iMonrey August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 let's be real, no one in that house wanted to work with Donny because he looked the part of the odd man out weirdo Every person who's walked out of the house has said how much they love Donnie, even Zach. I honestly don't think it's personal. That's probably why he wasn't included in the "bomb squad" or the "detonators" to begin with, but those alliances formed in the first couple of days. The fact is, Donny just isn't playing this very well. He knows damn well Derrick is running the show but keeps trying to turn Cody. That was a dumb move, doesn't he know Cody is going to turn around and tell everything he said to Derrick? Plus, Derrick flat out told him he wanted to work with him and Donny didn't even make an effort to play along. The one thing Donny has going for him is Team America. He should be working that angle with Derrick and Frankie as hard as he possibly can. I am SO PISSED at how bad they were at that game. They have nothing to do all day. Memorize the damn days!!! The one where the answer was 6 days, Derrick is punching in 17. SEVENTEEN! And the question was just a simple "what day was xxx competition?" Imbeciles. I agree. This is exactly the kind of thing Janelle was so good at because she spent all her time memorizing crap like this. They always have these types of competitions - this is the very sort of thing they should be boning up on, all the time. And, show? Please stop trying to make Hayden and Nicole and thing. That ship has already sailed, and I don't want to see either one of them back in an "all-stars" season. They're both a couple of dumb bunnies. 3 Link to comment
AncientSand August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 I understand all the hate because the show has become so predictable but I've been very impressed by Derrick this season. He has been in complete control throughout the game and no one discusses him as a target. If he is the inevitable winner, it's because he deserves it. Donny, while definitely more likable, has virtually no social game. The only reason he's still there is his excellent work at competitions. Those guys never win. 4 Link to comment
willpwr August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 Since I have thought for a while that Derrick was "undercover" in the BB house, I am glad he confirmed that. He's acting the way the HG's expect, not necessarily how he is so I'm trying not to judge him too harshly on some of his comments and actions. I believe him when he told Donny getting rid of him wasn't good for Derrick's game, the two reasons being he wants that TA money and it gives his alliance a common enemy so they don't think of turning on Derrick. I don't believe him when he says Donny is his second favorite person in the house, though unless he's thinking of who he would get along with in a normal, outside the game situation. If it wasn't for TA, I think Derrick would have gotten rid of Donny a long time ago simply because he sees how smart Donny is, plus he knows Donny has been talking about eliminating him. Derrick could realistically have gotten rid of him when he was nominated against Brittany and then against Nicole but he's always made it a point of nominating Donny then saying there's bigger fish to fry because Donny is alone. I believe Derrick has looked out for Donny in a weird way. I'm sorry Donny but the person in power doesn't have to prove their loyalty to you, in this instance Derrick had the upper hand, if you're doing everything at all costs to stay in the game then talk game to the person that can sway the votes. Derrick has been loyal so far to Cody and Victoria, that's why they trust him. Yes, Derrick talked to Jocasta and Nicole and Hayden before they were eliminated but they were not his true alliance, they were Donny's allies, not his. Derrick didn't owe them anything. Is Derrick trustworthy in this game? No, he's looking out for himself just like everyone else. I don't think BB is a good place to be morally superior or let others know that you don't think too highly of them. Like Frankie told Zach, I can't believe I'm quoting vile ass Frankie because as jerky as he was when he said it, it's true, "That’s how this game works. You smile and you go on the block." especially if you're a fan and know how things work. 1 Link to comment
Kris117 August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 (edited) Caleb is everything, has done everything, is the best at everything, and is, in fact, everything. Either that, or Caleb is seriously delusional. I wonder if Caleb isn't using his time in the house as a fantasy life, where he can indulge himself in every stray dream he has about himself. For his sake, I hope so, but he seems so serious about all of his great accomplishments that I think he is that delusional in real life. I wanted to punch Victoria when she ran to the Detonating Bomb Squad tools and told tales out of school about Donny and Nicole strategizing. She reminds me of the second-least popular kid at school who really piles on the one kid worse off than her, just to curry favor with the popular kids and distract them from her. Donny and Nicole never did anything to her, no reason to make it worse for them. And what kills me about that is how shocked and scandalized they were that Donny and Nicole would dare strategize on their own! What the hell else would they expect? It would have been shocking had they not been talking game. And yes, Victoria was so proud of herself for providing information of such great value to her alliance. Where did Derrick get off criticizing Christine for not winning competitions, and thereby not pulling her weight in the Detonators? If I'm reading this correctly, she's won two more comps than he has. Sure, he lasted longer in the HoH comp than she did, but he didn't win it either. Christine has been HoH once won BoB twice won Veto once which makes four wins by my count. Derrick has won HoH twice (removed once by his nominees winning BoB) never won a BoB (because he's never been nominated) never won a Veto which makes two wins. Even if you count the week he gave the HoH to Frankie because of his grandfather's death (which he wasn't guaranteed to win