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S1.E4: We're Looking at Rings

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Naeem lands in Panama and is instantly besotted. Danna and Brian grow closer and contemplate her future farm life in Galway. Carmen finds provocative content on Philip's social media. Mael introduces country bumpkin Aaron to French fare as they bond.

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I wonder what criteria Arica used to match these couples up? Gurleen seems like such an assertive person I would think her first criteria would be not to send her to any countries that treat women like second-class citizens! OTOH, it does provide the drama that I'm sure Bravo is looking for.🙄

Edited by HerkyJerky
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Carmen being upset about Philip's instagram was rich considering she posts similar thirst trap pics. Heck, how does she think Arica, I mean the production company found her? 

Based on the amount of posts, might it be easier to lump all posts in one thread rather than separate episodes?

Edited by snarts
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Welp. So much for any sort of successful match coming out of this show. Danna and Brian were the only couple that showed any sort of potential, but looks like that's done after Brian found out she was a whole three years  older than him. I actually felt so bad for Danna. For him to tell her he was never really attracted to her when his actions definitely said otherwise until that point was such a dick move.

Didn't think it was possible, but somehow Arica is even worse at this whole matchmaking thing than the so-called experts on Married at First Sight.

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I felt sooo bad for Danna. The tide turned the very second Brian learned Danna's age. 

Didn't that dumb-ass matchmaker think that it might be a dealbreaker for some - and mention it BEFORE setting them up?? Brian wants to date 2-3 years before marriage and some women do get preggers in their 40's but. . .  And Brian, why so long to date? To allow ample time to find a "fatal flaw" or someone more "perfect"??? The guy has issues! 

Brian's conduct before that point conveyed he was very much into Danna - but the very second her age came up - that ended it.  So he told her he was never really attracted to her. Ouch!  How cruel. He's trying to rewrite history & back out as fast as he can!! So I don't care what Brian does, if anything, to redeem himself going forward.  She needs to bail - NOW. 

And that Panama woman was the bitchiest ever! To uninvite Naeem to her family's Thanksgiving - so callous & unfeeling.  To constantly tell him whether everything he does or says flies with her.  Much too inflexible. So ok - she didn't click with him - doesn't like his personality - but must she be so mean about it? What a life of henpecked misery for him if he stays with her.  He needs to bail  NOW.

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Naeem annoys me completely. His so-called "playfulness" is immature and crass. Even his small attempt at humour (when he said he was going to dance by the the table, while out dining) is taken too far, and he keeps digging at her. Also, he refers to himself as a former 'player', but I question the honesty of this. (Funny how men like to imply they've had more sexual experiences, while women downplay their experiences.) Lastly, she needs to own her controlling nature, and her knack for being nasty e.g. uninviting him to Thanksgiving. She's clearly embarrassed and worried what others will think.

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8 hours ago, atomic said:

I actually felt so bad for Danna. For him to tell her he was never really attracted to her when his actions definitely said otherwise until that point was such a dick move.

His behaviour angered me, as well as his inability to be honest. He wants a younger women to bear kids and clean chicken poop. Instead of saying this, he implies he was never attracted to her which we all know is BS. A 36 year old woman can freeze her eggs, but good luck finding a 25 year old who wants to be tied down to a farmer who looks 45. He was shocked at Danna's age, while I was shocked at his.

Sadly, I was rooting for them to work, but I don't see how Danna can recover from this. What a jerk.

Edited by Chalby
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On 12/17/2022 at 4:59 AM, snarts said:

Carmen being upset about Philip's instagram was rich considering she posts similar thirst trap pics. Heck, how does she think Arica, I mean the production company found her? 

I feel there's a difference in the posts, but both of them are clearly thirsty. Philip's instagram was both provocative and gross. I have no issues with men and woman in their bathing suits, showing off their abs and shapes. But his insistence that he's just entertaining people is BS unless he's a stripper. I despise when men send random dick pix, and him pulling up his shorts to show his package outline, would be a huge red flag. I agreed with her response, and I'd want that 1 clip to be gone before I introduced him to my loved ones. He think too highly of himself. Fortunately, she knows her own worth (I hope). 

