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S24.E10: Jumped In

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On 12/27/2022 at 6:56 PM, WendyCR72 said:

When Benson becomes the target of a ruthless gang leader, Captain Duarte takes the case. Fin works with the Bronx SVU to help clear their case backlog. Lieutenant Dixon offers to translate when a deaf student is raped.


So let me get this right. Benson is being threatened and Duarte comes to help. So with Fin over in the Bronx and Dixon working on the deaf girl's rape, then Duarte, Velasco, and Muncy will be working on the Benson case. So will Benson and Noah be put in a safe house or will Benson be working on her own case even though she will probably be ordered not toaaa/

3 hours ago, dttruman said:

So let me get this right. Benson is being threatened and Duarte comes to help. So with Fin over in the Bronx and Dixon working on the deaf girl's rape, then Duarte, Velasco, and Muncy will be working on the Benson case. So will Benson and Noah be put in a safe house or will Benson be working on her own case even though she will probably be ordered not toaaa/

I have a feeling Velasco and Muncy will be the main detectives on the deaf girl’s rape, with Dixon assisting them in communicating with the victim. I guarantee St Olivia will investigate her own case, regardless of what McGrath orders her to do, and she’ll probably clash with Duarte at the start before they start working together to get to the bottom of it. I just hope this new storyline about Benson being threatened doesn’t last the whole season - we’ve seen an endless amount of “Benson/Noah in danger” plots over the years and it gets so tiresome, but they will probably drag it out as long as possible. I really wish they would start splitting screen time more evenly, but they won’t, this is the Benson/MH show - Fin’s been window dressing in half the episodes, and it wouldn’t shock me if that continued, and I want more Carisi in court and more Velasco as well, and for the love of god have Muncy grow up, she had the emotional maturity of a 12 year old in the last episode. Really the only thing I’m looking forward to this episode is Dixon and her plot, I’ve just had enough of St Olivia and Super Brat in danger. 

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On 12/31/2022 at 5:39 PM, dttruman said:

So let me get this right. Benson is being threatened and Duarte comes to help. So with Fin over in the Bronx and Dixon working on the deaf girl's rape, then Duarte, Velasco, and Muncy will be working on the Benson case. So will Benson and Noah be put in a safe house or will Benson be working on her own case even though she will probably be ordered not toaaa/


On 12/31/2022 at 9:27 PM, Xeliou66 said:

I have a feeling Velasco and Muncy will be the main detectives on the deaf girl’s rape, with Dixon assisting them in communicating with the victim. I guarantee St Olivia will investigate her own case, regardless of what McGrath orders her to do, and she’ll probably clash with Duarte at the start before they start working together to get to the bottom of it. I just hope this new storyline about Benson being threatened doesn’t last the whole season - we’ve seen an endless amount of “Benson/Noah in danger” plots over the years and it gets so tiresome, but they will probably drag it out as long as possible. I really wish they would start splitting screen time more evenly, but they won’t, this is the Benson/MH show - Fin’s been window dressing in half the episodes, and it wouldn’t shock me if that continued, and I want more Carisi in court and more Velasco as well, and for the love of god have Muncy grow up, she had the emotional maturity of a 12 year old in the last episode. Really the only thing I’m looking forward to this episode is Dixon and her plot, I’ve just had enough of St Olivia and Super Brat in danger. 

You are probably correct. It's too bad they didn't do this last year when they had the Hate Crimes cast working though their options as we could have gotten a reprise of Murphy coming in and taking command and telling Benson there was no way in hell she could command the investigation of her own case. That would make the whole episode worth it no matter what else happened!

Edited by wknt3
fix typos
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I still can't understand why the writers can't show some urgency on the part of the NYPD when it comes to one of their own being attacked. Velasco and Muncy are in the office in the morning talking in whispers about Benson's attack, when I thought they would be hitting all the hospitals looking for gun shot wounds on a kid the night before. I thought McGrath would take this personally and raise Holy Hell, when one of his Captains gets attack. You'd also think that this would get some major TV coverage, but I guess they are making NYPD, especially in the Bronx SVU look totally incompetent just so Benson can look good.Tacky very Tacky.