anyway), Christine comes out ahead. How are these people not paying attention to something like that? They're supposed to be paying attention to events in the game. I hate to say it, but I hope Donny doesn't win veto. I love him, but I think that Nicole has a slightly better chance of breaking up the Detonators, so I'd like to see her in the game. And by "slightly," I mean the amount you improve your Powerball chances by buying two tickets instead of one, which is infinitesimal. Edited August 25, 2014 by Kris117 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 And what kills me about that is how shocked and scandalized they were that Donny and Nicole would dare strategize on their own! What the hell else would they expect? It would have been shocking had they not been talking game. It's really grating. By all means, if someone is talking about targeting you - nominate them. But don't sit there and act all shocked about. Don't act like the only people who are allowed to strategize and play the game are those in your alliance. 3 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 Donny, while definitely more likable, has virtually no social game. The only reason he's still there is his excellent work at competitions. That and the others wanting to keep from being bored out of their minds. It's not often that I tune into the live feed, but Donny's a very interesting conversationalist and you can see why everybody likes him; you don't really get to see that in the regular episodes. Not that this will save him if he starts looking like too much of a threat. 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 We've gotten that "how dare anyone even consider coming after us??" mode all the way back to Joey... and now it's evolved into threats to the entire "Detonators (+1)" that you also dare not speak to any of "those people" that aren't "us" so they can't try to dilute Derrick's kool aide. What that also does is leave very little "content" for us to watch, and we end up seeing a five minute Ninja Cowboy compilation. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 What that also does is leave very little "content" for us to watch, and we end up seeing a five minute Ninja Cowboy compilation. Well... The Third Degree Black Belt Bruce Lee Jackie Chan Airborne Leg Spasm Butt Slam Kick, or whatever it was, *was* very entertaining - and educational, too. 4 Link to comment
HurricaneVal August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 My two favorite parts about last night's broadcast show: 1) whenever Frankie went off script when running the HOH competition, and did his little "look at me! Look at MEEEEEE!" asides, the sound engineers removed the booming announcer voice reverb so his self promotion ended up sounding like pathetic "meep-meeps..." in comparison. 2) Ninja!Caleb showing off doing his triple black belt fancy kicks, and falling on his ass with the "real" bicycle kick. Runner up: an exhausted and exasperated Donny just flat out telling Cody he was stupid, right there in the HOH room in front of everybody. I also loved it when Donny woke him up to talk strategy. Donny is getting desperate, and obviously trying to mix it up as best he can. Hitting Cody with all that info and dealmaking when he was only half awake may have been brilliant--plant those seeds when he's vulnerable, then let his unconscious mind mull them over and perhaps they'll germinate and grow. However, I'm afraid Cody's mind is a barren field. 4 Link to comment
Nashville August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 I also loved it when Donny woke him up to talk strategy. Donny is getting desperate, and obviously trying to mix it up as best he can. Hitting Cody with all that info and dealmaking when he was only half awake may have been brilliant--plant those seeds when he's vulnerable, then let his unconscious mind mull them over and perhaps they'll germinate and grow. However, I'm afraid Cody's mind is a barren field. Well... to swipe a metaphor from Raising Arizona: Cody's mind is a rocky place where the seed of thought can find no purchase. 4 Link to comment
EscapeGoat August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 It's really grating. By all means, if someone is talking about targeting you - nominate them. But don't sit there and act all shocked about. Don't act like the only people who are allowed to strategize and play the game are those in your alliance. This happens every season (Ok, I've only watched three seasons or so, but still!) and it always irritates me! People also are always getting offended at being lied to - IT'S BIG BROTHER! YOU HAVE TO LIE!!! It's always the person who has told the most lies that gets sooooo upset that someone would actually *gasp* lie to their face! 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 Well... The Third Degree Black Belt Bruce Lee Jackie Chan Airborne Leg Spasm Butt Slam Kick, or whatever it was, *was* very entertaining - and educational, too. I believe Steven Seagal was mentioned. By far, it was my favorite part of the episode. 3 Link to comment
DAngelus August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 It is shocking how badly everybody did in that HoH. The "Calendar" competition is a long-time staple (this was nicely dressed up with the punch buttons and the increments-of-five element, though) and usually everybody knows the days and it's just about speed. In BB9, for example, OTEV was a calendar comp, with players racing around the yard to bring back the proper digits to make the correct day in the clue. Almost nobody got an answer wrong, much less the same wrong answer three times in a row, Nicole, you Froot Loop dingus! Sigh. This is because, with so little to do in the house, one of the things people do is go over the sequence of events, constantly, to prepare for comps such as this and "Before and After". I've never gotten the feeds, and After Dark didn't start until S8, so I never saw Janelle's "Jedi Mind Training" in S6/S7, but I did see S8 Zach doing a recitation to himself in bed, every night ("Day 1, we moved in. First HoH was…" and so on). I've seen S11's Kevin and Natalie using skittle on a chessboard to make a calendar. And I'm sure many other HGs have done similar in-depth