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None of these couples are stellar IMO, and this so called matchmaker, seems more like a female pimp if you ask me.

The 'advice' she gave to Aaron, who is taking his time before getting physical with Mael, is 'you really need to fuck him so why not start with a massage ASAP!' Seriously? Everyone she checks in with, she's all, 'did you do it yet?' It's sad and gross and pathetic to be honest. She smells like she's single and living through these people. I don't like Mael either, he's very fucking pushy. And this whole, you gotta live with them thing is bullshit. Mael's 'bed' isn't even big enough for two people without one of them contorting to extract themselves out of the damn thing. And having to take a shit with someone literally on the other side of the door listening? Yeah, no thank you.

Danna acts like a lost puppy when in fact I think she's just shirked getting a real job and making a living for herself. Instead she thinks living in a van is cool and hip, yeah maybe if you're in your 20's but she needs to grow up. It feels like she's just looking for someone to take care of her. She also looks so much better without all that spackled on makeup she trawls onto her face daily. That said, she seems like a nice soul and that she genuinely liked Brian. And he really was into her until he heard her age. I mean, what an ageist piece of shit this asshole is. You are are chicken farmer, and I'm being generous using the word 'farmer' when he has what looks like enough hens to fit into that jalopy caravan thing parked in someone's field. Like he'll be able to support a wive and kids on the eggs his 100 hens lay? Yeah right. Fuck him. Fuck his darling accent. And fuck his ageist comments.

Philip and Carmen are sort of perfect for one another because they're both wannabe famewhores. Yeah, it's gross that your possible partner is showing the world his seemingly very long schlong, but you're running around in butt floss with your tits barely covered so I don't know why Carmen feels like she's taking the high road on this social media thing. That said, they're too much alike in many ways, and he claims to be a homebody (since when do homebodies show their dicks to the world, asking for a friend?) and good time party girl. Yeah, great idea putting them together.

Gurleen and Shreyas, she isn't attracted to him, you can tell. He's too metrosexual for her, and he's Indian, which she has never dated because she probably doesnt want that culture in her marriage. So she gets a family on the first day? I'd be out of there. Shreyas' friends all seem like major assholes and wannabes, preening to the camera, and acting all high and mighty. Shreyas thinks its okay to treat staff like servants, and I give Gurleen credit for clearing dishes anyway. I've spent enough time with similar assholes to know that they think they're all that when they get in a position where they can now exploit people beneath them, which as others have pointed out, is a huge issue in Dubai. So why would this pimp, matchmaker, sorry, think this was a good idea for a seemingly progressive American woman? I'm not even sure Shreyas is playing on the same team as Gurleen, TBH. But his friends would be a deal breaker for me.

Chandra and Phillip are a no go, period, just go home to momma already dude. He is insufferable with his immature jokes and games. Having a great sense of humor is one thing, but acting like a child 24/7 isn't a good look. And it's even creepier when you alternate between acting like a child and then being a horndog adult. Gross. And Chandra, yeah I can understand her annoyance with this tool, but she's also a piece of work herself. He likes to push boundaries and buttons to the point that it's uncomfortable to watch because it's like he has no line he won't cross, or so he acts. And she's like "dont test me". They are oil and water.

I'm guessing this show will be a one season wonder. These people are boring and the premise just screams, I WANNA BE ON A REALITY TV SHOW!

Edited by gingerella
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19 hours ago, gingerella said:

None of these couples are stellar IMO, and this so called matchmaker, seems more like a female pimp if you ask me.

Agreed. They were cast for drama not compatibility. Sending an independent, outspoken woman who has no interest in a traditional Indian marriage to meet a traditional Indian man who lives with his family in the middle east. Sending a self-described playa with a 12 year old's sense of humor to an utterly humorless woman who's too serious for any fun & games. Sending a 38 year old woman to man who was obviously looking for someone much younger. 