Wow the DAs of the Bronx put her on the case because of the new rape, but when they go to the hospital to get the DNA from the rapist, the specialist (a real class act) running test says he can't because of the bureaucracy. Why the hell didn't they call the DAs and tell them to have a pleasant conversation with this specialist.

It's becoming too much Benson again, she is getting personally involved in her own case, a major violation of protocol.

Edited by dttruman
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What a convoluted mess this episode was.  Why in the world did the perp need to be the secret half brother of some random guy who didn't know he was adopted?  What did that add to the story?  Why did the perp wait ten years before starting up his rape spree again?  What was the point of having Detective Mullet be a whistleblowing millionaire?  (And I'm sure it's just me, but during all his scenes, I just kept thinking of his sketch work with Amy Schumer.  He's hilarious.)  Did Liv just hang a "On Vacation" sign on Manhattan SVU's doors while she took the squad over to the Bronx?       

And good job Noah, your inability to stay inside the building like your mom said significantly delayed her catching one of the guys who attacked her.      

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1 hour ago, dttruman said:

I still can't understand why the writers can't show some urgency on the part of the NYPD when it comes to one of their own being attacked. Velasco and Muncy are in the office in the morning talking in whispers about Benson's attack, when I thought they would be hitting all the hospitals looking for gun shot wounds on a kid the night before. I thought McGrath would take this personally and raise Holy Hell, when one of his Captains gets attack. You'd also think that this would get some major TV coverage, but I guess they are making NYPD, especially in the Bronx SVU look totally incompetent just so Benson can look good.Tacky very Tacky.

Wow the DAs of the Bronx put her on the case because of the new rape, but when they go to the hospital to get the DNA from the rapist, the specialist (a real class act) running test says he can't because of the bureaucracy. Why the hell didn't they call the DAs and tell them to have a pleasant conversation with this specialist.

It's becoming too much Benson again, she is getting personally involved in her own case, a major violation of protocol.

And I can't understand why TIIC have had Benson attacked AGAIN.

It's old. It's tired. It's lazy.

NO ONE is that immune from PTSD, and she would have a doozy of a case. The NYPD would probably force her out.

Latter Benson reminds me of '80s cop shows where it seems the women were always in distress and kidnapped and brutalized, until someone else comes to save her.

I can think of only one time in this entire franchise a woman got to save herself. And being one time, maybe that is why it is sadly easy to remember.

So, thank you, Alexandra Eames, for saving your own ass so very long ago. Come back and teach Olivia Benson some moves, please. Maybe it will end her perpetual victimhood, forcing these hacks to think of something original.

Too much to ask?

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So now SVU is going to have an ongoing storyline like OC has? This may be the end of me watching SVU, I quit OC because I couldn’t keep track of all of the characters and storylines and that format wasn’t as compelling to me, so I’m disappointed that it seems like SVU is going the same way.

This episode was a jumbled mess and I have no idea what they are doing - why do they want St Olivia in the Bronx since she barely has enough people to handle Manhattan SVU, and now they want her in the Bronx doing their work as well? It makes no sense. Of course St Olivia will magically be able to fix everything I’m sure but it just doesn’t make sense. And more “Benson in danger” plots, blah. I’m so sick of St Olivia’s personal life taking front and center.

The plot about the serial rapist targeting deaf women was interesting, and it was great to see Dixon cross over and assist, but the episode just didn’t flow well because it was so jumbled with so much going on it was hard to focus.

I still don’t like Muncy, Velasco had nothing in this one, at least Fin got a few good scenes. And Carisi was MIA, I really missed him, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back if they are switching the show to the Bronx for a while.

Overall this episode was a complete mess that was hard to follow and I found myself zoning out and getting bored with it all. The “Benson in danger” plots have been done over and over and nothing about this was original, and since it appears this will be an ongoing storyline, I have a feeling nothing will improve on this show.