memorization of important dates. That nobody here could even get the majority of the answers on the first guess (that Nicole couldn't remember that PoV comes two days after HoH, and with the first eviction being on Day 14, all PoVs must fit the formula 7x+2) is ridiculous. "That being said" ™, I think Derrick threw the comp. He went out on the "what day was Devin put on the block?" question. Well, gee, as they showed us, who put Devin on the block in the first place? Derrick. No way he didn't know what day it was, when even Cody could remember the events of his HoH (Brittany's penalty, Amber winning BoB) that were used as questions. Good strategy, probably, given that Cody and his hemmorhoids are unlikely to sh*t or get off the pot wrt big moves any time soon. Is there a clause in the Team America (whatever) deal that prevents them from disclosing the arrangement to non-TA members? Because I'm thinking that if there's anything Donny could do to turn Cody against Derrick and Frankie, it would be to let Cody know that Derrick and Frankie have made $20,000 each already this year, and have been "lying" (by omission) to Cody about it all season long. That would have been a great way to grease the path for the "do you really think Derrick wants to go to the F2 with you, Cody?" seed that Donny should be looking to plant. He doesn't need to have Cody nominate Derrick, but getting Cody to take out one of his theoretical end-game rivals would make some sense. Instead, he gave Cody no real reasons not to trust Derrick, not even asking him why Derrick has been so set on keeping Victoria around. Unfortunate. And I don't think Nicole "turning" on Donny would have been believed. A good lie to make up would have been about Hayden telling her some "secret information"…like maybe him and Christine having made an F2 alliance, and that's why Christine felt so threatened by Hayden/Nicole getting close. Nothing that would be out of character for the "outsider" role Nicole finds herself in, but "dirt" that would put a bigger target on somebody else's back. And Jocasta, if you want to go back to your bisexual roots, I'm all in favor of it, but saying good-bye to Nicole as she re-enters is not the time to make your move! You had a whole week at Jury House to go for it with Nic…I mean, what do you think Jury House is for? Ask Aaryn and Jessie (yes, they did…allegedly) if you don't believe me. Bamp-chicka-bamp-bamp, baby… Link to comment
peachmangosteen August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 The biggest liars are the ones who overuse the words honesty and integrity. So Derrick then. 1 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 That nobody here could even get the majority of the answers on the first guess (that Nicole couldn't remember that PoV comes two days after HoH, and with the first eviction being on Day 14, all PoVs must fit the formula 7x+2) is ridiculous. I happened to be tuned into the live feed earlier this month when one HG was reminding another that a particular comp wasn't held on the usual day, so yes, they should be aware of the formula, but not all comps fit the formula. Link to comment
willpwr August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 I don't think Derrick threw the competition knowing the only two competitors left were Donny and Cody and Donny's usually a strong competitor unless, if he did, he wanted Donny to win so he could use him to eliminate one of the Detonators. Link to comment
Kris117 August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 Yes, I agree. Given that the targets were Nicole and Donny, nominating them would not come back to bite him, because they are targeting Derrick anyway. I could see him throwing one in a week or two, when Nicole and Donny are gone, so he wouldn't have to be the first to nominate two Detonators , but this week, no. Also, I think it would have been hard to calculate the answers to the questions and listen carefully to Julie's announcements of points scored. Donny was in it through several questions, and I don't think Derrick would have risked Donny winning. It is shocking how badly everybody did in that HoH. The "Calendar" competition is a long-time staple (this was nicely dressed up with the punch buttons and the increments-of-five element, though) and usually everybody knows the days and it's just about speed. In BB9, for example, OTEV was a calendar comp, with players racing around the yard to bring back the proper digits to make the correct day in the clue. Almost nobody got an answer wrong, much less the same wrong answer three times in a row, Nicole, you Froot Loop dingus! Sigh. I thought sure that in Nicole's first DR about the competition, she would say, "We really studied for this in the jury house," or some other indication that she was ready for a competition like this, but nooooooooo. I was disappointed when she went out first. It was funny that Victoria beat her, though. Link to comment
parisprincess August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 I think the reason for the high ratings was because everyone was watching with fingers crossed that Donnie or Nicole would pull off a win and we'd be spared from some of the one-sidedness of this lousy season. Link to comment
WendyCR72 August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Stepping in here: EVERYONE is allowed an opinion here, and everyone has the right to have opposing opinions be treated with respect. Discuss what YOU want/think about the show and leave the mocking of others at the door. Carry on. Link to comment
Jrae9233 August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 Finally got around to watching the episode and watched Donny just kill his game. Derrick gave him an opening to work together and Donny just blew it away. Why, when Donny knows he's in trouble expect Derrick to prove his loyalty. Sorry Donny just wasn't good at the social aspect of the game. And I love how Donny knows Derrick is lying and thinks it's wrong of him but he won't confess to trying to get Derrick out. I guess it's only bad if it isn't him lying. Other than that I laughed so much at Caleb's ninja work. Best part of the whole season. 1 Link to comment
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