The only semi compatible ones are the guys in Paris. The couple in Ghana are seemingly attracted to one another but I don't see their connection going much deeper that that. 



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Mael looks so much like Freddie Mercury.   I can’t Un-see it. 
Gurleen has a beautiful smile, but her negativity and rude tone in her voice bugs. 
Brian (?) took a U Turn when he found out Danna’s age.  You could see it.  None of us are guaranteed to be able to have kids.   He just wants a hot 24 year old who will run his farm with him. How old is he?  45?  I didn’t catch his age.
So glad I’m married and not dating.  I am 51, and the men my age all want hotties in their 20s and 30s. 

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Danna & Brian  – Brian came on way too strong and now he’s backtracking because he doesn’t feel the same level of interest from Danna. She could’ve been more enthusiastic at the farm. Girl lived out a van but is too good for chicken poop?

Gurleen & Shreyas – Gurleen is a pain in the a** but Shreyas already has a woman in his life – his mother.

Aaron & Mael – The antiseptic lack of attraction between Aaron and Mael is unbearable to watch. I want to get more physical, give me a massage? Really? The same thing strangers pay him to do all day, probably through their medical insurance? How romantic.

Phil and Carmen – These two are like brother and sister. Gross.

Naeem and Chandra – How did he end up peeing on a neighbor’s house? That’s just unacceptable. He should’ve been invited to Thanksgiving, if only as a friend.

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On 12/23/2022 at 6:15 PM, Meowwww said:

Mael looks so much like Freddie Mercury.   I can’t Un-see it. 
Gurleen has a beautiful smile, but her negativity and rude tone in her voice bugs. 
Brian (?) took a U Turn when he found out Danna’s age.  You could see it.  None of us are guaranteed to be able to have kids.   He just wants a hot 24 year old who will run his farm with him. How old is he?  45?  I didn’t catch his age.
So glad I’m married and not dating.  I am 51, and the men my age all want hotties in their 20s and 30s. 

He is 35.  Frankly Danna has zero business dating, she should be in therapy.  

Arica (really) is a pimp who is oddly obsessed with how soon everyone bones each other.  Frankly this non judgy Prudy McPrude found it refreshing that after 22 hours on a plane it is hi let's fudge.  We just met but hey what the heck.   I like how it was very clear sleeping would be separate.  Minnesota girl here - HEY FARGO how are you?  Let me guess....it is snowing.

I love Aaron - he is so sweet but Mael just doesn't seem that into him.

Miami Vice Junior:  liked him in the beginning but now?  I don't want to see your junk either.

Shreya's friends are annoying.  I like Gurleen but like someone else said she pulled a Megan Markle - read the room!

So they sent the white woman to Ireland, the brown woman to the middle east and the black one to Ghana.  Nice.



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I just can't with this matchmaker. Gurleen is unhappy & ready to bail on Shreyas, Arica says it's her fault and that she needs to just open up and let love resolve it?  Lady, they're just not compatible. I really think she kinda coerced her into staying, either financially or with her portrayal on the show. 

Same with the Naeem. He left to stay at a hotel. How did she convince him to return to Chandra's place?  How did she convince Brian to pretend to give Danna and her "old lady eggs" and too much macke-up another chance? 

It's beginning to feel forced, like they're holding these people hostage. Hmmm, I wonder if they have their passports??


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I think Gurleen and Shreyas might have made it work if they had met up in the UK or some other place than Dubai.  They seem to like each other.  But Gurleen can not make it work in that environment.  

Irish couple were done the minute he found out her age.  He can make up all the excuses he wants.  But he was into her until the age was revealed.  Now he is rewriting history and denying he was ever attracted to her.  

Panama couple is a mess.  They are both at fault.

Paris couple are really odd.  North Dakota dude is acting strange and Paris guy can't figure out what to think.

I really don't have any hope for any of them.  