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The Good:
Dixon. It's good that they didn't turn her into a Benson acolyte and it's good to see a strong female leader played by someone who can actually act.
Fin. While there was some clunky dialogue for him like everything else it was good to see him featured pretty heavily and that Ice-T seemed to be actually trying instead of phoning it in.

The Bad:
The Rollins pyschobabble. Fin would never talk about "feeling her absence". He would just say he misses her too. That, displacement, etc. is stuff that should be left in the writers room and not put in the script - it's the job of the writers to translate the psychological theories into what characters would actually say.
No Carisi. It's hard to believe he would not be checking in or involved in Benson's assault or the legal issues.
We're expected to believe that all sexually based offenses in Manhattan are being handled by a couple of extras and that giant desk sergeant while Benson plays some sort of unholy combination of Kojak and Serpico in the Bronx?
The confession. If we are expected to take it straight - it's terrible writing. If the perp they have in custody is covering for someone - it's also terrible writing that experienced SVU investigators and federal prosecutors would take that nonsense at face value. That is the most superficial confession and statement imaginable especially given that there has already been a wrongful arrest.
There's going to be multiple episodes devoted to this nonsense?
The script. The plotting was convoluted and didn't flow naturally. The dialogue was so often clunky. It felt like a Season 18 episode - as if they put a first draft on screen. I'm wondering if the BTS drama with the showrunner is showing here? It would be the only good reason that they would film this without the desperately needed polishes and re-writes.
Benoah. It took time away from things we actually wanted to see and forced us to try to believe that Noah still hasn't learned anything despite seeing more attacks, hostage situations, etc. than most 30 year NYPD veterans. Nope he just runs back out into the street resulting in all the bad guys getting away. Are we sure he's not biologically related to Benson?

Overall this was a steaming turd of an episode with the only bright spots coming from a few decent performances. While it's not on the level of the worst episodes of this series it's still far below acceptable in many aspects. They took a hacky flawed concept and executed it incompetently. And the worst thing is they don't even seem to realize it.

Edited by wknt3
fix typos
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7 hours ago, wknt3 said:

No Carisi. It's hard to believe he would not be checking in or involved in Benson's assault or the legal issues.

I'm going to assume that he & Rollins are on their honeymoon and "the great and powerful" Benson (or her minions) didn't want to disturb him/them with the news of her attack (it's not like it was reported in the media).

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What a hot mess of an episode. There was so much going on that it felt several episodes all sewed together into one, just a big convoluted mess. Its about cleaning up the Bronx, its about Olivia being in danger again, its about sending that crime lord to jail, its about a whistleblower, its about Olivia dealing with trauma again, its about a serial rapist targeting deaf teenagers, its about a guy who doesn't know he was adopted who's long lost half brother hates his mother, it was just a big pile of muck. Am I supposed to care about this overarching case with this gangs vendetta against Olivia? For multiple episodes? 

I hate that the show feels the need to keep Olivia in this perpetual state of victimhood, who the show keeps telling us is this awesome badass super cop but always seems to need to get bailed out by someone else while they keep trying to force us to feel bad for her by constantly putting her and her son in danger. Like she can do whatever stupid shit she wants but we have to have sympathy for her because she's constantly a victim to various bad guys. This is all just another excuse for her to be Saint Olivia, who wants to do nothing more than protect the teens who almost killed her and end all crime in New York, but cant handle a few random kids on an open street. Just how stupid is Noah anyway? The kid is almost a teenager, a teenager who's already been in way too many life or death situations, shouldn't he know that when his mom says for him to go do something in a serious situation, he should do it? Why do they insist on writing Noah like he's perpetually six years old? 

Its too bad that the story with the rapist was just thrown in there in the second half, a rapist targeting deaf people and how that affects them trying to get help and move their case forward is an interesting idea and deserved a whole episode. The way they got to the rapist was so weird, why all of the drama with this guy who's unknown half brother is a rapist? I hope that the guy lets his wife and parents have it for lying to him about being adopted, what a crappy thing to do. 

