesn't want Sumit to have a job because it takes away from his babysitting duties. She's deplorable.  Then they come on this tell all and act like their relationship is so perfect. She's no better than big Ed or Bilal.  Sumit admits he never wanted a kid so why are we watching this lying jerk? 

Edited to add: Why haven't they started the Visa paperwork yet? What is the excuse for that? 


I don't feel any annoyance re Jenny and Sumit. This reminds me of when my cousin married someone 22 years her senior. Even after 12 years of marriage, and working fulltime, she was still being called a gold digger (even though she's the one who kept them financially afloat).

When will Sumit and Jenny just be able to enjoy their 11 year union, without it being called a farce?

Sumit never had any desire to come to the States, which is the reason for Jenny being on "The Other Way". I'm not worried about them, they have a solid bond, even if it's edited to make jenny look useless, old and decrepit. As for Sumit using a "good looking" profile pix, ah well, Jenny eventually got to see the 'real him'.

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11 hours ago, Chalby said:

When will Sumit and Jenny just be able to enjoy their 11 year union, without it being called a farce?

Sumit never had any desire to come to the States, which is the reason for Jenny being on "The Other Way". I'm not worried about them, they have a solid bond, even if it's edited to make jenny look useless, old and decrepit. As for Sumit using a "good looking" profile pix, ah well, Jenny eventually got to see the 'real him'.

He was married to someone else and didn't tell Jenny. He's a POS. 

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That hideous green jumpsuit is so far up Angela's saggy old ass it's gotta have skid marks.

Liz just can't quit Smed. Who could blame her? Not only is he a prick, but he has that hairy penguin bod! SWOON!!

Screw every guy here for making Jovi look like a great catch!

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