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I have PLENTY of friends who don't give a whit about politics but they ALL at least know who the president of the United States is (unlike Aaron).  How is that even possible?  The look Mael gave him when Aaron said that...OMG!🙄

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Like some relationships - ok to start - but then familiarity breeds contempt or the "fatal flaws" emerge. 

Gurleen & Shreyas are doomed if Gurleen insists on outspoken demands for opportunity & equality in Dubai.  That's not how it is in Dubai - & it's not changing soon.  She might aim for small changes within her own sphere instead of open complaint - she's very outspoken & doesn't trust that Shreyas will be supportive of her (tho it seems he could be.)  She very attuned to how she's being treated - where's her concern for him?

The couple in Ghana is rushing to makes things happen in 90 days.  They probably need more time - but may rush forward anyway.  

The couple in Panama are doomed.  Chandra slept (even if just in the bed with no sex) with her EX for mercy sake!! She shows no respect for Naeem or his feelings.

Aaron's a dolt - can't name the President??? And has NO ability to read the room or anyone else's feelings. Tells Mael's family too much. (Honest maybe - but shouldn't that be tempered by appropriate disclosure to an appropriate audience.) Mael's understandably flummoxed when dealing with this idiot.

I don't trust Brian after his backtracking & age thing.  And he's not into her looks. OK, so Danna isn't his usual type or like past girlfriends; he scoffs at her makeup. Playful teasing or just plain old mean? She doesn't need to change for him.  She can make small changes if she wants to - but if he can't appreciate her - GOODBYE!

Edited by realityplease
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This show is so bad it doesn't deserve separate Episode threads!

Agree with all the above.

Brian is a fucking tool. Who does he think he is anyway? And how did he afford that nice flat with being a chicken farmer with a small group of hens? Also, it wasn't lost on me that Brian's sister sets her own make up gun to 'spackle'. Maybe he thinks he's looking at his sister when he sees all the make up Danna wears...He was totally into her until she said her age. He needs to own that shit. He's no prize either.

Chandra grinding on her ex AND sleeping in the same bed, FFS! As much of an ass as Naeem can be, nobody deserves that. Go home to momma dude.

Gurleen is the sort of woman who likes to yell about gender equity in places where she doesn't understand the current norms. Maaaaybe she can change norms in her own household if she ever has help, but helping clear party dishes, treating them fairly, etc. but she isnt going to change social or gender norms in Dubai of all places. I get that Arica (how stupid is that spelling BTW?!?) hooked her up with Shreyas because of his family dynamic, to give her a guy and his family, but honestly? I'm not sure Shreyas is even on the right team for Gurleen. He's way too metrosexual for her IMO.

Aaron is a simpleton, paired with a guy living in Paris, yeah that's a great match, not. They both act like they're trying to make something work when neither is particularly attracted to the other.

The Ghana couple are too similar and too famewhorish to ever work IMO. She doesn't like him showing his dick outline on social media but she shows her tits and ass? Okaaaay...

Arica is a famewhore too. I assume she's been cast as a matchmaker but rather, the producers have just cast these imbeciles as potential love matches. Oh, and Arica, please for the love of god, eat a damn cookie girl.

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Well, another Wednesday, another shit show. Gurleen is a nut case. To walk out without even having a short convo with Shreyas is an ass move. That said, Africa wants to foist another American on Shreyas right away?! I'm thinking Arica is going to bring back Gurleen....? I mean girlfriend walked out with only a backpack and no luggage so presumably her crap is still there. I think she had a meltdown and has changed her mind or rather,, Arica has changed her mind. 

Maël and Poodlehead continue to have zero chemistry but damn if they don't keep trying!

Ghana dude wakes up after a night of hard partying and Ghana chick is still not home the following evening? Fuck that shit. She wants a fuck buddy party boy. He's no prize but he doesn't deserve how she's treating him.

Brian is getting hot for Danna whilst watching her buss in the streets of Ireland? Dude is totally into her if he doesn't think about her age.