I did like some of the Olivia and Finn interactions, the acting was mostly good from the main and supporting cast, and it was great to see Camryn Manheim, but those are really the only nice things I can say about this one. 

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OK, I'm only one-third of the way into this ep, but when Olivia saw the gang members outside, why didn't she just go inside with Noah? They were across the street, right? Did she not think she could get inside safely with him in time? Or did she just want to be a hero? Also, there were other buildings with lights on up the street--why not turn around with Noah, walk into one of those, and call for backup?

ETA: Wow, this was entirely too much in one ep! They could have made a full ep just about the attacks on deaf women and just had it take place in Manhattan, and it would have been much better. No Olivia gang stuff, no Bronx SVU politics.

Edited by MarylandGirl
added other episode commentary
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On 1/5/2023 at 9:59 PM, Broderbits said:

I predict that when (or if) this show finally ends, Saint Olivia Benson will be appointed Police Commissioner. After all, she's the most honest, most competent, most effective, most photogenic person on the whole force!

That’s Tom Sellecks job 

22 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

OK, I'm only one-third of the way into this ep, but when Olivia saw the gang members outside, why didn't she just go inside with Noah? They were across the street, right? Did she not think she could get inside safely with him in time? Or did she just want to be a hero? Also, there were other buildings with lights on up the street--why not turn around with Noah, walk into one of those, and call for backup?

ETA: Wow, this was entirely too much in one ep! They could have made a full ep just about the attacks on deaf women and just had it take place in Manhattan, and it would have been much better. No Olivia gang stuff, no Bronx SVU politics.

Agree she confronted them.  I also thoughts cops are not supposed to just hurt someone ie going for the leg when on the line of fire.  He was firing right at her.  Maybe because she was off duty and considered a civilian or she didn’t have time  to say drop your weapon?


also, how much money did the cop make from his lawsuit ?

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19 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Does Benson ever get a week off from being kidnapped, ambushed, in the middle of hostage negotiations, close to being raped, gun held to her head or tortured? I think the writers have run out of steam.

I agree that this group of writers are pretty clueless about what to do. The show could still be good though if it wasn’t for MH demanding to be front and center all the time, as a result of her huge ego, the show gives us never ending Benson drama. I wonder if this season is the end for SVU because it really seems like these writers don’t know what to do and this whole storyline of moving Benson into the Bronx and working with the gang unit just reeks of the writers having no idea what to do with the show. I wonder if this is the end for SVU. 

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If the episode was only about the rapist of the deaf girls, I would give it an 8/10.
But they messed it up with the case about the attack on Olivia. At one point I was quite confused.
Anyway...this is a TV  show on its 24th season that was never really been very  intelligent, especially when the cases involve our heroes.

The whole attack was a galore of stupidity. The attackers were waiting on plain sight, Benson decided to confront them alone while her kid was present..I mean she is supposed to  be way too experienced to do this..

I do not know NY police regulations, but I doubt anyone who had gone through the sh1t Olivias has the last 24 years or so,  would still be very sane, no  mater how strong the character is. Not to mention the various traumas poor Noah must have..
We have realized by now that realism it is not one of SVU's pros... but please do not make it that stupid...

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This episode should be called the "Bronx Bullshit" episode.  Why have St. Olivia travel to the Bronx when Manhattan is down one detective?  Muncy is now a liability because she can't control her shit on the stand.  (Referring to the Muncy Meltdown on a previous case.)

I can see the Department sending in the Whistleblower to get rid of him though.  Would a whistleblower who flaunts his million dollar payout really be allowed to function in any PD? 

Benson calls him out for bribing a government employee but then licks up the cream when it suits her getting what she wants.  Hypocrite again.

The deaf girls being raped and one murdered should have been the only storyline.  This mess was just too much.  And don't get me started on Noah's stupid and childish behavior again.

Edited by CrystalBlue
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