I thought Naeem and Chandra were toast, but he pulled a win this episode. Chandra is waaay more fucked up than I realized. I mean, why she hadn't replaced that door before now, and just looked at it as a daily reminder?

Edited by gingerella
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6 hours ago, gingerella said:

I'm thinking Arica is going to bring back Gurleen....?

Please, God, just no!  If she does come back, she shouldn't drink because all of the problems she has caused have been while drunk...

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On 1/12/2023 at 2:08 AM, gingerella said:

Brian is getting hot for Danna whilst watching her buss in the streets of Ireland? Dude is totally into her if he doesn't think about her age.

Or the fact that she doesn't want to shovel chicken shit. I would really like to know what his "type" is because Danna is gorgeous and I don't think she over does it with the makeup. His sister looks just like Danna. 

Mael is a sweetheart. He's too sophisticated for country boy from North Dakota. You're in Paris FFS. Enjoy it and all the things Mael can show you about that awesome city. 

There is no guessing why Gurleen is the only single one left of all her friends. She's impossible. I don't see where Shreyas did anything wrong. He tried to make her comfortable but it was never good enough for her. 

Chandra to Naeem: Stop being funny!. Stop making jokes! it irratates me! Be a miserable asshole like me and sit and watch while I grind on my Ex all night long. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

There is no guessing why Gurleen is the only single one left of all her friends. She's impossible. I don't see where Shreyas did anything wrong. He tried to make her comfortable but it was never good enough for her. 


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Plot twist: the new American woman for Shreyas is none other than Arica herself.

(Seriously though, the show is supposed to be 10 episodes total, so I wonder if they're really bringing in a new match 8 episodes in?)


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On 12/22/2022 at 7:30 PM, Chalby said:

I despise when men send random dick pix, and him pulling up his shorts to show his package outline, would be a huge red flag.

"Huge red flag," could be played so many ways.  So many GUYS are impressed with this stuff (and their stuff)...and jealous of others' stuff, that they can't understand why women don't find it immediately hot, sexy, interesting, OR fun.  It seems to be a turn-off to most women.  Aren't the men paying attention?  Oh, wait...such a silly question.   For me, it's a "huge red flag" of ignorance.

I don't know what the rule would be (I'm in my 80s), but I'd suggest not to send anything remotely sexual UNTIL REQUESTED.

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These people just keep getting worse and worse, don't they?

Brian & Danna: I feel like she's checked the fuck out on this asshole, but he's trying to get some sex before she jets back to the USA so he puts on what I think he thinks is his 'sincere AF' face, telling her how he's starting over with her and taking it slow. Yeah, except he keeps giving her looks like he wants to slobber all over her make up'd face, but she won't give him the green light to do so. He's turned into such as asshole.

Naeem & Chandra: Chandra really continues to amaze and disgust me. She seems to think it's fine to treat Naeem like shit, then rail on him for being on a dating app and going out by himself. Clearly there is no love connection so why cock block the dude? Also, if they're not even trying to make this work, why is he still there and not home with his momma?

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum: Honestly speaking? Neither of these two guys are good looking, but at least Frenchie is doing the best with what he has. Poodlehead, OTOH, seems to just revel in acting like a country bumpkin. He honestly comes across like this is his first actual gay relationship and he has no clue how to act on any level - socially, romantically, etc. I mean, you're in PARIS, sitting on a park bench watching fireworks on NYE at midnight and you don't kiss your date? What the actual fuck?!? What I cannot understand is why Frenchie wants to make this work so badly. Are there not enough nice gay men for him to choose from in France?

Shreyas & Ms. New Joisey: Okay, so wow! I was not a fan of Shreyas at all, but now I see that Gurleen was the downer in that sitch. He is positively glowing like a new bride, giggling and appreciating the positive attention Ms. New Joisey is showering upon him. She's cute, totally does not seem like his type, but what do I know?!? Maybe these two crazy kids will make it work. The test will be if she can stomach his intrusive and obnoxious friends interrogating her as to why she hasn't slept with him immediately.

Music Dude & Ms. Ghana: These two are doomed. This guy is so clueless about relationships, and this chick is not looking to settle down. Like, at all. Also, I didn't think he was being 'aggressive' when he was expressing how bummed out he was that she left him to go home alone while she stayed out until later the next day. That's not appropriate IMO, and is the behavior of a single party girl. Not gonna work. I think the only reason he's still there is because he thinks she's hot and he wants to get some of that Ghana lovin' before he leaves. I do give him a little prop however, for realizing that he needs to create his own life there, though when you're new to the country, I do think it's the job of your SO to help ease you into life there and help connect you to people that you might create your own friendships with, but hey, what do I know?!?

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36 minutes ago, gingerella said:

The test will be if she can stomach his intrusive and obnoxious friends interrogating her as to why she hasn't slept with him immediately

LOL!  Not only that but I'm sure Shreyas is thinking to himself, "Why didn't Arica give me Miss Mary Sunshine in the first place?"

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I didn't realize how adorable Shreyas was until he finally started smiling! The new girl complements his quiet disposition much better because she's Gabby (pun intended). However, Gabby had an immediate advantage because she loved the apartment he was in. Gurleen paved the way on that one, otherwise they'd still be at home with Mom. It sucks to be the Gurleen in the relationship; putting in the work only for the next girl to reap the benefits.

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Gurleen's probably home bitching that she was unfairly sent home for "mental health" issues & questioning why she didn't get a 2nd match like Shreyas was given .  But SHE mentioned going home for her mental health  - & not (that we saw, anyway) that the two were incompatible. (Though they were.)

The human resources people (if there be any) probably freaked out hearing "mental health" & imagined her having some meltdown that could prompt an emotional distress lawsuit from her.  Bad choice of words that maybe didn't tell the whole story.  But in our litigation-happy world, can't blame them for getting her out of there - pronto - after SHE described the situation as such.

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This was quite possibly the worst show in the history of the Bravo cable network. It was so evident that every episode of this show was producer driven. Gabby and Ori probably got paid a great deal of money to appear on two episodes. That was a quick marriage proposal by Naeem to Ori. The producers had to have at least one couple pretending to be engaged. 
Gabby was never going to travel back to  Dubai. Dubai is part of the Arab world and I’m not sure Americans will ever understand, tolerate, or respect Arab culture. I also noticed Arica, the matchmaker, didn’t have any closing commentary about this show.

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On 1/19/2023 at 1:52 PM, gingerella said:

Brian & Danna: I feel like she's checked the fuck out on this asshole...   snip-snip-snippety-snip. ....He's turned into such as asshole.

Hmmm...Who's the asshole?  Brian isn't the one who produced a ream of paper listing his "notes of complaint" top to bottom, left to right.  I have broad shoulders. I didn't realize they were a negative.  I have small hands.  Does that make them more attractive? For me it means only that I can open fewer jars on my own.

Danna, you're THE VISITOR.  It's up to YOU to pay attention to customs and terms in your (doubtful) new country...not gripe about every little word you hear.  Didn't you hop into bed/sex the same day you met him?  Is it such a reach for your sex partner to ask about breast augmentation?  If he were a millionaire, I bet his quirks would be much more attractive to a woman previously livin' in a van down by the river.

We all knew the minute we met Danna that she was Insecure (capital "I").  There's no romance here; put us out of our misery--and Brian too.


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Brian ranks up there among the worst of the worst for males on dating shows. I'm not a huge fan of Danna, but she dodged a bullet there!  Also, was not surprised that Gurleen discovered love with a woman, I hope it brings her the internal peace so she can stop sabotaging herself. 

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6 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Who's the asshole?  Brian isn't the one who produced a ream of paper listing his "notes of complaint" top to bottom, left to right. 

Sorry for the double post, I didn't see BackAtcha's post when I was writing mine. I saw Danna's list as more her convincing herself of what he had said than something she was going to read to him. She started out glancing at it, talking to him -- then it cut to him holding it and reading through it. I bet that's on him, taking it from her .... not her handing it to him to read through. Then when he responded later with his own bullshit "consumer-averse, truth-averse, responsibility-averse" list that showed HE was the REAL VICTIM here, I was proud of her restraint for not laughing in his face with an "okay CHILD" thrown in for good measure. They didn't click, okay, move on. She gave him reasons, he gave her blame.

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I think we can all agree that this was a hot buttered shit show! Arica, the oh so wise matchmaker who seemed more like she was pairing up fuck buddies if you ask me (did you to have sex yet...You've been there fir two days and no sex yet?!?).

I could comment on each our butbwhy waste precious life time on this crap. Other than to say, IMO Brian is a fucking asshole and the shit he said Danna over their time was so offensive. She didn't even bring up how he was a horndog for her until he found out her age. To me, I'd  have packed and left right there. That's said, Danna does see n to have a lot of issues and seems to think her living in a van is cute and quirky, but I think she just wants to avoid real life things like a job, paying bills, etc. So yeah, she's no prize either but nobody wants to be spoken to with the digs that Brian dished out regularly. I wonder why they didn't show us Danna's debried with Arica though....

And I'm doubtful Naeem and Ori are really engaged but who knows.

The only couple I was sorts kinda rooting for was Shreyas and Gabby, and she seems confused and I doubt he'd fit in with the loud New Jersey family they I think she comes from (hey, I'm from Jersey, I can day that!). They were sweet together.

So if we all hated this show that means there will be a S02, y'all...just sayin...

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This show should have never seen the light of day. These people didn’t even seem to like each other. I think Gabby did Arica a personal favor by going over there to play girlfriend for awhile so this whole thing didn’t seem like the miserable failure that it was. She actually makes Dr. Pepper look like matchmaking virtuoso. 
Brian is such a prick but Dani is stupid. Her dad is probably shaking his head, wondering where he went wrong.  If you have to live in a van, maybe spend less on makeup and hair extensions. 

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Brian was such a dick. It was telling that he didn't do the final interview; they just showed his back to the camera feeding his 400 chickens while his "update" was shown. I didn't read it, but I imagine he hasn't found a woman stupid enough to put up with his constant berating bullshit.

I also couldn't stand Miss Ghana. She loved playing the tease, but was cold as ice when Phil tried to make his move. He wasn't all that, but he didn't deserve to be thrown to the curb because he couldn't figure out a Ghanaian washer. 

Poor Shreyas. I actually felt sorry for him. He seemed like a good guy. Same goes for Mael. I hope they find The One. Without the "help" of Arica! 

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12 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

I saw Danna's list as more her convincing herself of what he had said than something she was going to read to him.

I saw Danna's list as typical of her behavior...pre-teen until today (with very little growing up).  People who know her probably guffawed the moment they saw the pages she presented (some of whom may be past victims).  Danna's a wannabe goddess/ princess; Brian is a sarcastic, independent Irishman who raises CHICKENS!  It will never work.  WHO IS THIS MATCHMAKER-CHICK anyway?  Some TLC exec's wifey?

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Somehow, crossing borders & cultural differences didn't factor here much.  (Even in Dubai - yes, a difficult scene for women but Gurleen didn't seem into Shreyas from the jump.) Mostly, the issues that arose (whether expressed or not) between all of the men & women arose regardless of country or culture.

Either the initial spark by one or the other wasn't sustained or met with equal interest (Ghana), or the initial spark wore off & the real (& incompatible) person presented (Brian/Danna), or the spark wasn't enough to justify moving away  from family (Gabby/Shreyas), or one person later found the opposite sex more attractive (Gurleen), or there were too many differences in intellect, personality & past experience (Mael & Dumb-ass & Chandra & Naeem.)  Except for Gurleen, the Americans actually seemed pretty accepting of the new cultures - but the personalities of the people (though hand-picked by Arika) didn't mesh.        

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